Sea transport handles over 80% of the global
merchandise trade volume [42], and as a result, the
maritime industry has become a vital sector with
millions of professionals working in it. The number of
seafarers alone is approximately 1.9 million [2]. The
Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping
(STCW) Code currently lacks any requirements or
recommendations for enhancing the cyber awareness
of seafarers. Therefore, seafarers, beyond the training
requirements of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), typically receive cyber security
training during their professional careers. However,
the possibility of this situation changing is likely. The
Republic of Korea submitted a proposal in December
2021 to discuss the importance of integrating cyber
security training into the STCW [18]. The Sub-
committee on Human Element Training and
Watchkeeping at the IMO was invited to deliberate on
relevant provisions concerning training for seafarers
in the field of cyber security.
We developed the MarCy training programme by
incorporating the insights and opinions of experts,
with the aim of its application in maritime cyber
security training courses. The purpose of this study is
to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the
MarCy training programme. This work is a
continuation of our previous work proposed by Oruc,
Chowdhury, and Gkioulos [30]. The contribution of
our study can be summarized as follows.
evaluation of the MarCy training programme: The
essential contribution of the paper is the
development, evaluation, and validation of the
MarCy training programme. The authors
Evaluation of Maritime Cyber Security (MarCy) Training
A. Oruc, N. Chowdhury, V. Gkioulos & S. Katsikas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, Norway
ABSTRACT: The prevalence of digital technologies is growing in the maritime industry, as in other sectors.
Consequently, concerns regarding cyber risks are also escalating. Incidents have occurred in the industry, and
findings from academic studies further validate these concerns. While technical measures are being taken
against cyber threats, the human element remains another crucial aspect that requires strengthening. To
effectively combat cyber threats and vulnerabilities, it is imperative to enhance individuals’ awareness through
education and training. In order to address the cyber security training needs of maritime professionals and
students, we have developed an approach called the Maritime Cyber Security (MarCy) training programme. In
this study, we evaluate all stages of the proposed programme through four conducted training sessions
involving different learner groups. As a result, the MarCy programme was improved based on the findings
obtained during the training sessions and the feedback from the learners. This study validates that the MarCy
programme is an effective approach to meet the cyber security training needs of various groups in the maritime
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 4
December 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.04.01
organized and executed four distinct training
sessions involving various learner groups.
Through these training sessions, the authors
effectively evaluated and refined all phases of the
MarCy training programme based on empirical
findings and feedback from the participants.
evaluation of training sessions: In the original
study [30], there were limited recommendations
for evaluating a training program. However, in
this study, the conducted training sessions were
comprehensively assessed from various aspects.
The evaluation approach presented in this
publication can also be employed to assess training
programs designed using methods other than the
MarCy programme.
sharing observations and participants’ feedback:
Through the organized training sessions, insights
were gathered from academics, students, and
industry professionals regarding maritime cyber
security. Alongside the authors’ observations,
participants’ perspectives are shared in the paper.
Thus, this study contributes to bridging the gap
between academia and industry.
In summary, our study presents the MarCy
training programme, developed with expert insights
for application in maritime cyber security training.
Through the evaluation of training sessions, we
enhance the programme’s effectiveness. This work
builds upon our prior research [30]. Our contributions
encompass a comprehensive assessment of the
programme and training sessions, enabling adaptable
evaluation methodologies. Sharing participants’
feedback and observations further facilitates
academia-industry collaboration. Overall, our study
enriches maritime cyber security training by
providing a refined programme and a holistic
approach to training evaluation.
In this study, the MarCy programme was
implemented to develop cyber security training
courses for students and professionals. Before the
training courses, a pre-requisite survey was
conducted by holding a meeting with the leaders of
partner organizations. Subsequently, partners sent
another pre-requisite survey to invitees to gather their
training expectations. The training planning was
conducted, considering the expectations of invitees
and leaders, and the training was provided
accordingly. During training sessions performed, a
post-assessment survey was performed for learners to
evaluate the effectiveness of the training.
In this study, the term partner refers to an
organization (e.g., a class society) with whom we
conducted training sessions collaboratively. A leader
represents an individual (e.g., a manager) who was
responsible for organizing the training courses on
behalf of the partner organization. A learner denotes a
participant (e.g., a student) who attended the
conducted training course. An invitee refers to an
individual who has responded to the pre-requisite
While the MarCy programme has the potential for
expansion with additional modules to cater to various
stakeholders in the maritime industry, the focus of the
original paper is specifically on the implementation of
cyber security training for seafarers and office staff in
shipping companies. This study demonstrates the
application of the MarCy programme in the training
of students from different departments (both
maritime and non-maritime), office employees in
shipping companies, and technical staff from class
societies. Even though this study does not cover the
training of all professional groups, such as port
employees, navy personnel, and civil servant in
maritime administrations, it is possible to implement
the MarCy programme to provide cyber security
training for these groups, addressing the specific
cyber risks in the maritime domain. The values
indicated by percentages in the study may be rounded
without altering the findings. For instance, the value
of 43.8% may be expressed as 44%.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 summarizes the MarCy training programme.
In Section 3, related works in the literature are
examined. The methodology employed in this study
is outlined in Section 4. Section 5 presents the
observations and findings. Lastly, in Section 6, a
summary is provided, along with recommendations
for additional research questions to be explored in the
Over the years, several models have been put forth to
guide the design and development training programs.
One such model is the Critical Events Model (CEM)
introduced by Leonard Nadler in 1982, which has
acquired recognition as a well-established and
extensively described approach to training design.
The CEM provides a comprehensive framework for
designing training courses. It is not limited to formal
education settings, but can also address the training
requirements of various organizations. Notably, the
CEM is well-suited for industries characterized by
rapid changes, offering a flexible and adaptable
approach. [25]
CEM is an effective model for designing training.
We have made three modifications to CEM with the
MarCy programme. Firstly, CEM does not have a
modular approach. However, the modular approach
of the MarCy programme allows customization of
training by individual needs. While CEM can be used
to design training for various industries, the designers
must have a good understanding of the industry’s
needs and how to meet them. The MarCy programme
is specifically designed to address the cyber security
needs of maritime professionals and students.
Therefore, even if training designers do not have an
in-depth knowledge of maritime cyber security, they
can still design effective training by following the
phases outlined in the programme. It serves as an
effective guide for a training designer. Lastly, while
CEM relies on obtaining expert opinions at each phase
of training design, the MarCy programme has already
been evaluated by experts using the Delphi method.
Furthermore, the programme is built upon the
improvement of designed training through
observations and implementing quantitative and
qualitative assessments.
The modular training approach involves offering
learners relevant components of a training program
tailored to their individual training needs. This
approach has been implemented for various training
requirements and has proven particularly effective in
vocational training [16, 11]. By providing attendees
with only the necessary knowledge aligned with their
learning needs, this approach minimizes disruptions
to their professional lives. Consequently, modular
training is a cost-effective method that can be
delivered online, offering flexibility to both the
training designer and the learner [39]. This approach
allows the designer to incorporate new modules,
enabling the provision of updated qualifications for
instructors. As a result, the training can easily adapt
to the evolving needs of the industry, ensuring a
responsive approach to changing training
requirements [16].
By integrating a modular training approach into
the CEM, we have made modifications to cater to the
specific needs of the maritime industry. Through our
modifications, professionals in the maritime domain
can have the flexibility to select and complete only the
modules that are relevant to their specific roles and
responsibilities. Furthermore, the application scope of
the programme has been expanded. By developing
additional modules, we have extended the training
opportunities to encompass various professionals
within the maritime domain, including seafarers,
office staff, port employees, navy personnel, and so
on. This allows for the delivery of specialized cyber
security training that meets the specific requirements
of each professional group.
The CEM incorporates evaluation as a crucial
component in assessing outcomes and objectives
during the training design process [25]. The model
includes a self-evaluation phase, where discussions
with internal and external experts take place after
each step. In practice, this requires a minimum of
eight meetings with experts to evaluate a training
program being developed. However, maritime cyber
security is relatively a new domain. Bolbot et al. [4]
highlights that there has been an increase in academic
publications on maritime cyber security since 2017,
while Oruc [29] indicates that public interest in
maritime cyber security has started to grow in the
same year and provides an explanation for this trend.
Taking into account the emphasis on the year 2017 in
both studies, it can be inferred that the global pool of
maritime cyber security experts is still limited.
Additionally, arranging meetings with selected
experts poses challenges in terms of scheduling and
time constraints for training development.
To address these limitations, we have replaced the
original evaluation phase of the CEM with our
evaluation approach. Our proposed approach still
relies on feedback from relevant stakeholders but
focuses exclusively on internal stakehold- ers
involved in the training process. This approach
simplifies data collection while ensuring that the
developed training is customized and targeted to the
needs of the participants. As a result of our
modifications, we present a programme for maritime
cyber security training, as depicted in Table 1.
We employed the Delphi method to evaluate the
MarCy training programme. The Delphi method is
widely recognized in the literature as a suitable
research instrument for gathering judgments and
opinions on topics where knowledge may be
incomplete [40]. This method involves an iterative
process that aims to collect feedback from a selected
panel of experts who provide their insights
anonymously. The Delphi method has evolved over
time, allowing for increased flexibility in its
Table 1. Phases of the MarCy Training Programme [30]
Phase Function
Step 1: identify the needs Modules are identified by considering the
of the organization needs of the organization.
Step 2: specify job Roles and responsibilities of learners are
performance investigated.
Step 3: identify learner Modules are mapped with roles by
needs considering responsibilities.
Step 4: determine Objectives and the learning outcomes of
objectives the modules are identified.
Step 5: build A curriculum is created for the modules.
Step 6: select Instruction modalities are identified.
instructional strategies
Step 7: obtain Training resources required are analyzed.
instructional resources
Step 8: conduct training It is identified how to perform the
Step 9: evaluation and The effectiveness of the designed training
feedback is verified.
We chose the Delphi method as the validation
technique for our programme because it enables us to
gather weighted feedback from the panel of experts
and facilitates open debate without the need for
practical evaluation methods such as experimentation.
This approach proved beneficial in collecting valuable
insights and opinions from a diverse group of experts,
contributing to the refinement and validation of our
training programme.
Table 2. Training Modules with their Objectives [30]
Code Title Objective
M1 Basic cyber security The attendees will be familiar with
the basics of cyber security.
M2 Advanced cyber security The attendees will have advanced
knowledge of cyber security.
M3 Regulatory requirements The attendees will learn regulations
for cyber security.
M4 Vetting requirements The attendees will learn cyber
security requirements in vetting
M5 Critical deck systems The attendees will learn cyber risks
in the critical deck systems.
M6 Critical engine systems The attendees will learn cyber risks
in the critical engine systems.
M7 Other critical systems The attendees will learn cyber risks
in other critical systems.
M8 Cyber security The attendees will be able to decide
investments cyber security investments.
M9 Cyber security practices The attendees will have practical
experience in implementation.
M10 Cyber security The attendees will be able to
management manage cyber security issues in a
M11 Advanced skills The attendees will have advanced
technical skills.
Erstad et al. [14] explore the application of a Human-
Centered Design (HCD) approach for maritime cyber
resilience training. The authors propose using HCD
for the development of tailored maritime cyber
resilience training, including simulator-based team
training. By engaging with end-users and
incorporating learning theories, the training becomes
realistic and relevant to the learners’ needs. The paper
justifies the use of HCD based on constructivism and
connectivism learning approaches, which are
commonly employed in maritime simulator training.
The authors argue that the HCD process is effective
despite its time-consuming nature.
Canepa et al. [7] examine the challenges of
maritime cyber security training and the use of a
cyber range as a solution. It provides a literature
review on cyber security education and training, with
a specific focus on the maritime domain. The paper
presents the Cyber-MAR project [10], which
implements a federated cyber range solution as part
of a cyber security training platform tailored to the
maritime sector. The methodology includes
qualitative analysis through literature review and
analysis of target groups, as well as quantitative
analysis of the results from the initial Learning
Management System (LMS) training. The findings
highlight that most participants experienced
improved cyber security skills and increased
awareness of cyber threats.
Potamos et al. [37] present a novel training
curriculum and offer design guidelines for creating
activities on a maritime cyber range, with the aim of
strengthening defenses against ransomware attacks.
An important aspect of the curriculum is its emphasis
on structured walkthrough practice, which
encourages active learning and enhances the
practicality and memorability of the educational
experience. The proposed curriculum seeks to provide
design guidance to the cyber security community for
developing future training programs that specifically
address the challenges posed by ransomware attacks.
La Vallée et al. [21] discuss maritime-specific
training conducted through a federation of cyber
ranges. The training scenario involves interconnected
cyber ranges designed to support a complex defensive
exercise. The technical challenges of federating cyber
ranges, such as preserving network address ranges
and configuring routing, were successfully addressed.
The training covers various aspects of defensive
actions, focusing on the impact of the Electronic Chart
Display and Information System (ECDIS) console
infection on the navigation system, analysis of traffic
traces facilitated by the Security Operation Centre
(SOC) server, and the repercussions of mis-configured
firewalls and delayed vulnerability patching. The
training emphasizes the importance of good security
practices to enhance the overall security posture of
systems, particularly in the maritime domain.
The research project Addressing Cyber Security in
Maritime Education and Training (CYMET) by the
International Association of Maritime Universities
(IAMU) aims to enhance cyber awareness in the
maritime industry through education and training [1].
The project evaluated the training needs of seafarers
and provided recommendations for maritime
education and training. A web-based training solution
was proposed using Moodle [24] and itsLearning [38]
platforms. The training package includes seven
lessons covering various aspects of cyber security,
such as cyber threats, organizational awareness,
security management, good practices, rules,
standards, and real-life examples. Additional lessons
on network integrity, Global Positioning System
(GPS) jamming and spoofing attacks, and safe
information exchange were also included. The web-
based course was tested with a pilot group of cadets,
and feedback indicated that the course was effective
and engaging for the participants.
Chowdhury and Gkioulos [8] performed a study to
develop and evaluate two participant-centered cyber
security training exercises using the Personalized
Learning Theory (PLT)-based training framework.
The exercises involved 12 master’s students from the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU) and included game-based scenarios using
CybeCIEGE and a physical table-top team exercise.
The table-top exercise was specifically developed to
tackle gaps highlighted when reviewing participant’s
performance in CyberCIEGE, and followed a turn-
based format, modeled after the Lockheed Martin
cyberkill chain. Evaluation of both exercises showed
that participants’ engagement and motivation
increased as they were involved in exercise
development, leading them to use the training tools
independently. CyberCIEGE was particularly
effective for learning cyber security concepts. Exercise
duration affected participants’ fatigue. Qualitative
evaluation showed that the PLT-based model
outperformed other, more traditional assessment
In the exercises organized by Chowdhury and
Gkioulos [8], pre & post-assessment surveys were
conducted with the learners. Initially, a survey-based
pre-requirement assessment was performed to the
participants. Based on the collected feedback, exercise
resources and test cases were developed. The post-
assessment survey gathered feedback from the
learners regarding all stages of the training.
Furthermore, at the conclusion of the conducted
training, it was discussed with the participants.
Throughout the training, the instructor observed all
participants and recorded findings. In our own
training sessions, we have developed a similar
approach tailored to our needs. The key difference is
the implementation of exams administered before and
after the training, enabling us to better evaluate the
effectiveness of the training.
The literature review revealed that there is a
scarcity of both theoretical and practical scientific
publications on maritime cyber security training.
Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, there is no
existing literature specifically addressing cyber
security training needs for technical staff of class
societies. Typically, applied research studies focus on
students or seafarers. With this study, our aim is to
address the aforementioned gaps in the literature.
Lecturers can create or improve their training lectures
based on the findings and observations we have
In this study, the MarCy programme is implemented
and evaluated, with a particular focus on evaluating
leaders’, learners’, and invitees’ engagement and
feedback. To this end, the following process was
pursued to make quantitative and qualitative
analyses. A graphical representation of the
methodology followed is shown in Figure 1.
identification of partners;
performing pre-requisite surveys for leaders and
analysis of training expectations;
development of materials such as presentations
and post-assessment surveys;
performing training and post-assessment surveys;
analysis of exams, evaluations, and feedback;
improvement of the MarCy training programme.
Figure 1. Methodology
For the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of
the MarCy training programme, we decided to
conduct training sessions. To facilitate this process,
we actively sought out partners who would
collaborate with us in organizing the training. In
selecting our partners, we placed importance on
ensuring a diverse range of potential learner profiles.
Specifically, we aimed to avoid partnering with
organizations that shared similar learner groups. By
adopting this approach, we were able to gather
feedback from various learner groups. Ultimately, we
successfully established partnerships with four
organizations: a class society, a student club affiliated
with a university, a maritime faculty, and a maritime
training company.
After determining our partners, we prepared two
different pre-requisite surveys to understand the
training needs and expectations. One of these surveys
was designed for the leaders of our partners, while
the other was aimed at invitees. By conducting these
two surveys, our aim was to understand whether
there were any differences in perspectives between
the leaders and the invitees.
Firstly, we conducted separate meetings with the
leaders of our partners to perform pre-requisite
surveys, each lasting 2.5 hours. The leaders who
participated in these meetings are shown in Table 3.
Some leaders partially attended the meetings due to
their work schedules. Except for the Maritime Faculty,
the meetings were conducted with the participation of
2-5 leaders. For the Maritime Faculty, the training was
delivered within a formal lecture, Safety at Sea. Thus,
the pre-requisite survey was held solely with the
course lecturer. During these meetings, we asked the
questions from the pre-requisite survey prepared for
the leaders of the partners [32]. These questions were
divided into five categories: identification of the
background of the organization, thoughts on an ideal
maritime cyber security training, preferences of the
partner for the upcoming training (e.g., modality,
language, and training duration), identification of the
needs of the organization, roles and responsibilities of
potential learners, and feedback about the curriculum
of modules.
The pre-requisite survey for invitees was prepared
as an online survey (and its access link was shared
through leaders with invitees (PDF version of the
survey: [31])). The survey comprised two sections:
identification of the background and identification of
training expectations. Despite reminders, an
insufficient number of invitees filled out the pre-
requisite survey. The number of invitees who filled
out the pre-requisite survey is provided in Table 3.
Table 3. Leader Profiles and Invitees Numbers attended Pre-
Requisite Survey
Pre-Requisite Survey
Partners Leaders Invitees
class society managers & technical staff 3
maritime faculty course lecturer 0
student club club leaders (students) 19
training company top management & managers 16
During the identification of training needs,
analyses were conducted by considering the pre-
requisite surveys filled out by invitees invited by the
Student Club and Training Company, as well as
through meetings with leaders. Because of a
significantly low response number to the survey, the
responses of Class Society’s invitees were not
After analyzing the training expectations of leaders
and invitees, the training sessions were planned.
Firstly, the presentations to be used in training
sessions were prepared. Then, specified post-
assessment surveys were developed based on
potential learner profiles and the training modules to
be provided (e.g., the post-assessment survey
specified for the Class Society [33]). The post-
assessment survey consisted of five sections: learner
identification, Quiz, feedback on the modules, Test,
and feedback on the training. In this study, the Quiz
refers to the exam conducted before the training,
while the Test represents the exam performed after
the training.
Through the post-assessment survey, information
about the learners’ background was collected and the
questions in the Quiz were answered by learners prior
to the training. Then, the training modules were
delivered by the instructors. After each module,
learners were asked to evaluate the module. After all
modules were covered, learners answered the
questions in the Test. Finally, the overall training was
evaluated by the learners. The conducted training
sessions were analyzed, considering the observations
of the instructors, evaluations, feedback, and exam
results in the post-assessment survey. Finally, the
MarCy programme was improved based on the
findings and feedback obtained.
Nettskjema [43], a web-based survey tool
developed and designed by the University of Oslo,
was used to collect responses from online participants
(invitees & learners) for pre-requisite and post-
assessment surveys. For in-person learners, their
responses were collected on paper and later
transferred to Nettskjema by the instructor. In this
way, the responses of all learners, both online and on-
site, were merged on Nettskjema separately for each
training session. Subsequently, the data obtained on
Nettskjema was exported in .xlsx file format (i.e., MS
Excel), and the data were analyzed according to the
objectives of the research. Definitions and descriptions
collected from academic publications to support our
study were extracted and managed using the Citavi
software [9].
As stated in Section 4, initially, pre-requisite surveys
were conducted with the leaders of all partners. It was
observed during these meetings that the leaders
lacked sufficient knowledge in the field of maritime
cyber security. Therefore, it was necessary to provide
them with detailed explanations regarding the
questions included in the pre-requisite survey.
During the meetings conducted for the pre-
requisite survey, we asked leaders questions to
understand their thoughts on the knowledge level of
potential learners regarding maritime cyber security.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) attacks are
one of the most common attacks in the maritime
sector. Between February 2016 and November 2018
alone, 1311 vessels were affected by GNSS attacks [5].
All ship operators who hold a Document of
Compliance (DOC) are required to comply with
IMO’s cyber security regulations [19]. Therefore, we
asked our questions to the leaders regarding these
two topics. We also included similar questions in the
pre-requisite survey designed for the invitees. The
questions we asked the leaders (A1, A2, A3) and the
questions we asked the invitees (B1, B2, B3) are listed
below, and their responses are shown in Table 4. As
mentioned in Section 4, only the responses of the
invitees from the Training Company and the Student
Club were considered.
A1. Do you believe that learners know what a GPS
spoofing attack is?
A2. Do you believe that learners are aware of the
potential consequences of a GPS spoofing attack?
A3. Do you believe that learners are aware of the
cyber security requirements of IMO?
B1. Are you aware of the GPS spoofing attack,
which aims to provide incorrect location
information to a GPS receiver?
B2. Do you believe that you are aware of the
potential consequences of a GPS spoofing attack?
B3. Do you believe that you are aware of the cyber
security regulations established by the IMO?
Some of the leaders of partners believed that some
of the invitees were aware of GPS spoofing attacks,
but none of the leaders believed that learners would
be aware of the potential consequences. Except for the
Student Club, our partners believed that invitees
would generally be aware of IMO regulations. Some
of the invitees expressed that they were aware of GPS
spoofing attacks. When we asked those who were
aware about the possible consequences of GPS
spoofing attacks, we observed that approximately half
(i.e., 25% of the total invitees) believed that they were
We wanted to validate the thoughts of the leaders
and invitees. Therefore, we looked at the answers to
the questions in the Quiz conducted before the
training. It is important to note that when comparing
the profiles of the invitees and learners in Table 6,
they are not identical. However, the results are
significant in terms of providing insights.
The cyber security regulations of the IMO are
described under the M3 Regulatory Requirements
module, while the GPS spoofing attack is covered
under the M5 Critical Deck Systems module. Both
modules were provided to all partners’ learners
except for the Maritime Faculty, as they did not
receive the M5 Critical Deck Systems module.
Consequently, all learners, except those from the
Maritime Faculty, had two questions regarding IMO
cyber security regulations and one question about
GPS spoofing attacks in their Quizzes. Learners from
the Maritime Faculty were asked two questions
related to IMO cyber security regulations in their
Quiz. The percentages of correct answers for these
questions are presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Correct Answer Percentage in Quizzes
Class Maritime Student Training
Society Faculty Club Company
GPS spoofing attack 13% N/A 50% 29%
IMO requirements 54% 43% 45% 73%
When analysing the provided responses, it can be
observed that the thoughts of the invitees align
approximately with the Quiz results of the learners. In
other words, invitees are aware of what they know or
don’t know. Particularly, the results of the invitees
from the Training Company were found to be very
close (Pre-Requisite Survey: 68%, Quiz:73%). Since the
invitees who participated in the pre-requisite survey
and the learners who participated in the post-
assessment survey are not exactly the same
individuals, slight differences are expected. However,
it appears that the leaders had more difficulty in
predicting the knowledge levels of the potential
learners. For instance, the leaders of the Student Club
expected that none of the learners would be aware of
IMO regulations, but the Quiz showed that
approximately half of the learners were aware of these
During the pre-requisite survey conducted with
the leaders, it was discovered that one of the partners
had previously experienced a cyber attack. The
Training Company provides maritime cyber security
training to its customers online. The Class Society has
provided a maritime cyber security training seminar
to its technical staff in the past. The Student Club and
Maritime Faculty have not provided maritime cyber
security training before. On the other hand, we asked
the similar questions in the pre-requisite survey
prepared for the invitees. The responses of the
invitees from the Training Company and the Student
Club are included in Table 6.
C1. Has your organization ever experienced any
cyber attacks in the past?
C2. Have you received any cyber security training
specific to the maritime industry before?
C3. If previously received, how much time do you
allocate annually for maritime cyber security
C4. Have you been a victim of any cyber attacks,
such as malware (virus) infection, in your personal
Table 4. Leaders’ and Learners’s Opinions
Leaders’ Opinion Invitees’ Opinion
# Class Society Student Club Maritime Faculty Training Company # Student Club Training Company
A1 Yes, some of them Yes, some of them No, none of them No, none of them B1 36% Yes, I am aware 32% Yes, I am aware
A2 No, none of them No, none of them No, none of them No, none of them B2 16% Yes, I am aware 25% Yes, I am aware
A3 Yes, most of them No, none of them Yes, some of them Yes, all of them B3 10% Yes, I am aware 68% Yes, I am aware
Table 6. Responses of Invitees
# Student Club Training Company
C1 0% Yes, it has been exposed. 31% Yes, it has been exposed.
42% No, it hasn’t been 43% No, it hasn’t been exposed.
exposed. 25% I don’t know. / I prefer not
57% I don’t know. / I prefer to comment.
not to comment.
C2 0% No one has received. 25% Yes, I have received.
C3 0% No one has received. 12% I allocate between 2 to 4
hours per year.
6% I allocate less than 2 hours
per year.
6% I do not receive training
C4 36% Yes, I have been 37% Yes, I have been exposed.
The invitees of the Student Club are university
students. It is unlikely that a university has never
experienced a cyber attack. However, the students
may not be aware of potential attacks targeting their
university, as it’s possible that their universities have
not recently faced major attacks that significantly
impact the students. In contrast, the invitees of the
Training Company are employees in maritime
companies. Among them, 31% reported that their
companies have been targeted by cyber attacks. While
none of the Student Club’s invitees have received any
maritime cyber security training before, 25% of the
Training Company’s invitees have received such
training in the past. Additionally, 12% of the Training
Company’s invitees receive maritime cyber security
training for 2-4 hours annually. Both the invitees of
the Student Club and the Training Company have
personally experienced cyber attacks at a similar rate,
with approximately 36% to 37% reporting such cyber
Table 7 presents the profiles of invited participants
and learners according to their partners. As
previously mentioned, when examining the profiles,
differences were observed between those who
responded to the pre-requisite survey and the post-
assessment survey. The table shows the age,
completed education level, professional background
(for employees) and types of companies they work
for, or departments (for students). The column “n”
indicates the number of responses, while the “%”
column represents the percentage of responses. The
pre-requisite survey was completed by a total of 35
invitees from the Student Club and Training
Company. All invitees of the Student Club (n=19)
were undergraduate students studying in nine
different departments, while all invitees of the
Training Company (n=19) were professionals working
in maritime companies. The post-assessment survey
was answered by a total of 79 learners, with 54 being
employees and 25 being students. The highest number
of responses (n=31) came from the Training Company
learners. It was observed that 74% of the Training
Company learners had a deck background. Among
the employees from Class Society, it was seen that
65% had a naval engineering background. It was
observed that 74% of the Training Company learners
were working in tanker operators and 35% working in
dry cargo operators. (10% of the employees work for
companies that operate both tanker and dry cargo
ships.) All learners from the Maritime Faculty were
studying in departments related to maritime studies,
while learners from the Student Club were pursuing
undergraduate education in different departments.
The majority of employees had completed at least a
bachelor’s degree, while the majority of students had
naturally not yet completed their high school
education. In the following sections, considering the
other findings, participants’ responses (i.e., invitee &
learner), and the observations of the instructor, all
stages of the MarCy training programme will be
evaluated. This will allow for addressing the
identified shortcomings of the programme.
Additionally, it will serve as a guide for course
designers who wish to organize maritime cyber
security training, enabling them to benefit from it.
5.1 Identify the Needs of the Organization
The goals of this step are to determine the nature of
the problem [25]. For this stage, we first listened to the
training needs for cyber security from leaders of our
partners. We found that the stated needs were already
covered by the content we recommended in the
MarCy programme. Additionally, we observed that
the leaders faced challenges in identifying their
training needs because of their limited knowledge of
maritime cyber security.
Next, we presented the existing training modules
to leaders and gathered their feedback. Our partners’
cyber security needs were easily identified with this
method. We confirmed the modules specified in the
MarCy programme met the needs of our partners,
except for the Student Club. We noticed that the
MarCy training programme did not fully address the
training needs of the Student Club which was
working on autonomous ship projects. As a result, we
decided to develop the M12 Autonomous Ships
module to cater to their specific needs.
The module selections of our partners’ leaders are
indicated with a “+” symbol in the “Leader” column
of Table 8. As stated in Section 4, we were able to
gather feedback from learners of two of our partners,
Student Club and Training Company, for the pre-
requisite survey. The module preferences of the
invitees are expressed as percentages in the “Invitees”
Table 7. Invitee and Learner Profile by Partners
Pre-Requisite Survey Post-Assessment Survey
Profile n % n % n % n % n % n %
AGE between the ages of 18 and 25 18 94 1 6 1 4 10 100 15 100 3 10
between the ages of 26 and 35 1 5 5 31 11 48 11 35
between the ages of 36 and 50 10 62 9 39 16 52
over 50 years old 2 9 1 3
EDUCATION high school 15 78 10 100 13 87 2 6
associated 1 5 4 25 1 7
bachelor 3 15 8 50 18 78 1 7 23 74
master 4 25 4 17 5 16
doctorate 1 4 1 3
BACKGROUND deck 10 63 2 9 23 74
(if professional) marine engineering 6 26
naval engineering 15 65 1 3
computer science 1 6 3 10
maritime business management 4 25 2 6
human resources 1 6 2 6
COMPANY TYPE tanker operator 7 44 20 65
dry cargo operator 7 44 8 26
tanker & dry cargo operator 1 6 3 10
container & dry cargo operator 1 6
class society 23 100
DEPARTMENT naval architecture and marine eng. 2 10 1 10 4 27
(if student) marine engineering 11 73
shipbuilding and ocean engineering 5 26 2 20
mar. transpor. and management eng. 1 10
electrical engineering 3 15 2 20
electronics and communication eng. 1 5
control and automation engineering 3 15 1 10
mechanical engineering 2 10 1 10
mathematics engineering 1 5 1 10
artificial intelligence and data eng. 1 5 1 10
metallurgical and materials eng. 1 5
Number of Invitees / Learners by Partners 19 16 23 10 15 31
Total Number of Invitees / Learners 35 (16 emp. + 19 stu.) 79 (54 employees + 25 students)
CS: Class Society | SC: Student Club | MF: Maritime Faculty | TC: Training Company
emp: employees | stu: students | eng: engineering | mar: maritime | transpor: transportation
While planning the training, we also tried to
consider the training modules requested by more than
50% of the invitees who filled out the pre-requisite
survey. Invitees from the Student Club, unlike the
leaders, also requested the M3 Regulatory
Requirements module. The invitees of the Training
Company additionally requested the M2 Advanced
Cyber Security module, but due to time constraints,
we were unable to provide that module. Furthermore,
the modules requested by the leaders and indicated
with an x” symbol in Table 8 were also not offered
due to time limitations.
Further explanations regarding the training
durations are provided in Section 5.8. The final
decision for the training modules is shown in Table 8.
Modules marked with and ⊕” symbols were
delivered to the learners.
5.2 Specify Job Performance
The purpose of this step is to examine the roles and
responsibilities of potential learners [25]. Having a
clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of
learners is important for designing the training to
cater to the specific needs of the overall learner group.
The participation in the training organized by our
partners was voluntary, meaning that we did not have
precise knowledge of who would attend the training
during the design phase, but we could make some
predictions. The purpose of conducting the pre-
requisite survey was to mitigate this uncertainty to
some extent. However, participation in the pre-
requisite survey was lower than expected. After the
post-assessment survey, we gathered more
information about the roles and responsibilities of the
learners. As shown in Table 7, our partners’ learners
comprise both students and professionals. The roles of
learners are presented in Table 9.
When designing the MarCy programme, we listed
the possible responsibilities of professionals working
in ship operators. The post-assessment survey, as
indicated in the programme, revealed that the roles
and responsibilities of individuals working in ship
operators vary from company to company. We
observed that employees might have combined roles
such as DPA & CSO”. Therefore, the responsibilities
of professionals might be also a combination based on
Professionals working in ship operators
participated in the training organized by the Training
Company. Some of these learners were working in the
crewing department. In our original study, we
included the crewing department in “marine
operations”. However, the post-assessment survey
showed that learners working in the crewing
department had difficulty choosing marine operations
for their responsibility. Instead, they added their
responsibility such as “manning”. On the other hand,
we determined the roles and responsibilities of
technical employees (e.g., surveyors) of class societies
by considering the suggestion of the leaders of the
Class Society. Possible roles and responsibilities for
employees working in the crewing department of ship
operators and technical staff of class societies are
shown in Table 10.
Table 8. The Selection of Training Modules
Pre-Requisite Survey
Leaders Invitees Final Decision
M1 Basic cyber security + + + + 78% 68% x
M2 Advanced cyber security + + + 47% 68%
M3 Regulatory requirements + + + 57% 62%
M4 Vetting requirements + + + 10% 68%
M5 Critical deck systems + + + 5% 87%
M6 Critical engine systems + + + 36% 43%
M7 Other critical systems + + 42% 25% x x
M8 Cyber security investments + + 21% 25% x
M9 Cyber security practices + 31% 37% x
M10 Cyber security management + + + 47% 50% x x
M11 Advanced skills 47% 31%
M12 Autonomous ships +
+ Requested modules by leaders of partners.
Requested modules by leaders of partners and given modules
x Requested by leaders of partners but wasn’t given modules due to time limitation.
Requested by invitees (50%+) and given modules.
Table 9. Roles of Learners by Partners
Training Company Class Society
operation manager surveyor
operator auditor
Designated Person Ashore (DPA) plan approval engineer
DPA & CSO quality engineer
training and marine superintendent fleet monitoring manager
SHEQ manager inspector
HSEQ & Cyber security manager technical assistant
HSEQ superintendent rule development engineer
HSEQ senior expert
DPA & HSEQ manager
deck superintendent
deck superintendent & CSO
safety superintendent
marine superintendent
DPA assistant
crewing manager
deputy crewing manager
crew officer
Information Technology (IT) staff
training manager
CSO: Company Security Officer
HSEQ: Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality
SHEQ: Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality
Table 10. Additional Roles and Responsibilities
Organization Responsibility Position (Role)
Class Society survey & certification e.g., manager, surveyor, and
function auditor
Ship Operator safe manning of e.g., crewing department,
ships crewing manager, crewing
5.3 Identify Learner Needs
The goal of this step is to comprehend the distinct
learning requirements associated with each
responsibility [25]. The MarCy programme provides
training module recommendations based on the
responsibilities of office employees working in ship
operators. However, it is not mandatory to follow
these recommendations. Module selections should be
determined according to individuals’ responsibilities.
We asked learners to answer the question “Did
you find the training module relevant to your job
responsibilities?” at the end of each module. The
evaluations of company employees for each module
are presented in Table 11. The responsibility of “safe
manning of ships”, as expressed in Section 5.2, has
been added to this study after the training.
The responses of learners working in the crewing
department have been taken into consideration for the
responsibility of safe manning of ships”.
Additionally, as mentioned in Section 5.2, employees
can have multiple responsibilities. Table 11 was
created considering only the responses of learners
with a single responsibility. Considering the
responses of learners with combined responsibilities
would hinder establishing the relationship between
responsibility and module. This is because the
responses of learners with combined responsibilities
may involve the influence of multiple responsibilities,
which could make it more difficult to understand the
relationship between responsibility and module. In
contrast, the responses of learners with a single
responsibility are more focused and can demonstrate
the relationship more clearly.
Table 11. Module Evaluation based on Responsibilities of
Office Employees
M3 M4 M5 M8
Responsibility n s n s n s n s
training activities 1 5.0 1 5.0 1 5.0 1 5.0
cyber security activities 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -
IT activities 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -
investments and management for 9 4.6 9 4.8 9 4.8 7 4.3
marine operations
marine operations 10 4.7 9 4.4 9 4.7 9 4.4
support activities 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -
safe manning of ships 3 5.0 3 4.7 3 3.7 2 3.5
n: number of responses | s: score | 5.0 is the highest score
Additionally, Table 12 presents the most useful
and least useful modules as perceived by office
employees based on their responsibilities. As
mentioned earlier, in order to establish an accurate
module-responsibility relationship, this table only
considers the responses of learners with a single
Table 12. The Most / Least Useful Modules by the
Responsibilities of Office Employees
Most Useful Least Useful
Responsibility n % Module % Module
training activities 1 100 M4 100 M8
cyber security activities 0 - - - -
IT activities 0 - - - -
investments and management for 7 57 M4 71 M8
marine operations
marine operations 9 44 M4 67 M8
support activities 0 - - - -
safe manning of ships 3 67 M3 67 M8
n: number of responses
When considering the responses shown in Table 11
and Table 12, the need for M3 Regulatory
Requirements and M4 Vetting Requirements training
modules is required for the recently added
responsibility of “safe manning of ships”. Although
our response count for the training activities
responsibility is insufficient, there is no need for any
changes in our original recommendations. Responses
for “cyber security activities”, “IT activities”, and
“support activities” responsibilities have not been
considered as they are observed to be combined with
other responsibilities assigned to employees. The M5
Critical Deck Systems module is not recommended in
our original study for the “investment and
management for marine operations” and “marine
operations” responsibilities; however, learners have
rated it 4.8 and 4.7 out of 5, respectively. This
indicates that the MarCy programme needs to provide
better recommendations.
Upon further examination, it is observed that all
nine learners who indicated the “investment and
management for marine operations” responsibility
have a deck background. Out of the ten learners who
mentioned the marine operations” responsibility,
eight have a deck background, while the remaining
two have different backgrounds. Considering that
most responses come from learners with a deck
background, it is expected that there may be a need
for training on different systems on the ship
depending on the individual’s background.
Considering the aforementioned points and the
responses shown in Table 11 and Table 12, the module
recommendations in the MarCy programme for office
employees, based on their responsibilities, have been
revised as seen in Table 13. In summary, the
“investment and management” responsibility has
been divided into two parts. It is stated that,
depending on the employee’s background, the M5
Critical Deck Systems, M6 Critical Engine Systems, or
M7 Other Critical Systems training modules can be
selected for the “management in marine operations”
and “marine operations” responsibilities. The newly
added responsibility of “safe manning of ships” has
been included.
In the training conducted with Class Society, a
total of 15 learners provided feedback on the most
useful and least useful modules. Among the
respondents, 40% identified the M3 Regulatory
Requirements module as the most beneficial module,
while 47% considered the M4 Vetting Requirements
module as the least relevant to their roles.
Additionally, 22-23 learners responded to the
question, “Did you find the training relevant to your
job responsibilities?” Based on the scores given to this
question, the M4 Vetting Requirements module
received the lowest score (3.6), as shown in Table 14.
During the pre-requisite survey with the leaders of
the Class Society, it was mentioned that the
participants deemed the M4 Vetting Requirements
module unnecessary and requested it solely for
Table 13. Revised Training Module Suggestions by
Responsibilities of Office Staff
Responsibility Suggested Modules
training activities M1, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7
(e.g., training superintendent)
cyber security activities M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7,
(e.g., Company Cyber Security M8, M9, M10, M11
IT activities (e.g., IT Operator) M1, M2, M5, M6, M7
Investment (e.g., CEO and CFO) M1, M3, M4, M8
management in marine operations M1, M3, M4, M8
(e.g., DPA and HSEQ Manager) (elective by background: M5,
M6, M7)
marine operations (e.g., HSEQ M1, M3, M4
and marine superintendent) (elective by background: M5,
M6, M7)
safe manning of ships M1, M3, M4
(e.g., crewing manager)
support activities M1
(e.g., accounting manager)
Additional responsibilities Should be elected by
considering individual
responsibility. The potential
modules include but are not
limited to M1
Table 14. Module Evaluation based on responsibilities of
Class Society Employees
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M10
n 23 23 23 23 23 23 22
score 4.1 4.0 4.3 3.6 4.0 4.2 4.1
n: number of responses | 5.0 is the highest score
According to the considerations mentioned above,
the following training modules can be recommended
for Class Society employees having the “survey &
certification” responsibility: M1, M2, M3, M5, M6, M7,
and M10 modules.
The training conducted with the Maritime Faculty
and Student Club involved learners (i.e., students)
from different departments, as shown in Table 7.
Since they may take on various roles in the maritime
industry after graduation, a specific evaluation of
their responsibilities cannot be made. As seen in Table
15 and Table 16, the M3 Regulatory Requirements
module was perceived as the least necessary training
module by the learners from the Student Club. As
shown in Table 7, it is worth noting that 60% of the
Student Club participants are enrolled in non-
maritime-related departments, which could explain
why they found the M3 Regulatory Requirements
module, which includes cyber security rules by IMO,
to be the least useful. That’s why we focused on only
students studying in maritime departments (i.e., naval
architecture and marine engineering, shipbuilding
and ocean engineering, and maritime transportation
and management engineering). According to the
evaluations of the four learners who are studying in
maritime-related departments, the M1 Basic Cyber
Security and M2 Advanced Cyber Security modules
received 50% of the votes, indicating that they were
perceived as the least useful modules. On the other
hand, the students from the Maritime Faculty found
all the training modules, including M3 Regulatory
Requirements, to be useful.
Table 15. Students’ Evaluation for Modules
n M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M12
Maritime Faculty 15 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.4 - 4.5 -
Student Club 10 4.2 4.4 3.3 - 4.5 - 4.7
n: number of responses | 5.0 is the highest score
The most useful and least useful modules
according to learners of our partners are shown in
Table 16. The M4 Vetting Requirements module was
found to be the most useful by company
representatives, while, as mentioned earlier, it was
considered the least useful module by Class Society
employees. A similar example can be observed with
the M3 Regulatory Requirements module. While Class
Society employees identified it as the most useful
module, Student Club students expressed it as the
least useful. Additionally, as seen in the Student Club
training mentioned earlier, individuals with different
educational backgrounds or training experiences may
have varying training needs.
Table 16. Most / Least Useful Modules by Partners
Class Maritime Student Training
Society Faculty Club Company
Module % Module % Module % Module %
Most Useful M3 40% M6 40% M12 50% M4 44%
Least Useful M4 47% M1 33% M3 40% M8 63%
As suggested by credited maritime societies [3, 45,
28, 13], the MarCy programme advocates for cyber
security training in the maritime domain to be tailored
to individuals’ roles and responsibilities rather than
being generic. The evaluations provided by the
learners after the training further confirm the validity
of this recommendation.
5.4 Determine Objectives
The aim of this step is to establish the distinct goals
and desired learning outcomes for each training
module [25]. In our study, each module encompasses
a unique objective. The learning outcome
encompasses three key elements - knowledge, skill,
and attitude - which collectively contribute to
achieving the identified objectives. Knowledge is
defined as “the state of knowing about a particular
fact or situation” [34]. Skill is defined as “the ability to
do something well” [35]. Attitude is defined as “a
feeling or opinion about something, especially when
this shows in your behaviour” [6]. The objectives and
learning outcomes specified for the modules in the
MarCy programme have been reviewed and
confirmed by the leaders of our partners. As for the
recently developed M12 Autonomous Ship module,
the objectives and learning outcomes listed in Table 17
were determined based on the input of the leaders of
the Student Club.
Table 17. Objectives and Learning Outcomes of the M12
Autonomous Ship Module
Code Objective K/S/A Learning Outcome
M12 The potential cyber K - familiarity with
security risks of autonomous ship projects;
autonomous ships - published guidelines for
are understood. autonomous ships;
- cyber risk assessments for
autonomous ships.
K: Knowledge | S: Skill | A: Attitude
5.5 Build Curriculum
The purpose of this phase is to construct a curriculum
that aligns with the desired learning outcomes [25].
We consulted the leaders of partners regarding the
curriculum and inquired about specific topics they
wished to include. The MarCy programme not only
offers modules but also provides curriculum
recommendations, which largely meet the
expectations of leaders of partners. However, we
received some requests that included topics unrelated
to cyber security, such as newly developed
technologies in the maritime industry. We did not
take these irrelevant expectations into consideration.
The M12 Autonomous Ship module was not
included in the MarCy programme, so it was
necessary to develop a curriculum for it. Considering
the input of the leaders of the Student Club, we
created a curriculum, as seen in Table 18. The contents
are divided into two groups: essential and helpful.
Essential content is crucial for achieving the
objectives, while helpful content serves as an
additional resource to complement the essential
content [25]. Additionally, potential training materials
that can be used for the module are listed in Table 18.
Due to time constraints, we needed to reduce the
recommended curriculum of MarCy during training
sessions. In our discussions with the leaders of
partners, it was suggested to eliminate maritime-
related notions and focus directly on maritime cyber
security, considering that at least some learners
already had foreknowledge. As a result, explanations
of notions such as International Safety Management
(ISM) Code, International Ship and Port Facility
Security (ISPS) Code, and Ship Security Plan (SSP)
were not covered, nor was there a general
introduction to the systems on board the ship.
Consequently, it was observed that learners,
particularly those who had not received maritime-
related education or were at the beginning of their
maritime education, struggled to understand the
topics. Therefore, when preparing a training
curriculum, the MarCy recommends forming a
learner profile consisting of individuals at the same
level of knowledge. Another approach is to develop
the training curriculum considering individuals with
minimal familiarity with the subject, but this would
inherently lead to an increase in the duration of the
The post-assessment survey revealed that learners
expressed dissatisfaction due to certain topics not
being covered in sufficient detail. It indicated that the
recommended MarCy programme curriculum was
not fully implemented, particularly in terms of the
training duration being too short to adequately
address protection measures against cyber risks. The
complaints raised by the learners served as the
confirmation of the validity of the curriculum
proposed by the MarCy programme.
Table 18. Curriculum and Potential Training Materials for
M12 Autonomous Ship Module
Content E/H Material
autonomy classification of ships H [17]
autonomous ship projects H [15, 26, 27, 46]
standards and class guidelines E [12, 22]
attack surfaces E [41, 20, 36]
cyber risk assessment E [41, 20, 36]
E: essential content | H: helpful content
The MarCy training programme suggests
prerequisite modules. Before enrolling in any other
module, it is mandatory to complete M1 Basic Cyber
Security. We continue to recommend this for the
recently developed M12 Autonomous Ship module as
well. However, we were unable to implement all of
our prerequisite module recommendations in all
training sessions. In the training conducted with the
Training Company, the M1 Basic Cyber Security
module was not delivered as the learners were
already customers of Training Company, and they
had received basic cyber security training from the
company. Therefore, it was assumed unnecessary. In
the training conducted with the Class Society, it was
necessary to deliver the M7 Other Critical Systems
and M9 Cyber Security Practices modules before the
M10 Cyber Security Management module. Although
the leaders of the Class Society requested the M7
Other Critical Systems module, it was removed from
the training due to time management. The leaders also
deemed the M9 Cyber Security Practices module
unnecessary for their purposes.
5.6 Select Instructional Strategies
The goal of this phase is to ascertain the suitable
teaching methods to be employed for the identified
curriculum [25]. In the MarCy programme, five
different instructional methods are suggested -
lecture, case study, discussion, drill, and
demonstration - could be used in maritime cyber
security training.
We discussed the recommended instructional
strategies of the MarCy programme with the leaders
of partners. All of our partners agreed that the
training can be delivered through lectures and case
studies. They particularly emphasized that the case
study method is highly effective in increasing
participants’ awareness.
The leader of Maritime Faculty expressed concerns
that their students may be hesitant to participate in
discussions because of embarrassment. The leaders of
the Maritime Faculty and Student Club also stated
that the demonstration method is not suitable for
students as they do not have their own checklists,
forms, or technical training facilities.
The leaders of the Class Society stated that their
staff may not have sufficient knowledge of maritime
cyber security, making it difficult for them to engage
in discussions. The leaders of Class Society expressed
that they did not require the drill method because
they do not operate a vessel. However, it is important
to note that cyber attacks can also target offices, and
cyber security drills can be conducted in office
environments as well. It is essential to ensure that all
aspects of a maritime organization, including offices,
should be prepared for and capable of responding to
potential cyber threats.
Table 19 summarizes the ideal instructional
methods for maritime cyber security training of
invitees according to the perspectives of the leaders of
the partners. In addition, the pre-requisite survey also
asked the invitees about their preferred training
methods. The preference rates of the invitees
according to the strategies are shown in Table 19.
Both groups of invitees particularly supported the
case study method for maritime cyber security
training sessions. The invitees of the Training
Company could not reach a consensus on other
training methods. Most of the Student Club’s invitees
did not prefer the discussion and demonstration
methods, which contradicts the views of the Student
Club leaders. There was also no agreement among
invitees of Student Club regarding the drill and
lecture methods.
Lectures, case studies, and discussions of
instructional strategies were implemented in our
conducted training sessions. To apply the drill
method, participants would have needed prior
training aligned with the scenario, as they should
have been aware of their roles and responsibilities
during a cyber attack. However, our participant
profile could not meet this requirement. For the
demonstration strategy, it was necessary to have
mutual forms and procedures among the participants,
which were not available for our participant profile.
Our inability to implement drill and demonstration
methods in the conducted training session does not
indicate that these methods are ineffective. Both
methods can be effectively applied for the training of
different learner groups, such as professionals
working in the same shipping company or navy
We also gathered feedback from learners through a
post-assessment survey regarding the instructional
strategies. All learners found lecture, discussion, and
case study methods to be effective. However, opinions
regarding the drill and demonstration strategies
varied. If we had the opportunity to implement the
drill and demonstration methods as well, we expect
that learners would have shown more interest in these
methods. The learners’ thoughts on instructional
strategies are presented in Table 20.
Table 19. Ideal Instructional Strategies According to Leaders
and Invitees
Instructional Strategies
Group Partner L CS Di Dr De
Leaders class society
maritime faculty
student club
training company
Invitees student club 52% 94% 21% 57% 31%
training company 50% 93% 43% 43% 50%
L: Lecture; CS: Case Study; Di: Discussion; Dr: Drill;
De: Demonstration
Table 20. Learners’ Opinions on Instructional Strategies
through Post-Assessment Survey
Class Maritime Student Training
Society Faculty Club Company
Instructional Strategy E I E I E I E I
Lecture 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% -
Discussion 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% -
Case Study 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% -
Drill - 28% - 73% - 30% - 37%
Demonstration - 39% - 73% - 70% - 52%
E: It was effective. | I: It should have been implemented.
In the post-assessment survey, we received many
positive comments from the learners of all of our
partners, particularly regarding the case study
method. Unfortunately, obtaining detailed
information about occurred cyber incidents in the
maritime industry was challenging. The case studies
explained during training sessions were found in
documents [3] and [44].
5.7 Obtain Instructional Resources
The purpose of this stage is to verify that all the
necessary resources for the training process are
readily available [25]. This section emphasizes the
importance of securing both physical and human
resources, as well as ensuring the availability of
training materials. The MarCy programme provides
recommendations to instructors regarding potential
disruptions that may occur during a training session.
Particularly, issues related to physical resources were
not a hindrance to the training sessions, as the
provided recommendations were considered,
regardless of the instructor.
5.7.1 Training Materials
PowerPoint presentations were prepared in
English for training purposes. The content of the
presentations consisted of books, academic
publications, guidelines, circulars, videos, animations,
and photographs. The prepared presentation was
converted to PDF format with two slides per page and
used as training material. A cover page was added to
the material, which included an image related to
training, training title, instructor identity, contact
details, and training date. At the end of the material, a
few pages of dot paper were added for participants to
take notes.
The prepared training material was sent to
partners approximately one week before the training.
Depending on the number of modules, the training
materials ranged from 70 to 100 pages. Because of the
high page count, leaders of partners preferred to share
the materials with invitees via e-mail or their own
Learning Management System (LMS).
During the delivery of the training material, we
observed some issues. Firstly, some learners
expressed that they were unaware of the shared
materials. Despite reminding one of our partners to
send the training material one day before the training,
they forgot to do so and could only send it during the
training in response to requests from learners. It was
discovered that some learners were unable to receive
the material because of technical problems with e-mail
delivery. The partner’s e-mail address had been
blacklisted by certain service providers, causing their
e-mails to not reach any recipients. In some cases, the
size of the material exceeded the limits allowed by the
recipients’ e-mail servers, resulting in direct rejection.
5.7.2 Human Resources
In the pre-requisite survey, the leaders of all
partners expressed the need for the terminology to be
provided in English during the training, but
emphasized that the speech should be delivered in the
native language of learners. They specifically
highlighted the potential English proficiency issue of
ratings, emphasizing the necessity of conducting the
instruction in the native language.
Except for the Maritime Faculty, all of our
partners’ leaders requested that the instruction be
conducted in the learners’ native language. Therefore,
the conducted training sessions were delivered in the
learners’ native language by a researcher specializing
in maritime cyber security. Despite concerns from the
leaders of the Maritime Faculty that the training
might not be well understood by the learners (i.e.,
students), they requested that one module be
delivered in English to enhance the students’
understanding of the importance of English in the
maritime industry. The M1 Basic Cyber Security
module was delivered in English by another
researcher who could not speak the learners native
language. The instructors delivering the modules
were fully qualified, as confirmed in the post-
assessment survey by learners. However, regarding
the training delivered in English, learners expressed
difficulties in understanding because of the use of
technical terminology and their own limited English
language proficiency.
In all of our conducted training sessions without
exception, learners expressed their interest in learning
about the coverage and approach of marine insurance
such as Protection and Indemnity (P&I) and Hull and
Machinery (H&M) insurance towards damages
resulting from cyber attacks. This question could arise
during the delivery of any module. In the MarCy
programme, the relationship between marine
insurance and cyber security is covered under the M8
Cyber Security Investments module. Although we
believe that it is covered in the appropriate module, it
would be beneficial for the instructors to have
knowledge on the topic.
Apart from marine insurance matters, learners
asked questions regarding contents covered in
another module while discussing a module.
Therefore, the instructor’s general knowledge level of
maritime cyber security is crucial in order to respond
to such questions. According to the comments made
by the learners in the post-assessment survey, the
instructor’s responses to the questions were well-
5.7.3 Physical Resources
The training sessions were organized as shown in
Table 21, including online (live), on-site, and hybrid
formats. This allowed the MarCy programme to be
verified for all three implementations, and it was
observed that it could be successfully applied.
Learners who participated online expressed that the
live format, which provided opportunities for asking
questions and engaging in discussions, increased their
interest compared to video recordings. Some of the
feedback received from the on-site training courses
suggested that the training may be delivered online,
but it was emphasized that training should be
conducted in a live format.
Table 21. Modality, Meeting Platform, and Place
Partner Modality Meeting Platform Venue
class society on site - in house
maritime faculty online (live) Google Meet -
student club hybrid Zoom campus
training company on site hotel
During the training sessions conducted on Zoom
and Google Meet platforms, both platforms worked
reliably throughout the training duration. Although
both instructors were not fully familiar with Google
Meet, no issues were encountered. Only a few
learners experienced initially sound-related problems
because of their device or software settings, but these
issues were quickly resolved.
For on-site training sessions, the instructor arrived
at the training venue approximately 1.5 hours before
the start time to test equipment. This proved to be
very beneficial as it helped address some technical
problems in advance. For instance, the instructor’s
laptop had only a Type-C interface, while the
projectors had HDMI connections. As a result, a Type-
C to HDMI converter was needed, which was not
readily available in any of the training saloons. The
instructor expected this issue and brought along a
converter to address it.
Another issue encountered was related to
microphones. The leaders of the Student Club that
there would be no microphone or presentation remote
for the hybrid training held on campus. Therefore, the
instructor brought these devices. However, it was
stated that there would be a microphone available for
the presentation at the hotel where Training Company
organized the training. It was observed prior to the
training that there was a handheld microphone
available, but it was deemed unsuitable for use during
the long hours of the training. During the training
organized by Training Company, some additional
speakers provided training on different topics, and
none of the invited speakers preferred to use
handheld microphones. One of our partners had
prepared a table microphone, which was more
practical for this type of training. A headset or lapel
microphone might be more convenient for such
training sessions.
The projector, sound system, and other technical
aspects were tested by partners or hotel staff before
the training, and they were functional. However,
during the training held at the hotel, it was discovered
that a learner accidentally loosened the microphone
receiver plug while plugging his mobile phone into
the plug socket. As a result, the microphones stopped
working. The issue was identified and resolved by the
instructor. To prevent such problems in the future,
having a technically qualified person present
throughout the event would be beneficial. An
additional laptop was kept ready during the training
sessions. Apart from the internet, there were no issues
with infrastructure such as ventilation and lighting.
During the hybrid training, it was not possible to
connect to the guest internet network on campus, so
internet sharing was done through a mobile device to
resolve the internet issue. Additionally, during our
discussion with the leaders before the on-campus
training, they mentioned occasional electrical
problems. Therefore, an external battery for the laptop
was brought.
5.8 Conduct Training
The purpose of this phase is to carry out the planned
training [25]. The training sessions started with a 10-
minute opening speech. The opening speech included
an agenda, the mention that the training was part of
the research activity, an overview of the modules to
be covered, and an explanation of the purpose and
content of the post-assessment survey. The post-
assessment survey was distributed to the learners
either before the opening speech. Some training
sessions started late because of learners’ tardiness. In
the delayed sessions, the agenda inherently could not
be followed, but all the sessions were concluded at the
scheduled time. Positive feedback was received from
learners regarding time management.
The leaders expressed that cyber security training
should be repeated at least annually. However, they
also emphasized that the frequency of repetition could
be increased depending on updates to the training
content. For instance, if there are new cyber security
regulations issued by the IMO, flag states, or vetting
societies, or if new cyber threats are identified,
learners may need to receive immediate micro-
trainings on these specific topics, while general and
fixed subjects can be covered annually. The duration
of the training will also vary based on this approach.
For instance, it was mentioned that initial cyber
security training may require over two days, while
micro-training or refreshment training sessions could
be shorter.
Table 22 provides information on the training
durations, the number of modules delivered, and the
time allocated per module. The indicated durations do
not include breaks, lunch breaks, opening and closing
speeches, or the post-assessment period. Only the net
instruction time is shown, including discussions and
questions. Approximately 20-25 minutes were
allocated for each module. The MarCy programme
recommends longer training durations per module,
but it is mentioned that durations could be shortened
based on feasibility and needs. In these organized
training sessions, we needed to shorten the module
durations to be able to test more modules and meet
our partners’ expectations for a wider range of
content. This was achieved by particularly reducing
the duration of the discussion sections.
Table 22. Duration per Module by Partners
Partner Duration Modules Duration / Module
class society 3 hours 7 26 minutes
maritime faculty 2 hours 5 24 minutes
student club 2 hours 5 24 minutes
training company 1 hours 30 minutes 4 22 minutes
The MarCy programme also provides warnings
about the refreshments offered during the training.
During the training organized by Training Company,
snacks and soft drinks were provided to the learners.
The Class Society only offered soft drinks. Both
organizations provided lunch for the learners but did
not serve alcohol. There were no observed allergen
warnings for the provided food and beverages. It
would have been beneficial to include warnings
considering potential allergies to various foods, such
as dairy products. Additionally, learners’ dietary
preferences (e.g., vegan) should have been taken into
At the end of the training, as described in detail in
Section 5.9.4, Yes-No questions were asked to gather
learners’ opinions about the training. Two of these
questions were related to time management and
questions asked. The questions and learners’ Yes rates
are provided in Table 23. The longest training was
conducted with Class Society and took one day.
However, half of the learners still found the training
duration insufficient. Additionally, learners who
believed they had the lowest chance of asking
questions were once again from Class Society.
Table 23. Feedback from Learners regarding Duration
Question Class Maritime Student Training
Society Faculty Club Company
D3. Did you have the 85% 93% 100% 100%
chance to ask questions
during / at the end of
the training?
D6. Was the allocated 52% 87% 80% 71%
duration of the training
Due to time constraints during the training, some
of the learners’ questions could not be answered.
Additionally, some learners expressed in the post-
assessment survey that the training duration should
be extended. Despite narrowing down the training
curriculum and reducing the amount of discussion
and case study exercises, it was observed that time
was still insufficient. Based on the experience gained
from the conducted training sessions and the feedback
received from learners, no changes need to be made to
the recommended durations for the modules in the
MarCy programme. While the duration may vary
depending on the module, it is still advised to allocate
at least two hours per training module.
During the training sessions, we observed that
some learners were unable to attend the entire
training. Some arrived late, some left early, and some
occasionally left the training session. We had
discussed this issue with the leaders of partners
during the pre-requisite survey. We learned that
because of an occurred natural disaster, the academic
calendar of Student Club had changed, and some
learners had exams scheduled, preventing them from
attending the entire training. It was also expected that
learners working in the private sector needed to leave
at times because of their job responsibilities. These
circumstances, at least for some learners, hindered
their ability to complete the entire training. The
MarCy programme specifically advises company
managers to have a substitute available during the
training, and the fact that some learners were unable
to follow the training continuously because of their
job responsibilities confirmed the validity of this
The learners’ count was not very high, allowing for
questions to be answered during the training.
However, the exact number of learners for the
training organized by Training Company was not
known in advance. Therefore, a live Q&A was created
on Mentimeter [23]. This way, learners could write
their questions online from their laptops or mobile
devices, and other learners could vote on these
questions. The instructor could then answer these
questions, starting from the ones with the highest
votes, within the available time. This approach might
have prevented potential time delays and ensured
that the most popular questions were addressed,
maximizing learner engagement.
The MarCy programme does not provide specific
recommendations regarding the notification period
for training sessions. Our partners informed the
learners about the training approximately one week
before the sessions. However, based on the feedback
from learners, it became apparent that a one-week
notification period may not be sufficient. It may be
more effective to notify learners at least two weeks in
advance of the training sessions to allow for better
preparation and planning.
5.9 Evaluation of the Training
During the conducted sessions, each learner was
given two multiple-choice exams, one before the
training (Quiz) and one after the training (Test). This
was done to measure the learners’ knowledge level
before and after the training and assess the
effectiveness of the training on the topics covered.
Approximately 10 minutes were allocated for the
Quiz, and 15 minutes for the Test. Two questions
were asked in the Quiz, and three questions in the
Test for each module. The same two questions from
the Quiz were also included in the Test. Table 24
displays the average score of learners in the Quiz (Q)
and Test (T) results, presented on a scale of 100 points.
The Success Rate (SR) in the table represents the
percentage change in the score after the training. For
example, the average score for Student Club in
Module 1 Basic Cyber Security was 55 in the Quiz,
and 90 in the Test. It was observed that the conducted
training resulted in a 64% increase in the score.
Success Rate is criteria related to the effectiveness
of the training and does not indicate whether learners
are successful or unsuccessful. Especially in modules
where learners have high Quiz scores, it is natural for
the Test scores to be higher, resulting in a lower
Success Rate. An example of this can be seen in the
M1 Basic Cyber Security module given to Maritime
Faculty. Conversely, the opposite is also possible. For
instance, in the M5 Critical Deck Systems module
given to Class Society, the Quiz score was 15, the Test
score was 49, and the success rate was calculated as
146%. Although the training may be effective, it can
be perceived that the level at which learners arrive at
the end of the training is insufficient, requiring the
need for the training to be repeated.
Table 24. Quiz and Test Results with Success Rate
Class Society Maritime Faculty Student Club Training Company
Module Q T SR Q T SR Q T SR Q T SR
M1 Basic cyber security 63 97 54 70 80 14 55 90 64 - - -
M2 Advanced cyber security 67 91 36 57 71 25 75 90 20 - - -
M3 Regulatory requirements 54 83 54 43 58 35 45 60 33 73 87 19
M4 Vetting requirements 35 86 146 13 40 208 - - - 73 90 23
M5 Critical deck systems 15 49 227 - - - 40 47 18 29 44 51
M6 Critical engine systems 33 59 79 57 58 2 - - - - - -
M8 Cyber security investments - - - - - - - - - 31 77 148
M10 Cyber security management 35 80 129 - - - - - - - - -
M12 Autonomous ships - - - - - - 20 73 265 - - -
Average 43 78 81 48 61 27 47 72 53 51 75 47
Q: Quiz | T: Test | SR: Success Rate
5.9.1 Score & Success Rate (SR) based Evaluation
The average Quiz scores in the conducted training
sessions range from 43 to 51, while the Test scores
range from 61 to 78. Therefore, there is a Success Rate
ranging from 27% to 81% after the conducted training
sessions. The training sessions have resulted in an
average score increase of 52%. It has been observed
that all Test scores are higher than the Quiz scores.
This indicates that the conducted modules provide
benefits to the learners.
It is noticed that the MarCy programme does not
provide any specific score recommendation for
considering someone successful based on the exams
conducted. A training designer should determine
their own success criteria according to their needs. A
general evaluation score or even a module-specific
success score might be identified.
5.9.2 Partner-based Evaluation
In the training organized by Training Company, it
was observed that the maritime company
representatives attending the training obtained high
scores in the Quizzes conducted for the M3
Regulatory Requirements and M4 Vetting
Requirements modules. This is because both
international regulations and vetting requirements are
of great importance for a company’s commercial
operations. Therefore, those responsible need to
closely monitor cyber security requirements as well.
The Quiz scores also confirm this situation. However,
as can be seen in Table 7, despite 74% of the learners
having a deck background, they are not sufficiently
familiar with the cyber security risks associated with
deck systems. In the M8 Cyber Security Investments
module, although the Quiz score was low (31), the
Test score significantly increased to 77 after the
Class Society is the partner that has benefited the
most from the training, with an 81% Success Rate in
the overall evaluation. Additionally, their overall Test
score is the highest among our partners, with 78.
According to the Test scores, the modules where they
showed the lowest success are M5 Critical Deck
Systems and M6 Critical Engine Systems. Despite
having low Quiz scores in the M4 Vetting
Requirements and M10 Cyber Security Management
modules (both are 35), their Test scores have reached
80 and over.
As seen in Table 7, 60% of the learners from the
Student Club are students who are pursuing their
education in non-maritime-related departments.
Therefore, it is reasonable for the Quiz scores to be
low in the maritime-related modules such as M3
Regulatory Requirements, M5 Critical Deck Systems,
and M12 Autonomous Ships compared to the M1
Basic Cyber Security and M2 Advanced Cyber
Security modules. It was observed that for the M5
Critical Deck Systems module, both the Test score and
Success Rate were low. Despite having a low Quiz
score in the M12 Autonomous Ships module (20), the
Test score significantly increased to 73 after the
Learners of Maritime Faculty had the lowest
overall Test score and Success Rate among our
partners. It is the only partner with an average Test
score below 70. As indicated in Table 21, all learners
from Maritime Faculty participated in the training
online. Conducting the training online may be a factor
that contributed to the lower success rate. Our
partner, Student Club, organized hybrid training, but
only a couple of learners participated online. They
also did not complete the post-assessment survey.
Therefore, the exam results of the learners who
participated online could not be compared.
5.9.3 Learner Background and Module Relationship
In Training Company, there were a sufficient
number of learners with different backgrounds.
Therefore, to analyze the impact of background,
learners who participated in the training session
organized by Training Company were examined.
Among the learners, 74% (n=23) had a deck
background, while 26% (n=8) had backgrounds in
naval engineering, computer science, maritime
business management, and human resources. The
achievements of learners with the deck background
were compared to learners with other backgrounds.
Because of the total number and diversity of
backgrounds of learners with other backgrounds, they
were grouped as other”. Table 25 presents the Quiz
and Test scores, as well as the differences between
Quiz-Test scores, based on modules.
It appears that learners with a deck background
generally perform better in training. Observations
show that, except for the M8 Cyber Security
Investments module, learners with a deck background
outperform those with other backgrounds in all
modules. When examining the differences, it can be
observed that after the training, learners’ scores
become closer to each other, except for the M5 Critical
Deck Systems module. This indicates that the training
has brought learners with different backgrounds
closer in terms of knowledge levels. Only in the M5
Critical Deck Systems module, the score difference
has increased even further after the training.
Table 25. Exam Results by Background
Code Module Exam Deck Other Difference
M3 Regulatory Quiz 78 56 22
Requirements Test 90 83 7
M4 Vetting Quiz 83 44 39
Requirements Test 93 83 10
M5 Critical Quiz 35 13 22
Deck Systems Test 52 21 31
M8 Cyber security Quiz 28 38 -10
Investments Test 77 79 -2
Average Quiz 56 38 18
Test 78 65 13
The M5 Critical Deck Systems module differs from
other delivered training modules in that it has more
technical content. It covers the cyber risks of
components such as GNSS, Automatic Identification
System (AIS), ECDIS, RAdio Detection And Ranging
(RADAR), and Very-Small-Aperture Terminal
(VSAT). Therefore, learners need some technical
knowledge about the functions of these components,
their importance, and interdependencies before the
training. Learners with a deck background are more
familiar with this technical knowledge compared to
learners from other fields because of their education
and experience. These findings demonstrate that the
learner’s background is important, particularly for
modules with technical content.
5.9.4 Module-based Evaluation
M1 Basic Cyber Security and M2 Advanced Cyber
Security modules have acceptable Quiz scores of 55
and above. The M1 Basic Cyber Security module
covers fundamental knowledge and is designed
considering ratings that may have lower educational
levels and serve on ships. As seen in Table 7, most our
learners have a bachelor’s degree or above or are
currently pursuing undergraduate studies. Therefore,
it is likely that their computer literacy level is higher
when compared to ratings. Hence, the training should
not be made more challenging based solely on Quiz
scores. After applying the module to ratings, the
decision to increase or maintain the difficulty level of
the training can be made.
The M3 Regulatory Requirements module was
delivered commonly to all partners. In the training
organized by Training Company, it is observed that
company representatives were already familiar with
IMO regulations related to cyber security even before
the training. When comparing the Test scores of
professionals (learners of Class Society and Training
Company) with students (learners of Maritime
Faculty and Student Club), it can be seen that
professionals have higher scores. The Student Club
and Maritime Faculty took the M3 Regulatory
Requirements module, which is the only common
module related to maritime. It is observed that the
Quiz, Test, and Success Rates of both groups of
learners (undergraduate students) are very close.
It is observed that company representatives
participating in the training conducted with Training
Company have the highest Quiz score for the M4
Vetting Requirements module. Students usually
encounter vetting programs when they start working
in the industry, while Class Society employees do not.
However, there are non-technical requirements in
vetting programs that do not rely on cyber security-
related technical knowledge. Therefore, both Class
Society and Maritime Faculty have significantly
increased success rates after the training.
After the Quiz, learners raised objections to the
questions in the M4 Vetting Requirements module.
Some company representatives argued that they did
not need to know about the RightShip requirements
of dry bulk vessel operators or cyber security
requirements in Ship Inspection Reports (SIRE),
Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI), and Tanker
Management and Self Assessment (TMSA) of tanker
operators. The learners were justified in their
objections. In fact, the MarCy programme suggests
that the M4 Vetting Requirements module should be
designed based on the learners’ specific vetting
program needs. However, it was not possible to group
the learners accordingly in the conducted training, so
the cyber security requirements of all vetting
programs were examined in our training sessions. The
questions in the Quiz and Test were prepared by
considering the fundamental aspects of cyber security.
For instance, including component passwords or
personal information of crew members in the Cyber
Security Plan (CSP), accessible by all ship crew,
including third parties such as representatives of class
societies, would be incorrect. No vetting program
requires such information to be included in a CSP. In
the exams, we asked questions regarding the accuracy
of such aspects based on vetting programs. This
allowed for awareness to be raised among learners
about general aspects of cyber security.
The M5 Critical Deck Systems and M6 Critical
Engine Systems modules focus on technical topics. All
the learners were not familiar with the systems
discussed in these modules. This was observed as a
barrier to fully understanding training modules
because they were trying to learn about the cyber
security risks of systems they were not sufficiently
familiar with. Although the importance of learners’
backgrounds were highlighted in Section 5.9.3, it can
be seen that achieving success with a single short-
term training is challenging. As aforementioned, the
MarCy programme suggests allocating two hours at
least for each of these modules.
M8 Cyber Security Investments, M10 Cyber
Security Management, and M12 Autonomous Ships
modules are not heavily focused on technical
knowledge. Although the Quiz scores may have been
low, it has been confirmed that understanding
improved based on the higher scores achieved in the
Tests conducted after the training.
The MarCy programme suggests introducing
learners to the critical systems onboard and then
starting the modules of the M5 Critical Deck Systems,
M6 Critical Engine Systems, and M7 Other Critical
Systems modules. However, due to time constraints,
the mentioned target systems could not be covered.
Additionally, during the training sessions, it was
observed that university students, in particular, may
not be familiar with maritime notions such as the ISM
Code and ISPS Code. The MarCy programme
expected this issue and recommended including
maritime notions in the curriculum, with the
expectation of explaining them at the beginning of the
relevant modules. However, due to time limitations,
these notions could not be provided to the learners
during the conducted training sessions, as described
in detail in Section 5.5. The absence of these notions
did not pose any problem in the training of the
company representatives.
5.9.5 Feedback based Evaluation
For each module, learners were asked score-based
questions and yes-no questions for the overall
evaluation of the training. Additionally, open-ended
questions were used to gather general feedback. The
module-specific questions asked are listed below, and
the scores provided by the learners are shown in
Table 26 and Table 27. The comments made by
learners in response to the open-ended questions can
be found in relevant previous sections.
Q1. How satisfied were you with the overall
quality of the module?
Q2. Was the module presented in an engaging and
interactive manner?
Q3. Did you find the module relevant to your job
responsibilities? If you are a student, you can
consider potential responsibilities after graduation
while answering.
Q4. Did you find the module material easy to
According to the scores given by the learners for
Q1, the overall quality of the modules ranges from 4.2
to 4.8. This score range indicates that learners are
satisfied with the overall quality of the training
modules. The scores for Q2 range from 4.1 to 4.8.
Based on the learners’ ratings, the modules were
delivered engagingly and interactively. Detailed
explanations regarding Q3 are provided in Section 5.3.
Regarding Q4, which is related to the training
materials, the scores range from 4.1 to 4.9, indicating
overall success. However, learners from the Maritime
Faculty rated the M1 Basic Cyber Security module
with a score of 3.7 for this question. The learners of
other two partners gave scores of 4.5 and 4.8 for the
M1 module. The same training materials were used in
all our partners. The M1 Basic Cyber Security module
differs only in terms of the instructor aspect for the
Maritime Faculty. As explained in Section 5.7.2, the
module was presented in English upon the request of
the course coordinator, but only for the Maritime
Faculty and only for the M1 module. The presentation
language may have influenced the lower score.
The Yes-No questions were asked to gather
learners’ overall opinions on the conducted training
and the percentage of Yes answers is provided in
Table 28. Except for the students at the Maritime
Faculty partner, almost all learners believe that they
need more training on maritime cyber security. In
most learners’ opinion, their organizations or
educational institutions should allocate more time and
resources to cyber security topics. Detailed
explanations and corrections for D3, D5, and D6 are
provided in Section 5.8.
Table 26. Feedback from Learners on Modules 1-4
M1 M2 M3 M4
Q1 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.5 4.7 4.5 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.3 4.6 4.2
Q2 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.7 4.1
Q3 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.4 4.0 4.2 4.8 3.3 4.3 4.4 4.6 3.6
Q4 3.7 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.9 4.3 4.1 4.8 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.8 4.1
MF: Maritime Faculty | TC: Training Company | SC: Student Club | CS: Class Society
5 is the highest score
Table 27. Feedback from Learners on Modules 5-12
M5 M6 M8 M10 M12
Q1 4.8 4.5 4.4 4.7 4.3 4.7 4.4 4.7
Q2 4.8 4.5 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.5 4.7
Q3 4.7 3.7 4.0 4.5 4.2 4.5 4.1 4.6
Q4 4.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.8 4.5 4.9
Table 28. Questions in the Post-Assessment Survey and the Rates of Yes
Question Class Maritime Student Training
Society Faculty Club Company
D1. Did the training help you understand the importance of cyber security for the 100% 100% 100% 100%
maritime sector?
D2. Did the training help you identify specific cyber risks in the maritime sector? 100% 100% 100% 100%
D3. Did you have the chance to ask questions during / at the end of the training? 85% 93% 100% 100%
D4. Do you believe you may require further maritime cyber security training? 95% 80% 100% 94%
D5. Do you believe the notification period of the training sufficient? 86% 87% 70% 81%
D6. Was the allocated duration of the training sufficient? 52% 87% 80% 71%
D7. The presentation was prepared in English, but the delivery was done in Turkish 81% 100% 100% 97%
(native language). Was this approach suitable for you?
D8. Did the training meet your needs? 90% 100% 100% 84%
D9. Do you believe your company needs to allocate more time and resources to cyber 86% 87% 100% 100%
security issues? (If you are a student, do you believe your university needs to allocate
more time and resources to cyber security education?)
The maritime industry is increasingly vulnerable to
cyber attacks because of the advancement of digital
technologies. Technical measures alone are not
sufficient to counter these cyber threats; the human
element must also be considered. Therefore, the
awareness of employees towards cyber risks should
be increased through regularly conducted
comprehensive training programs.
In our original study, we developed an approach
called the MarCy training programme, following
scientific methods, which enables the design of cyber
security training for professionals working in the
maritime domain. This programme offers 11 elective
modules that can be used for the training of office
employees and seafarers working in ship operators.
However, the programme is not limited to the
training of seafarers or office employees only; it also
caters to different dimensions of the maritime
The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of
the MarCy training programme through four training
sessions involving a total of 79 students and
professionals. The programme was improved based
on evaluations and feedback from the learners,
resulting in an enhanced approach to maritime cyber
security training. Two pre-requisite surveys were
administered to understand the training needs and
expectations of both partners’ leaders and invitees.
Meetings were held with leaders to gather their
perspectives, while an online survey was shared with
invitees. 35 invitees completed the pre-requisite
survey, including 19 undergraduate students from
various departments in the Student Club and 19
professionals from maritime companies invited by the
Training Company. The training sessions were
planned based on the analysis of training needs and
expectations, and training materials and post-
assessment surveys were prepared. Post-assessment
surveys were conducted during the training sessions
to evaluate their effectiveness. The post-assessment
survey was completed by a total of 79 learners,
comprising 54 employees and 25 students. During the
training sessions, learners completed the post-
assessment surveys, participated in module
evaluations, training evaluations, and took two
exams. The observations, evaluations, feedback, and
exam results were analyzed to assess the training
sessions. The MarCy programme was refined based
on the findings, observations, and feedback obtained.
In addition to our original study, this study
provides cyber security training recommendations for
technical staff working in class societies. Furthermore,
a new module called M12 Autonomous Ships was
designed. Recommendations were made for the
objectives, learning outcomes, curriculum, training
material, and duration of the training for the module,
as well. This study also includes the corrections and
improvements of certain issues in the MarCy
programme. The responsibility list of office employees
working in ship operators was revised, and
accordingly, the responsibility-module mapping was
updated. The original study did not consider the
passing score for the final exam and the notification
period for potential learners to be invited for training.
The proposed frequency of the training was
insufficient, as well. Improvements were made
regarding these mentioned aspects in this study.
Credited organizations in the maritime sector
argue that cyber security training should be designed
considering the roles and responsibilities of the
learners. The MarCy programme was designed in line
with this recommendation, and this research
confirmed the validity of the proposed
recommendations. This study verifies that the training
needs of organizations and learning groups in the
maritime industry regarding maritime cyber security
differ, emphasizing the importance of tailoring the
training programs to meet these specific needs.
Additionally, it confirms that the MarCy programme
can be used for the training of students, professionals
working in ship operators, and technical personnel in
class societies. Moreover, through the recently
developed M12 Autonomous Ships module, it was
confirmed that a new training module can be created
using the MarCy programme. Another verification in
this study is that the MarCy programme can be used
for hybrid, online, and on-site training programs.
It was observed that background knowledge is
crucial in understanding the cyber risks of critical ship
systems. Therefore, when forming learning groups, it
is beneficial to group individuals with close
knowledge levels. Otherwise, the curriculum should
be planned considering learners with lower
knowledge levels so that at least a basic level of
knowledge can be established for all learners.
However, this approach may lead to longer and less
engaging training sessions for learners with more
advanced knowledge levels. Our study has shown
that regardless of the initial differences in learners’
knowledge levels in cyber security, they converged
towards each other after the training.
Issues were encountered during the digital
delivery of training materials. Therefore, it was
understood that sharing hard copies with the learners
before the training is essential. Despite all measures,
problems related to physical resources were observed.
Therefore, especially in on-site training programs, it
was determined that having a technically qualified
staff member familiar with the setup and use of
systems would be beneficial.
Our study demonstrated that individuals are
aware of what they know and don’t know about
maritime cyber security. It was found that at least 31%
of maritime companies have previously experienced
cyber attacks, while only 25% of office employees
have received maritime cyber security training. Most
company employees were aware of the cyber security
regulations in force by the IMO.
Although training can be conducted online, it was
understood that even in online settings, live sessions
are necessary for learners to receive answers to their
questions and engage in discussions. Among
instructional strategies, case study method is
particularly preferred by learners. However, the
number of documented cyber incidents in the
maritime industry with detailed is relatively low in
the literature. Therefore, developing a platform that
lists documented cyber attacks supported by class
societies, insurance companies, and flag states would
be beneficial for enhancing the resilience of the entire
maritime industry against cyber risks.
In future studies, the training programs of other
dimensions of the maritime domain, such as naval
forces and maritime authorities, can be developed and
evaluated using the MarCy programme. Online and
on-site training programs can be tested for their
effectiveness by forming equivalent learner groups.
Although the relationship between cyber security and
background was briefly addressed in this study,
further research can be conducted to explore this
relationship in more detail.
Based on the exam results before and after the
training, this study demonstrates that the MarCy
programme increased learners’ scores by 27% to 81%.
According to the learners’ opinions, it is emphasized
that a mandatory course should be developed by
following the MarCy programme to address the cyber
security training needs of cadets.
This paper has received funding from the Research Council
of Norway through the Maritime Cyber Resilience (MarCy,
project number 295077) project and the SFI Norwegian
Centre for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors (NORCICS,
project number 310105). The content reflects only the
authors’ views, and neither the Research Council of Norway
nor the project partners are responsible for any use that may
be made of the information it contains.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our
partners for their collaboration towards improving the
MarCy training programme.
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