International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 2
June 2009
1.1 The Universal Learning Curve
We have developed a general accident theory, so in
this paper we emphasize and extract the relevant ap-
plication to marine shipping. For any technological
system with human involvement, like ships and
shipping, the basic and sole assumption that we
make is the “Learning Hypothesis” as a physical
model for human behavior when coupled to a tech-
nology (Duffey & Saull 2002, 2008).
Simply and directly, we postulate that humans
learn from their mistakes (outcomes) as experience
is gained.
Although we make errors all the time, as we
move from being novices to acquiring expertise, we
should expect to reduce our errors, or at least not
make the same ones. Thus, hopefully, we should de-
scend a “Universal Learning Curve” (ULC) like that
shown in Figure 1, where our rate of making mis-
takes decreases as we learn from experience and is
exponential in form.
Figure 1. The Learning Hypothesis as we learn we descend
the curve.
Universal Learning Curve
0 0.1 0.2 0. 3 0.4 0.5 0. 6 0.7 0.8 0. 9 1
Increasing Accumulated Experience
Observed Rate of Making Errors
Learning path
Novice or Error prone
Managing and Predicting Maritime and Off-
shore Risk
R.B. Duffey
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Canada
J.W. Saull
International Federation of Airworthiness, East Grinstead, W. Sussex, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: We wish to predict when an accident or tragedy will occur, and reduce the probability of its oc-
currence. Maritime accidents, just like all the other crashes and failures, are stochastic in their occurrence.
They can seemingly occur as observed outcomes at any instant, without warning. They are due to a combina-
tion of human and technological system failures, working together in totally unexpected and/or undetected
ways, occurring at some random moment. Massive show the cause is due to an unexpected combination or
sequence of human, management, operational, design and training mistakes. Once we know what happened,
we can fix the engineering or design failures, and try to obviate the human ones. We utilize reliability theory
applied to humans, and show how the events rates and probability in shipping is related to other industries and
events through the human involvement. We examine and apply the learning hypothesis to shipping losses and
other events at sea, including example Case Studies stretching over some 200 years of: (a) merchant and fish-
ing vessels; (b) oil spills and injuries in off-shore facilities; and (c) insurance claims, inspection rules and
premiums. These include major losses and sinkings as well as the more everyday events and injuries. By us-
ing good practices and achieving a true learning environment, we can effectively defer the chance of an acci-
dent, but not indefinitely. Moreover, by watching our experience and monitoring our rate, understand and
predict when we are climbing up the curve. Comparisons of the theory to all available human error data show
a reasonable level of accord with the learning hypothesis. The results clearly demonstrate that the loss (human
error) probability is dynamic, and may be predicted using the learning hypothesis. The future probability es-
timate is derivable from its unchanged prior value, based on learning, and thus the past frequency predicts the
future probability. The implications for maritime activities is discussed and related to the latest work on man-
aging risk, and the analysis of trends and safety indicators.
The past rate of learning determines our trajectory
on the learning path and thus:
how fast we can descend the curve;
the rate at which errors occur determines where
we are on the curve;
changes in rate are due to our actions and feed-
back from learning from our mistakes;
no reduction in error or outcome rate could mean
we have reached the lowest we are able to or that
we have not sustained a learning environment;
an increase in rate signifies forgetting.
In our book that established the existence of the
learning curve (Duffey & Saull 2002), we examined
many case studies.
We highlight in this paper the data and infor-
mation for marine events and their learning trends.
We have also found data for oil spills at sea. Since
spills are just another accident in a homo-
technological system (HTS), namely a ship operated
by people, it was interesting to show if the usual
everyday marine accidents do exhibit learning. Ma-
rine accident outcomes include groundings, colli-
sions, fires and all manner of mishaps. The most re-
cent data we found were on the web in the Annual
Report for 2004 of the UK Marine Accident Investi-
gation Board (MAIB, for short, at The MAIB responsibility is to
examine reported accidents and incidents in detail.
The MAIB broke down the accidents by type of
ship, being the two broad categories of merchant
ships that carry cargo, or fishing vessels that ply
their trade in the treacherous waters off the UK is-
In both types of ship, the number of accidents
were given as the usual uninformative list of tabula-
tions by year from 1994 to 2004, together with the
total number of ships in that merchant or fishing
vessel category, some 1000 and 10,000 vessels re-
spectively. Instinctively we think of fishing as a
more dangerous occupation, with manual net han-
dling and deck-work sometimes in rough seas and
storms, but surprisingly it turns out not to be the
Figure 2. The learning curve for shipping accidents.
We analyzed these accidents by simply replotting
the data as the accident rate per vessel versus the
thousands of accumulated shippingyears of experi-
ence, kSy. By adopting this measure for experience,
not only can we plot the data for the two types on
the same graph, we also see if we have a clear learn-
ing trend emerging. The result is shown by Figure 2,
where the line or curve drawn shown is our usual
theoretical MERE learning form.
We see immediately that, at least in the UK, the
(outcome) accident rate is higher for merchant ves-
sels than fishing boats, but also that learning is evi-
dent in the data that fit together on this one plot only
if using experience afloat as a basis. The other ob-
servation is that the fishing vessels are at the mini-
mum rate per vessel that the merchant vessels are
just approaching. Perhaps the past few centuries of
fishing experience has lead to that low rate so that,
in fact, fishermen and fisherwomen are highly
skilled at their craft. The lowest attained rate of ~
0.05 accidents per vessel corresponds to an hourly
rate if afloat all day and working all the time, of:
~ 0.05/(365 x 24) ~ 5.10
per hour (1)
That is one accident per vessel every 175,000
hours, which is about the least achieved by any HTS
or industry anywhere in the world, including the
very safe ones like aircraft, nuclear and chemical in-
dustries of 100,000 to 200,000 hours. Even allowing
for a duty factor afloat for the vessel or crew of 50%
or so, or working at sea half the time, it is still of the
same order. That last result is by itself simply amaz-
ing, and reflects the common factor of the human
involvement in HTS. We now examine the learning
hypothesis analysis again, but in some more detail.
We can use data from shipping, as it is a technologi-
cal system with human involvement that is observed
and includes both outcomes and a measure of expe-
rience. Shipping losses are an historic data source, as
insurers and mariners tracked sinkings; and the hu-
man element is the main cause of ship loss, rather
than structural defects in the ships themselves.
A large dataset exists for ship losses in the USA,
(Berman 1972). We analysed these extraordinary da-
ta files, which cover some 10,000 losses (outcomes)
over an Observation Range of nearly 200 years from
1800 to 1971. We excluded Acts of War so as to
avoid uncontrolled external influences and non
human errors. It is not known how many ships were
afloat in total, only which ones sank, and thus be-
came recorded outcomes.
A ship is built in a given year, sails for a while
accumulating experience in ship-years afloat, Sy,
Shipping Accidents
UK 1994-2004
0 20 40 60 80 100
Experience afloat, kSy
Rate/vessel, IR
Merchant vessels
Fishing vessels
MERE, IR= 0.05+0.24exp-(acckSy/7.6)
and may or may not sink. From some 10,000 ships
that were lost, we took a sample of the data only for
ships over 500 tons, chosen so that we can compare
with modern large commercial losses. In our sample
of the data there were a total (N) of 510 losses of the
From the entire set, we show one sample Obser-
vation Range in Table 1 for 1850 to 1860, selected
arbitrarily from the entire data set. For these loss
(outcome) data for 1850 to 1860, 17 ships were lost
which had accumulated 265 shipping-years (accSy)
of depth of experience before being lost. The losses,
= 17, are sparsely distributed and apparently ran-
dom, as we might expect. The entire observation set
of 1800 to 1971 can be formed by stacking these in-
cremental observations ranges together for all the
observed range and number of outcomes. But this
again is only one subset of an array that could
stretch over all recorded history, and all human ex-
perience - we just happen to not have all that data.
Table 1. Actual Ship Loss Data matrix: A sample outcome observation interval
Year 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 Sy accSy
1 0 0 0
2 1 1 4 4 2
3 1 3 7 1
4 1 4 11 1
5 0 11 0
6 1 1 12 23 2
7 0 23 0
8 0 23 0
9 0 23 0
10 1 10 33 1
11 0 33 0
12 0 33 0
13 1 13 46 1
14 0 46 0
15 0 46 0
16 0 46 0
17 0 46 0
18 0 46 0
19 1 2 57 103 3
20 1 1 40 143 2
21 0 143 0
22 0 143 0
23 0 143 0
24 0 143 0
25 0 143 0
26 0 143 0
27 1 27 170 1
28 0 170 0
29 0 170 0
30 1 30 200 1
31 1 31 231 1
32 0 231 0
33 0 231 0
34 1 34 265 1
35 0 265 0
36 0 265 0
37 0 265 0
38 0 265 0
39 0 265 0
40 0 265 0
Totals 1 2 2 3 2 2 0 1 3 1 0 265 265 17
The usual time history is given by the sum of the
losses for any given year. Thus, for any year, y,
there is a loss rate given by summing over all the
experience range of losses for that particular obser-
vation, j
range year:
(ε) (2)
Meanwhile, for a given experience, ε, the total
number of losses, N, is given by summing all the
losses over the range at a particular experience, as:
(ε) (3)
The sum of the number of Sy at any experience
interval is simply given by adding up outcomes:
Sy (ε) =
(Sy n
(ε)) (4)
Hence, the accumulated experience in accSy’s is
as shown from adding the Sy’s for all losses:
accSy =
(Sy n
(ε)) (5)
Now we can calculate the outcomes for all the en-
tire Observation Range for 1800-1971. We find the
total losses of >500 tonnes are now of course as
summed as all outcomes:
(ε) = 510 (6)
and the accumulated experience is summed over the
depth of experience:
accE = ε =
(ε) Sy) = 11,706 accSy (7)
So we have confirmed the postulate that we may
represent outcomes by a distribution of errors as a
function of experience, and where all outcomes are
equally likely.
On average, therefore, ships spent an average of
11,706/510 = 23 years afloat before sinking.
If the losses were truly random in time, then on av-
erage the chance is equal that a ship would be lost
either side of the middle of the Observation Range,
or centered on the date:
1800 + (1971 - 1800)/2 = 1885, (8)
and the loss rate distribution should follow a bino-
mial (normal) distribution. The actual distribution of
the loss rate data does just that, and data for the en-
tire Observation Range is shown in Figure 3, includ-
ing the 95% confidence bounds.
Figure 3. Loss rate fitted with a normal distribution.
The fitted loss rate distribution actually centers on
1900, and is given by:
IR(per kSy)=0.0095+0.86 exp 0.5((Y–1900)/19)
where 1 kSy = 1000 Sy.
Since the data have a normal distribution, the out-
comes are indeed randomly distributed throughout
the entire 1800-1971 Range. The standard deviation
of 19 Sy and the 95% confidence limits do actually
encompass the predicted date of 1885, within the er-
rors of the data sampling and fitting. The most prob-
able loss (outcome) rate is ~ 0.86 per 1000 Sy,
which is close to that observed today (~1per kSy) by
major loss insurers. The most probable rate has not
changed for over 200 years, and the range at 95%
confidence is 0.7 – 1 per kSy.
As to the systematic effects of ship-age, it has
been characteristic practice to have higher insurance
for older ships, implying there risk of loss is greater,
and that the outcomes (vessel sinkings, groundings,
collisions, etc.) are not random. Older vessels are
then classified as higher or greater risk. The actual
data are shown in Figure 4 for losses in excess of
500 tonnes for two outcome sets spread over two
centuries. Clearly, there is little difference between
them; and the outcomes are almost normally distrib-
uted over the life of the ships with about 40-50 years
maximum. The maximum loss fraction peak is at
about 15-20 years of ship-life.
Figure 4. Comparison of shop losses as a function of age.
USA Shipwreck History 1800-1971 (extract): Normal Distribution centered on 1900
Loss Rate (per 1000) = 0.0095 + 0.86exp(-0.5(x-1900)/19)^2)
Year of Loss
Loss Rate (IR per 1000 )
Loss Rate (IR per 1000 )
Comparative Age Distribution of Shipping Losses
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Age Range (years)
Percent of Losses (%)
UK P&I Club Profile1997
US Berman Data 1850-1971
Now in terms of the influence of accumulated ex-
perience, we may plot the loss rate per ship-year
versus the accumulated experience in accSy as
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The learning curve for shipping.
The loss rate as a function of the accumulated ex-
perience in accSy is then given by a best-fit line of
the exponential form derived for the distribution of
the total number of microstates:
+ A
A (losses per Sy) = 0.08+0.84 exp–(accSy/213) (11)
This result implies an initial loss rate many times
higher than the equilibrium value, and a minimum
rate of ~ 0.08 per Sy for those that sank. This is of
course telling us that on average the ships that sank
lasted for a depth of experience afloat of about
(1/0.08) or ~13 Sy, starting off lasting some 10 times
less (~1 Sy). It does not tell us how long the average
ship lasted, including those that were not lost, and
indeed this is irrelevant for the moment. We just
want to predict the relation between sinking rates
and ship lifetimes. On an accumulated rate basis the
predicted loss rate is now ~1 per 1000 Sy, illustrat-
ing the importance of the data sample size Observa-
tion Range for apparently random events.
Thus we have confirmed the postulates that:
a systematic learning curve exists superimposed
on the apparently random losses which we ob-
serve as outcomes;
a relevant measure for accumulated experience
and depth of experience can be found (in this case
years-afloat); and
a minimum asymptotic rate does exist, and is de-
rivable from the learning curve.
We have provided an initial analysis of importance
to the safety and environmental impact of the oil
storage and transportation industry, using publically
available USA data on oil spills, shipping losses and
pipeline accidents, not having access to the oil and
gas industry’s privately held spill database (Duffey
et al 2004).
Spills and accidents can arise in many ways e.g.:
while filling;
in storage;
during transport;
at process and transfer facilities; plus
failure of vessels and pipelines.
We would expect significant human involvement
in the design, management and operation of all these
technological activities, in the piping, pumping,
tanks, valves and operations. For handling and stor-
age of (petro) chemicals, the risk of a spill or a loss
is also dependent on the human error rate in the
transport or storage mode and the accumulated expe-
rience with the transport or storage system.
Figure 6. The oil spill learning curve
The US Coast Guard database for oil spills was
the most comprehensive we found, but is given in
the usual annual format of tables. For shipping
spills, in the oil spill database for the observation in-
terval from 1973 to 2000, we found information for
231,000 spill events for the USA, while transporting
a total of oil of nearly 68 Btoe, of which 8,700
events were spills of more than 1000 gallons. As-
suming there is pressure from the EPA, industry,
owners and others to reduce spills rates, then there is
a nominally large HTS learning opportunity. We can
easily extract the number of spills from such tables
and transform it to an experience basis (Duffey &
Saull 2008), replacing the list of numbers of out-
comes on a purely calendar year reporting basis. The
measure for the accumulated experience we took
was the total amount of oil being shipped in and out
of the USA, which is not given in or by the USGS
raw datatables. The US DOE track the oil consump-
tion information and where it comes from for purely
USA Ship Loss Data 1800-1971 (extract)
Loss rate, IR(i) (per Sy)=0.08+0.84exp-(accSy/213)
3000 6000 9000 12000 15000
Accumulated Experience, ship-years (accSy)
Loss Rate, (IR( i ) per Sy )
Loss Rate, (IR( i ) per Sy )
US Oil Spills 1972-2000
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000
Accumulated Oil Shipped, Imports+Exports, accMtoe
Spill Rate ( per Mtoe)
Tanker Spills (S/Mtoe)
Spills>1000gals (S/Mtoe)
MERE, IR (S/Mtoe)=0.018+0.4 exp-(accMtoe/21600)
Data sources:
US Coast Guard Polluting IncidentCompendium,2003;
US DOE EIA, US Trade Overview,2003
energy analysis purposes. The datatables for crude
oil and petroleum products were given in the DOE
Petroleum Overview, for 1949-2001, and the details
of the calculations we have given elsewhere (Duffey
& Saull 2008 in Chapter 8).
The summary result is shown in Figure 6, and fol-
low a clear learning curve, which is also shown fit-
ted to the data.
Now having established the learning curves and loss
rates from historical data, we have also confirmed
the results by testing the analysis against other data
for modern fleets, where losses for all ships over 500
tonnes were tracked. These include data for modern
vessels (Institute of London Underwriters 1988) for
losses greater than 500 tonnes for 1972-1998, and
for the latest (UK Protection and Indemnity Mutual
Insurance Club 2000) Major Claims data from 1976-
In these modern datasets, we also know how
many ships were afloat, but the years afloat for each
ship were not known (the converse to the Berman
dataset). The Observation Ranges were smaller (~ 25
years), but covered the world-wide total losses
which are comparable in number.
The data is shown in Figure 7, where we have the
loss rate for the ILU dataset for 1972-1998 world-
wide is given by, for some 30,000 ships afloat in any
Sy, accumulating nearly a million Sy in total, and
some 3,000 outcomes (losses) over the 26 year
+ A
A (losses per kSy) = 0.95 + 7 exp -(acckSy/600) (13)
Figure 7. Modern Ship Losses
This result shows an asymptotic or minimum loss
rate of ~ 0.95 per kS/y for losses > 500 tonnes in
1972-1998 (despite observing nearly 2 /kSy now).
We have a similar estimate for the Major Loss data,
that is greatest in terms of financial cost, which
shows a loss rate of ~1 /kSy (Pomeroy 2001), which
is a value consistent with the above analyses.
This lowest predicted minimum rate of ~ 0.95
/kSy is consistent with the most probable rate inde-
pendently derived from the data for losses only (i.e.,
0.86 ± 0.1 per kSy) for 1800-1971. Since the two da-
tasets do not overlap, meeting in 1970, and one is for
losses only in the USA and one is for all ships afloat
world-wide, we have shown that:
the minimum error rate predicted for modern
ships is close or equivalent to the most probable
loss rate for the last 200 years, which if correct
also confirms the postulate of the most probable
distribution used in deriving the microstates dis-
tribution formula;
the distribution of microstates (manifested as an
outcome rate) is apparently independent of tech-
nology or date, and is due to the dominant contri-
bution of the human element; and
the learning curve approach is consistent with the
statistical distribution of error states.
The two datasets we have studied are at first sight
quite distinct, even though both are observed and
recorded only for losses greater than 500 tonnes. The
observational intervals, the accumulated experience
and the number of outcomes are drastically different.
One set (set A) is from 1800 to 1971, and gives a
distribution of microstates for only losses for the
USA with an experience base of about 10 kSy. The
other (set B) extends that set A from 1971 to 1996,
but is for the distribution of microstates for losses of
all ships world-wide with an experience base of
nearly 1000 kSy. Therefore, the depth of experience
is quite different. The accumulated experience, Σn
, is then quite different for each set, by the same
factor of 100. Above, we have shown the learning
curve rate constants are also different, being
~ 200 Sy for set A, and ~ 600 kSy for set B, which is
a factor of ~ 3000.
So, for these Ranges, the predicted “learning rate
ratio” between experience intervals for the losses on-
ly in the USA and for the whole world fleet afloat is:
~ 30 (14)
Recall again that dataset A was for all ships afloat
world-wide, while dataset B was just for those that
ILU Data 1972-1997
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Accumulated Experience ( acckSy)
Loss Rate ( L/kSy)
ILU Loss Data 1971-1996(>500t)
MERE, IR= 0.95+ 7exp(-acckSy/600)
sank in the USA. The ratio above suggests that the
experience interval ratio of the USA losses to the
world fleet afloat is (ε
) ~ 1/30 (i.e., 3%), particu-
larly if β
~ β
To test that ratio prediction, recall also that for
the ILU data in ~ 25 years we had 3000 losses of
~ 30,000 ships afloat at any time. That is a loss rate
percentage for the whole fleet of order (3000/25) X
(100/30000) = 0.4% world-wide. But only a fraction
of the world fleet actually sailed and sank near the
USA. To determine that fraction, we sought another
random sample Observation Range of losses and
found an excellent one in the “Atlas of Ship Wrecks
and Treasure” (Pickford 1994). Now the Atlas lists
about 184 ships sunk off the East, West and Carib-
bean coasts of the USA between 1540 and 1956 out
of a listed sample world-wide of 1400 losses. That is
only a fraction of (184/1400) x 100 = 13% of the
world’s ship losses were in the waters off the USA.
We assume that fraction holds for the much later
ILU dataset, which was for all ships > 500 tons.
So if just 13% of the ships world-wide sank off
the coasts of USA, and only 0.4% of the fleet sank in
total around the world, we would have 0.4%/0.13 ~
3% as the experience interval ratio of only the USA
losses to the total world total fleet afloat. Therefore,
we have near perfect agreement versus the predicted
ratio from the theory of 3% (or a factor of 30).
Given the uncertainties in the calculations, and
the vast differences in the datasets, this degree of
agreement with the prediction seems almost seems
fortuitous and better than might be expected. But the
comparison does confirm the general approach and
indicate how to compare datasets that possess very
different experience bases.
Let us try to test another prediction: if the theory,
postulates and analogies are correct the two datasets
should both follow the trend predicted by the ULC.
We can directly compare the two learning rates for
set (A) and set (B) with their very different experi-
ence bases by using the non-dimensional formula-
tion of the ULC for correlating data, i.e.,
E* = exp-KN* (15)
We correct the learning rate constant for the USA
losses only for the ratio of ~ 30 derived above. The
actual learning curves give all the needed estimates
from the data for A
and A
, which is sufficient to
calculate E* for each microstate. We also have the
total experience, ε, necessary to derive the non-
dimensional value of N*. Strictly speaking N*
should be taken as the ratio of experience, ε, to the
experience, ε
, needed or observed to reach the min-
imum error rate, λ
, or at least the maximum experi-
ence already achieved with the system.
The comparisons of the ULCs suggested by the
theory are shown in Figure 8. We have also shown
the best-fit correlation to world data, i.e., with K ~ 3,
E* = exp-3N* (16)
Figure 8. Comparison of trends with the ULC
The value of K ~ 3 was derived from analyzing
vast datasets covering millions of error states that
included amongst other things (Duffey & Saull
2002, see Figure 1.7 in Chapter 1): USA data for
deaths in recreational boating 1960-1998; automo-
bile crashes 1966-1998; railway accidents 1975-
1999; coal mining for 1938-1998; plus South Afri-
can gold and coal mining injuries 1969-1999; UK
cardiac surgeries 1984-1999; US oil spills 1969-
2001; French latent error data 1998-1999; US com-
mercial aircraft near misses 1987-1997; and also
world pulmonary deaths for 1840-1970.
The two other lines, for the US (Berman) losses
only and ILU world shipping datasets, are given by
the MERE predictions calculated from:
E* = exp-KN* = exp - ((1 - A/A
)) (17)
A = A
+ (A
- A
and the values for k, A
and A
are derived directly
from those given by the theory and the data. The 213
Sy in the exponent is adjusted for the observational
experience interval ratio and becomes k = 213 x 30
= 6390 Sy = 6.4 kSy.
Hence, the only adjustment we have made or
needed was to correct the learning rate constant for
the differing depths of experience. We justify the
factor of ~ 30 simply to bring the experience interval
for the losses in the US only data consistently into
line with the world experience interval. The remain-
ing differences between the predictions are well
within the overall data scatter.
This method thus allows apparently quite dispar-
ate datasets to be renormalized and intercompared.
The universal learning trends are essentially the
Universal Learning Curves
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
E*= exp-3N*
MERE :US Only Loss Data 1800-1971
MERE: ILU W orld Loss Data 1971-1996
same, and we have validated the overall theoretically
predicted trend.
Thus, we have succeeded in not only getting the
two very different datasets on the same plot, but in
obtaining agreement with the world trend derived
from a wide range of totally independent data. Using
the non-dimensional variables derived from theory,
we have shown that the trends are correct. This
agreement is despite the numerical changes being
very large, by a factor of ~ 100 in the learning rate
ratio and a factor of 1000 in the accumulated experi-
ence, as we have discussed above.
Data are essential to measuring performance. Note
that the shipping error/loss rate is not affected by the
massive technology changes in shipping (from sail
to steam, from wood to steel) occurring over the last
two hundred years. Losses are dominated by human
(crew) performance. The overall loss rate (~ one per
thousand ship years afloat) enables the prediction of
loss probability, which affects both insurance costs
and classification. In addition, the learning curve
provides the probability of operational error, which
is a function of the shipping maneuver or course
transient. In principle, the analysis then provides the
likelihood of collision, grounding or near misses.
As for other industries and technologies, it would
be useful and necessary to have further data mari-
time continuously collected on actual events, and to
develop nautical performance indicators, that can be
updated continually for loss and risk assessment
purposes. Such an activity is underway for offshore
oil and gas fields in the North Sea for both mobile
and fixed facilities (Duffey & Skjerve 2008). Such
objective measures and indicators enable the pres-
ence or absence of learning trends to be discerned,
enhancing the management of risk exposure and
prediction of losses, and hence would help guide
improvements in maritime training, safety and loss
We have described a general and consistent theoreti-
cal model, however simplified it may be, which de-
scribes the rate of outcomes (losses) based on the
classic concept of learning from experience. The ap-
proach is quantifiable and testable versus the exist-
ing data and potentially able to make predictions.
We reconcile the apparently random occurrence of
outcomes (accidents and errors) with the observed
systematic trend from having a learning environ-
ment. We can now explain and predict outcomes,
like ship losses, collisions and sinkings, and their
apparently random occurrences because the human
element component is persistent and large.
We infer that risk reduction (learning) is propor-
tional to the rate of errors being made, which is de-
rived from the total number of distributions of er-
rors. We have validated the new theory, and in this
paper summarize the use of marine loss and oil spill
data as a working example. We analyzed shipping
losses over the last two hundred years, which are an
example of one such system and a rich data source
because insurers and mariners tracked sinkings.
Human error is and was the pervasive and main
cause of ship loss, rather than structural defects in
the ships themselves. The validation results support
the basic postulates, and confirm the macroscopic
ULC behavior observed for technological systems.
Our new theory offers the prediction and the
promise of determining and quantifying the influ-
ence of management, regulatory, liability, insurance,
legal and other decisions.
Berman, B.D. 1972. Encyclopaedia of American Shipwrecks,
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