There is a need for revised regulatory control and
refined regulations in the context of sustainable
development in the maritime sector, as well as for
new and advancing technologies. This study depicted
the prospective concept of refinements of the regional
and local environmental regulations for the
prevention of ship-generated sewage pollution.
Contrary to the present-day approach, it takes into
consideration the actual hydrometeorological
conditions in the sense of its dynamical nature in the
areas of interest, as well as the physical- and chemical
properties of the sewage.
The examples illustrated clearly show that the
drifts modelled by different flow fields (more general,
the discharge data) yield varying destinations and
zones of contaminant concentration. This influences in
particular the fixed distances that are mentioned in
the existing regulations. As a consequence, for
instance, the difference in the initial time of discharge
from the same position in the presence of time-
varying currents yields different trajectories of drifters
and finally their location in the same period.
Accordingly, we assert that the standard
regulations based only on constant distances from the
coastline can be refined depending on the local
situation. Thus, this approach creates the background
for situation-dependent discharge standards in the
maritime sector, and the novel decision system in
which the predicted behaviour of the discharged
substances (sewage, pollutants) into the sea in the
presence of the water (wind) flow field is also
Furthermore, since the new regulations are also
expected for the coming autonomous ships in
different aspects including environmental protection,
it is reasonable to consider revising the MARPOL and
the related documents to take into account the
situation-dependent regulations, at least on a local
scale. This covers in particular setting up novel and
more efficient criteria and analogues of the constant
minimum distances from the nearest land, any ice
shelf or fast ice, a reef, or other special areas.
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