The total volume of oil lost to the environment from
tanker spills in 2022 was approximately 15,000 tonnes;
more than 14,000 tonnes of which was lost in the three
large incidents. This figure is higher than the previous
three years but remains a fraction of the 2.95 billion
tonnes of crude oil and petroleum products that are
transported by sea each year. [11]
The tendency of number of oil spill gradually
decreased and last 10 years seems to stabilize on the
same level average 6. See figure 1.
ITOPF has recorded tanker spill statistics over the
last 50 years and in this time, despite some annual
fluctuations, the number and volume of oil spills from
tankers has dropped dramatically. These numbers are
stabilising at a low level, with the reduction being
driven by positive change from the shipping industry
and supported by governments. Accidents, other than
shipping sources, such as pipeline spills and oil
industry activities, as well as natural seepage, also
contribute towards the global input of oil into the
marine environment. [11]
Figure 1. Quantity of Oil spill Tanker 1970-2021
The Baltic Sea is almost surrounded by land and
therefore sources of marine pollution are located
mainly on the land. Another paradox relates to
Environmental Impact of the Oil Spill Caused by the
Leakage of the Exemplary Pipeline in the South Baltic
P. Wilczyński
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: A significant spillage of oil-derived cargo or fuel in the port areas causes serious threats to the
natural environment and to the ship traffic. Hydrometeorological conditions and the availability of means to
limit such spillage have a significant influence on the way the oil spill propagates. In the article, the authors
presented a simulation of the distribution of oil spills taking place in Port Polnocny in various
hydrometeorological conditions and the impact of the spill on areas located near the port. For simulation
process was used GNOME an interactive environmental simulation system designed for the rapid modelling of
pollutant trajectories in the marine environment.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.14
shipping traffic intensity and maritime accidents. The
Baltic Sea is characterised by the large shipping traffic,
but the last decades’ data show only more than 100,
usually insignificant and minor, accidents and
incidents at the Baltic Sea every year. [7]
In the last few years, the development of port
terminals in the North Port of Gdansk Deepwater
Container Terminal & Oil Terminal has resulted an
increase ship traffic in area of the Gulf of Gdansk.
Due to present the geopolitical situation of the
recent months, the delivery of the raw material -
crude oil for fuel production in refinery - is carried
out basically only through the Oil Terminal. This year
will be record-breaking in terms of the number of
crude oil tankers calling at the Oil Terminal as well as
transhipments and the amount of transhipped crude
Figure 2. Oil Terminal in Gdansk Port Polnocny - Transas
The location of the Oil Terminal and the safety of
crude oil handling operations mean that it has a
significant impact on the safety of other port terminals
as well as tourist areas located on the Vistula Spit
Figure 2.
During cargo handling operations between the
crude oil tanker and the oil terminal, an oil spill may
occur. The weakest link in this process seems to be the
ship-to-terminal connection or the failure of the
pipeline and valve system at the oil terminal. [1]
The article assumes one of the most probable
scenarios related to the interruption of the pipeline
continuity and the leakage of the pipeline contents
after an emergency stop of handling operations.
Figure 3. Place of the incident GNOME [2]
Figure 3 shows the location of the failure causing
the most unfavourable situation, a pipeline rupture,
which will cause leakage of the contents of practically
the entire transfer pipeline with a length of about 1
The amount of crude oil that could be released into
the sea depends mainly on the pressure of the
reloaded raw material and on the transhipment rate,
which can reach even 10,000 cbm/h, which gives 2,5
cbm/s. [1]
Performed 60 hours of the simulation with wind
force 4°B variable from WSW to WNW (with
uncertainty 3%), wind’s direction changed every 12
For the simulation scenario, it was assumed that an
amount of crude oil corresponding to the content of
the unprotected pipeline for 10 minutes continuously
discharging was released into the Gulf of Gdansk.
Simulations were carried out based on the
GNOME application. GNOME, version 1.3.5, is an
interactive environmental simulation system designed
for the rapid modelling of pollutant trajectories in the
marine environment. [3]
The overall design is that of modular and
integrated software. Inputs to GNOME include:
maps of areas,
numerical circulation models,
location and type of the spilled oil,
oceanographic and meteorological observations,
other environmental data.
2.1 Maps of area
GNOME is not specific for any particular region and
no specific shoreline is built in. Application accepts
two different types of maps: one with shoreline data
in the form of boundary file atlas (BNA) maps (such
as those produced by GOODS, the other with grid
boundary data and bathymetry to create pseudo
three- dimensional (3-D) maps. [3]
The user must download a map via GOODS’ “Map
generator” tool or create a map to run a scenario. Each
map is rasterized into a land/water bitmap for the
purposes of tracking the oil beaching. The land/water
bitmap is of finite resolution, so it doesn’t exactly
match the map outline.
2.2 Movers in simulation area
Movers are any physics that cause movement of the
oil parcel in the water generally currents, winds, and
diffusion. Universal movers apply everywhere, and
usually consist of wind and diffusion. To get the
overall movement the u (east-west) and v (north-
south) velocity components from currents, wind,
diffusion, and any other movers are added together at
each time-step, i, using a forward Euler scheme. The
movers are given a point (x, y, z, t) and return a
displacement (Δx, Δy, Δz) at t - Equation 1-3.
Calculation of zonal, meridional, and vertical
displacement by movers. [3]
u t y
0 =z
Δt = t - t1 is the time elapsed between time-steps i;
y is the latitude in radians;
111,120.00024 is the number of meters per degree of
latitude (assumes 1' latitude = 1 nautical mile
everywhere); and
Δx, Δy are the 2-D longitude and latitude
displacement, respectively, at the given depth layer z.
At present, movement in GNOME cannot occur
between depth layers (thus the vertical displacement,
Δz, is held at zero).
The calculation of total movement is a simple
vector addition of the displacement of a given
pollutant particle by each mover over the time-step.
2.2.1 Winds in simulation area
GNOME allows several different wind movers
constant, time-dependent, and time/space dependent.
Table 1 includes constant wind speed in range 12.9-
15.3 kn (force 4°B scale) and directions which are
changed every 12 hours according to track of most
probably the low-pressure over the simulation area.
Table 1. Wind parameters during simulation.
Date & time Wind speed Wind direction
[kn] [°]
2022/05/29 00:00:00 12.9-15.3 247.50
2022/05/29 12:00:00 12.9-15.3 258.75
2022/05/30 00:00:00 12.9-15.3 270.00
2022/05/30 12:00:00 12.9-15.3 281.25
2022/05/31 00:00:00 12.9-15.3 292.50
2.2.2 Currents in simulation area
On simulation area doesn’t exist any constant
ocean or tidal currents. In situation when the wind
direction is constant for long time wind-driven
current is created. Its parameters mainly depend on
the force and direction of the wind.
The current components can be scaled linearly by
wind speed or by the square of wind speed (i.e., wind
stress) or if no historical winds are available (or the
wind record is insufficient to satisfy the selected time
over which to average) the model can be set to
extrapolate and will use whatever wind is available
until enough data are accumulated.
Currents move the oil around and are defined on a
particular grid. GNOME recognizes finite element,
rectangular, and curvilinear grid circulation models.
For standard mode locations generally in USA,
files are used from CATS hydrodynamic model
(Current Analysis for Trajectory Simulations). The
CATS model is a 2-D depth-averaged steady-state
finite element circulation model. [3]
2.2.3 Diffusion of crude oil
For simulation purpose was used crude oil, typical
to this one which is delivered to Oil Terminal in
Gdansk. Medium Crude Oil properties contain the
Table 2 below.
Table 2. Generic Medium Crude Oil properties.
Properties Value & units
API 29.70
Standard Density at 15°C 878.0 [kg/m3]
Flash Point +8.60°C, (-13.00°F)
Pour Point +14.00°C, (-10.00°F)
Emulsification Constant 0.04
Random spreading - diffusion, is done by a simple
random walk with a square unit probability. The
random walk is based on the diffusion value D, set in
the model which represents the horizontal eddy
diffusivity in the sea water. The D value could be
changed in range 1,000 1 000,000 cm2/s. In GNOME
diffusion and spreading are treated as stochastic
= +
C is the concentration of a material;
D are the scalar diffusion coefficients in the x and y
Diffusion can be simulated with a random walk
with any distribution, with the resulting diffusion
coefficient being one-half the variance of the
distribution of each step divided by the time-step -
Equation 5. [3]
For simulation Diffusion Coefficient set 200 cm²/s,
uncertainty factor 2, marked with red colours spots on
the Figures 7-10 in Chapter 3.
2.2.4 Evaporation of crude oil
Evaporation of crude oil in GNOME is not treated
by the more complete theories available. GNOME
uses a simplistic 3-phase evaporation algorithm
(Equation 6) where the pollutant is treated as a three-
component substance with independent half-lives.[4]
The pollutant type selected for the spill determines
the parameters chosen for the weathering simulation
and there is evaporation if the oil type requires. [3]
1 1 2 2
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2
+ +
+ +
i i i
i i i i i i
t t t
t t t t t t
t & t1 are the time elapsed (age; in hours) at time-step i
& the previous time-step i-1, respectively;
H are the half-lives of each constituent (in hours) from
Table 3 for the pollutant;
P are the percentages of each constituent (as decimals)
from Table 3 for the pollutant.
Table 3. Crude oil pollution example type, their default
composition, and half-lives parameters. [3]
Pollutant Percent each Half-Life each Observational
Type constituent Constituent Threshold Time
[h] [h]
Medium 22.0 14.4 170.1
Crude Oil 26.0 48.6 170.1
52.0 10x109 170.1
2.2.5 Spills of crude oil
Spilled substances are modeled as point masses
(up to 10,0004) called LE’s (Lagrangian elements) or
“splots” (from “spill dots”). Pollutants are not treated
as blobs with variable volume and thickness.
Parameters assigned to each point mass include
location (latitude/longitude), release time, age,
pollution type, and status floating, beached,
evaporated see Table 4.
Table 4. Information carried by each LE. [3]
Parameters Units Descriptions
leKey indexed LE identity
leCustomData space for custom LE data;
currently = 0
position [decimal latitude, longitude position
z [m] depth
releaseTime time of release in spill
age [sec] time since release
clockRef [sec] time offset
pollutantType LE pollutant type for weathering
(Table 1)
mass [g] amount of pollutant in LE
density [g/cm
] pollutant density
statusCode code to indicate whether or not LE
is released, floating, beached, etc.
bVisible flag to indicate whether or not LE
is drawn
lastWaterPt last on-water location of LE before
beachTime time when LE was beached
In simulation considered continuous 10 minutes
crude oil release from the one-point pipeline system
after pipeline rupture.
2.2.6 Trajectories of crude oil
Once the map, movers, and spills are set, the
model is run, and the solution is produced in the form
of trajectories. GNOME provides two solutions to an
oil spill scenario:
a “best estimate,” or forecast, trajectory,
a “minimum regret,” or uncertainty, trajectory,
The best estimate” solution shows the model
result with all the input data assumed to be correct.
However, models, observations, and forecasts are
rarely perfect. Consequently, the GNOME introduced
understanding of the uncertainties (such as variations
in the wind or currents) that can occur.
This second solution a “minimum regret” allows
the model to predict other possible trajectories that are
less likely to occur, but which may have higher
associated risks.
GNOME introduced the trajectory that
incorporates these uncertainties the “minimum
regret” solution because it gives you information
about areas that could be impacted if, for example, the
wind blows from a somewhat different direction than
you have specified, or if the currents in the area flow
somewhat faster or slower than expected. In some
cases, the areas within the minimum regret solutions
might be especially valuable or sensitive to oiling. [3]
Both trajectories are represented by LE’s, which are
statistically independent pieces of the modelled
pollutant. They appear as small pollutant particles”
on a map of simulation area when spill is running.
The “best guess” trajectory is represented by black
“splots” (from “spill dots”); the “minimum regret”
trajectory is represented by red “splots”.
2.2.7 Windage
Windage is the movement of oil by the wind. This
is typically about 3% of the wind speed based on
analytical derivation and empirical observation that
oil tends to spread out in the direction of the wind. [5]
Experience and observation have led us to use a
factor in the range 1 - 4%, adjusted based on overflight
This range is used as the default in GNOME with a
uniform distribution. A given oil droplet will move
differently depending on how close it is to the wind
effects at the surface. The windage is lower as the oil
weathers and spends more time below the surface.
The results of simulation are presented below on
Figures 4 - 6 without the uncertainty factor. The oil
spot is moving according to wind direction slowly
increasing the surface due to the diffusion. Dominant
wind directions caused that the oil spot is moving
towards to the land - Vistula Spit, where are located
touristic places & beautiful beaches.
Figure 4. Oil spot moved due to the wind - GNOME. [2]
Figure 5. Further drift of oil spot eastward - GNOME. [2]
Figure 6. Oil spot drift to land - Vistula Spit - GNOME. [2]
The Figure 7 illustrated the trajectory of oil spot
with 4-hour interval from the place of origin the spill -
Oil Terminal to the beach located on Vistula Spit.
Figure 7. Trajectory of oil spill with interval every 4 hr -
Google Earth.
Figures 8 - 11 below presented the same trajectory
of oil spot with the uncertainty factor. Where the
black spots mean the “best guess” trajectory and the
red spots represented the “minimum regret”
Figure 8. Oil spot moved due to the wind with uncertainty
factor - GNOME. [2]
Figure 9. Oil spot moved with random walk - GNOME. [2]
Figure 10. Oil spot with random walk - GNOME. [2]
Figure 11. Oil spot ashore - GNOME. [2]
Figures 12 below contain the estimated dimensions
of the pollution track without the uncertainty factor,
d is diameter of pollution,
A is area of the pollution,
P is perimeter of the pollution,
Figure 12. Estimated dimension of the oil spill trajectory
without the uncertainty factor - Google Earth.
Figures 13 below presented the estimated
dimensions of the pollution track including the
Minimum Regret (the uncertainty factor), where:
A is area of the pollution,
P is perimeter of the pollution,
Figure 13. Estimated dimensions of the pollution including
minimum regret.
The possibility of presenting and predicting the
trajectory of a drifting oil spill on the sea surface, as
well as determining its size, will allow for the proper
use of emergency services to fight with oil spills.
Properly determined oil spill size requires the use
of relevant methods appropriate for the hydro-
meteorological conditions and the place of spillage.
Use the GNOME application allow the operators of
Oil Terminal develop the most likely scenarios of
events and based on them, assess the ability and
readiness of emergency services to take antipollution
action. [8]
In the case of insufficient forces and means to fight
with oil spills, investments will be necessary to ensure
the safety of the port and surrounding region.
This applies primarily to the beaches located on
Vistula spit and Natura 2000 areas where oil spillage
can reach. Collecting the oil residues will be laborious
and costly, and the region will lose its tourist
attractiveness for several years.
Successful shoreline clean-up depends on the
timely availability of personnel, equipment, and
materials and upon the quality of the organization
established to manage and conduct the operation.
Also, the type of shoreline determines the most
appropriate clean-up technique to be used. [9,10]
Future research should be focused on specialized
ship, equipment, and manpower especially on their
capacities to combat with the amount of oil, which
could be released during cargo handling in Oil
Terminal or due to ship’s accidents on fairway to
protected environment in south part of Gdansk Bay.
Az recommendation ITOPF manpower and
equipment should be identified in the local
contingency plan and regularly mobilised in practical
exercise to test their effectiveness. [9,10]
GNOME application is very useful multitool to
predict trajectory of oil spill with all factors affecting
the direction and speed of the oil spot on sea surface.
It could be used to support decision making during
planning and developing oil spill plans for the oil
terminals. Every oil terminal should ensure that all
means (ship and material) to combat with oil spill on
the sea surface is sufficient and the personnel is
properly trained.
Many years ago, only TRANSAS issued Oil Spill
Simulator, which allow to assess the trajectory of oil
spot with all assisted factors. Nowadays generally
available application GNOME looks like the properly
tools to make assessment during oil spillage. GNOME
use many additional functions which are prepared for
many locations USA together with all movers, but for
other location there are many options too to apply this
[1] Blokus A., Kwiatuszewska-Sarnecka B., Wilczyński P.,
Wolny P. Crude oil transfer safety analysis and oil spills
prevention in port Oil Terminal Journal of Polish Safety
and Reliability Association Summer Safety and
Reliability Seminars, Volume 10, Number 1, 2019
[2] https://gnome.orr.noaa.gov
[3] NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OR&R 40, General
NOAA Operational Modelling Environment (GNOME)
Technical Documentation. Seattle, Washington October
2012 Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean
Service, Office of Response and Restoration.
[4] Boehm, P. D., Feist, D. L., Mackay, D., & Paterson, S.
(1982). Physical-Chemical Weathering of Petroleum
Hydrocarbons from the Ixtoc I Blowout: Chemical
Measurements and a Weathering Model. Environmental
Science & Technology16 (8), pp 498-505.
[5] Stolzenbach, K. D., Madsen, O. S., Adams, E. E., Pollack,
A. M., & Cooper, C. K. (1977). A Review and Evaluation
of Basic Techniques for Predicting the Behaviour of
Surface Oil Slicks. Cambridge: Rep. 22, Department of
Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
[6] Lehr, W. J., Barker, C. H., & Simecek-Beatty, D. (1999).
New Developments in the Use of Uncertainty in Oil Spill
Forecasts. Proceedings of the 22nd Arctic & Marine Oil
spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar (pp. 271-844).
Ottawa, Ontario: Environment Canada.
[7] A. Dobrzycka-Krahel, M. Bogalecka The Baltic Sea under
AnthropopressureThe Sea of Paradoxes, Journal
Water, Vol. 14, Issue 22
[8] Weintrit A., Neumann T., Marine Navigation and Safety
of Sea Transportation: Advances in Marine Navigation,
pp 1-313, CRC Press, 2013.
[9] ITOPF Recognized of oil on shorelines, Technical
Information Paper 6.
[10] ITOPF Clean-up of oil from shoreline, Technical
Information Paper 7.
[11] https://www.itopf.org/news-events/news/tanker-spill-