International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 3
September 2009
1.1 Background
The Baltic Sea is the world’s largest brackish body
of water. It is designated as a PSSA (Particularly
Sensitive Sea Area). More than 2000 large ships in-
cluding large oil tankers are at any given time in the
Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2005, Rytkönen et al. 2002).
Maritime transport adversely affects different risk
receptors in various forms and degrees of extents.
Increasingly large amounts of different types of dan-
gerous goods, including oil and oil products, gases
and a wide range of chemicals, transported and han-
dled in the BSR (Baltic Sea Region) (estimated be-
tween 300-1000 million tons per year) and accidents
involving these goods are concerning issues for the
countries in the region (TSE 2006). The most recent
major oil spills that have occurred in the region are
the cases of the m/v “Fu Shan Hai” (2003) (1200
tons of oil spilt) and the m/v “Baltic Carrier” (2001)
(2700 tons of oil spilt). The costs of oil spills report-
ed yearly and the worst-case scenarios in Öresund
are respectively estimated $223,500 and between
$150-300 million (Mullai & Paulsson 2002).
The DaGoRus project (Safe and Reliable
Transport of Dangerous Goods in the Russian-EU
Logistics Chain) is an European Union (EU)/Tacis
project dealing with safe and reliable transport
chains of dangerous goods. The project consists of a
number of partners (including Lund University - LU,
Sweden) and Working Packages (WP). It can be
considered as continuation of the DaGoB project
(Safe and Reliable Transport Chains of Dangerous
Goods in the Baltic Sea Region) (INTERREG IIIB).
The main objective of the project is to provide a risk
analysis of dangerous goods transport in the BSR.
The project is in many respects unique.
1.2 Literature review
An extensive literature review showed that a holistic
view of the maritime risks in the BSR is limited, and
they deserve a better understanding. Projects co-
financed by the EU, including the BSR INTERREG
Neighbourhood programme, have covered a wide
range of issues concerning sustainable development
in the region. Baltic Master (2005-2007) and
OILECO (Integrating ecological values in the deci-
sion making process on oil) (2005-2007) are exam-
ples of the recent EU projects. None of these pro-
jects has particularly dealt with the risks of maritime
transport of dangerous goods at a wider BSR con-
text, including the Russian part. In addition, a few
peer-reviewed papers have been confined to a lim-
ited number of risk issues, such as the m/v “Estonia”
case (Soomer et al. 2001), marine pollution in
coastal waters, oil spills detection and remote sur-
veillance (Looström 1983) and monitoring by in-
service aircraft (Von Viebahn & Gade 2000) and
satellite (Kostianoy et al. 2005).
1.3 Research questions and objective
Marine incidents data are essentially important for
the risk analysis. Time and financial resources are
A Study of Marine Incidents Databases in the
Baltic Sea Region
A. Mullai, E. Larsson & A. Norrman
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
ABSTRACT: A comprehensive risk analysis makes use of different datasets. Marine incidents data are essen-
tially important datasets. The purpose of this study is to analyse marine incident databases in the BSR (Baltic
Sea Region). The marine incident data in the region are inhabited by a wide rage of issues, such as limited da-
ta accessibility and availability, and the diversity in data quality, structure, amount, accuracy, degree of detail
and languages. Preparing for the data analysis is a very cumbersome, labour intensive, time consuming and
expensive process. Merging different datasets from different countries into a single dataset is a very difficult
process, if not impossible for a complete data merging. The paper provides experiences on how to overcome
some of these issues and proposes some suggestions for improvements in the future.
often limited for research projects, including the
DaGoRus project. While the signing of the
partnership agreement for the project was still pend-
ing, the relevant research questions for this particu-
lar study presented in this paper are: What is the cur-
rent state-of-the-art marine incidents data in the
region? Is it feasible to perform a comprehensive
risks analysis for the entire region? The purpose of
this study is to analyse marine incident databases in
the BSR and propose suggestions for improvements
in data accessibility, structure and quality.
1.4 Materials, methods and paper outline
After several months of communication with the re-
sponsible authorities of the BSR’s countries, the fol-
lowing marine incident databases were acquired: 1)
Danish Maritime Administration Database (DMA
DB) (1997-2006; in Danish); 2) Finish Maritime
Administration Database (FMA DB1 and DB2) the
database contains two datasets (1990-1996 and
1997-2007; in Finnish); 3) Swedish Maritime Ad-
ministration Database (SMA DB) (1985-2007; in
Swedish); and 4) Helsinki Commission Database
(HELCOM DB) (1989-2006; in English). In section
3 of the paper, the main results and discussions in-
cluding problems encountered during data collection
are presented. The properties of the databases are
described and compared. For the purpose of bench-
marking with some of the best technology and prac-
tices in the field, in section 4, the USA’s and world’s
largest incidents databases are described. Conclu-
sions and suggestions for improvements are provid-
ed in section 5. Initially, in section 2, the concepts of
risks and risk analysis are briefly described.
2.1 Maritime risks
The risk is defined as the likelihood of consequences
of undesirable events (Kaplan & Garrick 1981, HSE
1991). The terms "marine accident and incident" and
"marine casualty" denote undesirable events in con-
nection with ship operations (IMO 1996). The term
“marine incident” is used to denote undesirable ma-
rine events, i.e. marine accidents, incidents and near
missing events. The dangerous goods risks can be
defined as the likelihood of consequences of hazard-
ous release events (HSE 1991). Maritime transport
risks are statistically verifiable technological and
human activity risks. The maritime transport system
and risks consists of many elements that are classi-
fied and defined by various coding systems.
2.2 Risk analysis
Contemporary risk management recognises the fact
that the risk analysis, which is a rigorous scientific
process facilitated by standardised frameworks and
techniques, is prerequisite for the decision making
process. The main purpose of every risk study is, to
the best abilities of researchers and data and re-
sources available, to provide decision makers with
valid and reliable information and tools that would
enable them to make informed decisions. The risk
analysis varies from simple screening to major anal-
ysis that requires many years of efforts, substantial
resources and a large team of experts using various
risk analysis techniques and datasets. The main stag-
es of the risk analysis are preparations for analysis,
the analysis process and conclusions and recom-
mendations. The first stage encompasses a wide
range of activities, including identification, selec-
tion, compilation and preparation of the relevant da-
tasets. Large amounts of diverse risk-related datasets
are required, but the most important datasets are ma-
rine incident data.
3.1 Limited data accessibility and availability
The Baltic Sea is an unique area in terms of sensitiv-
ity and diversity of countries surrounding the area. It
is surrounded by nine different countries with differ-
ent backgrounds, languages and practices, which
may hamper data collection and merging and per-
formance of a robust risk analysis.
Data accessibility may be an issue for the region.
Our investigation suggests that marine incidents are
recoded into databases in all BSR’s countries. The
websites of the relevant authorities in several coun-
tries of the BSR were reviewed. None of them had
marine incident databases and other risk-related data
available in electronic format for the public use. Re-
quests for data acquisition were sent to all countries
(Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lith-
uania, Poland and Sweden), except Russia, and
HELCOM. Signing of the partnership agreement
with Russian partners was still (2007-2008) pending.
Further, data collection for the Russian part was the
responsible of another project group. Contact infor-
mation was obtained from the SMA and other
sources. Requests were sent to the maritime admin-
istrations, coast guards, bureaus of maritime casualty
investigation and maritime safety inspectorates. The
mail delivery system confirmed that request messag-
es were successfully delivered, received and dis-
played on the recipient's computer. We were able to
receive four (see Section 1.4) marine incident data-
bases. Two databases were primarily obtained as the
result of our personal contacts with the relevant au-
thorities. Two other databases were obtained after
considerable communication and assistance from our
personal contacts. Some respondents did not reply or
were not interested in cooperation. Requests were
sent several times to those who did not reply. In
some countries, the authorities may be unwilling or
uncomfortable in providing data, in particular to ex-
ternal parties. Some interrelated reasons were cited
inconvenient database format, limited human and fi-
nancial resources, and data confidentiality.
Inconvenient database format for preparing and
sending data in electronic format was cited by sever-
al respondents as one of the main issues. In one
country, the incident data recorded up until Decem-
ber 2007 were available only at a relatively old
computer. According to the respondent from that
country, the data were compressed in a way that was
practically impossible converting the data into a
modern program format, including Excel format. It
was very difficult and time consuming to convert all
data manually. One respondent from another country
replied that their organisation did not work with the
Excel program as database. They were still waiting
(2008) for the EMSA (European Maritime Safety
Administration) database for the statistical analysis
of ship incidents. Another one stated that their data-
base contains personal and other information that are
not necessary for the risk analysis. Further, convert-
ing their entire dataset into a convenient data format
was time consuming and impossible task for them.
All respondents stated that preparing and sending
data in electronic format were time consuming and
labour intensive processes. Due to workload and
other inquiries and in combination with limited hu-
man and financial resources, they were unable to
provide data at all or in due time. They were too
busy to assist us as their daily work was high on
their priority list. One respondent wrote that he will
not send the entire database. But, if we needed sim-
ple extractions they would be able to assist us. In
case of a large extraction requiring special adjust-
ments, they had to charge us for that.
Data confidentiality might have been one of the
main reasons why some authorities did not reply.
One respondent stated that in his country marine in-
cident data are confidential. The data are only avail-
able for the accident investigation in his country and
in his country language. A risk analysis for the BSR
as a whole based on exhaustive data may not be pos-
sible should all the countries share a similar policy.
Two respondents made reference to annual accident
reports in pdf-format published on their organisa-
tions’ website for the public use. The review of nu-
merous accident reports showed that they were com-
prehensive and well prepared. However, a number of
issues are observed. The data are mainly analysed
and presented in form of descriptive or summary sta-
tistics, such as frequency tables and charts. Applica-
tion of advanced inference statistics and specific risk
analysis methodology were lacking. Reports are pre-
pared by or for the responsible authorities. The
knowledge comes from different corners, from prac-
titioners and scientific community alike. However,
because of systematic and rigorous processes em-
ployed, it is widely accepted that the knowledge
generated by the scientific community has a higher
degree of confidence, validity and reliability than the
other forms. The scientific literature on the maritime
risks for the region is, however, very limited. Studies
concerning dangerous goods risks are largely con-
fined to oil spills in the territorial waters of individu-
al countries or in certain areas of the BSR. Further,
integrating information from different reports is an
impossible task.
3.2 Diverse and incompatible data
In this section, the data properties are explored (see
Tables 1-6 and Figs 1-3). The HELCOM DB con-
tains marine incidents reported by the BSR’s coun-
tries. This dataset may serve, to some degree, as a
sample for studying and drawing conclusions for the
maritime risks in the entire region. However, the da-
taset is a relatively small and biased sample. The re-
view of other databases showed that incidents are se-
lectively reported to the HELCOM. Thus, during the
period 1989-2006, a total number of 906 incidents
(50 incidents per year) has been reported, of which
123 (13.6%) and 82 (9.1%) are respectively pollu-
tion incidents and incidents with no information
about pollution. These numbers are smaller than pol-
lution incidents and marine incidents recorded in the
BSR’s databases (e.g. SMA DB - 5778 incidents re-
ported during 1985-2007). During the period 2004-
2006, the Swedish Coast Guard alone has observed
on average 308 spills per year. In addition, the
HELCOM DB contains 42 variables, where 17 vari-
ables (40%) represent ship properties and conse-
quences (Table 6 and Fig. 1). The consequences are
confined to the occurrence of pollution (yes/no), the
amount and type of pollutants. The variable labels
are not properly designed and partly or completely
missing in some variables. For example, the “ship
type details” variable contains some 126 items.
The risk estimation and presentation require ex-
haustive data. The results obtained from the risk es-
timation may serve as an empirical ground for estab-
lishing risk criteria in the region. The risk criteria
may serve as benchmarking standard for measuring
and comparing the maritime risks in the individual
countries and the region as a whole. In Sweden and
other countries in the region, these criteria are lack-
ing. Further, the reliability and validity of risk esti-
mation and presentation depends very much on the
data quality, diversity and amount. Therefore, it is
important to perform a comprehensive risk analysis
based on all datasets available. The best alternative
is to merge all datasets into a single dataset. A pre-
condition in the data merging process is that all vari-
ables must be compatible, i.e. they have to share
similar properties including variable type, number,
label, and value and measurement level. Variables
are not organized in any particular order in the data-
bases. Based on the SMA DB, variables are labelled
and organized in main categories (Table 1). A com-
plete data merging, which is merging all databases
including all cases and variables, is not possible.
Merging parts of datasets may be possible, but con-
siderable time, resources and expertise are required.
This process includes translation, codification and
de-codification and design and re-design of varia-
bles, conversion of data from Excel to SPSS data
format, data merging and filtering. One case history
is one A4 paper text (multiplied by ca 8000 inci-
dents) and many variables are string or text format
variables written in different languages. Text format
variables contain very important information. The
databases are mainly designed based on the DAMA
coding system, which was originally agreed (1990)
by Scandinavian countries for registration and anal-
ysis of marine incidents. The FMA DB and SMA
DB share more in common than the two other data-
bases. Deviations from the code and changes are al-
so observed within the same database (e.g. FMA
DB). The labels of many variables in the FMA DB
are coded according to the DAMA coding system.
These variables must be de-codified. The databases
are specially designed databases, which may be in-
convenient for converting data into advanced statis-
tical program formats. The data were sent to LU in
an Excel format. Data analyses and result presenta-
tions with this data format are limited. The present
Excel data format of the databases is not readily
convertible to the statistical program format. The da-
ta are organized on the “case” and “variable” bases.
It is unclear whether the case histories are compiled
on “event” or “ship” bases. In many cases, in a sin-
gle incident two or more ships have been involved.
The DMA DB is confined to a very limited number
of events such as collision, grounding and fire. In
one database, many cases were deleted. The SMA
DB and FMA DB contain incidents that have oc-
curred in the respective country territorial waters for
all nationalities and ships flying the respective coun-
try flag outside the territorial waters. Therefore, var-
iables should be designed for filtering or sampling
purposes. In terms of data properties and structure,
there are considerable discrepancies among the da-
tabases (Tables 2-6 and Figs 1-3). Only a very few
variables are compatible. There are significant gaps
in the number, category, type and measurement level
of variables. The string (Str.) and nominal (Nom.)
variables dominate (51-75%) all databases. The se-
cond largest numbers of variables are scale (Sc.) and
ordinal (Ord.) variables (10-38%). More analysis
methods are applicable to scale and ordinal variables
than nominal variables. The variables for measuring
risks of maritime transport of dangerous goods are
very limited, if not lacking for certain databases.
Table 1. The main categories and examples of variables in the
SMA DB (1985-2007).
Main category: examples of variables
Time: year, month, day, day of the week, time (hours)
Location: latitude and longitude, ports of departure and arrival,
country, geographical areas, traffic area, fairway etc.
Ship: call sign, name, type, class society, nationality, built, size
(dwt, brt, length), material etc.
Ship activity: ship activity (en-route, loading/discharging), ac-
tivity onboard etc.
Exposure: crew, passengers, visitors, total numbers etc.
Cargo: description, type, amount, dangerous goods etc.
Event: type, event grading, description
Cause: categories codified, description
Other: pilot presence onboard
Environment: light, visibility, precipitation, sea, wind etc.
Consequence: human (fatality, injury, disappearance crew,
passengers, pilots, others, total), ship (damage description,
location, extent), environment (oil and other pollutants type,
Table 2. The categories, types and measurement levels of vari-
ables in the DMA DB (1997-2007).
Main category Type* Measurement level**
_______________ _________________
Str. Nrc. Date Other Nom. Ord. Sc. Other
Time 4 4
Location 1 2 3
Ship 6 2 6 2
Event 2 1 1
Cause 2 2
Other 1 1
Consequences 1 1 1 1
Total 13 2 4 3 15 1 2 4
* Variable type: Str. (String variables whose values are not
numeric and therefore are not used in calculations), Nrc. (Nu-
meric variables). ** Variable measurement level: Nom. (Nom-
inal variables whose values represent categories with no intrin-
sic ranking), Ord. (Ordinal variables whose values represent
categories with some intrinsic ranking), Sc. (Scale variables
whose values represent ordered categories with a metric)
(SPSS 16.0 for Windows 2007)
Table 3. The main categories, types and measurement levels of
variables in the FMA DB1 (1990-1996).
Main category Type* Measurement level**
_______________ _________________
Str. Nrc. Date Other Nom. Ord. Sc. Other
Time 5 5
Location 4 2 4 2
Ship 11 2 11 2
Ship activity 2 2
Exposure 2 2
Cargo 1 1 1 1
Event 3 3
Cause 4 4
Other 1 1
Environment 4 1 3
Consequences 9 6 2 3 6 6 2
Response 1 1
Total 40 11 5 4 36 9 11 4
*, ** See the foot note in Table 2
Table 4. The main categories, types and measurement levels of
variables in the FMA DB2 (1997-2007).
Main category Type* Measurement level**
_______________ _________________
Str. Nrc. Date Other Nom. Ord. Sc. Other
Time 5 5
Location 3 2 3 2
Ship 10 3 2 12 3
Ship activity 2 2
Exposure 2 2
Cargo 1 1
Event 3 3
Cause 4 4
Other 1 1
Environment 4 1 1 3 1
Consequence 11 19 4 11 19 4
Total 39 25 7 6 43 3 25 6
*, ** See the foot note in Table 2
Table 5. The main categories, types and measurement levels of
variables in the SMA DB (1996-2007).
Main category Type* Measurement level**
_______________ _________________
Str. Nrc. Date Other Nom. Ord. Sc. Other
Time 3 3
Location 10 2 10 2
Ship 13 3 13 3
Ship activity 3 3
Exposure 3 3
Cargo 2 2
Event 4 3 1
Cause 1 1
Other 3 3
Environment 5 1 3 2 1
Consequence 8 26 1 5 3 26 1
Total 48 33 3 4 45 6 33 4
*, ** See the foot note in Table 2
Table 6. The main categories, types and measurement levels of
variables in the HELCOM DB (1989-2006).
Main category Type* Measurement level**
_______________ _________________
Str. Nrc. Date Other Nom. Ord. Sc. Other
Time 4 4
Location 1 2 1 2
Ship 10 7 10 7
Cargo 1 1
Event 2 1 2 1
Cause 4 4
Other 3 3
Consequences 6 1 5 1 1
Total 27 8 4 3 30 1 8 3
*, ** See the foot note in Table 2
Figure 1. The number of variables in databases.
Figure 2. Comparison among the main categories of variables
in databases.
Figure 3. Comparison among periods and numbers of marine
incidents recorded in the databases.
The study of many incident databases (see Mullai
2004) show that, in terms of the public accessibility
and amount, diversity, accuracy, quality of danger-
ous goods risk-related data, the USA is one of the
most advanced countries in the world. Many types of
data are free of charge and available for public use
in the Internet. The USA Freedom of Information
Act (1974) requires all federal and national organisa-
tions to make data available in electronic form to the
public. Hazardous Material Information System
(HMIS) and National Response Center (NRC) data-
bases are two of the USA’s and the world’s largest
Ship activity
Number of variables
Number of incidents
databases in the field. They are available to both sci-
entific and practitioner communities. The HMIS da-
tabase (ca 200,000 case histories organised in more
than 180 variables) records all dangerous goods in-
cidents occurring in all modes of transport. The
NRC database (over a half million case histories or-
ganised in more than 230 variables) records all inci-
dents involving all types of hazmat discharges into
the environment anywhere in the USA and its terri-
tories. The data are reported by individuals and a
wide range of organisations and agencies, and cover
a wide range of systems of the USA’s chemical sup-
ply chain. In contrast to the BSR’s databases, both
the USA’s databases offer many advantages, includ-
ing massive, diverse, high quality and very well or-
ganised data, no restriction and easy data access via
the Internet, and very convenient data format. Our
experience (see Mullai & Larsson 2008) shows that
data preparation and analysis are significantly less
time consuming, resource and labour intensive than
working with the BSR’s databases. The incidents
recorded to all BSR’s databases combined are only a
small fraction of the HMIS and NRC databases.
With reference to the research questions, merging all
databases into a single dataset and performing a de-
tailed risk analysis for the BSR may not be possible
due to issues explored in this study. However, a risk
analysis based on partly merged datasets is feasible.
Some of the issues are partly attributed to different
practices, priorities and languages. The marine envi-
ronment and safety issues are gaining more attention
in the region. In order to tackle some of the issues,
we suggest the following solutions: (i) Enhance co-
operation among maritime authorities and other par-
ties in the region. Projects like the DaGoRus project
and conferences like the TransNav 09 can contribute
to cooperation. They can serve as forums where
problems and solutions are identified and discussed,
stakeholders meet and information is disseminated.
(ii) Improve and harmonise marine incident data-
bases in the BSR. Immediate changes cannot be ex-
pected in the near future as several databases are de-
signed based on the established coding system.
Significant changes may render many years (two
decades) of data records incompatible. Therefore,
the process should be well studied and performed in
a stepwise manner. (iii) Marine incident data should
be made publicly available in electronic format via
the Internet, at least for the research purposes. The
USA experience can serve as an inspirational exam-
ple. (iv) Upgrade data compilation systems. (v) Im-
proving the HELCOM DB is a good solution, which
include reporting all marine incidents (accidental
and deliberate events) occurring in the BSR, improv-
ing the quality of variables and ensuring a higher
degree of data completeness. The maritime risks, in-
cluding risks due to the large and increasing
amounts of dangerous goods, deserve a better under-
standing and management. These can be achieved
only by united efforts.
We wish to thank the DaGoRus project office for fi-
nancing this study, and Danish, Finnish, HELCOM
and Swedish authorities for their assistance in data
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