Due to the multiple anthropogenic pressures world’s
marine ecosystems are seriously degraded and
nations worldwide have to take measures to achieve
Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and
sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development” adopted in September
2015 by all United Nations (UN) Member States [25].
To stimulate actions by stakeholders working at the
science/policy interface to strengthen the management
of oceans and coasts the UN has proclaimed “A
Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
(2021-2030)” [26]. Sewage discharges, particularly if
untreated, contribute significantly to marine pollution
[15]. Pathogens, nutrients, heavy metals, and various
regulated and emerging organic micropollutants
entering water bodies pose a risk to human and
animal health, particularly in coastal regions exposed
to intense human activity.
Ships, depending on the number of people
onboard, length of the voyage, and type of toilets,
may generate large quantities of sewage [20].
Moreover, sewage from some types of ships, such as
cruisers, contains a wide range of chemicals with
different properties (heavy metals, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, fragrances, UV
filters, pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, anionic
surfactants, and food additives), sometimes in higher
concentrations than urban wastewater. Once entered
into the receiving marine environment contaminants
Towards Situation-Dependent Regulations for the
revention of Ship-generated Sewage Pollution in
pecific Areas
. Čulin
& P. Kopacz
University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to present a background for a concept of situation-dependent
adjustment of environmental regulations for the prevention of ship-generated sewage pollution. Unlike the
standard rules based only on a constant distance from the nearest land that routinely disregard the effect of drift
caused by local surface currents, tidal streams, or winds, we consider taking into account the situational
dependence in addition. This includes the available hydrometeorological data on the seawater flow, the initial
position and time of disposal, and ultimately, sea state, the physical and biochemical properties of the
substances (sewage, wastewater) discharged overboard. Computing the approximate dynamics of drifted
sewage yields estimated information on the prohibited (permitted) zones of discharge and the boundary
subareas of the predicted distribution or the maximum (minimum) concentrations of contaminants,
respectively. This can be further applied to the innovative decision support systems aimed at preventing local
pollution, involving stakeholders on both sides: ship masters and shore services on marine environment
protection, as well as to developing local legislation. In order to justify the proposed approach and to emphasize
the relevance of situational dependence concerning the natural motions of sea water bodies, our study is
illustrated with some examples based on real-world data including various drift effects.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.1
may evaporate, float, dissolve, and sink in various
combinations, and duration of these processes may
take a relatively long time. Dissolvers and sinkers
endanger aquatic organisms in the water column and
the sediments, while birds, marine mammals, and
benthic life forms along the coast are mainly exposed
to floaters [14]. Pollution by ship-generated sewage
can bring serious damage to marine ecosystems and it
is of great significance to determine and implement
measures to reduce it.
Currently, various legislative solutions are
referring to discharges of sewage from ships [5]. The
common characteristic of legislative measures is that
the discharge of sewage into the sea within a specified
distance from the nearest land is prohibited. Annex IV
of the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), defines 3 NM for
comminated and disinfected sewage using an
approved system and 12 NM for untreated sewage.
The U.S. Clean Water Act also determines 3 NM as the
distance within the discharge of untreated sewage is
forbidden. Specified distances from the nearest land
which occurs in the mentioned regulations originate
from the law and present the breadth of the territorial
sea. However, the transport and fate of contaminants
from sewage in natural environments depend on their
physical and chemical properties and circulation
patterns of the receiving sea and vary substantially
[19]. Therefore minimum of 3 NM for discharge of
comminated and disinfected sewage or 12 NM for raw
sewage may be unnecessarily too large. Moreover, the
inconvenience of travelling offshore may contribute to
violations, which occur frequently [6]. On the other
hand, the discharge of wastewater from ships at an
allowed distance may affect the migration routes and
behaviours of animals or significantly contribute to
the degradation of water quality [4]. Accordingly, we
believe that an approach based on the fixed distances
from land, ice shelf, or fast ice could be improved.
This work aims to propose an improvement of the
existing regulations that refer to discharging
wastewater from ships into moving water bodies. We
suggest a situation-dependent approach that makes
use of updated environmental information (reliable
prediction) for local regulations or recommendations,
not being based only on the fixed distances from, e.g.
the nearest land, irrespective of natural drift effects.
Such a concept enables us to ensure at least the same
level of environmental protection as the current
regulations and could prove to be more efficient for
the vessel operators and shoreside.
Pathogens, one of the most prevalent contaminants in
natural waters, have been associated with a wide
range of sicknesses. However, instead of their direct
monitoring, fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) (fecal
coliforms, total coliforms, enterococci, Escherichia
coli) have been used worldwide for the assessment of
sanitary water quality. The fate and transport of FIB in
the marine environment depend on many factors.
Biotic (predation and competition), and abiotic
(salinity, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, temperature,
visible light) environmental factors affect their
survival [3]. Natural attenuation depends also on
dilution, sorption, advection, and dispersion [10].
Therefore, meteorological data, water quality data,
coastal geometry, and bathymetry are required to
apply mechanistic models to predict its concentration
[24]. However, research data indicate that regardless
of conditions, fecal pollutants become diluted at
distances less than 3 km from a source toward the
open sea or deeper water [7,17,23]. Taking into
account the above-mentioned facts, “the worst-case
scenario” of contaminants from the raw sewage
reaching the nearshore includes FIB. For the purposes
of this study, concerning the permission to discharge
raw sewage, it can be assumed without loss of general
concept that it behaves like a perfect persistent floater
that will first reach the shore or a particular sea area,
and its dynamic is based on the resulting horizontal
current/stream-driven motion of the surrounding
The numerically simulated Lagrangian paths of
seawater or pollution parcels are often used as test
elements to evaluate the risk of an impact by pollution
discharged in a particular position. In fact, the paths
are usually not Lagrangian, that is, they are locked in
the surface layer and only advection driven by two-
dimensional (horizontal) currents is exerted. Such
treatment surely does not represent the propagation
of oil spills that are also affected by additional
reasons, e.g., chemical processes, buoyancy effects,
met-ocean drivers, and Stokes drift [8,13]. This can be
applied to persistent substances dissolved in the thin
surface stratum, e.g., different contaminants or
radioactive materials. The quasi-Lagrangian models
of such type enable us to evaluate the contribution of
propagation driven by currents or streams in terms of
environmental risks. For instance, oil spills under the
combined effect of wind and currents were
investigated by applying an advanced model in the
Gulf of Finland [13]. The essential outputs are the
probability distributions for the parcels released in
various areas at sea to reach the nearshore regions as
well as the duration, i.e., particle age or residence time
at sea [21].
To clarify the concept of situation-dependent local
regulations, it is sufficient to use some simplified
models for our purposes. Knowing the discharge data
including drift enables us to monitor the
environmental situation more efficiently and predict
the consequences of the discharges from ships into
seawater at least in some particular cases (local areas),
and therefore the impact on the local environment,
e.g., coastlines, special zones, sensitive sea areas. For
illustrative goals, the drifting paths and applied flow
fields presented below are based on some real-world
data, simulating planar seawater motions. It is
assumed that the sea areas under consideration are
local. Thus, the two-dimensional Euclidean plane can
be chosen as background. In an extended global
approach, the spheroidal cups should be considered
in order not to neglect the curvature of the Earth but
this falls beyond the scope of this paper. For the sake
of simplicity and without loss of generality, the floater
will be modelled as particle-type, i.e. the physical- and
chemical dispersion is neglected in particular. Thus,
the numerically obtained trajectories of flowing
seawater (a perfect floater with the simplified
dynamics) are considered. The scenarios with some
tidal streams and surface currents are shown in a
sequel. Their directions and speeds vary in time or sea
areas (geographical position) under consideration.
Depending on the software and preferred methods,
the computational part can be refined and some of the
existing algorithms can also be used in this regard;
see, for example, [8,13,21].
2.1 Time-dependence based on local tidal stream area
We start with a scenario concerning drift in a tidal
stream area. In this case, the corresponding data, i.e.
set and rate (for both neap and spring tides) are
repeated periodically and refer to high water at a
specific place. Consequently, water motion is
predictable with high accuracy and the corresponding
tidal stream atlases present hourly motion vectors. For
clarity and example, see the self-explanatory charts of
the area of the Channel Islands off the coast of
Normandy (Figure 1). The black arrows show the tidal
streams 2, 4, and 6 hours after high water at the
reference port (Dover in this case), and the same
distribution is repeated twice a day (a semidiurnal
tidal cycle including two high tides and low tides
every lunar day). At each measuring point (the so-
called “tidal diamonds” marked on the marine
navigational charts) the flow direction and speed are a
known function of time. Tidal flow timings and
velocities appear in tidal stream atlases, tide charts, or
modern electronic navigational databases, e.g.
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
(ECDIS) installed onboard the ships, following the
requirements of the SOLAS Convention (Chapter V,
“Safety of navigation”). Tidal flows are significant for
navigation, and serious errors in position occur if they
are not taken into account. In general, the resulting
drifting paths are different as they depend on position
and time, like the streams. As a consequence, the
points of the intermediate/final destination or the
concentration areas of the discharged floaters vary.
However, by knowing the environmental data and
characteristics of the substances the trajectory can be
computed and predicted in sufficiently accurate way.
Figure 1. The varying flow directions and speeds of tidal
streams repeated periodically in the area of the Channel
Islands off the coast of Normandy 2 (left), 4 (middle), and 6
hours (right) after high water at Dover [27].
We make now use of the data coming from an
actual measuring point of the streams, which is
positioned in the northern part of the English
Channel. The details are presented in a tabular and
graphical form in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Left: the tabular form of the tidal stream data
referred to high water at Eastbourne (tidal diamond “A”).
Right: the corresponding graphs of set (dashed black) and
rate (spring tide - blue, neap tide - orange).
For practical applications, it is often assumed that
the streams in the local area near the reference
positions are approximately the same. Thus, a
modelled vector field that is time-dependent locally,
but not position-dependent will be considered in the
sequel. We simply aimed to show how the trajectory
of the drifted floaters looks like while being
considered as a function of time, where the initial
position (discharge) is located at the measuring point
(Figure 3). The fact that the semidiurnal tides have a
period of ca. 12 hours 25 minutes is taken into
Figure 3. The approximated drifting paths at the spring
(blue) and neap (orange) rate, where the maximum ranges
of drift are generated for 3 tidal cycles (t = 37.25 hours), with
the corresponding map in the background. The tidal stream
data refer to high water at Eastbourne, starting from the
position of the tidal diamond “A” (the simulated release of
the floaters marked by a red mark) 6 hours before high
2.2 Position-dependence based on surface currents in the
open sea area
Now the open sea area in the Atlantic, i.e., 31° - 35°N
and 035° - 031°W has been considered. This covers 10
forecasts for the surface currents’ motion with 24-hour
steps from 11 Nov. 2019, 03:00 UTC till 20 Nov. 2019,
03:00 UTC. The related data have been saved in GRIB2
(GRIdded Binary or General Regularly distributed
Information in Binary form) format. This is
standardized by the World Meteorological
Organization’s Commission for Basic Systems and
used in meteorology to store weather forecast
including numerical weather prediction output as
well as historical data. They are analysed and
transformed with the use of Mathematica software
from Wolfram Research to obtain the approximated
analytical formula of the corresponding vector field in
the area under consideration. Such mathematical
operation requires finding the appropriate fitting
functions that represent the flow of seawater in the
area of disposal.
First, to create a comparison to the tidal area
mentioned above, we obtain a trajectory in the vicinity
of one measuring point, located at (33°N, 035°W). For
simplicity, we assume that the current is only time-
dependent herein. Thus, the scenario is similar to the
previous example, however now the sea current is no
longer cyclic, by contrast to the tidal stream. The
corresponding data of direction and speed as the
functions of time are presented in Figure 4 (left). The
linear model with the best-fit function based on the
trigonometric functions has been constructed. The
resulting trajectory is shown in Figure 4 (right). In this
case, the drifting distance after 2 days equals 23.9 Nm
(north-north-west direction) in the presence of a time-
dependent vector field under consideration.
Figure 4. Left: the graphs of the surface current (direction -
dashed black, speed solid blue) in position (33°N, 035°W)
for the period: 11 Nov. 2019, 03:00 UTC - 20 Nov. 2019, 03:00
UTC (24 hours steps, i.e., 10 days). Right: the simulated local
drifting path (NNW-bound) generated from the position
(33°N, 035°W) which is the origin (0,0) in the presented local
coordinate system, and starting on 11 Nov. 2019, 03:00 UTC.
As already mentioned a surface current is in
general position-varying as well. Therefore, we now
take into account 81 measuring points in the entire
area (every 0.5° of latitude and longitude), and the
spatially-varying surface currents are analysed. The
models including the data for 11 Nov. 2019, 03:00
UTC are presented graphically in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The models are based on the fitting functions of
two variables (surfaces) being the polynomials of degree 7,
which are presented graphically with the data for speed
(left) and direction (right) of the surface current in the open
sea area (31°−35°N, 031°−035°W), 11 Nov. 2019, 03:00 UTC.
The corresponding contour plots of speed and
direction are presented in Figure 6.
As a consequence, the exemplary trajectories of a
perfect floater in the area passing through the
positions (32.5°N, 033.5°W) (solid white) and (34.0°N,
031.6°W) (dashed white) are shown in Figure 7. One
can easily observe their different intermediate
positions in the same time instants and related
Figure 6. The contour plots of speed (left) and direction
(right) of the surface currents in the open sea area
(31°−35°N, 031°−035°W), 11 Nov. 2019, 03:00 UTC.
Figure 7. Left: a comparison of two drifting trajectories of
the floaters passing through the positions (32.5°N, 033.5°W)
(the green dot following the solid white path) and (34.0°N,
031.6°W) (the yellow dot following the dashed white path);
in the background: the colour-coded stream density plot
referring to speed of the current in knots (11 Nov. 2019,
03:00 UTC). Right: as on the left, however with the color-
coded density plot referring to direction of the currents in
the background.
Furthermore, four different ship’s routes (dashed
red in Figure 8) are considered, where the floaters are
discharged overboard in five various positions (grey
dots) along these routes.
Figure 8. The simulated drifting paths of the perfect floaters
(black) after discharging from a ship following 4 different
routes (dashed red), and starting from 5 various positions
(grey points), under the stationary currents (blue, on 11
Nov. 2019, 03:
00 UTC) in the same open sea area (31°
35°N, 031° 035°W). The subareas of approximated
destinations (concentrations) of the floaters are indicated
illustratively by grey ellipses; t = 480 h.
The related drifting paths in the same area under
consideration are obtained and presented in black
(Figure 8), being the numerically simulated simplified
trajectories of flowing seawater, i.e. the perfect
floaters. It is clear that the discharge data (situational
dependence) may cause different consequences in this
case similar to analogous real-world scenarios because
of the drift effects that vary in time and position. By
the discharge data it should be understood in practice:
time (t) and position of discharge (x0, y0), set and rate
of the current in situ as well as the significant physical
and biochemical properties of the substances (sewage,
wastewater) discharged overboard. The subareas of
simulated destinations (concentrations) of the floaters
after t = 480 h are marked illustratively by grey
ellipses in Figure 8.
Considering the possible harmful effects of ship
wastewater, it is important to formulate and
implement instruments that address discharges and
reduce the related risks as much as possible.
Regardless of the level of environmental regulation
developed so far (international, state, or local
regulation), discharge of sewage not treated by a
sewage treatment plant is allowed at a certain
distance. The designation of these specified distances
from the nearest land is based on the assumption that
on the high seas, the oceans can assimilate and deal
with raw sewage, and the varying
hydrometeorological sea conditions are not
considered [16].
Sea drifters are used for various applications,
including the gathering of scientific data and climate
monitoring. The above examples and simulations
show how the intermediate/final points and times of
arrival of the drifted particles depend on the
discharge data. Having this information in hand, one
can support the decision-making on sewage disposal
at sea, especially when the conditions are reliably
foreseeable. The approach depicted can also help
determine the optimized position and/or time of
potential discharge as well as the range of
propagation (boundaries) and concentration of the
contaminants in the sea areas involved.
Therefore, by applying the proposed approach
improved monitoring and management of the local
(marine and shore) environment could be achieved.
Namely, states that ratified MARPOL Annex IV need
to develop additional state and local regulations,
because passenger ships undertaking domestic
voyages, recreational boats, and fishing boats, which
are not covered by Annex IV, may represent a
significantly higher risk of sea pollution by sewage
than cruisers or cargo ships [11]. Instead of defining
specified distances, future regulations or individual
decisions on discharging procedures can be made
based on the discharge data, since the accuracy and
availability of hydrometeorological data are
constantly improving. Furthermore, better protection
of the sensitive areas could be achieved. Current
regulations allow discharge at any location provided
that an approved sewage treatment plant is used.
However, many organic micropollutants are poorly
removed by wastewater treatment plants [22], which
means that sewage treatment does not make a
significant difference when it comes to pollution by
many of the contaminants that may have serious
adverse effects. For example, a study of nine
aquaculture sites in seven European countries
revealed a potential risk of contaminants of both
legacy and emerging concern, particularly UV filters
[1]. Considering high spatial and seasonal variability
in the occurrence of UV filters and other
pharmaceuticals and personal care products related to
tourism, applying the proposed approach, which is
based on situational awareness and situation-adapted
warnings in the areas of interest, when formulating
local or regional regulations could be appropriate.
Moreover, sewage is only one of the problems
related to pollution from ships. Many of the chemical
contaminants entering the marine environment
originate from operational discharges [29]. The
MARPOL permits the discharges of noxious liquid
substances, oil, and garbage (cargo residues, food
waste, cleaning agents, and additives), provided that
discharges are made in compliance with certain
provisions. The number and quantities of discharges
into the marine environment from shipping and other
sea-based sources and the land are continuously
increasing. Concurrently, harmful effects are better
understood, and increased vulnerability of the marine
ecosystems as a result of other human activities has
been acknowledged. Therefore, there is a need to
review the regulatory control in the sense of
broadening regulated substances and/or completely
banning discharges. For example, research on the
effects of treated bilge water revealed that its
discharges would be toxic to certain organisms in the
ambient water and a higher degree of regulation
regarding surfactants has been proposed [28].
Similarly, an analysis of the chemical substance
transport from 1996 to 2016 showed that an increase
in the number of tankers and the growth of the
capacities justify reconsidering the regulations toward
banning discharges [18]. However, the availability of
port reception facilities, in many states is not adequate
[12], and coming into force of new regulation may be
a slow process. As a temporary solution at least the
discharge of chemicals under such conditions that
would enable the transport of contaminants toward
specific areas such as national parks or mariculture
sites should be prohibited. Since the current situation
concerning the flow of seawater, sea state, surface
wind or the different behaviour of discharged
chemicals in specific seawater may significantly
influence environmental disturbance [9], the
designation of “no-discharge zones” could be based
on the approach described in this article.
Finally, we need to mention that the proposed
approach fits the currently created proposals of the
new regulations and procedures in various aspects for
Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships which will occur
at sea in the near future [2]. International Maritime
Organization aims to “integrate new and advancing
technologies in the regulatory framework - balancing
the benefits derived from new and advancing
technologies against safety and security concerns, the
impact on the environment and on international trade
facilitation, the potential costs to the industry, and
their impact on personnel, both on board and ashore”.
There is a need for revised regulatory control and
refined regulations in the context of sustainable
development in the maritime sector, as well as for
new and advancing technologies. This study depicted
the prospective concept of refinements of the regional
and local environmental regulations for the
prevention of ship-generated sewage pollution.
Contrary to the present-day approach, it takes into
consideration the actual hydrometeorological
conditions in the sense of its dynamical nature in the
areas of interest, as well as the physical- and chemical
properties of the sewage.
The examples illustrated clearly show that the
drifts modelled by different flow fields (more general,
the discharge data) yield varying destinations and
zones of contaminant concentration. This influences in
particular the fixed distances that are mentioned in
the existing regulations. As a consequence, for
instance, the difference in the initial time of discharge
from the same position in the presence of time-
varying currents yields different trajectories of drifters
and finally their location in the same period.
Accordingly, we assert that the standard
regulations based only on constant distances from the
coastline can be refined depending on the local
situation. Thus, this approach creates the background
for situation-dependent discharge standards in the
maritime sector, and the novel decision system in
which the predicted behaviour of the discharged
substances (sewage, pollutants) into the sea in the
presence of the water (wind) flow field is also
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expected for the coming autonomous ships in
different aspects including environmental protection,
it is reasonable to consider revising the MARPOL and
the related documents to take into account the
situation-dependent regulations, at least on a local
scale. This covers in particular setting up novel and
more efficient criteria and analogues of the constant
minimum distances from the nearest land, any ice
shelf or fast ice, a reef, or other special areas.
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