International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 3
September 2009
The bathtub curve is a widely used figure to describe
the failure rate of a product during its lifetime. The
curve consists of three phases: the "infant mortality"
period, the "normal operating" period and the "wear
out" period, see Figure 1. This kind of failure curve
is typical for complicated technical systems, such as
cars, consumer electronics and computer hardware,
for instance. The high failure rate in the beginning of
the lifetime of a complicated automation system is
mainly explained by the existence of latent software
errors. The frequency of software-based failures is
high in the beginning, but it decreases throughout
the lifetime of the software product, as illustrated by
the yellow line Figure 1. The explanation is that a
piece of software does not wear out or fail, but all
failures or malfunctions are caused by latent soft-
ware errors, or bugs. There are more bugs in a new
software product, but as the product gets older, the
latent errors are gradually being found and correct-
ed. Provided that the software updates are made cor-
rectly, i.e. new errors are not created when software
bugs are being eliminated, the failure rate steadily
It can be assumed that the failure rate curve of an
Integrated Navigation System (INS) of a ship has al-
so the shape of a bathtub during its lifetime. There is
some evidence about higher failure rates of new
INSs, although extensive statistical data seems not
be available about this matter. After 1994 on Finnish
waters, there have been several groundings caused
by a failure or a malfunction of the navigation and
steering system of the ship [1]. Almost all the sys-
tems involved were new and the failures fell in the
category of infant mortality failures.
Figure 1. The bathtub curve
There are factors that seem to promote the infant
mortality problem of INSs of ships. The first one is
Normal Operation Period
Wear Out
Early infant mortality
failures, software bugs etc.
Random failures
Ageing, wear out
The Problem of "Infant Mortality" Failures of
Integrated Navigation Systems
S. Ahvenjarvi
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Rauma, Finland
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the problem of high failure rate often experienced on ships that are
equipped with a new integrated navigation system. These "infant mortality" failures of the navigation system
can form a significant risk to the safety of the ship, as the history has shown. Some accidents caused by this
type of failures are briefly discussed. The paper highlights some factors that promote this problem. One of the
most important factors is the low degree of standardisation of the bridge systems. Another factor is the in-
completeness of the self diagnostics of a new system. The role of the self diagnostics is crucial in coping with
failures, because the redundancy of the navigation systems is typically based on manual activation of the
back-up device or function. The necessary corrective action by the user can be delayed too much if the self
diagnostics of the system is not able to detect the failure. Proper testing of the new system during the harbour
trials and the sea trials as well as utilisation of efficient failure analyses techniques is important for reducing
the safety risk caused by the infant mortality failures. In the end of the paper, some practical experiences of
using FMECA and HAZOP analysis in the development of the integrated navigation system of a large cruise
vessel are presented.
the lack of standardisation. The INSs of ships are
typically tailor-made. The risk for unknown failure
modes and unknown software errors in such systems
is higher than in standardised, mature systems.
Gradually, as the unknown failure modes are found
and eliminated, the failure rate decreases. When the
ship and its navigation equipment have passed the
infant mortality period, the probability of an acci-
dent due to unknown dangerous faults decreases.
A fault of a critical component of the navigation sys-
tem of the ship was the initial cause of the following
five real accident cases: Grounding of the passenger
ferry M/S Silja Europa in the Swedish archipelago
close to Stockholm in January 1995, grounding of
the tanker ship M/T Natura in front of Sköldvik in
October 1998, grounding of the ro-ro passenger fer-
ry M/S Finnfellow in Åland in April 2000 and the
grounding of the passenger ferry M/S Isabella in
Åland in December 2001 and the grounding of M/S
Royal Majesty close to the east coast of the USA in
June 1995 (OTK, 1995; NTSB, 1997; OTK, 1998,
2000 and 2001).
A remarkable feature about these five cases is
that the failed equipment was rather new. M/S Silja
Europa was constructed less than two years before
the accident. M/S Royal Majesty was constructed
three years prior to the accident. M/T Natura was
constructed five years prior to the accident. The
compass system of M/S Finnfellow was upgraded
only 13 months before the accident. The INS of M/S
Isabella had been renewed around six years prior to
the accident. So the average age of the failed equip-
ment was around 3,5 years, which is not much when
it is compared with the typical lifetime of a ship, 25
to 30 years. So the critical faults of the five accident
cases were not caused by ageing or "wear out", but
by the "infant mortality" of the equipment. This ap-
plies even to the Royal Majesty case: Although the
original fault, i.e. separation of the signal cable from
the GPS antenna, can be considered a random fail-
ure, the other factors fall into the "infant mortality"
A critical fault in the INS of a ship represents a high
safety risk especially in restricted waters and in are-
as with high traffic density. The south-west coast of
Finland, for instance, is surrounded by a wide archi-
pelago area. Navigation on these waters is very de-
manding. In Figure 2, there is a sample from the sea
chart of the archipelago area close to the city of Tur-
ku. The fairways are winding with the minimum
fairway breadth only ca. 150 metres.
Figure 2. A sample of the archipelago of the south-west coast
of Finland
In this area, the available time margin to avoid a
grounding after a critical failure can be only a few
seconds. For instance, the grounding of the ro-ro
passenger ship M/S Finnfellow in April 2000 took
place only 85 seconds after a fatal gyro compass
failure. Even though the deck officers noticed the
abnormal turning of the ship 30 seconds after the
failure, it was too late to avoid the grounding (OTK,
2000). Figure 3 shows the position of the ship only
90 seconds after the failure!
Figure 3. Position of M/S Finnfellow 90 seconds after the criti-
cal compass failure (OTK, 2000)
The risk of an accident caused by unknown fail-
ure modes is high when recovery of the failure is
dependent on proper corrective action of the user.
This is still the case in most of the new INS installa-
tions. The user has to activate the back-up device or
function if the active unit fails. In order to be able to
do so, the user has to be aware of the operational sta-
tus and condition of the system and its critical com-
ponents. The self diagnostics of the system is crucial
for the user to maintain the situation awareness and
to be able to react quickly and correctly to failures. It
can be seen quite easily from the past accidents, that
the user of the INS can have serious difficulties in
registering a failure in the system, if the system does
not give any alarm about the situation. The failure
detection delay can in some cases be extremely long,
as was in the M/S Royal Majesty case.
The user's dependency on the self diagnostics
makes unknown "infant mortality" failure modes es-
pecially dangerous, because they have not been an-
ticipated by the software engineer who designed the
self diagnostics of the system. In other words, an
unknown "infant mortality" failure will probably not
cause an immediate alarm. It is interesting that actu-
ally the designers of the system make a double error
when they do not recognise a dangerous failure
mode: no measures will be taken to eliminate the
failure mode in concern AND it will not be ensured
that the self diagnostics of the system is able to de-
tect the failure.
Poor or incomplete self diagnostics is a typical
problem of new technical systems. Development of
proper self diagnostics is expensive and it may be
one of the last things to be developed to a new prod-
uct. The weaknesses of the self diagnostics may be-
come apparent to the user and to the manufacturer
years after the commissioning of the system. Nancy
Leveson states that ”the carefulness in designing and
testing is too often directed to the normal operation
of the system, while the unexpected and erroneous
states get much less attention” (Leveson 1995, p.
400). The development of this important area of sys-
tem safety need new regulations about self diagnos-
tics, for instance demonstration of the completeness
of the self diagnostics as a part of the type approval
The disability of the system to detect failures and
malfunctions, i.e. the deficient self diagnostics, is a
serious weakness of new INSs. Increasing complexi-
ty of the systems and the relatively short lifetime of
product generations seem to promote this weakness.
Another factor is the lack of standardisation. In order
to make the detection of abnormalities quick and re-
liable, there has to be much knowledge about the
structure and operation of the individual parts and
devices of the system, and a lot of practical
knowledge about the use and the operation of the
system. Fulfilment of these requirements is difficult
without better standardisation of INS systems. It is a
well known fact that the INSs are too often tailor-
made entities. Even sister-ships are too often
equipped with different INS setups. However, in or-
der to reduce the safety risk caused by "infant mor-
tality" failures, that kind of tailoring should be
stopped. From this point of view, it would be ideal if
there were only very few alternative system setups
available on the market. Moreover, the INS manu-
facturers should make the lifetime of a product gen-
eration as long as possible. Unfortunately, due to the
competition (obviously), the manufacturers tend to
introduce new product generations more and more
frequently. That is a wrong strategy for reducing the
safety risk caused by "infant mortality" failures.
Alternative methods to reduce the safety risk caused
by "infant mortality" failures of INSs would be
1 to increase the lifetime of INS product genera-
2 to improve standardisation of INSs
3 to require better testing of new products from
INS manufacturers, including the demonstra-
tion of completeness of the self diagnostics
4 to make the INSs more fault tolerant
5 to apply different failure analysis methods to
new systems prior commissioning
The first method is difficult to accomplish. The
competition on the market seems to force the manu-
facturers to introduce new innovative system genera-
tions every other year. As customers, are we happy
about this situation? Would we prefer a fully tested,
reliable INS in stead of a brand new system with all
latest features - and with all those "infant mortality"
problems? The customers must realise the im-
portance of this matter and ask for reliability rather
than for new architecture or new functions. Would it
be a good idea to establish a www-based failure reg-
ister for the INS products on the market. The data-
base could be maintained by all users of the INSs. It
could give the customers some idea about the relia-
bility of different products on the market and hence
make the reliability more important also for the
The second and the third method would require
new regulations from the international shipping
community. The new concept of e-navigation should
be used for this purpose. Thorough failure mode
testing and demonstration of the completeness of the
self diagnostics should be included in the type ap-
proval test requirements. Introduction of new system
generations would become more difficult, which
would also support the increase of product lifetimes.
The fourth method would consist of automatic re-
covery functions in fault situations. This is the most
powerful method to reduce the risk of accidents due
to a single failure in the system - no matter if it was
an "infant mortality" failure or something else. Au-
tomatic redundancy has been successfully applied in
many areas of safety critical automation, such as dy-
namic positioning of offshore vessels and automatic
flight management of modern passenger aircrafts.
The fifth method is already in use. The difficulty
in making proper failure analysis for a new INS is
that the manufacturer has got the best and the most
important information about the system. It is well
known that the all failure analysis methods, such as
the Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA), is very much dependent on the quality of
the data about the technical structure and the soft-
ware of the analysed system. In practise, the manu-
facturer is the only party that possesses this infor-
mation and thus can make a good and
comprehensive failure analysis for the product. The
author of this paper has coordinated recently two
failure analysis projects for large INS systems of
passenger cruise ships (see Ahvenjärvi, 2005). These
projects confirmed that the manufacturer of the sys-
tem, indeed, plays the key role in analysis of a new
product. It turned out that an FMECA made by the
manufacturer(s) and commented by the shipyard /
the owner of the ship, combined with a Hazard and
Operability Analysis (HAZOP) can give useful re-
sults for reducing the risk of an accident due to un-
known failure modes. The problem of these methods
is that you can never know, if all failure modes - or
even most of them - have been detected in the analy-
sis. Actually it is unrealistic to assume that all possi-
ble failure modes have been found by using these
techniques. Suokas et al. (1988) studied the validity
of different methods of identifying accident contrib-
utors in process industry systems. The study showed
relatively low validity figures for the FMEA, only
17 % of contributors of hazards could be identified
by applying FMEA. Other methods were not better
than FMEA. Thus it can be assumed that even the
combined use of FMECA and HAZOP would cover
less than half of all potential failure modes, i.e. the
other half of the "infant mortality" failures would
remain unpredicted.
A brand new INS with updated architecture and a
new software with the latest innovations is not nec-
essarily the best choice for a ship, especially if it will
be sailing in areas with narrow fairways or dense
traffic. A new system suffers from the "infant mor-
tality" failure phenomenon discussed in this paper.
The problem is a combination of three factors: in-
creased failure rate (due to hardware failures and
software errors) in the beginning of the operational
time of the system, unknown failure modes and in-
completeness of the self diagnostics of the system.
As the result, the user may lose the control of the
situation, if a failure hits the system and it is not ca-
pable of giving an alarm about it. The risk of an ac-
cident is high if the time margin to make a corrective
action is short. Several accidents have taken place
due to this kind of "infant mortality" failure.
Obviously the most powerful methods to reduce
the risk of this kind of accidents is to make the life-
time of product generations longer and by placing
more strict requirements for testing of new systems
before they can be taken into use. Standardisation
would also be a useful way to limit the number of
different types of INSs and hence to reduce the risk
of unknown failure modes. These methods, however,
require international cooperation and new regula-
tions. Perhaps a web-based failure database could al-
so be useful to encourage the system manufacturers
to put a higher priority on reliability and safety than
on introduction of new features and new design as
frequently as possible. Risk evaluation techniques,
such as FMECA and HAZOP can also be used to
analyse potential failures of a new INS, but it should
be realised that even a good analysis will cover only
a fraction of all possible unknown failure modes.
Ahvenjärvi, S. (2005). Failure Analysis of The Navigation and
Steering System of Freedom of the Seas, paper at the 125th
Anniversary Conference of Maritime Training in Rauma,
October 6-7, 2005
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