Throughout the history of humanity, technology has
played an essential role in the development of society,
since largely progress is based on the invention of
procedures that solve more or less complex problems
for their practical implementation to everyday reality.
The speed is such with that presently there arise new
skills or technologies that sometimes it is to us
difficult to assimilate that the most daily processes of
our life and work work thanks to others much more
complex that they are not visible to simple sight.
The sector concerned, the maritime sector, in
recent years has seen how many of its electronic
navigation and communications equipment have
gone from working as independent units to doing it
together, that is, to send their own information to
some and to receive from others, so that all share
useful data by improving the electronic navigation
and communications system.
This innovation project aims to make visible to the
radio-engineering learner the internal
communications that take place in a continuous way
on a wheelhouse between the different equipment
using electronic devices that are easily accessible both
for their low cost and for their availability on the
market. In this way, in addition to demonstrating to
the student complex theoretical concepts explained in
class, it is intended to arouse the interest of the
students to innovate and experiment on their own and
in a particular way, making them partners of their
own formation.
There is a practice of receiving the 87B and 88B
channels [9] of the Maritime Mobile Service VHF band
that have been assigned to the automatic
identification system or AIS[7], to subsequently
extract the information contained therein in
NMEA[13,14,14] format and its subsequent use in a
ECDIS[6] or information and visualization of ENC. In
addition, the same practice allows the creation of
Demonstrative Method Between Theoretical Concepts
and Their Application to the Real Environment: Internal
R.E. Rey-Charlo
Cádiz University, Cádiz, Spain
ABSTRACT: This paper provides a demonstrative method between theoretical and practical concept for
understanding NMEA lines. This research arises from a teaching innovation project called "NMEA Protocol:
from theory to practice in internal communications" whose objective is to analyze and give visibility to radio
engineering students, in a practical, simple and real way, complex concepts present in internal communications
on board. These allow the transmission; reception and processing of information shared by the radio and
navigation teams of a wheelhouse. The challenge will be met using easily accessible electronic devices both for
their low cost and for their availability on the market. The results indicate that it is possible to demonstrate to
the student complex theoretical concepts explained in class, in part has aroused the interest of them to innovate
and experiment on their own and in a particular way, making them partners of their own formation.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.23
"false" information that the same ECDIS system will
represent without detecting its origin or truthfulness.
During the presentation of the practice, it is
desirable to include certain technical explanations
about the devices used in it and even about others
that may be employed for the same purpose, since it is
possible to achieve the same result with some
flexibility as will be seen later.
In order to understand the information shared by
equipment such as GPS, AIS, ECDIS, etc. in a more or
less unknown way, it is necessary to know the
standard NMEA 0183. So it is recommended to read
the standard IEC 61162-1[20] and IEC 61162-2[21]
where the electrical characteristics are specified, type
of wiring, connection, and composition of statements
that each computer is able to share.
Obtaining the valid information intended to be
shared will be obtained in practice by using a
transceiver VHF marine that has been intentionally
removed from the amplifier or final power step, thus
avoiding the possibility of accidentally disturbing the
radio spectrum since we are very close to the coast
and a maritime traffic control center. This proximity
will allow you to receive AIS information on time.
The information we will extract from the VHF
marine will be in the form of an audio signal, as we
will use a disused VHF receiver designed for
radiotelephony and not for receiving digital data.
However, knowing the operation of this equipment it
is possible to adapt it for our practice in a more or less
simple way.
Once the audio signal is obtained, it is necessary to
extract the digital information contained in it by using
Shareware or Freeware software and a personal
computer. The information the software will provide
will now be in NMEA sentence form and will contain:
Static data (name, caller sign, MMSI [8], etc.),
Dynamics (position, speed, course, navigation
status, etc.),
And those relating to the voyage (length, sleeve,
draught, port of destination, etc.) of the ship that
transmitted them,
Of the information of stations based on land and of
the digital aids to navigation or AtoN, etc.
All the information obtained in real time is now
possible to represent it on a navigation software or
ENC, thus providing a panoramic view of the ships
around us. At this point, it is important to understand
that what is represented comes from radio signals
over which we have not had any control, that is, what
has been received has been interpreted and therefore
if the information received has been misrepresented at
source the system will not detect it and give it as
The practice thus proposed would work perfectly
as a basic demonstrator of an ECDIS system, but the
main objective proposed is to share digital signal
frames in NMEA format to all navigation equipment
requiring it on a wheelhouse.
To be able to share internally all the information
previously received in the form of NMEA sentences,
USB converters to RS422 or RS485[16] will be used,
allowing several computers to access the same
information, that is, to have access to an internal
communication system that is beyond the reach and
manipulation of the equipment operator. The purpose
of using converters is to show radio-engineering
students the way digital information is shared on a
3.1 Skanti radiotelephone VHF3000
For reception in the channels 87B and 88B in VHF
assigned to the AIS system we will use a model Skanti
transceiver VHF3000, capable of receiving in the
channels of maritime communications assigned to the
maritime mobile service. It should be said that the
Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility no
longer approve this equipment for installation on
board, but for our purpose, it is perfectly valid.
Figure 1. Skanti radiotelephone VHF3000
Knowing the basic design of this type of receiver,
its block diagram, and having the scheme of the actual
equipment, it is possible to locate the exact point
where it is feasible to extract the demodulated or
detected signal that interests us for practice. As a
relatively modern piece of equipment, it makes use of
integrated circuits that perform several functions in a
single element. In our case and studying the electronic
diagram, we can observe that the received radio
frequency signal is treated in its entirety in the
integrated circuit KA3361 [12], conceived almost as a
complete receiver. The datasheet of the KA3361
reports the elements that compose it at the internal
level, including oscillator, mixer, FI amplifier, square
discriminator and filter, that is, it is the soul of the
receiver and therefore the signal that we are interested
in can be found in the number 9 of the said integrated
circuit. This pin is called "Recovered audio" as we can
see in its datasheet.
Knowing also that our marine transceiver has been
designed to detect the modes of emission [9] F3E
and/or G3E. Moreover, that the modulation employed
by AIS transceivers in a variant thereof. It is perfectly
feasible to conclude that the information included in
the frequencies received will be present in the audio
signal obtained from track 9 of the circuit KA3361.
Figure 2 Pinout KA3361
Figure 3. Signal present on pin 9 of KA3361
3.2 Software Shareware ShipPlotter
To be able to extract the information we need from the
transmissions received in real time it is necessary to
use some software capable of analyzing the audio
signal previously obtained and transform its
frequency variations into "0" and "1" logical.
Figure 4. Software shareware ShipPlotter
We have opted for the testing software ShipPlotter
[5] for this arduous work. The function therefore is to
analyze the audio signal that arrives, the detection of
the frequency changes present in it, the
transformation of these into binary states and the
grouping of the "0" and "1" into frames that comply
with the NMEA0183 standard. In addition, the
program also allows the dissemination of digitized
information through different communication ports to
other devices.
In our practice, we will opt for a serial port as
output for dissemination of the NMEA information
obtained as well.
For a better understanding of the information
ShipPlotter sends to other devices, it is convenient
and advisable to know how AIS information
sentences are structured, so reading ITU-R M.1371
[10] is recommended.
3.3 USB to Serial Converter
The great versatility of USB ports has led the vast
majority of PC manufacturers to choose to include
these to the detriment of other traditional ones as RS-
232[16] was until a few years ago in its 9-pin and 25-
pin versions. For our practice, and because marine
electronics mainly employ NMEA 0183 series
connections compatible with the RS-422 and RS-485
standard, we will employ a USB converter capable of
emulating the 422 and 485 standards. This allows you
to send previously obtained information sentences
using ShipPlotter software to another PC emulating
an ECDIS, as performed on a wheelhouse.
In practice, two USB to SERIAL converters will be
used. The model chosen for this end bases on the
integrated circuit PL2303[18] capably of turning the
digital information of a port USB into digital
information compatible with the standard RS-422
extensively used in the marine electronics.
Figure 5. USB to Serial Converter
The device, once installed on the PC, will
transform the occupied USB port into another serial
port RS-422/485 with differential outputs Tx +, Tx-, Rx
+ and Rx-
Figure 6. USB converter
The use of two identical converter devices will
allow two PCs to be connected as intended by
practice, one of which can be understood to act as
transmitter or talker and the other as receiver or
listener in the same way as marine equipment.
3.4 Software Shareware OpenCPN
For representing of visual form, the received and
decoded information one will make use of the free
software OpenCPN [17]. Designed as a navigation
planner capable of displaying nautical charts on
which the information that said software reads
through different routes of entry overlaps, whether
TCP, UDP GPSD, SIGNAL K or serial network
connections as in our case.
Figure 7. Software shareware OpenCPN
The same software that acts as receiver or listener,
allows monitoring the NMEA sentences that reach
you through the different serial ports, to represent the
information of them on a nautical chart for
interpretation by the pilot.
The same NMEA debug window allows the radio-
engineering student to observe some of the 26
different types of messages that are transmitted
according to the ITU-R M.1371.
For example, an NMEA debug screen has been
captured on the listener or PC 2 with OpenCPN
installed, where information from the talker computer
or PC 1 with ShipPlotter installed is observed.
Figure 8. NMEA debug screen
Although it is difficult to read and understand an
AIS-type NMEA sentence in plain view. The utility
allows the student to copy one of them and extract
their information on one of the many free websites
that do so, in addition to being able to employ specific
software that marine equipment manufacturers
provide, as is the case with Actisense NMEA Reader
[1]. As an example, we have chosen to copy one of the
many sentences received and after decoding it, we
observe the different parameters that make it up and
that fit the aforementioned ITU-R M.1371.
Figure 9. NMEA sentence
Reading at a glance, we can know that the sentence
corresponds to an AIS type message from an external
station (AIVDM). With a total number of 1 single
sentences (AIVDM, 1) transmitted to include the
information, that the sentences in question is the first
of a total of 1 (AIVDM, 1, 1) and finally that was
received in the channel AIS A (AIVDM, 1, 1, A). The
rest of the data included are much more complicated
to read in plain sight, as unlike the usual NMEA
sentences that employ ASCII[2] encoding, the ones
used in the AIS system employ a 6-bit binary
encoding due to the large data content they must
include. This is why it is necessary and convenient to
use the specific software mentioned above. This
particular NMEA plot or sentences corresponds to a
programmed position report from the Sailing Aid
(AtoN) Castillo de San Sebastian with MMSI
992242123 and placed in the nautical chart at 36º
31.6999 'N and 6º 18.9700' W. etc.
Figure 10. AtoN Castillo de San Sebastian
3.5 Promax oscilloscope OD-606[19]
Although it is possible to obtain good results without
any electronic instrumentation, it is very convenient
to use the oscilloscope to visualize the signals shared
by the talker team with the listener. In this way, it is
easier for the radio learner to observe in situ;
The immunity against noise that they have on
digital information the use of different connection
The tensions present in the data lines of each of
The logic they employ etc.
However, always taking into account that in
marine electronics differential transmission
predominates in relation to NMEA information,
which they will deal with in their professional lives if
they engage in the world of repairs and maintenance.
In the course of the practice, talker and listener
were first connected by parallel cables independent of
type 24AWG[4] and the presence of a small
interference signal at both high and low levels of the
NMEA signal was clearly observed by intentionally
turning on and off a second portable VHF marine
Figure 11. Noise on NMEA signal
Later it was used in the UTP braided cable
connection of type IEC11801 [3] consisting of four
pairs braided without screen and with a length of
approximately 10 m.
Figure 12. Clear NMEA signal
Only 1 pair was used in the connection, and the
same signal could be clearly observed without
appreciable interference, even repeating the process of
turning the second receiver on and off as in the
previous case.
During the development of the practice was also
proceeded to visualize the same NMEA information
at the output of a port RS232 that is, using another
standard. This second observation in the oscilloscope
helps to understand the pupil that even existing the
same information in a port RS232, this one presents
levels of particular tensions of the same one and that
they do not have why to be an equivalent to that of
other standards used in the marine electronics,
comprising the incompatibility between them.
Figure 13. Level signal RS232
This way helps to understanding the concepts,
graphs and values explained in classes in a very
theoretical way and that sometimes lead to be
assimilated by radio engineering students as true acts
of faith, when their practical demonstration is simple.
Figure 14. Voltage on RS232
Transforming one or two personal computers into an
ECDIS system, where we can see in real time the fleet
that sails near our coast, it is undoubtedly the most
eye-catching thing in practice. Although finally the
students will be shown that they can obtain the same
final result without needing several of the elements
used in the laboratory, in order to awaken their
interest in self-learning as they can carry it out alone
and at home as curiosity.
Figure 15. Assembling the practice
First, in the laboratory we will use a VHF
transceiver conditioning for our purpose, two USB
converters to RS422 or RS485 and two PCs with the
necessary software.
Our adapted VHF receiver will be responsible for
capturing signals transmitted from ships, base
stations, radio stations etc. and providing them to the
first PC in audio form.
This first PC will act as a talker, once it treats the
signal using the software provided for this purpose
and converts it to NMEA digital signal, as it will send
it abroad using the USB converter to RS422/RS485
configured in transmitter mode.
The second USB converter to RS422/RS485
configured as receiver will be responsible for
receiving NMEA information from the first, to feed
data to the second PC. This second PC will act as a
listener; by using the information, it receives from the
talker for a certain use, which in our case is to
represent it on a digital nautical chart or ENC as
As soon as we install ShipPlotter software on the
first PC along with USB converter drivers to
RS422/485 in transmitter mode. We will continue
installing OpenCPN on the second PC along with the
drivers of the USB to RS422/485 converter in receiver
mode. Moreover, will only subtract making the
necessary physical connections on the converters and
turning on our marine VHF receiver on one of the AIS
The physical connections required are as described
Table 1. Physical connections
Data Connection
USB to RS422/RS485 USB to RS422/RS485
Transmitter/Talker Receptor/Listener
Tx+ Rx+
Tx- Rx-
Rx+ Tx+
Rx- Tx-
Related for two-way communication
Audio connection
Dedicated Audio Output Microphone Input
At this point only the VHF needs to be turned on
in any of the AIS channels (87B or 88B), and the SQL
or SQUELCH function can be used to silence the
annoying audio of the speaker, since what you will
hear will be unpleasant pulses of noise. We will be
able to make use of this function thanks to the fact
that in the adaptation of the transceiver VHF we take
the audio exit straight from the proper integrated
circuit detector KA3361. Therefore, it will only affect
to the audio of the loudspeaker of the team and not to
the dedicated exit that the PC1 uses decoder or talker.
We will connect the dedicated audio output from
the transceiver, and to which we weld on its end a
Jack 3.5 mono connector, to the microphone input of
the PC1 or talker.
We will patiently wait a few seconds. If near our
receiver there are AIS transmissions, we will be able
to observe how information about the static data
appears on the ENC of the PC2 or listener, dynamic
and crossing of the ships around us, of the stations
based on land and of course of the aids to the
Here are some interesting screenshots showing the
good results of the practice.
Figure16. Screenshots
We see how the audio signal injected into the
talker is analyzed and decoded, transmitting it to
listener via port 2 to 4800 baud, but no longer as audio
but as signal converted to NMEA protocol.
The talker port 2 in turn connects with the listener
port 3 at the same speed of 4800 baud, because if both
ports do not work at the same speed they cannot be
"understood." The information received by this port is
interpreted as incoming information using the
protocol NMEA0183 and will be used according to the
function programmed in the listener.
We see in the image that OpenCPN also allows
using the port as an information repeater to other
Figure 17. Port configuration on OpenCPN.
The NMEA information that is received (and
transmitted) in the listener can be monitored in real
time thanks to a debug window. This utility allows
extracting certain sentences, or all of them, for further
study and understanding and even for archiving in a
file that may later be used for other purposes.
Information sentence can be represented in
different ways, one of them being a radar screen
simulation, but always remembering that it is
simulation and not a real radar, because the principle
of operation of a real radar is completely different.
Figure 18. Sentences monitored by OpenCPN.
Figure 19. Radar screen simulation
The same information is mainly represented on an
ENC where they will be observed, ship, base stations,
etc., which transmit AIS information.
As these are repetitive transmissions, the
representation on a chart also allows showing the
defeats maintained by the ships in route, as well as
static data etc. that ultimately provides very useful
visual information to the pilots and centers of marine
traffic coastal
Figure 20. Representation on a Chart
We will show below several screenshots, carried
out in different days and hours, you can observe the
situation of maritime traffic in the bay of Cadiz at
each of those moments
Figure 21. AIS target list.
Figure 22. AIS target list, Chart and RADAR simulation
Figure 23. RADAR simulation screen
Figure 24. AIS target information, Chart and NMEA
Figure 27. AIS target information, Chart and trail
The proposed practices on the exchange of
information in internal communications can be used
as a demonstrative alternative to understand their
theory. This idea makes it possible to deduce how
computers share information within an integrated
navigation system.
The practice developed can be seen as the
preamble to successive more explanatory and
profound practices. Where a wide variety of devices
will be provided.
Therefore, the students, by giving visualization to
the theory by the implementation of these practices,
have been able to pave the way for understanding.
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