China Merchants Group (CMPort) is a prominent port
enterprise that has implemented an
internationalization strategy for land-port system
planning. Its Shekou model, known as "Port-Park-
City" (PPC), has achieved remarkable success within
China. In alignment with the Maritime Silk Road
Advocacy, CMPort has extended the application of
the PPC model to countries participating in the Belt
and Road Initiative during overseas investments. This
study aims to explore the viability of replicating the
PPC model overseas by analyzing two representative
investment cases: the China- Belarus Industrial Park
(GSIP) and the Djibouti Port Industrial Park, which
exemplify China Merchants Port Group's overseas
port investments.
Drawing upon the concept of the coupling effect
theory, this paper investigates the common
characteristics of the PPC model's application in these
cases, focusing on node radiation and regional-port
linkage. By examining the replicability of the PPC
model in overseas investments, this study sheds light
on the essence and logic behind its success. The PPC
model serves as a natural link fostering economic,
trade, and cultural exchanges among countries along
the ocean.
Among the port enterprises participating in the
Belt and Road Initiative, CMPort has achieved notable
success. With 53 ports in 20 countries and regions
worldwide, CMPort has begun replicating the
domestic PPC model overseas, reaching the practical
stage. Notably, China-Belarus Industrial Park,
Djibouti International Free Trade Zone, Colombo Port
Sustainability and Global Replication of the PPC Model:
A Coupling Effect Perspective on Chinese Port
Enterprises' Overseas Development
J. Shao
, W.J. Li
& Y.H. Tian
Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
ABSTRACT: The imperative to harmonize economic growth with environmental preservation has catalyzed
transformations in strategic management in current global landscape. The "Port-Park-City" (PPC) model,
epitomized by the success of China Merchants Group Port (CMPort), offers a compelling case of how strategic
sustainability revolutionizes international business. This research probes the innovative PPC model, initially
thriving within China, to assess its adaptability to international investments. Through a meticulous analysis of
two pivotal investment casesthe China Belarus Industrial Park (GSIP) and the Djibouti Port Industrial Park
we investigate the replicability of the PPC model and its capacity to confer a sustainable competitive edge.
Adopting a "coupling effect" perspective, we scrutinize commonalities in PPC model implementation in these
cases. This research address the pressing demand for global enterprises to adapt to evolving paradigms of
strategic management. Our findings underscore the PPC model's potential not only in bolstering business
success but also in advancing global sustainability, fostering competitive advantage, and catalyzing business
model innovation. This encapsulates the essence of sustainable strategic management.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.2
in Sri Lanka, and Hambantota Port have exemplified
the trinity PPC model. This investment approach,
involving the port as the initial phase, followed by the
establishment of industrial parks and the
development of supporting cities, aligns with the
development needs of countries along the Belt and
Road route, making it a primary mode for future
overseas investments by port enterprises.
The establishment of the 21st Century Maritime
Silk Road signifies a new trade route connecting
China with the world within a changing global
political and trade landscape. This initiative's core
value lies in its ability to enhance transportation
channels and strategic security, particularly
considering China's position as the second- largest
global economy. Expanding the "Sea Silk Road" is
instrumental in bolstering China's strategic security
(Tao et al., 2019; Wang, 2019).
As vital nodes and carriers of the Belt and Road
Initiative, Chinese port enterprises actively pursue
internationalization strategies and participate
extensively in investment projects along the route
(Feng et al., 2019; Afonasieva, 2018; Terry, 2019).
Chinese ports have established air links with over 600
major ports in 200 countries, and Chinese port
enterprises have engaged in the construction and
operation of numerous ports worldwide. For instance,
Qingdao Port has established 22 overseas-friendly
ports across Asia, Europe, Africa, and the United
States. Shanghai Port Group's investment in
Zeebrugge Wharf Company of Belgium secured the
franchise rights for Haifa New Port Wharf in Israel for
25 years. Hebei Port Group officially registered
Indonesia Qin Hai Port Co., Ltd. to facilitate the
comprehensive international port project of Jambei
Iron and Steel Industrial Park in Indonesia.
However, port projects are complex and
comprehensive endeavors that necessitate a high
degree of internationalization for both investors and
host countries. Many countries along the "Sea Silk
Road" face challenges such as an imperfect policy and
legal environment due to their economic development
level and limited supporting infrastructure.
Furthermore, China's port projects, characterized by
substantial transaction volumes and numerous sub-
projects, expose port enterprises to various
uncertainties and complex risks during overseas
investments (Jin et al., 2021; Huo et al., 2019).
Therefore, analyzing the offshore investment
environment of port enterprises and evaluating the
feasibility of replicating the PPC overseas
development model is a common challenge faced by
port enterprises in their overseas endeavors. This
paper aims to address this issue from the perspective
of the coupling effect.
To achieve these objectives, this study selects the
China-Belarus Industrial Park (GSIP) and Djibouti
Port Industrial Park as two representative cases of
China Merchants Port Group's overseas port
investments. By analyzing the common features of
PPC model application in these cases, particularly in
terms of node radiation and regional-port linkage, we
assess the replicability of the PPC model in overseas
investments and provide insights into its underlying
essence and rationale.
This study contributes to extend beyond
theoretical speculation, offering a pathway for port
enterprises to navigate the challenges of overseas
investments strategically and successfully. First, this
study significantly advances the understanding of
port internationalization strategies within the context
of the Belt and Road Initiative. By investigating the
replicability of the Port-Park-City (PPC) model in
overseas investments, this paper extends beyond the
realm of theoretical frameworks and provides
practical insights that resonate with the experiences of
port enterprises and policymakers. This practical
orientation is crucial in the face of complex challenges
and uncertainties that accompany overseas port
investments. Moreover, the integration of the
coupling effect theory into the PPC model analysis
represents a novel analytical approach that
contributes to both theoretical discourse and practical
applications. By shedding light on the commonalities
of the PPC model's application in two representative
investment cases the China-Belarus Industrial Park
(GSIP) and Djibouti Port Industrial Park this paper
bridges the gap between theoretical constructs and
real-world outcomes. This nuanced examination
enhances the potential for replicability by pinpointing
strategic considerations, operational patterns, and
success factors that resonate across diverse contexts.
The " Port" in PPC refers to investing in the
reconstruction of existing ports or the development
and construction of new ports, starting from the
transportation hub, and gathering logistics. The "Park"
is building and operating an industrial park on the
spot, relying on industrial real estate and rejuvenating
the country with industry. "City" means to develop
supporting people-oriented urban commercial and
achieve sustainable development. The key of the PPC
model is to create a sustainable development
ecosystem, with ports taking the lead and industrial
parks following up and supporting urban function
development so as to achieve the integration and
coordination of ports, industries, and cities. The PPC
mode derives from CMPort's 30 years of experience
developing Shekou Industrial Park. Investment is not
limited to ports but includes industrial parks and
cities, enabling mutual interaction between ports and
urban areas. The concept of PPC has been applied to
some international port projects, as well as the
development of industrial parks near the port (Liu et
al., 2020). An example of applying the "Shekou" model
in foreign ports is the Djibouti Free Trade Zone
investment project (CMPort Port, 2017) conducted by
CMPort, Dalian Port, and the Djibouti government.
Besides, CMPort also participated in the Build-
Operate-Transfer (BOT) project of a deep-sea port and
industrial park in Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone
in Myanmar and the project of Bagamoyo Port and
Special Economic Zone in Tanzania. The PPC concept
is also applicable to two projects in Malaysia in which
local port groups are involved, namely the Malaysia
China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP) and the
Malacca Gateway Port Project. These projects promote
regional economic growth through the comprehensive
development of Port Park City, aiming to bring more
shipping demand. The PPC model includes
developing ports first and then building industrial
parks. Some people believe that this "may lead to the
establishment of a Chinese agency city in another
sovereign country" (Pauley and Shad., 2019). Those
who are optimistic point out that industrial parks
with special economic or free trade zones will increase
trade and investment, which can be used to recover
the cost of infrastructure development.
Under the situation of slow global economic
growth and weak growth momentum of the
traditional port economy, the "Maritime Silk Road"
initiative has opened a road of internationalization for
Chinese port enterprises, and international
cooperation in ports has yielded rich results. (Wang
and Wu, 2018) advocated taking the construction of
China ASEAN ports as the hub and opportunity to
jointly build a "maritime port network" and establish
a multi-level exchange mechanism, information
sharing mechanism, and port city cooperation
mechanism (Yu et al., 2017. Vangeli and Anastas,
2017). Chinese enterprises have strengthened their
investment layout in overseas ports through mergers
and acquisitions, franchising, joint ventures, and other
forms. The new investment mode of "integration of
port, industry, and the city" has gradually become a
new business card for Chinese port enterprises to go
global (Cheng, 2016; Du and Zhang, 2018). PPC mode
investment is different from general port investment.
It is a comprehensive investment and development
mode with ports as radiation nodes, district port
linkage, and centralized development taking root. The
strategy of the PPC mode is to focus on regions,
deepen urban cultivation and transform development.
That is the comprehensive development mode of port,
industry, and city, which is carried out so as to
achieve the overall linkage development of the whole
area (Liu, 2016).
Chinese enterprises play one of two main roles in
overseas ports. In some projects, they are contractors
whose responsibilities include design, procurement,
construction, commissioning, and handing over the
project to the end-user or the owner contract
according to the engineering, procurement, and
construction In many cases, the Export¬Import Bank
of China provides export buyer credit to the host
country or other types of contracts, such as
construction, operation, and transfer (BOT) and
investment models, including joint ventures and
mergers and acquisitions (M&A), are used by Chinese
enterprises to own and operate foreign ports. In many
cases, these ports are joint ventures with public or
private entities in the host country. Almost all Chinese
enterprises involved in overseas port investment are
state-owned enterprises. The vast majority of port
projects are undertaken by a few state-owned
enterprises owned by the central government of
China, and state-owned enterprises in some provinces
and cities are also active. Only one private enterprise
participated in an overseas port project (Landbridge
Group in Shandong Province) (Liu and Schindler,
CMPort also participated in the BOT project of a
deep-sea port and industrial park in Kyaukpyu
Special Economic Zone in Myanmar and the project of
Bagamoyo Port and Special Economic Zone in
Tanzania. The PPC concept is also applicable to two
projects in Malaysia in which local port groups are
involved, namely the Malaysia China Kuantan
Industrial Park (MCKIP) and the Malacca Gateway
Port Project. These projects promote regional
economic growth through the comprehensive
development of Port Park City, aiming to bring more
shipping demand. The PPC model includes
developing ports first and then building industrial
The coupling effect, also known as the interaction
effect and linkage effect, refers to the phenomenon
that two (or more than two) systems or forms of
motion influence each other through various
interactions. According to this concept, two
independent and interrelated systems-industrial park
and port city-it are in line with the logic of the
coupling effect. On the one hand, industrial parks
have brought more economic growth and
employment opportunities to port cities. On the other
hand, a port city has a vast hinterland, labor force,
and urban services to the industrial park. This paper
selects two typical investment examples of the China-
Belarus Industrial Park (GSIP) and Djibouti Port
Industrial Park, which are representative of overseas
PPC investment of China Merchants Port Group, to
design a case study. Based on the coupling effect, this
paper analyzes the case and discusses the
effectiveness and replicability of the comprehensive
investment and development model of regional and
port linkage, centralized development, and rooting.
3.1 Case 1: China-Belarus Industrial Park (GSIP)
3.1.1 Investment background and overview
Great Stone Industrial Park (GSIP) is located in
Minsk, Belarus, an essential hub of the Silk Road
Economic Belt that runs through Europe and Asia.
With a planned area of 91.5 square kilometers, it is a
landmark project of the Silk Road Economic Belt
jointly built by China and Belarus. GSIP is the largest
special economic zone in Belarus. The park is located
in Moljevic District, Minsk State, the Republic of
Belarus, 25 kilometers away from Minsk, the capital of
Belarus, and adjacent to Minsk International Airport,
railway, and Berlin-Moscow trunk roads (E30
European Highway and E28 European Highway).
GSIP is close to the main transportation trunk road,
and a railway line connects Belarus and Lithuania,
which are 500 kilometers away from each other, and
Klay Pether, the Baltic port of Lithuania. The primary
industrial orientation of the park is a high-tech
industrial park focusing on machinery manufacturing,
electronic information, fine chemicals, biomedicine,
new materials, warehousing, and logistics. There are
production and residential areas, offices, commercial
and entertainment complexes, and financial and
scientific research centers planned in the park (Shi
and Wang, 2019. Zhao, 2017).
GSIP has specially formulated the "1234" scheme
during the construction: that is, around "the belt and
road initiative", connecting two areas (the European
Union and the European Union), connecting three
points (GSIP/Lithuania's Kaunas Free Trade
Zone/Klaipetta Port in the Baltic Sea), and integrating
four flows (road/railway/aviation/maritime logistics)
to build GSIP into a critical hub radiating the Eurasian
market. During the construction of GSIP, CMPort
communicated with the Belarusian government
deeply and was invited to participate in the revision
and improvement of the logistics industry planning of
Belarus (2016-2020). Taking eco- environmental
protection as the main task of the park development,
GSIP built investment projects in the negative list
system and formally issued the "Regulations and
Implementation Methods of Eco-environmental
Protection Management in China- Belarus Industrial
For Belarus, although China is a competitor in
some areas, in most areas, the advantages of domestic
production instead of imports through cooperation
with China outweigh the disadvantages. Especially
compare to western countries' sanctions and various
political standards, Belarus is more inclined to
cooperate with China which does not have such a
high political standard as westerns (Liu et al., 2021). In
addition, according to the EAEU agreement, GSIP can
help Belarus take advantage of the opportunity of tax-
free access to the market of 170 million people, thus
expanding its own economic benefits. For China, GSIP
itself is a platform to support China's foreign direct
investment and access to foreign markets, and it can
help China companies lacking foreign direct
investment experience to go global collectively.
Providing a perfect and localized modern
infrastructure system in the park could promote the
positioning of enterprises, produce an agglomeration
economy, and support the transfer and diffusion of
knowledge. Once China starts to develop the park
overseas, China enterprises can go global as a group
(Brautigam and Tang, 2014. Liu and Wang, 2020).
China Investment Zone not only provides
opportunities for infrastructure investment in China
but also plays a synergistic role between China's
manufacturing capacity and partner countries'
economic development strategies as China enterprises
"go global". Therefore, GSIP was first put forward by
the Belarusian President, but with the implementation
of BRI in China, its development speed has been
rapidly accelerated. In 2015, given Shekou's
experience, CMPort carried out a series of impressive
and efficient industrial construction. CMG announced
it would invest USD 500 million in GSIP to build a
trade and logistics sub-park.
3.1.2 Investment effect based on the perspective of the
coupling effect
GSIP's investment has a positive coupling effect
with the local area. First, GSIP has a very intuitive
economic and social coupling effect with the local
area. Minsk has a population of 1.9 million, of which
450,000 are highly educated. It provides a good
market hinterland and a productive labor force for
local GSIP. The economic performance of Belarus is
better than that of many other transition economies.
Between 1989 and 2019, Belarus's real gross domestic
product (GDP) increased by 1.96 times, which far
surpassed Georgia and resource-rich Ukraine, which
experienced the color revolution. Second, GSIP also
provides local economic and social benefits. At
present, the first batch of enterprises that signed the
settlement agreement has brought a total investment
of 2 billion dollars to the local area. According to
Xinhua News Agency, GSIP is expected to attract 200
enterprises and bring 120,000 local jobs in the future.
The economic benefits generated by the park are in
line with the development goals of Belarus. Belarus
has successfully maintained a significantly different
social model from other European economies in
transition and attaches great importance to its citizens'
full employment and high social security
(Yarashevich, 2014).
Furthermore, GSIP provides such a broader
market hinterland coupling effect for the local area:
Minsk, as a logistics hub of Europe and Asia, brings
GSIP a general hinterland market, which in turn
strengthens the importance of Minsk as a logistics hub
in the international network of urban areas. A new 15-
day railway line has crossed Eurasia, connecting
China with western Europe (including Lodz in Poland
and Duisburg in Germany) through Belarus. It is
estimated that, if there is no epidemic situation, the
container transportation volume on the China-EU
route can increase from 260000 TEU (standard 20-foot
container) in 2018 to about 500,000 TEUs in 2020, and
it will reach 1.3-2 million TEUs in the long run, and
the transportation revenue per 1 million TEUs will be
about 2.75 billion USD (Lissovolik and Vinokurov,
2018. Lobyrev et al., 2018). Meanwhile, EAEU
(Eurasian Customs Union), a subsidiary of Belarus,
provides GSIP with a tariff-free market hinterland
with a population of 170 million. Based on more
convenient transportation with the economic
hinterland, the development of GSIP is conducive to
helping the local area better seize the opportunity to
enter the hinterland market. With the end of the
COVID-19 epidemic, similar to the PPC model in
Shenzhen, GSIP will have more opportunities to use
convenient railway transportation to sell its products
to Asia and other European countries, thus bringing
more economic growth and solving social
unemployment in Minsk.
Moreover, GSIP also brought the coupling effect of
scientific and technological progress to Minsk. GSIP
has a positive scientific and technical linkage with the
city. First, it has attracted many high-tech enterprises
to enter the local area. Local services (capital
functions) and economic hinterland are conducive to
creating a good environment for GSIP, thus enhancing
its attractiveness to enterprises. According to Xinhua
News Agency, Huawei, ZTE, China Telecom,
Zhonglian, Zhongke, and other enterprises have made
it clear that they will stay in the park (great stone,
2021). Chengdu Capacitance R&D Center, Gansu
Juxin Malt Production Base, Nano Pectin Production
Center, and other bilateral cooperation research
centers started project construction in 2015 (Ren,
2016). With the improvement of the project, the
industrial park will inevitably increase the
competitiveness of local science and technology.
Second, to improve GSIP, China also proposed
investing in the communication infrastructure of GSIP
on a large scale. Communication infrastructure could
increase connectivity along a series of axes connecting
major cities, while economic development zones will
serve as cooperation platforms and create conditions
(investor gardens) for subsequent industrial, trade,
and commercial expansion. GSIP is located in the
northern BRI economic corridor across Kazakhstan,
Belarus, Poland, and Germany, and Belarus occupies
a strategic position on the border between EAEU and
the EU. At present, not only is this route the fastest
but also safer than the southbound Caucasus and
unstable Ukraine (Liu et al., 2021). According to
People's Daily Online, China Unicom has settled in
GSIP and actively participated in constructing smart
parks and smart chemical plants. In this case, to
support the development of GSIP, the communication
enterprises settled on not only improving the park's
communication but also promoting the development
of local communication technology and
communication services. For example, China Unicom
indicated that it would speed up the development of
its business in Eastern Europe and along the belt and
road initiative, provide customized information and
communication services for customers' pain points
through deeper communication with local enterprises,
and become a trusted and reliable partner for
customers (Wu, 2021). In the GSIP case, the
investment effect based on the coupling effect
perspective is noticeable, good expected returns have
been achieved, and the future prospect is also worth
3.2 Case 2: Djibouti Port Industrial Park
3.2.1 Investment background and overview
Djibouti is a port country located in the corner of
East Africa and can effectively radiate to most areas
such as North Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa,
covering hot spots such as Sudan, South Sudan,
Somalia, and Congo (DRC). Djibouti port has a unique
geographical advantage, as if is one of the most
important ports in Africa, and connects Asia, Africa,
and Europe. First, Djibouti guards the entrance of the
Red Sea, which is the passage connecting the Indian
Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and the "throat" of
the Suez Canal. The annual throughput of ships
passing through Djibouti is close to 20,000, and the
total cargo exceeds 1 billion tons, accounting for 1/3 of
the global total. In addition, Djibouti is currently the
only seaport in Ethiopia. In recent years, Ethiopia's
economy has proliferated, with a population of over
100 million, and the market demand for food, oil,
consumer goods, and manufactured goods is
enormous. Ethiopia is a landlocked country, and its
relations with other countries bordering the northeast
and southeast have been tense for a long time,
Ethiopia can only use Djibouti as its shipping and
trade gateway. Despite living in a port with excellent
natural conditions, Djibouti's independent
development ability is very low, which is mainly
manifested in the scarcity of production factors such
as material capital, labor skills, and management
experience, which restricts the economic and social
development and makes the local area fall into the
trap of low-level equilibrium (Brass, 2008). As one of
the least developed countries declared by the United
Nations, Djibouti's industrial base is fragile. More
than 95% of domestic agricultural products are
imported, and more than 90% of infrastructure needs
foreign aid.
Until 2009, Djibouti still used an old port built
during the French colonial period in 1896, namely,
Djibouti International Free Port PAID (Port Autonome
International de Djibouti), which is a statutory public
institution. Under the attribute of integration of
government and enterprise, the so-called
"international port" has a very low operating
efficiency, and its facilities and equipment are aging.
No matter from the perspective of hardware facilities
or software environment, the old port can't support
the sustainable development of Djibouti, and the
demand for port upgrading is increasing. However,
Djibouti needs the technical level and capital strength
to upgrade its port independently, so it is the only
choice to introduce foreign capital. In 2009, with the
cooperation of Dubai World and the local
government, Djibouti Port won the most advanced
DCT container terminal in Africa. However, hardware
technology's improvement has yet to enhance fully
the vitality of local ports and the economy.
In 2012, CMPort invested USD 185 million to
acquire a 23.5% share of Djibouti Port Company. In
2014, it proposed to transform and upgrade the
original port and build a new one 5 kilometers away
from the old one. At the same time, CMPort invested
in the joint construction of the Dorhalle Multi-
function Port (DMP) and Djibouti International Free
Trade Zone with an area of about 48.2 square
kilometers with the Djibouti government and carried
out urban development of the old wharf plot. The
Djibouti Free Trade Zone project is divided into two
project companies: asset company and operated
company. Kyrgyzstan dominates the asset company,
and China dominates the operating company. CMPort
has brought a new port-city coupling effect to
Djibouti- CMPort, and the Djibouti government has
further reached an intention to cooperate in the
construction of a free trade zone, and gradually
copied the PPC model in Djibouti¬an international
port city with modern port facilities and modern
operation concepts has steadily taken shape. "Port"
refers to the completion of the new Djibouti Doraleh
Multi¬Purpose Port in 2017. "Park" refers to the
completion of the Djibouti International Free Trade
Zone, a new free trade zone, in 2018. "City" refers to
the transformation and development of Djibouti's old
port into a CBD business new city. In April 2019,
CMPort signed the Framework Agreement for Project
Cooperation with Djibouti, and the project personnel
has been stationed in Djibouti to work in an all-
around way.
3.2.2 Investment Effect from the Perspective of Coupling
The PPC model has brought a positive coupling
effect to Djibouti. First, the construction of ports and
industrial parks has simultaneously promoted the
modernization of urban areas. After taking a stake in
Djibouti port, China Merchants first thought that the
development space of Djibouti's old port had reached
its limit, and it was not the best choice to continue
upgrading the port at the original site. Therefore, it
put forward the idea of returning the port to the city,
positioning the area where the old port is located as a
CBD business functional area, and the urban
transformation and port-park supporting construction
based on the old port began. In September 2018,
China Merchants and Djibouti Government formally
signed the "Reconstruction Project of Djibouti Old
Port: Memorandum of Understanding on
Cooperation", giving full play to China Merchants'
professional advantages in the comprehensive
development and operation services of cities and
parks and on this basis, the old port was urbanized
and redeveloped, focusing on the development of
commerce, logistics, finance, hotels, tourism, and
other industries. Currently, the urbanization
transformation industry of the old port has achieved
initial results (Ji and Li, 2019).
Second, the local area also provides the labor force
needed for te development of the port and the park. In
2020, Djibouti had a population of 988,000, of which
70% live in cities, and 650,000 live in the capital
Djibouti, providing intensive and sufficient labor for
the construction of ports and parks. In addition, the
local labor price is also very competitive. In 2010, the
per capita GDP was about $1,000, which benefits the
deployment of labor-intensive industries in ports and
parks. Currently, the minimum wage in Djibouti is
about 40,000 Geelong/month (about 226 US
dollars/month), and the per capita GDP in 2020 is
about 3,425 US dollars. Not only that, the new port
has brought more economic benefits to Djibouti and
provided more jobs. According to relevant data, the
port logistics service industry alone has provided
3,000 jobs. With the training of China enterprises,
Djibouti also has a lot of technical talents, which
makes up for the need for more relevant technical
talents in China.
Third, developing industrial parks has also
brought positive industrial agglomeration effects to
the local area. In November 2016, China Merchants
Group jointly signed the Djibouti Free Trade Zone
Project Investment Agreement with Dalian Port,
Djibouti Port, and Free Trade Zone Administration.
After the opening of the FTZ, the FTZ has focused on
the development of logistics (transportation, bonded
warehousing and distribution), commerce (bulk
bonded goods trading, commodity display, duty-free
goods retail), and processing and manufacturing
(packaging production, light processing of materials
and food processing). At present, 66 registered
enterprises have been welcomed, and the occupancy
rate of the park has exceeded 88%, which has caused a
situation that the demand exceeds the supply. At
present, four industrial clusters have been formed:
logistics industry cluster, commerce industry cluster,
export manufacturing cluster, and export
manufacturing cluster. According to this trend, after
the project development is completed in 2045,
Djibouti Free Trade Zone is expected to become one of
the largest free trade zones in Africa, and it is
expected to create as many as 200,000 jobs, which is
self-evident for Djibouti with a population of only
over 900,000. In addition, the large-scale engineering
contracting projects undertaken by China Company
include the Djibouti section construction project of
Djibouti-Ethiopia Railway, the Djibouti-Ethiopia
cross-border water supply project(Phase I), the multi-
functional dock construction project of Dohere, the
salt export dock construction project of Asare Salt
Lake, and the project exhibition area of East Africa
International Business District. After having the
Djibouti-Ethiopia Railway, Djibouti's port advantages
immediately appeared, and the economic benefits
displayed began to affect neighboring countries. The
establishment of the Djibouti International Free Trade
Zone has enabled Djibouti to maximize its port
advantages. With the port construction project,
Djibouti, as the future "Dubai in East Africa", will also
undertake more import business when the port is
gradually completed, especially for some inland
countries in East Africa. To sum up, the investment
effect based on the perspective of the coupling effect,
in this case, is noticeable, and it has achieved good,
expected returns, and the future prospect is also
worth expecting.
3.3 PPC model closely combines economic coupling with
strategic coupling
First, from the case of the China-Belarusian Industrial
Park, it can be concluded that the logic of the
replicability of the PPC model is mutual benefit and
win-win. China's cooperation model is to seek
relations with other sovereign entities which are
mutually beneficial (win-win), conducive to equal
relations, and include the ownership and
responsibility of partners (Dunford and Liu, 2019). For
China, intergovernmental development projects
(industrial parks) with Belarus are significant in
strengthening economic, trade, and political
cooperation and providing a platform for overseas
investors in China (Liu and Dunford, 2021).
Belarusian local elites are also willing to cooperate
with the China Industrial Park project for their benefit
(Hutchinson and Yean, 2021). Since COVID-19, the
economies of all countries in the world have been
affected to varying degrees. The conflict between
Russia and Ukraine continued to ferment, and the
United States imposed severe sanctions on Russia.
Because of the relationship between Belarus and
Russia, Belarus was also listed as the target of
sanctions by the United States, Canada, Britain, and
other countries. However, none of this has affected
the general direction of win-win cooperation between
China and Belarus. In April 2022, a video conference
held the fourth round of negotiations on the
Agreement on Trade and Investment in Services
between China and Belarus. The two sides exchanged
in¬depth views on investment, specific service trade
chapters, electronic commerce, and other chapters,
and worked out the next work plan. In July 2022, the
e-commerce opening ceremony of the "Belarus
Pavilion" was held in Zhongbai Industrial Park, and
Belarusian goods were officially sold through the
account of "Belarus Pavilion" on the China e-
commerce platform. The First Deputy Prime Minister
of Belarus delivered a video speech, saying that
Belarus was one of the first countries to respond to
and participate in the "belt and road initiative" Belarus
and China cooperated to build the "belt and road
initiative" landmark project and the demonstration
project and built a perfect platform for further
expanding cooperation between the two countries.
Second, from the case of Djibouti Port Industrial
Park, the logic of the replicability of the PPC model is
still a mutual benefit and win-win. Through the
implementation of the PPC model, China Merchants,
together with Djibouti, has gradually turned it from a
single country with a high dependence on ports into
an "East African Shekou" integrating a regional
shipping center, trade logistics center, and
information finance center, which has also brought
Djibouti brand-new development opportunities.
Djibouti Prime Minister Kamil once said that Djibouti
Free Trade Zone "will affect the country's
transformation in the next few years". He said:
"Djibouti International Free Trade Zone has a great
influence on the people of Djibouti. The free trade
zone drives economic growth and creates many
employment opportunities and becomes an important
lever for Djibouti's economic development." And
Djibouti's cooperation with China continues. In 2018,
Djibouti International Free Trade Zone, invested by
China, was officially put into operation, and more
than 70 enterprises settled in one year. By 2022, more
than 190 enterprises will have settled in. According to
the report of an international consulting company,
after the free trade zone is fully developed in the
future, it is estimated that the total GDP will reach 4
billion US dollars, and more than 100,000 jobs will be
provided, which also means that more Djiboutians
will get rid of their current living conditions and
usher in the dawn of life.
Third, for enterprises in China and China, the
positive effect of copying the PPC model overseas on
China is to open up and consolidate the belt and road
initiative, which is conducive to more China
enterprises going abroad. After establishing a
comprehensive park with PPC mode, it will provide a
dense and localized modern infrastructure system,
promote the common positioning of enterprises,
generate an agglomeration economy, and support the
transfer and diffusion of knowledge. Once China
started to develop parks overseas, China enterprises
would go global through groups (Brautigam and
Tang, 2014). The PPC model is a ready-made template
that has been exported to all parts of the world. It
provides investment opportunities for a series of
state-owned enterprises not directly engaged in
financing, construction, or operation of ports. We
believe that Shenzhen's "port-industrial park-city"
model provides information for the port development
of the central government and local state-owned
enterprises. This model is an overall spatial planning
method to balance internal interests-regional and local
connectivity. As a whole, it impacts regional
development. We believe that the PPC model
promotes the "strategic coupling" between sub-
national regions and global value chains anchored by
leading enterprises in China (Liu and Schindler, 2020).
Fourth, for local investment cooperation, China
Investment Zone not only provides opportunities for
China to invest in infrastructure but also plays a
synergistic role between China's manufacturing
capacity and the economic development strategies of
partner countries as China enterprises "go global"
(Yang et al., 2020). The experience of CS-SIP
(Singapore, China) shows that even in the case of
slight cultural and language differences, joint projects
may not develop smoothly, and overseas parks may
need to meet expectations. China's preferential loans
and credit lines do not need political and
macroeconomic reforms in the host country. By
accepting China's international economic
development goals, Belarus has strengthened
diversified international partnerships, improved its
domestic infrastructure and international
connectivity, and strengthened its economy (Dunford
et al., 2021. Chen et.al., 2022). Judging from the
cooperation projects that have been promoted, both
governments have provided convenience for the
replication of the PPC model. For example, Belarus
has simplified the usual cumbersome bureaucratic
procedures, and in order to improve institutional
performance, China has provided short-term training
courses for Belarusian officials. In addition to
supporting the infrastructure construction of the park,
the China Municipal Government has also guided and
encouraged China enterprises to settle in the park in
various ways and invested much energy to strengthen
the interconnection between China and Belarus
Industrial Park and the outside world, such as
introducing Liu and Dunford (2021). Since joining
CAREC in 2010, Pakistan has implemented several
policies to make their port a gateway for maritime
trade of CA countries (including China's XUAR), such
as developing Gwadar Port and investing in CAREC
Corridor and infrastructure along CPEC (Shibasaki et
al., 2019).
4.1 The essence of PPC overseas development model
China's PPC model is essentially a form of
government substitution, and it is a unique zone
model authorized and controlled by the government,
which was born in a relatively backward area, and the
comprehensive ability of the government is relatively
weak. It is an attempt by the provincial government to
authorize enterprises to build a platform of
integration or cooperation between government and
enterprises, market- oriented operation, and rapid
manufacturing of growth poles. The most significant
difference between this platform and the current
urban investment mode is that the level and scope of
authorization are different. The difference between
the PPC model and other similar government
authorization platforms is that Shekou has started a
five-in- one development model with economic
construction as the center, politics, society, culture,
and natural ecosystem, and it is not a big park or real
estate model in which industries are isolated and
deep.(Please find Figure 1) PPC mode has realized the
organic integration and coordinated development of "
Port, Park and City". The story of the port has brought
great convergence of economic factors and critical
factors of urban development and promoted the
formation of the port economy with continuous
aggregation and circular development of people flow
and logistics. The logic of the PPC mode is to
construct an ecological circle mode of sustainable
Figure 1. Shekou PPC Model
When the PPC mode expands overseas with China
port enterprises, its manifestation has changed
compared with that in China, but its essence and logic
are similar. First, PPC and centralization; PPC mode is
reasonable from the perspective of space. From
Rotterdam to Hong Kong, port cities all over the
world conform to this basic logic. The former port is a
process of centralization, which is also in line with
Christelle's central place theory. Port changed the
centrality of the port it invested in, which made it the
reason to gather resources and follow the market,
traffic, and administrative principles to develop
orderly. Second, the central organizer and
co¬governance; the governance system is the soul of
the PPC model. The most significant advantage of
joint governance is that it can take care of the main
demands of stakeholders. In the stakeholder
governance model, the platform company has always
played the role of organizer. Because they advocate
promoting social progress with commercial success,
they are both investors and important participants
who can participate in the local governance system.
This means they can better balance the demands and
interests of all parties. In the process of taking root
and sprouting overseas, the PPC model develops
society, culture, politics, economy, and natural
ecology together.
The replicability of the PPC modal in the host country
depends on local strategy, economic benefit, and
cooperation concept. First, the key to realizing the
strategic coupling effect of the PPC modal is whether
the PPC investment scheme can meet the strategic
needs of the host country. In addition to economic
attributes, many ports have high strategic value
because they function as a geo-transportation hubs.
For the host government, ports with significant
geographical advantages are often the focus of policy
support. Suppose the PPC investment scheme is more
aligned with the local strategic policies. In that case, it
will be more conducive to implementing the PPC
model and promoting the host country's strategic
interests through the coupling effect. In particular, the
PPC modal has more opportunities to be applied in
underdeveloped countries along the BRI. The reason
is that these countries need more capital and
technology, so they need to rely on the power of
foreign investment to improve their strategic needs
and realize the value of transportation hubs. As
mentioned above, the PPC modal can realize strategic
and economic value through the coupling effect.
When investing in these countries through the PPC
modal, if the investment can meet the local strategic
interests and the function of the BRI transportation
hub, this model will be better applied locally. Second,
whether the PPC modal can be applied locally
depends on whether the economic coupling effect can
find a balance point for both sides. The benefits of
international cooperation are apparent, but conflicts in
interests are often an important reason for the failure
of cooperation.
Fortunately, with the help of the economic
coupling effect, the PPC modal mediates the conflict
of interest well. The core of the economic coupling
effect is the principle of sustainable development:
compared with short-term construction income, and
the PPC mode pays more attention to long-term
investment and sustainable development.( Please find
Figure 2) The PPC model will build ports, industrial
parks, and urban construction into an interconnected
comprehensive platform, closely combine the host
country's local customs and industrial base,
appropriately adjust the investment plan, and build
an investment plan suitable for the host country.
Rather than belittling management and pursuing
short-term profits, if the investors of the PPC modal
pay more attention to cooperation with the host
country, emphasize a high degree of consistency in
the concept of park development and operation, and
move from short-term development to cooperation to
build a comprehensive industrial development model
to promote BRI international capacity cooperation,
PPC modal will be more likely to succeed in the local
area. Third, the investors adopting PPC mode and the
host country should have the economic concept and
political philosophy of win-win cooperation, which is
the premise and guarantee of cooperation. This model
is not to export production capacity or technology to
the host country unilaterally or unilaterally but to
build a community of interests with the host country
through the concept of sharing and integration. In
summary, if the investor and the host country can
reach a consensus on the above three points, then the
PPC model is replicable overseas.
Figure 2. PPC Oversea Model
In our in-depth analysis of two prominent investment
casesthe China-Belarus Industrial Park (GSIP) and
Djibouti Port Industrial Parkthis study has
scrutinized the replicability of the "Port-Park-City"
(PPC) model in overseas contexts, with a specific
focus on the regional economic coupling effect. The
insights drawn from this examination shed light on
the model's successful adaptation in host countries,
even amid diverse national conditions and strategies.
Despite variations, a common thread emerges in the
application of the PPC model.
This research has effectively bridged the
theoretical constructs and practical outcomes,
enriching the academic discourse while offering
valuable guidance to port enterprises and
policymakers navigating the intricate landscape of
overseas port investments. During the initial phases of
these projects, the PPC model's emphasis on
harmonious collaboration with host countries
emerges as pivotal. By integrating development needs
and competitive advantages, the model adopts a
comprehensive approach that provides consistent
institutional support and policy requisites for the
park. In contrast to conventional short-term profit-
centric approaches, the PPC model underscores the
significance of long-term management and sustained
cooperation with host nations. This commitment is
evident in its alignment with operational concepts
and a dedication to consistency throughout park
development. Serving as a foundational platform, the
PPC model facilitates industrial consolidation and
fosters collaborative capacity, aligning seamlessly
with the vision of international capacity cooperation
and global expansion championed by the Chinese
government through the Belt and Road Initiative.
Acknowledging inherent limitations, such as the
scarcity of comprehensive and mature data, this study
adopts a pragmatic approach by examining three
selected cases with more comprehensive and detailed
data. These cases serve as critical exemplars for
elucidating the intrinsic internationalization
mechanisms of the PPC model, viewed through the
analytical lens of the "coupling effect theory."
This research paves the way for future research
endeavors aimed at enhancing our comprehension of
port enterprises' overseas investments and the
dynamics of the PPC model. Subsequent research
should explore the refinement of the PPC model's
applicability across different cultural and geopolitical
contexts, delve into the roles played by governmental
policies, regulatory frameworks, and cultural factors
in the successful adoption of the PPC model, and
conduct a comprehensive analysis of the risks and
challenges associated with implementing the PPC
model in diverse overseas settings. Such
investigations could encompass matters related to
regulatory compliance, local partnerships,
environmental sustainability, and stakeholder
engagement. An in-depth understanding of the
intricate interplay between economic, social, and
environmental factors will be pivotal in shaping the
sustainability of the PPC model's overseas replication.
In conclusion, our findings substantiate the
viability and potential replicability of the PPC model
as a premier strategy for overseas investments by port
enterprises. Rooted in the principles of "cooperation,
co-construction, and sharing," inherent to the PPC
model, is a blueprint empowering Chinese port
enterprises to attain mutual prosperity and enduring
development along the Maritime Silk Road. These
benefits extend beyond the growth of port enterprises,
profoundly impacting the prosperity and well-being
of nations and communities along this historic route.
The successful replication of the PPC model hinges
not only on its investment and operational
dimensions but also on its alignment with the
strategic goal of sustainable long-term development.
Serving as a conduit for government-enterprise
collaboration, the PPC model seamlessly merges port
strengths, urban planning, and economic hinterland
into an efficient regional circular economy
powerhouse. In this light, the PPC model stands as an
actionable and replicable overseas investment strategy
for port enterprises, bearing significant economic and
strategic implications.
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