The proposed Galileo E5 correlator was devel-
oped in Matlab Simulink using with Xilinx System
Generator Toolbox. The correlator is controlled by
the embedded processor also integrated into the
This paragraph presents preliminary results of the
implemented Galileo E5 correlator. The results were
obtained by the receiver with not fully optimized
DLL and a PLL tracking loops. The signal was re-
ceived by the experimental antenna system equipped
with a helical RF filter. The noise figure of this an-
tenna is proximately 5 dB.
The plot of the pseudo range error and the carrier
phase error for the Galileo Giove A and Giove B
satellites are plotted on Figures 4 and 5. The stand-
ard deviation of these errors is in Table 1.
We are going to repeat these experiments with
higher performance GNSS antenna based on
PHEMT LNA with a noise figure 1 dB and a higher
performance selective LNA populated with the low
insertion loss and low distortion coaxial resonators
filters and with the fully optimized DLL and PLL
tracking loops. We believe that we will reach better
Figure 4. Code tracking error (
- Giove A, – Giove B)
Table 1. Code and phase tracking error
Satellite Giove A Giove B
Standard deviation
of code tracking 0.202 0.204
error [m]
Standard deviation
of phase tracking 2.83 2.81
error [mm]
Figure 3. Phase tracking error (
- Giove A, – Giove B)
This paper presents the Galileo AltBOC E5 signal
characteristics and on their base proposes the struc-
ture of the optimal Galileo E5 correlator for the
AWGN channel. The structure of the proposed cor-
relator is complicated due to the non linearity of the
AltBOC modulation of the navigation message bits
which requires to calculate the cross correlation
function between the received signal and the replica
for four hypotheses.
The developed correlator was tested in the soft-
ware receiver on the live Galileo signals with the
promising preliminary results. The final test is
planed to realize with the higher performance recep-
tion antenna and with the fully optimized PLL and
DLL tracking loops.
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Software GNSS Receiver for Signal Experiments. In
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0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
time [ms]
Pseudorange error [PRN chips]
0 1000 2000 3000
4000 5000
6000 7000
time [ms]
Phase errot [cycles]