Given the current geopolitical situation and the
previous crisis related to the COVID pandemic, it is
reasonable to analyse transport and logistics networks
in terms of their criticality. In the case of transport,
this concept can be understood in various aspects.
For the proposed model, the criticality is analysed
in the context of connectivity/reliability of
vertices/edges, traffic flows in the transport network
and the impact of events blocking their nodes/edges.
The transport is one of the 8 Critical Infrastructures
(CI) defined by the Act of 26 April 2007 on crisis
management (Journal of Laws 2007 No. 89 item 590).
In the case of the European Union, the establishment
of a critical infrastructure protection program was
preceded by terrorist attacks on four city trains in
Madrid in 2004, the subway in London in 2005 and an
airplane flying from Great Britain to the USA in 2006.
However, the functioning of this program made it
possible to respond appropriately in 2010 to the
paralysis of European air traffic caused by the
volcanic eruption in Iceland. The effects of this event
were felt not only on the old continent but all over the
The events mentioned above, and the
consequences of their occurrence showed how much
the national and global economies depend on the
condition of transport (individual elements of the
transport system), regardless of the branch to which
these events are concerned.
The events of the last four years confirmed the
justification for introducing a critical infrastructure
protection policy. First, the COVID-19 pandemic
showed how much societies depend on global
transport. In turn, Russia's attack on Ukraine and the
sanctions adopted by EU countries aimed at, among
others, limiting oil and gas orders from Russia
showed that it is necessary to be able to quickly make
decisions about changing supply directions.
Unfortunately, this is not an easy and quick process,
so it is worth having prepared action scenarios in case
of such situations. This is where various analytical,
forecasting and decision-making models can be
useful, making the transport system more resilient.
The experience of the last several decades shows that
An Approach to the Analysis of Critical Elements
Transport and Logistics Networks Using Graph
. Strzelczyk & S. Guze
Maritime School Complex in Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The article's primary purpose is to develop methods for determining critical nodes, arcs, and
routes of transport and logistics networks. One of the proposed algorithms resolves a problem in finding the
critical elements of the transport network. The second gives solutions to make alternative paths based on this
criticality of the network. These tools should be helpful for transport planners, especially for dangerous,
oversized, and important goods. The basis of the developed method is the domination in graphs. The proposed
analysis methodology is verified on the existing infrastructure in northeastern Poland.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
umber 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.0
for the proper functioning of the economy and
society, it is essential that the transport system (all its
elements) is reliable and resistant to various
unfavourable external factors. Therefore, you should
work on methods that allow you to:
finding weak links in the functioning of the
transport system,
to identify potential threats,
to reduce or even eliminate these threats,
to mitigate the effects of threats.
Threats to critical infrastructures may be of natural
or anthropological origin; therefore, the methods of
identifying threats depend on the source of their
origin, and consequently, various methods are used to
mitigate the effects of these threats. However, the
most important thing seems to be finding weak links
in the transport system. In the technical part, they will
be related to means of transport or infrastructure and
less often to legal regulations or economic aspects. For
example, damage to a vehicle may result in blocking a
section of linear infrastructure. However, this will be
possible more often when there are bottlenecks in this
infrastructure or increased traffic intensity in this
section. When we find such elements of the transport
system or, more specifically, the transport network,
we can react in advance and counteract unfavourable
crises. Thus, we come to the need to solve problems
related to the reliability, resilience, vulnerability, or
sensitivity of transport networks as the most crucial
component in the transport system, allowing the
implementation of its main tasks.
Thus, the article aims to establish critical paths
(edges) and nodes (vertices), as well as their
modelling, depending on the situation in the region.
The tool can be used to determine new transport
networks, considering crises that affect the
determination of additional or other edges and
dominant vertices. So far, the mathematical analysis
models used have considered separately either the
vertices or the edges in the graph representing the
transport network. This article proposes a
comprehensive approach to modelling - simultaneous
consideration of vertices and edges - this is the
novelty of this article. For the tested model, the
criticality is analysed in the context of
coherence/reliability of vertices/edges, traffic flows in
the transport network, and the impact of events
blocking their nodes/edges.
The structure of the paper is as follows. The
Introduction section presents the main aspects of the
considered problem. The state-of-the-art section
shows the literature review. Further, the basic
notations are defined. Finally, the theoretical methods
and algorithms with real-world applications are
The introductory considerations state that the
transport network is a "bloodstream" determining the
region's development, directly proportional to the
economic, development and military potential. The
network is a chain of interconnected vessels whose
opportunities and threats are replicated in other
According to the literature ([23], [64]), the
transport system is defined as a combination of
elements such as means of transport, infrastructure,
human resources and their interactions, which serve
to generate demand for travel in a given area and to
satisfy them by providing transport services. The
above definition is very general but, at the same time,
easy to adapt to various modes of transport. It allows
the use of a structure of connections between the
transport system elements adapted to the problem
being solved. It was assumed that the best and most
natural way of recording transport systems is a
network representing the infrastructure of this system
and making it possible to describe the flow of traffic
flows occurring in it ([59], [64]). We should agree with
this because the structure and traffic flows in the
transport network best reflect the relationships
between individual elements of the transport system
and thus determine it. There are three main types of
transport networks ([51], [64], [66]):
All vertices of the same degree characterise regular
transport networks. The regularity of the number
of incident edges about the vertex indicates a high
level of spatial organisation, as in the case of a road
network [66].
Small-world transport networks are characterised
by dense connections between nodes in the close
neighbourhood with a simultaneous small set of
crucial connections with nodes in the further
neighbourhood. A characteristic feature of this
type of transport network is high sensitivity to
failures around nodes with many close neighbours
(sometimes called hubs) ([29], [66], [73]}.
Scale-free transport networks are characterised by
a hierarchical system with several vertices with
many neighbours and a small number of vertices
with a small set of neighbours (low vertex degree).
This type of network is characterised by ease of
evolution because adding new network nodes will
prioritise connecting them to larger nodes ([9 - 10],
Due to the characteristics of transport
infrastructure, analysing transport networks at the
pre-design stage or assessing and improving them
during operation is best carried out using
mathematical modelling and optimization methods
([38],[45], [57-58], [77-78]).
The most common model for presenting the
structure of transport networks is graphs. They are
composed of two sets: V vertices (nodes) and E
edges (arcs). They are denoted as G(V, E). One of the
main applications of graph theory is the analysis of
transport networks and systems ([32], [36], [38-40],
[41], [44], [64], [57]). It was the attempt to solve the
problem of bridges in Königsberg by the famous
Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in 1736 that
gave rise to graph theory and thus determined the
meaning of the existence of this mathematical
construction used to model and solve problems of
transport networks ([3], [13-15], [30], [46], [60])
computer ([27], [29], [36], [66], [74]), and in recent
years also social ([51], [73]).
The most crucial transport problems solved using
graph theory include:
the problem of the Chinese postman;
travelling salesman problem;
flows in networks;
spanning tree.
Various ways of solving the Chinese postman
problem can be found, among others, in the literature
[32], [41]. In turn, various solutions to the travelling
salesman problem are presented, among others, in [4],
[5], [7], [37], [41], [55], [56], [57], [59], [64]. This
problem has also been solved in terms of dynamic
graphs, which take into account dynamic changes in
the networks they represent, such as
adding/removing edges or vertices ([2], [71], [76]).
Another problem of graph theory, which is
essential in the analysis of any networks, is the search
for the smallest or largest spanning tree [12], [36], [75]
or the search for maximum flow in networks [35], [59].
Graph domination is essential in analysing
transport networks ([19], [38 40], [44], [72]). It is used
to solve problems such as:
location - for example, the problem of minimizing
the distance that a person must travel to reach the
nearest facility offering services that are critical
from the point of view of their life and health (e.g.
hospitals, police or fire stations), assuming their
constant number [43-44], [72];
distance for example, a problem in which the
maximum distance to an object is fixed and the
number of devices needed to serve all users should
be minimized (e.g. base stations of a cellular
network) [19], [43];
related to the search for representative sets, for
example, to monitor communication or electrical
networks, as well as in geodetic measurements
(one should find the smallest number of places
where the surveyor must measure the height so
that they cover the entire surveyed area) [11], [72];
vulnerability of transport networks [17], [40], [77].
Moreover, by using graph theory to describe
transport networks, Kansky proposed a series of
indicators describing transport networks in the 1960s
[69] at two levels of detail. The first refers to defining
parameters or indicators concerning the entire
network, while the second relates to the nodes. The
primary assumption of their applicability is the fact
that they provide methods allowing [69]:
expressing the relationship between their values
and the network structure,
comparing transport networks with each other at
specific moments in time,
comparing the development of transport networks
at different times.
In the 1980s, scientists dealing with networks,
including transport and computer networks,
concluded that searching for the shortest path in a
network, the smallest spanning tree or the maximum
flow in networks is insufficient. They began to pay
attention to the connection problem between two
vertices of the transport network. They thus turned
their attention to network reliability issues, including
transport networks. Currently, research on the
reliability of transport networks is dominated by three
main types:
connectivity reliability understood as the
probability that network nodes will remain
connected a measure describing the topological
structure of the transport network ([8], [13], [15-
17], [23], [46], [49]);
travel time reliability understood as the
probability that the journey between a given
source and sink will take place within a specific
period ([6], [14], [23], [50]);
capacity reliability understood as the probability
that the capacity of the transport network is equal
to or greater than the desired level when the
capacity of the arc is random [24], [25], [50].
A concept closely related to the reliability of
transport networks or, more broadly, transport
systems is their sensitivity. Unfortunately, this
concept is not clear. They can be understood in terms
of reliability and risk in some situations [14], [31], [65].
The sensitivity of the transport network may also be
expressed in terms of too low a level of services
provided and related problems [16-17], [49], [52], [63],
[68], as well as costs resulting from the unavailability
of this network [18], [61]. Moreover, some studies
point out that the sensitivity of the transport network
is its low resistance to natural threats or threats from
other sources [47-48]. In turn, other studies point to
sensitivity related to rare but high risk [16], which
correlates to the possibility of providing services and
maintaining continuity of operation [34], [40], [76].
This approach corresponds to the concept of critical
infrastructures [26], [28].
In particular, the last 25 years have made
governments of many countries around the world
aware that certain aspects of society's life are
particularly exposed to the negative impact of natural
factors, as well as those resulting from acts of
terrorism or vandalism [52], [64]. Depending on the
country, specific services, infrastructures, and, in a
broader sense, sectors have been identified, which
have been called critical because the lack of access to
them causes significant perturbations and problems in
the functioning of residents [20], [21], [22], [26], [28],
[69]. Specific infrastructures or critical sectors allow
for special attention to be paid to their safe and
reliable operation [20-22], [40], [53]. For this reason, it
is essential to have appropriate tools used when
analyzing the functioning of these infrastructures [20-
21], [31], [33], [40] and optimization [38], [53], [56].
A significant facilitation of the search for new,
effective methods of analysis and optimization is the
translation of the problem of transport network
reliability into the language of the theory of systems
and complex networks [1], [10], [51], [73]. Thanks to
this, it is possible to use methods of analysis,
modelling and optimization of the reliability and
sensitivity of complex technical systems [20-21], [53],
62] about transport networks [13], [38-40].
In further research, we consider the simple,
undirected (sometimes also weighted) graphs G(V, E)
constituted by nodes (vertices) set V (or V(G)) and arcs
(edges) set E (or E(G)). We adhere to the convention
that n=|V(G)| and m = |E(G)|. Let u, v ϵ V(G), then the
edge between these vertices in a simple graph is
denoted as {u, v}, which in shortened form is often
written as uv. According to the above definition, we
consider unordered pairs. It should be noted that
vertices are edge ends, i.e. they are adjacent to each
other and, at the same time, incident to the edge they
The set of all vertices of the graph G(V, E) adjacent
to vertex v is called a neighbourhood and is denoted
by N
G(v) or N(v). The set NG(v){v} is called the closed
neighbourhood of a vertex v in the graph G and
denoted by N
G[v]. For any subset of the set of vertices
in graph G, i.e. AG the neighbourhood is defined as
ANG(v). The degree of a vertex v in a graph
G is the number of vertices belonging to the set N
and is denoted as deg
A line graph L(G) (also called an adjoint, conjugate,
covering, derivative, derived, edge, edge-to-vertex
dual, interchange, representative) of a simple graph G
is obtained by associating a vertex with each edge of
the graph and connecting two vertices with an edge if
and only if the corresponding edges of G have a
vertex in common.
3.1 Spanning trees
A spanning tree T
S(G) is a subset of a graph G, with all
the vertices covered with the minimum possible
number of edges. In other words, a spanning tree
contains all the vertices of the graph and only those
edges that do not form cycles in such a graph.
Regarding the topology of such a tree, the smallest
will mean the one whose set of edges is the smallest,
while the largest will mean the most extensive such
set of edges. When describing graph edges using
numerical weights, the smallest spanning tree is the
one for which the sum of the weights is the smallest.
Similarly, the largest spanning tree is the one in which
the sum of the edge weights is the largest.
The problem of finding a minimal spanning tree
(for weighted graphs) uses Kruskal’s algorithm as a
way to resolve this problem. The short description of
this algorithm is presented as algorithm 1. In case of
simple undirected graph, the Kruskal’s method [54] is
proper under assumption that every edge weight is
equal to 1. In this way, the minimal spanning tree is
the tree with the minimum number of edges that
constitute the spanning tree of graph G.
Algorithm 1 [Kruskal’s algorithm]
1: Input (,e) with fixed edge weighted function e;
2: Output Minimal spanning tree T
3: Find the least weight of the edges in the graph (if there is
more than one, choose randomly). Mark as red colour;
4: Find the next smallest unlabeled (uncoloured) edge in the
graph that is not marked in red and colour it;
5: Repeat step 4 until you reach every vertex in the graph (or
until you have n-1 coloured edges)
6: The coloured edges form the desired minimum spanning
7: return T
3.2 Domination in graphs
A dominating set for a graph G is a subset D of its
vertices, so any vertex of G is either in D or has
neighbours in D ([30], [35], [44]). The domination
number γ(G) is the number of vertices in the smallest
dominating set for G. An edge-dominating set for
graph G is a subset D
EE such that every edge not in
E is adjacent to at least one edge in DE. A minimum
dominating number equals the power of the
smallest edge-dominating set [38-40], [70].
Based on this definition, algorithm 2 [40] is
presented. An important assumption for him is that
the input graph must be connected, simple, and non-
Algorithm 2 [Minimal-vertex-dominating-set]
1: Input =(,).
2: Output Minimal vertex-dominating set of graph G.
3: Fix :=0; all vertices are white.
4: while (white vertices exist) do
5: choose v{|()=
{()}} and it has the
maximal number of white neighbours.
6: :={}; vertices in S are coloured by black; their
neighbours are grey.
7: end while.
8: return S.
9: if in S there are vertices, what dominates the same
vertices then
10: delete a vertex from S, which dominates only vertices
dominated by other vertices from S; return =\{}
11: else
12: =
13: end if
14: return D.
This algorithm is complemented by algorithm 3,
which finds the value of the weighted domination
number [45]. The pseudo-code is proposed below.
Algorithm 3 [Weighted-domination-number]
1: Input (,) with fixed vertex weighted function;
2: Output weighted domination number () of graph
3: for =1 to || do
4: find dominating set of G, starting from
, and save it
5: find total weight Wi(vi)=vi
Diwi(vi) of dominating sets
6: end for;
7: find min{W
8: return
The third algorithm introduced as the basis for
further theoretical and practical results is a
deterministic discrete-time model of fire spread on a
graph G. Hartnell introduces this concept in [42], and
call firefighting problem. This model of fire spread
considered how firefighters can act to stop a fire
outbreak. An outbreak of fire starts at a set of root
vertices of G at time t=0. In response, firefighters
defend f vertices at time t=1 [42]. The pseudo code of
proposed algorithms for finding solution of this
problem is presented as algorithm 4.
Algorithm 4 [Firefighting problem (or virus control)]
1: Input graph G(V,E);
2: Output the set of vertices under fire and non-fire;
3: A fire breaks out at a vertex of a graph.
4: The firefighter (or defender) then chooses any vertex not
yet on fire (or affected by the virus) to protect.
5: The fire and firefighter alternate moves on the graph due
to the fire can no longer spread.
6: The firefighter has chosen a vertex; it is protected or safe
from future fire moves.
7: After the firefighter’s step, the fire spreads to all vertices
adjacent to the ones on fire, except those protected.
This part of the article presents new methods for
finding critical elements in transport networks. The
proposed algorithms are based on those shown in the
previous section. This analytical tool can be used to
establish critical paths (edges) and nodes (vertices)
and their modelling, depending on the situation in the
considered region. The criticality is analysed
regarding the consistency/reliability of nodes
(vertices) / arcs (edges), traffic flows in the transport
network, and the impact of events blocking their
Before we propose new algorithms to identify the
critical elements of transport networks, some
preliminaries must be introduced to find the edge-
dominating set. The algorithm 5 presents a way to
find the minimal edge dominating set. It uses the
concept of line graphs.
Algorithm 5 [Minimal-edge-dominating-set]
1: Input =(,).
2: Output Minimal edge-dominating set of graph G.
3: Define line graphs L(G) of graph G;
4: use algorithm 1 for graph L(G);
5: return D
6: D
E= DL(G).
7: return DE.
For simple, undirected graphs the edge-
domination number is the cardinality of the minimal
edge dominating set. The value of this number can be
found based on the result obtained from algorithm 5.
Because a transport network can be described by
weighted graph, the method for finding an edge
weighted domination number is proposed in
algorithm 6.
Algorithm 6 [Edge-weighted-domination-number]
1: Input (,
e) with fixed edge weighted function;
2: Output edge weighted domination number
e() of
graph (,e);
3: Define weighted line graph L
w(G) of graph (,e);
4: use algorithm 3 for graph L
5: return
7: return
The next step is defined critical components of the
transport or logistics networks. Referring here to the
fireman's algorithm (algorithm 4) is necessary. A
critical node (vertex) is the first node (vertex) in the
graph G that is not subject to the fire expansion of the
greedy algorithm 4, thus determining all vertices in
the further branches of the graph. Analogically, the
critical arc (edge) is the first free arc (edge) in the
graph that is not subject to the fire expansion of the
greedy algorithm 4, and thus determines all edges in
the further part of the graph branches.
Now, the new approach to identify the critical
elements of a transport network can be proposed. The
solution for this problem is algorithm 7.
Algorithm 7 [Identifying the critical elements of the
transport/logistic network]
1: Input G(V,E) or G(V,E,w
e) represents a transport/logistics
2: Output sets of critical vertices (V
S) and edges (ES);
3: Find the minimum spanning tree of G - T
(e.g. algorithm 1).
4: Find the dominating set of T
S(G) (greedy algorithms:
e.g. Algorithm 5 or 6).
5: Find the edge-dominating set of the T
S(G) started in
vertices from D(T
S(G)) (greedy algorithm and line
6: For these vertices and edges, use the Firefighter’s
algorithm (algorithm 4).
7: Find the strategic vertices and edges.
This algorithm uses algorithms 1-6 depending on
what type of graph the transport network represents.
It should be emphasized that it is a greedy algorithm.
At the same time, the problem it solves is an NP-
complete problem. Therefore, it should be noted that
it is a tool supporting analysis and decision-making
but requires some caution in interpreting its results.
They may not always be optimal. However, based on
this algorithm, we get the following possibilities. We
can determine critical vertices that protect individual
tree arcs to prevent the graph's further atrophy. If fire
infects the graph, a „fireman extinguishing fire at the
vertices and edges guarantees the graph's stability.
The first fire-free vertices and edges are called the
these critical elements should be a logistical backup,
including sufficient tools to prevent the problem from
spreading (for example deals with congestion).
It is necessary to give a tool to reverse the "fire"
(congestion) spreading in the network. It means
finding alternatives for the "occupied" nodes and arcs
or possibly creating a separate path to distribute the
"fire". Therefore, we get new connections between
system-inefficient nodes and those that can "take
over" the additional “fire” (traffic flow). The proposed
solution is given as the algorithm 8.
Algorithm 8 [Identifying the alternative paths]
1: Input G(V,E) or G(V,E,we) as the result of the algorithm 7;
2: Output alternative paths P
3: Build an extended graph G
E=(VE,EE) for analysed area;
4: find domination set in G of vertices occupied by “fire”
with the highest degree D
5: while ((D
F(G)) and (not all vertices from DF(G)
occupied by “fire” are connected)) do
6: select the highest degree vertex wD
7: if there is a connection in G
E between the vertex w and the
vertex v occupied by the fireman in G then
8: connect them with via a new edge not occupied by the
“fire” (eE
9: else
10: connect w with v through additional vertices from the set
EV (if there is a relationship in the real connection
network that allows the implementation of the transport
11: add edges e to set of an alternative paths P
12: end while;
12: return P
This section shows possible applications of the
methods introduced in section 4.
Let us consider a graph describing the model of
the map of Poland, the northeastern region. The graph
representing this region is on the figure 1. It is
necessary to mention that there are several elements
of the critical infrastructures in the considered region,
e.g.: the waterpower plant in Włocławek, the power
plant in Ostrołęka, the Dębe hydroelectric power
plant (on the barrage damming water in Zegrzyńskie
Lake), potential facilities in Pomerania: offshore and
the power plant in Żarnowiec, as well as bridges:
Zegrze, Serock, Pułtusk, Rozan.
Only the infrastructure that meets the
requirements for transporting oversized and
dangerous cargo was adopted for analytical purposes.
Thus, we consider only a mixture of the railroad and
roads, but we show graph representation for railways,
roads, and inland waterways.
Figure 1 shows railway connections with weights
corresponding to the speed achieved on a given route.
The Pan-European Railway (TEN T) route receives
an additional weight of 5.
Figure 1. Selected railway connections. [own study]
The weights for figure 1 are defined according to
table 1.
Table 1. Weights for graph represents the railway.
Velocity Weight
to 80 km/h 1
81-100 km/h 2
101-120 km/h 3
121-140 km/h 4
141-160 km/h 5
161-200 km/h 6
Up to 200 km/h 7
Additionally, figure 2 presents road connections,
with their weights corresponding to the road
numbers. The Pan-European Railway (TEN T) route
receives an additional weight of 5.
Figure 2. Selected roads connections. [own study]
The weights for figure 2 are defined according to
table 2.
Table 2. Weights for graph represents the roads.
Road Weight
Number with 1 digit 1
Number with 2 digits 2
Number with 3 digits 3
Finally, figure 3 presents inland connections, with
their weights corresponding to the classes of inland
waterways. The Pan-European Railway (TEN T)
route receives an additional weight of 5.
Figure 3. Selected inland waterways. [own study]
The weights for figure 3 are defined according to
table 3.
Table 3. Weights for graph represents the inland waterways.
Class 1 2 3 4 5
Weight 1 2 3 4 5
In the general case, a graph representing all the
modes of transport described above is presented in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Summary of three modes of transport: rail, road,
inland waterways. [own study]
According to assumption, we consider only roads
and railways, as shown in figure 5.
Figure 5. Summary of two modes of transport: rail, road.
[own study]
For this graph (figure 5) we apply the algorithm 7
and get the minimal spanning tree (figure 6 results
according to step 3).
Figure 6. Spanning tree of graph represented considered
transport network [own study]
Further we go to the step 4 of algorithm7. The
results is in figure 7.
Figure 7. Domination set in spanning tree.
The resulting domination set of TS is
D={Żarnowiec, Czeremcha, Łuków, Elbląg, Olsztyn,
Grudziądz, Malbork, Toruń, Warszawa, Augustów,
Zambrów, Białystok, Pilawa, offshore}.
This set is the base for procedure of the firefighting
algorithm. The fire is a congestion, and the
“firefighter” is a traffic supervision. The steps of this
are as follows.
Step 1 FIRE - vertices and edges coming from
Warsaw: Mińsk Mazowiecki, Wyszków, Ostrołęka,
Iława, Płock, Kutno.
Step 1a FIREFIGHTER - the occupied vertex with the
highest degree should be searched for and secured
(e.g. Mińsk Mazowiecki). From now on, both the top
of Mińsk Mazowiecki and all edges are determined by
the fireman and thus are not subject to fire expansion.
Step 2. FIRE - edges and vertices coming from
Wyszków, Ostrołęka, Iława, Płock, and Kutno, thus
occupying the vertices: Toruń, Augustów, Ostrów
Mazowiecki, Malbork.
Step 2a FIREFIGHTER - the occupied vertex with the
highest degree should be searched for and secured
(e.g. Ostrów Mazowiecki). From now on, the fireman
determines the top of Ostrów Mazowiecki and all
edges; thus, they are not subject to fire expansion.
Step 3. FIRE takes the next edge from Toruń, thus
occupying Bydgoszcz.
Step 3a FIREFIGHTER - the vertices and edges
extending from the Grudziądz should be protected,
thus securing the rest of the arc of the graph.
After this procedure, we get the results presented
in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Resulting graph after step 6. [own study]
This way, we get the sets of critical nodes and arcs.
Figure 9. Alternative paths. [own study]
To reverse the congestion process (fire) in the
network, it is necessary to look for an alternative to
the "occupied" vertices/edges or create a separate path
to distribute the congestion - following the theoretical
results (Section 4, algorithm 8). The new connections
between system-inefficient vertices and those that can
"hijack" the additional traffic flow is presented (black
in figure 9).
To summarize the practical part, it should be noted
1 Dominating set of nodes in spanning tree for two
modes of transport: Warszawa, Zambrów/Łapy,
Białystok, Pilawa, Łuków, Czeremcha,
Augustów, Malbork, Olsztyn, Elbląg, Żarnowiec,
Grudziądz, Toruń, offshore.
2 Critical nodes (with arcs): Mińsk Mazowiecki,
Ostrów Mazowiecki, Grudziądz (with critical
edges) it should be secured (according to be
critical for transport network).
The intended purpose of the article was achieved.
New algorithms were proposed for analysing the
criticality of transport and logistics networks. In
particular, new algorithms were introduced for
finding critical network elements (nodes and arcs) and
searching for alternative routes for these elements.
The resulting model should be particularly subject
to the Crisis Infrastructure Management Act because
each edge is a bridge, the breaking of which will cut
off strategic nodes in the operational management
The models can be a tool for determining the
critical/strategic edges and vertices of the region,
considering the optimization of transport reliability
and costs.
Soon, the algorithms for strategic nodes and arcs
will be proposed. Then, all models will be constituting
the new decision support system for traffic flow
planners and managers.
The paper presents the results developed in the scope of the
research project “Methods and algorithms of multicriteria
decision support for improving the safety and reliability of
transport and logistics systems”, WN/2024/PZ/06, granted
by GMU in 2024.
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