on HEO satellites’ (Bekkadal, 2009). This is due to
the convenient satellite orbits of the HEO’s, cover-
ing the northern hemisphere for a large time of the
day, and a 3-satellite constellation would be suffi-
cient to provide this area with a 24/7 service. How-
ever, this needs to be further analysed both in terms
of technology and cost/performance. Such a devel-
opment would require cooperation with other coun-
tries bordering the Arctic areas, such as Russia,
Canada, Finland, Iceland, Denmark (Greenland),
Sweden and the USA, which could very well be or-
ganised under the auspices of the Arctic Council.
The coastal areas (including the Northeast and
Northwest passages) are judged to be adequately
covered by deploying terrestrial systems along the
coast - WiMAX and enhanced Digital VHF being
considered the most promising future alternatives.
However, the cost and complexity of such systems
would require a detailed study of a.o. the area’s to-
pography (Bekkadal, unpublished).
Ad hoc networks are in use today by both SAR
teams and in military operations. Ad hoc networks
do not really depend on the position on earth be-
cause the network comprises only the nodes within a
limited area. However, it would be very convenient
if the ad hoc network could be monitored from oper-
ational centres ashore, which would require a satel-
lite or terrestrial link with sufficient bandwidth and
high integrity - integrity meaning the link being
3.3 Application software (SW) tools
The Wikipedia definition of an application SW is:
“Application software is any tool that functions and
is operated by means of a computer”. Some applica-
tions could be developed to meet the challenges
posed by emergency operations in Arctic areas. The-
se applications could be used both in planning and
execution phases of the operation. An example of a
planning tool is the contingency plan, including fea-
tures such as optimum selection of rescue resources.
Examples of such resources are tugs and oil recov-
ery equipment specially designed for operations in
Arctic areas.
The need for enhanced equipment and applica-
tions on board vessels should also be considered in
facilitating improvements to the process of emer-
gency operations. Often it is a “normal” vessel that
reaches the emergency scene first, obviously not
having the same on-board equipment and applica-
tions as a SAR vessel. New requirements for a min-
imum set of Arctic SAR applications and equipment
on board vessels should be considered, which needs
of course to be combined with classification of ves-
sels. By introducing such requirements all vessels
could amply assist other vessels in distress until the
SAR team arrives.
Another issue that should be investigated is prior-
itising mechanisms on communication channels us-
age. This is especially important in the time to come
before the communication infrastructure is fully de-
veloped in the Arctic areas, which may take some
years. The prioritising mechanisms should automati-
cally provide exclusive access to sufficient commu-
nication capacity to ensure high availability and in-
tegrity of channels used by all partners involved in
the emergency operation.
Ice related applications are of course also very
important in the Arctic areas. This is the case both
during normal sailing in the Arctic areas, and during
emergency operations. Possible applications are:
− Calculations and visualisation of ship perfor-
mance in different ice conditions, which could be
used both to avoid dangerous situations during
normal seafaring, and for analysis during emer-
gency operations.
− Recognition of sea ice characteristics (compact-
ness, thickness, icebergs) by satellite images. This
is already to a certain extent used by navigators
on vessels sailing in ice-covered waters.
− Features of rare ice drift around e.g. Svalbard and
in fjords. This could also be used to enhance the
safety of a voyages in ice-covered waters, and for
analysis during emergency operations.
Some of the solutions on applications and communi-
cations proposed in the above sections should also
be considered during the development of the IMO e-
Navigation concept. The IMO has adopted the IALA
definition of e-Navigation, and it says (NAV sub-
committee, 53rd session, 2007):
“e-Navigation is the harmonised collection, integra-
tion, exchange, presentation and analysis of mari-
time information on board and ashore by electronic
means to enhance berth to berth navigation and re-
lated services, for safety and security at sea and pro-
tection of the marine environment”.
In remote areas, and especially in Arctic waters,
this concept faces extraordinary challenges. It is e.g.
difficult to collect, integrate and exchange maritime
information if there are no available communication
channels. Also, the need for special purpose e-
Navigation services in Arctic areas should be con-
sidered. The extreme navigational challenges due to
low temperatures, ice and harsh weather conditions
require more specialised services than in other more
centralized areas. E-navigation can become an im-
portant part in a future safety and security concept
for Arctic areas if these requirements are fulfilled.