In recent years, more and more interest in
phenomenon of balancing and its implications for the
processes of planning and functioning of transport
system can be observed around the world. The
concept of sustainable development of transport is a
planning concept, which is a long-term, integrated
plan of actions. It aims at achievement of strategic
goals of general strategy of EU sustainable
The main goal of the Strategy of Sustainable
Development of Transport is to improve safety of
traffic users and efficiency of transport sector through
creation of coherent, sustainable, innovative and user-
friendly transport system on an European and global
scale. Dynamic development of transport in last
decades, mainly road transport, is also a significant
source of arduousness and problems. Transport has
negative effects both on natural environment and
society [22]. They are connected, above all, with the
results of road accidents and collisions, congestion,
the use of fossil fuels (mainly petroleum), climate
warming, air pollution, emission of traffic noise [15].
Therefore, enterprises looking for savings and
outsourcing transport services more and more often
choose logistic centres, which are based on ecological
responsibility and implement solutions that reduce
harmful impact on natural environment.
The issues of development and shaping transport
system in the national agreements have become
particularly important due to ongoing process of
globalization. They are particularly important from
the point of view of economic and environmental
aspects [25, 26, 27]. Creation of uniform common
market within EU led to the development of transport
and contributed to increasing its economic importance
Cargo Consolidation in a Supply Chain in the Aspect
Sustainable Development of Transport
. Kuśmińska-Fijałkowska
, Z. Łukasik
, J. Kozyra
& S. Olszańska
Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Radom, Poland
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland
ABSTRACT: Cargo consolidation is an important step towards sustainable development of transport. It allows
to reduce: emission of greenhouse gases, energy consumption, fuel consumption. Combining cargos in one
vehicle allows to reduce the number of runs necessary to deliver goods to the clients. It allows to reduce the
amount of pollution, fuel consumption and costs of transport. Cargo consolidation also reduces emission of
harmful substances to natural environment and allows enterprises to save time and money. As a result of the
data obtained and the analysis carried out, solutions were proposed to reduce transport costs for both customer
A and customer B. It has been proven that cargo consolidation is now a very important element of the entire
supply chain to the destination in terms of sustainable transport development.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea
Volume 18
Number 3
September 20
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.0
[24]. Under the influence of globalization of economy,
range and frequency of transport has considerably
increased. Subsequent logistic chains, networks of
terminals and intermodal links are being created
every year [11, 12].
Nowadays, logistics must face many challenges,
especially due to crises such as Covid-19 pandemic,
war in Ukraine, natural disasters [7]. Consolidation of
parcels is perceived as one of the most important
techniques in logistics, which is regarded by many
forwarders as necessary due to benefits on many
planes [9]. It played a very important role during
crises and pandemics because in such situations, there
are certain procedures and measures, which should be
taken within the scope of safety of conducted
processes. Cargo consolidation was an option
supporting services during pandemic and helped
many countries to overcome crisis [8].
In literature, there are many works, especially in
the field of logistics and transport, in which cargo
consolidation in a logistic centre is one of key
elements of optimization of processes in the supply
chains in road, sea or air transport [17, 18, 23]. The
authors of the works analyse the impact of
consolidation on the costs of transport, delivery date,
quality of services or greenness of logistic processes
[19, 21]. In literature, there are various methods and
algorithms of cargo consolidation and analyses of
costs and benefits from its application for the
enterprises and organizations, as well as for the whole
society through reduction of the impact of transport
on natural environment [20].
Germany is an attractive region in economic and
geographical terms to provide logistic services on an
European scale because they have well-developed
transport infrastructure providing quick and easy
to most of key shopping and industrial centres;
to customers of services on the European market,
which supports the development of logistic
services in the region.
Logistic Centre in Nurnberg is one of the most
thriving logistic centres thanks to good location in
Bavaria, the most populated region of Germany, in
the vicinity of large urban agglomerations: Nurnberg,
Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt. It is located in a place
where River Pegnitz and Rednitz meet, near
communication routes connecting Northern Europe
with Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Southern
Europe. Infrastructure of the Centre:
surface area of the centre 337 ha;
infrastructure of the centre facilities of surface
area of about 758 000 m2;
in the centre, there are 260 enterprises and more
than 5500 employees;
surface area of areas for development 60 ha;
80 ha as a reserve for potential expansion of the
has direct link with:
highways A73, A3, A6 and A9;
Deutsche Bahn (railway line);
airport located about 12 km away from it.
This centre is the largest such facility in southern
Germany [5]. Every year, about 15 million tons of
cargos are handled here.
In Germany, there are also different logistic centres
such as: Fiege Mega Center in Ibbenbüren, DSV near
Dusseldorf and METRO GROUP in Marl. Surface area
of such facilities exceeds 150 thousand square meters.
German DSV is building now a centre in a Danish
city, Horsens. Its surface area will be about 750
thousand square meters and will handle about 5 % of
European transport. If this investment succeeds, it
will be the largest such facility in the world [6].
Nowadays, time and price are the most important
factors so cargo consolidation in the logistic centre is
the most accurate solution [16]. Dense network allows
combination of parcels, both within national and
international links [1]. Moreover, it is a safe form of
transport of goods. Consolidation of parcels in the
centre to one transport means, above all, one freight
forwarding order, one number of a parcel, one
customs clearance and one company dealing with
transport [2, 3, 4]. Consolidation also contributes to
greening of a supply chain on a global scale[10, 13].
The main research goal of the authors of this article
was to define the role of a logistic centre and
reduction of the costs of transport with the use of
consolidation service illustrated with an example of
clients A and B in the aspect of sustainable
development of transport.
Figure 1. Location of the clients towards the logistic centre
in Nurnberg
In the event of clients A and B located in Pisek and
Brno, an analysis of consolidation service of all cargos
in a logistic centre in Nurnberg, and their transport by
one means of transport dedicated for both facilities
were presented [14]. It is enabled due to the fact that
Pisek is practically on the way to Brno, so the use of
one means of transport is the best solution (Fig. 1).
Each of facilities organizes now one 6-tonne means of
transport per week (Table 1), (Table 2).
As a result of conducted research and analyses for
client A (Pisek), transit will last one and a half day,
whereas, in the event of a facility in Brno (client B),
two days (Fig. 2), (Fig. 3).
Table 1. Transport schedule for client A located in Salzburg
D Distance
W Working time
DT Driving time
City Date Time D W DT Comment
Ingolstadt 18.04 08:00-09:00 0 1 0 loading
Wurzburg 18.04 12:15-13:15 202 4,25 3,25
Frankfurt 18.04 16:00-17:00 119 7 5,25 pause 45
Erfurt 18.04 20:45-21:45 261 11,75 9 pause 11
Chemnitz 19.04 11:30-12:30 149 3,5 2,5 start 9:00
Pisek 19.04 17:00 264 8 7 pause 45
minutes on
the way
Table 2. Transport schedule for client B
City Date Time D W DT Comment
Jena 18.04 08:00-09:00 0 1 0 loading
Heidelberg 18.04 15:30-16:35 372 8,5 5,5 pause
45min. on
the way
Stuttgart 18.04 18:30-19:30 119 11,5 7,5
Ulm 18.04 21:00-22:00 89 14 9 pause 11
Straubing 19.04 13:00-14:00 252 5 4 start 9:00
Brno 20.04 09:30 470 13,5 11,5 Pause 11
hours 19.04
Figure 2. Organization of transport for client A (Google
Maps PL)
Figure 3. Organization of transport for client B (Google
Maps PL)
The first means of transport has to cover 995km
and four additional points on the way, the second one
1302km and the same number of places to visit. The
cost of transport is 896€ for client A and 1141,6€ for
client B. Disposal of means of transport for Pisek is
86% (Table 3), in the event of Brno, it is 97% (Table 4).
Table 3. Consolidation costs for client A
City Number LDM Mass Handling Transport
of pallets [m] [kg]
Ingolstadt 2 0,8 300 4 € 36,74 €
Wurzburg 4 0,8 500 8 € 50,06 €
Frankfurt 3 0,6 600 6 € 73,27 €
Erfurt 4 0,8 500 8 € 58,15 €
Chemnitz 14 2,8 3300 28 € 230,54 €
Total 27 5,8 5200 54 € 448,76 €
Disposal of the 80,56% 86,67% 502,76 €
means of transport
Table 4. Consolidation costs for client B
City Number LDM Mass Handling Transport
of pallets [m] [kg]
Jena 3 1,2 500 6 € 55,97 €
Heidelberg 1 0,4 200 2 € 26,17 €
Stuttgart 2 0,4 400 4 € 50,15 €
Ulm 5 1 900 10€ 86,80 €
Straubing 20 4 3800 40 € 218,55 €
Total 31 7 5800 62€ 437,65 €
Disposal of the 97,22% 96,67% 499,65 €
means of transport
Table 5. Date of delivery of cargos to Nurnberg (Client A)
City Date Time City Date Time
Ingolstadt 18.04 08:00 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Wurzburg 18.04 12:15 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Frankfurt 18.04 16:00 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Erfurt 18.04 20:45 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Chemnitz 18.04 11:30 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Table 6. Date of delivery of cargos to Nurnberg (Client B)
City Date Time City Date Time
Jena 18.04 08:00 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Heidelberg 18.04 15:30 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Stuttgart 18.04 18:30 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Ulm 18.04 21:00 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
Straubing 18.04 13:00 Nurnberg 20.04 08:00
The cargo will be completed on 20/04 at 9 am for
both client A and B (Table 5), (Table 6) 24-tonne
means of transport will have to cover 496km. The cost
of such transport will be 645€. Pisek usually uses 5,8
LDM, whereas Brno uses 7 LDM, therefore, so the
ratio of costs of means of transport from Nurnberg
will be 45% (290,25€) to 55% (354,75€).(Table8.).
Delivery to Brno will take place at about 18 pm. (Table
7). Duration of the whole transport process will be
two and a half days [14].
Table 7. Transport of consolidated cargo to Pisek and Brno
City Date Time City Date Time
Nurnberg 20.04 09:00 Pisek 20.04 13:30
Piesk 20.04 14:30 Brno 20.04 18:00
Figure 4. Route Nurnberg -Pisek-Brno (Optimizing XYZ)
Table 8. Savings of the clients A and B as a result of cargo
Route Car type Distance Feet costs [€]
Suppliers -> Pisk 6t 995 4 896,00
Suppliers -> Brno 6t 1302 4 1 141,60
Current Total client Cost A 896,00
Current Total client Cost B 1 141,60
Suppliers -> Nurnberg -Pisek consolidation 502,76
Suppliers -> Nurnberg -Brno consolidation 499,65
Nurnberg -> client A Pisek 24t 496 290,25
Nurnberg -> client B Brno 24t 496 354,75
The proposed total client cost A 793,01
The proposed total client cost B 854,40
Client weekly savings A -102,99
Client weekly savings B -287,20
Annual client savings A -4 943,41
Annual client savings B -13 785,63
Figure 5. The comparison of transport savings and
inventory losses of the clients A and B
The benefits for client A will be three thousand
euro, and for client B will be almost ten thousand (Fig.
Ongoing process of globalization changes needs and
expectations of the business entities, which are the
users of services offered on the transport market. An
effect of economic changes is the growth of demand
for transport, which, on the one hand, is a factor
supporting globalization, on the other hand, it is also
a subject of globalization.
Logistic centres providing consolidation services is
a very significant element of the whole supply chain,
supporting the process of delivery of goods to the
point of destination.
The main goal of the authors of this article was to
define the role of lowering the costs of transport as a
result of consolidation of supply chain in the aspect of
sustainable development of transport. The authors of
this article:
conducted an analysis of current transport
organization of the client A and client B.
assigned particular suppliers to the warehouses
towards terminal network of Transport Enterprise
providing consolidation services.
presented calculation of the costs of cargo
consolidation, considering transport and handling
conducted an analysis of the impact of change of a
transport organization on inventory costs.
conducted an analysis of costs of client A and B
with proposed consolidation solution.
As a result of conducted research and analyses, it
can be concluded that cargo consolidation lowers the
costs of transport in the supply chains and also
contributes to sustainable use of transport.
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