placed at expert’s questionnaire including events
discriminating the stages.
Scale of difficulty and complication of manoeu-
vres can easily estimate based on the ferry speed on
each stage of mooring. When passing the outer
heads (110 m distance between heads) speed is
about 10,5 kts, in the inner heads about 7 kts. At the
beginning of slow down at the moment of reversing
the engine speed is about 5,5 kts and at this speed on
a distance of 130 m, the ferry stops and continues
left side turning. In very good hydro meteorological
conditions at wind force 0 m/s, the ferry passes con-
crete elements of ports infrastructure on the distance
of 20 – 25 m. The distances to piers and breakwaters
are reduced rapidly simultaneously with the deterio-
ration of hydro meteorological conditions.
Researches were based on anonymous questionnaire
revered directly to respondents. Every respondent
received 12 sheets with relevant questions. Each
questionnaire consists of entering or departure ma-
noeuvres tables, same as on figures 5.1 and 5.2 with
place for individual answer for every stage of ma-
noeuvres and for changeable conditions of manoeu-
Consecutive stages of ferry
entering manoeuvres
Events discriminating the stages
Stabilized in the line of leading lights
Outer port entry after passing
Deviation on the left side of
leading lights.
Left inner head on fore beam
Continuation of turning,
commencing of stopping the
forward run
Longitudinal run stopped, stern passed
quay IV corner
Continuation of turning,
commencing of astern run
Ferry contact with fender at the Quay
Ferry alongside at the train stand
Figure 5.1 Examples of expert’s entering questionnaire.
Consecutive stages of ferry
departure manoeuvres
Events discriminating the stages
Ferry alongside at the train stand
Unberthing, commencing the run
Ferry in the line of leading lights
Ferry passed breakwater heads
Figure 5.2 Examples of expert’s departure questionnaire.
Scale of opinion was integer number started from
1 for very easy manoeuvre to 10 for very risky ma-
noeuvre but still feasible with acceptable level of
risk. If the level of risk exceeded acceptable level
experts were asked to use mark “X” instead of inte-
ger number. Initial conditions were: day, no wind,
good visibility and manoeuvres done without sup-
port of FNAS. Next the opinion concerning the fol-
lowing conditions was estimated:
night manoeuvres;
visibility 0,2 Nm and 50m;
wind E 5 m/s, E 15 m/s, E 25 m/s;
wind W 5 m/s, W 15 m/s, W 25 m/s;
wind S 5 m/s, S 15 m/s, S 25 m/s;
manoeuvres done with support of FNAS.
Minimized to 3 levels only the wind and visibility
variable were taken into consideration. Recognized
that additional levels will generate non-sharp and
subjective component to opinions. 4 Nm suggest
good visibility. 0,2 Nm mean bad visibility – only
the nearest area around the ferry is visible, naviga-
tional marks and aids are not visible. Very bad visi-
bility 50 m – possible only a view of the water be-
low conning position. Stern and amidships are not
visible. Earlier researches reveal that critical force of
the wind for m/f “Polonia” ferry is 27 m/s. For this
reason the following has been assumed: weak wind
force as 5 m/s, strong wind 15 m/s and very strong
wind force 25 m/s. 3 directions of the wind has been
selected: W, S, E. Choice of this direction respects
not only the occurrence of the wind according to fig
4 but also exposed the port area for winds from the
selected directions.