The Northern Sea Route (North East Passage;
hereinafter referred to as the NSR) is becoming an
increasingly important shipping route. Currently, its
shipping traffic is not impressive. In last summer
navigation seasons commercial ships encountered
severe ice conditions that reminded about the
environmental uncertainties accompanying voyages
on the Northern Sea Route [4, 14]. Despite this, cargo
transport in the years after 2000 has been
systematically increasing. Currently, the increase in
transport applies to both destination shipping and
transit shipping but destination shipping was
increasing faster in the years 2017-2019 [9]. Also, more
and more ships with a flag other than Russian used
this route, treating it primarily as a transit route for
voyages between Far Eastern countries and Europe
and vice versa.
In 2021 alone, as many as four ships used the direct
transit route from China to Poland via the Northern
Sea Route [6]. Trips to the NSR took place in the
summer and autumn from August 18 to October 16.
Average speed on the NSR did not depended on the
month of voyage and was from 9.8 knots till 14.4
knots. The time necessary to pass the NSR was equal
from 9.6 days till 6.3 days respectively.
The NSR is a seasonal route. Its use by merchant
ships that are not designed to navigate in heavy ice
makes sense when its entire length - from the Barents
Sea to the Bering Strait - is ice-free and can be
navigated through without the costly assistance of an
icebreaker. Due to the bathymetry and the occurrence
of navigational obstacles, for ships with a larger draft,
for example the PANAMAX type, the most favorable
route is to pass the NSR on the route north of Novaya
Zemlya (Mys Zhelaniya), north of the Severnaya
Zemlya (Schmidt Island and Komsomolets Island)
and north from the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel
Trends of Opening and Closing date for Navigation on
the Northern Sea Route in the Light of Changes in Ice
Cover on the Seas
of the Siberian Shelf in the Years
. Marsz
, T. Pastusiak
& A. Styszyńska
Association of Polish Climatologists, Poland
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The Northern Sea Route (NSR) is a seasonal route. Its use by merchant ships that are not
structurally adapted to navigation in heavy ice makes sense when it is free of ice along its entire length and can
be used without the costly assistance of icebreakers. In the paper, ice cover maps were analyzed. The number of
the Julian day of the year was determined on the first day on which the transit shipping season began, on the
last day of the year after which this season ended, and the length of the ice-free period along the whole NSR
was calculated. The analysis was carried out for the eastern and western parts of the NSR. Despite the high
inter-year variability of the opening and closing times of the transit shipping season, it is possible, 2-3 months in
advance, to obtain approximate information about the conditions of "ice-free" navigation on this route. For this
purpose, average monthly sea ice extent of the Kara Sea in May of a given year should be used.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
r 3
September 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.03.
Island (Fig. 1). This route is also the shortest.
However, its use is only possible when the ice extent
in a given navigation season moves exceptionally far
north, leaving the entire Laptev Sea and the East
Siberian Sea free of compacted ice cover.
Figure 1. Distribution of shipping routes on the Northern
Sea Route;            route northernmost of archipelagos
and islands, intermediate route, coastal
route; 1 - Novaya Zemlya archipelago, 2- Severnaya Zemlya
archipelago, 3 - New Siberian Islands archipelago, 4 -
Wrangel Island, 5 - Kara Gate Strait, 6 - Cape Zhelaniya, 7 -
Sannikov Strait, 8 - Smidt and Komsomolets Islands, 9 -
Dmitry Laptev Strait, 10 - Sannikov Strait, 11 - Kotelny
Island, 12 - De Long Strait, 13 - Bering Strait.
The Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago is the
northernmost point of the route. If the ice reaches the
northern edge of the Severnaya Zemlya, and the deep
water (minimum depth of 34 m) of the Vilkitsky Strait
is free from ice, it is possible to continue the voyage
through this strait. However, the consequence will be
an increase in the length of the route. Due to the small
depths in the Sannikov Strait (minimum depth 14 m)
and even smaller depths in the Dmitry Laptev Strait
(minimum depth 8 m), separating the New Siberian
Islands archipelago from the continent, if ice
conditions allow it, the route should lead north of the
New Siberian Islands archipelago [15]. If the ice cover
reaches the islands of the New Siberian Islands
archipelago and if the Sannikov Strait is also blocked
by ice, the route through the Dmitry Laptev Strait
cannot be used. Its depths are too shallow for a
PANAMAX or larger ship to use them when passing
the NSR.
Therefore, we can talk about the full "opening" of
the Northern Sea Route for navigation when, at the
same time (at the same moment), the water areas
between Mys Zhelaniya and the water areas north of
the Schmidt and Komsomolets islands or between
Mys Zhelaniya and the Vilkitsky Strait, as well as the
water areas north of the New Siberian Islands (or the
Sannikov Strait) and the area north or south of
Wrangel Island are free from ice cover (De Long
Strait; minimum depth 36 m). The "transit navigation"
season on the NSR may be considered the time that
elapses in a given year between the first day on which
ice-free conditions occur along the entire route and
the last day of the year when such conditions occur. In
recent years, there have been major changes in the
length of the transit navigation season on the NSR. It
should be emphasized that due to the variability of
the location of large areas of compacted ice that are
difficult to overcome, routes should sometimes be
plotted with a significant extension of length of the
route. This occurs when, for example, in the western
part of the NSR the route runs close to the continental
coast and in the eastern part of the NSR - closer to the
North Pole and vice versa [21, 22]. The most common
southern extremes of such a designated route may
occur in the eastern part of the Kara Sea, in the
western or eastern part of the Laptev Sea and in the
western or eastern part of the East Siberian Sea. The
most common northern extremes may occur north of
the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, the New Siberian
Islands archipelago or Wrangel Island.
In recent years, there has been numerous
information in the media pointing to the "incredible"
improvement in ice conditions on the NSR. There is
also frequent information that as a result of the
increase in global air temperature, the ice cover on the
NSR will soon disappear and transit navigation on
this route will be possible throughout the warm half
of the year, and will even be year-round or so on [7, 8,
12, 17, 23]. More realistic are results of novel approach
for calculation beginning and end dates, and also
duration of navigation season along the NSR based on
CMIP5 data [13].
The aim of this work is to examine the trends in
changes in the beginning and end of "transit
navigation" and the length of this season on the NSR,
which occurred in the years 2008-2022. Further, when
the term "navigation season" is used, it means the
summer season for ships without ice reinforcements,
expressed in the number of days on which transit
navigation is possible along the entire length of the
The basic material for determining the length of the
"transit navigation" season was the analysis of daily
maps of the Mariginal Ice Zone issued by USNIC in
ESRI Shape file format [24] and after that, gridded
maps of NCEP GFS with ice concentration forecast
files in GRIB2 format, published four Times a day
[18], maps of ice cover based gridded 3125m x 3125m
data from AMSR-E (2002-2011) and AMSR (2012-2023)
swath published daily by Bremen University [2] and
later [3], and regional maps of the Arctic in raster GIF
format published by Arctic and Antarctic Research
Institute AARI „SEVER” Center every 3-4 days [19]
and later [22]. All these maps assume the boundaries
between ice-covered and ice-free areas related to the
degree of ice coverage of the water surface, regardless
of its stage of development and thickness, within 10-
18%. Waters with an ice concentration of less than 10-
18% were treated as ice-free waters.
Additionally, time series of sea ice extent within
the boundaries of individual Arctic seas and their
parts covering the NSR route provided by AARI were
used [1]. According to definitione, sice extent is a
surface of sea covered by ice of concentration from 15
till 100%.
Based on the analysis of the indicated maps, the
number of the first day of Julian calendar on which
the transit shipping season began (BNS) and the last
day of Julian calendar after which the season ended
(ENS) in the year were determined. This approach
allows for simple and clear calculations. Length of
navigation season LNS was then calculated as (ENS -
BNS) + 1. Standard statistical methods were used to
analyze these data.
The analysis was carried out for two parts of the
NSR - eastern and western, and for the entire potential
NSR route. The western part covers the area from the
western border of the Kara Sea to the eastern border
of the Laptev Sea within their limits as defined by the
IHO [10, 11]. Eastern part - from the southern border
of the Chukchi Sea (Bering Strait) to the western
border of the East Siberian Sea (Fig. 1). The ice cover
being on the Barents and Bering seas in the considered
period 2008-2022 does not play any role in regulating
the opening and closing times for NSR transit
navigation, because by the time the NSR opens and
closes, they are already or still ice-free.
The compiled data for individual transit
navigation seasons in 2008-2022 are presented in
Table 1. The length of the time series (15 years) does
not allow drawing more firm conclusions, but it
reveals trends in changes in the behavior of the
beginning and end of the navigation season and their
duration. It also allows to indicate a predictor that can
be used to roughly predict the ice conditions that will
occur in the current navigation season already at the
beginning of summer.
The data presented in Table 1 indicate the occurrence
of significant inter-annual variability in the beginning,
end and length of the navigation season on the NSR.
The length of the period during which "ice-free
conditions" prevail along the entire NSR ranges from
1 day (2009) to 90 days in 2020. On average, the
duration of the "transit shipping" season in 2008-2022
is 33 ± 6 days, which, with a standard deviation of 24.0
days, indicates a very high variability of this
Table 1. The number of the day of the Julian calendar year
of the beginning (BNS) of the "transit shipping" season on
the Northern Sea Route, the last day of the "transit
shipping" season (ENS) and the number of days of the
"transit navigation" season (LNS) on the western part of the
NSR, the eastern part of the NSR and the entire NSR route
from Mys Zhelaniya to the Bering Strait
Year Western part of Eastern part of The whole NSR
the NSR the NSR
2008 250 265 16 250 282 33 250 265 16
2009 275 280 6 246 275 30 275 275 1
2010 256 273 18 256 285 30 256 273 18
2011 219 286 68 230 286 57 230 286 57
2012 231 294 64 250 290 41 250 290 41
2013 254 273 20 237 271 35 254 271 18
2014 244 274 31 234 290 57 244 274 31
2015 220 287 68 231 288 58 231 287 57
2016 266 287 22 228 291 64 266 287 22
2017 247 271 25 217 276 60 247 271 25
2018 231 294 64 258 291 34 258 291 34
2019 222 288 67 227 293 67 227 288 62
2020 214 303 90 214 306 90 214 303 90
2021 251 271 21 266 271 6 266 271 6
2022 230 270 41 247 285 39 247 270 24
In the course of navigation time in ice-free
conditions along the entire NSR route, there is a
statistically insignificant positive trend (Fig. 2),
indicating a relatively small extension of the transit
navigation season. The trend is +1.61 ± 1.42 days per
year and is statistically insignificant (p = 0.28). A very
large error in estimating the intercept and the
regression coefficient in the equation in Fig. 2 (in the
box) makes it impossible to reject the null hypothesis,
i.e. to state that the given trend value is different from
Figure 2. The length of the shipping season in "ice-free"
conditions (LDO; number of days) along the entire length of
the Northern Sea Route from Mys Zhelaniya to the Bering
Strait in the years 2008-2020. Red solid line - fitting of a
linear function (trend), dashed lines - marking the limits of
the 95% confidence interval (p = 0.05)
Based on the trend values calculated from short
time series, no conclus
ions can be drawn about the
further pace of changes. Analyzing the course of
variability of the length of the navigation season
throughout the PDM, in a shorter series from 2008-
2020 (13 years), a statistically significant positive trend
is detected (3.96 ± 1.46, p = 0.02), indicating that the
navigation season on the NSR is extended on average
by almost 4 days each year. Observations from 2021
and 2022, when there was a significant delay in the
beginning and earlier end of the navigation season,
completely changed this picture.
An important issue from the point of view of
shipping is the cost of which processes result in the
extension of the transit navigation season. The
analysis of the moments of occurrence of the first and
last day of the transit navigation season (Fig. 3)
apparently shows that the extension of the transit
navigation time occurs as a result of the simultaneous
acceleration of the beginning of the navigation season
and delaying its end. While the acceleration of the
beginning of the transit navigation season is on
average faster (-0.95±0.99 days per year), its very large
fluctuations from year to year make the trend
statistically insignificant. This does not allow us to
draw a conclusion that, in a statistical sense, there was
an acceleration of the beginning of the navigation
season. Similarly, slightly slower (+0.66 ± 0.64 days
per year). But the timing of the end of the transit
shipping season also changes irregularly. The trend of
delaying the end of the transit navigation season is
statistically insignificant (p = 0.322).
The correlation between the beginning of the
transit navigation season (NRP) and the moment of its
end (NRK) is weak (r = -0.53) but statistically
significant (p = 0.043). This indicates that on the NSR
there is a general, very weak tendency to extend the
duration of the "ice-free" navigation season with its
earlier beginning. However, this relationship is only
statistical and cannot be applied to every single case.
The length of the shipping season cannot be
legitimately inferred based on its beginning date.
Figure 3. The course of the "opening" (NRP) and "closing"
(NRK; numbered consecutive days of the Julian calendar
year) moments of the transit navigation season on the NSR
in 2008-2022. Labeled linear fits to empirical points (trend
lines). Horizontal dashed lines mark the beginning of
subsequent months (1 Aug, 1 Sep, 1 Oct, 1 Nov)
The analysis of the relationship between the
average monthly ice area (extent) and the opening
and closing moments of the shipping season in the
PDM confirms the previously known regularity [15,
16] that the opening and closing moments are
determined by the ice conditions in the Laptev and
East Siberian seas, i.e. the border seas between the
western and eastern part of the NSR. In the period
under consideration, the opening of the NSR occurred
only three times simultaneously in both these seas
(2008, 2010 and 2020), while the variability of ice
conditions in each of these seas with the same
frequency (6 cases each) delayed the moment (Table 1)
of the opening of the NSR. The timing of the closure
of the transit navigation season on the NSR is much
more influenced by the variability of ice conditions in
the Laptev Sea than in the East Siberian Sea. During
the years 2008-2022, ice conditions in the Laptev Sea
resulted in the closing of the shipping season nine
times, and only four times (2009, 2012, 2013 and 2018)
in the East Siberian. In two years (2011 and 2021), ice
conditions in both seas simultaneously led to the
closure of the shipping season.
There are quite complicated, but statistically highly
significant relationships between the processes of ice
cover loss and the processes of its re-growth in
individual Arctic seas. The analysis of these
relationships shows that a kind of predictor,
providing approximate information about the number
of the day of the Julian calendar year on which the
PDM opens and closes, and the length of the PDM
navigation season, is the area of ice extent in the Kara
Sea in May (KS
E05). The Kara Sea, with an area of less
than 1 million sq. km (926,000 sq. km), is a shallow sea
(average depth ~131 m) with small heat resources in
the waters. For this reason, its ice cover responds very
strongly to changes in meteorological processes taking
place over the Arctic, as well as to changes in the
complex of hydrological processes in the Arctic Ocean
The rate of melting of ice in the Kara Sea in May of
a given year is an indicator of the acceleration of the
disappearance of the ice cover in the following
months in this sea and in the Laptev and East Siberian
seas. The behavior of the ice extent in the Kara Sea in
May (KSE05) is relatively strongly correlated with the
ice cover area in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas in
July (r = 0.69, p < 0.001; 1979-2020). In turn, the
intensity of further ice melting in July depends on the
size of the "clean water" (ice-free surface) in these seas,
which determines both the beginning and the end of
the transit navigation season. As a result, there are
relatively strong relationships between the area of ice
cover in the Kara Sea in May and the number of the
first day of the "transit navigation" season on the NSR
(BNS), the number of the last day of this season (ENS)
and the number of days of the "transit navigation"
season on the NSR (LNS) (Tab. 2, Fig. 4).
Table 2. The values of the correlation coefficient (r) and the
level of their statistical significance (p) between the average
monthly sea ice area (extent) in the entire Kara Sea in May
and the number of the day of the year, the first day of the
transit shipping season on PDM (BNS), the last day of the
transit shipping season (ENS) and the number days of the
transit shipping season (LNS). The results or correlation
period 2008-2022. r
- percentage of the explained variance
of a given variable by the average monthly ice surface
(extent) of the Kara Sea in May
Parameter BNS ENS LNS
r 0.70 -0.80 -0.84
p 0.004 << 0.001 << 0.001
49% 64% 70%
Figure 4. The course of the average monthly ice area (extent)
in the Kara Sea in May (KS
E05; thousand sq. km) and the
length of the "transit navigation" season on the NSR (LNS
LDO; days).
On Figure 4, there is a visible sharp shortening of
the season in 2021 and 2022, related to an equally
sharp increase in the area of ice in the Kara Sea in May
in these years. Table 2 shows that the beginning of the
navigation season is least related to the May ice
surface (extent) in the Kara Sea, and the strongest to
the length of this season (LNS). Significant linear
correlations presented in Table 2 allow the creation of
regression equations in which the BNS, ENS and LNS
values constitute a linear function of KS
E05, i.e. the area
of ice (extent) in the Kara Sea in May. Table 3 shows
the values of these variables calculated from the
regression equations for KS
E05 varying in the range
from 700 to 860 thousand sq. km.
Table 3. The values of the BNS, ENS and LNS (days) in a
given year as a function of the variable average monthly sea
ice area (extent) in the Kara Sea in May of a given year
; thousand sq. km)
KSE05 860 840 820 800 780 760 740 720 700
BNS 268.1 258.1 248.1 238.1 228.1 218.1 208.1 198.1 188.1
ENS 268.5 275.9 283.3 290.7 298.1 305.5 312.9 320.3 327.7
LNS 1.5 18.9 36.3 53.7 71.1 88.5 105.9 123.3 140.7
Note: Standard errors of estimation of the BNS, ENS and LNS are
equal tp ±12.2 days, ±6.7 days and ±13.5 days respectively.
The occurrence in May of a given year of the
average monthly iced area in the Kara Sea equal to or
less than 800,000 sq. km indicates that in the
upcoming "summer" ice season the length of the
transit shipping season will most likely be longer than
54 ± 13.5 days, that is, its real length should be
expected to be between 41 days (minimum) and 67
days (maximum), and the beginning of the season will
take place no later than in the second decade of
August - the first decade of September (August 25 ±
14 days).
The analysis of a short, only fifteen-year series of data
informing about the beginning, end and length of the
transit shipping season on the Northern Sea Route
indicates the occurrence of very high variability of
these parameters in this period. This variability is so
significant that it does not allow reliable conclusions
about the further development of changes in the
length of the "transit shipping" season based on
previously estimated trends.. Despite the undoubted
lengthening of the shipping season since 1979 [5], and
the acceleration of its beginning and delaying its end,
the course of this process is so unstable that it is not
possible to rely on emerging long-term trends in
possible planning of the NSR transits. To an even
greater extent, decisions about sending a ship to the
NSR crossing cannot be made based on the opinions
expressed by various "ecological" and "climate"
organizations and politicians disseminated by the
mass media.
Since so far the earliest opening of the NSR took
place in the first decade of August (2020), and on
average it occurs in the last decade of August - the
first decade of September, it is possible, 2-3 months in
advance, to obtain approximate information about the
conditions of "ice-free" navigation on this route. For
this purpose, data on the average monthly sea ice
extent of the Kara Sea in May should be used (the set
in file karamonthly.all.extent.csv, available from
AARI website [1]. Data on the ice area for May in this
set are usually completed between June 5 and 10,
which allows, using these data and the contents of the
Table 3, get an idea of the probable ice conditions on
the NSR in mid-June.
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