Table 2. Problem behaviours or respondents as an entire group
Problem behaviour f % Rank
Self-centered behaviour 174 87.0 1
Substance use 15 7.5 2
Delinquent behaviour 8 4.0 3
Physical aggression 3 1.5 4
When grouped according to program, Table 3 re-
veals that out of 100 high school children of Filipino
seafarers, the problem behaviours were self-centered
behaviour (f = 92, 92%), delinquent behaviour (f =
4, 4%), physical aggression (f = 3, 3%), and the least
was substance use (f = 2, 2%). While, 100 college
level children of Filipino seafarers revealed that their
problem behaviours were self-centered behaviour (f
= 86, 86%), substance use (f = 6, 6%), delinquent
behaviour (f = 5, 5%), and the least was physical ag-
gression (f = 3, 3%).
The data are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Problem Behaviours among Children of Seafarers
when Grouped According to Program
Category Problem behaviour f % Rank
High school
Self-centered behaviour 92 92 1
Delinquent behaviour 4 4 2
Physical aggression 3 3 3
Substance use 2 2 4
Self-centered behaviour 86 86 1
Substance use 6 6 2
Delinquent behaviour 5 5 3
Physical aggression 3 3 4
When grouped according to sibling rank, Table 4
shows that out of 76 eldest children of Filipino sea-
farers the problem behaviours were self-centered
behaviour (f = 27, 35.54%), substance use (f = 26,
34.21%), delinquent behaviour (f = 17, 22.37%), and
the least was physical aggression (f = 6, 7.89%).
While, the 66 middle children of Filipino seafarers,
the problem behaviours were self-centered behav-
iour (f = 28, 42.42%), substance use (f = 16,
24.24%), physical aggression (f =12, 18.19%), the
least was delinquent behaviour (f = 10, 15.15%).
And 58 youngest children of Filipino seafarers the
problem behaviours were self-centered behaviour (f
= 27, 46.75%), substance use (f = 23, 23%), physical
aggression (f = 6, 10.34%), and the least was delin-
quent behaviour (f = 2, 3.45%).
The data are summarized in Table 4 .
Table 4. Problem Behaviours among Children of Seafarers
when grouped according to Sibling Rank
Category Problem behaviour f % Rank
Self-centered behaviour 27 35.54 1
Substance use 26 34.21 2
Delinquent behaviour 17 22.37 3
Physical aggression 6 7.89 4
Self-centered behaviour 28 42.42 1
Substance use 16 24.24 2
Physical aggression 12 18.19 3
Delinquent behaviour 10 15.15 4
Self-centered behaviour 27 46.75 1
Substance use 23 39.66 2
Physical aggression 6 10.34 3
Delinquent behaviour 2 3.45 4
When grouped according to gender, Table 5
shows that of the 114 male children of Filipino sea-
farers the problem behaviours were self-centered
behaviour (f = 50, 43.86%), delinquent behaviour (f
= 36, 31.58%), substance use ( f = 18, 15.79%), and
the least was physical aggression (f = 10, 8.77%).
And, 86 female children of Filipino seafarers the
problem behaviours were self-centered behaviour ( f
= 37, 43.02%), delinquent behaviour (f = 21,
24.42%), substance use (f = 16, 18.61%), and the
least was physical aggression (f = 12, 13.95%).
The data are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5. Problem Behaviours among Children of Seafarers
when Grouped According to Gender
Category Problem behaviour f % Rank
Self-centered behaviour 50 43.86 1
Delinquent behaviour 36 31.58 2
Substance use 18 15.79 3
Physical aggression 10 8.77 4
Self-centered behaviour 37 43.02 1
Delinquent behaviour 21 24.42 2
Substance use 16 18.61 3
Physical aggression 12 13.95 4
When grouped according to parents’ marital sta-
tus, Table 6 shows that of the 140 children of Filipi-
no seafarers whose parents are living together, the
problem behaviours were self-centered behaviour (f
= 57, 40.72%), substance use (f = 36, 25.72%), de-
linquent behaviour (f = 27, 19.28%), and the least
was physical aggression (f = 20, 14.28%). While the
60 children of Filipino seafarers whose parents are
separated the problem behaviours were self-centered
behaviour (f = 21, 35.00%), substance use (f = 18,
30%), physical aggression (f = 16, 26.67%), and the
least was delinquent behaviour (f = 5, 8.33%).
The data are summarised in Table 6.