The efficiency of the ship's power plant depends on
the rational use of energy for the movement of the
vessel and the provision of internal needs. The main
source of energy at present is natural fuel, the price of
which is significant. The composition and structure of
the ship's power plant are optimized by the
developers for the most efficient and complete use of
the expended fuel resources [1, 2].
The use of various types of fuel, the disintegration
of the power of the ship's power plant, effective
control of energy flows has led to the emergence of
multi-generator power plants with various types of
drive engines (diesel generators, shaft generators,
turbo generators) and alternators (synchronous,
asynchronous, with permanent magnets), [3].
Obviously, it is possible to combine all types of
energy used on a ship by converting it into electricity,
which has led to the widespread use of ships with
electric propulsion [4].
Different characteristics of drive motors and many
power plants operating in parallel in the traditional
use of synchronous generators on ships creates
problems with the stability of multi-generator power
plants, [5]. The rigid geometric connection of the
magnetic flux of a synchronous generator with its
excitation winding increases the oscillatory properties
of the system of power plants operating in parallel.
An alternative solution to the problem of
increasing the stability of multi-generator ship power
plants can be the wider use of asynchronous
generators (AG) with a squirrel-cage rotor.
The advantages of asynchronous generators are
widely known [6, 7]. The AG has smaller dimensions
and weight, the design of the squirrel-cage generator
rotor is simpler, there are no rotating windings,
sliding contacts and semiconductor elements, there is
no current insulation on the rotor, which increases the
limiting heating temperature and ensures high
limiting rotor speeds. The high efficiency of the
generator due to the low value of the active resistance
of the rotor ensures its higher economical
characteristics. The AG has a sinusoidal shape of the
curve of the generated voltage, as well as the
symmetry of the three-phase voltage with uneven
load distribution.
Discrete Laws of Capacitor Control of Asynchronous
Generator Voltage
L. Vyshnevskyi, M. Mukha, D. Vyshnevskyi & A. Drankova
National University "Odessa Maritime
Academy", Odessa, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: In this article, the authors analysed the voltage stabilization system of an electrical installation with
an asynchronous generator and capacitor excitation. The properties and tuning parameters of the discrete-pulse
switching laws of three-phase sections of excitation capacitors of an asynchronous generator are considered.
The analysis is carried out and recommendations for the use of the described digital controllers are given.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.2
The small time constant of the generator leakage
circuits, the rapid decay of inrush currents and short
circuit currents ensures the safety of short circuits for
the generator. Regulation of the AG excitation
through the stator circuit makes it possible to create
high-speed and invariant voltage stabilization
systems. Simplicity and safety of switching to parallel
operation, absence of rotor oscillations with
significant load changes ensure the stability of parallel
operation in multi-generator power plants.
Such significant advantages explain the interest in
the developments of asynchronous generator sets.
Scientific and technical problems that hinder the
widespread use of capacitor-excited asynchronous
short-circuit generators in ship electrical installations
can be grouped into the following areas.
1. Excitation of the AG with additional reactive
2. Choice of optimal design parameters of an
asynchronous machine operating in a generator
3. Creation of a controlled source of reactive power
with good technical and economic indicators.
4. Efficient control of a ship AG electrical installation
This article discusses technical solutions for the third
problem: an analysis of several discrete control laws
for three-phase sections of AG excitation capacitors is
carried out. The authors of the article consider the
further development of the previously described
controller [8, 9], which implements the integral
discrete-pulse law of voltage stabilization of the AG
with capacitor excitation.
The diagram of a capacitor control device with N
three-phase sections of capacitors C
0,C1-CN in a ship
electrical installation is shown in Fig. 1. Stabilization
of the AG voltage when the AG load or the drive
engine (DE) speed changes is performed by
connecting capacitor sections in appropriate
combinations. The switching of capacitors is carried
out by thyristor switches depending on the deviation
of the generator voltage U
g from the set value U0:
Figure 1. AG electrical installation with a discrete capacitor
voltage stabilization system: DE drive engine, AG -
asynchronous generator
The AG excitation current is generated by the
connected capacitor sections. The initial excitation of
the generator is provided from a permanently
connected block of capacitors when the generator is
rotated by the drive motor. The capacitance value of
the permanently connected block of capacitors
provides the specified voltage of the AG at idle at the
rated rotation speed of the drive motor.
In this circuit, the sampling value of the control
action corresponds to the minimum capacitance of the
capacitors C=C
1, which is the level quantization
interval. The level quantization interval C is
determined by the accuracy of generator voltage
regulation at a constant current frequency.
The number of discrete values of the connected
capacitance n depends on the choice of individual
capacitor sections capacitances.
The minimum number of discrete value levels that
differ in the quantization interval ∆C will be minimal
if the section capacitances are the same. The
maximum number of discrete levels is achieved if the
ratio of the capacitor sections capacitances is
determined by the weights of the digits of the binary
number system:
: : ... 1: 2 : 4...2 ; 2= ≤≤
The capacitor device shown in Fig. 1 is discrete not
only in terms of level, but also in time, i.e. is
impulsive. It belongs to the class of digital automatic
control systems with a limited number of bits N. The
quantization of the control signal in time is due to the
physical properties of capacitors and the technical
characteristics of semiconductor switches.
Uncoordinated capacitors inclusion leads to their
overcharging by pulsed currents, which can lead to
breakdown of switching elements and significant
electromagnetic interference. Therefore, the capacitors
inclusion in AC circuits is carried out when the
voltage on the key is zero, Fig. 1. The capacitor
disconnection from the network occurs when the
current through the capacitor stops. Because the
capacitance current leads the voltage by a quarter of a
period, so the capacitor is disconnected from the
network at its maximum charge.
The agreed switching times of the capacitors in
each phase do not coincide in time. Therefore, the
switching control period of a three-phase capacitor
section takes at least half of one period of the AC
network. Otherwise, bump less switching will become
The average value of the generator three-phase
voltage U
g is measured by a voltage sensor during
each period of the generated current, [10]. At the end
of the measurement period, the voltage U
g is
compared with the set voltage U
0. To eliminate
voltage modulation caused by switching sections of
capacitors, a dead zone is introduced into the system
If this difference |∆U|=|U
g-U0 |>Uzis outside the
set dead zone U
z, then the deviation from it is
converted into an N-bit binary number A
n depending
on the voltage U
ud, which determines the discreteness
of the voltage deviation (controller sensitivity) by
( )
{ }
/.= ∆−
n z ud
A Round U U U
If the generator voltage is in the dead zone
0-UzUgU0+Uz, then the number An is zero.
The discrete number A
n (1) is proportional to the
voltage deviation in the n-th period. A control binary
number C
n is used to control the number of capacitor
sections connected. Each digit c
i of the binary control
number C
n controls the corresponding switches that
switch one of the three-phase capacitor banks. If, c
then the switches connect the i-th block of capacitors
to the stator windings of the generator, and if c
then the switches disconnect the i-th block of
Depending on the use of numbers A
n and Cn it is
possible to realize several discrete laws of AG voltage
control. Comparing their effectiveness is the purpose
of this article.
In works [8, 9], an integral discrete-pulse control
law is described, in which the binary number C
which controls the switching of capacitor sections in
each current period n + 1, is determined by the sum of
binary numbers in the previous control period n:
Transient processes in an electrical installation
with a system of discrete capacitor voltage
stabilization AG were studied on computer and
physical models created by the authors [9].
Let us consider the form of the main transient
processes and the influence of the tuning parameters
of a discrete-pulse voltage regulator on the dynamic
characteristics of an installation with an AG (the main
parameters of AG are presented in relative units:
On Fig. 2 shows the dynamic processes of current,
voltage, capacitance, and frequency in relative units in
an asynchronous electrical installation when 50% of
the active-inductive load is turned on with cosϕ=0.8 .
Here, in the four-digit integral voltage regulator (2),
the dead zone U
z=±0.05 and the discreteness level
ud=0.01 of the regulator are set. The voltage enters
the dead zone, and the stabilization process ends in a
quarter of a second.
The tuning parameters of the integrated discrete-
pulse controller are the number of discharges and the
number of switched sections of capacitors N, the dead
zone U
z and the controller sensitivity Uud. The
capacitance C
1 switched by the first digit of the control
number C
n must be matched to the dead band Uz.
On Fig. 3 shows the processes of voltage regulation
when the generator load is turned on with different
levels of the regulator discreteness (sensitivity) U
The controller sensitivity U
ud significantly affects
the response rate to voltage deviation and reduces the
transient process time to 0.1 ... 0.2 seconds. When
ud<0.005 the system loses its stability.
The voltage stabilization accuracy in the system is
set by the value of the dead zone U
z. On Fig. 2 and
Fig. 3 U
z=±0.05, so the stabilization accuracy is ±5%.
Doubling the static stabilization accuracy requires
halving the capacitance of the least significant bit and
increasing the number of bits and capacitor sections
per unit. This significantly increases the cost of the
Figure 2. Switching on 50% resistive-inductive load with
cos(ϕ)=0.8: I
a - generator phase current; Ud - voltage sensor
output; ω - drive engine frequency rotation; Cn - the number
that controls the capacity; A
n - capacity addition; Ug -
generator phase voltage
Figure 3. Switching on 50% active-inductive load with
cos(ϕ)=0.8 at different levels of controller sensitivity
If the change in the generator voltage with an
increase in the excitation capacitance by the value of
the least significant bit C
1 is greater than the dead
zone, then self-oscillations occur in the system relative
to the dead zone ±U
z, Fig. 4.
Figure 4. Decreasing and increasing the dead zone of the
controller U
On Fig. 5 shows the dynamic processes of voltage
establishment for various switched loads in a system
with an integral control law C
The dynamic deviation when switching 25% of the
load is 6...7%, when switching 50% the deviation is
approximately 10...12%, and at 75...100% - about
14...16%. The time for the AG voltage to enter the
dead zone does not exceed 0.3 seconds.
Figure 5. Switching of various active-inductive loads with
cos(ϕ)=0.8 in a system with an integral control law
The moment of switching the load is random, and
the control is synchronized with the network. The
difference of these moments t lies within the
network period: t=0…T
0. The voltage transient
depends on ∆t, Fig. 6.
Figure 6. The moment offset of applying the perturbation
The difference in the regulation processes
manifests itself in the unsaturated section of the AG
iron magnetization curve, i.e. when the load is turned
on and the voltage is reduced. The oscillations
number can be from one to three.
The desire to speed up the stabilization process
when switching large loads and voltage dips leads to
forcing control by a non-linear increase in the addition
of capacitors, i.e. numbers A
n in the control law (2).
The acceleration of the stabilization process with
forcing is shown in Fig. 7. Here in the four-digit
controller A
n=8 with U<-4Uud and An=12 with U<-
The rate of the perturbation change is considered
by introducing a derivative into the control law. In the
discrete case, the rate of deviation ΔU change can be
considered by introducing the deviation difference on
adjacent control cycles into the law, for example:
n n nn
The law (3) implements the integration and
differentiation of the voltage deviation. The switching
processes of the active-inductive load of the AG with
control (3) are shown in Fig. 8.
Figure 7. Forcing control
Figure 8. Digital integral-differential control law
Comparison of switching processes of 75% active-
inductive load using control laws (2) and (3) is shown
in Fig. 9.
Figure 9. Comparison of discrete control laws (2) and (3)
An increase in the differential component in the
law C
n+1=Cn+3An-2An-1 leads to unacceptable oscillation
of the transient process, Fig. 9.
The application of the combined control principle
based on the deviation of the controlled parameter
(voltage) and perturbation (load) requires an
additional measurement of the load current during
one voltage period T
0, Fig. 1. The effect of active Ig and
inductive I
l load current on the generator voltage Ug is
different. A resistive load causes the armature to react,
while an inductive load demagnetizes the generator.
Therefore, separate measurement of active and
reactive load is necessary.
The combined voltage control law of the generator
has the form:
( )
( )
{ }
( )
( )
{ }
Round Round
=++ +
n n n g gn l ln
gn ln
where K
g, Kl-adjustment coefficients for active and
reactive current.
Comparison of the switching processes on the load
of the AG with control by deviation and with the
combined control law is shown in Fig. 10.
Figure 10. Integral and combined control law. Switching on
75% active-inductive load with cos(ϕ)=0.8
The complication of the control law by considering
the switched load slightly improved the dynamic
properties of the system.
1. The discrete-pulse law (2) implements the integral
control of the generator voltage deviation. The
correct choice of its tuning parameters provides
the requirements of regulatory documents for the
dynamic properties of the ship's electric power
plant (voltage dip less than 15%, transient duration
less than 0.5 sec.), [11].
2. When choosing the tuning parameters of the
voltage regulator, it is necessary to analyse the
processes with possible changes in the load (Fig. 5,
Fig. 8) and shifts in the moments of its switching
(Fig. 6). Digital integration of the sensor signal of a
three-phase circuit and the formation of a
synchronizing pulse allows you to optimize the
ratio of the analogue and digital parts of the sensor
according to the ease of implementation criterion.
3. Improving the dynamic properties of the AG
voltage stabilization system with the control law
(2) is achieved by introducing excitation forcing at
large deviations (Fig. 7) and control by the
deviation change rate (3), (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). The
complication of the implementation of these
changes to the law (2) is insignificant and does not
require additional equipment.
4. The implementation of the combined principle of
control by deviation and disturbance (4) does not
lead to significant improvements in the dynamic
properties of the stabilization system (Fig. 10), but
requires additional measurements and controller
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