The spatial representation of recorded
extraordinary events at sea in the period from January
1, 2019, to January 1, 2023, is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Locations of extraordinary events at sea (2019 -
2022). Source: Created by the author based on available data
from [14], [15], [16], [17].
To strengthen the effectiveness of the MSTI, the
MoI, and the MoD in protecting Croatia's interests in
the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea in terms of general
maritime safety and security protection of maritime
navigation, systematic updating and adaptation to
new security challenges in maritime traffic within the
jurisdiction of the National Maritime Rescue
Coordination Center is necessary.
2.5 Conceptual Analysis of Maritime Traffic of Ships,
Passengers, and Goods in Seaports
Dubrovnik, Ploče, Split, Šibenik, Zadar, and Rijeka are
ports open to international maritime traffic and are of
exceptional importance for the Croatian economy. In
Croatian ports in 2019, there were a total of 359,223
port calls by domestic and foreign (commercial,
passenger, fishing, and public) vessels (354,708 vessels
with a domestic flag and 4,515 vessels with a foreign
flag). The total cargo traffic in the ports amounted to
20,580,000 tons (domestic cargo traffic amounted to
1,531,000 tons, and international cargo traffic
19,049,000 tons). Passenger traffic in the ports
amounted to 35,576,000 passengers [6]. In 2020, there
was a significant drop in the traffic of ships and
passengers in Croatian ports caused by the COVID-19
pandemic. Table 5 shows a comparative annual
analysis of total maritime traffic of ships, cargo, and
passengers in the period from 2019 to 2022 in Croatian
Table 5. Total maritime traffic of ships, cargo, and
passengers in Croatian seaports from 2019 to 2022
2019 2020 2021 2022
359,223 249,012 310,434 342,752
2019 2020 2021 2022
20,579,588 21,410,167 21,643,517 23,606,642
2019 2020 2021 2022
35,575,936 18,786,582 27,322,367 33,833,931
Source: Created by the author based on available data from
Table 6. Clasification of ships arriving at Croatian seaports
from 2019 to 2022
TYPES OF SHIPS 2019 2020 2021 2022
Passenger ships 218.021 131.009 171.499 194.368
General cargo ships 118.332 99.614 118.205 129.259
Ribarski brodovi 17.966 14.578 16.634 14.008
Cruise ships 1.454 167 561 1.294
Tankers 783 907 974 1.048
Tow-boats 653 814 687 819
Dry bulk carriers 515 513 561 760
Container ships 463 500 419 380
Miscellenous types 610 471 531 727
Offshore production 365 350 268 6
Specialised ships 57 62 52 48
Dry cargo barges 4 27 43 35
TOTAL by number 359,223 249,012 310,434 342,752
by GT (,000 t) 404,092 309,233 373,433 428,984
Source: Created by the author based on available data from
Table 7. Maritime traffic in the Adriatic Sea - eastern part
according to the most significant seaports within the area of
jurisdiction of the harbour master’s offices of the Republic of
Croatia from 2019 to 2022.
Seaports Arrived Passenger Cargo
Ships traffic traffic
(in numbers) (in numbers) (in tons)
Pula-2019 8,972 981,751 215,375
Pula-2020 7,158 514,971 187,195
Pula-2021 8,808 923,946 174,454
Pula-2022 8,200 1,156,646 180,147
Rijeka-2019 2,221 155,378 3,355,620
Rijeka-2020 1,791 66,385 3,512,407
Rijeka-2021 2,189 87,221 4,015,018
Rijeka-2022 2,354 147,033 4,355,051
Zadar-2019 18,276 2,500,768 418,325
Zadar-2020 15,043 1,609,450 416,750
Zadar-2021 17,508 2,090,765 402,755
Zadar-2022 18,387 2,500,794 554,589
Šibenik-2019 26,353 1,058,491 283,712
Šibenik-2020 23,474 598,521 275,594
Šibenik-2021 25,104 759,600 203,494
Šibenik-2022 26,764 1,001,403 406,426
Split-2019 23,468 5,319,441 1,941,985
Split-2020 13,129 2,523,664 2,040,547
Split-2021 16,260 3,835,596 2,204,666
Split-2022 19,934 4,986,819 2,405,600
Ploče-2019 2,281 384,198 3,506,554
Ploče-2020 2,061 286,865 2,541,001
Ploče-2021 2,189 382,343 3,922,911
Ploče-2022 2,247 239,938 5,415,553
Dubrovnik-2019 36,130 3,141,083 20,857
Dubrovnik-2020 17,256 676,934 12,249
Dubrovnik-2021 25,715 1,297,947 48,499
Dubrovnik-2022 36,344 2,451,419 10,280
Source: Created by the author based on available data from
By analyzing the data presented in Table 5, it can
be concluded that the evident decrease in the number
of arriving ships and passengers in 2020 compared to
2019 was undoubtedly influenced by the COVID-19
pandemic. Table 6 shows a classification of ships that
entered the Croatian seaports in the period from 2019
to 2022. By analyzing the data, it can be concluded
that the highest number of arrivals in Croatian
seaports was recorded in 2019. When classified by
gross tonnage (hereinafter: GT), the highest number of
ships entered the Croatian seaports in 2022. When
categorized by different types of ships, the most