level equal to one. Possibility is different than
probability. Cumulated, integrated probability
distribution must produce one as a final result. The
requirement is not valid when dealing with
membership functions.
Arithmetic of fuzzy values is related to the
possibility level (α) and is based on α-cuts. The
α-cuts of fuzzy numbers represent possibility levels
and are closed intervals of real numbers.
Mathematical operators on fuzzy values are applied
to the boundary values of α-cuts. The idea of
exploiting this fact delivers straightforward
analytical method of dealing with non-linearity as a
result of multiplication of a fuzzy values (Filipowicz
3.1 Fuzzy Safety Factors
Traffic should be classified taking into account gross
tonnage of a vessel and a kind of cargo she has on
board. Safety factors have been introduced to enable
classification of vessels. In general approach
environmentally dangerous freight and huge tonnage
increase the factor. As it was proposed the factor
vary on an integer scale such that the higher the
number the more serious the consequences of an
accident. Small value was assigned to small craft
without dangerous cargo. The largest value was
reserved for huge crude carriers. It was assumed that
safety factor is easily assigned to every ship and
classification is free from any ambiguity. Since small
and huge are imprecise linguistic terms they should
be treated as fuzzy values. Suggested assignment of
imprecise, fuzzy safety factors to selected classes of
crafts is presented in table 2.
Table 2. Fuzzy safety factors assignment.
Cargo Tonnage of craft
Small Medium Large Very Large
ND SF (0, 0, 1) (0, 1, 2) (2, 3, 4) (4, 5, 6)
Abr. S M L VL
k 1 2 3 5
MD SF (3, 4, 5) (5, 6, 7) (6, 7, 8) (8, 9, 10)
k 4 6 7 9
D SF (7, 8, 9) (9, 10, 11) (10, 11, 12) (12, 13, 14)
Abr. S&D M&D) L&D VL&D
k 8) 10 11 13
VD SF (11,12,13) (13,14,15) (14, 15, 16) (15, 16, 16)
k 12 14 15 16
General scheme of assignment is based on four
classes of ship’s tonnage: small, medium, large and
very large. There are four categories of cargo:
normal (ND - no dangerous), mildly dangerous
(MD), dangerous (D) and very hazardous (VD).
Table 2 contains proposal of assignment. Safety
factors (SF) should be divided by 16 for the sake of
normalization. Abbreviations used in examples
included in the paper as well as k value to be applied
with formula 1 are also presented in the table 1.
Final assignment embraces distortion caused by
supremacy of tonnage over cargo for the adjacent
groups of carried load. Very large vessel without
hazardous cargo has greater factor then small ship
with mildly dangerous material on board.
For given k, indicating number included in table 2
normalized fuzzy safety factor can be calculated
using formula (1).
3.2 Fuzziness in maritime traffic engineering
Whenever restricted area passage is considered
traffic encountered at routes crossings is to be taken
into account as important factor. Awareness of other
ships significantly increases wherever collision
avoidance is hampered. To assess navigational
situation within confined areas approximations
regarding all scheduled traffic are to be taken into
Due to unforeseen deviations from intended track,
bad estimation of main engine performance and
collision manoeuvres seafarers always use estimated
time of arrival. For the same reasons ship’s presence
within any area should be treated as trapezoid fuzzy
value. The values consist of estimated earliest and
latest time of arrival as well as earliest and latest
possible time of departure from the region. Situation
within confined area are vital from safety point of
view. Figure 2 presents example with a few crafts
that are scheduled to pass restricted area. There are
four vessels that are very likely to encounter within
the region where any collision avoidance manoeuvre
is seriously hampered. Vessels types were classified
as: S&D, L&D, S&MD, S&D (see table 2). Intended
courses of the vessels are shown at figure 2. Sea and
weather condition along with tonnage and speed of
each craft are given and subsequently fuzzy
timetable of crossing the area were estimated,
example results are presented at figure 3.
As it was already mentioned time frame of ship
crossing an area can be defined by trapezoid fuzzy
value. The membership function starts at the earliest