International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 4
December 2009
There is no doubt that modeling and simulations
(M&S) has no alternative in the modern education
and training (E&T). The port security E&T is not an
The process of elaborating a conceptual model of
port security simulating complex in Bulgaria coin-
cides with the process of transforming the Harbour
Protection System (HPS). In addition to the concom-
itant problems, this coincidence causes a positive
opportunity to avoid adjustment of an existing
simulating system to a new HPS realization and to
elaborate a M&S complex simultaneously with the
that is to be modelled.
When elaborating a variant for optimization of the
Bulgarian HPS, we took into account two types of
The first group, named “scientific considera-
tions”, is a direct result of the theoretical analysis of
the security systems as a particular class of organiza-
tions and the application of the “mission approach
for functional analysis to the Bulgarian MSS per-
The second group of considerations, named “an
accomplished facts or facts of life”, is a result of
studying the Bulgarian MSS current status.
The summary of so calledscientific considera-
tions” is:
1 The HPS is to possess greater “informational
capacity” than the opposing organizations do.
2 The HPS is to function permanently and to be
able maintain a regime, adequate to the level of
threats. Said in other words, to increase or de-
crease its functional parameters in the context
of scale of the threat.
3 The HPS is to be predominantly “object orient-
ed” than “zonal oriented”.
4 The HPS is to be granted a relatively high level
of autonomy, but the autonomy has to be bal-
anced with reliable control.
5 The HPS is to be able to achieve flexible satis-
faction of the management principles in a dy-
namic environment. Said in other words, the
HPS has to maintain correct balance between
relatively contradictory principles in the context
of the situation.
One more scientific consideration” should be
mentioned. It comes for comprehension that, during
the passage of a ship to/from the port area, the re-
sponsibility for her protection will be granted to the
Navy. On the other hand, the responsibility for pro-
tection of the cargo during its delivery to/from the
port will be granted to the Ministry of Interior. In
both cases, the responsible institutions will be capa-
ble to minimize the risk of terrorist attacks by choos-
ing more safety roots for passage and/or providing
reliable protection measures in a typical environ-
ment of operating. The problem, which arises, is re-
lated to the fact that the transfer of the responsibility
for cargo protection will be done in place and time
when the cargo is most vulnerable in the area of
the port.
The following consideration is to be added:
Conceptual Model of Port Security Simulating
Complex (Bulgarian Standpoint)
B. Mednikarov & N. Stoyanov
N.Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria
K. Kalinov
G.S. Rakovski Defence and Staff College, Sofia, Bulgaria
ABSTRACT: Using modeling and simulations has established itself as the most effective approach of prepar-
ing personnel engaged with crisis management, including the training of port security responsible personnel.
On the background of presenting the overall methodology of transforming Bulgarian Harbour Protection Sys-
tem, the paper formulates a set of requirements for port security related education and training and proposes a
general model of a simulating complex supporting the education and training process.
6 The HPS is to compensate the shortcomings of
the existing system, by providing adequate pro-
tection of ships and cargoes in the most vulner-
able area: littoral approaches to the harbour,
port area and adjacent urban area on shore.
On the base of the Bulgarian MSS current status,
the following consideration has been formulated:
The optimization of the HPS is to consider the cur-
rent organization of the system. In other words, the
process of optimization should not involve the idea
of dramatic redefinition of the existing organization
of the HPS or a new subordination of resources. The
optimization has to focus mainly on the opportunity
for improvement of the HPS functioning by
achievement of a synergy effect of shared efforts on
the base of correct co-operation. Practical recom-
mendations are:
7 The HPS is to be in full compliance with the
European, national, and international legisla-
8 The HPS is to consider existing “status quo” of
the organizations involved (and interested) in
harbour protection. The minimal changes of the
status quo” are recommended.
9 The optimization of the HPS has to provide
correct solution of the organizational “com-
mand and control dilemma”.
Taking into account that to a great extent the
problems of the Bulgarian MSS current status are re-
sult of a situational approach to problems and the ex-
istence (and establishment) of too many interacting
organizations, one more consideration should be
10 When optimizing the HPS, we should not es-
tablish one more organization, but unite the ex-
isting bodies (or their representatives) in a sys-
On the base of the defined considerations, we
elaborated a concept for optimization of the existing
HPS. The leading idea of the concept is to achieve a
viable HPS that, on the one hand, possess “informa-
tional superiority” to the possible threats (especially
the terrorism), and on the other - to satisfy man-
agement principles in accordance of the situation.
Both aspects of the concept are realized by estab-
lishment of network-organized HPS, which in a con-
flict situation is centralized on a level immediately
above the scale of the terrorist threat
The system is organized on the base of the exist-
ing network of Port Security Councils, established
by the Bulgarian government Ordinance No 53/2005
in response to the requirements posed by ISPS
The Ordinance No 53 [7] establishes three securi-
ty levels of readiness of the HPS. During the first
level of readiness (the lower one) the system is
maintained by the Port Security Councils mentioned
above. When a higher degree of readiness is report-
ed, the Councils are strengthened with additional as-
sets (from the Ministry of the interior and the Navy).
In the context of the situation and in accordance with
a procedure, a senior person in the council is nomi-
nated (a chairman of the council) The nominated
chairman is granted the right to exercise authority
over the forces (assets) placed under command. The
process of delegation of the command authority and
the extent of the delegated authority are settled by a
In fact, the process described is the realization of
the idea of centralization of a network organized
HPS on a level immediately above the scale of the
The technical base of the “new-born” centralized
system is carried by a naval unit.
The area of responsibility of the system includes:
littoral approaches to the harbour, port area and ad-
jacent urban area on shore.
The components of the HPS are in fact joint forc-
es belonging to different institutions and organiza-
tions. As we can see they provide “object oriented
protection. The “zonal” aspect of the protections re-
mains a responsibility of the state institutions. Every
institution exercises it in its particular area and/or
functional direction of responsibility.
The “command and control dilemma” is settled
by, on the one hand, a procedure for nominating of a
senior person in the Harbour Protection Council, and
on the other - a procedure which regulates the trans-
fer of authority over the HMS (or a part of its com-
ponents) among different bodies.
The results of the negative factors “life-cycle
analysis serve as a base for formulating the indica-
tors that “switch” the levels of the readiness of the
system and the transfer of the authority over the
whole HPS (or a part of its components).
The current harbour safety and security related E&T
process suffers the following practical problems:
ship officers have little knowledge of the whole
maritime safety and security system, whose func-
tioning has become significantly more important
in the light of the ISM [2] and the ISPS Code.
Very often, the lack of this knowledge leads to
demotivation of the main participants in the pro-
cess of maritime transport;
the training pursuant to the ISPS Code relies on
the acquisition of standard tactical and technical
methods of protection, which provides general
standard basic knowledge and skills. Even though
this is necessary, it contradicts the idea of pro-
activeness and creative problem solving;
the increased requirements of the STCW Conven-
tion, which already cover all the categories of
maritime transportation system security officers,
now demand a new system of training and a suit-
able learning environment;
developing and maintaining such an environment
requires significant expenses and the employment
of a very well-prepared team, which is beyond the
affordable for a maritime training institution.
These problems are hyperbolized by some con-
tradictions in the computer-assisted E&T process:
developing and maintaining an expensive and
complex environment for computer-assisted E&T
is not affordable for a maritime training institu-
the training in the issues of security should not be
closed up only within the framework of the mer-
chant marine;
the future maritime officer should receive a much
broader range of training in the issues of safety
and security than the minimum required one in
order to be an active organizer and an adaptive
participant in the processes occurring in the
World Ocean;
the total time for training of the future maritime
officers is reduced, and because of this the neces-
sary balance must be stricken in their fundamen-
tal training in safety and security, and a new level
of knowledge and skills must be achieved by ap-
plying both traditional and new training tech-
These issues are practically a direct result of the
lack of common methodology for preparing and
conducting computerized training related to the gen-
eral subject area of maritime security and harbour
safety in particular.
This part of the article describes overall logic under-
lying in the process of harbour responsible personnel
E&T. It reflects two dominant concepts:
1 The E&T process serves the function of system
adaptation (Lynch J. 1937).
2 Despite being a process of setting and maintain-
ing desired behavior; the management process is
based on reactions.
Notwithstanding that both concepts overlap, they
pose some distinguishable requirements. In this con-
text, some additional explanations are necessary.
Assuming that education is a process of adapta-
tion, we have to take under consideration that adap-
tation takes place on at least three different levels
(GellMann 1994). On this base, we have defined
three levels of the system adaptiveness: short-term
adaptiveness, long-term adaptiveness, and evolu-
tionary adaptiveness.
The short-term adaptiveness is a process of adap-
tation to the current situation. It is therefore a pro-
cess of direct and situationally-oriented adaptation.
It is performed predominantly by the way of func-
tional adjustment. The process of functional adjust-
ment very often is held by selection of a functional
model (schema) that is relevant to the situation rec-
The long term adaptiveness is a process of adap-
tation to relatively predictable future conditions of
the environment. In addition to the functional ad-
justment, it is performed by the elaboration of struc-
tural prerequisites for functional adjustment to pos-
sible future situations. The practical execution of
this process usually includes: making prognoses;
analysis of possible situations; and elaboration of
adequate reactions.
The evolutionary adaptiveness is observed in un-
predictable situations. It is therefore performed by
elaboration of structural prerequisites for the neces-
sary system’s properties for adaptation in cases of
It is a good idea to make a parallel between, on
the one hand, the three levels of adaptation, and on
the other the three levels of management (tactical,
operational and strategic). Going one step further,
we can state to a great extent of certainty that the
E&T process has to provide prerequisites for the
three types of adaptiveness.
Assuming that the harbour protection manage-
ment process is based on reactions, the scopes of dif-
ferent types of management can be summarized as
1 Strategic management is to achieve better align-
ment of organizational policies in response, in a
long-term time scale, to changes in the external
environment and in the organization itself (the in-
ternal environment).
2 Operational management is the process of design-
ing, executing, and controlling an organization's
operations that convert its resources into desired
end-state, and implement a selected strategy. This
type of management responds in a relatively
short-term time scale to predictable changes in
the external environment.
3 Tactical management is the process of quick and
accurate assessment of the situation and elabora-
tion of an appropriate response.
The particularity of the three levels of manage-
ment advocates the necessity of three distinguishable
types of E&T.
Considering on the one hand, the comprehension
that one’s reactions to a particular situation are an
original “cocktail” of previous experience and the
ability to estimate and respond to the particularity of
the situation, and on the other the parallel between
levels of adaptiveness and levels of management, we
can formulate the focuses of the different levels of
E&T process.
The initial E&T process (tactical) has to establish
behavioural models necessary for quick response to
a familiar situation. In other words, the purpose is to
give the trainee an adequate “memory”. For this rea-
son, the basic level of the port security simulating
complex has to provide models of typical situations
in typical environments.
The next stage of E&T process (operational) is to
make the trainee to “overcome” the framework of
the behavioural models learned, to “recognize” the
specificity of the situation, and to elaborate proper
(which means specific) response. In order to sup-
port this idea, the port security simulating complex
has to provide models of non-routine situations in
non-routine environments.
The last level of the E&T process (strategic) ex-
plores the idea to give the trainee the ability to make
logical relations in an “unrelated” processes and
events, to recognize the patterns that they have in
common and “cause - effect” relations, and on this
base, to elaborate basic and widely applicable be-
havioural models.
Taking into account that computer-assisted E&T
basically provides simulations which model the con-
ditions of performing system functioning, obviously,
simulators have to be flexible enough in order to be
able to shift” the accents of the overall E&T pro-
This understanding of port security E&T process
is the base for formulating the following require-
ments to the overall M&S system:
1 The virtual environment for the HPS’s E&T pro-
cess has to provide both “technical experience
and “management practice” for the personnel.
The “sub-recommendations” are:
the simulators have, on the one hand, to be in
full compliance with the equipment, and on the
other to “reflect” the existing organization of
the HPS;
both the simulators and the M&S methodology
are to be flexible enough in order to “shift the
emphasis” of the training from “predominantly
technically oriented” to the “predominantly
2 The virtual environment for the HPS’s E&T pro-
cess has to model a great variety of possible safe-
ty and security situations.
Any reaction in a particular situation is based on
behavioural models which have “worked” in similar
situations. The lack of real practical experience of
the HPS leads to the idea to provide the HPS with an
artificial memory”. This means to use an opportuni-
ty to acquire data of situational games in virtual en-
vironment, to analyze the data collected, to derive
indicators for recognition the particular situation,
and to suggest a management decision. The recom-
mendation is:
3 The simulators have to provide an opportunity for
“case management” by modeling specific situa-
tions, acquisition and analyzing data and suggest-
ing particular course of action.
Taking into account, on the one hand, the dynam-
ic nature of the security environment, and on the
other the abstract charge of the social comprehen-
sion for “safety”, the next recommendations are:
4 The simulators have to provide an opportunity for
upgrading and modernization.
5 The M&S methodology and the supporting base
(databases, software, workstations, etc.) are to be
flexible enough in order to allow their adjustment
to the changeable organization of the HPS.
The necessity of the simulators and M&S meth-
odology flexibility can be developed in one more di-
rection the idea to use virtual environment for sci-
entific purposes. The possibility to test different
realizations of the HPS’s architecture is to be pro-
vided by specialized software.
The second conclusion suggests that there are dis-
tinctive “accents” of the E&T process.
Preliminary preparation is performed on the basis
of typical scenarios. The E&T process is carried out
in circumstances posed by “an unidentified risk”.
Logically, the recommendation is:
6 The simulators have to support the following ac-
development of typical scenarios;
development of typical reactions in context of
the typical scenarios;
examination of the HPS’s functioning in the
environment described by the typical scenarios.
The simulators support the following activities:
training, planning, and research.
The recognition of the negative factor as “a risk
finalizes the preliminary preparation on the basis of
typical scenarios and the focus of the E&T process
shifts to preliminary preparation on the basis of con-
crete scenarios. The recommendation is:
7 The simulators and the M&S methodology have
to be able to select scenarios adequate to the cur-
rent situation and to provide reliable prognosis for
the possible development of the situation.
The last conclusion of the analysis led us to the
idea, that the short-term adaptation process becomes
dominant in relation to any other HPS’s function. In
fact, after the recognition of a negative factor asa
risk”, the other activity, in practice, stop and “melt
into the background of the elaboration of a response
to the current situation. Obviously, the paramount
role of the short-term reactions suggests that the
E&T process first has to provide technical experi-
ence” for the operative personnel and “management
practice” for the low hierarchical level managing
staff, and only after that to put attention on the
preparation of long-term oriented adaptive reactions.
This motive led us to the idea to try to answer the
question if there is any relation between, on the one
hand, the different accents of the E&T process, and
on the other – the safety and security concepts.
Professor Donna J. Nincicl provides an interest-
ing metaphor explaining the difference between the
safety and the security concepts: “safety is doors
open to allow free access for escape or rescue in a
dangerous or unsafe situation. Security, on the other
hand, is doors closed to prevent access to those who
might wish to do us harm” (Nincicl 2007). Assum-
ing, that “security can be considered protection from
active malicious agents” and “safety, on the other
hand, can be considered protection from accident,
maritime casualties…”, we went one step further
and say that safety is “effect-oriented countering
concept, which means short-term oriented. In the
contrary, security is “cause-oriented countering
concept or long-term oriented. Logically, the E&T
process has to consider that safety related E&T is the
basic prerequisite for the security related E&T. The
recommendation is:
8 The M&S methodology has to provide correct
balance between the safety and security orienta-
tions of the E&T process.
The conceptual model of the “simulating complex
is presented in fig. 1.
The system “input” includes:
stakeholders” requirements;
modelling and simulation theory and practice;
cases from practice;
technical equipment description;
description of the organization.
The “input” serves the following functions: elab-
oration of a simulations methodology and data ac-
Figure 1 Flexible architecture for Port Security Simulating
Taking into account a particular purpose of the
E&T process and related modeling and simulations
methodological procedures, the managing body (sys-
tem) of the E&T process formulates the desired
output” products. This task is supported by a spe-
cialized for the case software.
Different combinations of the products are “uni-
fied” by the managing system (using the support of
related managing software) in different E&T forms
and/or forms of providing modelling and simulations
support to the decision-making process.
At tactical level the simulating complex has to be
aimed to mono-agency task training fire brigade,
police, port security staff, navy etc.
In accordance with the operational level of simu-
lations simulation process has to be aimed to the rep-
resentation of wide spectrum of operations. The re-
quirements that the model has to follow are different
than the previous (tactical) level ones. Because of
the nature of operations, an important part of this
level is the possibility to create a simulation of a cri-
sis management system. The main purpose of the
system is to shorten the time needed to make up the
optimum cleanup decision, in order to reduce popu-
lation losses, financial and ecological damage and
other types of direct and indirect damage. In this
way the simulation system has to be a powerful tool
for the support of emergency response decision mak-
ing. The system should coordinate and control the
activities of the units involved and provide infor-
mation to all of the participants of decision making
The most common tasks for modelling at the op-
erational level are:
using electronic charts with possibility to edit,
add and delete objects and information;
portraying operational plans on the charts;
route and resource planning;
monitoring the resource motion;
assessing response resources;
comparative analysis of different plans, etc.
The last but not least is the application of M&S at
the strategic level. At this level, the undertaken ac-
tions are similar to operational level, but generally
they are more global and wide ranged:
displaying strategic plans on the charts;
resource planning;
monitoring the resource motion;
assessing response resources;
comparative analysis of different plans, etc.
Even a passing glance on the proposed conceptual
model of the Port Security Simulating Complex in-
spires the sentiment that the system proposed is a
kind of “perpetuum mobile” for the moment.
Being conscious about the “utopian” charge of
the concept proposed and keeping in mind that many
things that were “fiction” in the past are parts of our
life nowadays, we state that the real problem for
elaboration of a similar M&S system is not “tech-
nical”, but it is related to our willingness to solve it.
Its establishment in practice will help us to
achieve the main goal of education and training -
preparation of highly motivated and well educated
and trained port security personnel.
[1] International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SO-
LAS), International Maritime Organization (IMO), London,
1974, (, 22.05.2008.
[2] International Safety Management Code (ISM Code), Inter-
national Maritime Organization (IMO), London, 2002,
(, 22.05.2008.
[3] International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS
Code), International Maritime Organization (IMO), Lon-
don, 2003.
[4] Lynch J. 1937, The Problem of Value in Contemporary Ed-
ucation. Peabody Journal of Education, Vol. 15, No. 1
(Jul., 1937), pp. 25-30.
[5] Gell Mann Murray. 1994 The Quark and the Jaguar. Ad-
ventures in the simple and the complex. A W.H. Freeman /
Owl book. Henry Holt and Company. New York pp. 292-
[6] Nincic, D. 2007, Maritime Security Education and Train-
ing: Establishing a Learning Community and Framework
for Program Goals and Outcome. World Maritime Excel-
lence Odessa, p.147.
[7] Ordinance No 53/2004on the conditions and manner for
achievement ship and port security, Issued by the Minister
of Transport and Communications, promulgated in the State
Gazette, issue No. 72 of 17 August 2004, effective as of 1
January 2005.
(, 22.05.2008.
[8] Seafarers, Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code
(STCW Code), ( 22.05.2008.