Shipping is the driving force behind the global
economy. The sea carries out nearly 90% of world
trade. More than 60,000 sea-going vessels are
transporting various goods (1 976 48 thousand DWT
in 2019), passengers, and conducting offshore works
navigating in the sea area [3,8,10,11]. Hence, ensuring
safety in sea regions is a priority aspect of all sea
users. Any disturbances in the functioning of the
complex transport and organizational system may
lead to various adverse effects, including threats on a
global or local scale, the event of potentially
dangerous situations, and even generate an economic
crisis.[5] Diversification of LNG supply sources in the
current global situation is one of the important goals
for countries
The problem will be considered in terms of the
appropriate choice of terminal location FSRU, taking
into account the aspects of safe port manoeuvres as
well as the availability and operability of the FSRU
In general, international maritime security
concerns all beneficiaries of the seas and oceans; is the
safety of life and property by protecting the marine
environment against the undesirable effects of human
activity. The result of which may be an incorrect
selection of the location of the FSRU terminal, which
may result in an environmental catastrophe, risk to
the safety and security of the terminal itself and
neighbouring areas, as well as failure to use the full
potential of the investment. The international nature
of maritime security means that when building
Method for Determining Location of FSRU Terminal
P. Mrozowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The article concerns the process of determining the safe location of the FSRU (floating storage
regasification unit) terminal. The article introduces the process of analysis both in the context of navigation and
manoeuvrability, as well as the process of analysing the movement of the ship's hull at the quay in order to
determine the operability criteria of the terminal. The article indicates that in order to determine, a safe location
for the FSRU terminal in the context of gas storage and regasification, many aspects should be analysed, in
terms of weather, safe navigation, environmental and security conditions especially in present military situation
i Europe. Therefore, a brief review of the type of FSRU terminals, the review input data for analyses, and the
type of simulations to be carried out, also review of the current security situation in sea areas. The final result of
the work will be create algorithm which will be as a help hand in process for safe selection the location of the
FSRU terminal, as well it will be define a catalogue of anticipated risks in the sea areas, and indicate areas of
particular sensitivity, i.e., what to put the most significant emphasis on to prepare for the occurrence of a given
risk and what are the possibilities of reducing it to an acceptable level or even reversing the trend of increasing
International Journal
on Marine Navig
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 18
Number 1
March 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.01.
regulations on maritime security issues, we must take
into account already existing international concepts
and procedures in such a way as to safeguard and
take into account national interests. The maritime
security of the state is a component of national
security. It is a matter of national policy and strategy
and safe interaction between land and sea users.
[2,4,14]. Determining the appropriate location for the
FSRU terminal where it will be safely operational for
at least 97% of the time, a year (frequent requirements
of investors) requires many simulations and technical
analyses as well as analysis of regulations and legal
2.1 The research problem
The main research problem is the develop a algorithm
aimed at providing tools for efficient determination
of, a safe location and type of FSRU terminal, taking
into account the hydro-meteorological conditions,
existing infrastructure and the intensity of ship traffic
in the area.
To achieve the main objective, it is worth breaking
matters down into the following specific goals, the
chronological implementation of which is discussed in
the content of individual subsections of the paper. The
basic research method used to achieve the aim of this
paper is the analysis of source materials, scientific
papers, carried out simulations on relevant
The collected data indicated areas of particular
vulnerability to ensure safety in marine areas, where
will be the terminal and implementation of effective
preventive measures and response to increase
availability and operability of the FSRU.
The general process of carrying out the investment
construction of the FSRU terminal is shown on
figure 1.
Figure 1. The process of carrying out the investment -
construction of the FSRU terminal.
Source: Author elaboration
2.2 Methodology of research
The algorithm cannot be built without identifying of
type of LNG terminals installed on the world.
Depends to hydrometeorological and geotechnical
conditions we can identify three general type of LNG
Important aspects is also identification of hazards
and assessing the risk of their occurrence. This chapter
is devoted to a reminder of the methodology for
carrying out a risk assessment. Following the IMO
resolution, indicators for the impact on the safety of
human life and health, environment, and property
protection of high value (in this case, a FSRU) have
been implemented from its provisions. The
foundation for further elaboration of the problem is to
define the principles of risk index determination. It
will be a reference point for additional modelling of
the defined risks. This area’s scope is dictated by the
rationale of highlighting preventive actions before
they could enter the “Not Acceptable” range.
However, predicted risks might be challenging and
not applicable in their occurrence due to the
complexity and differentiation of the phenomenon
from the previously assumed assumptions. [1].
To carry out the most effective risk assessment, it is
important first to rank them. In this way, it is possible
to understand whether the identified risk is minor or
major. By taking this decision, one can achieve a more
effective result, ultimately affecting the decision-
making process. A crucial step for the success of the
analysis process is to identify and prioritize scenarios
for the problem under consider-action. This will allow
prioritizing and rejecting scenarios that are considered
to be of minor importance, and it will helps make
decision regarding to localization and type of terminal
LNG in considered localization.
2.3 Types of FSRU terminals according to the mooring
FSRU is a floating storage regasification unit using for
storage of liquid natural gas and also as distributor of
natural gas after regasification process. FSRU usually
is connected from one side to the shore gas
transportation infrastructure and from other side to
the LNGC by manifold with arms or cryogenic hoses.
Figure 2 shows FSRU.
Figure 2. FSRU floating storage regasification unit.
terminal-charters-mols-fsru-challenger [17]
There are three main methods of mooring FSRU
and LNG carriers.
1. Side-by side jetty;
2. Cross jetty;
3. Weathervaning.
1. Side-by side jetty FSRU is moored to the jetty and
LNGC is moored double bank to FSRU.
Advantages of the side by side jetty are:
low construction cost
simpler jetty
no LNGC directly alongside jetty
longer mooring and unmooring operations
larger possibility of collision with moored
less operability criteria
Figure 3 shows side-by side jetty.
Figure 3 Side-by side jetty.
Source: https://www.econnectenergy.com/solutions/lng/lng-
terminal [15]
2. Cross jetty -FSRU is moored on one side of the jetty
and LNGC is moored in opposite side of the jetty.
Advantages of the cross jetty are:
greater distance between jetty and breakwater,
safer LNGC berthing (collision with FSRU
higher operability criteria,
higher cost of construction
larger dredging area
Figure 4 shows cross jetty.
Figure 4 Cross jetty.
terminal [15]
3. Weathervaning - FSRU is moored her bow to turret
system. The Submerged Swivel and Yoke (SSY) is a
cost-efficient system for mooring of a floating
LNGC (FLNGC) vessel, floating storage and
regasification unit (FSRU), or a floating storage
and offloading (FSO) vessel in shallow water. The
SSY provides an innovative solution, transporting
gas directly through a subsea pipeline without the
need for a jetty. SSY is based on APL’s proven
technology components and is designed to last for
the field or terminal lifetime. The yoke weight is
adjusted to the vessel size and environmental
condition of the field or terminal. The system can
be designed with dual risers and umbilical for
redundancy and control on the pipeline end
manifold. The SSY can be designed for
disconnection in cyclone/hurricane environments
without tug assistance.
Figure 5 shows cross jetty.
Figure 5 Weathervaning
Source: https://www.nov.com/products/submerged-swivel-
and-yoke [14]
This chapter presents the navigational simulations in
manoeuvrability aspects and ship hull motion study.
For manoeuvrability simulations can be used full
mission bridge navigational simulators. For ship
motion study can be used CFD simulation with
appropriate programs.
3.1 CFD computational fluid dynamics 3D simulations
The scope of ship motion analysis included examining
the behaviour of the ships hull in the least favourable
weather conditions. For the simulation, the least
favourable directions of the hydro-meteorological
conditions must be assumed. The simulations were
carried out on the constructed digital simulation area,
equipped with hydro technical structures (break
weather, mooring dolphins, jetty shape). Scope of ship
motion analyses covered simulation for FSRU
stay alone, and with double banking with
LNGC 175.000m
in two configuration for loading
conditions (full loaded and ballast condition).The aim
of ship motion analysis is to support availability jetty
assessment, it can be done only when we will have
knowledge about ship’s hull movements in various
weather and loading conditions. To achieve goal,
results of ship motion movement simulations were
compared with established jetty moored vessel
criteria The CFD (computational fluid dynamics 3D)
software utilized in the presented research was Flow
Vision HPC (High-Performance Computing), which
code is based on the finite volume method (FVM) and
uses the VOF (volume of fluid) method for the free
surface problems solutions. The simulations were
performed using the overlapping mesh technique.
The assumption of this approach is that one of the
meshes is stationary in the whole computational
domain, related to the global reference system. The
second mesh modelling the ship is related to a local
reference system, which movement is determined by
six degrees of freedom (6DOF) model implemented
into the program, with special consideration of three
degrees of freedom (3D) pitch, roll and heave. The
high accuracy of computation is achieved by solving
the governing equations in the 'free surface' cells (the
cells partly filled with liquid). The simulations of
turbulent flows were based on the eddy viscosity
concept and k-ε semi-empirical turbulence model was
applied. The practical application of the Flow Vision
software is based on the consecutive steps
performance. They are related to the geometry
identification, modelling, pre-processing, solving the
equations and post-processing (figure 6). The software
“Flow vision HPC” and used methodology are
suitable for ship motion response assessment.
Figure 6 Computational grid - 10 million finite volumes, and
adopted computational domain.
Source Author elaboration
To perform CFD numerical simulation for moored
FSRU and LNGC, assumptions were made to
changing the direction of waves, wind and current on
the hull for moored ships. CFD simulation can be
performed in various mooring configurations for
moored ships in loaded and ballast conditions.
Simulation performed for waves and winds from
south, westerly, easterly and northerly directions are
usually as a general. The direction and force of wind,
wave and current, can be selected based on data from
the Metocean database for interested area. Example of
Metocean data shows figure 7.
Figure 7 Current direction and speed, wind direction and
speed, wave high and direction.
Source: Metocean data OF1-ABP-10-J00-RA-00002EN_Rev.2
3.1.1 CFD simulation process
By carrying out CFD numerical simulations for
moored Q-max size using the adopted methodology
and solver settings, solutions were obtained in the
form of draft changes, considered as equivalent to
vessel dynamic response motions at 4 points on the
hull (figure 8) and wave distribution in the water area
with assumed depth 14.5m. Figure 9 shows LNGC
model used for CFD simulations.
Figure 8 Draft reading points on the FSRU model hull.
Source: Author elaboration
Figure 9 Model of LNGC used for CFD simulation.
Source: Author elaboration based on CFD database
Example CFD simulation for two vessels moored
side by side, the following motion parameters had
been observed: rolling, pitching, fwd draft, aft draft,
heave, under keel clearance. The simulation results
have shown that the hull motion for moored FSRU
and LNGC 175.000m
caused by the
Northerly wind 7-8°B, current and the wave adopted
to simulation is within the accepted limits for hull
movements. Distance between ships wings oscillates
in the range between 3.3m-4.7m. Vertical movements
for manifolds <1m. Simulations indicated that due to
strong winds and waves from NNE direction
increasing rolling for both vessels. LNGC in ballast is
more sensitive for weather conditions and she has
bigger rolling then FSRU, but still is on acceptable
levels (rolling < 2°), however weather conditions reach
adopted operability limits condition for terminal and
it is recommended to stop cargo operation with
LNGC (side by side/ wind limit 30kts , 15,4 m/s.,
hs=1.5m). Figure 10 shows wave process simulation
and figure 11 shows hull movements parameters.
Figure 10 Wave system simulation.
Source: Author elaboration CFD simulations FSRU and
60 70 80 90 100
110 120
130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
draft [m]
Midship draft
midship port
midship starbord
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
draft [m]
time [s]
Fore and aft draft
aft draf t
fore draft
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
pitch [deg]
time [s]
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
roll [deg]
time [s]
Figure 11 FSRU rolling and pitching caused by simulated
In Table 1 had been show result for simulation
CFD for hull movements for FSRU and LNG carrier
double bank mooring.
Table 1. Results for CFD simulations
Source: : Author elaboration CFD simulations FSRU and
3.2 Navigational simulations manoeuvrability
The subject of navigational simulation studies was the
implementation of approach and port manoeuvres
with the selected LNGC model for the navigation
basin on section of the fairway located on an approach
to the newly planned FSRU terminal, in accordance to
the scenarios provided by the Ordering Party. The
aim of the research was to evaluate the performed
manoeuvres by determining the safe trajectory of the
ship, taking into account the adopted assumptions for
selected environmental and operational parameters.
The assessment is made in terms of the selection of the
best location variant for the planned investment. The
research was carried out on the basis of the simulation
method. The use of a device based on extensive
mathematical models made it possible to map the
reactions of the ship and its surroundings in a manner
similar to the phenomena observed in real conditions.
Approach manoeuvres of ships on the fairway, taking
into account the time in which the simulation takes
place, were carried out on the basis of real time
simulation (RTS) methods, using a non-autonomous
model in terms of manage the ship's movement.
Hydro-meteorological conditions in the measurement
area, including the parameters of wind and waves,
which are the main environmental factor influencing
the correct course of port manoeuvres, were designed
in accordance with the study provided by the
contracting authority. The simulation tests were
carried out with the use of a test stand located in the
laboratory at the Faculty of Navigation at the Gdynia
Maritime University. The measurements were
performed with use of TRANSAS devices and
software: NaviTrainer 5000 Professional navigation,
manoeuvring simulator, NaviSailor 4000 ECDIS
simulator as well as Model Wizard and Virtual
Shipyard applications. The selected research stand has
been used many times in scientific research,
development and expert works. The simulator is used
to conduct didactic classes at the operational and
management level as well as specialist courses for
bridge officers and captains. The most important
regulations and standards met by the simulation
software used:
International Convention on Training
seafarers, certification and watch keeping (STCW),
The International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS),
Model courses to conduct specialist training
courses by IMO,
Additional regulations regarding specialist
training, e.g. marine
fishing operations and vessel traffic control (VTS)
The research consisted in carrying out the
approach and port manoeuvres with the LNGC ship
model for the fairway concept presented by the
contracting authority. Measurement sessions were
carried out according to standardized simulation
scenarios, during which the following dynamic
parameters of models and the environment were
recorded in 1-second intervals in graphic and text
simulation time,
latitude (Lat.) and longitude (Lon.),
actual course (HDT),
road angle over the bottom (COG),
speed above ground (SOG),
longitudinal speed over the bottom,
lateral speed (measured at the bow and stern of the
the depth of the body of water (measured at the
bow and stern of the vessel),
rudder deflection,
heel angle,
wave height.
Example of manoeuvre simulation for cross jetty
shows table 2.
Table 2. Example simulation for maneuverer to cross jetty
Simulation no:
Approach 01
Weather conditions:
Wind : „S” - 180° / 4-5°B / 16-21 kts
Surface current: 1 kt - 120° / Hs=1.5m
LNGC (260.000m3) Loading condition draft 12.5m
Case Conditions:
Case 1,2,5,10,13 Approaching from pilot station to LNG terminal "cross
jetty" use of turning room at the fairway. Mooring STB/S alongside. 4 tugs
simulation screenshot:
Manoeuvre category:
Comments /conclusions:
From navigational point of view, the assessment of the trajectory of the
approaching vessel, taking into account the adopted assumptions for selected
environmental and operational parameters, showed that the simulation was
classified as safe. When the manoeuvre was performing, no contact of the
model with the seabed was recorded, no contact of the vessel with the hydro
technical structure was noted, and the model remained within the set limits
along the entire length of the fairway. Forces creating by wind, wave and current
didn't disturb mooring operations, use of engines power was on acceptable safe
levels with margin of power reserve.
Source: Author elaboration - approach simulation
Example of weathervaning simulation shows
table 3.
Table 3. Example of weathervaning simulation
Simulation No:
Weathervaning 03
Weather conditions:
Wind: NNE / 7-8°B/ 27-41 kts
Surface current: 1 kt direction according to wind and waves Hmax=6m
FSRU 260.000m3 loaded condition draft 12.5m.
Case Conditions:
Case 7 Weathervaning, at the “FB2 extended” position, Survival condition.
Bow connected via Yoke system. Depths at surrounding area 17,5m.
During test increase wind speed up to 41 kts, wave high 6 m. Wind and
wave high according to operability criteria limit for survival condition.
simulation screenshot:
Maneuver category:
Comments /conclusions:
A continuous time band with a nominal length of 01:00:00 [hh: mm: ss] was
built, in which, for a given wave spectrum, wind speed and wave height
constitute continuous non-decreasing functions. The parameters of the
generated undulations were adopted in accordance with the provided
"Metocean" study. Taking into account the adopted assumptions for selected
environmental and operational parameters, showed that the simulation was
classified as acceptable. When the simulation was performing, at depth area
with 17.5m no contact of the model with the seabed was recorded. Forces
creating by wind, wave and current generate following motion parameters :
Under keel clearance FWD 3.3m
Source: Author elaboration weathervaning simulation
The analysis of the results of the simulations carried
out and the determination of best location of terminal,
operating limits and availability of a given terminal in
the tested lo-cations can be carried out when followed
analyses have been performed: Use of data from
hydrometeorological analysis
Cumulative results from CFD simulations
Accumulation of results from manoeuvring
Analysis of ship traffic intensity in a given area
Analysis of scenarios related to the orientation of
the berth and options for reloading gas on the
When performing analytical research regarding the
selection of a safe location for the FSRU terminal, the
algorithm should have following steps:
perform navigational analysis;
perform analysis of hydrometeorological
conditions in a given basin;
perform analysis of ship traffic intensity in a given
perform analysis of scenarios related to the
orientation of the berth and options for reloading
gas on the LNGC - FSRU line;
perform CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
analysis of the impact of hydrometeorological
conditions on the hull of the moored FSRU and
LNGC in various loading conditions;
perform analysis of simulations of approach
manoeuvres, mooring and unmooring operations;
perform environmental analysis;
perform security analysis
perform analysis of current regulations, ordinances
and guidelines.
Creating a risk matrix in order to select a safe
location of the FSRU terminal on the basis of a
summary of simulation results and the final
determination of the operational and accessibility
parameters of the terminal allows for the selection of
the most advantageous of the proposed variants of
terminal location.
The use of the proposed tools/methods translates
into cost reduction and improvement of the facility's
functioning both for the client's investor and the user.
An important aspect is also the identification of a
sensitive area that may indicate a reduction in
environmental degradation during the operation of
the LNGC-FSRU terminal
Increasing the ability to detect/avoid collisions
and, in the event of an incident, react quickly and
appropriately to the threat in order to reduce the
negative effects of e.g. a collision. The author is aware
that this will involve legislative action and the
introduction of security procedures. These activities
may be extended over time and multifaceted, but as a
result they are to reduce the number of threats to
human life and health and the natural (marine)
environment during the operation of the terminal. The
current situation is starting to force such an approach
to standardization procedures affecting a high level of
safety during reloading operations
The presented approach to the selection of the
appropriate location for the FSRU terminal indicates a
multi-faceted nature. Simulations help in conducting
in depth analyses and, as a result, in making the right
decisions. Failure to use the modern potential of
simulation techniques may result in incorrect
determination of the location and thus increase the
risk of an accident.
The major predicted risks to human life and/or
health include:
Risk associated with the intensity of unpredictable
hydro-meteorological phenomena.
Risks associated with the influence of natural
Risk related to difficulties in rescue operations
through the size of the vessels and number of
people on board, and lack of adequate rescue
The major predicted risks to the natural (marine)
environment include:
Risk associated with the intensity of degradation
virgin areas unpredictable hydro-meteorological
Risks associated with the increasing numbers of
death zones in marine areas;
Risk related to difficulties in rescue operations
through the multipurpose of degradations;
Risk related to human health and property.
Risk related to increase of high insurances.
The current state of affairs suggests the
justifiability of preparing hazard scenarios for the
possibility of introducing:
Effective anticipation of natural phenomena;
Early warning of natural phenomena;
Strengthening the awareness of the phenomena
occurring for the population, reducing the
coastline as well as for those working in the
maritime areas[6,7];
It is reasonable to consider the broadly understood
integration of the possibilities of cooperation of
different means and forces in the resulting potential
emergency and the possible hazards.
Figure 12. The elements shaping a Safety Culture.
Source: Own elaboration supported by:[9,10,6]
The authors hope that the discussion generated by
the article and the attempt to provide a global
approach to the process of determining the location of
not only the FSRU terminal but also other terminals.
This should be incorporated as decision support at
every stage of ensuring safety in maritime areas
during peace time or crisis. Safety culture elements
shows figure 12.
The research shows that, despite the use of various
means, there is a threat to life, human health and the
natural environment when the determination of the
appropriate location for a given terminal is incorrect.
The risk of error can be reduced by all possible means.
The main purpose of the work was to develop a
scheme/algorithm for the correct determination of the
location of the FSRU terminal in offshore areas. The
conducted research showed a wide spectrum of
issues. Breaking it down into specific simulations
allowed it to be classified in a specific way and
indicated the multidimensionality of its components.
According to the author, during the research,
numerous problems were encountered in access to
literature and the multidimensionality of the issue,
but the goal was achieved. Undoubtedly, a real threat
is the uneven development of advanced solutions,
technologies, integration of systems with the
assessment of potential threats.
There is still much work to be done to reduce
errors and improve simulation accuracy. The
decision-making process, the creation of a risk matrix
while considering many aspects and factors taken into
account in determining the correctness of the terminal
location and its arrangement as well as the
hydrotechnical infrastructure is a multidimensional
process. It can even be said that the completion of one
analysis process is the beginning of preparations for
subsequent analyses. Further development of the
subject will undoubtedly become the subject of the
author's subsequent studies.
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