1.1 Context Objective Key Considerations
The maritime industry is rapidly evolving with the
advent of new technologies. Main objective is discuss
how the maritime education sector can adapt and
respond effectively to technological changes. Key
considerations cover balance between traditional
maritime skills and the integration of new technology
in education.
1.2 The Maritime Industry's Importance
The maritime sector is essential for global trade,
responsible for transporting around 90% of the
world’s goods. With technological advancements, this
industry is evolving to become more efficient, safer,
and environmentally friendly.
Objective is:
to examine how the maritime education sector is
adapting to the evolving demands brought about
by new technologies, particularly in Maritime
Technology Development,
to explore how a balanced approach can prepare
professionals for a rapidly changing industry
while preserving traditional expertise.
We must realize that we solve the following
problems [Weintrit, 2024a]:
skill gaps:
Sustainable Reaction of the Maritime Education Sector
to Marine Technology Development including
Autonomous Surface Shipping
A. Weintrit
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: In the last two, three decades we can observe revolutionary development of technology, including
global shipping industry. The Author, as the chairman of the Poland Branch of The Nautical Institute, a member
of several expert groups of International Maritime Organization (IMO), rector of Gdynia Maritime University,
one of the leading Maritime Education and Training (MET) institutions in the World, as well as the chair of
the International Association of Maritime University (IAMU), tries to discuss how the maritime education sector
can adapt and respond effectively to technological development, including Maritime Autonomous Surface
Shipping (MASS). Key considerations cover a balance between traditional maritime skills and the integration of
new technology in education. New technology requires digital literacy and advanced system management. Shift
is needed from manual operations to supervisory roles over automated systems. Automation may reduce
demand for traditional seafaring roles but create new tech-based roles. Legal frameworks and certifications
need to catch up with tech developments. The author argues that a balanced approach is needed, combining
new technological education with traditional maritime skills. The education sector must be proactive, working
closely with industry to stay up to date. Preparing the workforce for hybrid roles is essential for the future of
the maritime industry.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.20
New technology requires digital literacy and
advanced system management,
Shift from manual operations to supervisory
roles over automated systems;
job displacement:
Automation may reduce demand for traditional
seafaring roles but create new tech-based roles;
regulatory lag:
Legal frameworks and certifications need to
catch up with tech developments.
1.3 Anticipating the Future-Skills and Certification
Current transitions lead to evolving skill sets and
certifications needed for the future of maritime
professionals [Weintrit, 2024b].
Experts from maritime education, regulatory
bodies, and certification authorities should begin a
broad discussion on updating training programs to
meet technological advancements and sustainability
goals as well as the need for international alignment
on certification standards to ensure a skilled, globally
competitive workforce.
According to International Maritime Organization
World Maritime Theme 2024 is "Navigating the
Future: Safety First!".
If we are talking about the future the most
important is the time horizon: the situation next year,
in 5 years, 10 years, or an unspecified future.
2.1 What Does the Future Hold for Shipping?
In 2023 the Author has been noticed seven
magnificent trends in international shipping [Weintrit,
Alternative Marine Fuels (LNG, Hydrogen, etc.);
Green Propulsion (e.g. Wind, Solar);
Smart Shipping Technologies:
Internet of Things (IoT) applications, advanced
sensors, and big data for real-time operational
Predictive maintenance to prevent mechanical
failures, 3D printing;
Digitalization (e.g. Electronic Charts/ECDIS);
e-Navigation, and
Autonomous Ships.
Figure 1. The most important question: Are e-Navigation
and Autonomous Navigation heading in the same
direction? Really? Are you sure?
2.2 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
Decarbonization and Sustainable Energy in Maritime
Commercial shipping is committed to using
renewable or alternative fuels to reduce the industry’s
current environmental impact. Shipping experts
suggest the need to change the fuel on ships for two
main reasons: to reduce pollution to meet
requirements, and to reduce climate change and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
2.3 Copying “Tri-Transformation" of International
On 8th July 2024 there was organized in Shanghai
DSH International Shipping Innovation Conference in
Shanghai themed Digitalization and
Decarbonization: Empowering Shipping for a Shared
Future” The DSH Conference:
aimed to seize new opportunities in the global
shipping industry's digitalization,
intelligentization, and decarbonization
transformation “Tri-Transformation" of
International Shipping,
accelerate the filling of gaps in high-end shipping
services, and
enhance global allocation capabilities of shipping
Figure 2. What does the future hold for shipping?
Technology development, digitalization, intelligentization
and decarbonization inevitably lead to autonomy of
international shipping
2.4 Comparison of Both Lists
Comparing these two sets from items 2.1 and 2.3 we
can see that the Chinese and Polish observations are
almost identical. Well, after all, alternative marine
fuels and green propulsion are nothing more than a
decarbonisation. Smart shipping technologies,
digitalization (e.g. Electronic Charts / ECDIS), GNSS /
PNT, and e-Navigation it is more less digitalization.
As the maritime sector continues to digitalise,
actionable intelligence matters to maritime
professionals more than ever. Various Digital
Patforms are a comprehensive collections of tools that
enhance data comprehension, driving performance,
profitability and progress, while assisting with
decision-making and reducing risk.
And finally e-Navigation and autonomous
shipping it is intelligentization.
Figure 3. Comparison Chinese and Polish observations on
future of shipping [Weintrit, 2024a]
2.5 Current Marine Technology Developments
Technology is present in almost every sphere of
human life; it is also present in the shipping industry.
Smart ships and autonomous technologies are
examples of solutions used in the modern maritime
Improvements in ship construction (megaships),
advanced materials, smart shipping, propulsion,
robotics, big data and sensors are making it easier to
work in the waters of the Earth. Companies and
marine engineers should be aware of these
technologies to improve their workforce.
With technological advances, the maritime sector
can be safer for the environment and continue to
decide on the escalation of the global market.
The following technologies are in focus:
Automation in vessel operations;
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in
Digital twins and real-time monitoring systems;
Advances in sustainable energy (e.g.,
electric/hybrid vessels);
We can observe the trends on increased reliance on
data analytics, remote operations, and autonomous
ships [Weintrit, 2021].
Figure 4. Is such parallel, simultaneous and mutually
complementary progress of two very different approaches
to technology development: e-Navigation and Autonomous
Navigation, even possible? [Weintrit, 2024a]
2.6 Expanding Navigation Application, Empowering the
Future of Humanity
The 17th IAIN World Congress 2024 organized by
China Institute of Navigation (CIN) from October 28
to 30, 2024 in Beijing, with the theme of “Expanding
Navigation Application; Empowering the Future of
Humanity” was to share and discuss the knowledge,
opinions and technical navigation issues all over the
world. It has been noticed, among other things, that
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping humanity's
future, and the Conference like this provides a
comprehensive exploration of its implications,
applications, challenges, and opportunities. The
revolutionary potential of AI is investigated across
numerous sectors, with a focus on addressing global
concerns. The influence of AI on areas such as marine
transportation, navigation applications and maritime
education was revealed through insights and
conversations on different AI systems in global
shipping. Ethical considerations and the significance
of responsible AI development were addressed.
Furthermore, provided discussions investigated AI's
involvement in addressing global issues such as
climate change, safety and security. The conclusions
will serve as a resource for policymakers, researchers,
and practitioners understanding the complex link
between AI and humans.
3.1 Maritime Education and Training (MET)
As modern shipping becomes more sophisticated,
highly skilled seafarers are as essential today as ever.
Despite modern means of communication, ships’
crews must still be able to diagnose faults, so a
minimum global standard of competence for all
shipboard personnel is essential. Provided by the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO), this
framework is known as the Standards for Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW).
To facilitate and standardize maritime training, the
IMO has developed other tools:
IMO Model Courses are designed to help
implement the STCW Convention and, further, to
facilitate access to the knowledge and skills
demanded by increasingly sophisticated maritime
technology. Maritime institutes and their
teaching staff can use them in organizing and
introducing new courses or in enhancing, updating
or supplementing existing training material;
IMO e-Learning. IMO has developed a number of
e-Learning courses with the purpose of increasing
the capacity of Member States to effectively
implement IMO instruments.
The manual published by The Nautical Institute
regarding maritime education and training is still
worth recommending [Syms, 1997].
3.2 STCW Convention and Its Milestones
The International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW), 1978, was adopted by the
International Conference on Training and
Certification of Seafarers on 7 July 1978 with major
revisions in 1995 and 2010.
The 1978 STCW Convention entered into force on
28 April 1984. Since then, amendments thereto have
been adopted in 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2004,
2006, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018.
Figure 5. The IMO Milestones in STCW adoption [Weintrit,
A comprehensive review of the STCW Convention
and Code is currently underway. Unfortunately, due
to the dynamic technological progress, the text of the
convention, once adopted, becomes outdated almost
immediately with subsequent amendments.
Figure 6. The subsequent versions of the STCW convention
text are like a photo snapshot of the current state of
technological development [Weintrit, 2023]
Therefore, there is a need for continuous revision
of the Convention with constant changes and
additions to the text or a general change of the
previous approach. The Convention could contain
only the main framework, and other documents,
updated on an ongoing basis, would contain detailed
requirements and explanations
3.3 Active Cooperation between IAMU and IMO
The IMO strategy outlines four key areas that IMO
will focus its efforts over the decade from 2021 to
2030, which comprises the following four work
streams (WS) [IMO, 2021]:
WS 1 - Reform and streamline IMO's internal
organization for delivery of technical assistance;
WS 2 - Support Member States in maritime
WS 3 - Enhance the Regional Presence Office
(RPO) Scheme; and
WS 4 - Strengthen the global training and
development network.
In 2023, the IAMU submitted a document to the
IMO [IAMU, 2023] outlining the IAMU’s commitment
and capacity to work with the IMO in achieving the
objectives of the Capacity-Building Decade Strategy
2021-2030. In this document, the IAMU outlines the
activities undertaken by the International Association
of Maritime Universities (IAMU) and highlights the
Association’s support for Assembly resolution
A.1166(32) [IMO, 2021] and its commitment and
capacity to partner with the IMO to achieve the
objectives of this long-term strategy.
The International Association of Maritime
Universities (IAMU) was founded as a not-for-profit
organization in 1999, with a shared recognition of the
significance of maritime education and training in the
context of the rapid globalization of international
shipping. IAMU aims to be the global leader in
maritime capacity-building through networking and
excellence in maritime education and training as well
as research in that field. The Author have a honour to
be chair of IAMU in term 2023-2025.
To accomplish its mission, IAMU has implemented
several academic research and developmental projects
and activities to reinforce the global network of
member universities and to promote capacity-
building for the sustainable supply of qualified
maritime personnel, both on ships and shore,
including academic staff at maritime universities.
To set out a common target/goal regarding the
outcomes of education, training and research
emanating from member universities, IAMU has
sought to formulate a vision for a Global Maritime
Professional (GMP). The GMP Initiative is intended to
meet the envisaged needs of industry and a rapidly
evolving educational and career context while
catering for the professional development aspiration
of individual seafarers.
To address the educational needs IAMU analysed
key professional and academic knowledge, skills and
attitudes, set out a number of broad Intended
Learning Outcomes, as input to curriculum
development in all member universities. IAMU,
through the GMP Initiative and other efforts,
consistently emphasizes sustainable development in
maritime education and training, particularly at the
level of tertiary (higher) education. This focus
acknowledges the current transitional phase heavily
influenced by the rapid advancements in digital
technology and further requirements for
decarbonization, including the adoption of alternative
fuels on ships.
To inspire the younger generation to pursue
careers in GMP and to create a network of well-
informed young maritime professionals, IAMU and
IMO jointly organized the "IAMU Student Forum" at
IMO Headquarters in 2017 and 2023 in which
students from member universities discussed
contemporary issues relating to maritime affairs with
facilitators drawn from the academic staff of IAMU
member universities as well as maritime experts from
the international shipping industry.
Figure 7. Active cooperation between IAMU and IMO
IAMU Student Forum 2023 in the IMO headquarter
[Weintrit, 2023]
IAMU's member universities fully recognize that
the sustainable supply of qualified academic staff,
who are key to the education and training of students
aiming to be a GMP, is a crucial factor for the
sustainable development of maritime education and
training at the tertiary/higher level of education. Such
academic staff need higher academic qualifications,
including research capacity, as well as practical
knowledge and experience as officers on the
management level.
3.4 Challenges for the Maritime Workforce
There are growing skills gaps among today’s
seafarers. New technology requires digital literacy
and advanced systems management. There is a need
to move from manual operations to supervisory roles
over automated systems.
Due to the appearance of concept of Maritime
Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) and the
commencement of legislative work in this area by the
IMO, it is not difficult to predict the need to change
the workplace, initially of some and ultimately of all
today's seafarers. Automation may reduce the
demand for traditional maritime roles, but it may also
create new roles based on new technologies.
Regulatory lags are becoming increasingly apparent.
Legal frameworks and certification frameworks must
absolutely keep up with technological developments.
This is the need of the hour.
3.5 Degrees of Autonomy According to IMO
The degrees of autonomy identified by IMO experts
are the following [IMO, 2024]:
Degree one: Ship with automated processes and
decision support. Seafarers are on board to operate
and control shipboard systems and functions.
Some operations may be automated and at times
be unsupervised but with seafarers on board ready
to take control.
Degree two: Remotely controlled ship with
seafarers on board. The ship is controlled and
operated from another location. Seafarers are
available on board to take control and to operate
the shipboard systems and functions.
Degree three: Remotely controlled ship without
seafarers on board: The ship is controlled and
operated from another location. There are no
seafarers on board.
Degree four: Fully autonomous ship: The
operating system of the ship is able to make
decisions and determine actions by itself.
3.6 Response of the Maritime Education Sector
All of these previously outlined changes, and
especially the advanced work on MASS, require a
strong response from the maritime education sector in
the form of:
Evolution of the curriculum:
Inclusion of activities in the field of digital
navigation, AI, data management and
Hands-on training in simulators and
technology applications.
Blended learning: combining advanced skills
(sailing, navigation) with technical courses
(robotics, AI and automation).
It is necessary to develop not only new training
courses with brain new and fresh curriculum, but also
new certificates. It is necessary to use of new
certificates and certificates for emerging technologies.
3.7 Balancing Traditional and Modern Training
There is a clear need to balance traditional and
modern training through:
Soft skills: leadership, teamwork, and decision-
making remain key, especially in emergency
Technical expertise: the need to balance
understanding of both traditional and advanced
navigation systems.
Practical experience: using simulators and
technology labs to provide immersive learning
environments, including virtual reality (VR).
Keeping the balance between theory and practice.
3.8 Collaborative Partnerships
There is a need for partnerships that include:
Academic Collaboration partnership between
maritime universities/academies;
Partnerships with marine technology companies to
update curricula and internships;
Ongoing research collaborations to explore real-
world marine applications;
Cross-sector dialogue - engage industry leaders
and regulators to ensure alignment between
education and real-world requirements.
3.9 Infrastructure and Investment Needs
Meeting infrastructure and investment needs will be
Facility modernization: investments in simulation
technologies, updated labs, and smart classrooms
are needed.
Train instructors: upskill teachers to teach new
technologies and digital tools.
Cost and resource allocation: balancing budgets
between traditional educational needs and new
technology-related infrastructure.
3.10 Future Outlook for Maritime Careers
What are the prospects for future careers in the
maritime sector? This needs to be anticipated today. It
will not be easy at all, given the constant development
of modern technologies. However, it is certainly
necessary to focus on at least:
Hybrid roles: graduates will need to have both
traditional maritime skills and modern
New career paths:
Cybersecurity for the maritime sector,
Remote operations managers for autonomous
Marine data analysts and artificial intelligence
Sustainability and green technologies: growing
emphasis on environmentally friendly practices,
leading to new roles in energy efficiency and
environmental compliance.
We must realize that in the more or less distant
future none of today's navigators, mechanics and
electricians will work in their learned profession.
3.11 World Economic Forum Report
The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023
report [WEF, 2023] finds analytical thinking, creative
thinking and AI and big data will be top in-demand
skills by 2027. The report covers the entire job market,
not just the maritime sector. Leadership and social
influence and curiosity and lifelong learning are
among other skills expected to see growing demand.
Six in 10 workers will require training before 2027, but
only half of workers are seen to have access to
adequate training opportunities, according to the
Figure 8. Top 10 skills in 2023 in job market, according to
World Economic Forum Future of Job Report 2023 [WEF,
Figure 9. Top 10 skills on rise in 2023, according to World
Economic Forum Future of Job Report 2023 [WEF, 2023]
It is clear that the maritime sector is not a unique
job market. The anticipated changes in global
shipping apply to a similar extent to the entire
spectrum of current jobs, both at sea and on land as
Constant observation of technological progress,
especially in marine applications, is needed. Marine
universities should constantly analyse and update
their didactic offer and teaching programs, adapting
them to technological progress along with the
changing international standards. Close and active
cooperation between marine universities associated
under the International Association of Maritime
University (IAMU) is needed. Close cooperation
between IMO (MSC/HTW) and IAMU is needed. A
continuous revision of the STCW Convention is
needed and the publication of a new versions of it
every 10 years, as previously promised. The
Convention could contain only the main framework,
and other documents, updated on an ongoing basis,
would contain detailed requirements and
The key takeaways that must be taken into account
in the present and future work:
A balanced approach is needed, blending new
technology education with traditional maritime
The education sector must be proactive, working
closely with industry to stay current;
Preparing the workforce for hybrid roles is
essential for the future of the maritime industry;
Overview of current certification standards (e.g.,
Anticipated changes in certification requirements
due to emerging technologies and practices;
The role of continuous professional development
and lifelong learning.
A what is most important just now - I the Author
opinion we should urgently start working on a new
convention on training future autonomous ship
operators by analogy to International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) - International
Convention on Standards of Training, Certification
and Watchkeeping for Operators of Maritime
Autonomous Surface Vessels (STCW-MASS)
[Weintrit, 2023, 2024a]. We don't have time for
pointless discussions. We need to set didactic goals
and implement them urgently.
If the automated unmanned ships come to reality,
the market will comprise of both manned and
unmanned ships. Depending on the ship, the revenue
and operating expenses will be different as well as the
freight rates. Even if the freight rates remain the same,
the owner of the unmanned ship will be in an
advantageous position as their operating profit would
be much higher in comparison to the same freight on
a standard ship. Such situation will open new avenues
and the market will be completely renovated.
The future skills requirements are the following:
technological advancements (e.g., automation,
digitalization) and their impact on skill
soft skills (e.g., communication, teamwork,
problem-solving) that are increasingly important;
environmental awareness and sustainability
opportunities for innovation in maritime education
and training (e.g., simulation training, remote
control training, online learning).
The research received financial support from the statutory
activities of Gdynia Maritime University under project
IAMU, 2023. IMO TC 73/6/3. IAMU's commitment and
capability to collaborate with IMO in realizing the
objectives of the Capacity-Building Decade 2021-2030
Strategy, submitted by the International Association of
Maritime Universities (IAMU). International Maritime
Organization, London, 22 August 2023.
IMO, 2021. IMO Resolution A.1166(32) Capacity-Building
Decade 2021-2030 Strategy, adopted on 15 December
IMO, 2024. International Maritime Organization official web
site -https://www.imo.org/
Syms, R. (Ed.) 1997. Maritime Education and Training: A
Practical Guide. The Nautical Institute, London.
WEF, 2023. Future of Jobs Report 2023. World Economic
Forum, May 2023.
Weintrit, A. 2021. Autonomous Marine Shipping
(Autonomiczny transport morski). Polish Academy of
Sciences, Committee of Transport Meeting, Świnoujście,
Poland, 27 April.
Weintrit, A. 2023. The Future in Marine Shipping and a
Balanced Reaction of the Maritime Education Sector to
Technology Development. 2023 International Maritime
Education Forum: Emerging Technology: Empowering
Maritime Education and Sustainable Shipping Industry.
Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China, 23-24
Weintrit, A. 2024a. A Balanced Reaction of the Maritime
Education Sector to Marine Technology Development
including Autonomous Surface Shipping. 2024 IAIN
World Congress: Expanding Navigation Application,
Empowering the Future of Humanity. International
Association of Institutes of Navigation, Beijing, China,
29-30 October.
Weintrit, A. 2024b. Anticipating the Future-Skills and
Certification. MESIS’24 Maritime Education, Shipping
and Innovation Summit 2024: Navigating The Future.
Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, Lisbon,
Portugal, 13-16 November.