Table 7. Information of some northern hemisphere navigation routes (SUPPLEMENT 7)
R Route description GWS A:annual,all H(A) (22); F(D/ht)(23); F(D,h)(24); F(D,t)(25);
F(A) F(h,t)(26) F(h)(27) F(t) (28)
A English Channel-Gibraltar A11 A16 A17 1.48; 2.80 27.1; 75.9 5.84; 16.3 5.4; 15.1
B Gulf of Mexico-Gibraltar A24 A25 A32 A33 1.86; 3.62 25.6; 92.7 5.22; 14.6 5.6; 20.5
C Gibraltar - Port Said A26 A27 0.88; 1.84 17.2; 31.7 4.1; 11.3 4.7; 8.6
D Suez - Aden A37 000; 0.00 14.1; 14.1 3.5; 3.5 4.4; 4.4
E Aden - Arabian Gulf A39 A50 0.97; 1.96 18.5; 36.4 4.5; 12.6 4.6; 9.0
F Arabian Gulf-Colombo A39 A50 A60 1.52; 2.87 18.4; 52.8 4.4; 12.3 4.7; 13.5
G Colombo - Singapore A61 A62 0.97; 1.96 17.9; 35.1 3.9; 7.6 5.1; 10.0
H Singapore - Taiwan A40 A62 0.97; 1.96 19.9; 39.0 4.6; 12.9 4.9; 9.6
I Taiwan - Japan A29 A41 0.97; 1.96 23.6; 46.2 5.2; 14.6 5.2; 10.1
J North Sea A11 000; 0.00 23.0; 23.0 5.3; 5.3 5.0; 5.0
K North Atlantic Ocean A15 A16 0.97; 1.96 32.6; 63.8 6.6; 13.0 5.8; 11.5
L North Pacific Ocean A21 A22 A29 A30 1.72; 3.30 28.8; 95.0 5.7; 16.1 5.9; 19.4
Table 8. Uncertainties of some northern hemisphere combined navigation routes (SUPPLEMENT 6)
Compound route Routes R (Table 7) H(A) (22); F(D/ht)(23); F(D,h)(24); F(D,t)(25);
F(A) F(h,t)(26) F(h)(27) F(t) (28)
R1-Japan - Arabian Gulf F-G-H-I 2.00; 4.00 43; 171 12; 32 11; 43
R2-Germany-Arabian Gulf J-A-C-D-E 2.09; 4.25 29; 121 8; 23 7; 32
R3-Germany-Gulf of Mexico J-A-B 1.05; 2.07 78; 162 13; 28 17; 35
R4-Gibraltar - Suez – Aden C-D 0.99; 1.99 23; 45 7; 14 7; 13
R5-Colombo – Japan GF-H-I 1.55; 2.94 40; 117 11; 32 10; 30
6.1 Information based on uncertainties of navigation
The effects of environmental uncertainties on
navigation routes, uncertainties in collision avoidance
maneuvering (Taylor, 1990), weather uncertainties in
ship route optimization are of lasting interest
andimportant for maritime safety [17] (Vettor,
Bergamini, and Guedes Soares, 2021).
Routs normally pass through more ocean areas
that may be jointly viewed as zones Z or a
combination of zones D (21-28) in proportion to the
length of a route or time spent in specific areas. The
article recalculates the annual uncertainties of all
wave directions, heights, and periods at some
northern hemisphere shipping routes (Table 7).
Overall uncertainties of northern hemisphere
combined navigation routes R are presented in Table
Note that the entropy approach (21-28) is
applicable to uncertainty assessment of navigation
routes for different seasons, wave directions, heights,
and periods.
For those with gambling experience, the
navigation at the Mediterranean (Gibraltar - Suez –
Aden) (R4) is uncertain concerning jointly observed
heights and periods in all directions on an annual
basis (26) as flipping log2171=7.41 coins or dicing with
a log6171=2.88 six-sided die or drawing a card from a
stock of 171 cards.
The navigation through the North Sea and the
Atlantic Ocean from Germany to the Gulf of Mexico
(R3) is uncertain as flipping log2162=7.35 coins or
dicing with log6162=2.84 six sided dice or drawing
from a stock of 162 cards (Table 8).
The article demonstrated that the probabilistic
uncertainties expressed in terms of the information
theory perceptively present the random properties of
ocean wind wave climate data compiled in the Global
Wave Statistics. The information entropy objectively
defines the unexpectedness and uncertainty of ocean
wind waves regarding the environmental and
maritime experiences of randomness. Numerical
calculations provide summarizing uncertainty
formulae, tables, graphs, and charts of wind wave
directions, heights, and periods in all relevant oceanic
areas, zones, and routes. The ocean-wide distributions
of wind-wave information based on environmental
uncertainties are useful for maritime safety
management, navigation, shipping, and various
maritime activities as well as on exposures of ocean
structures and vessels in service.
A GWS areas (max 104)
CV coefficient of variation
D combined GWS data sets
d GWS directiones (max 8+1)
E directional exposure
H information entropy (bits)
h GWS wave heights (max 15)
F average numbers of events, directional wave effects
, unexpectedness, equivalent number of outcomes
NA, Ns, Nd Number of areas, seasons and directions
Nh, Nt, Number of wave heights and periods
p, P probability , probability distributions
R ocean navigation routes, robustness
S systems of events, directional exposability
s GWS seasons (max 4+1)
t GWS periods (max 11)
V variance
This is curiosity-driven research of plausible application of
information theory to assessments of probabilistic
uncertainties of ocean-wide wind waves and their impact on
navigation, shipping as well as on ocean structures and
vessels in service.