One of principal goal of our maritime educational
process is to allow, key problems of fleet such as
safe navigation and safety of life at sea. MUC de-
veloped a number of educational and training pro-
grams for maritime specialists and other personal
engaged in use and maintenance of the equipment
for safety of navigation.
In this paper, we present some of the main meth-
ods and techniques applied in MUC for the continu-
ous training and improvement of officers.
In the last decade, the educational system in MUC
has suffered major transformation, which caused an
essential progress in learning and training process.
The training process was developed by different pe-
− 1990-1994 – practice training in the university’s
technical labs (Radiolocation, Electrical naviga-
tion equipment, Electrical engines, Internal com-
bustion engines, Naval mechanical, Hydraulical-
ly, cooling system, Fluid Mechanics and
hydraulic Machines, Naval steams generators and
student training on the Neptun school ship;
− 1994-2000 – theoretical training and evaluation
control using a network computers and multime-
dia tools. E-learning is used both in the theoreti-
cal and practical process for different purposes:
testing, evaluation, self-evaluation, creating virtu-
al laboratories, simulations. Specialized software
are used by students according to the different
specialties (electro technical, mechanical, naviga-
tion). Soft wares for controlling and auto control-
ling students; knowledge have been done for dif-
ferent moments: initial tests, daily tests, final
evaluation tests. Using different tests in different
moments of the educational process, this can af-
ford the continuous improvement of students’
training level. Audio-video methods, simulation,
computer animation proved to be extremely at-
tractive for our students, with good results as both
their technical and practical knowledge.
These methods determined the students to be
more active using the Internet, for growing their sci-
entific and professional information and in finishing
their license.
E-learning is used in MUC for on-line courses,
masters’ courses and for obtaining the officers’
maritime license.
From 2001, it has been applied computer
knowledge testing for obtaining the officers’III li-
2004 – future – using the simulator for training
and evaluation control. This new choice is the per-
fect solution for achieving the perfect simulation on
board: regarding operating ships, maritime equip-
ments, practicing procedures established by ISM, the
main plants and malfunctions by plants and ma-
This paper will be presented the types of control-
ling tests, also the procedure of testing and evalua-
tion of the graduates.
Simulator training has over the last years proved to
be an effective training method when training engi-
neers, especially where an error of judgment can en-
danger life, environments and property. A dynamic
real-time computerized simulator can, when it comes
to certain situations, compress years of experience,
into a few weeks and give competence to handle the-
se situations and know ledge of the dynamic and in-
teractive processes typical for a real engine room.
Proper simulator training will reduce accidents;
will prevent the maritime disaster and marine pollu-
tion too, besides its educational training seamanship
in navigation and maneuvering. The simulators im-
prove efficiency, and give the engineers the neces-
sary experience and confidence in their job-situation.
Starting with 2002 year, MUC installed and put
in operation three Kongsberg Norcontrol simulators:
GMDSS and SAR simulator, Engine room simulator
and Navigation simulator. The MUC installed these
simulators to organize practical training for its stu-
dents and graduates, for ship and shore users, as well
as for system service engineering training. Simula-
tors, used for the practical training, proved to be the
perfect solution to create appropriate conditions sim-
ilar to the real situation on board ship- regarding op-
erating ships, maritime equipments, practicing pro-
cedures established by the International Safety and
Rescue Rules.
The use on ship the GMDSS equipment widened
its possibilities for safety purposes. The GMDSS
simulator includes one GMDSS console equipped
with different GMDSS replica instruments.
The equipment of a console consists of the fol-
lowing components:
Radiotelephone VHF simplex/duplex/semi du-
plex channel
Radiotelephone SSB MF and HF
DSC Controller and receiver MF and HF