The works of International Maritime Organization
(IMO) and the European Commission to develop and
implement regulations governing the safe navigation
of autonomous vessels are still in progress. At the
105th session of the IMO International Maritime
Organisation Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in
April 2022, the works on developing assumptions
governing the implementation of the work program
on MASS (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships)
began and it was expected that the MASS Code would
enter into force on January 1, 2028.
On the 108th session [20], in May 2024, MSC
agreed to the revised Road Map for the MASS code
development, including introduction of amendments
to SOLAS Convention (International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea), adoption of a mandatory MASS
Code in 2028 and its entry into force on January 1,
2032. This code will regulate and solve problems of
technological and legal nature, transport safety,
including operational reliability of MASS Complex
Technical Systems, navigation, ship operation,
monitoring, Search and Rescue (SAR), legal aspects,
cooperation between MASS and the Remote
Operations Centre (ROC), and ROC operator
One of the complex issues difficult to formalize is
the relationship between human responsibility and
automation of processes related to safety of ship,
cargo and marine environment, when MASS is
monitored and controlled from the shore by ROC
operator. The competencies of the operator are
covering the following areas:
operation with legal liability for the ship and
voyage planning, remote navigation
new collision avoidance regulations,
Situational Awareness in Autonomous Shipping Ship
Domain in Remote MASS Operation
T. Abramowicz-Gerigk & Z. Burciu
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) in maritime transport creates
new challenges that did not previously exist in the case of manned ships, and changes the approach to voyage
planning, implementation and monitoring. MASS is not only supposed to be more economical, but also
contributes to transport safety and environmental protection, while limiting the impact of the human factor.
Taking into account the assumptions of the International Maritime Organization, the implementation of a MASS
voyage, supervised by the operator of the Remote Operations Centre (ROC) will require a high level of
situational awareness. The paper discusses the determination of the MASS safe navigation domain by ROC
operator making decisions under risk conditions. It is expected, that according to Kahneman and Tversky's
prospect theory, the enlargement of MASS domains may result in an increase in human-induced navigation
hazards, especially in restricted areas.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.15
MASS safety and security monitoring,
preventing and responding to cyber hazards,
cooperation with SAR services in rescue
In the absence of international rules and standards,
the alternative way of ensuring safety was introduced
by EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) to
create the common safety levels and enhance
harmonization in the analysis of preliminary MASS
designs. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) was contracted by
EMSA to develop a Risk Based Assessment Tool
(RBAT) [15].
In the MASS hierarchical control structure
presented by Thombre et al. [16], data related to
situational awareness, available for Shore Control
Centre operator, comes from Integrated Automation
System, which uses data from MASS Autonomous
Navigation System. In the opinion of experienced
Ship Masters, comparing the manned and remote ship
operation, situational awareness (SA) based on the
data from Integrated Automation System causes the
operator to change the boundaries of safety measures.
The names introduced by various authors for the
land-based MASS operations centre such as Remote
Control Centre introduced by DNV for remotely
controlled ships or Shore Control Centre proposed by
Thombre et al. [16] fall within the general concept of a
Remote Operations Centre ROC.
The paper discusses one of the most important risk
options related to situational awareness of ROC
operator, which is the ship safety domain.
Human situational awareness in autonomous
shipping is the ability of the Remote Control Centre
operator to perceive, understand and predict changes
in the actual situation in order to conduct a safe
voyage, based on signals received from the Integrated
Automation System.
The key elements of MASS and Remote Control
Centre are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Key elements of MASS and Remote Operations
The automatic situational awareness system,
devoted to the monitoring and interpretation of own
ship surroundings, manages and utilizes the
information from onboard systems e.g.: AIS, ECDIS,
GNSS, radar, lidar, IR, cameras, speed log, echo
sound, gyro compass, microphone, thermometer,
anemometer, and inertial measurement unit. Based on
AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms, the combined
sensor data - multi-sensor perception system -
provides the required situational awareness [16].
In remote operation, according to IMO, MASS is
managed by Remote Operations Centre, depending
on the level of autonomy. The situational awareness
in this case is based on operational procedures, ROC
operator training, his personal attitudes and skills. SA
in the MASS remotely managed voyage should help
avoid accidental events resulting in disruptions.
The key objective of the situational awareness is to
prevent errors that may arise at one of three levels:
perception, understanding and prediction [14]. For the
operator in the Remote Control Centre, as opposed to
the Ship Master on board the ship, an additional area
of situational awareness is created due to automation,
remote sensing and remote management.
The implementation of a safe MASS voyage will
involve a high level of situational awareness, which
will enable the operator to counteract possible
hazards and predict their status in the technical and
commercial operation of the ship.
The three levels of situational awareness
perception, understanding and anticipation are
presented in figure 2.
Figure 2. Situational awareness of operator in MASS
Level 1 of situational awareness - perception
means receiving and recognizing important
information, enabling sea voyages, including proper
visualization of operational, technical, environmental
and navigational parameters presented by the MASS
digital twin and information from vision sensors.
Level 2 - understanding is the level of
understanding and interpreting information obtained
at level 1.
Level 3 - anticipation incudes forecasting the
future status of sea voyage by ROC operator.
The operator, based on the information from
MASS Integrated Automation System and signals
from the ship digital twin, is responsible for making
decisions on restoring the deviations of system
parameters from permissible values to the required
range [11]. The perception of navigational and
technical information provided and the
understanding of its meaning is required to respond
quickly to a situation. The obligation of the operator is
to implement the road map of the sea voyage in case
of II, III, and also IV degree of MASS autonomy in
emergency situations.
Currently, the preparation of a manned ship
voyage plan must meet guidelines, included in IMO
Resolution A.893(21) and dependent on situational
awareness of the crew onboard. The plan may be
changed any time the situational awareness changes
or when it is possible to find a safer option.
The commercial platforms delivering dynamic
voyage planning, with multi-objective optimisation,
related to real time weather observations and ship
performance models, based on artificial intelligence
methods e.g. Wayfinder [22], SeaPerformer [21] or
Short Horizon Planner for collision avoidance,
adaptable as tool for decision support or automated
route deviations, presented by Enevoldsen et al. [5],
have been developed. Several studies and projects of
autonomous ships are at various levels of
development and application including fully
autonomous ships in operation [16,19].
Because the actual level of situational awareness
influences the necessary safety measures taken by
both autonomous navigation algorithms and human
control, these should be tailored to the task and take
into account the operator's personal skills and
confidence in the reliability of the AI. In most cases,
many years of Ship Master’s experience on board is
the reason for less confidence in individual devices of
decision support systems [3].
Table 1 presents the relationship between
situational awareness and confidence, originally
presented by Endsley & Selcon [6].
Table 1. Relationship between situational awareness and
confidence [6]
Situation Awareness
Good Poor
High Good outcome Bad outcome
Low Do nothing Satisfactory
Confidence level ineffectual outcome
The person having Poor SA and high level of
confidence, presents the worst outcome, making
wrong decisions and giving false confidence to other
personnel. This is the most dangerous situation of all
the situations presented in table 1. The good outcome
is dependent on both good situational awareness and
high confidence level.
This important issue should be carefully
considered to avoid over-reliance, misunderstandings
or conflict between the operator and decision support
systems at the three levels of SA.
Aylward et al. [2] using Advanced Intelligent
Manoeuvring (AIM), developed by Wärtsilä, explored
i.a. how the decision support system can influence the
safety of navigation and the role of the operator in
routine ship traffic situations. When a MASS operator
has poor situational awareness due to limited trust in
information from all decision support systems, the
MASS Integrated Automation System and the digital
twin, the solution to ensure a safe and satisfactory
outcome is a delay, which may result in a decision to
reduce the ship's speed and increase the ship's
The concept of a safe navigational domain around the
ship was created to determine the safety of ship traffic
in restricted areas. The domain can be defined as the
area around the ship, dependent on vessel parameters
and traffic situation, in which no other objects should
be present [9,13].
Various methods are used to determine the ship's
domain based on analytical techniques and
simulation, combined with statistical methods and AI.
The factors affecting domain parameters include i.e.
navigational area characteristics and ship length. A
statistical study of ship domains with a method for
determining the safe passing distance of a ship was
developed by Goodwin [8].
The empirical data show the domains defining the
navigator’s comfort zone with dimensions of 4.5 ship-
lengths in front of the ship and 3.5 ship-lengths
behind [9,12]. This shape can be extended into a
super-ellipse [5] or circle (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Ship domains: A - manned ship domain, B -
remotely controlled MASS domain with the coverage areas
of navigation sensors
The example of ship domains determined by Ship
Master and ROC operator as safety zones, presented
in Figure 3, show the approximate boundaries of ship
safety navigational areas from their perspective
The larger domain is related to the operator's
decision making under risk conditions. The
assessment of a risky situation depends more on the
reference point from which we calculate loss or gain,
than on their final values. Losses always seem to be
greater than gains. A major loss causes permanent
risk aversion.
Limited situational awareness and lack of
understanding of the situation, trigger emotions that
have a huge impact on risk assessment. It is fear that
causes the perceived risk to exceed the actual risk,
while euphoria, in turn, reduces the perceived risk
level of a given situation [1,4].
Decisions made under conditions of risk were
analysed by Kahneman & Tversky [10]. In unclear
conditions, choices become irrational and personality
significantly influences decisions. People estimate
probabilities of individual events overestimating
medium and small, and underestimating large
probabilities of failures. The Kahneman & Tversky
prospect theory introduced the decision weights
instead of the probability functions.
ROC operator having Ship Master skills and
experience, managing MASS in restricted navigation
zones, will designate the MASS domain, which,
assuming the prospect theory of Kahneman &
Tversky, will be burdened with risk aversion. This
results in the larger domain “B” than the domain
designated by the Ship Master on board the manned
ship ”A” (Figures 3, 4).
Figure 4. Domains of a ship with length >150 m in Traffic
Separation Scheme: A computed on the basis of statistical
AIS data [13} and B enlarged domain of the remotely
controlled MASS
The domains observed in traffic situations show
different domains, e.g. for ships with length greater
than 150 m, in Bornholmsgat TSS (Traffic Separation
Scheme) the domain dimensions computed on the
basis of statistical data from AIS, were about one NM
in front and behind ship [13] (Figure 4).
By increasing the area of the MASS domain, ROC
operator will expand the situational comfort zone,
increase the time reserve, eliminating the time
pressure for making rational decisions, and at the
same time will gain time to obtain additional
information. Enlarging the domain will cause the
operator to maintain a safe MASS speed.
It is expected that autonomous shipping will reduce
the impact of the human factor on the risk of failure.
One of the elements ensuring larger comfort zone
related to the situational awareness of Ship Master, is
creating own ship domain, providing the availability
of time to make decisions and avoiding hazards.
Full information will enable the voyage to be
maintained at the required level of safety. The
perception of navigational and technical information
provided and the understanding of its meaning
requires to respond quickly.
Possible misunderstanding of the ship's situation
may result from delays in communication and
decision-making resulting from long lead time to
approval - throwing people out of the loop, as well as
errors resulting from the "transfer effect" when the
operator is involved in simultaneous monitoring of
several ships and assesses their response based on
signals from devices without feeling the ship's
Taking into account the research on conventional
ship domains [13] and using Kahneman and Tversky's
prospect theory in relation to the dimensions of the
MASS domain, in order to avoid domain violations
and hazardous situations, the parameters of
navigation areas e.g. traffic separation systems, traffic
lanes and separation zones should be reconsidered.
The important issue is that the instruments used
onboard MASS and in Remote Operations Centre will
meet performance standards [17] and whether the
training and development of skills of seafarers, and
ROC operators will be of high priority for IMO [2, 18].
The problem is more complex when the MASS
operation is carried out in autonomous integrated
transport chain [7], by several operators, at individual
stages of the voyage and when an operator controls
several autonomous ships. This is also related to the
cooperation between VTS and ROC.
Baldauf et al. [3], who presented simulation study
on the VTS collaboration with ROC, concluded that
VTS operators took earlier actions, than in their usual
practice, to establish communication with MASS,
which means less confidence. The biggest concern was
related to the uncertainty of MASS remote operator’s
situational awareness and conclusion was that the
new technologies enhancing SA should be applied.
The same data should be available in ROC as is
available on board the ship and the skills of the ROC
operator should be consistent with the STCW
requirements for shipmasters and officers of the
watch. However, in the case of many MASS units in a
traffic separation zone, a situation may arise that the
dimensions of the traffic separation zones may be
If the presented theses of the paper regarding the
enlarged MASS domains by ROC operator are
realized, it may result in an increase in navigation
hazards caused by the human factor, especially in
restricted areas, in traffic separation zones.
This work was supported by the projects of Gdynia
Maritime University No. WN/2024/PZ/03 and
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