The safety of marine transport depends largely on the
correct position of a marine vessel: the methods of
obtaining position as well as the correct, safe
presentation of the data. This position of the vessel is
presented on the display of the Electronic Chart and
Display Information System, abbreviated as ECDIS
(Electronic Chart and Display Information System). If
the right conditions are met, ECDIS can be an
equivalent system to conventional nautical charts.
An indispensable part of the ECDIS system, in
addition to the hardware and software parts, is the
database part - that is the vector chart database ENC
(Electronic Navigational Chart), which records
information about each object on the chart.
The database encoding standard was designed in
the 1980s as the hydrographic data standard S-57
(Transfer Standards for Digital Hydrographic Data).
[1] It is now a widely used electronic ENC navigation
data format. produced by hydrographic offices and
manufactures for marine electronics distributors and
customers. However, in recent years there are
ongoing works to introduce an upgraded data format
that will be technologically up-to-date and more
structured. [2]
1.1 Transition process and other data formats
As a result of global implementation of ENC data, the
development of technology, the growth of marine
transport in recent decades and the description of the
global geospatial data standard by ISO and OGC
(Open Geospatial Consortium) the S-57 data standard
is no longer actual state of knowledge. For this reason
IHO plans to implement new data meta-standard S-
100 (as the Universal Hydrographic Data Model) to
support the next generation of hydrographic,
navigation products and geographic systems. Based
on the new S-100 format, on that layer ENC S-101
navigation data will be described. [3]
The new version of the standard is designed to
manage the maritime space in a more efficient way,
unlock potential of next-generation information,
improve safety of marine environment, increase
marine resources, improve position accuracy and
provide more marine, dependent data. [4]
Analysis of Benefits for ENC S-101 Navigation Data
Users in New S-101 Coding Format
T. Tomczuk
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: This article describes the benefits of data transit from S-57 to S-101 format, for the recipients of
ENC navigation data as well as what are the goals and advantages of introducing the new format, the current
technology and basic technological principles of database upgrade. A comparative analysis was carried out of
depth data coding in both standards based on IHO published, actual specifications.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.12
During data format transition, there is a need for
secure data migration for maritime users and related
organisations, especially during the transition period.
As during any such format transition, the challenge is
to ensure that both standards are supported
simultaneously for a long period of time. This process
will be continued until the IMO, IHO and other
related organisations will set a final date for
completion of the transition, marine electronic
manufacturers will adapt to the new S-101 standard
and equipment on convention ships that meets the
requirements of the new format will be installed. In
order to maintain a proper path for all manufacturers,
the IHO regularly publishes updated specifications
for the ENC product. [5]
In addition to the base S-101 other marine data will
also be able to be linked on the basis of the new data
model, such as: S-102 (bathymetric surface), S-103
(wave surface forecast), S-104 (tidal change surface),
S-111 (current surface), S-122 (marine protected areas
surface) and others.
However, still the most important element of the
new standard will be S-101 navigation data, the
provision of new, segregated data has the potential to
provide a significant benefit to marine data users,
especially if they will be grouped into one, common
system. [6]
1.2 Basics of Encoding and Data Modeling in ENC S-101
Appropriate technological solutions will be used to
upgrade and automate ENC databases in the new S-
101 concept. The maritime navigation data will be
based, among other things, on a more flexible,
readable and structural XML data structure, the XML
structuring language XML Schema (XSD), which
defines data structures and validation rules, the UML
(Unified Modeling Language), which models visual
relationship between data, the GML (Geography
Markup Language). which describes geography
details and the metadata concept, which collect data
about data.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a text
format used to structure data. It’s a universal tag
language, which allows store and transfer big amount
of data in simple and independent way. Using it data
can be stored in separated files. [7] In XML tags (<...>)
define structure and meaning of the data: they
describe what certain data is.
Describing the structure and meaning of the data
allows the data to be reused in different ways. One
system will be enough to generate data and mark
them with XML tags, and lately this data can be
processed in any other systems, regardless of
hardware platform or operating system. [8] To send,
edit or display data sill will be needed appropriate
software. Example of simple information contained in
<to>ECDIS users</to>
<body>S-101 will replace S-57</body>
XML Schema (also known as XSD - XML Schema
Definition) is used to formally describe the structure
of an XML document. XSD defines, which objects
(features) and attributes can be placed in XML
document, what type of data can be accepted, in what
quantity and what relationships, constraints and
order of occurrence exist between them. This allows
different users to exchange data, where all users have
agreed to the same data format. In essence XSD is a
more sophisticated and more precise XML tool to
increase data quality. [9] Example of verified
information according to XSD:
<xs:element name="note">
<xs:element name="to" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="from" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="heading" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="body" type="xs:string"/>
In this case, xs:element name="note" defines an
element in the form of note - note.xml file. This
element is type of complexType, which means it can
have other elements. The expression xs:sequence
means that complexType consists of a sequence of
elements, and in place of xs:element name the
information type type=”xs:string” indicates that this
base type can contain any text. [9]
When modelling a complex dataset, the graphical
UML (Unified Modeling Language) will be helpful, as
it allows to visualize and standardize the relationship,
characteristics and behaviour between the different
parts of navigation data in S-101. The UML diagrams
allow the hierarchy and structure of the dataset to be
illustrated. In addition, modelling the database by
UML ensures that the data structure is readable, easy
to understand and easy to implement by different
users: maritime organizations, national hydrographic
offices, navigation software developers or data users.
In addition UML enhances the process of
documenting system components, allowing for a
standardized method of storage. As a result all
components can be represented in UML diagrams and
can easily be interpreted.[10]
In the S-101 standard, using UML, the
relationships between components will be described
using several types of association. The first of these is
the feature association, which describes a simple
connection between two objects, e.g. a CautionArea is
associated with an ArchipelagicSeaLane by using
CautionAreaAsssociation. The use of the role
+consistsOf indicates that the superior object consists
of parts, and +componentOf that the object is part of
another object, but still as an individual, independent
element. The Multiplicity of attributes used here
indicates how many times an element can occur in a
given context of ENC data. The description 0..* means
that an element may not occur at all or can occur
infinitely many times.
Figure 1. Feature association Source: IHO ENC Product
Specification S-101 Edition Xxxx 2022 [12]
Another type of relationship is aggregation,
occurring between two or more types of objects,
where a class may consist of parts, but these parts
may exist independently of the whole. In this case an
IslandGroup may consist of multiple LandArea, and it
is described by IslandAggregation. However, these
sub-components (areas) may exist independently of
the superior aggregate (group of islands). In this
situation, +compomentOf multiplicity 0..1 indicates
that it may not be used or may be used only once.
Figure 2. Aggregation relationship Source: IHO ENC
Product Specification S-101 Edition Xxxx
2022 [12]
The last type of relationship used in S-101 UML is
composition, a stronger form of aggregation described
in example below as StructureEquipment. In this
situation, the parts cannot exist separately of each
other, and if the whole is removed, the individual
parts will also disappear. An example of this can be
the navigation buoy (as the parent object marked with
black rhombus). If it is removed, all subordinate parts
like the fog or light characteristics will also be
permanently deleted. [12]
Figure 3. Composition relationship Source: IHO ENC
Product Specification S-101 Edition Xxxx
2022 [12]
The S-101 will also use the GML (Geography
Markup Language) to describe physical, maritime
navigation data. GML is closely related to XML, and it
is used to model geographic spatial data such as
position of object on a chart, their topology or
geometry. GML is also an ISO standard: ISO
19136:2007. [11] When using GML, it is important to
have an appropriate spatial reference system as here
is used CRS (Coordinate Reference System), which
defines how geographical coordinates are related to
actual locations on Earth. In GML, the spatial
reference system is usually described using the CRS
identifier, which is included in the srsName by
EPSG:4326 value - this indicates the commonly used
and well-known geodetic system WGS-84.
In the S-101 ENC standard, the main geometries
used to describe physical maritime data are:
point - for single, zero-dimensional locations e.g.
coordinates of a navigational buoy,
curve - for one-dimensional, linear objects,
consisting of a group of points e.g. coastline,
surface - for two-dimensional area objects, where
surface boundaries are defined by curves e.g. bay
area of a specified depth.
With the huge amount of hydrographic and
navigational data produced by hydrographic offices
necessary, one of the key elements with the S-101 is
the metadata concept - the collection of data about
Knowledge about data quality, age, method of
obtaining data and their proper segregation is a key to
appropriate application, as different systems and
different receivers could have different quality
requirements. It is why during S-57 to S-101 transition
data producers can add or edit information about
quality and characteristics of single data. In the future
it can help during searching and proper segregation
data. Examples of used metadata can be information
about the responsible institution and country for a
particular area cell or information of dates of specific
data e.g. date of depth measurement. [12]
1.3 Process of encoding ENC data
During data migration there is a real risk that some
information may be corrupted or lost, it is a fear that
some users may experience during the transit and
implementation of new format. In order to maintain
data integrity for users, the data encoding process
have to take place at a certain pace, with the highest
security standards and maintaining the required data
Figure 4. Planned timeline for IHO tests and
implementation for S-100 models SOURCE: IHO Roadmap
for the S-100 Implementation Decade (2020 2030), Annex 2
S-100 Timelines
As of now (status according to IHO documents of
12 July 2022) data in S-101 format is not expected to be
implemented widely until 2026. This phase is of
course followed by a multi-year period of research
and testing. [13]
In order to maintain proper organisation and to
automate the process of data presentation, two data
catalogues are distinguished: Feature Catalogue and
Portrayal Catalogue. In the S-57 standard, the
description of encoding data is contained in separate
documentation IHO S-57 Appendix A, Object
The Feature Catalogue is a basic document that
contains a detailed description of all available objects,
attributes, attribute value, relationship and roles in
the S-101 ENC data format. This catalogue is available
as an XML document meeting the S-100 XML Feature
Catalogue Schema standards.
The second Portrayal Catalogue describes the
system mechanism for displaying the information
found in the ENC database. This catalogue contains a
set of data visualization rules, a set of symbols, line
styles, area fills, fonts and colour profiles. The
Portrayal Catalogue is a document, which is described
as an XML file, however separated specified rules are
described in Lua Script format.
The IHO’s new data format uses a concept of class
as a classification of a set of objects that share the
same attributes, methods, relationships and
operations e.g.a class of lighthouse. For further
description, the IHO uses two basic data types:
features as a physical objects and representation of the
real world e.g. lighthouse and attributes as
characteristic describing the directly linked object e.g.
the light elevation of lighthouse. In the case of
attributes, they are described by a data type, where it
is a specification of a value domain with permitted
operations on value in that domain. The data type is
identified by the given term:
Integer, without decimals
Real, floating point number e.g. depths,
Boolean e.g. presence or absence of a particular
String e.g. short description of the area,
DirectPosition e.g. via set of geographic
In order to permanently and uniquely identify the
related object, the Identifier will be used as a
linguistically independent string e.g. light elevation of
lighthouse - 121. The necessary units of meters will be
described in the attribute description, this will be
discussed later in the article. In the case of encoding
and selecting the appropriate attribute, which have a
fine set of predefined values e.g. the colour
characteristics of the light the Enumeration, will be
used, where attributes can only take values from a
given list. [12]
In this article, a comparative analysis of the benefits to
be gained from the S-101 format is carried out. For
this purpose, the information needed to encode and
describe ENC navigation data was examined using
IHO specifications:
for S-57: IHO S-57 Appendix B.1: ENC Product
Specification Annex A: Use of the Object Catalogue
for ENC Ed 4.3.0 and IHO S-52 Annex A: IHO
ECDIS Presentation Library Edition 4.0(.3),
for S-101: IHO S-101 Feature Catalogue Ed 2.0.0
and IHO S-101 Portrayal Catalogue Ed 2.0.0 from
GitHub repository.
In a navigational context, one of the most important
parameters of ENC data is depth. It is first surveyed,
then encoded and finally it is displayed to viewers in
ECDIS systems. The basic information and principles
needed to be described and code it in both formats are
analysed below.
In the current S-57 standard, a geo-object such as a
depth area, closed linearly, is described by the
DEPARE attribute. For each such spatial area with
given geo-coordinates, which will take the shape of a
polygon on the chart a maximum and minimum
boundary depth must be encoded using the attribute
DRVAL1 (Depth Range Value 1) and DRVAL2 (Depth
Range Value 2). Below in Figure 5. area 1 is coded as
DRVAL1=0, DRVAL2=5. The corresponding colour
layer will also be assigned to these areas using the
DEPCNT (DepthContour). In the S-57, the format
used is a closed, binary IHO format, which contains a
number of numeric values and record references in
the form of a byte string, but it is not directly readable
by the viewer. [14]
Figure 5 Areas of different depths coded with DRVAL1,
DRVAL2 parameters. Source: IHO S-57 Appendix B.1: ENC
Product Specification Annex A: Use of the Object Catalogue
for ENC Ed 4.3.0 October 2022
Currently, the display of information on an ECDIS
system is defined through a set of rigid rules
described in IHO S-52 Annex A: Presentation Library.
This is a simple graphical library that technically
describes how individual objects should be presented
on the chart e.g. specific colour, width, shape of depth
metric values. In this version there are static rules for
displaying information adopted according to a
uniform pattern, where each symbol is assigned to
characteristics, regardless of context. [15]
In the S-101 standard, the format used for
encoding dataset files will be still binary (.000),
however the ‘environment’ needed to describe and
create rules for depth area parameter will be defined
now by DepthArea as a unique identifier in the
attached Feature Catalogue, in XML file
(CATALOG.XML). It will allow creating hierarchy,
agenda and helps automatize specifications. As well
as DEPARE as an alias in the form of additional
alternative name combining both standards.
Sometimes DEPARE3 can be also found in particular
working documentation. [17]
In the Feature Catalogue there is defined name of
the described area under
<S100FC:name>DepthArea</S100FC:name>, as well as
an IHO definition under <S100FC:definition>.
Minimal and maximum depth will be now described
by depthRangeMinimumValue and
depthRangeMaximumValue with the multiplicity set
to 1…1 meaning that for maximum and minimum
value must occur exactly once.
In addition to this information, the type of object is
automatically defined by
UseType>). It means that the object is geographical
and refers to a specific location on the chart. The
geometry of the object is also described by
ittedPrimitives> the object is represented as a
surface, which is the area of a specific polygon on the
An additional advantage in the S-101 standard is
the interoperability attribute in a multidisciplinary
context which allows data exchange and future
integration between standards based on S-101 model.
The records <S100FC:attribute
ref="interoperabilityIdentifier" /> indicates that an
object has an interoperability attribute associated with
it. The attribute <S100FC:attributeBinding
sequential="false"> indicates that sequential
occurrence of this attribute is not required and its
presence is not needed in every object. This type of
annotation allows more flexibility by enabling this
attribute to be assigned only when required. [16]
In the Feature Catalogue the units of meters will be
automatically defined by the uom parameter (units of
measurement), and the assigned unit can be found for
the object. For example, for
depthRangeMinimumValue and
depthRangeMaximumValue will be described as:
In the S-101 standard, encoded navigation data
will be displayed by automatically defined rules
described in Portrayal Catalogue, where
symbolization is not statically assigned to an object.
This catalogue is more flexible, giving the possibility
to display data in a dynamic way adapted to the
context, condition or display devices. With this
solutions e.g. buoys or obstacles can be displayed
more clearly when these are in vicinity. For users, it is
important that there will still be a uniform symbology
for all ECDIS systems that will support the S-101
format. Another advantage of Portrayal Catalogue
compared to Presentation Library is its modularity. It
allows the catalogue to be updated and developed
without major changes in S-101 standard itself - so the
display rules can be changed without modifying the
ENC whole data structure, making it more future-
In the Portrayal Catalogue you will find a
breakdown of the Rules for displaying specific
parameters e.g.. DEPARE03 in the depth context. The
script is written in Lua and you can find call of the
depth object by automatically capturing information
about the object, its display properties, context
parameters and the viewing group, which is to define
in which layer and which visibility the object is to be
presented: function DEPARE03 (feature,
featurePortrayal, contextParameters, viewingGroup).
The maximum and minimum depth should be then
retrieved via the code: local
depthRangeMinimumValue =
feature.depthRangeMinimumValue. The SEABED1
function is then called, which refers to the correct
symbolisation of the area depending on the depth by
giving the layers appropriate colouring. In addition to
those above script checks whether the area is dredged,
whether there are constraints, objects as depth
contour, land area of harbour in the context of
verifying the safety of navigation. In addition, it also
will check the quality of the data by drawing the
appropriate line, whether it analyses the
SafetyContour or RadarOverlay activity. These are
only some of the possibilities for displaying depth
data on ENC charts in S-101 format by Portrayal
Catalogue. [17]
Analyzed code fragment from Feature Catalogue Ed 2.0.0 (accessed on 17.10.24 via GitHub repository) for
DepthArea parameter:
<S100FC:S100_FC_FeatureType isAbstract="false">
<S100FC:name>Depth Area</S100FC:name>
<S100FC:definition>A water area whose depth is within a defined range of values.</S100FC:definition>
<S100FC:definitionSource ref="IHOREG" />
<S100FC:attributeBinding sequential="false">
<S100Base:upper xsi:nil="false" infinite="false">1</S100Base:upper>
<S100FC:attribute ref="depthRangeMinimumValue" />
<S100FC:attributeBinding sequential="false">
<S100Base:upper xsi:nil="false" infinite="false">1</S100Base:upper>
<S100FC:attribute ref="depthRangeMaximumValue" />
<S100FC:attributeBinding sequential="false">
<S100Base:upper xsi:nil="false" infinite="false">1</S100Base:upper>
<S100FC:attribute ref="interoperabilityIdentifier" />
<S100FC:attributeBinding sequential="false">
<S100Base:upper xsi:nil="true" infinite="true" />
<S100FC:attribute ref="information" />
<S100FC:informationBinding roleType="association">
<S100Base:upper xsi:nil="false" infinite="false">1</S100Base:upper>
<S100FC:association ref="AdditionalInformation" />
<S100FC:role ref="theInformation" />
<S100FC:informationType ref="NauticalInformation" />
<S100FC:featureBinding roleType="association">
<S100Base:upper xsi:nil="true" infinite="true" />
<S100FC:association ref="UpdatedInformation" />
<S100FC:role ref="theUpdate" />
<S100FC:featureType ref="UpdateInformation" />
This section of the article presents the results of the
comparative analysis carried out and the detected
technological advantages of the new S-101 format to
4.1 Main objectives of S-101 and differences from S-57
The S-101 data standard proposed by IHO is expected
to provide a number of developments in field of
technology and functionality compared to the older S-
57 version. In addition to the mentioned
interoperability with other maritime data, greater
functionality and data integrity this format and
database is expected to be, above all, better organised
and managed with modern data formats and future
The S-57 data model was based on a rigid data
model, now the data and important specifications will
be able to be described in a more flexible way. The
support architecture of new format is designed with
modern ECDIS system in mind, which will require
more advance feature, integrity and clearer display.
The S-57 standard is currently outdated to the new
technologies being introduced and more prone to
Another advantage of the S-101 standard is that it
is ‘future-proof’, allowing for easier implementation
of necessary extensions and updates. S-57 is time-
consuming and difficult to adapt and modify today. S-
101 is also intended to be a format that can eliminate
the main disadvantage of ECDIS, namely the
unreadability of data during voyage and the overload
of information on electronic charts. In the new
standard, characters and layers will be able to be
presented more dynamically, therefore chart
readability and navigation safety. Time-limited data is
also planned to be introduced in the future, the S-57
format was not able to provide this possibility.
Figure 6. S-101 in combination with S-102 bathymetric grid
Source: https://www.navtor.com/post/the-101-on-s-100-
A good example of interoperability of data
possible with the S-101 format will be data that could
be presented in 3D. In the S-57 version, they could be
only presented two-dimensionally. Now in 3D format
seabed data will allow users to gain a better insight
into the bottom shape of given area. The 3D
bathymetric models will allow safe draught planning
and more efficient sea-route planning. Data on quays,
bridges, underwater wrecks, landforms around
islands, reefs and underwater wrecks can also be
presented in this form, enabling safer assessment of
the situation, evaluation of distances and detection of
potential obstacles to avoid danger. By using the new
data format, it is also possible to design dynamic
models for changes in bathymetry due to currents,
material deposition and changes in water layers. [19]
Other benefits of the new format include increased
precision of the described and displayed data through
the use of validation tools and more beneficial
handling of large sets of informations by describing
the data using catalogues: Feature Catalogue and
Portrayal Catalogue, which will allow automatic
reading of the data, flexible updating of the catalogues
and proper grouping by the computer system. In
comparison, the S-57 is unfortunately limited, where
the data are placed as separate, individual parts. [14]
Table 1. Summary comparison of the advantages and
disadvantages of the S-57 and S-101 format
S-57 S-101
no integrity with other interoperability with other
dependent data data, increased functionality
technologically outdated, technologically up-to-date,
difficult to update easier to update
rigid data model flexible data model
two-dimensionality of three-dimensionality of
informations informations
limited precision increased precision
lack of automatic data modern automatic data
validation validation tools
data overload, illegibility possibility of data presentation
in a more readable way
no possibility to include possibility to include temporal
temporal and dynamic and dynamic information
separate, individual parts automatic data reading
of the database, difficult
to read
The transition from the S-57 standard to S-101 version
is currently one of the key challenges for authorities
responsible for implementation and maintenance of
ENC data, as well as maritime safety authorities. This
process has a huge impact on data management,
navigation systems, their users worldwide and the
technology needs to be updated significantly to avoid
risks to ships, crews and the marine environment.
The new S-101 format has many benefits for
maritime users and its implementation should not be
significantly delayed. One of the most important
advantages is its technological updateness, flexibility,
future-proofing and use in the future ECDIS systems,
which can eliminate the lack of clarity of electronic
charts and increase safety of navigation by providing
a more reliable description of reality.
The database will be built in a more flexible way
and all data will be described, grouped and
characterized, which will also bring an increase in the
quality of navigation data. The technology used in S-
101 based on data validation specification, attached
automated catalogues, rules for describing and
displaying objects make the S-101 standard a
promising format and necessary soon to implement
for marine data users.
The herein study was supported by Gdynia Maritime
University internal grant #WN/2024/PZ/12
[1] A. Weintrit: The Electronic Chart Display and
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[2] UKHO Admiralty: S-57 to S-101: Explaining IHO
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[3] IHO Universal Hydrographic Data Model Edition 5.0.0
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[5] G. Neves Vieira: Conversion of Electronic Navigational
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[6] ECC: The Benefits of the New S-101 Standard for
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Accessed on 02.10.2024
[8] W3SCHOOLS: XML Schema
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[10] W3SCHOOLS: UML https://www.microsoft.com/pl-
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[11] Open Geospatial Consortium GML
https://www.ogc.org/standard/gml/ Accessed on
[12] IHO Electronic Navigational Chart Product
Specification S-101 Ed. 2022
[13] IHO: Roadmap for the S-100 Implementation Decade
(2020 2030), Annex 2 S-100 Timelines
[14] IHO S-57 Appendix B.1: ENC Product Specification
Annex A: Use of the Object
[15] IHO S-52 Annex A: IHO ECDIS Presentation Library
Edition 4.0(.3) October 2014 (With Clarifications up to
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[16] IHO S-101 Feature Catalogue Ed 2.0.0 XML
[17] IHO S-101 Portrayal Catalogue Ed 2.0.0 Rule
[18] Paper for Consideration by S-100WG3 Creation of S-101
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[19] Navtor: S-101 with bathymetric surface
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