AGVs is the possibility that a crane or transporter
may have to wait an arrival of another type of
equipment to transfer the container. Another type of
transporter is a container handler (SC). They can lift
containers directly from the berth, eliminating the
need for a transfer operation.
When using an AGV to transport containers, the
operation of the crane can be separated from the
operation of the conveyor. This can be done by using
buffer stations that eliminate the need to transfer
containers between cranes and vehicles. Such stations
are racks - steel platforms that are separated from the
AGV and on which containers are located. With such
a technological solution, QC or AGV can leave
containers on the rack even before other equipment
reaches the transfer position.
In addition to improving the equipment of
transporters in almost all modern ports, many port
authorities and operational teams are making
significant efforts to improve the commercial sense to
attract vessels in the field of operational efficiency
optimization. This is mainly implemented in practice
by using high operational standards, improving
algorithms and rules for the compatible operation of
equipment, reducing inherent risks. For automated
conveyors, methods of effective dispatching, routing,
planning and traffic control are constantly being
developed and applied in practice.
Simultaneously with the need for storage space,
the height of the stacks also increases. In the early
days of container terminals, the stack height was 1-3
tiers. When SC spread, the stack height was 2-3 tiers,
and after YS spread, the stack height was 4-6 tiers [17].
As the stack grows, more attention should be paid to
reprocessing operations. Various algorithms and rules
have been developed to minimize these operations.
An analysis of the transshipment capacities of all
ports on the planet allows us to draw an unequivocal
conclusion - the tendency to their growth will be
observed until the size of transport vessels increases.
2.1.4 Analysis of technologies for increasing the efficiency
of the process of container ships cargo handling
The efficiency of the process of container ships cargo
handling can be evaluated by using a set of indicators
that have specific numerical ranges. They should
change constantly to a greater extent and, depending
on the type of equipment, which is used at the
terminal, can be divided into three categories:
− for cranes: cycle time of processing one container;
ability for multi lifting; crane deployment density;
− for transporters: time necessary to transport one
container; carrying capacity;
− for warehousing equipment: maximal density of
containers storage with the maximum permissible
amount of overloading; number of cranes set to
increase throughput with low interference.
In addition to these basic criteria, it is possible to
use additional criteria to evaluate the efficiency of
container ship cargo handling process. They should
be considered when developing new concepts and the
main ones are: flexibility, cost, environmental
protection, technological feasibility, reliability.
Regarding flexibility, it should be considered that
cargo handling system at the terminal should be
applied with minor changes, even if the container
flow pattern is different or the logistics environment
changes. Once the control system is in place, it should
be easily adaptable to ever-changing situation at the
container terminal. Main characteristics of flexibility
are the probability of application to different
situations with the smallest modifications and the rate
of adaptation to a changing situation.
Regarding the cost, there should be considered
such numerical results as: a decrease in the amount of
investment and a decrease in the cost of operations. It
should be considered that the cost indicator depicts
not only the cost of updating the technology itself,
which is used at the terminal in the port, but also the
cost of its operation in the feature.
Estimating the cost of environmental protection
requires the use of volumes: total energy consumption
and CO2 emissions.
Reliability indicators are mainly based on the
assessment of the possibility of maintenance in the
future and the recovery time to the working state
during technological failures or accidents [15].
Many conceptual systems are used to improve the
efficiency of container ships cargo handling process.
The most effective include: Linear Motor Conveyance
System (LMCS), Automated Storage and Retrieval
Systems (AS/RS), Overhead Grid Rail (GRAIL),
SPEEDPORT, SuperDock, ZPMC automated system,
Teustack [7, 9, 11].
The unique features of LMCS are that the platform
on which containers are stacked is used as a conveyor
and can move along the track on a fixed trajectory
with high positioning accuracy and high reliability.
LMCS is an environmentally friendly system because
it uses electricity instead of organic diesel fuel, which
is the main energy source for trucks and most AGVs.
The main disadvantage of LMCS is the high
investment cost for initial construction. LMCS is
limited also in the number of routes for platforms and
this means that its conveyor routing flexibility is
relatively low in comparison to truck-based or AGV-
based systems.
Two main components of an AS/RS are Storage
and Retrieval Machine (SRM) and storage racks.
AS/RS has the advantages of providing high-density
storage capacity, high throughput, and random access
to the target container without overloading
operations. It possible to create this system on a small
spot of port territory and then easily add storage
capacity by increasing the number of tiers. This is
useful when space is limited and expensive.
Main disadvantage of SRM is high cost of
construction and possibility of blocking in local space
(at the entrance at the lowest level of each aisle there
is an AS/RS station, which is located at one end) of all
further operations in case of SRM failure.
GRAIL uses electric shuttles as main equipment
elements, which are used for storage on the territory
of the terminal and for containers delivery between
the storage place and the wharf. They can move
between suspended tracks when moving over stacks
and transporting containers. This movement is