vehicle delay depends on the level of service scheme
type of the signalized or non-signalized nodes. The
LOS in Vissim is comparable to the LOS defined in the
American Highway Capacity Manual of 2010” [20]. To
better illustrate the results, numerical values have
been assigned to specific LOS determinations and
thus LOS A corresponds to 1, LOS B corresponds to 2,
and similarly to the other values. The results of the
simulation showed that by shortening the duration of
the green light for pedestrians without shortening the
length of the entire phase, we will obtain improved
traffic conditions at intersections for vehicles. The
number of pedestrians was assumed to be constant in
both variants and amounts to 1,000 pedestrians per
hour for each pedestrian crossing. In both variants,
pedestrians could only cross during the green light. It
should also be noted that the traffic volume at the
inlets increased because more vehicles could arrive at
the intersection than in the case of variant 1. Despite
the increased traffic volume, the LOS parameter did
not deteriorate anywhere. The only case on the South
inlet of Junction 1 was where both traffic volume and
LOS did not change. In the remaining cases, the
changes were positive, and the obtained results
significantly improved the road traffic conditions, e.g.,
at Junction 2 from level 6 (i.e. F - the worst) there was
an improvement to level 2 (i.e. B). In Figure 6 these
changes are presented in a graph.
Figure 6. Junction 1 LOS comparison
Table 3. Level of service comparison on Junction 1 and
Junction 2
Inlet Traffic Level of Inlet Traffic Level of
volume service at volume service at
of right right turn of right right turn
turn turn
[veh/h] [-] [veh/h] [-]
J1 Variant 1 J1 Variant 2
W 291 6 W 583 4
N 333 6 N 463 4
S 172 4 S 172 4
E 306 6 E 531 5
J2 Variant 1 J2 Variant 2
N 146 6 W 338 2
W 258 5 N 266 2
Table 3 presents the detailed results of the
improvement of traffic conditions at the analyzed
intersections and shows changes in the traffic
intensity at the entrances. The improvement of traffic
conditions on right-turning roads has the greatest
impact on the analyzed intersections due to the
immediate vicinity of pedestrian crossings with
simultaneously allowed traffic. It is these places that
are critical when, despite the green light, drivers are
unable to leave the intersection due to pedestrian
Although significantly better traffic results have been
obtained by reducing the duration of the green light
for pedestrians in fixed-time schemes, the changes
will not necessarily be readily implemented by local
road authorities. Due to the Smart Cities trend, or
restoring cities to people, shortening the pedestrian
crossing time would not be politically welcome.
However, the results obtained in this article show that
this solution brings significant improvements in traffic
conditions. Therefore, they should be used in special
situations where the traffic volume is so high that
even a short program change could be beneficial. It
should also be remembered that not everywhere such
changes can be introduced, in the case of places with a
high volume of traffic of people with limited mobility,
shortening the duration of the green light for
pedestrians is even discouraged due to the slower
speed of pedestrians. Currently, cities equipped with
intelligent traffic control systems can implement the
presented solution after additionally adding an
appropriate algorithm that calculates the forecast
profits in improving traffic conditions to the
deterioration of pedestrian comfort, which shortens
the crossing time.
This research was funded by Gdynia Maritime University—
WN/2023/PZ/10 and WN/2023/PZ/06 projects.
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