Extensive research conducted over previous decades
was meant to detect different ship accidents [7], [6].
Accident investigation is a prerequisite for the
identification of the causes that led to dramatic events,
and caused partial or total loss of ships or human
lives as well as environmental pollution.
The research published by Knapp et al. confirmed
that general and dry cargo vessels exhibit the highest
likelihood of accidents such as are collision, fire,
explosion, flooding, loss of control, hull failure,
A Multistate Approach to Reliability Analyses of a Ship
Hull Structure
J. Soszyńska-Budny
& S. Ivošević
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
The University of Montenegro, Kotor, Montenegro
ABSTRACT: Structural damage in the form of corrosion, fatigue, damage, cracks and fouling can significantly
reduce the structural integrity of ships in navigation and decrease the navigation safety. Therefore, numerous
studies aim to improve international rules and regulations, and ensure proper maintenance of ships and timely
inspections. Classification societies, flag states and port states strive to conduct appropriate inspections of ships
with the aim of preventive detection of defects. Through the application of International Safety Management
system, companies strive to improve maintenance systems, monitor the condition of ships and conduct risk
assessments to reduce potential accidents and negative consequences for people, material goods and the
environment. By means of advanced Structural Health Monitoring, the observation and analysis of the physical,
chemical or electrical characteristics of components or systems are conducted over time. Such examinations tend
to identify the variations that lead to degradation of the current or future performance of the inspected systems
and their components. The condition of hull structures is monitored by mandatory requirements which are
prescribed by classification societies e.g. the number of thickness measurements of hull structure areas and
elements. The measurements create extensive databases that are further used to monitor the condition of
existing ships and predict their future conditions. This study relies on a database of 25 bulk carriers aged
between 5 and 25 years. The measurements were performed during regular special surveys on the total of 110
fuel tanks located in double bottom area of ships, which provided 3070 measured data in total. The values of the
thickness diminution of steel plates due to corrosion were obtained through the measurements of the thickness
of the steel plates by means of ultrasound thickness gauging equipment, in accordance with the rules of
classification societies. Based on those rules and allowable substance and extensive corrosion, the paper
considers the excessive corrosion values (above 20%) that were identified as failures and required the
replacement of corroded surfaces. The multistate approach to the reliability analysis of the steel plates of inner
bottom plating and the improvement of reliability after critical conditions showed that the usability of the
analyzed ships significantly dropped after 15 years of exploitation.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.16
contact, damage to ship equipment, grounding, etc.
[16], [9]. Furthermore, the analysis of over 4700 sea
accidents that occurred between 2004 and 2021
revealed that the collisions and contacts are the most
frequent causes of sea accidents [2].
However, the most significant research was
focused on tankers and bulk carriers as ships that are
often associated with catastrophic accidents and
consequences [5], [28]. The research conducted
between 2011 and 2020 on 34 accidents that resulted
in total losses of bulk carriers showed that the
accidents were related to cargo shift and liquefaction,
collision, structural failure, grounding, and fire
explosion [19]. The research of accidents significantly
affects the improvement of international regulations.
For instance, Hermann [10] investigated the impact of
bulk carrier disasters on the amendments to the
SOLAS Convention.
Structural failures such as coating breakdown,
cracks, deformation, corrosion, fouling or fatigue, can
significantly decrease the safety of vessels and their
projected lifespan. The influence of different types of
environment, operation, maintenance procedures,
ship route etc., accelerate different types of corrosion
(general corrosion, pitting, stress-corrosion, corrosion
fatigue, fretting, erosion, cavitation etc.). Previous
research examined the corrosive degradation of
structural areas (inner bottom plating [12], cargo hold
transverse bulkheads [31], cargo hold mainframes
[18], or the main deck [8]), the chemical or mechanical
properties of materials and their behaviour in
different types of environment [4] as well as the
simulations of cavitation flows around propellers and
rudders [20] etc. Furthermore, the examination of
different structural problems required several
reliability approaches such as: time-variant reliability
formulation, failure probability and reliability,
inspection and maintenance planning, reliability
centred maintenance, etc. [29].
Previous studies contributed to the revision of
international regulations and their improvements
through national and international standards, rules
and regulations. International Maritime Organization
has significantly contributed to the changes in
maritime conventions in terms of enhanced maritime
safety and security. These conventions were an
obligation for all participants in maritime industry
and required an active participation of flag states, port
states, classification societies, ship owners, ship
management companies and other independent
In terms of ship maintenance and operation
management, the most significant improvements were
certainly the changes in the SOLAS convention and
the introduction of the International Safety
Management Code. Additionally, Common Structure
Rules improved the design of ships in construction
phases, which led to the stronger and heavier ships
that resist corrosive damage over projected lifespans
[11]. The Performance Standard for Protective Coating
implemented in April 2006 enabled the application
and maintenance of surface protection for a longer
period, which delayed the onset of corrosion. Besides
the postponed beginning of corrosion, the new
standards also postponed the time for intensive
replacement of the damaged and corroded structural
surfaces that are a consequence of intensive corrosion
processes. Furthermore, the impressed current
cathodic protection (ICCP) [23] or sacrificial anodes
and their influence on hull protection [24]
significantly reduce corrosion.
Along with the development of international
regulations, the progress of technology, innovation,
and digitalization simplified the monitoring of ship
conditions, as well as the application of the new
technologies that offered an insight into the stages of
construction and systems in real conditions. Likewise,
the application of remote technical solutions enabled
easier and more effective inspections of ships in
navigation and ports. Traditional inspections (visual
inspection, acoustic-based testing, electromagnetic
testing, and imaging-based testing) and modern
techniques utilizing robotics (underwater vehicles,
unmanned aerial vehicles, or climbing robots)
improved the effectiveness of inspections and reduced
the number of accidents [22], [3].
Structural Health Monitoring integrates several
engineering fields such as sensor technology,
materials science, artificial intelligence and machine
learning, data science and structural engineering, all
of which enabled the optimization of design,
operation and/or maintenance. The use of sensors
prevents premature failures and ensures a satisfactory
performance of structures by collecting various types
of data on ship conditions e.g. vibrations,
deformations, temperatures, pressure, and other
parameters that indicate the health and stability of the
SHM structure [ 21], [26].
A new artificial, neural, network-based data fusion
model has recently been developed to provide
tailored corrosion predictions [30]. The application of
virtual reality for remote ship inspections and surveys
and the application of virtual reality in related
activities/procedures are yet to be researched [25].
This paper is organized into five paragraphs. The
second paragraph presents the database of the steel
plates damaged by corrosion and explains relevant
classification criteria for the assessment of steel
thickness. The third paragraph focuses on the
theoretical aspects of the multistate approach to the
reliability analysis of the steel plates and the
improvement of reliability. The research results are
presented in the fourth paragraph while the fifth
paragraph contains concluding remarks.
The research relies on the database of 25 bulk carriers,
whose exploitation varied between 5 and 25 years.
The bulk carriers were subjected to 3070
measurements which inspected corrosive damage to
the plates during the time of exposure. The
considered thickness values were measured during
regular special surveys by approved ultrasound
measurement devices, operators and a company. All
measured data which were connected to intermediate
survey were included in special surveys, as well. The
research takes into consideration five-year cycles of
ship exploitation.
The measures focused on the inner bottom plating
of cargo holds only in the areas of fuel tanks in double
bottoms [12]-[15]. Each surveyed vessel has between 2
and 4 fuel oil tanks. Inner bottom plating near fuel
oil tanks were analyzed, whereby each tank was
divided in five parallel sections. Two sections at the
end of tanks, one in the middle of tanks and two
between the ends and the middle of tank lengths. The
gauging was performed on the cross section of the
steel plates of inner bottom plating to express steel
damage caused by corrosion. The corrosive damage
represents the diminution of steel thickness on the
upper side of tanks (near cargo holds) and on the
bottom side (near fuel oil tanks). Table 1 shows the
main information about the database and ships.
Table 1. The database used for the research on inner bottom
The age The ship The number The number Average of
of ships surveys of tanks of measured corrosion
(years) data wastage
0-5 4 9 230 0,5 %
5-10 4 10 296 2,2 %
10-15 7 19 530 8,9 %
15-20 13 43 998 11,7 %
20-25 10 29 1016 18,2 %
Total: 38 110 3070
According to the rules, the measurement of the
thickness of steel elements is expressed in millimetres
or percentage of diminution, depending on the
internal rules of classification societies. Each
classification society in its internal rules clearly
explains the criteria for the acceptance of steel damage
for each element of a hull structure, and strictly
defines the measured values that represent substantial
and excessive corrosion. In that regard, the paper
considers three specific categories of the obtained
values expressed in percentage of damage to plate
thickness compared to the original value, namely:
Acceptable diminution the measured steel plate
thickness is acceptable (the values below 0.15% of
the original thickness),
Substantial corrosion the measured steel plate
thickness is not for replacement but should be
annually monitored in the future (the values
between 15% and 20% of the original thickness),
Extensive corrosion the measured steel plate
thickness is not acceptable and should be renewed
(the values exceed 20% of the original thickness).
The database created in this way clearly defined
the condition of structures at the time of survey and
inspection and identified the number and location of
thickness measurements as well as the surface of
structural plates damaged by corrosion (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Substantial and renewal area of inner bottom
Each mandatory inspection of the ships identified
the surfaces affected by excessive corrosion that had
to be replaced before further use of the ships. Based
on the procedure described, the database was used to
define the values that are considered as extensive
corrosion and are therefore unacceptable values for
the research.
3.1 Multistate Approach to Reliability Analysis of Steel
Plates of Inner Bottom Plating
The study is based on an adapted multistate approach
[17], [27] to the analysis of the reliability of the steel
plates of inner bottom plating. Accordingly, there are
several distinguishable reliability states e.g. s = 0,1, ,
n. For example, reliability state 1 or higher indicates
that a steel plate is able to perform its tasks. Reliability
state s = 0 is interpreted as a failure. For the purposes
of this analysis, the steel plates of an inner bottom of
one ship are considered as a system. The reliability
function of the steel plates is thus defined as a vector
[17], [27]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
R , R ,0 ,R ,1 , ,R , , ,R , , 0,
t t t t s t n t
whereby the coordinate R(t,s) of this vector is
interpreted as the probability that a steel plate is in the
reliability state subset {s,s+1,..., n}, s = 0, 1,..., n, at the
moment t, whereas it was in the best reliability state n
at the moment t = 0.
The above definition means that
whereby T(s) is a random variable representing the
lifespan of a steel plate in reliability state subset {s,
s+1,..., n}, s = 0, 1,..., n.
Based on the expression (2), it follows that R(t,0)=1
for t 0, and the variable R will further be used in
vector (1).
Another important reliability characteristic that
can be determined is risk function. Risk function is
defined as the probability that steel plates in a subset
of reliability states are below critical reliability state
(r), whereby the plates were in the best reliability state
(n) at the moment t = 0, which can be represented by
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
r 1 R , P T , 0,= = t t r r t t
In the formula
and is an adapted
(on the basis of expert opinions) critical reliability
state, while R(t,r) is a coordinate of the reliability
function of steel plates.
If an inverse function r
(t) of the risk function (3)
exists, then τ can be determined as a moment when a
steel plate risk exceeds a permitted threshold ().
( )
3.2 Improving Reliability After a Critical State is
The improvement of the reliability of the steel plates
of inner bottom plating is very important for the
maintenance of system availability and safety in
general. Multistate reliability approach assumes that a
system (steel plate) needs repair after exceeding a
critical reliability state, in accordance with certain
reliability levels. In this study, critical state is defined
as the state when the acceptable reliability level of
90% is exceeded. The replacement of a failed/corroded
steel plate improves the reliability of a system, but
does not necessarily provide the best reliability. The
system will not work like a new one after the
replacement because other components of the system,
which were not replaced, may be in lower subsets of
reliability state.
If the reliability of steel plates improves after
exceeding a permitted threshold risk level (), after
time (), as determined by formula (4), and if the time
for the improvement of reliability (renovation time) is
µ, then the coordinate of the function of reliability
improvement in reliability state subsets {r, r+1,..., n}, r
= 1, 2,..., n, are exemplified by the following formulas:
( ) ( )
( )
= +R t r R t k µ r
( ) ( )
+ + +k µ t k µ
( ) ( )
=R t r R r
( ) ( ) ( )
+ + + +k µ t k µ
In the formulas above k=0,1,,N, r=1,2,,n, t0
and N is the number of subsequent reliability
improvements. Figure 2. illustrates the coordinate of
an exemplary function of reliability improvement.
Figure 2. The coordinate of exemplary function of reliability
Based on previously presented methodology, the
subsequent steps for improving reliability are shown
in the diagram in Figure 3.
Determine the number of
system reliability state
0,1…,n and define them.
The state 0 is a failure.
Determine the coordinates
of reliability function R(t,s)
for s=1,2,…,n.
Determine reliability
characteristic e.g. risk
function r(t)
Determine the moment of
exceeding the risk level τ
Improve reliability after
exceeding critical state r
and determine improving
reliability function R(t,r)
Information on degradation of
steel plates
Information on steel plates
reliability parameters
set a critical state r
set a permitted risk
set a repair time µ
Figure 3. The diagram of procedure for reliability
improvement after the critical state was exceeded
4.1 Reliability and Risk Evaluation
Reliability analysis of the study is based on the
allowable wear of 20% of the original thickness.
Namely, the values that were below 80% of the
original thickness were considered unacceptable i.e.,
interpreted as a failure. Although the remaining
thickness ensures the impermeability of steel plates,
classification societies still require the replacement of
corroded surfaces in those cases.
According to experts, there are three distinct three
reliability states:
Reliability state 2 the system performs its tasks
and is completely safe, while the wear values are
below 0,15% of the original thickness.
Reliability state 1 the system performs its tasks,
but its operation is less safe because of the
possibility for environmental pollution, cargo
damage, ship’s safety etc. The wear values are
below 15% - 20% of the original thickness.
Reliability state 0 the system does not work (and
does not fulfil the prescribed requirements). The
wear values exceed 20% of the original thickness.
Critical state (r) adopted the reliability state 1, due
to the fact that the limit of accepted reliability is 90% .
Reliability characteristics were estimated on the
basis of the data from regular special surveys after 5,
10, 15, 20, 25 years, in accordance with a precisely
defined methodology. The estimation detected the
values of the reduction in the thickness of the steel
plates due to corrosion over time.
Table 2 shows the number of the measurements of
the steel plates of inner bottom plating in particular
reliability states s, s = 0,1,2.
Table 2. The number of the measurements of the steel plates
of inner bottom plating in particular reliability states s, s =
Time Number of Number of Number of
(years) measurements measurements measurements
that the values that the values that exceeded
<0,15%) of the are <15%,20%) 20% of the original
original thickness of the original thickness.
5 230 0 0
10 296 0 0
15 427 78 25
20 673 129 196
25 456 108 452
Table 3 shows the number of measurements in
reliability state subsets {s,s+1,…2}, s = 0,1,2.
Table 3. The numbers of the measurements of the steel
plates of inner bottom plating in reliability state subsets
{0,1,2}, {1,2}, {2}.
(1) Time (years)
(2) Number of measurements
(3) Number of measurements in the reliability state subset {0,1,2})
(4) Number of measurements in the reliability state subset {1,2})
(5) Number of measurements in the reliability state subset {2})
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5 230 230 230 230
10 296 296 296 296
15 530 530 505 427
20 998 998 802 637
25 1016 1016 564 456
Based on the data from Table 3, further analysis
determined the values of the reliability function
coordinates R(t,s), s = 0,1,2, after 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25
years. These values were calculated as the probability
that the steel plates of inner bottom plating are in
reliability state subset {0,1,2}, {1,2} or {2} and are
presented in Table 4.
Table 4. The reliability characteristics of the steel plates of
inner bottom plating in reliability state subsets {0,1,2}, {1,2},
Time (years) R(t,0) R(t,1) R(t,2)
5 1 1 1
10 1 1 1
15 1 0,952 0,806
20 1 0,804 0,638
25 1 0,555 0,449
Figure 4. A graphical presentation of reliability function
coordinates R(t,s), s = 0,1,2
The data presented in Table 4 show that, after 20
years of operation, the component of the reliability
function R(t,1) is 0.804. This means that the reliability
function in the subset of reliability states {1, 2} fell
below the acceptable level of 90%. Moreover, the
acceptable level of reliability will be exceeded after
between 15 and 20 years of exploitation. The costs of
the replacement of corroded surfaces are very high
and require extensive preparation and a long
retention of ships in yards. Therefore, it should be
defined whether the acceptable level of reliability is
exceeded after 15 or after 20 years of operation. Since
the acceptance threshold is as high as 90%,
postponing the replacement of corroded steel plates
until the fourth special inspection (i.e. after 20 years of
operation) is more cost-efficient. For this reason, it is
important to determine the moment when the risk
function exceeds the acceptable level of 0.1.
Since state 1 was considered as critical reliability
state, the moment when a steel plate risk exceeds the
permitted threshold is = 0.1. This finding answers
the question whether reliability should be improved
after 15 or after 20 years of ship exploitation.
This study does not observe the distributions of
the components of reliability functions e.g. R(t,s), s =
1,2, because the system lifespans in reliability states
subsets {1,2} and {2} were not available. The available
values are related to the reliability functions of
components at particular points (Table 4), which was
estimated on the basis of thickness diminution
measurements conducted during the surveys. From a
mathematical point of view, if the values of a function
at a finite number of points are known, then, for any
distribution, such function can be interpolated by
means of Lagrange polynomial interpolation. Thus,
the component of reliability function can be described
by the Lagrange interpolating polynomial in the
following way:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
R ,1 R ,1 R ,1
t t t l t
whereby Lagrange’s basis polynomials are expressed
( )
i = 0 using the data from Table 4 and from expression
(8) it follows that:
( )
( )( )
( )
( )
( )( )( )( )
( )( )( )( )
1 2 3 4
0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4
10 15 20 25
= = =
t t t t t t t t
t t t t
t t t t t t t t t t
i = 1 using the data from Table 4 and from expression
(8) it follows that:
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )( )( )( )
5 15 20 25
0 2 3 4
1 0 1 2 1 3 1 4
= = =
t t t t t t t t
t t t t
t t t t t t t t
i = 2 using the data from Table 4 and expression (8) it
follows that:
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )( )( )( )
5 10 20 25
0 1 3 4
2 0 2 1 2 3 2 4
= = =
t t t t t t t t
t t t t
t t t t t t t t
i = 3 using the data from Table 4 and from expression
(8) it follows that:
( )
( )
( )( )( )
( )( )( )( )
( )( )( )( )
5 10 15 25
0 1 2 4
3 0 3 1 3 2 3 4
= = =
t t t t t t t t
t t t t
t t t t t t t t
i = 4 using the data from Table 4 and from expression
(8) it follows that:
( )
( )
( )( )
( )
( )
( )( )
( )
( )( )( )( )
5 10 15 20
0 1 2 3
4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3
= = =
t t t t t t t t
t t t t
t t t t t t t t
According to the considerations above and based
on formula (7), the reliability function in reliability
state subset {1,2}, between 5 and 25 years, is given by
the following approximate formula:
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
0 1 2 3 4
R ,1 R ,1
R ,1 R ,1 R ,1 R ,1 R ,1
0.952 0,804 0,555
= + + + =
= + + + +
t l t t l t t l t t l t t l t
l t l t l t l t l t
whereby l0(t), l1(t), l2(t), l3(t), l4(t) are expressed in (9)-
Furthermore, the study identifies the moment
when the risk function of the steel plates exceeds the
acceptable level of 0.1.
( ) ( )
1 ,1 =−r t R t
Figure 5. Approximate reliability and risk functions
estimated by Lagrange interpolation
Table 5. Values for the approximate function
( )
R ,1t
r(t) between 15 and 25 years
( )
R ,1t
15 0,952 0,048
16 0,931166 0,068834
17 0,905998 0,094002
17,1 0,903239 0,096761
17,2 0,900435 0,099565
17,3 0,897587 0,102413
18 0,876406 0,123594
19 0,842382 0,157618
20 0,804 0,196
21 0,761414 0,238586
22 0,714862 0,285138
23 0,664662 0,335338
24 0,611214 0,388786
25 0,555 0,445
Using formulas (14), (15) and (4), the moment ()
when a steel plate risk exceeds the permitted
threshold ( =0.1) equals =17.2 years. The analysis
above indicates that the risk function would exceed
the acceptable level of 0.1 after only 17.2 years. This
means that the reliability of steel plates should be
improved by the replacement of corroded surfaces
after the third special survey/inspection, i.e. after 15
years of operation. The replacement would reduce
hazardous effects of corrosion such as the possibility
for environmental pollution, structural damage or
cargo contamination.
4.2 The Improvement of Reliability
The time needed for the replacement of corroded
surfaces on a ship depends on many factors.
However, according to previous studies, the average
period that a ship must spend in a yard (renovation
time µ) is one month. Based on (5)-(6), formulas (16)
and (17) show the coordinate of the function of
improved reliability of steel plates in reliability state
subsets {1, 2}, assuming that the reliability is
improved upon the third special survey, i.e. after 15
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
,1 15 0,083 ,1
15 0,083 15 0,083 15,
= +
+ + +
R t R t k for
k t k
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
,1 15,1
15 0,083 15 1 15 0,083 ,
+ + + +
R t R for
k t k
whereby k=0,1,,N, t0.
As the operation time of a ship is around 25 years,
the repair happens once in a ship’s lifespan, in most
cases. Therefore, the function of improved reliability
takes the following form:
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
,1 15 0,083 ,1
15 0,083 15 0,083 15,
= +
+ + +
R t R t k for
k t k
( ) ( ) ( )
,1 15,1 15 15 0,083 ,= +R t R for t
Figure 6. A graphical presentation of the function of
improved reliability, coordinate R(t,1), after 15 years of
The analysis indicated that ship management and
maintenance companies should carefully inspect the
steel plates of inner bottom plating after 15 years of
operation. Monitoring and appropriate preventive
maintenance would improve reliability, extend the life
expectancy of ships, ensure safety, and greatly reduce
the costs of potential subsequent major repairs.
Considering the cost of the replacement of
corroded surfaces and the retention of a ship out of
service, many owners choose not to improve
reliability of inner bottom plating after 15 years.
Perhaps the owners consider it more cost-effective to
operate their ship for additional few years and then to
scrap the ship. For that reason, the problem of cost
optimization for the replacement of corroded surfaces
and the maintenance of ships seems a highly
interesting research problem that requires further
This study applies reliability theory and multistate
analysis with special improvements. The application
was realized based on an empirical database
regarding the structural damage to the inner bottom
plating of fuel oil tanks inside bulk carriers during
their lifespan.
Based on the theory of reliability, the research
results showed that reliability drops significantly after
15 years of ship exploitation. The research further
determined the error criterion at the moment when
corrosion exceeds the wear of 20% of the original
thickness prescribed by classification societies. The
decrease in efficiency after 15 years is a result of
maintenance interventions and replacement of
damaged surfaces.
Future research should analyse the impact of new
rules on the condition of ship structures and focus on
a larger database and other structural elements.
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