Dry bulk cargo constitutes the significant part of
maritime transport and includes any cargo carried in
bulk in solid form, e.g. coals and cokes, grains, bulk
minerals (e.g. sand, gravel), iron ore, cements,
chemical fertilizers or bauxite. Generally, ships
designed/built to carry such cargo are called bulk
carriers, although a part of them have independent
type name which is directly related to the type of
transported cargo e.g. ore carrier, ore-bulk-oil carrier
(OBO) or cement carrier. In Chapter IX of the SOLAS
Convention (the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea) a bulk carrier is defined as “a
ship constructed with a single deck, top side tanks
and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces and intended to
carry dry cargo in bulk primarily; an ore carrier; or a
combination carrier” (IMO, 2013). It should be noted
here that some light dry bulk cargoes sometime are
carried also by general cargo ships. The EQUASIS
(Electronic Quality Shipping Information System)
provides information about the world’s merchant
fleet. Their database includes most of the world’s
merchant ships. Reports and statistics are published
every year and are generally available. According to
the EQUASIS 2021 database, the dry bulk carriers
includes 12 874 ships and represent 10.8% of the total
number of ships, however in terms of gross tonnage it
is already 34.4%.
Dry bulk cargo is transported unpackaged in large
quantities and the significant issue is determining the
mass of the cargo loaded on (unloaded from) the ship.
Practically in most cases, the basic method for
determining the mass of the transported dry bulk
cargo is the Draught Survey (DS) procedure.
The Draught Survey procedure is based on the
ship’s draughts read from the draught marks placed
The Second Trim Correction in Draught Survey
rocedure – Accuracy Analysis
W. Wawrzyński
Gdynia Maritime U
niversity, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The basic method for determining the mass of dry bulk cargo, loaded on the ship or unloaded
from the ship, is the Draught Survey procedure. This procedure is quite simple, however is highly susceptible to
mistakes and accidental errors. Moreover, it is also affected by some systematic errors. The difference between
the mas of cargo at the loading and discharging port (cargo shortage) bigger than 0.5% then such cargo shortage
generally becomes the subject of a Cargo Claim. In this study the systematic error that concerns the formula of
second trim correction in Draught Survey procedure is discussed. The results of calculations performed with
the commonly used the second trim correction formula are compared with the results obtained during
calculations with the use of Bonjean Scale. The calculations carried out with the use of Bonjean Scale, have been
validated based on the ship’s documentation. For the purpose of this study the small bulk carrier was selected.
The results of performed calculations shows the si
gnificance of the systematic error of the second trim
correction for a ship with higher trim values.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of
Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.
on the ship’s hull, at the bow and stern and in the case
of large ships also at the midship. Using these
draughts, the current ship displacement is determined
where heel, trim, hull deformation and water density
are considered. The weight of loaded/unloaded cargo
usually is calculated as the difference between ship
displacement determined before and after
loading/discharging. Such an approach eliminates
from the calculations a number of masses that are
unknown or known with insufficient accuracy and
generally are called ship constant (silt and mud in
tanks, bilge water, minor changes in construction and
equipment made during stays at the shipyard,
auxiliary equipment and some supplies, etc.). A short
description of the standard Draught Survey procedure
is provided in the next Section, while a broad
description with additional notes about actions
performed under the DS procedure and possible
errors can be found in (UNECE Committee on Energy,
Working Party on Coal 1992; Isbester 1993; Dibble and
Mitchell 1994; The International Institute of Marine
Surveying 1998; Puchalski and Soliwoda 2008; Barras
and Derrett 2012 ).
Considering the number and total tonnage of bulk
carriers it is easy to notice the enormous importance
of the Draught Survey procedure accuracy. According
to Japan P&I Club (2016), if the quantity of loaded
cargo is shown by mass and the difference between
the quantity measured at the loading and discharging
port is bigger than 0.5% (Trade Allowance most often
used for dry bulk cargo) then such cargo shortage
generally becomes the subject of a Cargo Claim.
Whereas the West of England P&I Club (2018) reports
that using Draught Survey procedure the accuracy of
calculated cargo mass usually varies between 0.5%
and 1%. However, Ivče et al. (2011) stated that the
accuracy of calculated cargo mass varies between
0.1% and 1%. This seems more reliable because the
range of 0.5-1% would mean that the Trade
Allowance limit is practically always exceeded.
Nevertheless, the error equal to 0.5-1% of total cargo
mass, at the maximum ship displacement,
corresponds to a value of 4 to 8 TPC (the mass in tons
required to change the ship mean draught by one
centimeter) where the accuracy of draught
measurement assumed in DS procedure is ±0.5 cm.
Obviously, in real conditions, such draught
measurement accuracy is most often not achievable.
The ship draught measurement accuracy was the
main issue of the study (Ivče et al. 2011). Although
Ivče et al. (2011) pointed that the ship draught
measurement error is one of the main errors causing
the DS procedure inaccuracy, the authors still claim
that measuring cargo mass by means of draught gives
a smaller error than measuring the mass by cargo
weighting. The reasons for the measurement error of
the ship’s current draughts may be: parallax
phenomenon, waves and related ship movements,
strong current, reduced visibility (e.g. night
conditions) or rain. Ivče et al. (2011), based on their
experimental discoveries, claims that error in draught
readings can be up to ±10 cm. This is likely but only in
extreme weather conditions. To reduce the error in
draught readings, authors suggest using the optical
fiber technology. They believe this may be a way to
eliminate errors that may occur during the visual
draught reading. Unfortunately, the study does not
contain any comparative data, based on the real
No doubt, the draughts that have been measured
are a substantial factor since they are the only input
parameter for ship displacement calculations.
However, there are also other issues that may
significantly affect the accuracy of Draught Survey
procedure and finally the mass of cargo that is
determined. A considerable number of them have
been accurately indicated by the West of England P&I
Club (2018), however these are mainly operational
issues where potential errors may be classified as
mistakes (errors caused by inattention, inexperience,
carelessness, misjudgment, distraction) or accidental
errors. These issues concern: mass of ballast on board,
water density, unfactored masses (e.g.: bilge water,
water in swimming pool, anchor and anchor cable on
the seabed, silt and mud in the double bottom tanks),
squat, trim by the head (the tanks suctions and
sounding pipes are located at the aft end of the tanks),
the nature of cargo (for certain types of cargo, water
could migrate from the cargo to the hold bilges and be
subsequently pumped overboard) and others (West of
England P&I Club 2018).
The Draught Survey procedure not only is
susceptible to mistakes and accidental errors but it is
also affected by systematic errors. Systematic errors
may be caused by inaccuracies and even considerable
errors in the ship’s documentation - the hydrostatic
data and tank sounding tables may not be accurate
(e.g. because of changes to the ships structure made in
shipyards). Another source of the systematic error
may be one of the assumptions of the DS procedure,
that the hull deformation (deflection) is symmetrical,
that the deformation maximum is placed exactly at
the midship cross section. Whereas the location of the
hull deformation maximum very often is placed
outside the midship cross section. This issue most
often affects smaller ships because of large engine
room in relation to the hull size (West of England P&I
Club 2018) but it can also be caused by the cargo
distribution on large ships. The issue of correction for
hull deformation in the DS procedure was discussed
in (Soliwoda 2016; Wawrzynski 2011).
Apart from papers mentioned earlier, a few more
studies that address the accuracy of the Draught
Survey procedure can be found in (Li et al. 2014;
Elnoury and Gaber 2018; Xu et al. 2018; Canımoğlu
and Yıldırım 2021), but generally the number of
advanced studies is quite small. In (Li et al. 2014) the
fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was adopted
to analyze the DS procedure error. Authors of this
study claim that this method can be used to calculate
the error risk in different condition, ensuring the DS
procedure error will be below 0.5%. Canımoğlu and
Yıldırım (2021) used the extended fuzzy analytic
hierarchy process (FAHP) method to develop the
hierarchical structure establishing the
recommendations for reducing errors in the DS
procedure. In this study, like in (Ivče et al. 2011; Xu et
al. 2018), it is stated that errors occurring during the
draught reading stage are the main source of the DS
procedure errors. The errors priority weights have
been defined, where for draught readings it is 0.40, for
ballast measurement 0.29 and only 0.12 for the error
made during displacement calculations. However,
these values are questionable since it seems that
Canımoğlu and Yıldırım (2021) assume that the
mathematical formulas used in the calculation part of
DS procedure are fully valid (free from systematic
Returning to the issue of systematic errors in the
Draught Survey procedure, the inaccuracies in the
ship’s documentation or deformation maximum
outside the midship cross section may or may not be
present (this depends on the ship documentation
or/and the current loading condition). However, there
is another systematic error that directly concern the
mathematical formula used in the calculation part and
more specifically the second trim correction. This
analysis shows the significance of this error based on
calculations performed for the selected bulk carrier.
Finally, it should be highlighting that this study
omitted alternative procedures for determining the
ship's displacement on the base ship’s draughts. For
example, these procedures may use data of a trimmed
ship (Firsov diagram) or ready-made the
displacement correction tables which are sometimes
included in the ship stability booklet. Although some
reference to these procedures will be made in the
conclusions section
Regardless of the Draught Survey procedure is
susceptible to mistakes and accidental errors the
calculation part of it is very simple. Generally, there
are two versions of the DS calculation part that differ
in the way the hull deformation is considered.
However, in this research the trim correction is the
issue, therefore it was assumed that the hull is free of
deformation. If so then both DS calculation versions
come down to one where only the draughts at aft and
fore marks are used.
To consider the possible ship list, the arithmetic
mean of the mark draught on the port and starboard
sides are calculated, independently for the stern and
bow. Next, both arithmetic means are converted into
draughts on the perpendiculars (T
aft and Tfore) and then
the mean draught T
M (draught at midship) is
aft fore
The mean draught is the parameter the
displacement is taken from the Hydrostatic Table of
even-keel ship (HyTa). For trimmed ship this
displacement is incorrect due to the trimming axis is
not at midship but at the cross section of the center of
flotation (geometric center of the waterplane area).
The longitudinal coordinate of the center of flotation
(LCF) is given in HyTa.
As stated above the displacement taken from HyTa
is incorrect, so the two trim corrections are applied,
called 1
and 2
trim correction (ΔD1 and ΔD2). First
trim correction ΔD
1 (2) considers the difference in
draught between the midship and LCF cross section.
The idea of this correction is logical and obvious.
However, in the formula (2) the LCF taken from the
Hydrostatic Table of even-keel ship is used. For
trimmed ship the waterplane area changes its shape
and size. Consequently, the center of flotation changes
its position too. To take this into account the second
trim correction (3) is used. It should be noted here that
formula (3) was developed using some simplifications
and is no longer so obvious as formula (2).
In the above formulas t is the trim (negative for aft
trim and positive for forward trim), LCF is the
longitudinal center of flotation measured in relation to
midship (negative when towards the stern and
positive when towards the bow), L
PP is the length
between perpendiculars, TPC is the mass in tons
required to change the ship mean draught by one
centimeter and MTC the moment to change the trim
one centimeter. The remarks on the trim sign given in
brackets are very important. Unfortunately, for most
ships, the arrangement of trim sign and LCF sign that
is used gives the wrong sign of 1
trim correction. To
avoid this error a simple rule can be used: if the trim
and the position of center of flotation relative to
midship are in the same “direction” than the sign of
trim correction is positive, otherwise it is negative.
Moreover, it is worth noting here that the formula
(3) is incomplete. This is easy to see when looking at
the units. Performing unit’s calculation of (3) we will
get (tm) while it should be (t). The complete formula
of 2
trim correction has the form (4) however, due to
ΔT is one meter, it is commonly reduced to (3). The
ΔT equal to 1 m implies that 2
trim correction is
dedicated for the small values of trim.
( )
0.5 0.5
Tm Tm
L Tm
Both trim corrections are added to the
displacement taken from the Hydrostatic Table of
even-keel ship (5):
( )
D DT D D= +∆ +∆
The last step is to consider the water density that is
measured at the draught reading stage (ρ
m). If ρm is
equal to water density used in HyTa (ρ
HyTa) then the
final value of displacement D=D’ and if not then:
This study is intended to show the accuracy of the
trim correction (3), (4).
For the purposes of trim correction analysis in the
Draught Survey procedure the small bulk carrier Armia
Krajowa was chosen. Ship length between
perpendiculars L
pp=176.65 m, breadth B=30.00 m,
summer maximum draught T
max(ρ=1.025 t/m
m and maximum displacement D=49 212.7 t. As basic,
it was assumed that the data provided in the ship's
documentation are correct and accurate.
The volume of immersed part of the hull
calculated using Bonjean Scale (BS) is the moulded
volume of hull. It does not include volumes of shell
plates and appendages (bilge keel, rudder, propeller,
propeller shafts and struts, roll fins). On the other
hand, the hull volume calculated using Bonjean Scale
should be reduced by the volumes of tunnels that
accommodate bow thrusters. Volumes of the hull
given in the ship Hydrostatic Table the most often are
the moulded volumes.
To determine the total ship displacement, the
moulded volume calculated using the Bonjean Scale or
taken from HyTa, should be multiplying not only by
the water density but also by an additional coefficient
sa (shell and appendages coefficient). For operational
ships draughts, the volume of immersed appendages
is almost constant while the volume of immersed part
of the hull is highly depend on the current draught.
Therefore, c
sa is dependent on the draught too. It is
worth noting that for many small ships, especially
general cargo ships, most often a constant value of c
is assumed.
For ship used in the presented research the c
dependence on draught is shown in Fig. 1. The graph
was developed based on the ship HyTa (even-keel),
using a simple formula:
( )
( )
( )
where D(T) and V(T) are the displacement and
moulded volume taken from HyTa (even-keel) for the
draught T and ρ
HyTa is the water density used in HyTa.
Figure 1. Shell and appendages coefficient csa for the
bulkcarier Armia Krajowa
Unfortunately, the data in HyTa of Armia Krajowa
are given only for draughts every 0.5 m. To increase
the accuracy of the displacement calculations for
intermediate draught values, c
sa coefficient has been
approximated by the following formula:
( )
0.0187742 0.0258258 0.0675878 0.0763044 0.0308097
In the range of Armia Krajowa operational draught,
the formula (8) gives the c
sa values with a deviation
below 0.003%, in points used for approximation.
The moulded volume of hull underwater part, for the
ship without heel, was calculated using the Bonjean
Scale. In Armia Krajowa documentation, the Bonjean
Scale includes curves of cross section area (presented
as a function of draught) for up to 44 cross-sections
and the volume calculation formula is as follows:
( ) ( )
nn n n
where A
n(Tn) is the transverse area of n cross section
taken from BS for the draught at this section T
n, dn is
the distance between cross sections (n and n+1) and m
is the total number of cross sections.
It needs to be highlighted that the volume
calculations accuracy significantly depends on the
number of cross sections in the stern and bow part of
hull, where the greatest variability of the hull cross
sections shape can be observed. To check if the
number of sections given in BS of Armia Krajowa is
sufficient, the calculations of the hull moulded
volumes were carried out for even-keel ship at
draughts same as given in HyTa. Moulded volumes
calculated with the use of BS and taken from HyTa
turned out to be very close, so to show the divergence,
the graph of moulded volumes differences (ΔV=V
HyTa -
BS) will be better (Fig. 2). In Fig. 2 the solid line
shows ΔV for calculations performed according to
formula (9) where the interpolation between A
and A
n+1(Tn+1) is linear and the dashed line shows ΔV
for calculations performed using spline interpolation
(a curve between every two points were
approximated by a second degree polynomial based
on 3 consecutive points):
( ) ( )
n nm
V f x dx f x dx
= +
Figure 2. Differences of moulded volumes ΔV, calculated
using Bonjean Scale and given in Hydrostatic Table of the
even-keel ship (ΔV =V
HyTa-VBS). Solid line linear
interpolation; dashed line spline interpolation
In Fig. 2 its clear that the linear interpolation
provides results closer to HyTa, so this method has
been chosen. Additionally, Fig. 2 shows that the
moulded volumes difference increases with draught
(volume of immersed part of hull) increase. However,
if the difference of moulded volumes showed in Fig. 2
will be replaced by the coefficient of relative
difference (11) than it can be seen that the
convergence of the V
HyTa and VBS increases with
draught increase (Fig. 3, solid line). This is fully
justified since the shape of the hull shows greater
variability in the range of small draughts.
( )
( )
( )
= +
Figure 3. Coefficient of the moulded volume relative
difference c
mv. Solid line actual; dashed line
approximated by formula (12)
Because the exact values of coefficient cvm can be
calculated only for draught selected in HyTa table, for
convenience, a function (12) approximating its value
was developed. The curve of the approximated values
of c
mv is shown in Fig. 3 (dashed line). Despite minor
differences between actual and approximated value of
cmv, the use of (12) caused that ΔV in any case was
not greater than 4.6 m
(Fig. 4). This corresponds to
approximately 0.1 TPC.
( )
0.018593 0.112466 0.370059 0.496174 0.223627
Figure 4 Difference between the moulded volume given in
Hydrostatic Table (even-keel) and calculated with the use of
Bonjean Scale, after using the coefficient of relative difference
mv (12)
In the Armia Krajowa stability booklet, apart from
even-keel HyTa, the Hydrostatic Table for trimmed ship
(HyTa_t) are also given, for trim -1.00, -2.00 and -3.00
m. Fig. 5 shows difference between the moulded
volume given in the trimmed ship Hydrostatic Table
and calculated using Bonjean Scale and the c
coefficient (12), for trim -2.00 and -3.00 m. This time
the differences are slightly greater than for even keel
ship and are clearly related to the trim value.
Nonetheless, it can still be concluded that the applied
calculation procedure gives satisfactory results since
the ship average TPC is close to 50 t/cm (hull volume
change is close to 50 m
for 1cm draught change).
Figure 5. Difference between the moulded volume given in
trimmed ship Hydrostatic Table and calculated using Bonjean
Scale and the coefficient of relative difference c
mv (12).
Volume 10 m
corresponds to approximately 0.2 TPC
The displacement of trimmed ship was calculated
using two methods, with the use of Bonjean Scale and
Draught Survey procedure. Calculations were carried
out for the mean draught (draught at midship) from
5.00 to 11.80 m with the spacing 0.2 m and trim from -
6.00 m (aft trim) to 2.00 m (forward trim) with the
same 0.2 m spacing. The differences between ship
displacement calculated by both methods are shown
in Fig. 6. However, because the difference in
displacement expressed directly in tones is strongly
related to the ship size, it was considered better to
present those differences in TPC units. It should also
be noted, due to the difference sign, that the
displacement difference Δ
disp was calculated as
disp Bonjean Scale Draught Survey
It can be seen in Fig. 6 that apart from small and
medium values of trim (
< 2.00 m) where Δdisp is
small and in the most cases negligible (Δ
disp < 0.25
TPC) the displacement difference quite increases for
bigger trim values. Also, it’s easy to see that for small
draughts (T
M < 7.40 m) the displacement difference is
positive and for higher ones it is negative. Although a
certain tendency of changes can be identified, the
problem is to observe the exact relation between Δ
and the draught. For example, for mean draughts 7.60
and 11.80 m the displacement differences are quite
similar while for T
M = 9.00 m Δdisp is clearly bigger.
Figure 6. Difference between ship displacement calculated
using Bonjean Scale and Draught Survey procedure for the
mean draught from 5.00 to 11.80 m with 0.2 m spacing, as a
function of trim, in TPC units
The calculation results showed in Fig. 6, but in a
different arrangement, are presented in Fig. 7 and 8.
These figures show the displacement difference for
different trim values as a function of the ship mean
draught. In Fig. 7 it is clearly visible that the changes
may be difficult to describe with a mathematical
formula. Moreover, an unfavorable phenomenon is
the Δ
disp sign change. For TM < 7.20 m the sign of Δdisp is
positive while above is negative. This mean that
displacement calculation inaccuracy for ship before
and after loading will add up.
Fig. 8 shows the same graphs as Fig. 7 but for the
trim absolute value limited to 3.00 m. Visible, the
small local deviations of graphs are probably caused
by the discrete data format used in the ship
Hydrostatic Table and Bonjean Scale as well as the
precision of this data. Moreover, some of the visible
differences may also be caused directly by the
calculation method used. Apart from the issue of
deviations, Fig. 8 strengthens the conviction that
describing the Δ
disp using a mathematical formula may
be impossible.
Finally, it is worth adding that since the 1
correction is logical and obvious, Δ
disp presented in
Fig. 6, 7 and 8 is directly related to the not entirely
correct 2
trim correction and may be considered as
an error of 2
trim correction.
Figure 7. Difference between ship displacement calculated
using Bonjean Scale and standard Draught Survey procedure,
for trim from -6 m (aft trim) to 2 m (forward trim) with 0.2
m spacing, as a function of draught, in TPC units
Figure 8. Difference between ship displacement calculated
using Bonjean Scale and standard Draught Survey procedure,
for trim from -3 m (aft trim) to 2 m (forward trim) with 0.2
m spacing, presented as a function of draught, in TPC units
In the previous section it was stated that the
difference between ship displacement calculated
using Bonjean Scale and Draught Survey procedure
disp) may be difficult or even impossible to describe
using a mathematical formula. Moreover, this
approach would require to develop an additional
correction formula to the Draught Survey procedure
trim correction). Focusing on the differences in the
results obtained using two different calculation
methods (Fig. 6, 7 and 8) is not always conducive to
finding a solution.
Fig. 9 shows the 2
trim correction calculated
according to the formula (3) while Fig. 10 shows the
difference between the ship displacement calculated
with the use of Bonjean Scale and the displacement
taken from HyTa increased by 1
trim correction (2):
( )
( )
21BS HyTa M
= +∆
Figure 9. Second trim correction in the Draught Survey
procedure calculated according to formula (3)
Figure 10. Difference between the ship displacement
calculated with the use of Bonjean Scale and the
displacement taken from HyTa increased by 1
correction (2) 2
trim correction calculated on the base
of Bonjean Scale.
Considering what was written earlier, it can be
assumed that Fig. 10 shows the correct values of 2
trim correction
( )
. Therefore, it is worth
considering whether the formula (3) can be modified
to obtain the calculation results as close as possible to
those presented in Fig. 10.
Formula (3) is a direct derivative of formula (4)
where it was assumed that ΔT is one meter. This
assumption implies that 2
trim correction (3) is
dedicated for small values of trim, and it must be
admitted that for the such trim values it gives
satisfying results (Fig. 6 and 8). Nevertheless, it can
seem that formula (4) with small modification can be
better for larger trim values, maintaining good results
for small and medium values of trims. To test this,
formula (4) was modified to:
( )
0.5 0.5
+ ⋅∆ ⋅∆
The idea of formula (15) was to consider changes
in the size and shape of the waterplane area over the
bigger range of current ship draughts, not only over
1 m range. This can be important since the aft part of
stern can begin more than 0.5 m above the horizontal
plane of mean draught T
M. In the first attempt it was
assumed that
(Fig. 11). Fig. 11 clearly shows
that for such assumption formula (15) did not give
good results. The graphs are smoothed and the
characteristic changes, visible in Fig. 10 in the draught
range from 7 to 11 m, did not show up.
Figure 11. Second trim correction in the Draught Survey
procedure calculated according to formula (13)
To test the formula (15) more thoroughly, the ΔT
value was varied from 0.1 to 1 of the trim absolute
value. The summary results of calculations performed
for trim -6, -4 and -2 m are presented in Fig. 12. It can
be seen that ΔT value bigger than 1 m only slightly
affect the maximum difference between 2
correction calculated using Bonjean Scale and formula
2 2.1
trim corr
= −∆
m and t =-6 m, the total value of
trim corr
varies with a deviation smaller than 0.2
TPC and for t =-2 m smaller than 0.02 TPC. Also,
worth noting is that reducing ΔT value below 1 m
causes a clear and fast increase in value of
trim corr
The different values of ΔT, connected with vertical
shift, were also tested, but without satisfying results.
The results of all calculations which were performed
suggest that the LCF changes caused by the ship trim
can’t be accurately determined using MTC changes.
Figure 12. Maximum difference between 2
trim correction
determined using Bonjean Scale and calculated using
formula (15)
Of course, when analyzing the 2
trim correction
for a specific ship, as in the case of this work, formula
(3) can be modified based directly on the results of
calculations which were carried out. In Fig. 7 and 8 it
is enough to consider the draught at which the graphs
change the sign. The modified formula (3) has now
the form:
( )
2.2 0.5 0.5
Tm Tm
where T
+/− is the draught at which the graphs change
the sign.
Although the modification placed in formula (17)
is based on the observation of changes in the graphs
in Fig. 7 and 8, it seems reasonable. The ship trim has
a greater impact on the waterplane area (size, shape,
geometric center) for smaller draughts than for bigger
ones. This is related to greater variability of the hull
shape in the range of small and medium draughts and
can be confirmed by the LCF graph (Fig. 13).
Figure 13. Longitudinal center of flotation (LCF) of the bulk
carrier Armia Krajowa, relative to midship
However, the value of T+/− in formula (17) is not
obvious. This is because the individual graphs change
the sign at slightly different draught (Fig. 7 and 8). For
the ship which is used in this research the calculations
were performed for several values of T
+/− and the best
results were obtained for T
+/−=6.60 m (Fig. 14 and 15).
Comparing the differences in the ship
displacement obtained after using the standard 2nd
trim corr. formula (3) and the proposed one (17), it is
clearly visible that formula (17) gives better results.
Although for
, the maximum differences
practically don’t change (Fig. 8 and 15), at bigger
values of the trim the improvement if quite significant
(Fig. 7 and 14). For trim -6 m, the maximum spread of
differences in Fig. 7 is almost 5 TPC while in Fig. 14 it
is less than 3 TPC.
Figure 14. Difference between ship displacement calculated
using Bonjean Scale and Draught Survey procedure with 2
trim corr. calculated using formula (17) where T+/−=6.60 m,
for trim from -6 m (aft trim) to 2 m (forward trim) with 0.2
m spacing, presented in TPC units
Figure 15. Difference between ship displacement calculated
using Bonjean Scale and Draught Survey procedure with 2nd
trim corr. calculated using formula (17) for T+/−=6.66 m and
trim from -3 m (aft trim) to 2 m (forward trim) with 0.2 m
spacing, presented in TPC units
At the beginning, it should be noting that the
conclusions given below apply to the ship used in the
research. To treat them as general conclusions, similar
calculations should be performed for a large group of
ships (of various types).
In Section 4, it was shown that the ship volume
(displacement) calculated with the use of quite simple
formula (9) based on the Bonjean Scale placed in the
ship documentation gives accurate results. For even
keel ship the displacement differences in relation to
Hydrostatic Table were smaller than 0.1 TPC. For
trimmed ship differences were bigger and increases
with increasing trim, however for 3.00 m stern trim,
the maximum difference is smaller than 0.25 TPC. It is
quite small error since the assumed accuracy of the
draughts measurement, during the Draught Survey
procedure, is ±0.5 cm. However. at this point it should
be emphasized that Armia Krajowa documentation
includes Bonjean Scale with data for up to 44 cross-
sections. This is a significant and rather the rare
number of cross sections applied.
The standard version of 2
trim correction (3) used
in the Draught Survey procedure provide good results
for the ship with trim not bigger than 3 m. For such
trim the value of error caused by 2
trim correction
disp) should be smaller than 0.5 TPC (Fig. 8 and 15).
Moreover, for
the error should be smaller
than 0.25 TPC and for
the error should be
smaller than 0.1 TPC. For ship trim bigger than 3 m
the error increasing rapidly in accordance with trim
(Fig. 6), for most values of the ship mean draught T
However, within a small range of T
M the error of 2
trim correction can be very small and almost
independent of the ship trim (Fig. 7, draught between
7.00 and 7.20 m)
The commonly used form of 2
trim correction (3)
uses the difference of MTC taken for draughts spread
equal to 1 m, independently from the current ship
trim value. Using formula (15), where the draughts
spread value is assumed equal to the absolute value of
current ship trim, does not reduce the calculation
error. Moreover, using formula (15) for ΔT <1 m
causes an increase in error.
Fig. 7 shows an additional issue regarding the 2
trim correction and consequently the calculation part
of DS procedure. For small draughts the sign of the
error (Δ
disp) is positive while for bigger draughts is
negative. This means that displacement calculation
errors for ship before and after loading will add up.
The ship used in this work is a bulk carrier. It is
known that the hull of bulk carriers has the quite full
form and the shape of the stern and bow shows less
variability with respect to draught than for e.g.
container or ro-ro ships. This means that differences
between displacement calculated for trimmed ship
using Bonjean Scale and standard Draught Survey
procedure can be significantly bigger then obtained in
the presented study. Obviously, during standard
operation of container or ro-ro ships the Draught
Survey procedure is not needed. Nonetheless, if there
was a need to determine the displacement of a
trimmed ship, a larger error should be expected when
using the standard Draught Survey procedure.
Regardless of the analysis presented in the paper,
one wonders. Why in the case of ships for which the
Draught Survey procedure may be necessary for
practical use, the tables with accurate values of 2
trim correction or summed both trim corrections are
not included in the documentation. The calculations
discussed in the paper can be performed by the
shipyard's design office without much trouble. In this
study 2
trim corr. is presented in the graph form
(Fig. 10) however it can have the table form as well.
Another solution could be, a bit forgotten, Firsov
Diagram. Actually, the ship documentations with
ready-made trim correction (summed 1
+ 2
) can be
found, but values of this correction are calculated
using the standard Draught Survey procedure,
formulas (2) and (3).
This study was financed by the Gdynia Maritime
University, the research project: WN/2023/PZ/03.
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