International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 2
June 2009
Navigational trip is a subject in marine engineering,
which the students undergo in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the course. The orientation and
exposure to, observation of, and familiarization with
the ship engine room, where their future profession
will greatly apply, are the objectives of this naviga-
tional trip and the basis of the capacity of each indi-
vidual student, to complete his degree in maritime
field of profession as a marine engineer(De Leon,
At maritime university, specifically John B. Lac-
son Foundation Maritime University-Molo, Iloilo
City, Philippines, the on-the-job training and appren-
ticeship program had been launched in line with
their philosophy and objectives to produce better
quality midshipmen by exposing these potential of-
ficers to actual experience on board vessel in the
domestic and or foreign trade (JBLF Manual 1999).
Specially, the navigational trip has an equivalent
approach to apprenticeship, which is conducted, on
the sea going vessel. The navigational trip is a re-
quirement for marine engineering students on their
third year. It is being guided by qualified instructors
for them o be more acquainted with and have a thor-
ough knowledge of the engine room set-up.
The apprenticeship is a requirement after com-
pleting the basic courses and after which one can be
qualified as graduate from the bachelors degree in
Marine Engineering. A two-year apprenticeship
onboard the vessel is required of each student. The
school closely monitors this before they are issued a
special order as basis of their completion of the
bachelor’s degree.
The factors involved in this study are the orienta-
tion and exposure to, observation of, and familiariza-
tion with the engine room, which will yield feelings
of satisfaction or no satisfaction. They are to be the
under lying factors in this study, because they are
the basis for yielding a qualified potential officer
and an excellent graduate of a Marine Engineering
School. Also, this study will ascertain factors that in-
fluence the student performance and navigational
trip. Finally, this study will ascertain whether or not
there is a relationship between navigational trip and
the performance of students in Auxiliary Machinery
2 subject.
As marine engineering students of maritime uni-
versity in Iloilo City, have strived hard to meet the
Correlation Between Academic Performance in
Auxiliary Machinery 2 Subject and
Navigational Trip Among Marine Engineering
Students at Maritime University in the
R.A. Alimen, V.B. Jaleco, R. L. Pador & M.G. Gayo, Jr.
John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Molo, Iloilo City, Philippines
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the level of academic performance in Auxiliary Ma-
chinery 2 subject and navigational trip among marine engineering students at maritime university, specifically
JBLFMU-Molo, Iloilo City, Philippines. It further aimed also to determine the relationship of the two varia-
bles. The researchers used the quantitative research method and employed the descriptive statistics for the
analysis of data among the randomly selected participants of the present study. The statistical tools were fre-
quency, mean, and Pearson’s r. To come up with the data needed for this study, the questionnaire checklist
on “Navigational trip” was developed by the researchers. Results revealed that as an entire group, the level of
academic performance was “excellent” and the navigational trip was “moderately satisfactory” among marine
engineering students. The correlation between navigational trip and auxiliary machinery 2 subject was “posi-
tive and significantly correlated.”
standards required for international and national (lo-
cal) employment. Also, the marine engineering stu-
dents tried hard that the name of this prestigious in-
stitution (JBLFMU-Molo) will not be tarnished
because of the mediocre performance as future sea-
farers. Also, the school must provide the marine en-
gineering students the opportunity to have hands-on
and on-the-job training programs so that they can
equip themselves in the cognitive and skill-based
training necessary for the future employment as sea-
This study was intended to identify also the corre-
lation between academic performance in the Auxil-
iary Machinery 2 subject and navigational trip. In
order to understand the present study, the conceptual
framework is shown in Figure. 1.
Figure 1. Correlation between navigational trip and perfor-
mance in Auxiliary Machinery 2 subject
The present study aimed to ascertain the level of ac-
ademic performance in auxiliary machinery 2 sub-
ject and navigational trip among marine engineering
students and the relationship of the two variables.
Specifically this study sought to answer the follow-
ing questions:
1 What is the level of academic performance in
Auxiliary Machinery 2 among marine engineer-
ing students when taken as an entire group and
when classified according to different categories?
2 What is the level of Navigational Trip among ma-
rine engineering students as an entire group and
classified according to different categories?
3 Is there a significant relationship between aca-
demic performance in auxiliary machinery 2 sub-
ject and navigational trip among marine engineer-
ing students?
Administration. They will be given insights in the
perception of students in the gains obtained by the
third year marine engineering students who under-
gone navigational trip.
By this, it could serve as a basis in improving the
navigational trip program.
Students. They could be able to appreciate the
purpose of holding navigational trip.
The researchers employed the quantitative research
design in this investigation. Descriptive research
according to Gay (1992), involves collecting data in
order to test hypothesis, to test answer question con-
cerning the current status of the subject under study.
The independent variable of this study was the
student-related factors such as classification, type of
residence, and monthly family income. While de-
pendent variables were the students’ performance in
Auxiliary Machinery 2 subject and navigational trip.
The participants were the ninety nine (99) marine
engineering students of the regular classes randomly
selected for the purpose of this study.
The distribution of participants is shown in Ta-
ble 1.
Table 1. Distribution of participants.
Category f %
A. Entire group 99 100
B. Family income
P12,001 & below 72 72
P12,001 30,000 24 24
P30,001 and above 3 3
C. Type of residence
Rural 78 78
Urban 22 22
D. Classification
Class A 33 33
Class B 33 33
Class C 33 33
To come up with the data needed for this study, the
questionnaire checklist on “Navigational trip” was
developed by the researchers. Frequency counts was
used to describe the profile of the respondents in
terms of type of residence, family income and classi-
fication, mean was employed to describe the naviga-
tional trip and students’ performance as perceived by
the second year marine engineering students at mari-
time university, specifically John B. Lacson Founda-
tion Maritime University-Molo, Iloilo City, Philip-
pines. To determine the correlation between
academic performance in auxiliary machinery 2 sub-
ject and navigational trip among the marine engi-
neering students, Pearson r Coefficient of Correla-
tion was used.
The results revealed that:
As an entire group, the level of academic perfor-
mance was “excellent”(M = 4.32) among marine en-
gineering students of JBLFMU-Molo, Iloilo City,
Marine engineering students who stayed or resied
in rural and urban areas had “very good” and “excel-
lent” academic performance (M = 4.12; M=4.50) in
Auxiliary Machinery 2 respectively. The respond-
ents’ academic performance was “excellent” (M =
4.27; M = 4.28) whose family income belong to high
and low income groups and “very good” for middle
income group (M = 4.13). In terms of classification,
the marine engineering students posted an “excel-
lent” for class A and B (M = 4.47; M=4.61) and
“very good” for Class C ((M = 3.45) on their aca-
demic performance in Auxiliary Machinery 2 sub-
Table 2. Level of the academic performance in Auxiliary Ma-
chine 2 subject among Marine Engineering students
Category M Description
A. Entire group 4.32 Excellent
B. Type of residence
Rural 4.12 Very good
Urban 4.50 Excellent
C. Family income
P12,000 and below 4.27 Excellent
P12,001 P30,000 4.13 Very good
P30,001 and above 4.28 Excellent
D. Classification
Class A 4.47 Excellent
Class B 4.61 Excellent
Class C 3.45 Very good
4.21-5.00 Excellent
3.41-4.20 Very good
2.61-3.40 Good
1.81-2.60 Fair
1.00-1.80 Poor
As an entire group, the navigational trip was
“moderately satisfactory”(M = 4.02) among marine
engineering students. Marine engineering students
who stayed or resided in rural and urban areas found
“satisfactory” and “moderately satisfactory” the nav-
igational trip (M = 3.34; M=4.15) respectively. The
respondents’ navigational trip was “moderately sat-
isfactory” those family income belong to high and
low income groups ((M = 4.18; M=4.12) and “satis-
factory” for middle income group (M = 3.22). In
terms of classification, the students posted a “mod-
erately satisfactory” for class A and B ((M = 4.16;
M=4.13) and “satisfactory” for Class C ((M = 3.32)
on navigational trip.
The correlation between navigational trip and
auxiliary machinery 2 subject of the present study
revealed a significant correlation.
Table 3. Level of navigational trip among Marine Engineering
students of JBLFMU-Molo
Category M Description
A. Entire group 4.02 Moderately satisfactory
B. Type of residence
Rural 3.34 Satisfactory
Urban 4.15 Moderately satisfactory
C. Family income
P12,000 and below 4.18 Moderately satisfactory
P12,001 P30,000 3.22 Satisfactory
P30,001 and above 4.12 Moderately satisfactory
D. Classification
Class A 4.16 Moderately satisfactory
Class B 4.13 Moderately satisfactory
Class C 3.32 Satisfactory
4.21-5.00 Highly satisfactory
3.41-4.20 Moderately satisfactory
2.61-3.40 Satisfactory
1.81-2.60 Unsatisfactory
1.00-1.80 Very unsatisfactory
Again, the result of correlation between auxiliary
machinery 2 subject and navigational trip revealed a
positive and significant correlation employing Pear-
son’s r (r = .735, p < .05).
Table 4. Correlation between navigation trip and academic per-
formance in Auxiliary Machinery 2
Variable Academic Performance
Auxiliary Machinery 2
r r-prob
Navigational Trip .735* .024
* p < 0.5
The level of navigational trip was perceived to be
“very satisfactory” when taken as an entire group.
This means that navigational trip is necessary among
marine engineering students in developing their per-
sonal and technical skills, as well as to social rela-
tionships. This finding was in agreement in the study
of Casco (2003) stating that attending navigational
trip, the students are exposed to actual sea experi-
ence. Marine engineering students were observed to
have developed the sense of cooperation with co-
seafarers, learned to follow the command of their
superiors and learned to apply theories in their clas-
ses to actual situation. That is one of the reasons that
the result revealed a significant correlation between
academic performance in Auxiliary Machinery 2
subject and navigational trip among marine engi-
neering students.
Navigational trip gives the marine engineering stu-
dents a chance to meet and talk with people in the
field that could provide them with information about
their profession (JBLF SPS Manual).
The findings of this study are supported by the
objectives formulated by maritime university, spe-
cifically John B. Lacson Foundation-Maritime Uni-
versity-Molo, Iloilo City, Philippines regarding the
navigational trip or On-the-job Training (OJT) em-
phasizing that actual sea experience and exposure to
the field of marine engineering is productive in the
development of students.
Based on the findings of this study, the researchers
arrived at the following recommendations:
1 Navigational trip program should be conducted
effectively to ensure that students may develop
their personal, technical and also social skills es-
pecially those marine engineering students belong
to Class C category.
2 Personnel in-charge of the program should see to
it that the implementation of the navigational trip
program will be strictly observed so that the stu-
dents will be oriented not only as simply an ex-
cursion or vacation.
3 Further studies be conducted to ascertain the ef-
fect of navigational trip in the teaching-learning
process of marine engineering students at mari-
time university, specifically JBLFMU-Molo, Iloi-
lo City, Philippines.
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