In recent decades, many fields of knowledge have
implemented data collection techniques and data
analysis methods. Among many, machine learning is
one of the most widely applied methods for data self-
analysis. Today, machine learning has concrete
examples in many engineering systems and
intuitively merges concepts such as cyber-physical
systems and cognitive computing into complex and
smart platforms. The previous statement is, in some
ways, the result of advances in the levels of data
storage and data acquisition in engineering systems.
In today's industry, it is common to find physical
engineering systems with hundreds of sensors that
collect data on the performance of their operational
functions. Therefore, it is expected to find hundreds of
contributions and applications that use the
information generated to improve the current state of
engineering systems, qualitatively or quantitatively.
As an example of engineering systems, cooperative
overhead cranes are critical devices in many
continuous production industries. They are usually
Degradation Data Self-Analysis Layer for Integrated
Maintenance Activities
J. Szpytko & Y. Salgado Duarte
AGH University of
Krakow, Kraków, Poland
ABSTRACT: Reliability-oriented approach based on Monte Carlo simulations is a well-established methodology
for coordinating maintenance activities of any technical system. Usually, coordination is conducted using
holistic performance indicators, which are obtained from the convolution between the stochastic system
availability and the system service required in a time horizon of t. Specifically, the system stochastic availability
modeling is composed of the degradation process due to the system operation and the planning of the
maintenance activities needed to keep the system operating at the desired standards. In the case of the
degradation modeling process, given its random nature, it is addressed with predictions, which in practice,
consist of generating random samples of the stochastic degradation processes from probability distributions,
and the parameterization is usually estimated by fitting the distributions to historical degradation data for each
technical component considered. Crucial to forecasting accurate performance indicators is the use of up-to-date
information, i.e., the self-update of historical degradation data. In this paper, to address accurate performance
indicators, we propose using the machine learning approach to update the adaptable model layers affected by
changes in the degradation data. The paper's case study is an overhead crane system of a hot rolling mill
process in a steel plant, which operates under hazardous conditions and continuously. We focus on overhead
cranes because they are critical components of production processes. The paper's subject is validating the
performance of a self-analysis layer, which processes the degradation data of the analyzed technical devices.
The engineering solution ensures well-processed inputs for the problem of coordination of maintenance
activities of overhead cranes, which is the object of the study of this research.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.1
installed in processes with hazardous conditions and
difficult access. Each overhead crane manages a
section of the ongoing process, is fixed on the
warehouse roof, its movements are limited to a
specific working range, and its criticality comes from
the sometimes-unexpected unavailability of an
overhead crane that can stop an entire production
Today, these cranes are changing their design due
to the new needs of the current industry. For example,
the new generation of overhead cranes is equipped
with sensors to collect information. However, the data
generated by sensor systems are often not exploited
adequately. When talking about cooperative overhead
cranes, the two main research fields studied are load
operation control, such as the examples [9], [11], and
[14], and maintenance, such as the examples [18] and
[19]. The reason researchers focus their attention on
these fields is simple: incorrect load control and weak
maintenance are the most common causes of
overhead crane failures in today's industry. Some
examples of studies that analyze the root cause of
crane failures are [3], [10], and [15]. Even when cranes
with different working conditions and functions are
analyzed in the cited contributions, as a connection
between them, we find that weak maintenance cycles
and wrong load control are the causes of crane
Focusing on maintenance strategies, a well-
established approach to designing suitable
maintenance strategies is reliability analysis, as it
allows us to measure the risk of possible failures in
overhead crane systems and incorporate and evaluate
potential risk scenarios for the system. Examples of
contributions in this field are [2] and [8]. However, a
weakness of the reliability analysis approach is the
reliance on data to predict realistic scenarios. In this
paper, we propose to integrate reliability-based
maintenance coordination and data analysis methods
by offering an engineering solution for a cooperative
overhead crane system operating in a steel plant,
which is embedded in an integrated digital platform,
and somehow manage to address the weakness of
reliability analysis.
The research conducted here arises from a local
request from the maintenance department of a steel
plant with organizational issues. Although it is a local
solution, the achievements provide a practical
example of how a reliability model can be tailored to
address a local solution using data generated in the
daily work of the maintenance department. The idea
presented in this paper aims to propose, through a
practical example, how an existing overhead crane
system can be adapted to the digital era and
contribute to other data-driven applications. Although
the proposed model is its broadest conception, it is an
oriented engineering solution for coordinating
maintenance activities; the paper's subject is the
Degradation Data Self-Analysis (DDSA) layer, which
ensures the accurate and robust treatment of
degradation data.
Focusing on the performance of this layer has a
well-justified reason. For instance, the layer avoids
human intervention in online filtering and estimation
of the degradation-related parameters of the
reliability-oriented optimization model. In addition,
the layer ensures a comprehensive mathematical and
technical connection between the degradation data
due to the system operation and the optimization
model parameters, considerably decreasing errors
while ensuring that up-to-date information is always
used when running the model. In addition, the
selected frequency models, outputs of the layer, allow
one to prolong in time the degradation due to the
operation of the system, which in turn provides for
evaluation with scenarios of how the planning process
will work in the maintenance department of the steel
company when unexpected failures are considered.
That said, the criticality of this layer in estimating the
performance indicator, a variable that holistically
measures the quality of the maintenance coordination
process, is evident.
The DDSA layer is the process of filtering,
processing, and storing the degradation data of the
proposed engineering solution. The source of raw
degradation data involved in this process comes from
two systems used in the daily work of the steel
company: SAP (Systems, Applications & Products in
Data Processing) and SCADA (Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition). The proposed paper is an
extended and more in-depth version of the work
presented by [18]. In this paper, we test and validate
the DDSA layer, which fills the decision gaps
presented in previous work. Moreover, with the
validation, we support the conclusions for a specific
scenario and all scenarios analyzed afterward.
Specifically, in this paper, we extend and expose
the functional connection between the system
components, making clear the relevance of the DDSA
layer in the developed model and the algorithm
implemented to execute the fitting process. In
addition, we isolate, test, and show the process of
fitting simple distributions in practice with actual
data. For illustrative purposes, the selected example
and the described data come from a specific 50-ton
overhead crane with 59,501 hours of continuous
operation (6.8 years) and 355 hours of the replacement
or repair process. Also, during the validation, we
include the analysis of the impacts introduced by the
changes in the data, which consists of changing the
input data in a controlled way and re-evaluating the
fitting selection process. Mainly two experiments are
conducted; the first consists of contaminating the
input data with new values generated from the final
selections, and the second one consists of removing
the last records of the dataset.
Once the scope of the paper has been declared, the
remaining sections of the document are presented as
follows: First, the context of degradation data is
discussed, which highlights the value of the DDSA
layer to ensure accurate and robust treatment of the
degradation data. Then, using a 50 tons overhead
crane as a case study, the DDSA layer is tested in
practice. Finally, the conclusions highlight the main
results of this contribution and the connections to
future work.
2.1 Maintenance Degradation Modelling
In continuous-process productions, common
indicators for monitoring the performance of a
technical system, which provides a service or
supports a production line process, are based on the
system's availability or its components over time. The
availability A(t) of a technical system over time can be
impacted by two main reasons: planned maintenance
or unexpected failures. From the point of view of state
diagrams, a technological system can have three
possible states: available, unavailable due to
unexpected failures, and unavailable due to planned
In the case of maintenance activities, imagining a
sequence in time, maintenance schedules can be
represented by the variables M maintenance-start-
time and D maintenance-duration-time, where M =
1, m2, …, mk}, D = {d1, d2, …, dk} and k number of
maintenances. Both variables M and D are planned
and can be selected according to maintenance
strategies in the analyzed process.
In parallel, degradation can be treated similarly,
knowing that degradation is inherent in a technical
system. The degradation over time can be represented
by the variables F time-to-failure and R time-to-repair,
where F = {f
1, f2, …, fn}, R = {r1, r2, …, rn} and n is the
number of failures. In particular, variables F and R are
considered random variables. In the case of F,
unexpected failures are related to component
degradation due to system operation and are
unpredictable in almost all cases. In the case of R, the
time depends on the magnitude of the failure, the
expertise of the workers who repair the failure, and
the logistics behind it. In conclusion, it is also defined
as a random phenomenon with certain thresholds.
Since the F and R variables are defined as random, the
system's availability A(t) over time is defined as a
stochastic process.
All the variables M, D, F, and R presented above
are times and can be defined as non-negative
variables. Maintenance scheduling is usually a
planning process, i.e., depending on the planning
window (monthly, quarterly, or annual), planners
propose the sequence to be executed in the next
window. Coordination of the maintenance process is
crucial to ensure the life cycle of any system, and its
optimization is a daily task in any technical system. It
is not surprising that availability A(t) plays an
essential role in maintenance coordination and
appears in several approaches used to coordinate this
process, such as the examples of [6], [12], [7], [4], and
[1]. In approaches in which the modeling of the
availability A(t) is included, it is also necessary to
make decisions related to the random phenomenon,
that is, the random variables F and R. The usual
approach is to assume the progression of the
degradation process in the planned window based on
the historical degradation data of the analyzed
system. The way to include degradation is to fit some
model to the historical degradation data, resulting in
one model representing F and another for R, and then,
based on the fitted model, ~F potential failures and ~R
repair times are simulated. The fitting and simulating
processes are performed for each component of the
analyzed system. The simulated values are
convoluted with the proposed sequence of planned
maintenance, which allows for modeling the system
availability A(t) and assessing the maintenance
scheduled impact.
Focusing our attention on variables F and R and
the modeling of the fitting process, the problem to be
solved in this case is to find the best model to
represent the historical data, which is then used to
simulate a potential degradation process. The only
known information is that we are dealing with non-
negative variables, and the stochastic process A(t) is
continuous in time. Fitting models can be divided into
non-parametric and parametric.
A contribution supporting this classification is [5],
which tested the performance and covered
convergence issues during the fitting process in both
approaches. The research in the above contribution
concludes an introductory statement that the
convergence of the fitting process depends on the
features of the data. They end that the non-parametric
approach should be used when the data is dense;
otherwise, parametric is the way to go. In our case,
degradation data, the subject of study here, are
usually sparse; even assumptions are sometimes
needed for highly reliable systems. Therefore, given
the features of the data, parametric models are the
tentative choice for our problem. However, the
definition of dense data is not well defined. The
historical degradation data, represented in our case by
F and R, are non-negative random variables. These
recorded values can be assumed as samples of a
generating function, which means the degradation
process, an
d in which the order of the failures is
irrelevant. Given the constraints and features of the
degradation data, the F and R variables are usually
modeled with frequency models. Knowing also that F
and R are used to model, in our case, a continuous
stochastic process, we further restrict the option space
to continuous frequency models.
A comprehensive list of parametric frequency
models is continuous probability distributions. It
should be noted that parametric frequency models
were used in all references cited above, which are
related to the concept of A(t) availability discussed.
On the other hand, non-parametric ones are kernels,
splines, neural networks, a simple frequency
histogram, and the empirical distribution, which have
been applied in [22] and [16]. The selection of the final
approach and model to be used is discretionary and is
guided by the individual viewpoint of the research
conducted. Based on expertise in the field and the
references cited, we consider parametric and
continuous frequency models to be the models that
have the most practical applications, are the most
transparent, and consequently achieve the expected
Deciding on the set of models to be used to model
the variables F and R does not end the discussion. A
parametric model (as well as a non-parametric one) is
estimated based on the available historical data, and it
is well-known that the inference error decreases when
the degradation data are more representative of the
analyzed phenomenon. Consequently, when more
degradation data are available, a good strategy is re-
estimating the model's parameterization, always
seeking to get closer to the actual phenomenon. Here,
machine learning approaches play an essential role in
the discussion. In current practice, integrating data
monitoring and processing is an important goal. The
main idea is to create smart data processing layers to
update the models' parameterization based on the
newly available data. Several contributions in this
field, such as [17], [21], [13], and [20], have proposed
practical applications, and the research presented in
this paper is another contribution in the same
Here, we propose a smart data-driven algorithm to
find the most suitable parametric model for the
degradation variables F and R. The algorithm is
encapsulated in the DDSA layer introduced in the
previous section, which runs online and is fully
connected to the SAP-SCADA systems, which makes
it possible to update the data when a scenario is run
on the integrated digital platform. The entire DDSA
layer tested and validated in this paper is
encapsulated in functions implemented in MATrix
LABoratory (MATLAB) that work without interaction
with the model user, and we insist that the validation
of their performance is important in this research.
Finally, before finishing this section, in section 2.2,
we present the description of the algorithm
implemented in MATLAB, which is used in the DDSA
layer, summarizing the standardization efforts of the
fitting process. In section 2.3, we contextualize the
relevance of the fitting process in the integrated
maintenance platform by presenting the functional
modeling at the component and system levels,
discussing, and describing the connection between
2.2 Fitting Single Distributions Algorithm
1. For each i-th overhead crane, the sequence of F
i and
i is filtered from the SCADA-SAP systems by
means of a unique identifier (ID). By construction,
both random number vectors have the same
2. Independently, for each streamed sequence, the
following steps are applied:
Given a random variable sample ~X = (x
1, x2, …,
n), in our case, either the F or R random
sequence filtered and a set of k-th predefined
and preselected single continuous distributions,
we apply for each k-th case the following steps:
Fit the data (either F or R) to the k-th single
distribution by maximizing the log-likelihood
function ln
n(x|θ), i.e., the negative logarithm
value of the product of the probability of the
sample data (X), given the parameters θ of the
distribution. If the fit does not converge for the
given parametric distribution, the process ends;
otherwise, it continues as follows:
Save the k-th index for ID purposes, the
estimated negative log-likelihood value
when the maximum likelihood estimation
(MLE) method was applied (to record the
process performance), and the parametrized
single distribution structure.
II. Apply two goodness-of-fit tests to
analyze the results of the fit: first, the one-
sample non-parametric Kolmogorov-
Smirnov (KS) test, defined as
( ) ( )
( )
maxD Fx Fx=
( )
is the empirical cumulative
distribution function of the data and F(x) is
the cumulative distribution function of the
fitted single parametrized distribution; and
then the Anderson-Darling (AD) test,
defined as
where n is the number of data points in the
( )
and F(x) as described above,
and w(x) is a weight function defined as
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
1wx Fx Fx
In the case of the AD test, the data is the
ordered sample.
Apply the Akaike information criterion
(AIC) defined as
2log 2
where log L(
) denotes the optimal log-
likelihood objective function value, and k is
the number of parameters of the single-fit
Estimate the parametrized fit distribution
structure's theoretical mean µ and variance
Store the frequency of the data (number of
records) and the sum of the data (in the case
of variable F, we are storing the hours of
Add a logical check value following the rule:
if the k-th fitted distribution has finite µ and
, Flagk = 1; otherwise, Flagk = 0.
Reject distributions with Flag
k = 0 (fits with
infinite mean or variance).
If the data records are less than ten, the best fit
is the exponential distribution. Otherwise, the
best fit is the k-th distribution with minimum
AIC value.
3. End of the fitting process algorithm.
2.3 Functional Modelling of the Integrated Maintenance
Looking at contextualizing the integrated digital
platform, we can say that the platform is adapted to
support online maintenance activities coordination. In
the system analyzed, in our case, a set of overhead
cranes in a selected manufacturing industry, the
maintenance department, which uses the digital
platform for planning purposes, has risk
circumstances when unanticipated failures occur
during scheduled maintenance activities.
The platform was created to reduce the
overworking days in the maintenance department by
minimizing the convolution between scheduled
maintenance activities and unanticipated failures. The
impact of risk situations exists because the set of
overhead cranes is critical for moving demanding
loads on the production line of the manufacturing
industry. This undesirable situation stresses workers
because they work under pressure during the
interaction between scheduled maintenance activities
and unanticipated failures.
The integrated digital platform comprises three
blocks of self-analysis: data filtering and synthesis,
model simulation through scenario evaluation, and
optimization layer to coordinate maintenance
activities. Each block is supported by independent
algorithms implemented in MATLAB. Also, the data
sources are mainly two professional systems: SAP
(Systems, Applications, and Products in Data
Processing) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition). Integrating all blocks with a
dynamic window that visualizes the model
performance conforms to the digital platform and
connects all blocks through the integrated digital
The data processing (filtering and synthesis) block
ensures the existence of all the necessary parameters
to evaluate the modeled scenario. Therefore, as we
can see, each time a scenario is loaded for evaluation,
the model parameterization is calibrated with the
updated information.
In addition, the digital platform provides, for a
given proposed scenario to be evaluated, the option of
using an optimization algorithm (heuristic in our
case) to find the best maintenance activities schedule
for the scenario. In this case, the optimization
algorithm minimizes the interaction between
unexpected failures and the maintenance activities
scheduled for the set of overhead cranes considered.
Having briefly contextualized the integrated
digital platform, we focus on the first block, the data
processing block, specifically the degradation data
Previously, we introduced how the measurement
of system availability A(t) enables coherent
coordination of the maintenance process. Now, we
intend to describe and deepen the integrated
platform's functional modeling point of view. For this
purpose, we divide the description into two levels,
component, and system, making visually clear the
inner workings of the digital platform. However,
although the definition has been divided, everything
is connected. Furthermore, it is necessary to
emphasize that the platform operates without human
intervention in data processing, and the platform user
only interacts with it through the system-level settings
of the parameters of the assessed scenario.
Fig. 1 shows the model composition of each
component considered on the digital platform, in our
case, overhead cranes.
The stochastic functional capacity of each overhead
crane z
1 = f (t | θ1) is composed of the convolution
between the degradation process C
D = f (t | θ) and the
planned maintenance process C
M = f (t | θ), where t is
the time and θ in both cases is a set of parameters that
depend on the function describing the underlying
process, either degradation or maintenance.
In the case of the maintenance process, a
deterministic concatenation of the maintenance
lifecycles M = f (t | θ) and maintenance duration
D = f (t | θ) composes the maintenance activity
scheduling. Sometimes, the functional variables M
and D use predictive models or are fixed standard
times provided by the overhead crane manufacturer.
In any of them, we deal with functions that depend on
time t and certain parameters θ. Independently, but
following the same idea, the degradation process is a
probabilistic concatenation between the time-to-
failures F = f (t | θ) and time-to-repair R = f (t | θ). This
time, the variables are modeled with frequency
models, i.e., probability distributions. At this point,
this is where the connection and relevance of the
DDSA layer are present. As we can see, the fitting
process ensures a parametric distribution selection
close to the shape of the actual data filtered from the
SAP-SCADA systems. At this point of the description,
the entry points of the integrated digital platform,
which are: degradation data and planned
maintenance data, are also evident.
Crucial for sensible coordination of maintenance
activities is the starting point of the maintenance
scheduling of the component, overhead cranes in our
case, and the degradation modeling process. The
starting point for maintenance scheduling is provided
by the optimization model implemented at the system
level when coordination is requested. The
degradation modeling process is managed by the
DDSA layer using the updated information available
in the monitoring systems. In summary, we can say
that the overhead crane capacity model is a stochastic
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) process.
Figure 1. Functional view at the component level.
Figure 2. Functional view at the system level.
Once the number of overhead cranes involved in
the system is known, the modeling steps described
above are applied for each overhead crane
independently z
1 = f (t | θ1), z2 = f (t | θ2), …,
N = f (t | θN).
Fig. 2 shows the system-level modeling
Once the component-level modeling step is
achieved for each crane, and given the relationship
between them, i.e., the series-parallel block diagram, it
is possible by convolution to build the stochastic
functional system capacity X = f (t | θ
S), where again t
is the time and θ
S is a set of parameters that depends
on other parameters modeled in previous steps. Once
system-level availability A(t) is obtained, which in our
case is a stochastic process X = f (t | θ
S) when Monte
Carlo simulations are used, and knowing the function
that describes the needs of the requested service
Y = f (t | θ
P), again using a convolution process, we
can estimate performance metrics R = f (t | θ
S,P) that
measure the efficiency and adequacy of the system
providing the service, in our case how adequate the
actual system is to fulfill the requested service. As we
can deduce, if the metric performance measures the
system's adequacy, then we can use the metric to find
the best operating point for the system.
Knowing that we are modeling two contributors,
degradation and maintenance and that one is random,
referring to degradation, we can use this approach to
find the best maintenance scheduling for the system
such that the performance metric provides the
lowest/highest possible value. In the end, the
optimization model manages the starting point of the
maintenance schedule for each overhead crane
considered to achieve the goal. Having described the
process from the most granular to the highest point,
we can state that the DDSA layer plays an essential
role in the system performance assessment because it
consequently ensures the search for a sensible
maintenance scheduling for the system.
In this section, we apply the proposed fitting
methodology in a case study, i.e., the DDSA layer, as
an example of its implementation in practice. The
starting point is the actual filtered degradation data.
The system under study is made up of 33 different
overhead cranes. The applied fitting process is the
same, following the flow diagram in Fig. 3 of
reference [18] and the algorithm presented in the
previous section. For illustrative purposes, the
selected example and the data described below are
from a specific 50 tons overhead crane. Tab. 1 shows
the raw degradation data for the overhead crane
analyzed, with 59,501 hours of continuous operation
(6.8 years) and 355 hours of the replacement or repair
Table 1. Raw Degradation Data
Time-to-Failure (hours) Time-to-Repair (hours)
22; 487; 1,636; 635; 505; 1,044; 49; 4; 5; 7; 4; 6; 7; 2; 29; 6; 3; 4;
98; 913; 79; 18; 170; 333; 484; 7; 2; 30; 7; 4; 4; 2; 1; 4; 1; 1; 10;
249; 430; 50; 65; 2,382; 1,044; 1; 1; 12; 7; 7; 2; 1; 4; 4; 1; 5; 1;
1,150; 2,663; 228; 1,559; 688; 1; 2; 2; 3; 4; 6; 2; 4; 2; 4; 3; 2; 2;
134; 1,062; 595; 9; 353; 40; 126; 8; 2; 3; 4; 3; 1; 3; 1; 1; 3; 5; 3; 8;
1,264; 1,244; 67; 2,592; 90; 1,919; 7; 1; 2; 1; 2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 3; 1;
2,943; 383; 324; 89; 1,292; 433; 4; 3; 1; 1; 1
351; 2,109; 1,060; 1,204; 1,054;
1,550; 471; 240; 2,094; 1,405;
3,220; 829; 223; 29; 462; 657;
511; 68; 766; 1,842; 2,476; 280;
486; 50; 206; 279; 917; 104; 24;
237; 660; 125; 127; 763; 205; 332;
As described in previous sections, F and R
variables are analyzed independently and are the
inputs of the DDSA layer. Consequently, we apply the
same flow diagram for each variable independently.
Tab. 1 highlights that the failure frequency is higher
than ten, so we fit the degradation data to all the
possible single distributions available in the list (the
case study was selected to apply the complete
The complexity and size of a 50 tons overhead
crane mean that, for certain failures, more than one
group of workers must fix the unexpected failure
(multiple or parallel actions). This condition of
parallel repair tasks introduces noise into the stored
data. For example, one group of workers completes
the repair task, and the other is still working, or
during the repair time, other potential problems are
found, and the repair time is extended in one of the
groups. All situations described above are treated
with filters in the data just before we calculate the F
and R variables. For example, in cases with multi-
actions (multiple tasks simultaneously), we set the
failure event to the earliest action and the repair event
to the latest action.
The fitting process of the single theoretical
distributions can be defined as a constrained
multivariate non-linear objective function
optimization problem. This investigation solved the
parameter estimation based on the maximum
likelihood estimation (MLE) method for each fitted
distribution with a Sequential Quadratic
Programming method. Knowing the features
underlying the fitting process, Tab. 2 and Tab. 3 list
the final fitted distributions after we apply the infinite
mean and variance filter to the data presented in Tab.
Table 2. Best distribution fitted for historical data F.
ID Parameters Name AIC Test
3 µ = 743.7660 Exponential 1219.87
Table 3. Best distribution fitted for historical data R.
ID Parameters Name AIC Test
12 µ = 4.4402 Inverse Gaussian 377.64
λ = 2.7741
In addition to the AIC criterion for selecting the
final decision, Tab. 4 and 5 also include two well-
established goodness-of-fit tests in the literature, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test and the Anderson-
Darling (AD) test. As expected, not all goodness-of-fit
tests are aligned, and, as we know, all have strengths
and weaknesses depending on the object of study.
While the AD test focuses on how well the tail of the
distribution fits the data, the KS test relies on the full
support of the distribution. However, the AIC
criterion populated stable selections for the historical
degradation data tested.
Table 4. Best distribution for F (contamination vs. data)
ID Parameters Name AIC KS AD
3 (Data) µ = 743.77 Exponential 1219.87 0.5782 0.4607
3 (Cont.) µ = 791.07 Exponential 2457.48 0.7694 0.8847
Table 5. Best distribution for R (contamination vs. data)
ID Parameters Name AIC KS AD
12 (Data) µ = 4.44 Inverse 377.64 0.2063 0.3193
λ = 2.77 Gaussian
12 (Cont.) µ = 4.42 Inverse 755.97 0.6189 0.5224
λ = 2.75 Gaussian
As a result of the implemented fitting process, Tab.
2 and Tab. 3 show the parameters of the estimated
distribution based on the MLE method for the best fit
according to the AIC criterion for the historical F and
R degradation data.
Additionally, Figs. 3 and 4 show the visualization
of the empirical cumulative distribution function
(CDF) versus the theoretically fitted CDF (including
the confidence interval), demonstrating a coherent
approach to selecting the theoretical fit. As a result,
we obtain the closest fit to the degradation data, and
meanwhile, we introduce additional complexity into
the model only when necessary to achieve higher
accuracy (parsimony). The results generated in this
section are evidence of how the implemented DDSA
layer guarantees robust and accurate final selections
in the fitting process, which leaves the database
structure ready to be used by the optimization model
in the final stage of the process (coordination of
maintenance strategies).
There are additional validations to evaluate the
performance of the self-analysis layer, which consists
of changing the input data in a controlled way and
then re-evaluating the fitting selection process. Here,
we conduct two tests. The first one consists of
contaminating the input data with new values
generated from the final selections, and the second
one consists of removing one by one the last records
in the dataset. In both cases, the process is re-assessed
after the change. For the first additional validation, we
conducted a simple experiment. We generate a new
sample from the final selections (for both cases, F and
) with the same size as the original data, then
combine both samples (real data and generated data)
into one, and then the DDSA layer is used again
following the same process. Tab. 4 and Tab. 5 show
the results of this experiment. The parameters of the
distribution change, but the final selection is the same.
Moreover, both goodness-of-fit improved their results
as expected.
Figure 3. Empirical versus Theoretical CDF (Best fit) for
historical data F.
In addition, Figs. 5 and 6 show the new fit plots of
the empirical CDF versus theoretical CDF (now
contaminated data), evidencing the reduction of the
confidence intervals compared to Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.
Figure 4. Empirical versus Theoretical CDF (Best fit) for
historical data R.
Figure 5. Empirical versus Theoretical CDF (Best fit) for F-
contaminated data.
Figure 6. Empirical versus Theoretical CDF (Best fit) for R-
contaminated data.
In the second additional validation, the experiment
consists of removing the last records in the dataset
one by one and assessing the changes in the final
selected distributions. This experiment is intended to
check what happens when we recalibrate the
parametric distributions, i.e., equivalent to checking
what happens when new failure records appear. In
particular, this experiment applies to failure data. The
test results are shown in Tab. 6. As we can see, even
by removing the last ten records from the dataset, the
final selected distribution remains the same.
Table 6. Best distribution fitted for historical data F
Scenario Name Parameter AIC Test
Dataset Exponential µ = 743.77 1,219.87
1 point µ = 750.60 1,206.10
2 points µ = 755.98 1,191.97
3 points µ = 763.13 1,178.16
4 points µ = 763.13 1,162.89
5 points µ = 771.62 1,149.27
6 points µ = 780.36 1,135.64
7 points µ = 780.36 1,135.64
8 points µ = 782.01 1,120.63
9 points µ = 789.58 1,106.70
10 points µ = 800.37 1,093.28
This experiment is an additional result that
supports the decision diagram implemented for
fitting, which can obtain sensitive results when the
data changes. Moreover, the results show how crucial
online self-calibration is in capturing the changes in
the data. It is clear from Tab. 6 how the
parameterization (µ) changes with the data.
At this point of the investigation, we can conclude
that the data are correctly, accurately, and robustly
filtered, processed, and stored in the database, which
ensures clean inputs for the optimization model used
in the final stage of the investigation (coordination of
maintenance activities). Knowing that the risk model
implemented on the integrated digital platform relies
on historical data to estimate risk indicators, the
approach implemented on the DDSA layer is crucial
to ensure robust data processing to guarantee accurate
The research presented here validates the design and
implementation of the DDSA layer that ensures
robustness in the filtering and synthesis of the
degradation data (time-to-failure and time-to-repair)
of the set of overhead cranes considered in this study.
The DDSA layer outcomes are probability
distributions used to simulate probable failures in the
group of overhead cranes, allowing the holistic
coordination of maintenance activities by evaluating
global system risk indicators. The main research result
is validating the robust and accurate filtering and
synthesis of the degradation data used to coordinate
maintenance activities.
Robustness features come from a formal
predefined fitting process (implementation tested in
practice in this contribution using the data presented
in Table 1), which allows us to obtain coherent
distributions to simulate the degradation process due
to system operation, given the online historical
degradation data. The accuracy comes from a formal
technological and modeling connection between
degradation due to the system operation, maintenance
activities schedule, and management process (selected
manufacturing industry needs) through the
intermediary database created for maintenance
activities coordination.
The proposed solution for data filtering, synthesis,
and self-analysis (the DDSA layer) illustrates the
practice of self-decision-making focused on operating
technical objects. It is an example of the process of
adaptation and transition to the digital industry
through machine learning approaches. The results
achieved so far in this paper through the presented
validations (degradation fitting) complement and
guarantee the robustness of other processes of the
engineering solution (coordination of maintenance
Thanks to the self-contained process designed and
shared in this paper, we will be able to analyze in
future works the impacts introduced by changes in
the data over time, the data window, the criticality of
each overhead crane in the system, and the system
degradation over time.
The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education has
financially supported the work.
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