In the 21st century, the acceleration of global warming
is noticeable. This results in a significant reduction of
ice extent and ice thickness in the Arctic compared to
the conditions prevailing in the 20th century. Lighter
ice conditions result in increased ship traffic in the
Arctic. However, despite the clear trend in reducing
the amount of ice in the Arctic, there is considerable
and unpredictable irregularity of inter-annual changes
in ice extent [4, 9, 11].
In the literature on the problem of navigation in
the Arctic, there is general confusion regarding the
estimation of the number of days of availability for
navigation in the Arctic. This is especially noticeable
when determining forecast data regarding a
significant time distance, e.g. for the mid and end of
the 21st century [16, 9, 1, 7, 10] . The first reason is to
consider forecasts for various climate change paths
(the most frequently carried out studies are RCP 4.5
and RCP 8.5) [9, 16]. The authors of the publication
confirm that the forecast results presented by
individual climate change models are very divergent.
Another case is, for example, taking it for granted that
the navigable Arctic is „expected by midcentury or
earlier”, in this „in western Arctic for open water
vessels starting in 2045 in addition to the central
Arctic corridor over the North Pole” [10]. The work
demonstrates the ability of ships with a steel hull,
without ice reinforcements, to traverse the Arctic
route. There are no restrictions on the number of days
per year. It should therefore be understood that the
possibility of year-round navigation has been
assumed. Meanwhile, the above work [10] based the
above statement on the publication [1], which use
2030 year as a benchmark year, for which assumed
that the NSR will be fully operational all-year round.
But not considered what ice class of ship will be used
for transportation. In turn, the statement of Bekkers et
al. [1] based on the publication [7]. But work [7]
presented a map with predicted ranges for ice-free
summer navigation seasons and not for the entire
calendar year. Additionally, it does not consider ice
Length of Navigation Season in Current Conditions
Climate Change on the Northern Sea Route
. Pastusiak
Gdynia Maritime University
, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper first analyzed ice maps for the years 2008-2022. Despite the general convergence of
trends of opening and closing of navigable season for concentrations 18% and 81% the Eastern Part and Western
Part of the NSR looks they are under different driving factors. Found some tendencies and cyclical changes, but
not working for the whole studied period. The studied period of 15 navigation seasons from statistical point of
view is too short period of time to forecast trends and cycles in the near future.
Next, ships traffic and ice conditions being on the NSR for the years 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021
were examined. The navigable time windows of Arc4, arc5 and Arc7 class ships were determined. Found, the
not navigable period of time for any class of merchant ships lasted 3 months.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.
classes of ships. It can be assumed that there has been
a misunderstanding that misleads the reader.
It should be noted that the works consider "open
water ships" [16, 2, 11] as having Type E ice class
(Class 1D and 1E in the Lloyd register or Class II in
the Swedish-Finish ice classes). There are ships that
have a steel hull and that are structurally fit for
navigation in the open sea and that, despite not being
strengthened for navigation in ice, are capable of
navigating in very light ice conditions with their own
propulsion machinery. These very light ice conditions
are grey ice of 0.15 m thickness [11] or ice conditions
with acceptable Ice Numeral [15] for navigation [2],
following another work [17]. The above work
indicates that the definition of “ice-free” waters is
very close to the definition of open water” used by
the World Meteorological Organization where ice
concentration is below 10% [19].
Stephenson and Smith [16] searching optimal least-
cost navigation routes using Arctic Ice Regime
Shipping System [15]. Khon et al. [9] analyzed transit
time window on the NSR, but accepted passage in ice-
free conditions through 80% or 90% of the total NSR
extent only. Assumed this passage will be easily
realized with a minor icebreaker support. The above-
mentioned discrepancies in research methods based
on climate change models and forecasting shipping
conditions in the distant future make direct
comparison of their results difficult or even
The aim of this study is to investigate the number
of days available for transit shipping through the
Northern Sea Route (NSR). Ship traffic in subsequent
navigation seasons will be analyzed. Several of the
most common ice (Arctic) classes of ships transiting
the NSR will be included, there are Arc4, Arc5 and
Arc7. The intention is to find answers to the questions:
What are the inter-annual changes in ice cover that
limit navigation for open water, middle and high ice
class ships and are there any relationships between ice
conditions and the movement of these ships?; How
long is the navigable season for particular ice classes
of ships?; Is there a noticeable difference between
individual ice classes, justifying higher costs of
construction and subsequent operation in ice areas
and outside these areas, when navigation on the NSR
is not possible in the winter and spring season.
The analysis was based on ship traffic on the
Northern Sea Route in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017,
2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022. Information on ship traffic
on the NSR was obtained from official sources of the
Northern Sea Route Administration (previously
http://www.nsra.ru, now https://www.nsr.rosatom.ru)
and Center of High North Logistic (http://www.arctic-
lio.com). The following ice maps of the Arctic Ocean
were used: the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone files in vector
ESRI Shapefile format that contain two edge lines, for
ice concentration 18% and 81%, published daily by US
National Ice Center [18]
the Arctic regional (separate seas) maps in raster GIF
format available during winter time with full Egg
Code in Russian standard [5], published monthly by
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute AARI,
„SEVER” Center, available till February 2022
Оперативные данные and Региональные ледовые
карты Евразийской Арктики); the Arctic regional
(separate seas) maps in raster GIF format available
during summer time with ice concentration only with
Egg Code in Russian standard [5], published monthly
by Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute AARI,
„SEVER” Center, available till February 2022
(http://www.old.aari.ru/main.php?lg=0&id=17, the tab
Оперативные данные and Региональные ледовые
карты Евразийской Арктики); the Arctic general
maps of ice concentration or stage of development, in
raster PNG format, published every 14 days by US
National Ice Center (https://www.bsis-
ice.de/IcePortal/ArcticBasin.html), and the Arctic
general maps of ice concentration or stage of
development in raster PNG format, with blended ice
data from AARI, NOAA Alaska and US NIC,
published weekly by AARI (https://www.bsis-
ice.de/IcePortal/ArcticBasin.html). The Arctic regional
maps of ice concentration and stage of development
in raster PDF format, published every 14 days by US
National Ice Center, since 2021 were not used for
(https://usicecenter.gov/Products/ArcticSynopsis). The
reason was the short period of publication of the
series of these maps.
In order to determine the difficulty of ice
conditions in individual seas of the Northern Sea
Route, the calculated equivalent ice thickness he
(Equation1) was used for the period of time at the
latest/earliest transit voyages of Arc7 class ships and
at the latest one month later or earlier, so as to
determine conditions more difficult than those
prevailing during possible transit voyages. Ice
conditions data were obtained from the most accurate
ice maps for the winter period, including information
for the so-called Egg Code. As these maps were no
longer made available by the Russian Federation in
March 2021, the missing data were taken from the
general maps of the Arctic Ocean obtained, among
others, based on Russian data. However, these data
do not contain the wide range of Egg Code
( )
e aabbcc
h hC hC hC
= + +⋅
eequivalent ice thickness in a given water area,
athe greatest ice thickness in a given water area,
b second in order, smaller ice thickness in a given
water area,
cthe smallest ice thickness in a given water area,
a percentage (partial coverage) of the thickest ice
with a thickness of h
a in a given water area,
b percentage (partial coverage) of ice with a
thickness h
b in a given water area,
c percentage (partial coverage) of the thinnest ice
with a thickness h
c in a given water area.
Ship traffic was also examined, and more
precisely, the dates of the beginning and end of the
ship's voyage within the NSR (entering the area or
leaving the area) regardless of the direction of
passage. The ship's speed and the ice conditions were
also analyzed. For some navigable seasons the
number of ship voyage samples was very sparse or
incomplete. The reason was the publication of
statistical data in a different way for almost every year
and the lack of a minimum set of data necessary to
conduct the analysis. It happened, for example, that
information was provided about the beginning of the
voyage of an Arc7-class ship on day 347 Julian
calendar, but there was no information when the ship
completed its voyage and whether it successfully
finished on the other side of the NSR. It is known
from other sources that the ship did not sink. The
following ice/arctic classes of ships were included: no
ice reinforcements (No) based on ice maps and Arc4,
Arc5 and Arc7 based on ship traffic statistics.
3.1 Beginning and end of navigable season based on
Mariginal Ice Zone maps
The US National Ice Center maps of Mariginal Ice
Zone contain information about two ice edges
concentration 18% and concentration 81%.
Geographical limitation of transit passage in ice
assumed bathymetry depth 14 meters. Edges of ice
concentration 18% and 81%, bathymetry isolines
(isobaths) of 14 meters [8] and coastline [12] were
presented on one screen with GIS software. It allowed
easy review daily maps one by one and to find
opening and closing days of a year (Julian calendar)
for passable corridor for Western Part, Eastern Part
and the whole NSR. An ice concentration of 18%
corresponds to the term of "open water" [19, 16, 2, 11],
similar to the term "ice-free water" [17, 7]. Meanwhile,
the ice concentration of 81% corresponds to the limit
of ice available for navigation by medium-class ice
ships Arc4 and Arc5. The results presented on Figures
1-6. There is a large divergence in opening of the NSR
for navigation and a very large convergence in closing
of the NSR for navigation (Fig. 1). Rough data and
trend lines give same conclusions. It suggests the
closing day is easier to predict by about 2 times than
opening day. Comparison of straight trend lines for
the opening and closing dates of the NSR for transit
shipping for 18% and 81% indicates an extension of
the navigable season for Arc4 and Arc5 class ships.
Approximation of trend lines with polynominal
functions of 5th degree suggests quasi-cyclical
reduction of navigable time window since navigation
season 2020 (Fig. 1).
Shapes of opening lines of the Western Part of the
NSR for 18% and 81% concentrations have convergent
extremes (magenta arrow lines) presented on Figure 2.
Shapes of opening lines of the Eastern Part of the NSR
for concentrations 18% and 81% are similar only in
recent years. i.e. since navigation season 2017 (yellow
arrow lines) presented on Figure 3.
Figure 1. Opening and closing time for navigation for
Eastern and Western parts of the NSR and for 18% and 81%
ice concentration edges
Figure 2. Convergent extremes for opening day of the
Western Part of the NSR
Figure 3. Extremes for opening day of the Eastern Part of the
Same time the line shapes and extremes for closing
the NSR for navigation are consistent, but separately -
for the Western Part for 18% and 81% and separately
for the Eastern Part of the NSR (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Extremes for closing day of the Eastern Part and
Western Part of the NSR
Next, analysis of rough data for 81% concentration
showed consistency in between length of navigable
season (Fig. 5) at Western Part of the NSR and length
of navigable season for entire NSR in 60% cases (black
ellipses). Rough data for 81% concentration for
Eastern Part of the NSR (magenta diamants) shows
higher length of navigable season for about 40 days in
relation to Western Part and the whole NSR. Lines of
rough data for the Western Part of the NSR and the
whole NSR are inconsistent every 3.5 years (2011-
2012, 2015 and 2018-2019).
Figure 5. Consistency and inconsistency in between length
of navigable season for various ice concentrations and parts
of the NSR
Analyse of length of navigable season for both ice
concentrations 18% and 81% (Fig. 6) found in 30%
cases good consistency of extremes (black arrow lines)
and in 15% cases clear inconsistency (magenta arrow
lines). Cycle of ice phenomena was equal 4-5 years. It
was related mainly to the Western Part of the NSR.
Based on the graphs, it is not possible to establish a
clear cyclicality of the opening and closing
phenomena of the NSR for transit navigation for 18%
and 81% of ice concentration edges. It seems that the
last few years provide the basis for more reliable
predictions of the above phenomena than earlier data.
The behavior of the phenomena is consistent
separately for the Western and Eastern parts of the
NSR. This suggests that each part of the NSR is
modeled under the influence of different driving
Figure 6. Seasonal consistency and inconsistency of length
of navigable season
3.2 Length of navigation season of Arc4 and Arc5 based
on ships’ traffic
The length of navigable season for Arc4 and Arc5
class ships received from ships’ traffic during summer
navigation seasons 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2021.
Only for these seasons satisfactory complete statistical
information could be obtained. Statistical analysis of
ships’ traffic (CHNL 2023) showed that for 50% of
Arc4-class ships voyages the length of navigation
season was inside 46 days an average, from day 235
till day 280 Julian calendar. The maximal navigable
time window lasted from day 193 till day 341 of Julian
The length of 50% of Arc5-class ships voyages was
inside 71 days an average, from day 217 till day 289.
The maximal navigable time window lasted from day
175 till 407 of Julian calendar (day 42 in new calendar
year). It follows that the time window for ships of ice
class Arc5 is 65% longer than the time window for
ships of ice class Arc4.
For both ice classes Arc4 and Arc5 the rule was
true: the lighter ice conditions (the greater number of
days with light navigation conditions) in a given
summer navigation season, the greater number of
ships making transit voyages through the NSR. It
suggests that ice conditions in a given navigation
season were predictable in advance, allowing for
operational and organizational preparation of Arc4
and Arc5 class ships with cargoes for them.
3.3 Length of navigation season of Arc7 ships based on
ships’ traffic
The length of navigation season for Arc7 class ships
received from ships’ traffic during summer navigation
seasons 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2021. Only for these
seasons satisfactory complete statistical information
could be obtained. Statistical analysis of ships’ traffic
showed that the length of 50% of Arc7-class ships
voyages was inside of 120 days an average [3], from
day 248 till day 367 Julian calendar (2nd day in a new
calendar year). The maximal navigable time window
lasted from day 167 till day 439 (day 74 in a new
calendar year).
It follows that navigable time window for ships of
ice class Arc7 was 161% longer than time window for
ships of ice class Arc4 and was 69% longer than time
window for ships of ice class Arc5. Transit voyages of
Arc7-class ships through the NSR were few only.
These were mostly LNG carriers and ships for
oversized and heavy loads.
Five nuclear-powered icebreakers were available
to escort ships in difficult ice conditions. There were:
Arktika, 50 let Pobedy, Sibir, Vaygach, Taimyr and
Yamal. It was assumed that in the winter season one
icebreaker can escort one ship of the Arc7, Arc5 or
Arc4 ice class. The number of suitable icebreakers is
therefore a factor limiting the capacity of the Northern
Sea Route in the winter season. Next, the question
was asked: If the voyage time depends on the speed of
the ship navigating alone or with help of an
icebreaker, what speed are Arc7 class ships capable of
reaching? And what is the time of passage of Arc7
class ships through the whole NSR?
From the ships traffic found Arc4-class ships
passage took an average of 12.1 days to transit NSR.
In November, an average of 17.0 days from 9 to 27
days. In December, from 31 to 37 days.
The Arc5-class ships took an average of 13.6 days
to transit the NSR. In November, an average of 15.6
days from 7 to 28 days.
The Arc7-class ships took an average of 14 days to
transit the NSR. In November, an average of 16.5 days
from 7 to 47 days. In January, an average of 33 days.
Noted a sharp increase in passage time in winter
period in relation to average passage time. This was in
the period from November to January, respectively
for individual ice classes. The above suggests that
navigation in winter season is either impossible due to
difficult ice conditions or is economically unjustified -
regardless of the ice class of these ships. A surprise
was significant number of voyages by Arc7-class ships
made in the summer season, when ships with lower
ice classes could be used.
3.4 The speed limitation for ice class Arc7 ships
Now we try to reply to the second question: What
speed are Arc7 class ships capable of reaching
navigating alone or with help of an icebreaker. Most
appropriate were data form summer navigation
season 2021. In first approach obtained the simplified
3-dimensional diagram of speed reached by Arc7
ships with R-square 0.28 (Fig. 7). Found the speed
depends slightly on concentration of ice and depends
greatly on average (equivalent) thickness of ice. The
shortest assumption was that for ice thickness below
30 cm, speed of ship is 14 knots. With an increase in
ice thickness to 50 cm, speed decreases to 10 knots and
for an average ice thickness of 95-120 cm, speed
decreases to 9 knots. Ice navigation conditions
(independent voyage or with assistance of icebreaker)
was not considered.
Figure 7. Simplified relationship of speed of Arc7 ships with
total ice concentration and averaged ice thickness in area of
ship operation.
The next, detailed 3-dimensional diagram of speed
reached by Arc7 ships with R-square 0.28 was
considered (Fig. 8). Same like for simplified analysis
found the speed depends slightly on concentration of
ice and depends greatly on average thickness of ice.
Assumed for ice thickness below 30 cm, speed of ship
is 14 knots. With an increase in ice thickness to 50 cm
and at 100% ice concentration, speed decreases to 7
knots. For an average ice thickness of 95-120 cm, ships
use icebreakers and their speed in convoy increases to
10 knots.
Figure 8. Detailed relationship of speed of Arc7 ships with
total ice concentration and averaged ice thickness in area of
ship operation.
Based on the diagrams, it can be assumed that
during the period of economically unprofitable
navigation, ice concentration is 100% or close to this
value. The diagram in Figure 8 shows that Arc7 class
ships are capable of passing ice with a concentration
of 100% and a thickness of 170 cm. The result is
consistent with the pre-2019 and post-2019 ship
construction regulations of the Russian Register of
Shipping [13, 14].
Another question that arises is during what period
of time the ice thickness in the ice cover growth
season (October) and in the winter and spring season
(December-May) exceeds this value of 2.1 meters at
100% ice concentration. It was determined that this
corresponds to an ice age younger than multi-year
age. However, this is not a very precise definition of
the ice thickness. In order to find the answer to the
question, ice conditions maps (ice forms) were
examined for the periods of ship transit voyages in
the years 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021.
The greatest ice thickness Sa was 120 cm (thick
one-year-old ice), but with partial Ca coverage only
30%. The greatest partial coverage of the sea region
with the thickest Ca ice was 90% with the Sa ice
thickness of up to 95 cm (70-120 cm, i.e. average one-
year ice). The most common limitation was the partial
Ca coverage of the region of 80% with a Sa thickness
of 95 cm (average one-year ice 70-120 cm).
4.1 Changes to Russian regulations regarding ice
navigation on the NSR
Navigable ice conditions for ice classes of ships (IMO
and other various regulations) are as follows: for Arc4
upper limit of ice concentration is 40-60% (open ice)
and upper limit of ice thickness is 0.8 meter, for Arc5
(UL L1 Super) upper limit of ice concentration is
40-60% (open ice) and upper limit of ice thickness is
1.0 meter and for Arc7 (ULA) upper limit of ice
concentration is 70-80% (close ice) and upper limit of
ice thickness is 1.7 meter.
Attention should be paid here to changes in the
legal regulations of the Russian Federation regarding
limitations on ship hull structures, including the Arc7
ice class. According to the shipbuilding regulations of
the Russian Register of Shipping until 2018 [13], Arc7
Arctic class ships can navigate independently in the
summer-autumn season (June-November) without
restrictions. In the winter-spring season (December-
May), these ships can navigate independently only in
light ice navigation conditions. During this season
they can navigate with icebreaker assistance without
restrictions in light, medium and hard ice navigation
conditions. In extremely difficult ice conditions, the
operation of Arc7 class ships is subject to an increased
risk of damage. Such conditions can therefore be
compared to navigation in the yellow range, which
may cause slight deformations of the hull plating, or
even the red range, which may cause damage to the
ship's hull structure indicated in the chart of
permissible speeds and sailing conditions in the Ice
Passport issued for Arc7 ice class ships. The author
note that navigating within the yellow range on the
permissible speed chart may cause slight
deformations of the hull plating, and navigating
within the red range on the permissible speed chart
may cause damage to the ship's hull structure. For
Arc7 class ships, independent year-round navigation
is allowed only in the southwestern part of the Kara
Sea during light to extremely hard types of ice
navigation conditions. Need to mention, the older
regulation [13] advise speed limitation and advise that
RMRS regulation is not to follow by ship in service.
Ship in service should follow recommendations of the
Ice Navigation Ship Certificate. However, the author
used the ice navigation limitations mentioned in these
documents [6, 13, 14] as a base for analysis in this
Detailed regulations on navigation conditions
allow Arc7 class ships to navigate in the winter-spring
navigation season in first year ice up to 1.8 meters
thick and in the summer-autumn navigation season in
second-year ice without any ice thickness restrictions.
On the other hand, navigation is allowed in the
winter-spring navigation season in first-year close ice
(concentration equal to 70-80%) up to 1.4 meters thick
and in the summer-autumn navigation season in first-
year close ice (concentration 70-80%) up to 1.7 meters
thick at a permissible speed of 6-8 knots [13].
However, the ship construction regulations of the
Russian Register of Shipping from 2019 inclusive [14]
state that these ships can navigate in the Arctic during
the summer-autumn navigation season (June-
November) in all regions of the world ocean without
restrictions. In the winter-spring navigation season
(December-May), Arc7 class ships can navigate in the
Arctic in close floating first-year ice up to 2.1 meters
thick. It follows from the above that the new
regulations of the Russian Ship Register allow
navigation of Arc7 class ships in much more difficult
ice navigation conditions, which may cause minor or
major deformations, or even damage to the hull.
Responsibility for safe ship operations in ice
covered areas (taking into account the navigating
area, navigation season, current hydro-meteorological
conditions, actual ice conditions, availability of
icebreaker support) has been transferred to the ship
operator (ship captain). The table specifying
permissible navigation areas for individual ice classes
of ships has been transferred from the documents of
the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping [13] to
local regulations related to navigation on the
Northern Sea Route published by the Administration
of the Northern Sea Route [6]. And there, the most
severe ice navigation conditions considered concern
hard ice conditions. Arc7 class ships can operate
independently in hard ice conditions only from July 1
to November 30. Navigation with icebreaker support
is unlimited in terms of season and ice conditions. The
changes are summarized in the Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Changes in Russian regulations related to ice
navigation in winter/spring period on the NSR for Arc7
class ships
Category Till 2018, Since 2019,
winter/spring winter/spring
Ice 70-80 (close floating 70-80 (close floating
concentration [%] ice) ice)
Ice type First-year ice, but in First-year ice
other table thick
first-year ice
Ice thickness in 1.4, but in other 2.1
winter/spring table 1.8 (for thick
navigation [m] first-year ice >1.2)
Permitted speed 6-8 No data
Table of ice Extreme navigation Extreme navigation
navigation regime conditions included conditions NOT
[13] included [6]
Regions under parts of the seas as detailed specific
control regions [13] regions [6]
Table 2. Changes in Russian regulations related to ice
navigation in summer/autumn period on the NSR for Arc7
class ships
Category Till 2018, Since 2019,
summer/autumn summer/autumn
Ice 70-80 (close floating No limits [14], but no
concentration [%] ice) limits with icebreaker
assistance and denied
navigation in hard ice
navigation conditions
Ice type First-year ice, but No limits [14], but no
in other table limits with icebreaker
second-year ice assistance and denied
navigation in hard ice
navigation conditions
Ice thickness in 1.7 (for first year ice), No limits [14], but no
winter/spring but in other table limits with icebreaker
navigation [m] second-year ice (no assistance and denied
ice thickness limit) independent
navigation in hard ice
navigation conditions
Permitted speed 6-8 No data
Table of ice Extreme navigation No limits [14], extreme
navigation regime conditions included navigation conditions
[13] NOT included [6]
Regions under parts of the seas as detailed specific
control regions [13] regions [6]
4.2 Research results and Russian ice navigation
At the beginning, the question was asked why the
limit of ice thickness established in the study is 120
cm, while navigation in first-year (average) ice with a
thickness in the range of 70-120 cm is acceptable, i.e.
an average thickness of 95 cm. At the same time,
Russian regulations allow navigation in ice up to 210
cm thick. It should be assumed that the information
on ice maps is the result of averaging observations
using satellite remote sensing for a selected area.
Statistical analysis of ice thickness measurements
from March 12, 2003 using satellite remote sensing
methods for two regions at latitudes 84.2° and 71.6°
for 70 m x 70 m spatial resolution [20] showed
identical results. The average value increased by one
standard deviation was 147% of the average value, the
average value increased by double standard deviation
(accepted in maritime navigation) was 194% of the
average value and the highest value was 261% of the
average. The value reduced by one standard deviation
was 53% of the average value and the smallest value
was 12% of the average value. This shows that the
ships navigated in first-year ice with a thickness of 70-
120 cm, i.e. an average thickness of 95 cm. The value
of 95cm + one standard deviation is 140cm, 95cm +
double standard deviation is 184cm, i.e. the ice
thickness does not exceed the value permitted by
Russian regulations. However, the limit value of
120cm increased by double standard deviation is
233cm and this is more than the value permitted by
the regulations of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it
can be assumed that the results of statistical tests of
navigable and non-navigable ice thickness are in
accordance with the regulations of the Russian
Maritime Register of Shipping [13, 14] and Rules for
navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route
4.3 Limits of partial ice concentration fractions and
thickness that allowed transit navigation of Arc7 class
ships through the NSR
Ice maps for the period of the analyzed transit
voyages of Arc7 class ships in the 2013, 2015, 2017,
2018, 2020 and 2021 navigation seasons were analyzed
and used to determine the partial fractions limiting
navigation of these ships. The upper limit of the
fraction of ice with a thickness smaller than the
maximal (Sb and Sc) usually did not exceed 40% but
could reach up to 75%. The lower limit of the partial
fraction of Cb and Cc ice with a smaller Sb and Sc
thickness than the maximal Sa usually reached values
of 20% but could decrease even to 10%.
It should be assumed that the limit values of ice
conditions come down to the average thickness of the
thickest ice Sa, usually not exceeding 95 cm (average
first-year ice) with the highest partial fraction of Ca
amounting to 80% and in extreme cases even 90%. At
maximum ice thicknesses Sa of 120 cm (thick first-year
ice), the partial fraction of Ca did not exceed 30%.
The lower limit of the partial fraction of Cb and Cc
ice with a smaller thickness than the maximal usually
reached values of 20%, but could reach 10% only and
usually was of an average thickness of Sb and Sc up to
45cm, but in extreme cases up to 56cm. This means
that ice with a lower thickness Sb than the maximal
can be young first-year ice with a thickness of 30-70
cm (thin first-year ice) and in extreme cases even ice
with a thickness of 70-120 cm (medium first-year ice)
with a partial fraction Cb of 10% only. The thinnest
partial fraction of ice Sc could have a thickness of 5 -
30 cm, on average 17.5 cm (nilas and young ice) with a
partial fraction Cc of most often 10% but sometimes
only 5%.
4.4 Variability of ice thickness limits that allowed transit
navigation of Arc7 class ships in subsequent
navigation seasons
Based on the analysis of ice maps, it was determined
that Arc7 class ships originally (i.e. until 2016)
navigated in ice with an equivalent thickness of up to
31.5 cm (maximal 50 cm) and did not navigate in ice
with a thickness of 45.3 cm or more (maximal 50cm).
In 2017 and 2018, the Russian Federation changed the
regulations of the Russian Maritime Register of
Shipping [13, 14] and Rules for navigation in the
waters of the Northern Sea Route [6]. The time of
changing these regulations coincided with the export
of LNG from the newly built terminal in the port of
Sabetta. At the turn of 2018-2019, some ships
navigated only in slightly thicker ice. Navigating in
thicker ice than the ships' structures allowed could
result in deformations or damage to the hulls, which
were costly to repair. This probably led to the
abandonment of the concept of navigating in much
thicker ice. In the years 2018-2021 (December-
December), ships sailed in ice with an equivalent
thickness of up to 43.3 cm (maximal 50 cm) and did
not sail in ice with a thickness of 46.3 cm (maximal 95
cm). These values are consistent with the period
before the Sabetta port was put into operation. In
February 2022, Arc7 class ships again navigated in ice
with an equivalent thickness of up to 94.8 cm
(maximal 120 cm) and did not navigate in ice with a
thickness of 95 cm (maximal 120 cm).
From the above analysis it can be concluded that
Arc7 class ships are able to meet the transport needs
on the Northern Sea Route in winter in ice with an
average thickness not exceeding 95 cm and a
maximum thickness not exceeding 120 cm.
4.5 Navigable time window for Arc7 class ships
For comparison of navigable time window for ice
concentration 18%, ice concentration 81%, Arc4, Arc5
and Arc7 class ships the median, first quartile, third
quartile, minimum value and maximal value of Julian
calendar days for transit passages of respective ships
were calculated (Fig. 9). Found median of navigable
time window for total ice concentration 81% equal
median of navigable time window for Arc4 and Arc4
ships around the 260th day of Julian calendar.
Figure 9. Ranges of navigable time window for various ice
First quartile of 50% of ships with ice class Arc4
transiting the NSR commenced passage in between
first quartiles of navigable time related to ice
concentration 18% and 81%. Same time third quartile
of 50% of ships with ice class Arc4 transiting the NSR
completed passage in between third quartiles of
navigable time related to ice concentration 18% and
81% (Fig. 10).
Figure 10. Ranges of navigable time window for Arc4 ships
First quartile of 50% of ships with ice class Arc5
transiting the NSR commenced passage slightly
before first quartile of 50% of occurrence of the NSR
open for navigation at 81% of ice concentration (Fig.
11). Third quartile of 50% of ships with ice class Arc5
transiting the NSR completed voyage slightly after
third quartile of 50% of occurrence of the NSR open
for navigation at 81% of ice concentration.
Figure 11. Ranges of navigable time window for Arc5 ships
First quartile of 50% of ships with ice class Arc7
transiting the NSR commenced passage at the first
quartile of ice concentration equal to 18% and third
quartile of 50% of ships ended passage at a New Year
(Fig. 12). Maximal range of navigable time window of
Arc5-class ships was close to maximal range of
navigable time window of Arc7-class ships. Beginning
of navigable time window of Arc4-ships was also very
close to beginning of navigable time window of Arc7-
class ships (Fig. 12). Maximal navigability time on the
Northern Sea Route with the use of the most powerful
Arc7-class ships did not exceed 273 days, i.e. 74.8% of
a year.
Figure 12. Ranges of navigable time window for Arc4, Arc5,
Arc7 ships
Results of the work based on ships’ traffic statistics
and ice maps for navigation seasons 2012, 2013, 2015,
2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021. In order to determine
beginning and end of navigable time window for 18%
and 81% of ice concentration edges the ice maps of
Marginal Ice Zone since 2008 till 2022 year were used.
Despite the general convergence of trends of rough
data based on ice maps, there is a large divergence in
opening of the NSR for navigation and a very large
convergence in closing of the NSR for navigation. The
end date of the navigation season can be determined
with much greater probability than the start date of
the season. Trends of opening of navigable season on
the Eastern Part of the NSR for concentrations 18%
and 81% are similar only in recent years. i.e. since
navigation season 2017. Dates of closing the NSR for
navigation are consistent, but separately - for the
Western Part for 18% and 81% and separately for the
Eastern Part of the NSR.
Ice edges for 81% concentration for Eastern Part of
the NSR show higher length of navigable season for
about 40 days in relation to Western Part and the
whole NSR. For this 81% concentration exists
consistency in between length of navigable season at
Western Part of the NSR and length of navigable
season for the entire NSR in 60% cases. No
consistency found in between Eastern Part and
Western Part of the NSR. No clear cyclicality of the
opening, closing and length of navigable season for
transit navigation phenomena was found for 18% and
81% of ice concentration edges. It seems that the
relationships between opening and closing dates and
the length of the navigable season have been more
consistent over the last 6 years. However, from a
statistical point of view, this is too short period of time
to forecast these data even in the near future.
Ice free navigable time window for ships with no
ice class transiting the Northern Sea Route was from
209 till 300 day of the Julian calendar, in a time
window of 1 to 90 days, an average of 33 days. The
maximal navigable time window of Arc4-class ships
was from 209 till 300 day of the Julian calendar, in a
time window of 16 to 86 days, an average of 75 days.
The maximal navigable time window of Arc5-class
ships was from 196 till 315 day of the Julian calendar
in a time window of 95 to 120 days, with an average
of 107 days. The maximal navigable time window
using the most powerful Arc7-class cargo ships does
not exceed 273 days, i.e. 74.8% of a year. Above results
shows the Northern Sea Route navigability dates are
inside the period from 16th of June till 26th of March.
Under the current climate warming conditions, the
NOT NAVIGABLE period of time lasts from 27th of
March till 15th of June. It is 92 days 3 months.
AARI Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute,
Capercentage (partial coverage) of the thickest ice with a
thickness of h
a in a given water area,
bpercentage (partial coverage) of ice with a thickness hb
in a given water area,
cpercentage (partial coverage) of the thinnest ice with a
thickness h
c in a given water area,
athe greatest ice thickness in a given water area,
hbsecond in order, smaller ice thickness in a given water
cthe smallest ice thickness in a given water area,
heequivalent ice thickness in a given water area,
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric
NSR the Northern Sea Route,
RMRS Russian Maritime Register of Ships.
astage of ice development occurring in fraction Ca
(according to Egg Code),
bstage of ice development occurring in fraction Cb
(according to Egg Code),
cstage of ice development occurring in fraction Cc
(according to Egg Code),
US NIC - United States National Ice Center.
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