Through a comparative analysis of hierarchical and
integrated solution approaches, particularly focusing
on the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem (TBAP),
intriguing findings emerged. While the hierarchical
approach proved computationally efficient in less
congested scenarios, it encountered difficulties in
providing feasible solutions under heightened
congestion. Conversely, the integrated TBAP approach
consistently exhibited superior performance,
delivering optimal solutions even in complex, real-
world scenarios.
The integration of yard management costs into the
TBAP model addressed a crucial aspect of container
terminal operations, emphasizing practical
implications and supporting the industry's imperative
for efficient congestion management. Additionally, the
consideration of multiple scenarios for handling time
estimation added depth to the analysis, offering a
nuanced understanding of the model's robustness and
practical applicability.
The study's distinctive contributions lie in its
focused exploration of tactical planning, utilizing the
TBAP as a case study. By leveraging real-world data
and advanced computational methods, the research
presented a nuanced comparison that transcended
traditional objective functions, shedding light on both
efficiency and time estimation aspects.
As container terminal operations evolve in response
to technological innovations and emerging trends, the
insights from this study contribute to the ongoing
discourse in the field. Emphasizing integrated
optimization, congestion analysis, and tactical
planning, the research aligns with current industry
trends, highlighting the need for holistic approaches to
tackle the multifaceted challenges of container terminal
In the ever-evolving landscape of container
terminal operations, continuous exploration and
adaptation are imperative. By remaining attuned to the
dynamic nature of the industry, researchers and
practitioners can contribute to the development of
robust strategies that ensure the seamless flow of goods
in the global supply chain.
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from
the Deanship of Scientific Research, King Faisal University
(KFU) in Saudi Arabia, under Grant No. A436."
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