tomatic redundancy has been successfully applied in
many areas of safety critical automation, such as dy-
namic positioning of offshore vessels and automatic
flight management of modern passenger aircrafts.
The fifth method is already in use. The difficulty
in making proper failure analysis for a new INS is
that the manufacturer has got the best and the most
important information about the system. It is well
known that the all failure analysis methods, such as
the Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA), is very much dependent on the quality of
the data about the technical structure and the soft-
ware of the analysed system. In practise, the manu-
facturer is the only party that possesses this infor-
mation and thus can make a good and
comprehensive failure analysis for the product. The
author of this paper has coordinated recently two
failure analysis projects for large INS systems of
passenger cruise ships (see Ahvenjärvi, 2005). These
projects confirmed that the manufacturer of the sys-
tem, indeed, plays the key role in analysis of a new
product. It turned out that an FMECA made by the
manufacturer(s) and commented by the shipyard /
the owner of the ship, combined with a Hazard and
Operability Analysis (HAZOP) can give useful re-
sults for reducing the risk of an accident due to un-
known failure modes. The problem of these methods
is that you can never know, if all failure modes - or
even most of them - have been detected in the analy-
sis. Actually it is unrealistic to assume that all possi-
ble failure modes have been found by using these
techniques. Suokas et al. (1988) studied the validity
of different methods of identifying accident contrib-
utors in process industry systems. The study showed
relatively low validity figures for the FMEA, only
17 % of contributors of hazards could be identified
by applying FMEA. Other methods were not better
than FMEA. Thus it can be assumed that even the
combined use of FMECA and HAZOP would cover
less than half of all potential failure modes, i.e. the
other half of the "infant mortality" failures would
remain unpredicted.
A brand new INS with updated architecture and a
new software with the latest innovations is not nec-
essarily the best choice for a ship, especially if it will
be sailing in areas with narrow fairways or dense
traffic. A new system suffers from the "infant mor-
tality" failure phenomenon discussed in this paper.
The problem is a combination of three factors: in-
creased failure rate (due to hardware failures and
software errors) in the beginning of the operational
time of the system, unknown failure modes and in-
completeness of the self diagnostics of the system.
As the result, the user may lose the control of the
situation, if a failure hits the system and it is not ca-
pable of giving an alarm about it. The risk of an ac-
cident is high if the time margin to make a corrective
action is short. Several accidents have taken place
due to this kind of "infant mortality" failure.
Obviously the most powerful methods to reduce
the risk of this kind of accidents is to make the life-
time of product generations longer and by placing
more strict requirements for testing of new systems
before they can be taken into use. Standardisation
would also be a useful way to limit the number of
different types of INSs and hence to reduce the risk
of unknown failure modes. These methods, however,
require international cooperation and new regula-
tions. Perhaps a web-based failure database could al-
so be useful to encourage the system manufacturers
to put a higher priority on reliability and safety than
on introduction of new features and new design as
frequently as possible. Risk evaluation techniques,
such as FMECA and HAZOP can also be used to
analyse potential failures of a new INS, but it should
be realised that even a good analysis will cover only
a fraction of all possible unknown failure modes.
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