Certification of Seafarers on 7 July 1978 with major
revisions in 1995 and 2010.
The 1978 STCW Convention entered into force on
28 April 1984. Since then, amendments thereto have
been adopted in 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2004,
2006, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018.
Figure 5. The IMO Milestones in STCW adoption [Weintrit,
A comprehensive review of the STCW Convention
and Code is currently underway. Unfortunately, due
to the dynamic technological progress, the text of the
convention, once adopted, becomes outdated almost
immediately with subsequent amendments.
Figure 6. The subsequent versions of the STCW convention
text are like a photo snapshot of the current state of
technological development [Weintrit, 2023]
Therefore, there is a need for continuous revision
of the Convention with constant changes and
additions to the text or a general change of the
previous approach. The Convention could contain
only the main framework, and other documents,
updated on an ongoing basis, would contain detailed
requirements and explanations
3.3 Active Cooperation between IAMU and IMO
The IMO strategy outlines four key areas that IMO
will focus its efforts over the decade from 2021 to
2030, which comprises the following four work
streams (WS) [IMO, 2021]:
− WS 1 - Reform and streamline IMO's internal
organization for delivery of technical assistance;
− WS 2 - Support Member States in maritime
− WS 3 - Enhance the Regional Presence Office
(RPO) Scheme; and
− WS 4 - Strengthen the global training and
development network.
In 2023, the IAMU submitted a document to the
IMO [IAMU, 2023] outlining the IAMU’s commitment
and capacity to work with the IMO in achieving the
objectives of the Capacity-Building Decade Strategy
2021-2030. In this document, the IAMU outlines the
activities undertaken by the International Association
of Maritime Universities (IAMU) and highlights the
Association’s support for Assembly resolution
A.1166(32) [IMO, 2021] and its commitment and
capacity to partner with the IMO to achieve the
objectives of this long-term strategy.
The International Association of Maritime
Universities (IAMU) was founded as a not-for-profit
organization in 1999, with a shared recognition of the
significance of maritime education and training in the
context of the rapid globalization of international
shipping. IAMU aims to be the global leader in
maritime capacity-building through networking and
excellence in maritime education and training as well
as research in that field. The Author have a honour to
be chair of IAMU in term 2023-2025.
To accomplish its mission, IAMU has implemented
several academic research and developmental projects
and activities to reinforce the global network of
member universities and to promote capacity-
building for the sustainable supply of qualified
maritime personnel, both on ships and shore,
including academic staff at maritime universities.
To set out a common target/goal regarding the
outcomes of education, training and research
emanating from member universities, IAMU has
sought to formulate a vision for a Global Maritime
Professional (GMP). The GMP Initiative is intended to
meet the envisaged needs of industry and a rapidly
evolving educational and career context while
catering for the professional development aspiration
of individual seafarers.
To address the educational needs IAMU analysed
key professional and academic knowledge, skills and
attitudes, set out a number of broad Intended
Learning Outcomes, as input to curriculum
development in all member universities. IAMU,
through the GMP Initiative and other efforts,
consistently emphasizes sustainable development in
maritime education and training, particularly at the
level of tertiary (higher) education. This focus
acknowledges the current transitional phase heavily
influenced by the rapid advancements in digital
technology and further requirements for
decarbonization, including the adoption of alternative
fuels on ships.
To inspire the younger generation to pursue
careers in GMP and to create a network of well-
informed young maritime professionals, IAMU and
IMO jointly organized the "IAMU Student Forum" at
IMO Headquarters in 2017 and 2023 in which
students from member universities discussed
contemporary issues relating to maritime affairs with
facilitators drawn from the academic staff of IAMU
member universities as well as maritime experts from
the international shipping industry.