Regardless on doubt of the famous statement that said
80% of maritime incident are caused by the human
error, the issue of human contribution to accidents is
still remain important to study in the maritime safety
area [1]. Departing from the traditional approach of
studying human error for finding the lack of human
limitation and blaming them, human factors study
needs to be seen as the area where the human
limitation is studied to improve working conditions.
Thus, paradigm shift is needed to enhance the
understanding of human capabilities, further, to
facilitate the development of countermeasure and
preventive strategy.
For the specific human performance factors that
caused the most incident, situation awareness (SA) is
prominent substituent that often mentioned. Human
error in SA is labeled as “loss of SA”. Incident analysis
report that was conducted by Grech et. al revealed
71% of incidents in maritime operator are due to loss
of SA [2]. Loss of SA will result in the operator failure
to understand the operation condition and leading to
the failure to take appropriate action. For thus, as the
well concept that not only researcher and
management define but also seafarer well understand
and relate its importance, IMO already included it in
crew resources management as one of the non-
technical skill for seafarer to have [3,4].
1.1 Human Reliability Analysis in Maritime Operation
Practice to quantify human error through the process
of human reliability analysis (HRA) has become the
practice in other industry, from nuclear power plant
through the air traffic control [5]. To uniform it, IMO
with the formal safety assessment (FSA) guideline has
also mentioned the HRA and various method of it in
Simulator-based Human Reliability Analysis using
Bayesian Network: A Case Study on Situation
Awareness in Engine Resources Management
A.M. Nizar, T. Miwa & M. Uchida
Kobe University,
Kobe, Japan
ABSTRACT: Situational awareness (SA) is regarded as one of the important non-technical skills in constructing
the seafarers’ ability in daily decision-making and performing tasks, especially in Engine Resources
Management (ERM). In maritime accidents that are mainly human error, insufficient SA is the specific factor
that contributes to most of incidents. To quantitatively assess SA reliability, a Bayesian network of seafarers’
performance in attaining SA in engine supervisory control is constructed. The adaptation of simulator data
helped as combination along using subject matter expert input, which is a common practice in constructing
human reliability analysis. Additionally, the simulator data can serve as the updating function when new data
is observed. The result shows that the model can provide promising results as compared with expert
expectation. Such kind of model can support the evaluation of the engine operation onboard, and mitigation can
be provided to reduce the probability of human error.
International Journal
on Marine Nav
and Safety of Sea Transpor
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.1
maritime operation [6]. The HRA is not only useful in
academic activity, but it was found to be benefit for
stakeholders such ship owners and safety inspectors
to identify and minimize the potential risk. The
concept of hardware reliability analysis was also
implemented in the HRA methods, including the
hazard analysis and risk control stage. Seeing the
HRA as similar with hardware analysis, it is also
believed similar two combination of method can be fit
to each other and combined to measure system
reliability. Various HRA methods have been
developed, also demonstrated in maritime operation
cases. Cognitive reliability and error analysis
(CREAM) is already applicated to derived the marine
engineers performance reliability by combining
Bayesian inference and fuzzy methods [7]. In seeing
future projection, fuzzy methods also used combine
with success likelihood index methods (SLIM) to
demonstrate the autonomous operation regarding the
human-machine interface [8]. Beyond onboard, the
SLIM methods combined with system theoretic
process analysis (STPA) are also used to analysis
human-machine interaction in ship-to-ship LNG
bunkering [9].
Most HRA aims to measure human error
probability (HEP), that defined as an index to show
the likeliness the human will conduct an error during
the specific event. IMO defines it as the ratio of
number of human error that have occurred, with the
number of opportunities for human error [6]. In
general, denominator for HEP is the number of
chances the human conduct the error, compared to
the hardware reliability where the denominator is the
running time of equipment. This led to quantifying it
by bottom-up approach to predict HEP by retrieving
various data, mostly accident or incident report. The
pitfall of employing only the failure database is the
information only contain the number of failure event,
without number of successful performance, where it is
more close to assess the failure probability with
empiric way [10]. Deciding the human error data from
the accident report also has limitation since the
number of accident reports is considered small
compared to hardware failure data. This limitation
often counters by including the expert judgement as
the input, or the simulator experiment data.
In the lower factors, HRA can be included,
combine, and consist of several performance shaping
factors (PSF)[6]. PSF is often treated independently
from one to the other. Several agree that PSF can be
overlap, or its influence to each other should be
considered [11]. The countermeasure of the
dependency issue between PSF is by utilizing
Bayesian network. The utilization of Bayesian
network in HRA is increasing recently [5]. The
Bayesian network allows us to analyze the likelihood
of human error and identify the dependencies for
complex modelling. It also came with the advantage
of the ability to combine various data.
Bayesian network utilization in maritime operation
is steadily increasing, either for HRA purpose or
system reliability. It has wide application range from
operator safety assessment to the evacuation training,
including its application in offshore operation [12,13],
ship collision [14], emergency situation [15], and ship
engine operation [7]. The Bayesian network suggest
PSF interaction and integrating different sources of
information into the model, once the new information
or data is exist, it can be updated easily to the model
[11]. In the context of HRA, the Bayesian network
provides the ability to contain and combine multiple
types of information and data, including cognitive
literature, operation events, statistical data, and expert
SA concept in human factors field is already
applied in various work environments, include in
maritime operation. In this study, loss in SA is
considered as one of the factors that contribute to the
human error event. HRA as the methods in
quantifying human error is applied with adapting the
engine plan simulator data combine with the subject
matter experts. Further, Bayesian concept is employed
to accommodate the dependency between the factors
in contributing the human error.
There are two terms involved in model construction
and updating. In model construction, Bayesian
network is applied to construct the model and
calculate the probability of SA failure in the first place.
While in model updating, the concept of Bayesian
inference is used to recalculate the probability of SA
failure by considering the new data from the
simulator. The difference between the two methods is
Bayesian network with its graphical methods does not
necessarily imply the theoretical Bayesian inference.
However, the Bayesian network in this study is called
Bayesian since it employed similar rules for inferring
the probability.
2.1 Model construction
The flow process of model construction and updating
are shown in Figure 1. The Bayesian network in
calculating human error mostly employed subject
matter experts input as weighting factors, in this flow
is to calculate nodes distance. Beyond that, subject
matter experts also use variable control input to
calculate condition probability distribution. Within
this study, the role of subject matter expert is not
removed, but instead reduced by substituting it with
the result from simulator data, specifically in the stage
of calculating the condition probability distribution.
Bayesian network causal model uses directed acyclic
graphs consisting of nodes and arcs. The node plays
as the variable in the model, and the arcs denote the
causal relationship between these variables. The
nodes that the arcs point to are called child nodes,
while the reference nodes are called parents nodes. A
node with child node and no parent node is called
root node. As shown in Figure 1, this part refers to the
first and second stage. For nodes that are discrete,
their effect on the child node can be quantitively
expressed through a conditional probability
distribution (CPD) that shows the influence of parent
nodes. This part takes the three processes on the last
section of model construction.
Figure 1. Flow of model construction and updating.
Figure 2. Bayesian network general construction
2.1.1 Identify nodes and causal relationship
The Bayesian network model has several
advantages, such as the ability to clearly define causal
factors. Figure 2 illustrates the causal factor mapping
for the proposed model, which focuses on estimating
the likelihood of human failure event (HFE) as the
general objective of human factor analysis. Based on
the simulator data, this study focuses on the Bayesian
network depicted in Figure 2 in general and Figure 3
as the proposed model, which include three level of
stages: failure mode, cognitive function, and
performance shaping factors.
Figure 3. Bayesian network based on the simulator
Failure Mode (FM). HFE can be described as many
types as possible of activity or process during the
work. Following the same term in hardware
reliability, FM is constructed below the HFE to
explain various types of supporting events that lead
to the human error itself. This can range from
processing information process, decision making
process and taking an action process. In this study, SA
loss is assigned as one of the FM that construct the
Cognitive Function (CF). FM are supported by
various human mechanisms explained by CF nodes.
CF is determined as a variable that can be examined
and observed during the controllable environment
such as simulator, but it is difficult to observe in work
environment. As the simulator experiment design, CF
is assigned as one or multiple dependent variables. As
shown on the Figure 3, there are two CF nodes called
perception and comprehension, that support the SA
loss. Perception, as situation awareness definition, is
the process consuming the cues from the
environment, while the comprehension is the stage
where this information from the cues combined with
the working and long-term memory to create
meaningful information for the work goal.
Performance Shaping Factors (PSF). The PSF are the
lowest, or the root nodes of the modes, as other HRA
methods also described. In relation to the simulator
data, the PSF represents the independent variable, in
this case task-load, expertise, and familiarity. Task-
load refers to the complexity of the performed work,
the expertise is determined by the skill and
knowledge of the operator, and familiarity refers to
experience with specific work environment hardware
and scenario. These PSF nodes contribute to the SA
loss by influencing the operator perception and
2.1.2 Distance between nodes
The relative importance of each parent node in
influencing the child nodes are established by
considering the relative importance of one parent
node compared to others. Røed suggested that this
can be done using a weight w
i for each parent node i
[12]. In this study, we employed analytical hierarchy
process to conduct pairwise comparisons and
determine the weight. We invited four experts from
academia who have professional experience on board
in engine department as described on Table 1. The
experts provided their weighting answers
Table 1 Profile of the expert as subject matter experts
No. Professionals Onboard Duration
1 Academics Chief Engineer 15 years
2 Academics 1st Engineer 5 years
3 Academics Chief Engineer 14.5 years
4 Academics Chief Engineer 10 years
The weighting process resulted in the construction
of perception as cognitive function, where the task-
load has a relative importance of w
T=0.26, expertise
with w
E=0.41, and familiarity with wF=0.33. Similarly,
in the construction of comprehension, task-load had a
relative importance of w
T=0.13, expertise with wE=0.55,
and familiarity with w
F=0.32. Lastly, the weight is also
applied to determine the importance of each CF in
construction FM. In this case, perception had w
while compression has w
C=0.86, in constructing the SA
loss as the main goal HRA in this study.
[ ]
j ij i j
The relative importance result is used to define the
distance between the child node and its parent nodes.
The probability of the child node in certain states
should be assigned smaller if the parent nodes are in
different states. Take the example of CF perception
node, if its PSF task-load node is in the easy state, PSF
expertise node in high state and PSF familiarity node
in good state, the PSF node perception should have
higher probability of being in the high state compared
to medium and low states. Røed suggested the
conditional probability can be measured using this
distant methods [12]. Considering the direction of
change its parent nodes, we applied the Li method
that modified the equation into the absolute value, as
mention in the equation above, to distribute the
probability of the child node [16].
2.1.3 Conditional probability for child nodes
[ ]
To assign the probability distribution to each state
on child nodes, the formula from Røed is used [12]. In
the equation, the numerator is used to determine the
probability of each state of the child node in the focus,
while the denominator is normalization factor that all
state of the child sum up to 1. The higher R index will
make lower probability where the node in focus is
state distant from the parent’s states. While Røed uses
the expert input to decide the R index, this study
demonstrates how to reduce the uncertainty by using
the simulator result. Approach using simulator data
to decide R index has been demonstrated by Li in the
nuclear power plant analysis [16]. In this study, we
apply different approaches to decide the R index.
Table 2. Perception and comprehension sensitivity from
simulator experiment
Variable Perception, Comprehension
Task Load Easy Complex
Familiarity Good Bad Good Bad
P1 1.40 0.54 0.42 0.42 1.81 1.38 0.95 0.00
P2 1.38 0.42 1.40 0.95 1.94 0.42 0.00 0.00
P3 2.35 1.38 1.38 0.42 1.40 0.95 -0.42 0.00
P4 2.77 0.95 0.95 0.42 2.35 0.00 0.86 0.00
P5 2.35 0.42 1.38 1.40 1.40 0.54 0.97 0.42
P6 2.77 1.94 1.93 0.00 2.77 0.42 2.77 0.54
P7 2.35 0.95 1.38 0.95 0.97 1.81 1.93 -0.54
P8 2.77 0.42 1.81 0.95 0.97 0.00 1.40 0.95
P9 1.38 1.38 1.94 0.95 1.94 1.81 2.35 0.97
P10 1.40 0.54 0.95 0.42 1.81 0.00 -0.54 -0.95
P11 1.38 0.00 1.81 0.00 0.97 0.00 1.38 0.00
P12 1.40 0.42 1.38 0.95 1.81 0.42 0.54 0.00
P13 1.81 -0.54 0.97 -0.42 0.97 -0.42 -0.43 0.00
P14 2.77 0.00 0.95 -0.42 0.54 0.54 0.97 0.00
P15 1.94 0.00 1.94 -0.42 0.95 -0.42 0.86 0.00
P16 2.35 0.42 1.38 0.54 2.35 0.42 0.97 -0.95
The simulator result is explained in Table 2. The
simulator experiment is designated with two task-
load states: easy where the simulation is under ocean
going scenario, and complex for entering-port
scenario where stand-by engine procedure must be
conducted. Familiarity has a bad state where the first
measurement is taken, and good when the repeated
measurement is taken. The sensitivity of perception
and comprehension level of situation awareness
measured by freeze-probe methods under signal
detection theory (SDT) [17,18]. The higher number on
it means the ability of each participant to discriminate
between the false alarm and correct rejection of the
questioned parameter is better. The participants P1
until P8 are categorized with expertise state high, and
P9 until P16 categorized with expertise state low.
Within this data, two thresholds are applied to
categorize the measurement result into three states:
low, mediate, and high. Important to note that the
average mediate state should have the larger number
of distributions.
Table 3. Simulator result distribution for perception
Parent or CF Pr (CF | Parent State)
Task-load Easy Complex
Experience High Low High Low
Familiarity Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad
Percep- High 0.75 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.13
tion Mediate 0.25 0.80 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.38
Low 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.13 0.50
Table 4. Simulator result distribution for comprehension
Parent or CF Pr (CF | Parent State)
Task-load Easy Complex
Experience High Low High Low
Familiarity Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad
Compre- High 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.13 0.00
hension Mediate 0.88 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.63 0.38 0.38 0.13
Low 0.00 0.13 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.63 0.50 0.88
The assigned conditional probability retrieved
from the simulator result was then compared with the
conditional probability from the Bayesian network
with R value varied from 0 to 5. We simply assign
RMSE func
tion as stated below to decide the
comparison between probability from simulator data
e and the probability from Bayesian model f with
scenario i and the state j. The m and n explains the
numbers of scenario and number states respectively.
The R value was then decided based on the
comparison which has the lower RMSE. In this case,
R=3.15 and R=1.22 are assigned for calculating with
Equation 2 to calculate the CPD for perception and
comprehension nodes. The result of each CPD is
shown in Table 5 and Table 6 for the perception node
and comprehension node, respectively.
( )
ij ij
RMSE e f
Table 5. Perception CPD
Parent or CF Pr (CF | Parent State)
Task-load Easy Complex
Experience High Low High Low
Familiarity Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad
Percep- High 0.80 0.34 0.23 0.10 0.44 0.13 0.11 0.03
tion Mediate 0.17 0.55 0.64 0.46 0.46 0.64 0.55 0.17
Low 0.03 0.11 0.13 0.44 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.80
Table 6. Comprehension CPD
Parent or CF Pr (CF | Parent State)
Task-load Easy Complex
Experience High Low High Low
Familiarity Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad
Compre- High 0.54 0.36 0.25 0.19 0.46 0.29 0.23 0.16
hension Mediate 0.30 0.42 0.46 0.35 0.35 0.46 0.42 0.30
Low 0.16 0.23 0.29 0.46 0.19 0.25 0.36 0.54
2.1.4 Calculating target node probability
The SA loss as the failure mode in the proposed
Bayesian model in this study is binary state; means
either the condition meets the true or false state. While
the node in the cognitive function and performance
shaping factor level is constructed by three states, the
following step is necessary to align it with the failure
mode level. The condition probability distribution in
the cognitive function is assigned as equation below.
The conditional probability of failure mode node P
is calculated based on the probability of each parent
cognitive function node P
ik with states k=a,b,c. The
weighted value w
i is retrieved from subject-matter
experts like the previous step in weighting the PSF
nodes. Q
ik is the corresponding adjustment for the
basis. We follow the practice by Li to use Pbasis=0.01 as
the basic probability of error in SA, and 100-fold as
the number of compromise adjustment. This
configuration will made the adjustment factor for
parent nodes state to have Q
ik=0.01, Qik=1, Qik=100 for
parent node high, mediate, and low respectively.
Given the example, when the Task-load is
Complex, Experience is high, and familiarity is bad,
the probability distribution of perception is 0.13,
0.64, and 0.23 from Table 5, and the probability
distribution comprehension is 0.29, 0.46, and 0.25.
Where the weighting can be retrieved from the
previous explanation of subject matter experts. The
probability of SA loss given this condition can be
calculated as follow:
( ) ( )
( )
0.14 0.13 0.01 0.64 1 0.23 100 0.86 0.29 0.01 0.46 1 0.25 100
= × ×+×+× × =
fail basis
Figure 4. SA loss probability comparison from Bayesian
network and expert expectation
The result from the Bayesian network modelling is
shown in Figure 4. The comparison includes the
expert expectation that was measured using the free
scale on the paper. The expert given the condition of
simulator result and asked how likely the participant
will fail in attaining the SA in each scenario. The
validation is not with an aim to validate until the level
of unit, but the tendency of the pattern comparison. It
can be accepted the Bayesian network result is follow
the expert expectation pattern at the most, except in
interception of scenario familiarity is good and
expertise is low, the Bayesian network result have
tendency to have higher probability in these scenarios.
2.2 Model updating
( ) ( )
( )
( )
| =
In this model updating method, the calculated
probability for each combination of performance-
shaping factor, cognitive function, and failure mode
will be re-calculated given the condition if the new
simulator data exists. The method is based on the
Bayesian inference as explained in the equation
below. The aim is to update the posterior distribution
( )
with the prior known information
( )
with collected data from
likelihood model
( )
that normalized with
probability of distribution
( )
The Bayesian
inference able to use every time the new data exists,
means the posterior data from one modelling process
became prior data for the next modelling study or
2.2.1 Prior distribution construction
Regarding SA loss as the one factor for human
error event, it can be explained using the binomial
distribution explained by equation below. The
distribution expresses the uncertainty about the
number of failures x occurred in the given condition
of demands n with the parameter probability of
failure p. This parameter p is uncertain that sometimes
derived from expert judgment or data. Groth et al
suggest the p can be retrieved by using the Bayesian
inference [19].
( ) ( )
f xp p p
We used the same approach as the previous
method in deciding the p by using the beta
distribution. Probability density function as shown in
below equation express the beta function
with function to normalize the distribution. From
with explanation from Groth et al, the distribution can
be conjugated with binomial distribution, where
posterior distribution parameters
post and
post are
assigned using equation below [19]. The next step in
using Bayesian inference is with assigning the value
( )
= +
post prior
aa x
= +−
post prior
To specify the prior distribution p
0, we applied the
constrained non-information (CNI) distribution [19]
As shown in the following equation, the a is estimated
as the number of failure contained in the prior
distribution, and the denominator (
) is considered
as the number of demands. The beta distribution is
constructed by
=0.5 and
derived from the equation
constraint. The extract prior distribution p
0 from the
new existing simulator data is shown in Table 7.
( )
( )
= =
E Beta E p
Table 7. Prior distribution (p0)
Expertise Task-load Familiarity E(p0) Prior Distribution
High Easy Good 0.145 0.5 2.9 p0, Beta (0.5, 2.9)
Bad 0.215 0.5 1.8 p
0, Beta (0.5, 1.8)
Complex Good 0.179 0.5 2.3 p
0, Beta (0.5, 2.3)
Bad 0.253 0.5 1.5 p
0, Beta (0.5, 1.5)
Low Easy Good 0.269 0.5 1.4 p
0, Beta (0.5, 1.4)
Bad 0.465 0.5 0.6 p
0, Beta (0.5, 0.6)
Complex Good 0.357 0.5 0.9 p
0, Beta (0.5, 0.9)
Bad 0.584 0.5 0.4 p
0, Beta (0.5, 0.4)
2.2.2 Posterior distribution updating
Table 8. Simulator result distribution
Variable Perception, Comprehension
Task Load Easy Complex
Familiarity Good Bad Good Bad
P17 1.81 1.38 1.81 0.54 0.95 0.00 2.35 0.95
P18 1.81 0.42 1.40 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.95 0.00
P19 2.35 0.95 2.35 0.95 1.40 0.54 1.40 0.42
P20 1.94 0.54 1.81 0.54 1.40 0.00 2.35 0.54
P21 1.81 0.43 1.94 1.38 1.40 0.97 1.81 0.97
P22 2.35 1.38 2.35 2.35 1.40 0.97 1.38 1.38
P23 1.81 2.35 1.38 0.42 2.35 0.42 0.00 1.40
P24 2.35 1.38 2.35 0.95 2.35 1.38 1.81 0.42
The process updating the prior distribution with
new simulator data can be obtained by utilizing
Equation 8. The aims is calculating the posterior
distribution p
1 based on the prior distribution p0 and
the new distribution parameters
post and
post. For
thus, number of failures x occurred in the given
condition of demands n need to be defined. Table 8
illustrates the additional simulator result from eight
participants with expertise level assumed to be high.
In this step, a different approach is used to highlight
the participant who has perception or comprehension
equal or below 0 are categorized as loss in SA. Based
on the categorization, as also shown on Table 9, there
are eight trials for each scenario combination, then
number of opportunities can be assigned n=8, and the
number of failure x is assigned in each scenario
combination. The
post and
post is retrieved using
Equation 8, and the updated SA loss for selected
Table 9. Posterior distribution for (p_1)
Exper- Task- Famili- Data ` Posterior E(p1)
tise load arity (x/n) Distribution
High Easy Good 0/8 0.5 10.9 p1,
(0.5, 10.9) 0.044
Bad 1/8 1.5 8.8 p
(1.5, 8.8) 0.145
Complex Good 3/8 3.5 7.3 p
(3.5, 7.3) 0.324
Bad 2/8 2.5 6.4 p
(2.5, 6.4) 0.282
HRA methods to measure and predict human error in
maritime operation are already developed with
various methods. The Bayesian network and Bayesian
inference is used in this study to demonstrate method
which use the simulator data for the probability
distribution calculation. The Bayesian network has the
advantage of treating the dependencies of PSF, which
often treat independent of each other in recent HRA
methods. Further, Bayesian inference concept in the
second stage demonstrated another possibility to
update the probability distribution of human error if
the new data from the simulator exists. This has an
advantage since there is no necessity to reconstruct
the model.
In the first stage of model construction, the three-
node level is introduced. FM were introduced as the
possible process or activity that support event led to
the human error. Situation awareness is introduced as
single FM in this study. CF is introducing as human
mechanism in construct the activity, its assigned as
dependent variable in simulator experiment.
Perception and comprehension were introduced in
constructing situation awareness. Last, PSF is
introduced as the lowest node in the model. In
relation to the simulator experiment, the PSF
represents the independent variable. Three PSF are
assigned in the model: task-load, expertise, and
familiarity. The proposed methods to replace the
expert judgment in deciding R-value are
demonstrated to reduce the subjective expert
judgment uncertainty. However, the input from
expert judgment is still mandatory to put the
weighting factors between the nodes in the same level
node. The second stage demonstrates updating the
prior distribution with the Bayesian inference
methods. Here the additional simulator data is used
to recalculate it into posterior distribution.
The human error probability as the output from
the model was compared to the expert expectation for
each scenario combination. It is observed that
Bayesian network results follow the same pattern as
the expert expectation input. However, several
comparisons such the scenario with familiarity is
good and expertise is low, is have higher evaluation
from the Bayesian Network. Thus, the Bayesian
network in this model still lacks sensitivity, especially
in the scenario which has close result of human error
The general construction of HRA with Bayesian
network offers the flexibility to cover more PSF into
the model. However, considering the PSF that can be
observed in the simulator will limit to detect all PSF
exist in other studies. This is the coming limitation of
the Bayesian network in HRA context. Thus, the
incomplete representation cannot explain the complex
relationship between variables. The second limitation
from employing simulator data is, during the session,
the participant is well now their performance is being
observed. This implies the participants put more
effort during the simulation. This must be noted since
human error calculation is aimed to measure the error
during the normal condition.
Work onboard a ship is divided into big portions
of navigation and engine operation work. Defining
general PSF that includes the two areas is the future
challenge that must be considered. The remaining
challenge in HRA is the various definition of the
denominator in probability, the number of
opportunities for human error which remain wide
interpretation for each method. An approach to
combine the result of HRA needs an adjustment
method to tackle this challenge. Similar to the
reliability in hardware, such study may become
reference under the IMO guideline to include in the
formal safety assessment.
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