International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 2
June 2009
1.1 Definition and characteristic of the external
costs of transport
The transport sector have today a significant im-
portance in global economy and development. Bring
the people closer together, help in the production
and service activity. Simultaneously, is itself the
crucial part of economy. In Europe, is responsible
for 10% of European gross domestic product and
employs about 10 million people (2001.White Pa-
per. European transport Policy for 2010: time to de-
cide. European Commision). Despite the whole posi-
tive influence on the global economy and society,
transport is also the source of unwelcome effects.
Unfortunately, only the part of that negative influ-
ence is bore by the transport providers (private
costs). Huge amount that effects, called ‘external’ is
burdening of society, environment of national budg-
ets. The current methodology of calculation is mak-
ing possible a financial expression of these effects
external costs of transport. What is more, these costs
are not borne by the transport users and hence not
taken into account when they make a transport deci-
sion (2008. Handbook on estimation of external
costs In the transport sector. Delft, Netherlands).
The most important categories of the external
costs of transport are:
transport congestion (infrastructure scarcity);
air pollution;
impacts on climate change;
nature and landscape;
water and soil pollution;
costs in sensitive areas;
up- and downstream;
urban effects;
costs of energy dependency.
The costs of congestion could be reflected by:
travel time increases, vehicle provision and operat-
ing costs, disamenities in crowded system, addition-
al fuel costs reliability, scarcity of slots. In case of
accidents costs the external part is connected with
the part of costs are not covered by risk oriented in-
surance premiums, like: material damages, adminis-
trative costs, medical costs, production losses and
the so called risk-value as a proxy to estimate pain,
grief and suffering in monetary values. Air pollution
is the next kind of costs, reflected mostly by health
costs, building and material damages, crop losses in
agriculture and impacts on the biosphere or impact
on biodiversity and ecosystems. Noise is also im-
portant negative effect of transport activity. Its level
could be estimated on the basis of costs of annoy-
ance or health costs (hearing damages or nervous
stress reaction). The key areas of climate change
costs assessment are sea level rise (additional protec-
tion), energy use (heating), agriculture impacts
(crops changes), water supply, health impact (heat or
cold stress), ecosystems and biodiversity (extinction
of vulnerable species). The following sorts of exter-
nal costs are regarded as the less important and more
difficult to estimate. Nature and landscape effects
influencing on habitat loss, habitat fragmentation or
habitat quality loss. The water and soil pollution are
Maritime Safety in European Concept of the
Internalization of External Costs of Transport
M. Matczak
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Efficient and effective transport system is the key element for the future development of Euro-
pean economy. Simultaneously, the process of transport development is connected also with the negative ef-
fects for environment and society. For that reason, the concept of internalization of all external costs of
transport is developing in European Uni
on. The concept characteristics and specificity in the maritime
transport is the main issue of the following analysis. The special interest is focused on the maritime safety,
one of the key external cost category.
connected with the repair costs or health costs for
human beings. The indication of sensitive areas ex-
ternal costs is caused by higher environmental pres-
sure in that places and taking into consideration the
all kinds and types of costs. The up- and down-
stream costs are generated in the other areas of
economy by there are caused by transport develop-
ment (energy production, vehicle production, infra-
structure construction). The next sort of external
costs urban effects are made by other participants
of motorized traffic on the urban areas (pedestrians,
cyclists, etc.). They are mostly regarded as time
losses or scarcity problems. The last sort of external
costs is the energy dependency resulted from the un-
equal distribution of energy sources. For that reason,
the costs due to transfer of wealth, potential GDP
losses or macroeconomic adjustments costs could be
According to the estimation the EU financial
losses connected with the environmental or conges-
tion problems are indicated on the level of 1% of EU
gross domestic product each (2006. Keep Europe
moving – Sustainable mobility for our continent. Eu-
ropean Commission). The important issue is also the
modal and structure of the transport external costs
category (Table 1).
Table 1. Total external costs (excluding congestion) by cost
category and transport mode in 2000 (million Euro per year).
Road Rail Air
In. navig. Total
Accidents 155,588 262 590 0 156,439
Noise 40,410 2,136 3,098 0 45,644
Air pollution 164,282 4,447 4,235 1,652 174,617
Climate change 112,383 2,894 79,931 506 195,714
Nature & 18,359 266 1,298 91 20,014
Up/Downstream 43,483 1,748 1,762 383 47,376
Urban effects 9,909 563 0 0 10,472
Total (EU 17) 544,415 12,315 90,914 2,632 650,275
% 83.7% 1.9% 14.0% 0.4% 100%
Source: 2004. External costs of transport. Update study. Sum-
mary. INFRAS, Zurich/Karlsruhe, October.
The most important sort of external costs, respon-
sible for about 30% of total sum is climate changes.
The following position are occupied by air pollution
(27%) and accidents costs (24%). The next kinds of
external costs have only about 7-5% of total share.
Two third of total cost is connected with the passen-
ger transport (private passenger cars). The modal
comparing indicates on the leading role of road
transport (83.7%). For that reason the road traffic is
the best reconnoiter mode of transport in the aspect
of external costs.
1.2 The concept of internalization of the external
costs of transport
The internalization concept is based on the assump-
tion, that, external effects should also be taken into
consideration in the decision making process. It is
connected with the rapid growth of global transport
and increasing role of external, negative effects
which are produced.
These initiative has been presented in the Europe-
an Union documents for years (e.g. Green Book
(1995), White Papers (1998, 2001, 2006)).
The aims of implementation of the external costs
internalization are defined like, the following:
Improvement of transport efficiency, both eco-
nomical and environmental (use of infrastructure
and rolling stock);
Guarantee fairness between transport modes (fair
price considering);
Improve safety and reduce environmental nui-
sances of transport.
According to the European concept, the most ef-
ficient way of internalization is the proper regulation
of the transport activity. The market - based instru-
ments, like taxes, charges, emission trading should
be used. In accordance with the theory assumption,
the calculation should be based on the marginal
The most important challenge is the detailed es-
timation of the regulation (financial burden) level.
The two main approaches to the marginal external
costs estimation are indicated in the literature: bot-
tom-up or top-down approach. In first case, the cal-
culation is based on the specific case studies. These
approach could bring the detailed outcomes but it is
costly and difficult to generate. On the other hand
(top-down approach), the total value of external
costs is divided between particular modes. The dif-
ferentiation of traffic condition or stock categories
make the method very imprecise (2008. M. Bąk, B.
Pawłowska: kalkulacja kosztów zewnętrznych trans-
portu krok naprzód w polityce Unii Europejskiej.
Materiały konferencyjne, EuroLog 2008, Warsza-
Despite the advanced works on the methodology
of external costs calculation, it is difficult to recapit-
ulate that the ‘system’ is ready for implementation.
It is still very complicated and difficult for the
transport practice. What is more important, there no
exist the proper ‘political climate’ for implementa-
tion. On the one hand, the transport companies and
users will protest against the increasing burden of
service activity (especially road haulers), on the oth-
er the financial crisis is additionally postponing the
potential date of start. It is crucial, that there no ex-
ists reliable analysis of the influence of internaliza-
tion on the functioning of the European transport
2.1 Crucial aspects of maritime transport external
costs calculation
The external costs of maritime transport are the most
poorly recognized category among the transport
modes. There exist several reasons of that situation.
First is the international character of maritime
traffic, separated from the land areas. Thanks that,
maritime traffic have limited influence on society
and its activities (spatial separation). The next rea-
son is restricted scope of maritime infrastructure
problems and its relatively high capacity (observed
only in case of particular seaports, straits or canals).
The other incentive of low importance of maritime
traffic in the internalization concept is the relatively
low level of generated costs. The crucial aspect of
the maritime traffic analysis is also discrepancy be-
tween infrastructure and shipping in the light of ex-
ternal costs characteristics.
Simultaneously, the essential problem in the
analysis process is the limited access to the detailed
and proper data concern the maritime traffic.
Despite the problems indicated above, all costs
categories in maritime transport could be indicated
and calculated. For the simplification of the analysis
the scope of interest is limited to the accidents costs
resulted from maritime shipping activity.
2.2 Maritime accident external costs in the
internalization process
The estimation of the maritime accident costs needs
the detailed indication of the most important catego-
ries of the effects. It is caused by the much more
complicated nature of sea accidents than in other
mode of transport. The main difference is the ap-
pearance of couple of cost categories caused by the
occurrence. The following cost categories could be
Costs of damage to ships;
Costs of damage to infrastructure;
Costs resulting from human injury and death;
Environmental damages (e.g. pollutions, nature
and landscape costs);
Operational damages (e.g. sunken vessels block-
ing the waterway);
Administrative costs (2001. UNITE. P. van Don-
selaar, H. Carmighelt. Workpackage 5/8/9., s.
It is extremely difficult to present complete anal-
ysis of the external accidents cost of maritime traf-
fic. However, there is some data reflected this issue
(Table 2).
Table 2. Accidents costs in maritime shipping in selected Eu-
ropean countries in 1998 (million €).
External accidents Internal accidents
costs costs
Finland 0.5 91
Greek 30 37
Italy 0.5 5
Sweden 6 75
Spain 15 236
Netherlands 1 4
Source: 2003. UNITE. Deliverable 8&12.
It could be stated that the part of about 10.6% is
the external costs of maritime accidents. That is
mean they are ‘covered’ by environment or society.
The following part are the private one. The most im-
portant are human injury or death and of course en-
vironmental damages.
Table 3. Estimated values for casualties avoided in transport
(thou. €2002)
Country Fatality Severe injury Slight injury
Austria 1 760,0 240,3 19,0
Belgium 1 639,0 249,0 16,0
Cyprus 704,0 92,9 6,8
Czech republic 495,0 67,1 4,8
Denmark 2 200,0 272,3 21,3
Estonia 352,0 46,5 3,4
Finland 1 738,0 230,6 17,3
France 1 617,0 225,8 17,0
Germany 1 661,0 229,4 18,6
Greece 836,0 109,5 8,4
Hungary 440,0 59,0 4,3
Ireland 2 134,0 270,1 20,7
Italy 1 430,0 183,7 14,1
Latvia 275,0 36,7 2,7
Lithuania 275,0 38,0 2,7
Luxembourg 2 332,0 363,7 21,9
Malta 1 001,0 127,8 9,5
Netherlands 1 782,0 236,6 19,0
Norway 2 893,0 406,0 29,1
Poland 341,0 46,5 3,3
Portugal 803,0 107,4 7,4
Slovakia 308,0 42,1 3,0
Slovenia 759,0 99,0 7,3
Spain 1 122,0 138,9 10,5
Sweden 1 870,0 273,3 19,7
Switzerland 2 574,0 353,8 27,1
United Kingdom 1 815,0 235,1 18,6
Ave. 1 302,1 177,1 13,1
Source: 2008. Handbook on estimation of external costs In the
transport sector. Delft, Netherlands.
The problem of the value of human health or life
is one of the basic in the external costs concept. It is
extremely difficult to express the life’s value in fi-
nancial category, therefore the theory call these kind
of costs like ‘value of casualties avoided’. The table
3 present the accessible outcomes of the studying is-
The average value of fatality avoidance is count-
ed on 1.3 m Euro, severe injury 177.1 thou. Euro
and slight injury 13.1 thou. Euro.
The analysis of these costs structure indicates that
the total premium paid by insurance companies
amounts to 50% of the injury and death costs for
victims (Calculation for inland navigation. 2001.
UNITE. P. van Donselaar, H. Carmighelt. Work-
package 5/8/9., s. 42). Therefore, the half of the cost
could be indicated like ‘external’. Looking into mar-
itime statistics, the average annual number of fatali-
ties at sea accounts for 608 (based on the period
1989 2004) (2005. Casualty statistics and investi-
gations. Annex 2. IMO, London 23 February). It
could be resumed, that the annual external accidents
cost referring to human life in the maritime transport
is about 3.95 billion Euro.
The second type of external effects caused by
maritime accidents are environmental damages. The
various categories of costs could be indicated with
correspondence to environment. There are: pollu-
tions, nature and landscape costs, costs in sensitive
area, etc. In maritime practice, the following kinds
of costs are defined:
Natural Resource Damage Costs (NRDA), which
are based on estimated costs to restore equivalent
resources and/or ecological services.
Socioeconomic costs including damages to real
and personal property, loss of use of natural re-
sources (parks and recreation areas), and loss of
income and expenses (fishing, tourism, recrea-
tion, shipping and other commerce).
Response costs comprise appropriate spill re-
sponse operations based on procedures outlined
in local contingency plans and historical case
studies for mechanical-recovery operations
(Bickel P., Sieber N., Kummer U.. 2006. Margin-
al environmental costs case studies for air and
water transport. GRACE, IER, University
Stuttgart., s. 34).
Table 4. Selected major oil spills In Europe.
Name of ship Year Location Oil lost (t)
Amoco Cadiz 1978 Off Brittany, France 223 000
Haven 1991 Genoa, Italy 144 000
Torrey Canyon 1967 Scilly Isles, UK 119 900
Irenes Serenade 1980 Navarino Bay, Greece 100 000
Urquiola 1976 La Coruna, Spain 100 000
Independienta 1979 Bosphorus, Turkey 95 000
Jakob Maersk 1975 Oporto, Portugal 88 000
Braer 1993 Shetland Islands, UK 85 000
Prestige 2002 Cape Finistere, Spain 77 000
Aegean Sea 1992 La Coruna, Spain 74 000
Sea Empress 1996 Milford Haven, UK 72 000
Erika 1999 Brittany, France 20 000
Source: 2007. Panorama of Transport. Edition 2007. European
The oil spills are the most important type of sea
accident. They effects influence significantly the
marine environment. Unfortunately, these kind of
periodical occurrences has been noticed for years
(Table 4).
In case of oil spills, the negative effect on the en-
vironment is unquestionable. The part of the effects
could be limited by cleanup activity (table 5), consti-
tuting the private part of social costs.
Table 5. Oil spill cleanup costs in Euro
Continent Euro 1999 /ton
North America 19,815
Latin America 3,056
Africa 3,164
Europe 10,808
South Pacific 5,699
Middle East 1,058
Asia 27,496
World Wide Average 8,073
Source: Bickel P., Sieber N., Kummer U.. 2006. Marginal en-
vironmental costs case studies for air and water transport.
GRACE, IER, University Stuttgart., s. 34.
The other losses connected with the accidents are
‘covered’ by the environment and citizens.
The presented elements of the maritime accidents
external costs calculation do not fulfill the whole
abundance of issue. Unfortunately, there no exists
the exact and complete calculation of the external
environmental costs of maritime accidents. Simulta-
neously, it is hard to define the proper way of the in-
ternalization of these negative effects.
The concept of internalization of external costs of
transport is today the crucial element of European
transport policy. So far, the theory and the methodo-
logical base for the concept implication have been
done. Unfortunately, the financial and economic cri-
sis on the global markets has limited the tempo of
further steps.
Maritime transport is also regarded as the poten-
tial area of the internalization. Fortunately, the share
of maritime transport in total sum of external costs is
marginal. The crucial cost category of maritime ex-
ternalities are costs of accidents. In case of these
kind of disaster the majority of external costs are
borne by environment.
The current EU action and regulation concerning
maritime safety will, hopefully, limited the number
of the maritime accidents. The packages Erika I,
Erika II or the newest third package of measures
should bring the gradual improvement of maritime
safety (2006. Maritime Transport Policy. European
Commission). On the other hand, the internalization
could be regarded as the positive action for maritime
transport. The heavy increase of financial burden for
road transport should enable the practical implemen-
tation of the old EU’ challenge, expressed in form
‘from road to sea’, stimulating, at the same time,
demand for maritime transport services.
2001. UNITE. P. van Donselaar, H. Carmighelt. Workpackage
2001. White Paper. European transport Policy for 2010: time
to decide. European Commission.
2003. UNITE. Deliverable 8&12.
2004. External costs of transport. Update study. Summary. IN-
FRAS, Zurich/Karlsruhe, October.
2005. Casualty statistics and investigations. Annex 2. IMO,
London 23 February.
2006. Keep Europe moving Sustainable mobility for our con-
tinent. European Commission.
2006. Maritime Transport Policy. European Commission.
2007. Panorama of Transport. Edition 2007. European Com-
2008. Handbook on estimation of external costs In the
transport sector. Delft, Netherlands.
Bąk M., Pawłowska B 2008..: kalkulacja kosztów zewnętrznych
transportu krok naprzód w polityce Unii Europejskiej.
Materiały konferencyjne, EuroLog 2008, Warszawa.
Bickel P., Sieber N., Kummer U.. 2006. Marginal environmen-
tal costs case studies for air and water transport. GRACE,
IER, University Stuttgart., s. 34.