Trade facilities are needed for both domestic and
international trade [1] . Success in the market will be
determined by the government's ability to provide
environmental support that can provide an existence
of encouragement for efficiency in improving services
and trading strategies that exist in a country. Trade
facilities have provided a role that can be essential for
international trade. Remains a form of economic
development for a country [2]. The government's
efforts are expected to provide an idea of how
effectively the trade facilities established by the
government can contribute to economic growth and
development. Initially, the concept of trade facilities
was implemented in a dance decline and this has been
the focus of previous studies and was followed by the
existence of non-tariffs which has recently been
implemented in globalization which is a cross-border
activity [3]. When free trade liberalization has given
sufficient pressure to implement competitive actions
and advantages between market areas, this becomes a
form of action that must be anticipated in a domestic
market [4]. It is hoped that this will become a strategy
to provide an efficient allocation of resources in
achieving stability [5]. This increase in globalization
will produce a production network and attractiveness
for exporting countries to be able to meet the needs of
other countries [5] (Dornbusch, 1992). Is it possible?
When a country achieves an improvement toward
better trade, other people will be able to have benefits
and economic relations [6] . The conceptualization of
trade varies considerably across time and across
institutions [7] . A fairly general definition can be
considered an application of procedures to reduce
costs[2], [8]. Understandably, many companies will be
involved in international trade and will be faced with
quite high costs in terms of logistics transportation
and government policies this will prevent these
companies from utilizing their capacity [9].
In addition, some factors influence the
internalization and localization decisions of
multinational companies. Foreign investment [10].
Trade usually involves various unavoidable
transaction costs related to transportation coupled
Quality of Transportation Infrastructure and Trade
Opportunities and Challenges in Increasing
Trade and Economic Productivity
P. Widiatmaka
, A. Nur Prasetyo
, S. Suherman
, H. Sularno
, T. Cahyadi
, P. Pranyoto
. Fitrianingsih
, K. Kundori
& S. Sukrisno
Merchant Marine Collage, Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Maritim AMNI, Semarang, Indonesia
STIEPARI, Semarang, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study seeks to develop a conceptual model for increasing the productivity of a province in
Indonesia. Based on trade facilities, it is hoped that it will become a key factor or strategy to increase trade that
is oriented towards increasing the productivity of the provinces in Indonesia. Model In this study, in 34
provinces in Indonesia using secondary time series data and primary cross-sectional data. Self-data analysis
using Amos 25 And from the results of data analysis all hypotheses proposed in this study is accepted, it shows
that trade facilities are a key strategy for increasing trade and its orientation towards productivity growth of the
gross regional domestic product.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.0
with the burden of documentation procedures which
are once higher than expected [11] . Small and
medium enterprises can benefit from the use of
transaction costs which can result in increasing their
opportunities to participate in the Global Value Chain
[1] . One of the most relevant drivers of economic
growth and income does not only rely on trade [12],
[13]. Transportation and logistics are quite significant
and fundamental in increasing economic growth [14] .
There is still no clear correlation between trade and
economic growth, but a better understanding has
provided a policy framework to address this progress.
And this is considered part of trade facilitation efforts
[7] . Although it is difficult to provide an
identification of the extent to which transportation
will be able to help increase competitiveness [15] , the
core components of competitiveness always provide
access to markets and resources [14], [16] . There is the
availability of transportation infrastructure that will
be able to provide opportunities to reduce the overall
cost and turnaround time, but various focuses on a
systemic view related to logistics are also needed to
optimize this development [17] . This research seeks
to propose a conceptual model for increasing the
productivity of economic growth in Indonesia. What
are the factors that influence economic growth in
Indonesia and how will the role of transportation
infrastructure increase the productivity of economic
growth in Indonesia? This study aims to answer these
questions through the role of the mediating variables
of trade and trade facilities.
2.1 Quality of Infrastructure and Trade Facilities
The quality of transportation infrastructure plays an
essential role in increasing global competitiveness
[18], [19]. Because it will be able to provide a tactical
direction toward increasing productivity to allow a
reallocation of capital and labor [20]. Transportation
infrastructure will be able to support the emergence of
a global public network organization and be able to
provide facilities for solving problems in international
markets [11]. Increased trade has been able to provide
a boost to the development and economic growth of
the transportation transformation bastion has
supported a variety of quite optimal practices by
improving the governance of electronic connectivity
and being able to simplify processes to avoid
additional time and costs [21]. Some agencies do not
provide certainty regarding infrastructure progress
for transportation in countries caused by various
exogenous and endogenous factors. However, a fairly
consensus about benefits for the economy has been
reviewed by [22]. Economic value has been researched
by [18], [23].
In addition, there are various indicators in
facilitating the concept of trade, including business
environment regulations, the efficiency of border
technology transportation, and the physical
infrastructure of ducks that have a higher impact on a
country's economy than the volume of export trade.
Meanwhile, improvements in related fields are
expected to be able to provide border efficiency that
may be able to provide promising results, especially
for developing countries, but these results are not
sufficient to determine whether one physical
infrastructure is more relevant than another because
the individual transport infrastructure index must be
calculated individually. aggregated to form a definite
indicator. In this sense, development is
interdependent on an asset and it needs to be
underlined that the provision of infrastructure is said
to be irrelevant if it does not capture the operator in
providing support and benefits from the involvement
of cassava from an economic dynamic perspective, the
findings of [23]. So that it can be said that an effort is
needed to provide an identification of aspects that are
quite specific and relevant to infrastructure for much
better policies. Based on this argument, the hypothesis
can be drawn as follows H1: transportation
infrastructure positively influences trade facilities,
and the higher the trading facilities.
2.2 Transportation and Trade Infrastructure
The quality of transportation infrastructure has a
fairly fundamental role in regulating western
movements. This can have a pretty bad impact on the
low quality of infrastructure. Meanwhile, the lack of
quality infrastructure will be able to have a significant
impact on a country's ability to integrate into the
world economy [22]. Infrastructure that is sufficiently
well developed will be able to reduce the impact on
distances between regions and be able to provide
better decision-making regarding the location of
economic activities. Immediately can create lower
transportation costs [24]. Complementary concepts in
the factors of production of labor and capital [20].
Previous studies have shown that differences in the
existence of infrastructure efficiency will have a
positive impact on a country's imports and export.
This can be implemented through greater time
variations between countries for the same purpose
[25]. Efficiency is also able to provide increased costs
and this will have an impact on the concept of
reducing trading activities [26], which will directly
affect the performance of domestic companies such as
MSMEs [3].
A fairly good level of quality of transportation
infrastructure will be able to provide a reflection for a
decrease and increase in transportation costs [27].
Therefore we can provide a systemic approach when
logistics and transportation infrastructure investment
can be said to be a sufficiently fundamental factor that
can contribute to timely delivery and can reduce costs
incurred. Increased investment in transportation
infrastructure will contribute to improving its quality.
However, this does not always lead to lower
transportation costs [16], [28]. Variations in
transportation costs will provide an opportunity to
compete in international markets and achieve global
competitiveness that is quite competitive [29].
Transportation costs will affect international trade,
how is the quality of the infrastructure owned is an
interesting consideration [15]. This cost reduction will
have a significant impact on increasing the combined
turnaround logistics of their service companies that
cover the main modes of transportation [17]. In
principle, sea transportation modes, land
transportation modes, and air transportation modes
have different implications on how traded goods can
be moved from one country to another, this is
determined based on the commodity. export import
activities of goods [30]. This will determine a
country's competitive position and dependency on
various just diamond requirements that affect the
global time production network [21].
Based on the description above, the hypothesis can
be drawn as follows:
H2: The quality of transportation infrastructure
has a positive effect on trading activities. The higher
the quality of transportation infrastructure, the higher
the trading activities.
2.3 Trade Facilities Mediate the Influence Between the
Quality of Transport Infrastructure and Trade
Teleportation is an industry that is capable of vitally
influencing economic activity and is also shaped by
these economic activities [15], [31]. From here
transportation infrastructure refers more to an aspect
that is quite important in the transportation system. In
addition, transportation can also be a key strategy for
increasing competitiveness in countries because it
provides access to markets for resources and labor
[15]. Trading facilities that include hard and soft
infrastructure such as examples of bank hard
infrastructure on capital-based transportation assets
such as railways, ports, airports, and roads are
components of the quality of hard infrastructure that
provide sufficient evidence of contribution to the
increase in trading activities [16], [32]. soft
infrastructure transportation which includes various
components such as environmental policies and
border procedures also provides a form of significant
impact on the development of transportation trade
activities, indeed providing an opportunity for foreign
market competition [30]. Indeed, in a fairly
competitive environment like this, increased
transportation from the infrastructure side will
produce quite optimal results [16]. For example, when
a country's quality measurement is said to be low in
terms of its infrastructure, this needs to be compared
with the conditions of competitors who are involved
in other international trade activities.
H3: trade transport facilities mediate the influence
between transport infrastructure and trade.
2.4 Trade facilities, trade, and productivity
Trade can be considered as an activity to provide
barter in the form of goods or services between
countries and this is an important component of an
economy. In addition, state income can also be
increased through this international trade activity
[15]. Broadly speaking trade represents economic
conditions [6]. Prosperous conditions but in particular
the effects of the industrial revolution on the effect of
doubling trade have welcomed several impacts,
including increased production and consumption.
into the global market and it is hoped that this
strategy will be able to bring about an increase in SME
trade [19]. No definition is formal enough to define
the concept of trade facilities but this concept is
subject to every perspective or contact from
stakeholders in practice [1], [6], [7]. However, there
are some similarities in the actual definition, for
example, the international chamber of commerce
defines trade as a trade facilitator as a package of
actions to assist to reduce bureaucracy in the region.
Meanwhile, the WTO defines trade facilitation as a
simplification of modernization and harmonization in
an export and import process. [28], determines the
main objective of an act of trade facilitation is to make
trade outside borders faster, more predictable, low
cost, reducing barriers and procedural problems and
others that arise, expected to smooth the flow of
goods in international trade. In addition, trade
measurements often use the aggregate ratio of exports
ed with imports to the value of the gross
domestic product as an indicator of trade openness or
globalization. [12], [33]. Can be used to explain why
countries can trade more through a variety of specific
Identifications and measures. In particular, there is
little consideration of logistics and transportation
infrastructure in the facilitated study of a trade facility
as a selected indicator. Based on the above arguments,
the following hypothesis can be drawn
H4: trade facilities have a positive effect on trade
the higher the trade facilities the higher the trade
H5: trade has a positive effect on productivity the
higher the trade the higher the productivity
The design of this study uses a quantitative research
design with a structural study methodology adopted
by using samples from 34 provinces in Indonesia to
test the models in this study. This research is an ex
post facto and cross-sectional study that uses
secondary data for various provincial levels in
Indonesia from 2017 to 2021. Data was collected from
various sources from the Central Bureau of Statistics.
The variable measurements in this study are shown in
the same direction for the same numerical position.
Ratio variables such as trade-related gross regional
domestic product would be converted to Napier
logarithms to standardize the results. The number of
samples was accumulated from the number of
provinces in Indonesia multiplied by 5 years from the
cross-sectional period, obtaining a sample of about 5
times 34, totaling 170 samples.
Figure 1. Source: Results of the 2022 research study
Table 1. Model Fit Test
Goodness of Cut-off Cut-off value
fit indices value of the Results
X² (Chi-Square) Expected small 87.29
Significant Probability 0,05 0,02
CMIN/DF 2,00 69
RMSEA 0,08 0,04
GFI 0,90 0,941
TLI 0,95 0,973
CFI 0,95 0,969
Source of the results of the 2022 research study
Structural equation based on variance (SEM) is the
model used by researchers, namely SEM of least
squares, to analyze the data in this study by including
formally measured constructs with a value of 0.03 <
RMSEA < 0.08, and although the GFI, TLFI, and CFI
figures show a value less than 0.9, there is no problem
with modeling, as described in the table. The test
results show that the fit criteria have been fulfilled as
indicated by the Chi-Square value of 127.89 and the
probability value of 0.03. Both assumptions are
complete. TLI score = 0.973, GFI = 0.902, CFI = 0.969,
and RMSEA = 0.04 which indicates that the score
meets the specified requirements. This means that the
research model is accepted and meets predetermined
4.1 Validity and Reliability Test
Testing research data using [34]Structural Equation
Modeling with the AMOS program. This approach is
carried out by testing the parameters resulting from
good fit and directly testing the hypothesis about the
causality relationship developed in the validity and
reliability testing criteria model if the loading factor
value is > 0.6 then the indicator is said to be invalid
and vice versa if the Cronbach alpha value is > 0 .6 is
said to be valid. This can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Validity and Reliability Test
Variable & Indicator Std. Convergent Construct
estimate Validity-AVE reliability
1. Quality of Transportation Infrastructure [7], [8], [28], [34], [35]
Road Quality 0.906 0.874 0.879
Port Quality 0.887
Airport Quality 0.911
Railway Quality 0.884
2. Trade Facility [6], [8], [16], [28], [36]
Irregular payments to bribes 0.891 0.848 0.893
Tariff complexity 0.883
Government policy making 0.901
Beacukai procedures 0.806
Prevalence of trade barriers 0.894
Openness to foreign markets 0.917
Technology absorption 0.903
3. Trade [34], [37][40]
Export 0.805 0.845 0.829
Imported 0.814
4. Productivity [34], [37][40]
Gross domestic product 0.861 0.809 0.814
Source Results of the 2022 research study
The next step is to test the hypothesis for the clause
relationship between variables using the criterion CR-
Critical ratio equal to or greater than 2.0 [41]. Then
tested the empirical analysis model (output model).
The outer model is a model that determines the
relationship between latent constructs and indicators.
In other words, the hypothesis defines how each
indicator relates to other latent constructs, as
described in Table 3
Table 3. Hypothesis Testing Results
Hypotheses Estimate Critical SE Pvalue Results
Ratio (=0,005)
H1: Quality of 0.46 3.285 0.37 0.00 Received
Trade Facilities
H2: Quality of 0.58 2.998 0.41 0.00 Received
H3: Quality of Z=5. 68201 0.00 Received
Trade Facilities
H4:Trade Facility 0.43 3.128 0.39 0.00 Received
H5: Trade 0.59 2.993 0.45 0.00 Received
H1. The quality of transportation infrastructure
affects trade facilities. The structural path findings
show that there is a significant relationship between
the quality of transportation infrastructure and trade
facilities (t = 3.285 > 2.0) with a significance value (0.00
<0.05). Therefore, Hypothesis 1 is accepted.
H2. The quality of transportation infrastructure
affects trade. The structural path findings show that
there is a significant relationship between the quality
of transportation and trade infrastructure (t = 2.998 >
2.0) with a significance value (0.00 <0.05). Therefore,
Hypothesis 3 is accepted.
H3. Trade facilities mediate the influence between
the quality of transportation infrastructure on trade,
this can be shown from the z value of the Sobel test
results of Z = 5.68201 and the p-value <0.05
H4. Trade facilities affect trade. The structural path
findings show that there is a significant relationship
between trade and trading facilities (t = 3.128 > 2.0)
with a significance value (0.00 <0.05). Therefore,
Hypothesis 4 is accepted.
H5: trade affects productivity. The structural path
findings show that there is a significant relationship
between trade and productivity (t = 2.993 > 2.0) with a
significance value (0.00 <0.05). Therefore, Hypothesis
5 is accepted.
Quality of transport infrastructure and trade
facilities The quality of transport infrastructure has a
fundamental value and has a large influence on
trading activities. This has been investigated by
previous researchers such as [25], [28]. In particular,
airport quality road quality and low quality but is a
sufficiently suitable asset that can relate and become
quite an important requirement to make our
deliveries on time as Is my determination air which
handles various valuable goods shipments in a timely.
While roads and railroads will focus on the
distribution of miles. However, Port quality can be
considered as a sector that has quite a value related to
quality with transportation. Because the Port will be
able to provide a connection that 80% of trade in the
world is handled through international ports. The
large market demand has given the opinion that the
occurrence of trade exchanges is very dependent on
the efficiency and quality of sea transportation so the
quality of port infrastructure is expected to be a very
important sector for developing countries from the
data above the quality of long-distance transportation
infrastructure and can provide a significant influence
to trade activities as a component of trade facilities.
This is in line with research conducted which proves
that the quality of port infrastructure and
measurement of trade facilities in. Origin and
destination should be considered jointly.[5], [28], the
quality of port infrastructure and measurement of
trade facilities. Origin and destination must have
sufficiently accurate considerations together. Thus the
quality of transportation products and trade facility
reform is indispensable for international trade where
the effect on transportation is directed to have
Transport has a positive effect on trade facilities
and has been investigated by previous researchers.
This suggests that empirical evidence from previous
researchers became the basis for the classification of
this study [28]. In particular, the quality of railroads
airports, and port facilities are quite important and
very relevant assets that can connect regions with
certain requirements for the timeliness of delivery of
goods. This can be seen as the existence of air cargo
transportation that can handle goods that are quite
valuable in demanding fast delivery. [42]. While
railroads have a focus on overland miles and provide
a fairly smooth contribution to land transportation
[15], the quality of ports can be considered quite
valuable in terms of quality. in the transport
document. It is guessed This is because 80% of world
trade uses international ports [11]. The demand that
makes trade growth will depend heavily on the
constant efficiency of the quality of shipping ports
from several regions which have been shown with the
Port option being the most optimal [15]. The need will
be able to take advantage of access from neighboring
ports. However, the quality of Port infrastructure has
a fairly fundamental domain for developing countries.
International trade has been proven to be able to
demonstrate the productivity of a country's
development. This has been stated by various
previous researchers such as [43]. Exports of goods
and imports of semi-finished goods or capital goods
are quite relevant as an example of the productivity of
various provinces in Indonesia regardless of the size
of the province. Trade has a significant influence on
productivity. This will support the value of gross
domestic product productivity based on the level of
extensive income from exports and imports that has a
positive and significant effect on the value of a trade
which will lead to a fairly strong interest in oriented
which will be able to push exports towards quite
optimal growth. Various empirical evidence has
shown that an increase in imports of semi-finished
goods and capital goods will be able to reduce the
value of trade, even though this happens is a result
that cannot be postponed and it is quite surprising
that there is a link between trade and activity.
The export performance will be considered to have
a fundamental side that shows the best export
performance compared to imports. This interpretation
seems careful because the impact of imports in this
study is not convincing, but apart from imports of
intermediate goods and technology-related capital
goods that are having engagement and an abundance
of knowledge can improve company operations
where the urgency of imports can be substituted
locally [44], [45]. when imports may be related to
increased state participation in a production process
and differences related to the import content of
exports of manufactured goods [9]. Therefore, various
possibilities for provinces in Indonesia are expected to
increase imports of semi-finished goods and capital
goods so that they can increase their productivity as
suggested by the data containing various assumptions
that the allocation of resources that will have accuracy
will be able to increase the strength of ITF local
demand. In addition, participation in the global
market and structural changes in the value chain
shows an increase in terms of company efficiency. It
will be noted that it is expected to be able to increase
considerable benefits towards increasing people's
purchasing power [13].
The scientific investigation carried out in this study
seeks to expand the literature review on the
productivity of a province in integrating various
components of international trade such as the quality
of transportation infrastructure, trade facilities and
trade. the productivity of a country the various
multidisciplinary approaches in this study have
provided an echo for the adoption of various
theoretical perspectives which are quite different but
provide roots for the social capital literature which
recognizes the importance of a network concept. The
literature included in this study provides evidence
and academic implementation related to
strengthening the theory of resource-based theory in
providing a resource allocation and network of
stakeholder theory to provide different and
interdependent emphases on each different actor. In
addition, the theory of resource dependence also
provides relevance to access to resources when faced
with trading activities. The measurement of trade
facilities which are quite relevant in this study is
expected to be able to provide comprehensive benefits
and have variations according to the needs of each
province. this consideration is not only sufficient to be
used in inter-provincial considerations but must
involve an understanding of trade needs in a country
where there is an attractive compressibility, for
example, this will provide a form of reduction to the
economy from the income side because it will enhance
the level of income so that participation in trade
assistance programs is sufficient is shown to exist to
help with this.
However, several provinces are lagging in
government transparency, such as the quality of
transportation infrastructure, logistics performance,
and customs procedures. It is hoped that there will be
an identification of opportunities that can be
inhibited, especially when some of these economies
can experience a transition from an agriculture-based
economy to an industrial approach, efforts to facilitate
sustainable trade are expected to be able to reduce the
various prices between exported and imported goods
Middle-finished and goods capital so that it will
provide a sufficiently competitive increase in
opportunities for developing countries to lead to the
concept of industrialization. Simultaneously the
company can provide an import for production in the
Global value chain network which is expected to have
a lot of research successfully proving various
combinations of resources and allocations owned by a
province appropriately to support the economic
productivity of a country Therefore fast
implementation and The full stakeholder approach is
expected to be able to have a multidisciplinary
concept of understanding because it is expected to be
able to improve and carry out the efficiency of trade
exchanges based on public planning and
transportation management.
5.1 Theoretical Implications
Theoretically, this research has contributed to the
development of basic theories in economics, for
example, the theory of resource-based theory and
stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory aspect of
this study provides a fairly holistic view of the
concept of public management. which is global.
Greater participation, in this case, is the private sector
as a logistics provider which is expected to be able to
increase investment from the capital side provided by
the government. The second contribution of this
research to academics is to become a concept of
thinking scientifically about the factors that trade
crosses in the economy and opportunities to broaden
understanding of country productivity in this case
this research will be able to provide an academic
recommendation in integrating academic fields such
as engineering management economics and
Commercial Shipping Science in postgraduate schools
it is expected that students can provide a form of
understanding of the reality of the existence of a form
of vision and views that are quite broad as well as the
complexity of the international market.
5.2 Practical Implications
At the practical or user level, this research provides
recommendations for policy actors, in this case, the
government or maybe company leaders. This research
provides a form of practical recommendations for the
implications that are quite broad for leaders in
companies and the government. First, related to a
large enough interest to have a form of participation
in the global market. carried out on an international
and regional scope. This reality requires a form of
focusing attention on various components that have
quite a variety of complexities from various sectors,
not only components provided exclusively by a state
or government but also an increase in service
networks in various provinces to increase the
possibility of businesses in reducing resource costs
and inventory. Opportunities and input substitution
can also arise and this should be a concern for
corporate and government leaders in maximizing
local and foreign resources to support a vertical
Global value chain. So it can be assumed that the
company is expected to be able to increase the
possibility of making operational plans at the short-
term level and be able to provide various concepts of
flexibility which are expected to be able to develop
strategies and implement them at the last time. In
addition, company leaders are expected to decide
what to produce and what goods will flow across
borders between provinces or between countries. The
government is expected to provide a form of the
decision in terms of motivational encouragement so
that it can implement ways of trade facilities directed
at every decision made by companies that will be able
to influence a form of network in a country to be
affected, including for end customers.
This study has various limitations both partially and
holistically related to the results presented as the basis
for statistical analysis. Various investigations have
been argued to provide a form of limitation in this
study, including research in this study focused on
several basic components in the concept of trade
between countries, but this review is more
emphasized on a micro scale, this adopts regional
areas. The basic component of trade is expected to be
able to increase the productivity of a country, but
various integration of other components such as the
quality of education should also be expected to be a
contribution to understanding this concept. the
existence of the province of the center can be
measured through the level of export import of a
resource that has been made available to the public
and this will be a measure of the level of trade
produced by each Province of NTT even though it is
aligned with data from the Central Bureau of Statistics
and other companies related companies that
contributed from secondary data but there are various
reasons for distrust related to understanding the
potential of each province in depth. So ideally a
comparison based on the stage of development will be
able to provide a progressive strategy that is able to
provide challenges to answer the country's needs in a
comprehensive manner. Furthermore, there is no form
of investigation in this study that tries to analyze the
effects of transportation infrastructure, trade facilities
and models on trading volume using a complex form
of relationship so that this will become a form of
controversy. The results in this study are limited by
the existence of research results. quite the contrast.
The future research agenda can be carried out in
the form of providing recommendations on spatial
studies to provide a focus on trade facilities in the
form of formulating an appropriate strategy. In
addition, factor analysis is needed to assess progress
on the trade side in the concept of facilities, especially
in provinces that have low income levels and are
categorized as developing groups. Further studies are
also expected to be able to encourage the existence of
a form of prevention of bribe payments in
conservation and trade that will be able to prevent
corruption from a productivity standpoint, it is hoped
that there will be a comprehensive form of
investigation related to differences in the
identification of provinces that are either developed
or poor in terms of the performance of transportation
infrastructure, we can carry out a form of research on
the impact on activity effectiveness individuals who
use airport commodities. In addition, various forms of
longitudinal studies are also needed that are able to
use performance indicators of productivity and
modes of transportation in the form of secondary
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