terchange standard of China. It possesses the charac-
teristics of the following:
1 It is a kind of geographical datum model without
the topological relation, supporting the fast dis-
play and easy editing of the data;
2 It supports the index file. The structure of the data
is succinct;
3 It supports point, line, polygon and annotation
notes. Therefore it supports the exchange of the
whole nautical chart data elements;
4 Attribute is supported. The attribute of the vector
is stored in dBASE format file, and the attribute
record is the one-to-one correspondence with vec-
tor record.
MVCF data file is organized by the sheet of paper
chart. It adopts the catalogue structure. The cata-
logue name is the same as the serial number of digi-
tal nautical chart. MVCF data compose of four files:
basic file, shape file, index file and attribute file.
Among them, the shape file is a variable length rec-
ord file of direct access. It contains the coordinate
position data of the nautical chart. Index file con-
tains describe the offset of the beginning record cor-
responding shape file record. The attribute file is in
dBASE format structure. It contains the attribute of
the vector data. The shape file record is one-to-one
correspondence with the attribute file record.
MVCF data can be obtained from the Navigation
Support Department of the Navy Headquarters. The
nautical charts published cover the whole coast area
of China.
3.3 CAD engineering design drawing
Usually, software of AutoCAD is employed in mak-
ing the drawings of design projects of harbour and
waterway. These drawings include data of water ar-
eas and land-based areas, especially the newly-built
objects, such as quays, docks, bridges, channels and
navigation marks, etc. These designs are the target
of the safety assessment. The data may also include
harbour building, shipyard workshop and coastline,
etc., which are not as critical in safety assessment.
Hence, the data that we care about are only part of
the engineering drawings for the relating water are-
as, and it is unnecessary to change the whole CAD
file directly. By retrieving part of the data from the
drawings, information redundant can be avoided.
In China, the domestic coordinate system, BJ-
1954, is generally used in the design drawings. Ad-
ditional conversions should be made to ensure com-
patibility with the coordinate system, WGS-84, that
ECDIS adopts. In our research an approach is devel-
oped for the processing of the drawings. The CAD
data file is printed to a JPG image. Then, with digiti-
zation technology, vectorization operation of the
parts we need is performed. In order to improve the
processing efficiency, we only concern the newly-
built relevant objects, such as quays, docks,
manoeuvring areas, channels and navigation marks,
3.4 The satellite remote sensing image
The satellite remote sensing is the new technology to
obtain the information such as resource, environ-
ment and calamity in the coastal areas. It has some
conspicuous advantages, such as large-scale, high
efficiency, synchronization, high frequency of dy-
namic observation and so on. With the fast devel-
opment of the remote sensing and computer technol-
ogy, the satellite remote sensing can replace the
survey artificially with a great extent. It becomes a
important data source of the digital chart. It is a kind
of very economical and practical method to use the
satellite remote sensing image of high-resolution. By
digitization, Data of coastlines, quays, berths and
buildings can be obtained from satellite images.
To meet the requirement of the navigational assess-
ment, one structure of reasonable ENC data has been
developed and named as HYENC (Electronic Nauti-
cal Chart Local Defined). Conciseness and memory
saving are considered, and it is convenient for trans-
formation, renewal and maintenance, as well as fast
HYENC data structure defines that each file rep-
resents one nautical chart. The file includes sheet da-
ta and figure data. The sheet data on the head of the
file contain 600 bytes for the control information of
each chart, and they are divided into 25 data items.
The figure data are variable length records of direct
access, recording the data of layers of each chart,
and per layer of data includes the head data of 108
bytes and the records of variable length. The record
counts and type are stored in the sheet data. The
structure of HYENC data is shown as Figure 1.
Head (600b
(the control
of each chart,
it composes
of 25 data
Layer 2
Layer n
Head (108b)
Record 1
Record 2
Record n
Figure 1. The structure of HYENC data