International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 3
September 2009
The Turkish Straits (the Straits of Istanbul and
Canakkale), which have narrow and winding shapes
that give them the semblance of a river, are one of
the most strategically important waterway systems
in the world. As the Black Sea's sole maritime link
to the Mediterranean and the open seas beyond, they
are a vital passageway not just for trade but for the
projection of military and political power. Also, their
hard to navigate geographical properties, meteoro-
logical conditions, dense and increasing transit/local
traffic, vessel/cargo characteristics, and physical
hindrances, such as cross continental bridges, energy
transfer lines, make the Straits’ traffic conditions
quite complex and risky. Moreover, this narrow pas-
sage runs through the heart of Istanbul, home to over
12 million people and some of the world’s most cel-
ebrated cultural and historical heritage.
Geographically, the Strait of Istanbul is one of the
narrowest waterways in the world. It has length of
31 kilometers with an average depth of 45 meters
(Ozturk, 1995). Its average width is 1.5 km, where
this width decreases to 700 meters at its narrowest
point (Tan & Otay, 1999). Additionally, frequent
adverse meteorological conditions, such as dense
fogs and high currents and winds, contribute to the
complexity of navigation in the Strait.
There are also some non-natural factors making
navigation through the Strait of Istanbul hazardous.
One of them is the dense local traffic, such as intra-
city passenger boats, fast ferries, fishing boats,
pleasure boats, tugboats etc. (VTS User Guide,
2004). Another important non-natural factor that
negatively effects navigation in the Strait is the fre-
quency and cargo characteristics of transit vessels.
Over 56,600 vessels (10,050 being dangerous mate-
Simulation-Based Risk Analysis of Maritime
Transit Traffic in the Strait of Istanbul
B. Ozbas & I. Or
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
O. S. Uluscu & T. Altıok
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, NJ, U.S.A.
ABSTRACT: In this manuscript, development and preliminary results of a simulation based risk modeling
study for the Strait of Istanbul is presented. The goal of this research is to analyze the risks involved in the
transit vessel traffic in the Strait of Istanbul. In the first step of the study, the transit vessel traffic system in
the Strait of Istanbul has been investigated and a simulation model has been developed. The model gives due
consideration to current traffic rules and regulations, transit vessel profiles and schedules, pilotage and tug-
boat services, local traffic, meteorological and geographical conditions.
Regarding risk assessment, two sets of factors are used to evaluate the risk of accident in the Strait: the proba-
bility of an accident and its potential consequences, as estimated and evaluated at various points along the
Strait. Experience has shown that maritime accident occurrences can be very dissimilar from one another and
therefore, probabilistic analysis of accidents should not be done independent of the factors affecting them.
Thus, in this study, we have focused on the conditional probability of an accident, under a given setting of
various accident causing factors. Unfortunately, historical accident data is by far insufficient for a proper sta-
tistical consideration of all possible settings of these factors. Therefore, subject-expert opinion is relied upon
in estimating these conditional accident probabilities. Assessment of the consequences of a given accident (in
terms of its effects on human life, traffic efficiency, property and environment) was also accomplished using a
similar approach.
Finally, by integrating these assessments into the developed simulation model, the risks observed by each
vessel at each risk slice are calculated in regard to the natural and man-made conditions surrounding. A sce-
nario analysis is performed to evaluate the characteristics of the accident risk as the vessel moves along the
Strait. This analysis allows us to investigate how various factors impact risk. These factors include vessel ar-
rival rates, scheduling policies, pilotage service, overtaking and pursuit rules, and local traffic density. Policy
indications are made based on the results of these scenarios.
rial carriers) traveled through the Strait of Istanbul in
In order to control and mitigate maritime accident
risks and improve the safety of navigation in the de-
scribed dire environment, The Bureau of Turkish
Strait’s Maritime Traffic Services (BMTS) has set
up a sophisticated Vessel Traffic Control & Moni-
toring System (VTS), (covering not only the Strait,
but also 20 miles into the Black Sea and the Sea of
Marmara) and has established and effected a set of
stringent Maritime Traffic Rules and Regulations
(R&R). The vessels arriving at the northern and
southern entrances of the Strait of Istanbul enter and
then navigate through the Strait according to the di-
rections of the BMTS, which are based on the VTS
inputs and the R&R (VTS User Guide, 2004).
Figure 1. The Strait of Istanbul
The objective of this study is to analyze the risks
involved in the transit vessel traffic in the Strait of
Istanbul. In order to achieve this, a detailed mathe-
matical risk analysis model is developed to be used
in a risk mitigation process (Uluscu et al., 2008).
Firstly, in order to study and better understand the
system, a functional simulation model of the transit
vessel traffic in the Strait of Istanbul is built. In this
simulation, which is based on the mentioned R&R,
in addition to the geographical/meteorological con-
ditions, transit and local vessel traffic in the Strait,
the current vessel scheduling practices are also mod-
eled using a specially designed scheduling algo-
rithm. This scheduling algorithm, which is devel-
oped through discussions with the BMTS
authorities, primarily mimics their decisions on se-
quencing vessel entrances, as well as northbound
and southbound traffic flow time windows (Uluscu
et al., 2009). Finally, by integrating, expert opinion
and historic data based risk assessments into the de-
veloped simulation model, the risks generated by
each vessel, are calculated in regard to the natural
and man-made conditions surrounding it (such as,
vessel characteristics, pilot/tugboat deployment,
proximity of other vessels, current & visibility con-
ditions, location in the Strait etc.), as the vessel
moves along the Strait. Preliminary results obtained
in the application of this procedure are presented and
discussed in later sections.
The primary objective of this study is to develop a
realistic model to assess and investigate maritime
risk imposed by the transit traffic in the Istanbul
Strait; furthermore, it is expected that such a model
and an accompanying scenario analysis will suggest
and support strategies and operational policies that
will mitigate the risk of maritime accidents that will
endanger the environment, the inhabitants of Istan-
bul and impact the economy, while maintaining an
acceptable level of vessel throughput.
Regarding the modeling of risk, first events that
may trigger an accident are identified and defined as
instigators (for example, there can be a mechanical
failure in the vessel or the captain can make a judg-
mental error, during the transit of the vessel through
the Strait of Istanbul). Through the examination of
the historical accident data and discussions with lo-
cal maritime experts, the occurrences of the follow-
ing incidents have been identified as possible insti-
gators of maritime accidents in the Strait: human
error, rudder failure, propulsion failure, communica-
tion and/or navigation equipment failure, and other
mechanical and/or electrical failure. Clearly, the oc-
currence of an instigator depends on the situation,
which may be represented by a vector of situational
attributes. Given the occurrence of an instigator, typ-
ical accidents that may occur in the Strait have been
considered and classified as, collision, grounding,
ramming, sinking and fire and/or explosion. It is also
possible to have accidents may occurring in chain,
so that a prior (1
tier) accident may cause later (2
tier) one. 1
tier accident types include collision,
grounding, ramming and fire and/or explosion, while
the 2
tier accident types include grounding, ram-
ming, fire and/or explosion, and sinking. Potential
consequences of the 1
and 2
tier accidents include
human casualty, property and/or infrastructure dam-
age, environmental damage and loss of traffic effec-
tiveness and throughput. This framework is present-
ed in Figure 2. Defining situations (factors and their
states) that affect the likelihood and/or impact level
of instigators and accidents is critical for the intend-
ed risk analysis. Such factors as called Situational
Attributes, and are divided into two groups: attrib-
utes influencing accident occurrence (vessel class,
vessel reliability, pilot request, tugboat request, visi-
bility, current, local traffic density, vessel proximity,
zone and time of the day) and attributes influencing
consequences (vessel cargo, length, zone). These
two groups of situational attributes (are displayed in
Figure 3 and 4.
Figure 2. The framework of the risk model
Given the above described framework, the fol-
lowing questions need to be answered in order to
quantify risks:
How often do the critical situations occur?
For a particular situation, how often do instigators
If an instigator occurs, how likely is an accident?
If an accident occurs, what would the damage to
human life, property, environment and infrastruc-
ture be?
Figure 3. Situational attributes influencing accident occurrence
Figure 4. Situational attributes influencing the consequences
In this study, answers are provided to these ques-
tions (and risk quantification accomplished) based
on historical data, expert judgment elicitation and
simulation model generated output regarding the
state of the situational attributes. The 21 slice divi-
sion of the Istanbul Strait, depicted in Figure 5 (each
slice being 8 cables long) assumed in the simulation
model, is also pursued for risk analysis purposes.
The risk at a slice is calculated based on the snap-
shot of the traffic in that slice every time a vessel en-
ters it.
Figure 5. Risk slices at the Strait of Istanbul
In order to calculate risk, the product of two sets
of factors is sought for associated with each transit:
the probability of an accident and the potential con-
sequences of this accident, during that particular
transit. Since two groups of accidents are considered
and 2
tier accidents), the expected slice risk can
be calculated accordingly.
( )
Pr 1 st tier accident type
is obtained using condi-
tional probabilities of all possible accidents given
situations (e.g. visibility) and instigators (e.g. human
error); conditional probabilities of instigators given
situations; and finally probabilities of situations.
( )
Pr 2nd tier accident type
is obtained using condi-
tional probabilities of all possible 2
tier accidents
given 1st tier accidents and probabilities of 1
accident occurrences.
E Consequence type Accident type
is obtained
using the consequence impact levels, conditional
probabilities of all possible consequences given ac-
cidents and situations and finally probability of situ-
To be able to calculate the expected risk, R, as
shown above, most of the accident and consequence
probabilities (conditioned on the occurrence of insti-
gators and/or state of situational attributes) are ob-
tained via elicitation of expert judgments; other
probabilities (e.g. instigator and 2
tier accidents
probabilities) are obtained from the historical data.
The specific states of the many situational attributes
are obtained from the simulation model (as the ves-
sels generated in the model move through the Strait,
in the environment also generated by the model)
Experience has shown that maritime accidents
can be quite different from one another in terms of
factors causing them. As introduced above, various
conditional probabilities of accidents are sought af-
ter in this study. Unfortunately, historical data has
been insufficient for a proper statistical analysis of
these probabilities. Therefore, expert opinion has
been relied upon in their estimation. Expert opinion
on accident probabilities is obtained through an
elicitation process using questionnaires focusing on
pairwise, uni-dimensional (one at a time) compari-
sons of factor (situational attribute) settings (while
keeping the remaining factors at pre-determined
fixed levels).
Conditional probabilities of accident consequenc-
es (in terms of low, medium or high effects on hu-
man life, traffic efficiency, property, infrastructure
and environment) are also determined through a sim-
ilar elicitation process. On the other hand, quantifi-
cation of these qualitatively defined impact levels is
accomplished through parameterization. One such
set of parameters assumed (for different levels of
consequence impacts) is presented in Table 1. These
values do not represent the actual consequence of an
accident in specific units (e.g. dollars or number of
casualties). Instead, index values representing the
experts’ perceptions of low, medium and high con-
sequences are utilized. As a result, the calculated
risk values are meaningful when compared to each
other in a given context.
Table 1. Consequence impact levels
Impact Level Value
Low Uniform(0-1,000)
Medium Uniform(4,000-6,000)
High Uniform(8,000-10,000)
Finally, these assessments are integrated into the
simulation model such that the risks observed by
each vessel, at each slice are calculated and com-
piled considering all the natural and man-made con-
ditions surrounding the slice and the vessel (such as,
vessel characteristics, pilot/tugboat deployment,
proximity of other vessels, current and visibility
conditions, location in the Strait etc.), as the vessels
moved along the Strait.
Experimentation with the aggregate simulation/risk
model described above has been accomplished
through a scenario analysis. In this regard, first the
parameter values reflecting the current situation in
the Strait, based on year 2005-2006 data (such as,
vessel arrival rates, overtake and pursuit distances,
vessel entrance schedules, local traffic density etc.)
is compiled into a “base scenario”. The risk profiles
of this “base scenario” (in terms of average slice
risks and average maximum risks), obtained using
25 replications (simulation runs) - each of one year
length, are displayed in Figure 6. The average slice
risk profile exhibits a steady behavior from the north
entrance all the way down to the Bogazici Bridge,
where the effects of the high local traffic activity in
these highly populated and busy regions of the Strait
start becoming significant. Interaction of the transit
and local traffic patterns generates a large spike in
the average risk in Slice 19 (this is the Strait region
corresponding to downtown Istanbul and including
the main harbor area) and somewhat tapers off
around the south entrance. The average maximum
risk profile also exhibits a similar behavior but fea-
turing 200 to 850 fold increases from average risks
levels observed at various points along the Strait.
This remarkable observation indicates how risky the
maritime traffic in the Strait of Istanbul can get at
specific instances. That is, depending on random re-
alizations of accident causing factors, ordinary and
safe appearance of the Strait maritime activity could
swiftly change into a very risky environment. For
example, a rare realization observed in Slice 1 (cor-
responding to risk value 12210) involved an exces-
sive level of fog during nighttime and two D-class
vessels that just entered the slice before the Strait is
closed. Another rare realization, observed in Slice 19
(corresponding to risk value 10710), involved an A-
vessel that was about to leave the Strait just after the
night schedule started, a D-vessel and an E-vessel
along with 10 local vessels. Such potentially highly
dangerous situations may be rare, but a rare disaster
is a disaster too many. So, high risks indicated by
the maximum risks should be taken seriously.
Next, a series of scenarios has been constructed
and compared against the base scenario (through the
aggregate model), in order to investigate the charac-
teristics of accident risks in the Strait under different
settings and conditions. In Scenarios 1 and 2, arrival
rate of hazardous cargo vessels are increased and
decreased. In Scenarios 3-9, vessels are scheduled
with lesser and greater pursuit distances. In Scenario
10, pilot captain service is turned off. Scenario 11
represents the case where overtaking is not allowed
within the Strait. Finally, local traffic density in the
Strait is decreased by 50% in Scenario 12. An aver-
age maximum slice risk profile is given in Figure 7.
This analysis has provided us with the ability to ob-
serve and predict how changes in various policies
and practices impact the risk profile of the Strait.
The results and important observations accom-
plished are summarized below.
Figure 6. Current risk profiles of the Strait of Istanbul
3.1 Observation 1
The accident risks in the Strait and the average
vessel waiting times exhibit a tight and sensitive
balance. For instance, a small increase in arrival
rates may result in rather high waiting times at the
entrances (an increase of 60% for some vessel clas-
ses). Furthermore, scheduling changes made to re-
duce vessel waiting times increase risks in the Strait
substantially. Conversely, one has to be very careful
in revising the scheduling mechanism for the pur-
pose of risk mitigation, since the waiting times are
highly sensitive to entrance rules. The benefits ob-
tained in risks may not justify the resulting waiting
times. In the future, scheduling changes may be jus-
tified, if significant reductions occur in the transit
vessel traffic, perhaps due to alternative oil transport
modes such as pipelines and other routes. Thus,
scheduling decisions to balance out delays vs. risks
should be made based on extensive experimentation
with the model developed in this study.
Figure 7. Maximum Slice Risk in Scenarios 10, 11, and 12
compared to the Base Scenario
3.2 Observation 2
The model indicates that pilots are of utmost im-
portance for safe passage, and lack of sufficient pi-
lotage service significantly increases the risks in the
Strait. Currently, vessels longer than 250 m. are
mandated to take a pilot, and it is voluntary for the
rest. As a result of our experimentation, we have
recommended mandatory pilotage for vessels longer
than 150 m. This will reduce the average risk by
7%, the average of maximum risk by 11% in Slice
19 and the observed maximum risk is 11114 ob-
served in Slice 3 (almost 7,000-fold of its average).
Had pilotage been obligatory for vessels longer than
100 m., this would reduce the average risks by 46 %
and the average of maximum risks by 33 % at Slice
3.3 Observation 3
Even though current regulations discourage overtak-
ing anywhere in the Strait, results indicate that over-
taking a vessel is less riskier as opposed to requiring
a pursuing faster vessel to slow down behind a slow-
er vessel, where the average slice risk and the aver-
age of maximum risk are increased by 28 % and 21
% in Slice 19, respectively. In the latter case, the
maximum observed risk is 23030 (almost 13,000-
fold of its average) observed in Slice 1. Therefore, in
the regions where the geography of the Strait toler-
ates it, overtaking seems to be a safe practice (as al-
so suggested by expert opinion).
3.4 Observation 4
The most significant contributor to risk appears to be
the juxtaposition of the transit vessel traffic and the
local traffic. When the local traffic density in the
Strait is decreased by 50% during daytime, it results
an 83% decrease in the average risk and 31% de-
crease in the average maximum risk of Slice 19. Ac-
cordingly, for potential risk mitigation, the schedul-
ing procedure maybe revised to enable a more
effective night-time traffic at which time there is al-
Base Scenario
Scenario 10
Scenario 11
Scenario 12
most no local traffic. However, this issue requires
further research regarding the kind of modifications
that can be done to the scheduling practice to ac-
commodate a larger volume of night-time traffic,
hopefully without increasing overall vessel delays or
other risks.
The nature of the global economy and international
politics dictates that the maritime transit traffic in
the Strait of Istanbul cannot be greatly reduced nor
eliminated. Nonetheless, the economic/political real-
ities and environmental awareness and risk man-
agement need not to be mutually exclusive goals in
the Strait. The risks regarding the transit traffic can
be mitigated by operational policies and rules that
adequately regulate and guide the transit traffic,
while maintaining the freedom of passage. Until
then, the environment, the priceless histori-
cal/cultural heritage and the health and safety of the
city’s residents will be at jeopardy.
In this paper, a comprehensive analysis of safety
risks of the maritime transit traffic in the Strait of Is-
tanbul is discussed. This analysis is carried out
through the development and deployment of a de-
tailed hybrid mathematical/simulation model. This
model, which is based on extensive objective and
subjective data from a large number of sources, pro-
vides a realistic and valid representation of the mari-
time traffic operations and their impacts at the Strait
of Istanbul with many interesting results.
Our primary conclusions are in the direction of
maintaining the current scheduling/sequencing pro-
cedures to let transit vessels enter the Strait, while
enforcing pilotage service on a larger scale and seek-
ing more efficient and heavier deployment of night-
time conditions, where the local traffic activity is
almost negligible.
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