Table 3 Mathematics Concepts Embedded in Seamanship 2B (Trim
and Stability) Lessons
Seamanship Lessons Mathematics Lessons
1. Stability Integers, Decimals, Fractions,
Algebra, Trigonometry
2. Cargo Calculations and Cargo Integers, Decimals, Fractions,
Plans Algebra
3. Stress tables and stress Algebra (Graphs)
calculating equipment
4. Draught, Trim, and Stability Integers, Decimals, Algebra
5. Approximate Calculations of Integers, Decimals, Algebra
Areas and Volume
6. Effects of Density Integers, Decimals, Algebra
7. Stability at Moderate and Large Integers, Decimals, Algebra,
Angles of Heel Trigonometry
8. Dynamical Stability Integers, Decimals, Percent,
9. Approximate GM by Means of Integers, Decimals, Algebra,
Rolling Period Test Trigonometry
10. Intact Stability Requirements Integers, Decimals, Algebra
for Carriage of Grain
11. Effect on trim and stability of Integers, Decimals, Percent,
a ship in the event of damage Algebra
to and consequent flooding of
a compartment and
countermeasure to be taken
12. Calculation of Vessel Integers, Decimals, Percent,
Condition after Flooding Fractions, Algebra
13. Effect of Flooding on Trim Integers, Decimals, Algebra
Figure 2.
Meanwhile, Table 4 shows the mean satisfaction of
students towards the developed supplemental
learning in SEAM 2B in general and in terms of
physical aspects, objectives, learning activities,
evaluation procedure, and usefulness.
Table 4. Students’ Satisfaction Towards the Supplemental
Material in Seamanship 2B (Trim and Stability)
Category n Mean Description SD
Overall 30 3.66 Very High 0.62
Physical Aspect 30 3.71 Very High 0.63
Objectives 30 3.64 Very High 0.62
Learning Activities 30 3.62 Very High 0.68
Evaluation Procedure 30 3.66 Very High 0.64
Usefulness 30 3.67 Very High 0.63
Note. 3.51-4.00=Very High Satisfaction; 2.51-3.50=High
Satisfaction; 1.51-2.50=Low Satisfaction; and 1.00-1.50=Very
Low Satisfaction.
The results show that in general, students have a
“Very High” satisfaction (M=3.66, SD=0.62) towards
the supplemental learning material. In addition, they
also have a “Very High” satisfaction in terms of
physical aspects (M=3.71, SD=0.63), objectives
(M=3.64, SD=0.62), learning activities (M=3.62,
SD=0.68), evaluation procedure (M=3.66, SD=0.64),
and usefulness (M=3.67, SD=0.63).
The findings of this study support the notion that
learning satisfaction is the effect of the processes
which have taken place during the students’ learning
process. Additionally, satisfaction can also be
regarded as relative outcomes between expectation
and perceived service either with pleasure or with
displeasure [13]. In addition, the quality of learning
materials affects the satisfaction of the learners. The
more confidence and trust the learners have in the
quality of materials used for their learning, the more
satisfied they are [14]. Therefore, one can say that
students’ expectations of the supplemental learning
material have been met, thus resulting to a “Very
High” satisfaction. Meanwhile, Table 5 presents the
experts’ acceptability of the supplemental learning
material in SEAM 2B in general and in terms of
physical aspects, objectives, learning activities,
evaluation procedure, and usefulness. Data were
based on the responses of experts in maritime
education and in mathematics.
Table 5 Acceptability of the Supplemental Learning Material
in SEAM 2B (Trim and Stability) According to Experts
Category n Mean Description SD
Overall 18 3.52 Very High 0.52
Physical Aspect 18 3.51 Very High 0.43
Objectives 18 3.55 Very High 0.54
Learning Activities 18 3.50 High 0.51
Evaluation Procedure 18 3.45 High 0.59
Usefulness 18 3.57 Very High 0.66
Note. 3.51-4.00=Very High Acceptability; 2.51-3.50=High
Acceptability; 1.51-2.50=Low Acceptability; and 1.00-
1.50=Very Low Acceptability.
The results show that in general, experts deem that
the supplemental learning material has a “Very High”
acceptability (M=3.52, SD=0.52). Moreover, it also has
a “Very High” acceptability in terms of physical
aspects (M=3.51, SD=0.43), objectives (M=3.55,
SD=0.54), and usefulness (M=3.57, SD=0.66). On the
other hand, it has a “High” acceptability in terms of
learning activities (M=3.50, SD=0.51) and evaluation
procedure (M=3.45, SD=0.59).
The findings show that the supplemental learning
material has exceeded the standards of the chosen
experts in terms of the physical aspects, objectives,