2.1 Maintenance – Degradation Modelling
In continuous-process productions, common
indicators for monitoring the performance of a
technical system, which provides a service or
supports a production line process, are based on the
system's availability or its components over time. The
availability A(t) of a technical system over time can be
impacted by two main reasons: planned maintenance
or unexpected failures. From the point of view of state
diagrams, a technological system can have three
possible states: available, unavailable due to
unexpected failures, and unavailable due to planned
In the case of maintenance activities, imagining a
sequence in time, maintenance schedules can be
represented by the variables M maintenance-start-
time and D maintenance-duration-time, where M =
1, m2, …, mk}, D = {d1, d2, …, dk} and k number of
maintenances. Both variables M and D are planned
and can be selected according to maintenance
strategies in the analyzed process.
In parallel, degradation can be treated similarly,
knowing that degradation is inherent in a technical
system. The degradation over time can be represented
by the variables F time-to-failure and R time-to-repair,
where F = {f
1, f2, …, fn}, R = {r1, r2, …, rn} and n is the
number of failures. In particular, variables F and R are
considered random variables. In the case of F,
unexpected failures are related to component
degradation due to system operation and are
unpredictable in almost all cases. In the case of R, the
time depends on the magnitude of the failure, the
expertise of the workers who repair the failure, and
the logistics behind it. In conclusion, it is also defined
as a random phenomenon with certain thresholds.
Since the F and R variables are defined as random, the
system's availability A(t) over time is defined as a
stochastic process.
All the variables M, D, F, and R presented above
are times and can be defined as non-negative
variables. Maintenance scheduling is usually a
planning process, i.e., depending on the planning
window (monthly, quarterly, or annual), planners
propose the sequence to be executed in the next
window. Coordination of the maintenance process is
crucial to ensure the life cycle of any system, and its
optimization is a daily task in any technical system. It
is not surprising that availability A(t) plays an
essential role in maintenance coordination and
appears in several approaches used to coordinate this
process, such as the examples of [6], [12], [7], [4], and
[1]. In approaches in which the modeling of the
availability A(t) is included, it is also necessary to
make decisions related to the random phenomenon,
that is, the random variables F and R. The usual
approach is to assume the progression of the
degradation process in the planned window based on
the historical degradation data of the analyzed
system. The way to include degradation is to fit some
model to the historical degradation data, resulting in
one model representing F and another for R, and then,
based on the fitted model, ~F potential failures and ~R
repair times are simulated. The fitting and simulating
processes are performed for each component of the
analyzed system. The simulated values are
convoluted with the proposed sequence of planned
maintenance, which allows for modeling the system
availability A(t) and assessing the maintenance
scheduled impact.
Focusing our attention on variables F and R and
the modeling of the fitting process, the problem to be
solved in this case is to find the best model to
represent the historical data, which is then used to
simulate a potential degradation process. The only
known information is that we are dealing with non-
negative variables, and the stochastic process A(t) is
continuous in time. Fitting models can be divided into
non-parametric and parametric.
A contribution supporting this classification is [5],
which tested the performance and covered
convergence issues during the fitting process in both
approaches. The research in the above contribution
concludes an introductory statement that the
convergence of the fitting process depends on the
features of the data. They end that the non-parametric
approach should be used when the data is dense;
otherwise, parametric is the way to go. In our case,
degradation data, the subject of study here, are
usually sparse; even assumptions are sometimes
needed for highly reliable systems. Therefore, given
the features of the data, parametric models are the
tentative choice for our problem. However, the
definition of dense data is not well defined. The
historical degradation data, represented in our case by
F and R, are non-negative random variables. These
recorded values can be assumed as samples of a
generating function, which means the degradation
process, an
d in which the order of the failures is
irrelevant. Given the constraints and features of the
degradation data, the F and R variables are usually
modeled with frequency models. Knowing also that F
and R are used to model, in our case, a continuous
stochastic process, we further restrict the option space
to continuous frequency models.
A comprehensive list of parametric frequency
models is continuous probability distributions. It
should be noted that parametric frequency models
were used in all references cited above, which are
related to the concept of A(t) availability discussed.
On the other hand, non-parametric ones are kernels,
splines, neural networks, a simple frequency
histogram, and the empirical distribution, which have
been applied in [22] and [16]. The selection of the final
approach and model to be used is discretionary and is
guided by the individual viewpoint of the research
conducted. Based on expertise in the field and the
references cited, we consider parametric and
continuous frequency models to be the models that
have the most practical applications, are the most
transparent, and consequently achieve the expected
Deciding on the set of models to be used to model
the variables F and R does not end the discussion. A
parametric model (as well as a non-parametric one) is
estimated based on the available historical data, and it
is well-known that the inference error decreases when
the degradation data are more representative of the
analyzed phenomenon. Consequently, when more
degradation data are available, a good strategy is re-
estimating the model's parameterization, always