Sea ships are technical objects whose structure is
stiffened, and its dynamic behaviour is described by
elastic characteristics [1]. The analysis of vibration and
noise occurring onboard requires consideration of two
groups of identifiable sources of impacts. During
operation, they are naturally subjected to external
influences of the marine environment, which are the
source of vibroacoustic processes occurring in the hull
area, and superstructure. An additional source of
impacts are local processes, caused by the elastic
reaction forces of the hull reinforcement elements, the
operation of the propulsion system or other on-board
machinery and equipment [2,3]. A full analysis of
vibroacoustic impacts requires considering the diverse
dynamic characteristics of machines and devices
operating locally and their operating modes. Due to
the occurrence of concentrated masses, caused by the
location of on-board equipment and machinery, the
ship's structure is designed considering local stiffness
increases [1]. The designed distribution of the load is
also significant, which translates into stiffening of the
structure, and its type has an intrinsic effect on the
damping of vibrations.
Ship vibrations affect the structure of the ship,
affect comfort or even be harmful to the crew, and are
Noise and Vibration Recorded on Selected New
eneration DP Class Shuttle Tankers Operated in the
Offshore Sector
G. Rutkowski
& J. Korzeb
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the problem of the impact of vibration and noise recorded
on selected new-generation DP-class shuttle tankers operated in the Arctic offshore sector. The paper presents
the functional and disease effects associated with excessive exposure to these physical factors, the levels of
which exceed the normatively acceptable values. The work also discusses the impact of physical factors on the
marine environment. The international community recognizes that noise and vibrations from commercial ships
may have very negative consequences for both humans (worker’s) and marine life, especially marine mammals.
However, there are also certain legal requirements in maritime transport that require adaptation to noise and
vibration control when working on ships. The acceptable noise and vibration exposure standards set out in
European Union Directive 2003/10/EC (2003), the NOPSEMA Regulation (2006), the Maritime Labour
Convention (MLC) guidelines (2006) and the recommendations of the International Maritime Organization IMO
contained, e.g. IMO MEPC.1 / Circ.833 (2014). These regulations inform employers and employees what they
must do to effectively protect both the marine environment and the health and life safety of workers employed
in the maritime industry offshore. This study also presents an analysis of the results of noise measurements
carried out on selected DP class Shuttle Tanker operated in the Arctic sector offshore. The article presents the
methods of noise measurement and assessment, but does not discuss personal protective equipment and ship’s
noise protection systems.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
ume 18
Number 1
March 2024
DOI: 10.12716/1001.18.01.
emitted into the marine environment. From the point
of view of the crew, noise and mechanical vibrations
occurring in means of sea transport are a serious
source of risk of occupational diseases of employees
and affect the reduction of work efficiency and work
safety. Particularly dangerous for the human body are
vibrations with excitation frequencies corresponding
to the natural frequencies of individual human
organs. Even small vibrations from the environment
can induce resonant vibrations of individual organs,
leading to pathological phenomena that have a
negative impact on human health [4]. In addition, the
vibration caused e.g. by reciprocating tools can give
rise to a permanent disablement of the hands known
as 'dead' or 'white' fingers. In its initial stages, this
appears as numbness of the fingers and an increasing
sensitivity to cold but in more advanced stages the
hands become blue and the fingertips swollen. Those
prone to the disability should not use such portable
power tools. Others should not use them continually
for more than e.g. a maximum of 30 minutes without
a break.
The hazards and effects from noise and vibration
can be categorized under two headings: short term
and long term. The short-term effects from noise and
vibration are stress, loss of sleep, temporary deafness,
poor communication [4]. All of the above can lead in
human life to potential situations, which may result in
accidents and incidents. The long-term effect from
noise is deafness. The long-term from vibration is
disability. The international community recognizes
that noise and vibrations from commercial ships may
have both short and long-term negative consequences
for both human (worker’s) life and marine life -
especially marine mammals susceptible to
underwater-radiated noise from ship’s sonars,
propellers and thrusters.
When efforts have been made to mitigate noise
and vibration, as far as reasonable and practical,
evaluation should be undertaken to determine the
success or reduction efforts. The successful strategy to
reduce radiated noise and vibration should consider
interactions and contributions from measures
provided to achieve other objectives such as reduction
of onboard noise and vibration and improvements in
energy efficiency [5].
Figure 1. Simplified illustration of potential noise induced
effects on marine animals: relationship between noise levels,
distance from the source and potential effects. Source: Own
research based on MLC 2006 & IMO Resolution
MEPC.1/Circ.833 (2014), [5].
According to MLC 2006 (Maritime Labour
Convention from 2006) implemented for all shipping
industry on 20th August 2013 (ratification date),
accommodation, recreational and catering facilities on
ships shall meet the requirements in Regulation 4.3,
and the related provisions in the Code, on health and
safety protection and accident prevention, with
respect to preventing the risk of exposure to
hazardous levels of noise and vibration and other
ambient factors [6]. Acoustic insulation or other
appropriate sound-absorbing materials should be
used in the construction and finishing of bulkheads,
deck heads and decks within the sound-producing
spaces as well as self-closing noise-isolating doors for
machinery spaces. IMO [5] generated also some
guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from
commercial shipping to address adverse impacts on
marine life (e.g. IMO Resolution MEPC.1/Circ.833
2.1 Sources of vibrations and methods of testing
Mechanical vibrations containing significant
components in the low frequency range have several
adverse health effects on humans. This is due to the
presence of resonant frequencies and their first
harmonics in this range, which carry high energy
values for elements and parts of the human body.
Experimental studies conducted in many scientific
and research centres have confirmed the fact of a
significant impact of vibrations on functional changes
in the nervous system, fatigue, and functional
disorders, as well as in the case of long-term exposure,
they have shown a destructive nature. The influence
of vibrations on humans is shown in Figure 2 [4].
Figure 2. Effects of exposure to vibrations. Source: Own
research based on [4].
The assessment can be made on the basis of
calculated or measured quantities [9]:
RMS value, e.g. vibration acceleration [m/s
compiled in frequency ranges using weighting
with correction filters (KB -filter for vibration on
ships, or whole-body filters Wd & Wk), in 1/3
tave bands and compared with the values
allowed by the standards for each frequency band;
this way is called spectral estimation:
w rms
a t dt
where the values are determined individually for
each direction or vectorized for three directions in
the Cartesian coordinate system,
corrected value, e.g. vibration acceleration,
calculated with the use of correction filters with
parameters depending on the direction of vibration
transmission, compared with the permissible value
for each direction of vibration impact:
= ++
2 22
, , ,,
1,4( ) 1,4( ) ( )
xyz w x w y w z w
a a aa
vibration dose [m
], calculated from the
weighted value of vibration acceleration:
dosimetry vibration dose, calculated on the basis
of the absorbed vibration dose during the exposure
time, for each direction of vibration k:
= =
eq k
a a t dt
energetic vibration dose [m/s
] (vibration dose
value) determined on the basis of weighted values
of vibration acceleration according to the relation:
VDV a t dt
The main sources of vibration on sea vessels [10-
main engine and mechanical transmission
screw and drive shaft arrangement,
engine exhaust system,
combustion and electric motors
exhaust systems of internal combustion engines,
electricity generators,
compressors, ventilation and air conditioning
flow installations,
ship propellers (propellers and thrusters),
propeller unbalance: dynamic, hydrodynamic,
machines and auxiliary devices,
the undulation of the sea.
The processes caused by the interaction of the
ship's elements, the operation of equipment, including
the ship's engine room and on-board equipment,
should be considered from the point of view of the
dynamic impact and physical phenomena
accompanying material propagation [8,14,16].
Working devices and machines have different masses,
geometry, specificity of periodicity of work
(continuous, cyclical, sporadic). The operation of the
main engine causes the formation of inertia forces, as
a result of the displacement of the crank mechanism
masses, centrifugal forces, as a result of the rotational
movement of the crankshaft and the mass of the
connecting rod, forces resulting from the combustion
process of the mixture in the cylinders. Vibration
levels on vessels affect the health of the crew, the
safety of navigation and the durability and reliability
of on-board machinery [17]. Vibrations of machines
and devices mounted to the ship's structure are a
source of material noise, and the sound emitted is
transmitted through thin-walled partitions, e.g.
through walls, floors and ceilings in rooms as well as
bulkheads and structure reinforcements. Vibrations
can cause: damage to the structure, reduction of its
durability due to fatigue of materials, inefficiency,
nuisance or even threat to the crew, they are a source
of noise. Noise and vibration verification
measurements should be performed accordingly to
various standards: ISO 6954, IMO 468, MSC 337, MLC
2006, and industry standards such as ISO 10816 [5].
In addition, local noise or vibration exposure
standards apply and should be followed. The
permissible values for exposure to mechanical
vibrations (resulting from the regulation on the
highest permissible intensity) in Polish conditions for
general vibrations are [18,19]:
daytime exposure A.(8) - 2.8 m/s
exposure up to 30 minutes A.(0.5) - 11.2 m/s
action threshold value A.(8) - 2.5 m/s
It should be noted that the daily exposure time
may be much longer than 8 hours (e.g. 12h, i.e. 720
min) and then the value measured for evaluation is
increased by the component resulting from the
correction for the exposure time. Measurements of
vibration at constant speed, allows to verify the
compliance with applicable vibration standards with
respect to local sources of vibration.
Standard operating practices, applied by operators,
allows to evaluate effects of tools, and equipment
used on the ship, and assess processes to determine
hazardous vibration (sometimes resulting in hand-
arm vibration syndrome), as well as providing
guidance of measures from the viewpoint of
eliminating, or reducing the effects of hazardous
vibration. Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is
the effect of regular exposure to hand-arm vibration,
and may result as a result of injuries to the hands and
arms, such as typical physiological effect symptoms:
blood circulatory system (white fingers), coldness,
sensory nerves numbness, pain in muscles wrist area,
grip strength loss, pain inside bones and joints, loss of
grip strength etc. In order to prevent protection
against local vibrations, questionnaires are carried out
among employees who use vibration tools at work,
and the questions contained in them clarify the issues
of feeling in the fingers, feeling of coldness, pricking
and tingling, behaviour of the wrist muscles, forearm,
joint, or problems related to grasping and lifting
objects [8,20].
In the case of whole-body vibration, International
Standard ISO 6954:2000, gives the guidelines for
evaluating the habitability of different areas on a ship,
based on evaluation the frequency-weighted r.m.s.
vibration values [22]. This Standard also includes
requirements in fields: instrumentation, procedures,
analysis descriptions, and evaluation procedure, for
different type of ship specification, various areas of a
ship, accordingly to 1-80 Hz frequency range. Table 1
shows the limit values according to the mentioned
Table 1. Overall frequency-weighted aw, r.m.s. values from 1-80
Hz, given as guidelines for the habitability of different areas
on a ship [22].
Rooms and spaces Low RMS Maximum RMS
level, [m/s
] level, [m/s2]
Passenger cabins 0.0715 0.143
Crew accomodation areas 0.107 0.214
Working areas 0.143 0.286
In this case, the frequency weighting procedure is
the combined frequency weighting, as defined in ISO
2631-2. Guidelines for the values in Table 1, should be
understood as upper and lower limit values, which
adverse comments are probable, and values below
which adverse comments are not probable.
The question is how can we show that we are truly
committed to combating noise and vibration on board
ships. The Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) [5]
approaches to the assessment of vibrations on ships is
slightly different. Table 2 presented approach
according to Guide for Compliance with the ILO
Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (Requirements,
ABS, 2014b), and Guide for Crew Habitability on
Ships (ABS, 2013) [6].
Table 2. Maximum aw, rms values, based on [6].
Rooms and spaces Freq. range Maximum RMS
Level, [m/s
MLC-accomodation 1-80 Hz 0.214
HAB 1-80 Hz 0.178
HAB+ 1-80 Hz 0.143
HAB++ 1-80 Hz 0.107
With regard to noise and vibration, DNV Class
offers three voluntary class notations: Comfort,
vibration of machinery/equipment and underwater
noise. The Comfort Class is a systematic evaluation of
the comfort on board different ship types. A rating
from 1 to 3 reflects “high” to “acceptable” comfort
standards. The DNV Vibration Class includes
procedures for where and how to measure vibration
levels on different machinery, equipment and
structures. It is based on values gained through
numerous measurements. Ships meeting the
requirements will be assigned class notation VIBR.
Most of the new generation DP-Class Shuttle (i.e.
Beathuk Spirit, IMO No. 9780768 & Dorset Spirit, IMO
No.: 9780782) are assigned as a DNV class notation
COMF-V for noise and vibration and COMF-C for
indoor climate. Both ships operate in the Arctic region
in the Canadian offshore sector. The maximum
accelerations recorded for these two new generation
vessels under dynamic positioning mode were
slightly higher for MLC-accom. than the maximum
acceptable level (0.214 [m/s
]) and were recorded up
to max. level 0.286 [m/s
Figure 3. DNVs different SILENT class notations. Source:
DNV Website [6].
DNV [6] was the first classification society to offer
an underwater noise notation to ships which do not
exceed average to moderate underwater radiation
noise (URN) levels. Until recently the DNV SILENT
class notation was mostly requested for scientific
research vessels, fishing vessels and cruise ships
expecting to operate in pristine sea areas. However,
MT ONEX Peace, an Aframax tanker built by
Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI), in June
2021 [6] has become the world’s first merchant vessel
to receive DNV’s SILENT-E notation. In such case,
Hyundai Heavy Industries has proved its capability to
build a high-quality ship with improved fuel
efficiency while satisfying eco-friendly underwater
noise standards. Currently, we can expect that the
topic of reducing vibration and underwater noise will
become more important in the marine industry.
2.2 Noise sources, survey and selected results
Noise is defined as unwanted sound that may damage
a person's hearing. The amount of damage caused by
noise depends on the total amount received over time.
The degree of risk is affected by the intensity
(loudness) and the frequency (pitch) of the noise, as
well as the duration and pattern of exposure and the
individual's susceptibility to hearing impairment
[20,21]. In fact, all ships owners are committed to aim
to minimize the generation and emission of noise that
lie within the scope of ALARP (as low as reasonably
practical), and to set goals for peak and daily noise
exposure levels at work. Seafarers usually monitor
noise exposure by recording noise in the
daily/monthly noise log to identify and, where
possible, correct high noise trends. In offshore
industry on all new generation DP-Class shuttle
tankers and all floating storage and offshore loading
units (FSO) the audiometric testing equipment (which
must comply with noise standards as per the National
Code of Practice) is always available to all crew
members. The familiarization process for new crew
members on board includes the formal introduction of
the Noise Control Policy and the Noise Management
Plan [17, 24]. Each new generation shuttle tanker with
COMFORT class notation for noise and vibration has
also its own ship-specific Noise Management Plan.
Contractors are to comply with the noise standards as
per the National Code of Practice [17].
The unit of sound level and noise exposure
measurement is the Decibel (dB) and is expressed
using an algorithmic scale. When considering the
effect on human hearing, the A-weighted decibel
dB(A) unit is used. This takes account of the response
of the ear to different frequencies. As the scale of noise
measurement is algorithmic, an increase of 3 dB(A) is
a doubling of sound levels. There is a simple guide to
indicate whether there may be noise levels with
potential for causing hearing damage. If you need to
shout to be heard by someone about 2 meters away
the probable noise level is likely to be 85 dB. On all
new generation shuttle tankers employers must
prevent risks to their workers from exposure to
excessive noise. ’Excessive noise’ as specified in
European Union Directive 2003/10/EC (2003) as well
as in NOPSEMA Regulations (2006) means a level of
noise above 85 dB(A) averaged over an 8 hours
period for noise exposure referenced to 20 micro
Pascal’s (LAeq,8h); or LCpeak of 140 dB(C) - that is, a
C-weighted peak sound pressure level of 140 dB(C)
referenced to 20 micro pascals. The influence of
vibrations on humans is shown in Figure 4 [4,21].
Figure 4. Effects of short and long-term exposure to noise.
Source: Own research based on [4].
The parameters to be assessed during the noise
impact test are: duration of sound, average,
maximum, peak, equivalent of sound pressure level,
and level of exposure to noise. The sound pressure
level is the logarithm of the ratio of the sound
pressure to the reference pressure:
20log ,
L dB
p measured value of the sound pressure in Pa,
0 reference pressure, p0 = 20 μPa (lower limit of
audibility of the human ears).
The sound pressure level measured at a given unit
of time is called the instantaneous sound level and is
often called SPL (Sound Pressure Level). The
equivalent sound level LAeq characterizes an average
noise, and it expresses the same energy and at the
same time the same risk of hearing damage as
measured noise with varying levels. The equivalent
level is given by the formula 7 for group of sources or
3 for single source of noise [15,19]:
10log 10
AeqT i
( )
Aeq Te
L dt
Aeq.T equivalent A-weighted sound level for the
assessment time T,
Aisound level operating at time ti,
iLAi level sound duration,
ameasured value of the sound pressure in Pa,
Twhole time of work,
e - noise exposition time, Te=8h.
Described below a fragment of the code was
written in the Matlab language environment, to
calculate the risk of exposure to noise, in accordance
to the procedure proposed by the Central Institute for
Labour Protection (CIfLP)[19].
T=8; %8 hours working shift
Te=input('Te= '); %exposition time
LAeqTe=input('LAeqTe= '); %equivalent sound pressure
LAmax=input('LAmax= '); %maximum level, with A-
LCpeak=input('LCpeak= '); %peak level, with C-
Lex8h=LAeqTe+10*log(Te/T); %8h exposition level
if ((Lex8h>85)||(LAmax>115)||(Lex8h>135))
Risk='HIGH'; %non-acceptable levels
elseif ((Lex8<=80) && (LAmax<=109) && (Lex8h<=129))
Risk='SMALL'; %acceptable levels
This approach is based on the values
characterizing noise in the working environment and
the values of the highest permissible intensity (in
polish called NDN) for these values [22]. Noise in the
working environment is characterized by:
the level of exposure related to the 8-hour daily
working time (LEX.8h),
maximum sound level A (LAmax),
peak sound level C (LCpeak).
In this paper we are going to describe a typical
procedure connected to noise and vibration awareness
on new generation shuttle tankers taking into
consideration the best practices observed on MT
Beathuk Spirit (IMO No. 9780768) & MT Dorset Spirit
(IMO No.: 9780782), which operate in Arctic zone in
Canadian sector offshore. Both new generation
shuttle tankers are under Altera Infrastructure (ex
Teekay) Norway management system, following same
safety procedure and in most cases also using the
same standard personal protective equipment (PPE)
and same machinery on board. On both shuttle
tankers ships staff monitor noise exposure by
recording noise in the daily/monthly noise log to
identify and, where possible, correct high noise
trends. In some cases, if needed, the occupational
noise survey can be carried out by external company
(e.g. [24]). In all our cases surveys were conducted to
prevent health impact and hearing damage at plan
approval, sea trails and after major modifications. The
noise levels were recorded and analyzed by using
B&K sound level meter, and the evaluation of comfort
rating were based on noise measurements in cabins,
public places and working places. Figures 5-11 show
the noise levels during the sea trial, compiled for
individual occupied zones.
Figure 5. Noise level during sea trial, location: Upper-Deck.
Figure 6. Noise level during sea trial, location: Navi-Deck.
Figure 6. Noise level during sea trial, location: A-Deck.
Figure 7. Noise level during sea trial, location: B-Deck.
Figure 8. Noise level during sea trial, location: C-Deck.
Figure 9. Noise level during sea trial, location: D-Deck.
Figure 10. Noise level during sea trial, location: 2nd-Deck.
During the study [23], noise levels were measured
to identify equipment and operations which have the
potential to cause exposure standard to be exceeded;
measure the average noise levels; specify areas where
the average sound pressures level (L
Aeq) exceeds 85
dB(A) or the peak noise level exceeds 140dB(C) or 135
dB(C) for CIfLP procedure; evaluate noise exposures
so that personnel exposed to noise levels; evaluate the
suitability of the personal hearing protectors already
in use and of alternative protectors if required; inspect
noise sources and areas that contribute most to
personnel noise exposure; detect noisy equipment and
processes; measure noise frequency spectrum of
sources noisy processes; measure octave band noise
spectrum for noisy equipment and processes, for
assessment of hearing protectors; prepare a hearing
protection audit; and more. Table 3 presents the list of
permissible noise level values.
Table 3. Noise level limits [23]
Rooms and spaces Limit, dB(A)
Machinery spaces 110
Machinery control rooms 75
Workshops 85
other work areas 85
Navigating bridge 65
Look-out posts 70
Radio rooms 60
Cabins 55
Hospitals 55
Mess rooms 60
Recreation rooms 60
Offices 60
Galleys 75
Serveries, pantries 75
Unoccupied spaces 90
Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships (IMO, 2012)
showed approaches to the assessment of noise on
ships, which is presented Table 4 [8].
Table 4. Noise level on board ships [8].
Rooms and spaces Ship size
1,600 10,000 GT Above 10,000 GT
Cabin and hospitals 60 dB(A) 55 dB(A)
Mess rooms 65 dB(A) 60 dB(A)
Recreation rooms 65 dB(A) 60 dB(A)
External recreation areas 75 dB(A) 75 dB(A)
Offices 65 dB(A) 60 dB(A)
The article presents the methods of assessing the
impact of vibration and noise on humans in terms of
occupational exposure to these physical factors. The
approach to assessing occupational exposure to
vibration and noise is varied, despite the applicable
ISO standards and local standards in the shipowner's
country. A review of the literature shows that the
limit values and level classifications are similar or
based on the same ISO standards.
The exemplary results of noise exposure tests
presented in the work allow to conclude that, apart
from the 2nd-Deck, laundry, center of wheel house on
Navi-deck, and gallery on A-Deck, no exceedances of
60 dB(A) occurred, and these that occurred were
minor. Exceeding the limit values for cabins and
hospitals, mess rooms, recreation rooms, external
recreation areas, and offices - did not occur on the
analyzed vessel.
Summing up, it can be stated that both MT
Beathuk Spirit (IMO No. 9780768) & MT Dorset Spirit
(IMO No. 9780782) as a new generation shuttle tanker
that operate in the Arctic region meet the DNV
Comfort class notation regarding noise and vibration.
However, the level of noise and vibration recorded on
these ships is too high for these ships to be classified
as DNV Silent notation. Silent A class notation is
designated for vessels using hydroacoustic equipment
as important tools in their operations, where the aim
is to not disturb the hydroacoustic equipment. Seismic
vessels, were the aim is to avoid disturbance of the
signals coming from the streamers can be classified as
a SILENT S ships. Fishery vessels, where the aim is to
not scare the fish can request for DNV SILENT F
notation. Research vessels, where the aim is to avoid
disturbance of underwater life can be nominated as a
SILENT R ships. The highest SILENT E
(Environmental) DNV class notation is designated for
ship, which is to demonstrate that the vessel is
controlling its environmental noise emission.
MT ONEX Peace, an Aframax tanker built in June
2021 by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries [6] has
become the world’s first merchant vessel to receive
DNV’s SILENT-E notation. It means that Hyundai
Heavy Industries has proved its capability to build a
high-quality ship with improved fuel efficiency while
satisfying eco-friendly underwater noise standards.
We can expect that the subject of underwater noise
reduction to become more prominent in the maritime
industry, in strengthen research and development on
low-noise eco-friendly green ships.
The herein study was supported by Gdynia Maritime
University internal grant WN/2024/PZ/07.
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