social and cultural development. The main way of
transport used in trading relations is represented by
the maritime transport, first because of the quantity
transported, second due to the price. Once economi-
cal relations got wider, the maritime industry had to
adjust the capacity to satisfy these requests. The
growth of the ships capacities becomes obvious
starting from the 70’s and continues during present
time. This development requests increasing quality
of operability, bringing onboard the ship the newest
technology and people able to work in these new
conditions. The improvement of technology and this
presence of high technology onboard ships, is
changing the concept of classical sea transport and
in consequence requires people trained for this.
Not only one part of maritime industry has
changed, the ships, also they have changed the con-
necting activities during last decades. So, the port
operations, shipping company activities and others
have suffered changes and requested personnel
trained for the new conditions.
Even if technology evolved, the basic activities
and the operation of equipments are still human du-
ties. The maritime industry is based on human ele-
ment and, in this way, the necessity to invest in hu-
man factor must be a high priority. To have
personnel qualified according to technological
standards, is a request that can prove difficult if it
doesn’t exist adequate background training. A solu-
tion can be represented by the training onboard
ships, directly on the working elements, but can
have the inconvenience of missing knowledge’s in
case of changes.
Also, the technological changes impose continu-
ous updating of older employees, people familiar-
ized with the previous equipments, which have also
gaps into theoretical field related, not only into prac-
tical experience. Here, the difficulty consists in the
age of the employees, their position facing new
technology and, not in the end, the ability of achiev-
ing sufficient knowledge to assure a good and safety
With the younger personnel, problems related to
accessibility to the new are less; they are living in
the technological era and have more resources to
comply these onboard ships. Also, if they are cor-
rectly trained and are open to latest techniques, they
will be able to help their older colleagues in achiev-
ing knowledge and skills in operating computerized
Now, after the ships have been modernized,
armed with computerized equipments and high tech-
nology in order to provide a safety operation, to in-
crease protection of the human life and of the envi-
ronment, is the time to improve people capabilities.
These requests can be solved through a better
learning and a training period before taking respon-
sibilities onboard. During this period, they must be
teach about new ship types, their characteristic oper-
ations, the differences between different types, about
technology already onboard, configuration and oper-
ation, situations which can be met during a voyage,
organizing and managing of onboard activities and
duties and about everything is necessary to provide a
rightful and safe activity.
This is in our duties, as academic staff, to satisfy
the present requests and necessities of the maritime
industry, to provide people, both deck and engine of-
ficers able to work and react in different conditions
and situations encountered during activity.
2.2 Maritime academic role in maritime industry
As stated before the maritime universities have im-
portant duties and responsibilities near the maritime
activities. The maritime academics do not have only
one role, that of training, they are also formative in-
stitutions for maritime officers, including personality
modeling and developing a responsible behavior of
their actions. Is in human nature to borrow from oth-
er people’s personalities, from teachers or trainers in
this case. Being examples, the teachers have to show
only the better part of their personality, oriented on
their professional knowledge and skills and to cor-
rect the intention of the trainees to become a copy, to
help them develop their own personality, based on a
For this, is important for teachers to use in the
training process their experience in working with
people, to complete theoretical knowledge with
practical examples and advices, based, if is possible,
on own experience on sea, if not, on studied cases.
To do these is necessary that teachers to possess an
adequate level of training and to have knowledge’s
from domains complementary to their teaching area.
Doing this, trainers training from the beginning of
their academic carrier, is a more acceptable situa-
tion, because of fresh theoretical knowledge ac-
quired during studies period. It will be necessary just
to introduce them in the teaching techniques, to use
different teaching materials and to teach them to tar-
get the maximal goal, in order to have at the end
good prepared people for their future professional
life. For teachers involved in training process from
many years, the scope is to keep them in line with
technological development, to convince them to pass
from classical teaching methods to the new ones, to
include in their activity the use of computerized and
simulated application, also distant open learning and
e-learning concepts.
Starting from these ideas, Constanta Maritime
University developed a project addressed mainly to