One of the key elements determining the correct
operationalization of the idea of sustainable
development is sustainable mobility. This term is
understood primarily as the development of transport
that does not pose a threat to the surrounding
ecosystem and human health, but at the same time is
able to meet their transport expectations, while
observing the applicable rules related to the use of
renewable and non-renewable energy sources [1]. The
concept of sustainable mobility also appears more and
more often in modern cities, whose authorities strive
to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants [2]
[4][5][7] There, this idea is translated primarily as an
international definition of rational travel, i.e. choosing
as often as possible other means of transport than the
car, especially over short distances, which dominate
in moving around the city [8][10]. It is also important
that all means of transport complement each other in
order to create one coherent and efficient transport
system [11].
People awareness all over the world about the
sustainable development still increases [12][14].
Many countries are still struggling with increasing air
pollution and noise standards escalating in city
centers. For this purpose, Sustainable Urban Mobility
Plans (SUMP) are created. This is a long-term strategy
to ensure good accessibility to destinations and
Sustainable Mobility Planning Prerequisites and
erspectives - Gdynia Maritime University Case Study
. Kaszuba
, A. Przybyłowski
, K. Kościk
, A. Lachowicz
& M. Kuzia
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
Gdynia City Hall, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Sustainable mobility is one of the key elements determining the correct operationalization of the
idea of sustainable development. This concept also appears more and more often in modern cities, whose
authorities strive to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants, among others by creating SUMP -Sustainable
Urban Mobility Plan. This is followed by all kinds of facilities that generate big traffic in cities. One of the
institutions willing to meet the challenges of the ever-growing number of trips in its vicinity is Gdynia Maritime
University (GMU), which is one of the largest employers in this seaport city, and thus is one of the biggest
traffic generators. The objective of this paper is to investigate the prerequisites and perspectives of creating and
implementing mobility plan for GMU in order to make transport more sustainable in its vicinity. For this
purpose, pilot research survey has been carried out among employees and students regarding their behaviour
and transport preferences in reaching this destination. The research hypothesis stating that the transport habits
of the GMU commuters are not compatible with the concept of sustainable mobility was confirmed. The
implementation of a sustainable mobility plan in this institution will help to change the standards of traveling
in the area of the University and will contribute to better quality of life in the city. It is recommended to enhance
the cooperation with the Gdynia City Hall in order to create a synergy effect and bring an added val
ue to
sustainable development of this congested seaport urban space.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea
Volume 17
Number 4
ember 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
services, including actions to help implement it [15]
[20]. According to the document prepared for the
European Commission, including the "Guidelines for
developing and implementing a sustainable urban
mobility plan”, a properly developed SUMP should
be characterized by:
a long-term vision and a clear implementation
participatory approach,
balanced and integrated development of all means
of transport,
vertical and horizontal integration,
assessment of current and future effectiveness,
regular monitoring, review and reporting,
taking into account the external costs of all modes
of transport.
Whereas the goals to be achieved with the support
of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan are as follows:
provide all citizens with transport options that
allow access to destinations and services,
improve security,
contribute to reducing air and noise pollution,
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy
improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of
transporting people and goods,
positively affect the attractiveness and quality of
the urban environment for the benefit of residents,
the economy and the community as a whole [21].
Polish cities also try to regulate transport issues in
accordance with international and national laws, but
on their own. Gdynia was one of the first large cities
in Poland to create a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan,
which was adopted by the Gdynia City Council in
2016 [22][25]. Currently, work is underway to create
such a document for the entire Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot
Metropolitan Area, which assumes improvement of
the effectiveness and efficiency of the mobility system
and ensuring its integration with urban and territorial
development, while involving the inhabitants [26]
Another, however, no less important issue is the
creation of mobility plans for large traffic generators,
which are inevitably modeled on Sustainable Urban
Mobility Plans. The implementation of mobility plans
allows to mitigate the negative effects of transport,
and is also one of the most important tools for
mobility management. Such a document can be
created for any area or facility creating a lot of traffic
in the city, and its idea is to present the intended
goals, projects and proposed activities that may
contribute to the introduction of the concept of
sustainable development in the area or facility [29]
[32]. For this purpose, it is obligatory to develop an
appropriate methodology adapted to the needs of a
given institution. It is also necessary to conduct a
detailed analysis of the receivers in terms of their
awareness and needs, so as to select the actions
implemented in the mobility plan appropriately for
them, provide appropriate information, and also to
competently draw conclusions later in the
implementation of the mobility plan, constantly
reacting to the feelings of the receivers related to the
currently entered tasks. It is also very important to
skilfully assess the results of pilot activities, as well as
those implemented in the field of education and
promotion of sustainable development on the
premises of the facility [16], [33][38].
Furthermore, according to the main goal of
mobility plan, which is to promote sustainable
commuting pattern, implementing mobility plans
impact on company carbon footprint, and then to the
carbon footprint of the whole city. On 5 January 2023,
new European Union directive entered into force the
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
The first companies (the largest) will have to apply
the new rules for the first time in the 2024 financial
year. However, the key issue of this directive is the
need to count the emissions not only from vehicles
belonging to the company's fleet, but also from
employees' commuting from home [39]. This can
significantly influence the validity of mobility plans
and prioritise their implementation in the future.
World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development
(WBCSD) provided Greenhouse Gas Protocol which
establishes comprehensive global standardised
frameworks to measure and manage greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions from private and public sector
operations. With regard to the protocol companies
should collect data on:
Number of employees
Average distance travelled by an average
employee per day
Average breakdown of transport modes used by
Average number working days per year [40].
One of such facilities generating large flows of
traffic is the Gdynia Maritime University. The number
of employees commuting to work - lecturers,
administrative employees or other workers employed
at Gdynia Maritime University makes it one of the
largest employers in the city. In addition, students
commuting to classes and moving between campuses,
the location in the city center and the organization of
many events on campus contribute to increasing
traffic both around the campus on Morska Street and
John Paul II Avenue [41].
That’s why Gdynia Maritime University
collaborates with local and regional public authorities
responsible for transport planning and infrastructure
development. This collaboration ensures that the
educational programs offered by the university align
with the needs of the transport sector in Gdynia. It
also facilitates knowledge exchange and cooperation
in areas such as transport policy, infrastructure
planning, and sustainable mobility.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the
prerequisites and perspectives of creating and
implementing mobility plan for GMU in order to
make transport more sustainable in its vicinity. For
this purpose, pilot research survey has been carried
out among employees and students regarding their
transport preferences and behavior in reaching this
destination. The research hypothesis stating that the
transport habits of the GMU commuters, i.e.
employees and students, are not compatible with the
idea of sustainable mobility was confirmed.
2.1 Rules of creation and implementing mobility plans for
generators of large traffic flows
Universities are one of the facilities in the city that
generate a large number of travels around their
campuses or student dormitories. For such places it is
really important to create a space for the smooth
movement of a plurality of people. It is for this
purpose that mobility plans are created, which are
implemented with the intention of changing the
communication behaviour of stakeholders, so as to
limit, above all, individual trips by car, which are one
of the main sources of noise or air pollution in the
city. Of course, these journeys are made not only by
cars, but also by public transport, by means of
personal transport such as bicycles or scooters,
through shared transport and by foot, which are
perceived as more sustainable modes of transport.
The creation of such a mobility plan is usually
carried out in the form of stages, in which it is
necessary to implement successive phases of project
implementation, which in turn will lead to the
achievement of a number of benefits for both
addressees and traffic generators. Each mobility plan
should be aimed at improving the transport
accessibility of the area and meeting the transport
needs of its addressees. However, it should be
remembered that at the same time, criteria related to
environmental protection, economic efficiency and
social equality must be met.
Properly implemented mobility plans bring
benefits to both their addressees and the traffic
generators themselves.
The advantages that they can offer to addressees
include, above all:
improving the transport accessibility of travel
proposing alternative forms of transport for a
passenger car,
improvement of existing transport services,
improving transport and personal safety,
shortening the time and reducing travel costs,
creating opportunities for daily physical activity
using active forms of mobility.
On the other hand, the benefits for traffic
generators resulting from the implementation of
mobility plans can be considered as:
improving the transport accessibility of the facility,
reduction of costs and problems related to parking
on the premises,
improving relations with the inhabitants of
neighboring areas,
more efficient use of company vehicles,
creating a pro-ecological and innovative image of
the facility.
According to the Interreg Central Europe Movecit
Programme Guidelines for developing a mobility
plan there are at least six stages of the implementation
1. Mobility Concept first step is to clearly articulate
the mobility concept, which outlines the
overarching goals and principles of the mobility
plan. This concept should address the specific
needs and challenges of the community or
organization for which the plan is being
developed. For example, the mobility concept
might aim to reduce traffic congestion, improve
public transportation options, promote sustainable
modes of transportation, or enhance accessibility
for all individuals. Main goals of this stage are to
secure support in the development and
implementation of the mobility plan, anchoring
sustainable mobility in the object`s Mission
Statement and in its self-image, embedding
sustainable mobility in political strategies and
documents, develop a common vision, a long-term
goal for transport and mobility development.
2. Mobility Team implementing a mobility plan
requires careful coordination and collaboration
from the mobility team. Each step of the
implementation process is crucial to ensure the
successful execution of the plan. Mobility team
focuses on defining the key objectives and
performance metrics that will guide the
implementation of the mobility plan. This step sets
the foundation for measuring the effectiveness and
success of the plan. By focusing on establishing
clear objectives and performance metrics, the
mobility team can effectively track progress, make
data-driven decisions, and demonstrate the impact
of the implemented mobility plan. This step lays
the groundwork for the subsequent actions and
initiatives required to bring the mobility plan to
3. Analysis of the existing situation in the process of
creating a mobility plan, analysing the existing
situation is a crucial step that provides a
comprehensive understanding of the current state
of transportation and mobility. Describing steps
such as: data collection (mobility survey
questionnaire, site audits and inspections), traffic
analysis, public transportation evaluation,
infrastructure assessment, accessibility analysis,
environmental impact assessment, stakeholders’
engagement and SWOT Analysis of the object the
process of analysing the existing situation in the
creation of a mobility plan can be outlined.
4. Planning measures this step involves developing
specific strategies and actions to address the
identified mobility challenges and achieve the
desired goals. When implementing a mobility
plan, planning measures is a crucial step that
involves developing specific strategies and actions
to address mobility challenges and achieve desired
outcomes. Based on the analysis findings and
established objectives, there is a need to identify
targeted measures that will help address the
identified mobility challenges and achieve the
desired outcomes. These measures should be
tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of
the target area or community.
5. Implementation of measures in the process of
creating a mobility plan, implementation of
measures involves executing the planned
strategies and actions to bring about desired
changes in transportation and mobility. This also
include specific goals, financial sources, targets,
responsibilities and measures itself along with the
timeline of the process.
6. Evaluation and Monitoring this step plays a
crucial role in the implementation of a mobility
plan as they allow the mobility team to assess the
progress, effectiveness, and impact of the plan.
Activities such as consultations with the project's
addressees should be carried out at every stage of
creating the mobility plan, so that they are aware
of the implementation of the plan, the goals set
and the scope of the project - so that their
involvement in the project is as high as possible. In
the further part, this will make it easier to draw
conclusions or assess the effects of the plan's
implementation. In addition, to assess the
functioning of the created mobility plan, a number
of indicators can be used to assess the degree of
success of the implemented project, and measures
to determine the effects of the implementation of
specific instruments within the project [42], [43].
2.2 Gdynia Maritime University characteristics and
planned investments
Gdynia Maritime University plays an important role
in the functioning of the City of Gdynia. As a
specialized university in maritime studies and
engineering, Gdynia Maritime University provides
high-quality education and research opportunities in
various maritime-related disciplines. The university
produces skilled professionals, including mechanics,
marine engineers, and navigators, who contribute to
the development of the local maritime industry and
workforce. The research conducted at the University
also fosters innovation and technological
advancements in the maritime sector. Gdynia
Maritime University also contributes to the economic
development of Gdynia by attracting students and
staff from different parts of Poland and abroad. This
leads to increased demand for local goods and
services, such as accommodation, dining,
transportation, and entertainment. It also creates
opportunities for businesses to cater to the needs of
the university community, supporting local
entrepreneurship and employment. Moreover,
Gdynia Maritime University organizes various
cultural and social events, conferences, and seminars,
which contribute to the city's cultural life. These
events bring together scholars, professionals, and
students, fostering intellectual exchange and
community engagement.
Therefore, considering the fact of being one of the
largest employers in the city and accepting a number
of clients, as well as organizing classes for many
students, the Gdynia Maritime University is also
perceived as one of the largest traffic generators in the
city. Students, lecturers, and staff members
commuting to and from the University can contribute
to increased traffic during peak hours. This influx of
vehicles, especially if concentrated in specific time
slots, can lead to congestion on roads surrounding the
university campus and, consequently, to increased
traffic and noise throughout the city. The locations of
the buildings comprising the Maritime University of
Gdynia are presented in Figure 1 and, as can be seen
there, they are located in the central district of Gdynia
- Śródmieście (Navigation Faculty and Swimming
Pool), the neighbouring Kamienna Góra (student
house), and also in Grabówek (main building of
GMU, Sports Centre of GMU and student houses at
Beniowskiego Street). Soon, the Gdynia Maritime
University may also become the owner of the building
at Piłsudskiego avenue, which is also located in
Śródmieście. That is why it is so important to create
the awareness of rational travel among students and
city dwellers i.e., through encouraging the use of
alternative transportation modes, such as bicycles,
walking, carpooling, and public transportation,
through infrastructure improvements and awareness
campaigns can reduce the reliance on private vehicles
and mitigate traffic congestion.
Figure 1. Location of GMU buildings on the map of Gdynia
Gdynia Maritime University also has a high
demand for parking spaces. Insufficient parking
facilities can lead to students and staff searching for
parking spaces in the surrounding neighbourhoods,
potentially causing congestion and inconvenience for
local residents. Especially now, when the construction
of the new Gdynia Maritime University Sports Centre
is entering the final phase of construction (the
planned completion date is the second quarter of
2024), the traffic around the campus at Morska Street
may increase even more (Fig. 2). The possibility of
organizing sports events in a modern sports hall or
conferences in the office part of the new building will
certainly contribute to choosing the Gdynia Maritime
University as a destination for many people. A partial
improvement to the expected increase in traffic may
be the commissioning of an underground car park
with 49 spaces, also built as part of this investment.
However, using the Sports Centre to promote active
mobility can bring much greater potential. Sanitary
facilities, locker rooms or a fitness area can contribute
to increasing the share of trips by sustainable means
of transport to the University campus.
Figure 2. Visualization of the GMU Sports Centre building
Overall, Gdynia Maritime University has a
positive impact on the functioning of the City of
Gdynia by driving education, research, economic
development and infrastructure improvements. The
university's close collaboration with industry and its
specialized programs cater to the specific needs of the
maritime sector, reinforcing Gdynia's position as a
key maritime centre in Poland.
One of the most important stages of the
implementation of the Mobility Plan for traffic
generators is the analysis of the existing state. In this
case, a pilot research survey was carried out among
136 of students and 18 employees of the Gdynia
Maritime University in order to find out what their
behaviour and transport preferences are. It was also
analysed what instruments should be implemented to
balance mobility within both campuses of the
University. The formulated research hypothesis states
that the way of traveling of the surveyed people is not
in line with the sustainable mobility paradigm.
Figure 3 presents the data collected from the
participants of the study related to their most
frequently chosen means of transport, taking into
account the gender of the respondents. Sustainable
means of transport such as walking, bicycle, bus,
trolleybus or train are chosen more often by women
68 % than by men 54 % of respondents. Among
women, the most dominant way of traveling to the
University is bus/trolleybus (28%) or walking (24%),
while among men the car (29%) and bus/trolleybus
(22%) definitely prevail. Among the representatives of
both sexes, there was only one person each who
declared that they most often use a bicycle to get to
the University. On the other hand, multimodal
transport, i.e. a combination of several different
means of transport, was indicated by 19% of women
and 17% of men participating in the study. The
presented results regarding more frequent sustainable
travel by women are also confirmed by other studies
conducted by world researchers. Women are more
likely to choose sustainable means of transport and
are more aware of the ecological aspects of rational
travel [44][48].
Figure 3. Modal split of respondents depending of their
In relation to the above, the respondents were also
asked if they had a driving license and what means of
personal transport they had (Figure 4). Depending on
the answers to these questions, it was possible to
conclude whether the respondents consciously choose
sustainable means of transport or whether they
simply have no other option to travel.
The means of personal transport that the
participants of the study have at their disposal are
mainly cars and bicycles. Over three-quarters (76%) of
respondents have a car in their household, while
41.5% of them have it exclusively. However, in order
to identify car owners by gender, it is mainly men
who own them in their household. Over 80% of men
participating in the survey declared that they had a
car, while 52% of them had it at their own disposal.
Among women, the results are as follows: 70% of
women participating in the survey have a car in their
household, but only 30% of them have it exclusively.
Although, as many as 90% of the women and 92% of
the men participating in the survey declared that they
were licensed to drive a car. These are certainly a few
of the reasons why women are more likely to choose
sustainable means of transport. When it comes to
bicycles, 71% of the survey participants declared
having them, but as many as 60% of them have their
own private bicycle. Therefore, this study confirmed
that Poland is in the group of countries where
inhabitants most often have their own bicycles (69%
according to IPSOS research) [49]. This can be a very
good starting point to encourage students and
employees of the Gdynia Maritime University to use
this type of transport more often, while meeting other
important aspects for the users. Owners of
motorcycles - 17.5% and scooter owners - 15% of
respondents have a slight share in this ranking.
Figure 4. Possession of respondents' personal means of
Another important aspect raised in the research is
the place of residence of the respondents. Figure 5
presents a map taking into account the area declared
by the respondents as their place of residence. During
the development of the Mobility Plan for the Gdynia
Maritime University, thanks to this data it will be
possible to identify the areas from which the traffic
towards the University is the highest, so with the
support of the city and the public transport authorities
like Zarząd Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdyni and the
Szybka Kolej Miejska w Trójmieście, also adjusting the
appropriate public transport offers to both campuses
of the University. Most of the survey participants
(20%) are residents of student houses. A significant
number of respondents indicated the northern
districts of Gdynia (15%) and the western districts of
Gdynia (10%) as their place of residence. Many people
(9%) also live in the vicinity of the campus at ul.
Morska, i.e. in the area covering the districts of
Leszczynki, Grabówek and Działki Leśne. The
remaining areas constitute an insignificant share in
the ranking and are represented by a small number of
people, while 18% of the survey participants declared
that they live outside the borders of the Tri-City -
mainly in neighbouring counties.
Figure 5. Traffic intensity to GMU from individual groups
of Gdynia districts and neighbouring counties
In order to find out the motivation for choosing
specific means of transport by the study participants,
they were asked to refer to specific statements. On this
basis, it can also be deduced whether the reasons for
choosing a given way of traveling depend on the
respondents (e.g. concern for the environment) or
whether they have no influence on them (lack of
parking spaces). Subsequently, Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9
present the respondents' motivations related to
walking, cycling, public transport or a private car
commuting to the University.
As the main reason for walking to the University,
the participants of the study indicated the short travel
distance, which does not require the use of another
means of transport, savings on travel costs and also
care for health. The obtained results confirm the
results of studies conducted among people declaring
walking as their way of traveling also in other regions
of the world [50][52]. Subsequently, the lack of
parking spaces and concern for health were also
indicated. The postulates with which the respondents
completely disagree are the lack of having a car and
the lack of the possibility to use a car or other means
of transport. It should be noted, however, that the
majority of people who declare walking to the
University are students living in student houses in the
vicinity of the campus.
Figure 6. Motivations for choosing walking trips by
Although the bicycle is the least frequently chosen
everyday means of transport among the survey
participants, over 40 people declared that they use it
occasionally when commuting to the University. In
the case of this vehicle, the most frequently indicated
motivations in its choice were low travel costs, health
care, ease of commuting - independence from
congestion, as well as care for the environment - these
are factors mainly dependent on the respondents.
According to the IPSOS research mentioned before,
polish people also perceive cycling more than a sport
than a way to travel. Over 61 % people in Poland
declared that they ride a bicycle for exercise and this
was the highest ratio obtained in the study [49].
Therefore, cycling may not be as popular among
study participants at GMU.
Figure 7. Motivations for choosing cycling trips by
Public transport is the most frequently chosen
means of transport among the survey participants.
The fact that respondents have student discounts is
the main reason for choosing this sustainable mode of
transport. Savings on travel costs and the lack of
parking spaces in the vicinity of the University
campuses were also often mentioned. The last two
indicated factors, combined with a negative attitude
to statements about the inability to use a car, may
indicate that if the number of parking spaces within
the campus were greater, they would choose a car as a
means of transport to the University. An equally
important aspect when choosing this way of traveling
is the place of residence of the study participants.
People who run districts far away from the GMU are
not willing to choose this means of transport. This is
also confirmed by other transport studies of other
European cities [53], [54].
Figure 8. Motivations for choosing public transport by
When it comes to car users, their main motivations
when choosing the least ecological means of urban
transport are traveling comfort, saving travel time, as
well as making other trips on that day that are not
related to work or study, these arguments are also
substantiated in Chinese and British studies
conducted for medium-sized cities [55][57].
However, most trips made by car towards the
University are made from remote districts and
counties, which are characterized by quite poor access
to public transport. These are mainly northern
districts of Gdynia (Babie Doły, Oksywie, Obłuże,
Pogórze), western districts (Chwarzno-Wiczlino,
Witomino), as well as Kościerzyna, Kartuzy and
Wejherowo counties.
Figure 9. Motivations for choosing car by respondents
In order to increase the share of sustainable means
of transport when commuting to the University by its
students and employees, they were also asked to
indicate factors that would change the way of
traveling to the University by bicycle or public
transport. Bearing in mind that not all participants of
the study can be convinced to change their transport
habits, the obtained results allow us to look with
optimism at the possible choice of sustainable means
of transport for travel. Figure 10 shows the factors that
would have to be improved in order for some of the
study participants to start commuting to the
University by bicycle, while Figure 11 shows the
factors requiring improvement in the public transport
Analysing the respondents' answers, it can be seen
that infrastructural factors are the most important for
them, such as the improvement of the existing bicycle
infrastructure in the city, but also a safe, and
preferably monitored, place to store a bicycle at the
University. Equally important for study participants
are basic hygiene facilities such as a shower/locker.
From the point of view of the Gdynia Maritime
University, these demands can be met on the occasion
of the aforementioned construction of the Sports
Figure 10. Factors that would encourage respondents to
choose a bicycle as a means of transport when commuting
to University
When it comes to transport postulates related to
public transport, which the participants of the study
would be most interested in when using this type of
travelling, these are: punctuality, regularity,
frequency of connections and a lower cost of a
monthly ticket. However, recent changes introduced
by the Zarząd Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdyni
(increase in ticket prices, withdrawal of bus lines) do
not meet the expectations of users of public transport,
which may mean that when creating a mobility plan
for the Gdynia Maritime University, cooperation with
public transport authorities may be one of the greatest
Figure 11. Transport postulates that would encourage
respondents to travel by public transport
The last but no less important point was collecting
opinions on the transport problems currently faced by
the Gdynia Maritime University. 122 participants of
the study took advantage of this opportunity.
Respondents had a chance to comment on this topic in
an open question, but for the purposes of this article,
the answers have been collected and grouped in Table
1. This list includes both problems that could be
solved at the level of the Gdynia Maritime University
- such as the lack of parking spaces or insufficient
transport accessibility of the Faculty of Navigation, as
well as the unsatisfactory offer of collective transport
carriers or their delays, for which public transport
authorities are responsible and indirectly the City of
Gdynia. That is why it is so important to cooperate
with municipal institutions in this regard as much as
possible when creating a mobility plan for the Gdynia
Maritime University.
Table 1. Gdynia Maritime University transport problems
indicated by survey participants
Gdynia Maritime University Number of
transport problem respondents
Public transport delays 22
No parking spaces around the campuses for students 21
Congestion 19
Insufficient transport accessibility of the Navigation 19
Unsatisfactory public transport offer 18
Overload in means of public transport 11
Car parks prices at John Paul II Avenue 6
No bicycle routes in some parts of the city 3
No covered parking for bicycles 2
Public transport ticket prices 1
Implementing a mobility plan at the Gdynia Maritime
University can bring numerous benefits to the
university community, including environmental
sustainability, improved health, reduced traffic
congestion and improved safety. In addition, it can
also contribute to the improvement of the functioning
of the entire city of Gdynia, and consequently also to
the service of the Port of Gdynia, because the
Kwiatkowski Flyover, leading to the northern districts
of Gdynia, inhabited by a large part of the study
participants, is a road of significant importance from
the point of view of land port services and operations
The research hypothesis stating that that the
transport habits of the GMU commuters are not
compatible with the concept of sustainable mobility
was confirmed. 61% of respondents declared that they
use sustainable means of transport, such as public
transport, cycling or walking. This way of traveling is
chosen more often by women (68%) than by men
(54%) participating in the survey. The result achieved
is not sufficient to consider that GMU commuters are
promoters of sustainable travel, but it is a very good
starting point for the implementation of the Mobility
Plan. However, the potential that can be used,
especially taking into account the small share of
bicycle transport in this list, shows that with the
creation of a properly developed mobility plan for
GMU, the share of sustainable means of transport in
commuting to the University may increase. Especially
considering that as many as 71% of respondents have
a bicycle in their household.
Cooperation of the team creating the mobility plan
for GMU with representatives of the city of Gdynia,
e.g. in terms of infrastructure improvement and with
other institutions - especially responsible for the
organization of transport in the city - will allow for
the complete or partial elimination of transport
barriers indicated by students and employees of the
University, during their commuting to the facilities by
sustainable means of transport, such as public
transport and bicycles. In addition to solving
transport problems related to selected locations of the
Gdynia Maritime University indicated by respondents
during the survey, the mobility plan may bring
benefits such as reduction in CO2 emissions and
improve air quality around the campus and whole
Gdynia city. This will be possible mainly through
encouraging students and its employees to use more
eco-friendly modes of transportation such as bicycles,
public transport, or electric vehicles. As a result, it can
lead to reduced traffic congestion on the roads leading
to the campuses and also reduce in parking space
needs at the University. Promoting public transport
and carpooling can result in less congestion and
shorter travel times for all users.
The implementation of the mobility plan for GMU
may also have environmental and health benefits.
Promoting active forms of transportation like walking
or cycling can increase physical activity among the
university community. Regular physical activity has
positive effects on health, well-being, and
concentration, which can translate into better
academic performance. By implementing a mobility
plan, the university can also become a leader in
promoting environmental awareness within the
academic community. This can influence the attitudes
and behaviors of students and employees, not only
regarding mobility but also in other areas of
sustainable development.
Overall, Gdynia Maritime University has a
significant impact not only on the shaping and
functioning of the transport system in the seaport city
of Gdynia. Through its maritime education, research,
collaboration with industry and public authorities and
research expertise, GMU contributes to the
development of a sustainable, efficient, and
competitive transport system, particularly in the
maritime and logistics sectors.
This research was funded by Gdynia Maritime University
WN/2023/PZ/10 project.
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