Public transport can only replace private transport
when better qualitative parameters and a robust state,
region and city environmental policy that promotes
public transport is achieved, and finally when the
current road systems become overcrowded and
paralysed. In practice, people switch from private to
public transport when:
paid parking zones become expanded,
parking spots in paid parking zones become
severely limited to the point bordering with
inability to find available spots,
paid parking fees are regularly increased to
achieve increasingly more competitive public
transport ticket prices,
alternative public transport systems become
established on separate traffic lanes,
public transport becomes faster than private
transport at a door-to-door” section
widespread accessibility is ensured.
With the current development of our society, the
above criteria will be achieved very quickly and it is
only up to us to prevent the exclusion of large groups
of people by these changes. The future customer of
public transport must have the following aspects
quick and frequent public or mixed transport,
quick and simple interchanges (enabling intuitive
and, in time, automatic navigation from stop to
stop, navigation in motion, and preventing the
customer from being slowed down by other users),
a well-designed interchange with high capacity,
safe travel,
high aesthetic value of travel.
Accessibility Management System for Integrated
. Chruzik, I. Krzyżewska & P. Uchroński
WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
ABSTRACT: Architectural, digital and information and communication accessibility is, according to the Law [1],
accessibility that meets the requirements of universal design and reasonable accommodation within the
meaning of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. According to the law, providing
accessibility to persons with special needs is the responsibility of public transport entities including maritime
operators. Persons with special needs are those who, due to their characteristics or the circumstances in which
they find themselves, need to take additional measures to overcome barriers that prevent or hinder their
participation in various spheres of life on an equal footing with others. Thus, these are not only people with
disabilities, but also, as the explanatory memorandum to the law indicates, other dependents, the elderly or
parents with children. The publication, within the framework of the methodology of the process approach to
the management of transport organizations, defines a proposal for the basic criteria of the Accessibility
Management System for Integrated Interchanges (AMSII), which will ensure compliance with all the
requirements of the Law and related acts.
International Journal
on Marine Navi
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.2
Another step in improving the accessibility is the
correct and efficient management of the available
infrastructure through the establishment of the
Accessibility Management System for Integrated
Interchanges. Unfortunately, the available legal
requirements and good practices do not provide
indications of specific criteria, but only the required
objectives that should be achieved by organisations.
The purpose of the Accessibility Management System
for Integrated Interchanges is to ensure that carriers
and transport infrastructure managers achieve their
economic targets in an optimal, safe and widely
available manner. The current management system
are often integrated with other systems to improve an
organisation’s overall results on activity and to reduce
the costs, with efforts spread out to all levels in the
organisation. For this purpose, the proposed
requirements for a functional grouping of AMSII
requirements utilise the ISO High Level Structure
common framework [2-4]. This framework also
facilitates the carriers’ and infrastructure managers’
understanding and use of a process-based approach
during the establishment, implementation,
maintenance and continuous improvement of their
optional quality or safety management systems.
According to the new requirements, human
behaviour plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and
efficient functioning of transport. Whenever it is
determined that human behaviour was a factor that
limited accessibility, the behaviour could have been
affected by organisational factors, such as work load
or work organisation, resulting in deteriorated result
on activity and worse effects of the given non-
compliance. Due to the above, it is of fundamental
importance that carriers and infrastructure managers
have a systemic concept for supporting human
activities and managing human and organisational
factors within a management system. The manner in
which the issue of accessibility is viewed, appreciated
and taken into account in an organisation’s priorities
reflects its actual commitment to the development of
public transport at all of its levels [5]. Due to the
above, it is also important for carriers and transport
infrastructure managers to determine the activities
and behaviours that can shape a positive accessibility
culture and to support a culture of mutual trust,
certainty and learning via their management system
in which employees are encouraged to make a
contribution to the development of universal
designing by reporting non-compliances and
difficulties, and provide information related to
The new criteria should be reflected in the
declarations of carriers and transport infrastructure
managers. An organisation should implement criteria
according to the declared specification of the scope,
type and field of activity. In addition, it is necessary to
verify that an organisation ensures the following
during the planning, establishment, implementation
and review of its operational processes:
application of the criteria for the acceptance of risk
and accessibility means (corrective actions),
implementation of plans aimed at achieving the
accessibility objectives,
collection of information for the purpose of
measuring the correct application and effectiveness
of operational arrangements.
An organisation should continuously improve the
adequacy and effectiveness of its AMSII. The Process
Roadmap/Model should reflect the scope of the
management system by indicating the parts of activity
that are encompassed and the parts that aren’t
encompassed by it, taking into account the legal
requirements. It should specify and describe processes
and actions related to the transport activity
accessibility, taking into account the related
responsibility and the interactions between these
processes. A model proposal, including a reference to
all recommended processes, is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. AMSII processes’ model proposal
An organisation’s accessibility policy should be
adapted to the type of organisation and scope of
transport activity, approved by representative(s) of
higher management and actively implemented,
communicated and made available to all employees. It
should contain a commitment to meet all legal
requirements, control the risk of hazards arising from
own actions and the actions of other entities, and to
continuously improve the AMSII. It should provide a
framework for the establishment of objectives on
transport exclusion and assessment of the
organisation’s accessibility results in relation to these
objectives, and be maintained in accordance with the
business strategy and assessment of the organisation’s
AMSII accessibility results.
It is also necessary to put emphasis on the
promotion of a positive accessibility culture, also in
terms of the integration of human and organisational
factors. This approach:
encompasses the establishment of a strategy and
the use of expert knowledge and proven methods
in human and organisational factors.
refers to the risk related to the construction and
use of equipment, tasks, working conditions and
organisational solutions, taking into account
human capabilities and limitations and the impact
on human actions.
An organisation establishes the strategy for the
continuous improvement of its accessibility culture,
relying on the use of expert knowledge and proven
methods to identify behavioural issues that affect
various parts of the AMSII and introduce measures to
take these issues into account. These provisions
necessitate an expansion of the system’s monitoring
areas - indices. Aside from analysing the results of
accessibility task implementation or the measurement
of the correct use and effectiveness of operational
arrangements, the supervision should encompass the
improvement of the accessibility culture and analysis
of the awareness of the importance, weight and
consequences of actions and the way they contribute
to the correct use and effectiveness of the AMSII,
including the achievement of the accessibility
objectives. This aspect is one of the most difficult
changes present in the new requirements.
The accessibility objectives should be:
consistent with the organisation’s accessibility
policy and strategic objectives (where appropriate),
related to the most important risk areas that affect
the organisation’s accessibility results,
compliant with the current legal and other
reviewed in terms of their achievement and
changed where appropriate,
The Process Risk Management description also
needs to be verified and updated [6]. Until now,
organisations have only applied mandatory
(according to the Labour Code) occupational risk
management. An organisation should specify and
analyse all operational risks (organisational, technical
and environmental risks arising from the human
factor) important for the type, scope and field of
activity conducted by the organisation identify the
need for cooperation, where appropriate, with other
concerned parties, and to communicate them to its
employees and external entities involved. Specify
fields of accessibility risks arising from its transport
activity, regardless of whether the activity is
conducted by the organisation itself, or by its partners
or suppliers controlled by it. Ensure that accessibility
is taken into account when identifying the
organisation’s business risk and risk management,
and clarify the manner of recognition and resolution
of conflicts between exclusion and other business
objectives. Where appropriate, the employees, their
representatives and external parties involved must be
consulted during the establishment, maintenance and
improvement of the AMSII in relation to specific parts
they are responsible for and in relation to accessibility
aspects in operational procedures. Furthermore, an
organisation should manage the risk of hazards
related to technical measures throughout their entire
lifecycle, i.e. starting at the design stage and ending
with the use stage, and meet the requirements on
human factors throughout the entire lifecycle. At least
the following aspects are taken into account to control
the risk in important cases for the provided
maintenance services:
determination of maintenance needs to maintain
technical measures in a safe operating condition,
management of the decommissioning of technical
measures for maintenance purposes,
management of putting technical measures back
into service,
management of monitoring and measurement
equipment to ensure its adequacy for the intended
An organisation should determine and control
accessibility risks arising from activity commissioned
as part of outsourcing, including activity or
cooperation with partners and suppliers, and use
information referring to investigations intended for
risk assessment review, drawing conclusions to
improve accessibility and, where appropriate, use
remedies or improvement measures [7]. It should also
take into account the need to determine, ensure and
maintain a safe working environment compliant with
the requirements of the current rules of law, especially
the Directive 89/391/EEC (Labour Code).
The process of risk assessment and management
may be based on methods commonly used in different
transport modes (e.g., FMEA, FHA, HAZOP), which
guarantee the fulfilment of necessary steps of proper
risk management: identification, estimation,
evaluation, response, communication, and monitoring
[8-9]. The implementation of recommended corrective
and preventive actions should be continuously
supervised, and their effects should be verified. After
a specified deadline for implementing
control/preventive measures, the process should be
evaluated, and a new risk indicator calculated. If the
risk class for a given hazard exceeds the threshold
adopted, it is necessary to define additional risk
control measures following the strategy adopted. A
person responsible for supervising the
implementation of activities was also assigned. Once
the planned scenario has been implemented, the
assessment body re-examines the risk level of the
hazards. If a satisfactory level is reached, the
procedure is completed. Otherwise, additional actions
are taken.
For transport operators’ risk management areas,
the most used method is FMEA (failure mode and
effects analysis) [7, 10]. Valuation of the hazards
identified for the entire hazard area begins with
determining, on a scale of 110, the factors affecting
the hazard, where:
W—probability (possibility) of hazard occurrence,
determined in the range from 1 to 10. The probability
of occurrence is a relative rather than absolute value.
The only way to lower the occurrence rank is to
prevent or control the cause of error posing the
hazard by changing the process.
Z—the probability of hazard detection, determined
in the range from 1 to 10, is an assessment (position in
the ranking) associated with the best control tool
given in the process control tool column. Detection is
a relative assessment within a specific FMEA. As a
rule, to achieve lower ranks, the planned control tool
should be improved.
S—possible consequences of an incident resulting
from hazard propagation, a value between 1 and 10, is
the level of ranking assigned to the most severe effect
for a given type of error causing a hazard to the
power industry.
The risk assessment is based on the product [7]:
R = Z × W × S
The R-value for the risk hazard measure ranges
from 1 to 1000. Hazards with the R number above 121
are significant. The number R above 150 indicates a
critical hazard that seriously threatens the safety of
the entire system. The risk value was identified based
on the risk matrix:
The risk is unacceptable, significantly threatening
the safety of the system, corrective measures should
be taken immediately, risk class = 3
The risk is tolerable; appropriate precautions
should be taken, risk class = 2
The risk is acceptable, no action is required, risk
class = 1
If the risk measure R is in class 3, appropriate
process control measures must be taken immediately
to eliminate the possible hazard or remove the
hazard’s possible effects. However, if the risk R is in
class 2, appropriate corrective actions have to be taken
to prevent the occurrence of a potential hazard. The
preventive/corrective actions assessment should be at
first focused on the high-risk measure R items. Any
corrective action intends to reduce the ranking values
in the following order: effect, occurrence, and
detectability ranking.
As a rule, it is assumed that if the number W, S
reaches the value of 910 or Z, the value of 12
(extreme), regardless of the value of the R indicator,
special attention is paid to ensuring that the risk of
hazards is reduced using existing control
measures/tools or preventive actions. In all cases,
when the effect of the identified error may pose a
hazard to recipients, preventive/corrective actions
must be taken to prevent the occurrence of a potential
hazard by eliminating or controlling the causes, or a
method to protect the should be developed.
Implementing the recommended corrective and
preventive measures should be continuously
monitored and their effects verified with the FMEA
method. After the specified deadline for
implementing the control/preventive measures, the
process should be assessed, and a new risk indicator R
calculated. If the risk class for a given hazard exceeds
the accepted threshold, it is necessary to specify
additional risk control measures following the
adopted strategy. A person responsible for
supervising the implementation of activities was also
assigned. After deployment of the planned scenario,
the assessment body double-checks the level of risk of
hazards. If a satisfactory level is achieved, the
procedure is terminated. Otherwise, additional
actions are taken. The entire process is recorded in a
dedicated blank.
An organisation should implement and evaluate
changes in the management system (AMSII) to
maintain or improve its accessibility results. This
encompasses decision-making at specific stages of the
change management process and the subsequent risk
review. It is necessary to determine the potential
accessibility risk and adequate corrective measures
prior to implementation.
Another criterion is the obligation to identify
potential emergencies and measures that must be
taken in a timely manner to manage such situations
and restore normal conditions of conducting activity.
In relation to any identified type of emergency, an
organisation should ensure the following:
the ability of making immediate contact with
emergency services,
provide all relevant information to the emergency
services, both in advance, to prepare a response to
the emergency, and during the emergency,
granting first aid with the use of internal resources.
An organisation should ensure that:
the recommendations of domestic accessibility
management bodies and recommendations
derived from discipline-specific or internal
investigations are evaluated and, where
appropriate, implemented or commissioned for
relevant reports or information derived from other
concerned parties, such as transport enterprises,
infrastructure managers, maintenance entities and
vehicle keepers, are analysed and taken into
An organisation should also use information
referring to investigations intended for risk
assessment review, drawing conclusions to improve
accessibility and safety and, where appropriate, use
remedies or improvement measures.
In terms of Reporting, an organisation should
ensure the submission of a periodical accessibility
report to domestic accessibility management bodies
and the competent Marshal’s Office in a scope
dependent on the Programme of equal opportunities
for persons with disabilities and counteracting their
social exclusion and aid in the implementation of
tasks towards the employment of persons with
Any filed customer complaint concerning a
service’s non-compliance with reference to transport
accessibility should be analysed. A complaint is a
request of the passenger/service recipient addressed
to the service seller arising from unsatisfactory quality
in the field of accessibility. The passenger/service
recipient reports that the agreed service requirements
have not been met. A complaint should be recorded in
a Complaints Register. Then, the transport operator is
obliged to complete the complaint sheet and open the
complaint processing procedure. Relevant
information should be analysed as part of
Management Reviews and constitute the basis for
updating the accessibility policy and building the
System Improvement Programme.
An organisation should also define appropriate
communication channels (Information Flow Process)
to ensure that accessibility information are exchanged
between different levels of the organisation and with
external parties concerned, including partners and
suppliers, but mainly transport process
recipients/customers. In order to control information
and communication in cases important for the
accessibility of operational actions, relevant
employees must be notified about the details of any
infrastructure/transport management conditions,
including any important changes that may lead to
hazards, temporary or permanent operational
restrictions and of any conditions concerning
extraordinary events, where appropriate. As part of
the process description, it is recommended to develop
maps of the flow of evidentiary information within
the organization, and with external entities. The
structure of these models depends on the nature of the
organization and the type of transport.
In order to control the risk of hazards on Supplier
Qualification, an organisation should define the
criteria for selecting partners and suppliers, as well as
agreement requirements to be met by such entities,
including the following:
legal and other requirements related to
level of competence required to implement the
tasks specified in the agreement,
responsibility for the implemented tasks,
expected accessibility results that must be
maintained throughout the term of the agreement,
obligations on accessibility information exchange,
traceability of agreement documents.
An organisation should ensure that proper formats
and carriers are used in the creation and updating of
documentation concerning the AMSII, and to control
the AMSII documentation, especially its storage,
distribution and changes to ensure its availability,
usefulness and protection, where appropriate.
In terms of the AMSII’s Continuous
Improvement/Management Review, the higher
management should periodically review the ASMII in
terms of its adequacy and effectiveness, at least in
terms of the following aspects:
detailed information on the progress of
implementation of actions identified as result of
previous management reviews,
changing internal and external circumstances,
the organisation’s accessibility results in terms of
its accessibility objectives, its monitoring activity,
including findings from internal audits, complaints
and internal investigations conducted in the
aftermath of accidents and the status of relevant
proper results of supervisory actions taken by
domestic bodies,
improvement recommendations.
Based on the management review results, the
higher management should adopt general
responsibility for the planning and implementation of
the necessary changes in the system (AMSII):
adoption of general accountability and
responsibility for accessibility,
ensure the engagement in accessibility of
management at different levels of the organisation
through actions and in its relations with employees
and suppliers,
ensure that an accessibility policy is established
and that its objectives comply with the
organisation’s strategic direction,
ensure the integration of the AMSII’s requirements
with the organisation’s business processes,
ensure the availability of resources required for the
ensure the AMSII’s effectiveness in controlling the
accessibility risk caused by the organisation,
encourage employees to support actions intended
to ensure compliance with the AMSII’s
promote the AMSII’s continuous improvement,
ensure that accessibility is taken into account when
identifying the organisation’s business risk and
risk management, and clarify the manner of
recognition and resolution of conflicts between
accessibility and other business objectives,
promote a positive accessibility culture.
These objectives should be monitored as part of the
System Improvement Programme.
An organisation should conduct internal audits in
an independent, unbiased and transparent manner to
collect and analyse information for its own
monitoring actions, encompassing the following:
schedule of planned internal audits that can be
modified depending on the results of previous
audits and monitoring of results,
identification and selection of auditors with proper
analysis and assessment of audit results,
determination of the need to use remedies or
improvement measures,
verification of the implementation and
effectiveness of these measures,
documentation on carrying out the audit and its
submission of audit results to the higher
The responsibility, accountability and permissions
of employees performing functions that affect
accessibility are defined for each level of official
hierarchy within the organisation, documented as
well as assigned and communicated to those
employees description of processes, job sheet. An
organisation also ensures that the employees
responsible for accessibility tasks have the
permissions, competencies and adequate resources to
perform their tasks without being exposed to the
negative impact of the actions of other business
functions. The competence management system
maintained by the organisation must ensure that
employees performing functions that affect
accessibility are competent in terms of tasks related to
limiting mobility for which they are responsible, and
at least encompass the following:
determine the competencies required for the
objectives of accessibility tasks,
the rules of selection (minimum education,
required mental and physical fitness),
minimum training, experience and qualifications,
on-going trainings and periodical updating of
periodical evaluation of competencies and testing
mental and physical fitness to ensure the
maintenance of qualifications and skills over time,
specialist trainings concerning the relevant parts of
the AMSII to ensure that they implement the
accessibility tasks.
An organisation should provide a trainings
programme for employees performing accessibility
tasks. The trainings programme must guarantee the
it is implemented in accordance with the identified
competence requirements and the employees’
individual needs,
where appropriate, the trainings provide the
employees with the skill to act in any conditions of
activity (in normal conditions, in an emergency
and crisis),
the duration of trainings and frequency of
refresher trainings comply with the training
the trainings of all employees are being
the trainings programme is regularly reviewed,
audited, and changed where appropriate.
The most important change in this field is the
awareness of the importance, weight and
consequences of the employees’ actions and the way
they contribute to the correct use and effectiveness of
the AMSII, including the achievement of the related
objectives. As part of its organisational learning
processes, an organisation must ensure measures to
incentivise employees and other parties concerned to
act actively to improve accessibility.
In terms of the Maintenance Process, an
organisation should:
ensure that technical measures are used for their
intended purpose and their safe operating
conditions is maintained,
manage technical measures in normal conditions
and in an emergency,
detect as soon as reasonably possible any failure to
comply with the operating requirements prior to
or during the operation of technical measures,
including the application of use restrictions,
ensure that its arrangements on the technical
measures’ management comply, when
appropriate, with all basic requirements specified
in legal requirements and identified good
On 19 July 2019, a new, ground-breaking act [1] on
ensuring accessibility to persons with special needs
was adopted into the Polish legal order. The act
identified the legal and organisational framework for
making the concept of accessibility a reality by
imposing obligations to ensure accessibility in terms
of architectural, digital as well as information and
communication aspects on all public entities. Most
rules of this act are in force from 30 September 2019,
while others entered into force gradually over the next
two years. The same year also saw the adoption of the
Directive of the European Parliament and of the
Council (EU) no. 2019/882 [11] on the accessibility
requirements for products and services, which aims to
approximate the laws of the Member States with
regard to accessibility requirements for certain
products and services, in particular by eliminating
and preventing barriers for the free movement of
certain products and services that arise from
diverging accessibility requirements in specific
Member States. The obligations specified in this
Directive, should apply equally, with certain
reservations (especially Article 4 paragraph 1 in
relation to Article 14 paragraph 6 of the Directive no.
2019/882), to economic operators from the public and
private sectors (Recital 57 of Directive no. 2019/882).
Meeting the requirements contained in these sectoral
acts and documents intended for specific transport
types will streamline and systematise operational
activities related to ensuring the accessibility of
The publication proposes a new model for
managing the availability of transport operators in the
area of transport hubs. The methodology for
describing the model's criteria corresponds to the
process approach. Such a model does not currently
exist in practice and cannot be evaluated with the
audit tool available for the methodology. In the next
stages, after the implementation of the proposed
model at the operator, validation studies and analyses
will be carried out.
[1] Act of 19 July 2019 on ensuring accessibility to persons
with special needs.
[2] Pritchard C.: Risk Management in Projects, WigPress,
Warsaw 2001.
[3] PN-EN ISO 9000:2015-10 Polish version, PKN,
Warszawa 2016.
[4] PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10 Polish version, PKN,
Warszawa 2016.
[5] White Paper. Roadmap to a single European transport
area towards a competitive and resource efficient
transport system.
[6] PN-ISO 31000:2018 – Polish version, PKN, Warszawa
[7] PN-EN IEC 60812:2018-12 English version, PKN,
Warszawa 2018.
[8] Wang, W.; Lyu, S.; Zhang, Y.; Ma, S. A Risk Assessment
Model of Coalbed Methane Development Based on the
Matter-Element Extension Method. Energies 2019, 12,
[9] Zhang, P.; Chen, X.; Fan, C. Research on a Safety
Assessment Method for Leakage in a Heavy Oil
Gathering Pipeline. Energies 2020, 13, 1340.
[10] Jamroz, K. Risk assessment in road engineering.
International Scientific Conference The transport of the
21st century, Poland, Stare Jabłonki, 18-21 September
[11] Directive of the European Parliament and of the
Council (EU) no. 2019/882 of 17 April 2019 on the
accessibility requirements for products and services (EU
Official Journal L 151, p. 70) (European Accessibility