Safety and health risks are problems that are
inseparable from all types of work [1,2]. These risks
can be either low or high and pose threats to a
person's life [3,4]. Therefore, every worker must know
the risks associated with a job function and ways to
anticipate them [5]. They also have the right to protect
themselves from these risks [6]. Every job has
associated risks that must be properly managed in a
logical chain of practices through proper planning,
execution, and control. Rodrigues-da-Silva and
Crispim [7] stated that these actions keep project
implementation within certain parameters, such as
time, cost, and quality. Risk management is an
emerging area in management systems [8]. Therefore,
creating protection has also long been intertwined
with and managed through risk management tools
and perspectives [9]. It ensures the safety and well-
being of its workers, customers, and the work
environment [10]. These work conditions include
physical, organizational, and psychosocial factors [11].
According to Sorensen et al. [12], efforts to ensure
and promote workers' safety, health, and well-being
have increasingly focused on integrating the complex
and dynamic systems of the workplace and work
environment. These include strategies, policies,
regulations, recommendations, or programs [13] that
can significantly impact employees [14].
A lack of a safety culture can lead to public health
or occupational medical problems [15]. Therefore, it is
necessary to develop a sound safety management
system (SMS) in businesses or organizations,
specifically those industries with a high risk. The
extent to which safety procedures and regulations are
followed within an organization is influenced by the
organization's dominant culture [4]. However,
Identify the Trends on Maritime Safety Management
System Studies: A Review
A. Junaidi
, H. Yudo
& H. Ab-Samat
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal,Penang, Malaysia
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Studies to understand the development of the theory and implementation of effective Maritime
Safety Management are essential to examine its performance. Therefore, this study aims to identify trends that
review Maritime Safety Management using the literature study design model. Data were collected from articles
published in Scopus-indexed international journals from 2012 to 2022 and analyzed qualitatively using the
Interactive data analysis model. This result showed that the trends responsible include the Effectiveness of the
Safety Management System (SMS), developing the model, and identifying sources that raised safety problems.
This study discussed these findings in detail, supported by the latest theory and empirical foundation.
Furthermore, aspects not examined in preliminary studies were evaluated based on the trend with the evolution
of a standard for a SMS, namely the ISM code. Irrespective of implementing this code, ships can still be detained
for various reasons. This led to use the AHP-TOPSIS combination method to analyze all findings issued during
periodical verification to evaluate the implementation of the SMS on board ship.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.03
irrespective of the industry, the parties involved
should prepare tools to anticipate and manage the risk
to prevent accidents and losses. This will lead to a
groundbreaking study organization and a different
way of performing job tasks, likely impacting the
workers' health and safety [16]. Accidents can affect
the overall results of the remaining employees and
work teams, thereby necessitating reorganization,
psychological and emotional support, with an impact
on project productivity [17]. According to Gould and
Bieder [18], safety has long been a major concern for
organizations, specifically with the advent of
hazardous technologies. Therefore, measuring the
level of safety is a key challenge [19] because some
have piqued the interest of many academics and
practitioners for quite some time [20]. The safety
management measure is important for each
organization within each industry according to the
necessities, and the risks faced. This management
process is similar to other project risks [21]. Safety and
health mechanisms are broadly defined as a collection
of institutionalized, interconnected, and
communicating elements designed to establish and
obtain work safety objectives and goals [22]. It is
critical to comprehend the content, components, and
segments to gain a more detailed understanding of
security and culture [23]. A barrier to safety
improvement is the lack of data for an organization to
evaluate [24]. Every organization needs to abide by
the International standardized safety management
policy to achieve the universal purpose of safety at
work. A requirement is a guideline or structure to
pursue when establishing and working these actions,
whether it is a market risk for all activities on an
enterprise or a specific risk evaluation for a critical
operation [25].
SMS consists of organizations' guidelines and
procedures to reduce workplace accidents. It is a
systematic safety management method widely
studied globally [26]. Organizations commonly use
this method to assess their performance regarding the
safety of citizens, property, and the ecological system
[27]. This can be viewed as an overall organizational
tool for developing, planning, measuring, analyzing,
and controlling an organization's safety performance
and its actions [28]. According to Jiang and Wang [29],
the occurrence of economic losses and casualties can
be reduced through safety management. In this
context, system safety refers to interactive, newly
emerging parameters of the system that is unlikely to
cause loss or harm [30] and believed to positively
impact safety culture [31]. A great Text messaging
includes an organized strategy to risk control, such as
organizational structure, accountability, policies, and
procedures. Text messaging is scalable, hence, it can
be designed to an organization's size and complexity.
Several industries implemented SMS in their business
process to achieve a safe and high-performance work
environment. This aimed to prevent accidents from
endangering the workers, customers, society, and
even the environment.
One of the industries with various categories of
safety and health risks is the marine industry [32, 33,
34]. These risks can occur due to human errors or
natural disasters such as bad weather, tsunamis, etc
[35,36]. Therefore, a system that helps industries
identify and prevent or minimize health and safety
issues, known as the SMS, is needed [37]. Chruzik [38]
mentioned the relationship between the requirements
for the management systems currently applicable in
maritime transport resulting from legal requirements
of Safety Management System. With the
implementation of this system, marine industries are
expected to operate optimally [39,40]. This industry
copes with worldwide competition's difficulties and
increasing efficiency needs [41]. This is because it
facilitates commerce and trade by delivering valuable
raw materials, components, and finished goods [42].
Therefore, a system is needed to help identify and
prevent or minimize occupational health and safety
problems among seafarers [43]. SMS is expected to
assist marine industries in operating optimally and
achieving the highest level of performance.
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code
[44]has been designed to provide a framework for the
marine industry to develop safety measures to reduce
accidents caused by human error [45]. Bastug, Asyali,
and Battal [46] stated that the ISM code provided an
international standard for safe management. This
means that the marine industry must pay attention to
safety, security, efficiency, and a clean natural
environment because it is responsible for 3% of global
carbon emissions [47]. However, maritime transport is
the backbone of international trade and globalization,
including shipping and port [48]. It can transport over
80% of international trade and employ over 1.5
million seafarers [49], which led to the
implementation of the ISM Code. Safety navigation
can reduce maritime incidents and pollution costs
with increased harbor productivity and
competitiveness [50]. These global regulations aim to
prevent or reduce accidents and their consequences,
as well as ensure work safety in ships. ISM Code
implementation is very important because there are
several light and heavy onboard factors that pose a
risk to crew members while working. The code tends
to reveal the possible risks and consequences of the
accident. The ISM code also specifies the steps needed
to improve work safety for a ship's crew, as well as
the strategies needed to prevent accidents. Some of
the incidents obtained while working on the board
and in the engine compartment include colliding with
falling objects, electric currents, etc, due to not paying
close attention and not prioritizing workplace safety.
The lack of attention and negligence in
implementing SMS on board ship will likely cause
various damage. Therefore, it is imperative to
evaluate the implementation of SMS to decide
whether a ship can continue its operation or be
detained for further investigation to prevent
accidents. In the process related to SMS, the
authorities need to have an agile and swift ability to
obtain the most suitable decision for the continuation
of the ship operation. Therefore, it is necessary for
SMS on board ship to be complemented with the
compatible supported method to achieve the best
possible outcome. It is imperative to propose a
compatible method in SMS on an unexplored ship to
gain more insight into the development. Several
studies have been conducted on SMS to obtain a
reliable process. Furthermore, this study determined
the trends utilized by previous studies regarding
safety management in the marine industry for further
analysis. This study also implored the possibility of
implementing the AHP-TOPSIS method in SMS on
ships to provide a more comprehensive knowledge of
implementing the Maritime SMS for an effective and
efficient process.
This literature study was carried out in four stages,
namely designing, reviewing, analyzing, and writing
reports [51]. Data were collected from preliminary
studies on the SMS published in international
scientific journals using search engines and keywords
related to SMS for marine industries. Several criteria
were used in selecting these data, such as articles
published from 2012 to 2022 by Scopus and those that
examined the SMS in the marine industry.
The data collected were then analyzed
qualitatively using interactive models consisting of
three stages, namely reduction, display, and
conclusion/verification [52]. The reduction process
was conducted by selecting articles following the
criteria set in this study to ensure they contained all
the information needed to achieve the desired goals.
This was followed by sorting the data according to the
study purpose, such as grouping articles based on
topics and providing the code for easy identification.
The final stage is concluding data that have been
3.1 Safety Management System (SMS) on Board Ship:
ISM Code
The ISM Code is an international global management
code used to secure the boat business and avert
contamination of the oceanic environment. The IMO
Assembly authorized it with the possibility of future
changes in the world of maritime changes by the same
organization. The ISM Code is the final multinational
and national guideline similar to the quality gold
standards and is used for all shipping lines to ensure
the safety and protection of their ships in the marine
ambient. It consists of 16 components:
Figure 1. The ISM Code elements, source: [44]
The ISM Code must be adhered to by all shipping
industries worldwide on their various types of ships
through the SOLAS Chapter IX Convention. This
increases competitiveness and ensures the viability of
the company. The ISM Code aims to ensure safety at
sea, prevent accidents and fatalities, and avoid
damage to the environment and ships.
Therefore, every business must create, enforce, and
preserve SMS, which is a technology designed by a
shipping company to guarantee maritime security,
completely prevent accidents, and control pollution,
particularly in the surrounding environment. To
accomplish this goal, the ISM Code underscores that
SMS aims should include the following:
1. Organize safety exercises in ship operation and the
work environment.
2. Create a defense or a safeguard against all dangers.
3. Continue to improve ship, land, and water
transportation staff safety practices, such as
emergency management for the security of the
rescue team, the boat, and the surroundings.
SMS must ensure the following:
1. Compliance with regulations
2. Compliance with the applicable codes and
guidelines recommended by organizations,
administrations, categorization seafaring
civilizations, and industry groups.
The company's responsibilities and authorities
have limitations, including:
1. In situations where the individual in charge of the
ship's operating condition is not its holder, the
landlord must document the names and
identification details to the administration.
2. The company must establish documents by the
responsibilities, authorities, and interrelationships
of all personnel who manage and carry out
verification related to work and affect pollution.
As part of the ISM Code requirement, periodical
verification must be carried out on board ship by the
flag state or recognized organization to maintain the
validity of the Safety Management Certificate.
Furthermore, an intermediate verification must occur
between the certificate's second and third-anniversary
date. Finally, renewal verification must be completed
within three months before the certificate's expiry
3.2 Develop a Safety Management Model
The most researched attribute in the SMS case is the
associated model's development. Approximately 56%
of the total studies collected discussed developing or
modifying the SMS model, the detail can be found in
Figure 2. In general, its development is carried out to
enhance the quality of the existing models, thereby
making it a model that is more effective in identifying
and preventing accidents or other things that cause
safety problems. A summary of findings regarding
the development of an identified Safety Management
model is shown in Table 1.
Furthermore, based on the data displayed in
Table 1, it was found that there were various
innovations to make the developed model more
effective. These include utilizing technology, Bayesian
Networks, Scientific Management, statistical analysis,
and fuzzy meters. It is imperative to know that using
technology and other innovations can increase the
effectiveness of existing systems. According to
preliminary studies, the use of technology positively
impacts the effectiveness of this model [53,54].
However, with the existing complex problems, the
development of the model in accordance with the
health and safety issues must still be carried out on an
ongoing basis [55,56]. Table 1 shows the details about
things that can be learned from the SMS model
Figure 2. The most researched case in a SMS
3.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of safety management
The second most studied topic from the data collected
within ten years in the Maritime Industry is the SMS
effectiveness. It was found that 24% of the studies
focused on evaluating systems from which several
points can be learned. The important attributes
include the success of SMS, influenced by the
understanding and compliance of its users, as well as
the various approaches used in measuring its
effectiveness, and the detail of implementation can be
found in Table 2 and Figure 3. Therefore, users'
support is needed to realize an effective SMS for
optimal performance [56, 71, 72, 73]. It is also
important to properly evaluate this process to ensure
the system runs well [74, 75]. The evaluation results
can be used to improve the implementation of the
system in the next stage to obtain better results. Based
on the reviewed articles, some topics were discussed
in evaluating the SMS implementation. However,
none discussed the evaluation based on the result of
periodical verification, specifically on evaluating
findings during on-board verification.
Table 1. Things that can be learned from the safety management model development
No Topics Things that can be learned
1. Technology improves safety The use of technology can be crucial to improving safety and, at the
same time, increasing excessive supervision in the workplace [57]
2. A system engineering approach is used to A system engineering approach improves the SMS effectiveness
implement SMS. [58].
3. Scientific management concepts impact on Scientific management is valid and influential within the content of
ISM Code the ISM Code [59]
4. AIS data and accident reports were used in an This model is excellent for weather forecasting and for determining
exploratory statistical analysis. whether the accident was caused by navigation or some other
factor. The above statistical likelihood was raised by some ship
types, shortened ship length, poor visibility situations, and a flag of
convenience. [60].
5. Using a fuzzy matter element method A fuzzy matter component procedure in the global shipping
industry is a reasonable and efficient strategy for controlling and
preventing total-loss marine casualties [61].
6. Using Bayesian networks and a probabilistic This process demonstrates the model's consistency with the Ship
approach to characterize the static risk of ships. Risk Level metrics in addition to the findings of other studies based
on historical PSC inspection reports [62].
7. Design procedures to prevent marine accidents From a human error perspective, three main things prevent marine
from the human factor side with Bayesian accidents, namely information, clear orders, and a safety culture
Networks and TOPSIS [63].
8. Maritime safety management using a Bayesian The use of the new application of the Bayesian network-based
network model expert system proves that even though several subareas are
operating well, the safety management of ships navigating in
waters still has several attributes that need to be improved [64].
9. Artificial intelligence can help determine ship Use sophisticated tools to support and automate decision-making
owners and engine crews to manage ship engine processes at sea [65].
crews and increase safety.
10. A systems-theoretical approach to improving Factors likely to cause accidents can be identified and analyzed to
the safety of sailing on passenger ships in ensure they are more easily understood by stakeholders, such as
Bangladesh passenger ship crews, regulatory agencies, designers, etc. These
categories of people are expected to be able to use this information
to prevent factors responsible for insecurity on the passenger ship
11. A Badge design approach for maritime SMS A STAMP-based approach improves the effectiveness of SMS [67]
12. Digital modeling of traffic SMS They can create large system sets from complex ones of different
functional organizations. Furthermore, they can be displayed in
digital format and utilized for systematic study even though no
preliminary information was available [68].
13. Factors that influence the use of ships safety The technology innovations add to the body of awareness on the
management technologies variables that influence the use of smart technologies to enhance
fleet safety [69].
14. Based on Bayesian building a model for fully It is preferable not to enable electric vehicles to charge while being
electric risk control on RoPax ships shipped by RoPax ships because it increases the risk of explosion
Table 2. Things that can be learned from the evaluation of the effectiveness of SMS
No Topics Things that can be learned
1. Managers' and seafarers' understanding and The understanding and participation of users affect the
participation in ISM effectiveness of ISM. [76].
2. Possibility of assessing maritime traffic safety Ways to assess SMS effectiveness [77].
using non-accident critical events. 2020). Hybrid
decision-making to assess the SMS performance [77]
3. SMS efficiency increases safety Efficiency is crucial in SMS [78].
4. ISM Code improves company performance The ISM Code effectiveness can be evaluated in two aspects:
significantly continuous quality improvement and client satisfaction. These
different dimensions are linked to increased company performance
5. Issues in SMS implementation from the anglers' Although fishers are required to master practical and operational
and seafarers' perspectives skills, many seafarers perform ineffective processes, detailed
planning, and water quality that coastal fishermen lack [34].
6. The human talent’s impact on ISM Code The ISM Code efficiency mediates the relationship between
performance commitment from top management and the shipping company's
profitability, while different expertise belief systems affect this
relationship [80].
Table 3: The source of the occurrence of safety problems and what can be learned
No Topics Things that can be learned
1. Accidents involving fire and explosion in Human error, thermal reaction, electrical fault, and mechanical
maritimetransportation [86] failures are the causal factors of fire and explosion accidents.
Cryogenic natural gas (CrNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), and
methanol have properties that make them more suitable for
reducing the risk of fire than traditional fuels. This is because, with
proper risk management, they could be a safer option than
conventional energy sources.
2. Cause of casualties and incidents The captain is responsible for the causes of casualties and incidents:
resources and personnel, crew certifications, training, and
interpersonal interactions. Others include failure to develop ship
operations plans and inability to verify deviations from great
practice procedures. This is particularly in instances classified as
severe accidents due to a lack of future growth of instructions,
procedures, and worksheets [45].
3. The leading cause of oil spills in the tanker The correlation between explosion, collision, grounding, and other
shipping industry variables is higher, indicating that they have a greater influence on
oil spillages.
4. Factors responsible for engine room fire Some such accidents occur because the materials used in
maintenance and repair work are not original.
5. Factors responsible for health problems Several essential factors in the ship's work environment, such as
high physical loads, heavy work postures, poor workplace design,
and long working hours, contribute to health and safety issues.
Others include limited time for recovery and mental and emotional
burdens perceived as a result of unclear boundaries between work,
as well as entertainment and social interactions with clients and
work colleagues. Meanwhile, factors contributing to workplace
safety and health include appropriate care, rest time, and
managers' capacity to resolve issues and build positive working
Figure 3. The topic in implementation of SMS
3.4 The source of the occurrence of safety problems
The third most common topic is the source of safety
issues. The findings confirmed that the problems
studied in SMS in the marine industry are generally
related to fire, explosions, oil spills, and employee
health problems. Various sources of issues have been
identified in previous studies in terms of casualties
and incidents. In general, the source of the problem
can be categorized as natural disasters and human
and technical errors. Knowing the sources of these
problems is imperative to determine the right solution
to resolve the issue [81-85]. Understanding the source
of the problem is very important, however, when the
implementation of SMS is properly done, it can be
reduced or avoided. The sources of safety and health
problems are detailed in Table 3.
3.5 Ship Detention: Lack of Implementation of Safety
Management System (SMS) on Board Ship
When flaws capable of jeopardizing the safety or
causing seaborne harm to the environment are
discovered, Port State Control (PSC) has the power to
hold the ship until the errors are corrected to protect
the public and minimize carbon emissions threats
[87]. The final punishment the Port State Control
imposed on any ship was detention [88]. When a Flag
State Control notices during the inspection that a ship
has significant flaws affecting navigation systems
safety, the inspector must apprehend it in accordance
with the applicable regulations and expert expertise
[89]. On the other hand, according to Article 292 of the
United Nations 1982 Convention on the Law of the
Sea (Convention), ship detention can occur when the
authorities of a state party detain a ship flying the flag
of another state party, and it is alleged that the
detaining state has not complied with the provisions
of the Convention [90]. PSC inspects and detains
foreign ships, when a defect that poses safety risk is
discovered [91]. This detention process plays an
important role in PSC inspection. Although ship
detention is an obligatory by the PSC inspection, it
needs to be conducted in an efficient and accurate
manner through the provision of early warning
information to maritime traffic participants [92]. For
example, crew members are exposed to various
potential injuries when trying to handle dangerous
equipment in confined spaces during repairs. This is
in addition to when conducting heavy lifting and
material handling in connection with loading or
unloading operations. Adverse weather conditions
will also increase the risk of collisions in such
scenarios [93]. Furthermore, findings during PSC
inspection which lead to ship detention must be
evaluated, specifically when related to safety
management requirements and implementation.
3.6 The AHP-TOPSIS Method Combination
Safety mechanisms enable the documentation of
policies and best practices to decrease vocational
hazards at work. The Occupational Safety and Health
Assessment Series (OHSAS) is the preferred
certification because an independent organization
must audit the system. OHSAS is the most broadly
used externally certificated Occupational Health and
Safety Management System (OHSMS). It is essential to
make choices when managing a health and safety
system because the complexity stems from the
innumerable qualitative and quantitative factors that
influence choices. This makes it necessary to identify a
decision-making methodology that empowers the best
option. Health and safety-related key choices
encompass various quantitative and qualitative
factors. Analytical Hierarchical Procedures (AHP),
Analytic Hierarchy Process (ANP), Specific instance
Reasoning (CBR), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA),
Fuzzy set hypothesis, Simulated Annealing (GA),
applied mathematics, simple inter scoring techniques
(SMART), and their hybrids have all been proposed as
broad multi-criteria decision-making approaches.
Among the above-listed methods, one of the most
popular is AHP, which is used to solve complex
decisions. The strength of AHP is that it can divide a
decision-making problem into several levels, thereby
forming a hierarchy with a unidirectional centralized
structure between them.
AHP is an inter-informed decision method with
the ability to recognize and remove discrepancies in
expert judgment. This method allows the use of
consensus to determine the geometric mean of
personal ratings while reducing decision-making bias
and making group decisions. The Framework
originates scores from pair-wise rating comparisons
and is appropriate for several co, non-linear, and
multi-actor decisions with multiple alternatives. AHP
can model situations where no measures occur, such
as modeling risk and uncertainty, due to its ability to
score a scale rather than a measure. This method is
based on three main principles, namely structure
dissolution, judgment comparison, and hierarchical
structure (or synthesis) of priority areas. The process
of breaking down a decision-making process into its
constituent parts makes it easier to remedy.
Figure 4. Three Steps of the AHP Model, source: [77]
TOPSIS is a helpful technique for dealing with
multi-criteria decision-making problems and assisting
decision-makers in organizing problems for solving,
analyzing, comparing, and ranking. It is also a goal-
oriented approach used to locate the nearest
alternative to the ideal solution. Therefore, the
selected alternative must be the one with the short
focus range and greatest geometric distance from the
positive and negative solutions, respectively. The
spacing between the ideal solution and the ideal
negative alternative is considered simultaneously. The
alternative solutions are sorted in this method
similarly to the ideal solution. It compares the
similarity of options by measuring their distance to
the ideal and quasi-solutions.
Figure 5. AHP TOPSIS Model, source: [77]
The marine industry is associated with various
categories of light to severe risks that can make
workers experience problems in terms of health and
safety. For this reason, good safety management is
needed to minimize risk with a need for a certain
standard for SMS called the ISM Code. Several
preliminary studies have been conducted regarding
SMS, which can be grouped into three. These include
studies on the development, testing the effectiveness,
and identifying the problem responsible for the
occurrence of accidents. Furthermore, the three study
groups were an inseparable circuit where the
development of the source of safety problems is used
to determine the model's effectiveness. In situations
where the model is not optimal, it is necessary to
analyze the source of other problems. Nevertheless,
from various literatures, it is found that even with this
standard, the ship can still be detained for various
reasons. Therefore, this study suggests solving the
problem by analyzing the finding during periodical
verification using the combination method called
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