International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 1
March 2009
Development of a Concept for Bridge Alert
F. Motz & S. Hockel
Research Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics, FGAN,
Wachtberg, Germany
M. Baldauf
World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
K. Benedict
Hochschule Wismar University of Technology, Business and Design, Warnemünde,
Modern ship bridges show a high degree of automa-
tion. A large amount of information concerning nav-
igation, safety and security as well as the monitoring
and control of the technical facilities on board are in-
tegrated in the operational displays on the bridge.
With respect to the level of integration of the sen-
sors, equipment, displays and assistance systems a
modern ship bridge can be defined as a highly-
complex man-machine system. As such the safety
and efficiency of its handling is dependent on the
communication between the human and the ma-
chines during the accomplishment of tasks. Humans
can fulfill their assigned monitoring, control, and
decision tasks most effectively, if the information
flow between them and machines is adapted to the
human skills and abilities (e.g., Lützhöft 2004). To
support the mariner effectively, information should
be presented task- and situation-dependent.
Associated with the high degree of automation
and integration of systems and sensors on board is a
proliferation of alarm signals on the bridge. Redun-
dant and superfluous audible and visual alarms are
appearing, without a central position for visualiza-
tion and acknowledgement of alarms. That way
alarms increase the seafarers’ workload and lead to
information overload (Earthy 2006). Alarm signals
coming from various systems and sensors lead
sometimes to a confusing and difficult manageable
situation for the mariner, which is distracting him
from his task to safely navigate the vessel.
The majority of marine accidents are associated
with collisions and groundings in terms of num-
bers as well as in terms of costs. While some acci-
dents result from technical failures of one kind or
another (e.g. structural, engine or steering failure),
many are caused by navigational errors (Wadsworth
2005). Research indicates that a high percentage of
collisions and groundings are due to direct human
error (IMO 2008).
To enable the operator to devote his full attention
to the safe navigation of the ship and to immediately
identify any abnormal situation requiring action to
maintain the safe navigation of the ship an alarm
management harmonizing the handling, distribution
and presentation of alarms on the bridge is necessary
(Bainbridge 1983, Sheridan 1998).
ABSTRACT: Modern ship bridges are highly-automated man-machine systems. Safe and efficient ship op-
erations are dependent on the communication between humans and machines. This paper is dedicated to the
general subject of integrated navigation and the specific field of the alert management on a ship's navigational
bridge. It deals with investigations into the present situation on board of ships regarding the frequency and
type of triggered alarms under real conditions. The conduction of empirical field studies is introduced and
some of the gained results are presented and discussed. Finally the alert management concept of the perfor-
mance standards for Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) is introduced and an approach for the reduction of
CPA/TCPA alarm frequencies within INS/IBS is described.
For navigational alarms such an alarm manage-
ment is introduced within the revised performance
standards for integrated navigation systems (INS),
which needs to be implemented for all INS installed
after January 1
2011. Additionally, the Internation-
al Maritime Organization (IMO) decided to develop
in the context of the revision of the performance
standards for integrated bridge systems (IBS) a
bridge alarm management system that comprises all
alarms occurring on the bridge. A correspondence
group coordinated by Germany was established to
progress this work.
The importance of an alert management is recog-
nized as well within the framework of the e-
navigation strategy of the IMO (IMO 2008). As one
high-level user need within the e-navigation strategy
an alarm management system as accomplished in the
revised performance standards for INS is identified.
To investigate the current situation of the man-
agement and presentation of all alarms appearing on
ships’ bridges a number of field studies were per-
formed on board of vessels. The results of those
studies were introduced in the work of the IMO cor-
respondence group working on the development of
performance standards for Bridge Alarm Manage-
ment. Within this paper selected results of the inves-
tigations are presented as well as the conclusions
drawn regarding the performance standards for
Bridge Alarm Management which will be finalized
at the 55
session of the IMO Subcommittee Safety
of Navigation (NAV) in 2009. An approach for the
reduction of the number of alarms is introduced.
The field studies were performed under the
framework of a national Research and Development
project funded by the German Ministry of Transport,
Building and Urban Affairs, and under the European
MarNIS-project, funded by the European Commis-
sion, Department for Energy and Transport.
Field studies were carried out on board of six ves-
sels: two ferries operating in the Baltic Sea, three
container vessels (with container capacities of 6200
TEU, 5500 TEU and 7500 TEU) and a cruise vessel
operating in the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of the
field studies was to investigate the current occur-
rence of alarms on a ships bridge and their handling
by the bridge team. As the management and presen-
tation of alarms is influenced by the type of ship, the
year of construction, the installed equipment and
grade of integration, the sea area, the training and
education of the crew as well as by the safety stand-
ards of the shipping company (Baldauf & Motz
2006), these factors were taken into account to ob-
tain a profound database.
All alarm and warning messages occurring on the
bridge were manually recorded. It was registered
what kind of alarm occurred, when and where it was
announced, how it was presented and how it was
handled by the bridge team.
To compare the different bridges on each vessel
the specific sensor systems in use for navigation
(positioning, speed, track control, collision avoid-
ance and so on) together with the configuration of
the alarm thresholds were registered. Simple chang-
es in the configuration and the settings of the alarm
limits lead to an increase or decrease of the an-
nounced alarms.
A special focus was laid on the assumed depend-
encies of alarm frequencies from sea areas. For the
purposes of the studies the navigational situations
were defined based on collected experts’ opinions
"open sea" (no natural constraints / no artificial
"coastal" (natural constraints / distance to coast
less than 10 nm without harbor, pilotage, anchor-
age / artificial constraints - e.g. TSS with estab-
lished traffic lanes and recommended routes) and
"confined" (with three different special cases:
harbor, pilotage and anchorage).
Additionally interviews by means of a structured
guideline were carried out to gather opinions, sug-
gestions and remarks of navigators on the occur-
rence and presentation of alarms on the bridge, the
handling of alarms and related operational problems.
The investigated vessels were built or recon-
structed within the time span from 2001 until 2007.
The ships’ navigational bridges were provided with
equipment from different manufacturers that was in-
tegrated and combined on a medium or high integra-
tion level.
The field studies were conducted on different
times of the year during voyages in the Baltic Sea, in
the Western Mediterranean Sea, in the North Sea
and in the English Channel. Usually good weather
conditions were experienced with low winds and
calm sea. The average time of observation was 19
hours, with a minimum of 11 hours and a maximum
of 27 hours.
3.1 Alarm thresholds and adjustment of alarm
In the framework of the field studies it was recorded
which settings the bridge team used for the trigger-
ing of alarms and warnings at the installed naviga-
tional equipment. It was assumed that the navigators
would adjust the alarm thresholds and limit values to
the different navigational situations and sea areas.
However the contrary was observed. On three of
the six vessels no adjustments at all were made to
the alarm thresholds and limit values neither ac-
cording to sea areas nor visibility conditions. On the
remaining ships a change of the thresholds was rare-
ly the case as well. One of the navigators adjusted
the limits for CPA/TCPA (Closest Point of Ap-
proach/Time to CPA) in confined conditions to 0.5
nautical miles (nm) and 0 minutes (min) to practical-
ly switch off the alarms.
In general the thresholds for CPA alarms were set
to 0.5 nm on five of the vessels with a TCPA limit of
6, 10, 12 or (twice) 15 minutes. On Ferry 2 the
CPA/TCPA limits were set to 0.0nm/0min through-
out the voyage.
Adjustments to the different navigational situa-
tions and sea areas were observed regarding the
alarm announcement. The audible signaling of radar
alarms was switched off from time to time on almost
all vessels. Especially in confined conditions during
departure and arrival, where a lot of targets appear
on the radar, alarms (e.g. collision avoidance and
lost target alarms) were not acoustically announced.
On Ferry 2 the audible alarm announcement was
switched off on both radars throughout the voyage.
3.2 Dependencies on sea area
One hypothesis of the investigations was that the
frequency of alarms is dependent on the sea area in
which the vessel is sailing. Figure 1 shows the aver-
age frequency of alarms per hour for the three sea
areas for each vessel investigated.
Ferry 1 Container
vessel 1
Ferry 2 Container
vessel 2
vessel 3
Frequency of alarms per hour
open sea
Figure 1. Average frequency of alarms for sea areas per vessel
Except for Ferry 2, on all vessels considerably
more alarms were recorded in coastal and confined
conditions than in open sea areas. Altogether the
analyses indicate a correlation between the traffic
characteristics of the specific sea areas and the alarm
This hypothesis is further confirmed when ana-
lyzing the average frequency for all six vessels (Fig.
2). Most alarms were recorded in confined and
coastal waters. The occurrence of alarms at open sea
was approximately four times lower than in confined
open sea coastal confined
Frequency of alarms per hour
Figure 2. Average frequency of alarms for sea areas for all six
3.3 Dependencies on equipment
Figure 3 depicts the distribution of alarms dependent
on the device on which they occurred for the six
The vast majority of alarms was recorded at the
radar device. Only on Container vessel 3 the per-
centage of radar alarms was lower than the amount
of alarms that occurred at the ECDIS. This is due to
the fact that on this vessel throughout the voyage
AIS information was not integrated in the radar. Al-
together the ECDIS aggregates the second highest
percentage of the registered alarms.
The ECDIS was the only system besides the radar
for which on each of the vessels alarms were record-
ed. Alarms on other devices were not appearing on
all vessels, in some cases only on one vessel. These
alarms reflected specific circumstances on the con-
cerning vessel. On Container vessel 2 for example
many alarms were registered on the GNSS and the
gyro monitoring system, caused by the loss of the
differential signal at the GNSS device.
Ferry 1 Container
vessel 1
Ferry 2 Container
vessel 2
vessel 3
Percentage of alarm occurence
Figure 3: Distribution of alarms dependent on equipment per
3.4 Dependencies on alarm category
The distribution of the five alarm categories regis-
tered most often is shown in Figure 4.
For the purpose of the analysis the percentages
for off track and off course alarms were summed up
into one category. The category “collision avoidance
alarms” includes the values for CPA/TCPA and Bow
Crossing alarms. Aggregated into the category
“waypoint alarms” are the alarms: early course
change indication, actual course change indication
and wheel over point. Alarm types summed up under
the category “other” partly took percentages of up to
17% on one vessel but were registered only on that
vessel as for example DGPS failures on Container
vessel 2.
Waypoint alarms
Off track / Off
Lost target
Chart data
avoidance alarms
Figure 4: Average percentage of alarm categories for all six
For all vessels investigated the majorities of
alarms are collision avoidance alarms and lost target
alarms (51 %).
CPA/TCPA as well as lost target alarms were
predominantly triggered by AIS information, on av-
erage 72% of the CPA/TCPA alarms and 57 % of
the lost target alarms. (This percentage could have
been even higher, if the bridge team of Container
vessel 3 had not chosen a radar setting without inte-
gration of AIS information, which caused that all
CPA/TCPA and lost target alarms were initiated by
radar information.)
These results were expected due to the technical
configuration and the use of the automatic alarm
functions. For AIS, according to IMO regulations,
the same limit values have to be applied as for
tracked radar targets and the option for CPA/TCPA
calculation was switched on to sleeping AIS targets
by default. On two ships it was observed that
CPA/TCPA and lost target alarms included targets
that lay in the harbor basin behind land masses.
3.5 Interview results
During the field studies on board 13 mariners were
interviewed. All of them were male with an average
age of 36. Their average overall experience as mari-
ner was 14 years, their average experience as an of-
ficer 9.5 years. The current position of the inter-
viewees varied from master to third officermost of
the mariners were first or second officer.
Generally officers and masters feel that there are
too many alarms occurring only for informative rea-
sons on the bridge or can not be solved by the officer
on the watch, for example “VDR record fault” or
“window wiper oil low”. Half of the mariners think
that especially in certain situations for example the
approach to a harbor such alarms are a major prob-
lem as they are distracting.
Mariners often reported alarms making annoying,
loud and long lasting sounds, for example alarms
from the navigation lights, echo sounder or gyro
compass. Others pointed out that the acoustic
presentation of an alarm often doesn’t reflect its rel-
evance. To identify the priority and the source of an
alarm is seen as a general problem.
The majority favors to have the possibility to
switch of the audible announcement of alarms in
certain situations. Some mariners say that this con-
cerns especially noisy alarms that are seen as less
important. Others are referring to situations in which
there is a lot of traffic, instruments are closely moni-
tored and alarms are expected. However it is stated
by some mariners that alarms for safety reasons, like
fire alarms or engine shut down alarms, should al-
ways be audible.
Eighty percent think that a centralized alarm dis-
play for the centralized presentation of all alarms
would support them with their tasks on the bridge.
The vast majority feels that it would be a great bene-
fit not to have to “run around the bridge” anymore
trying to find out from which equipment an alarm
comes from. Further expectations regarding a central
alarm management display include a prioritization of
alarms and the possibility to acknowledge or at least
silence the alarms there. Some mariners worry that
safety related alarms will not be immediately identi-
fied at a central alarm display for all alarms.
False alarms are seen as a problem. According to
mariners especially distress alarms are often false
alarms caused by users that send a message by mis-
take (without identification or position). Another
problem are distress alarms from areas which are not
of interest for the actual navigation situation.
Regarding the handling of alarms from the engine
room presented e.g. on extension control panels on
the bridge the statements differed. On some vessels
the engine room is manned all or nearly all the time
and alarms from the engine room are presented only
for informative reasons without giving an audible
announcement. On those vessels no difficulties with
engine alarms are experienced. On other vessels
alarms from the engine room give a sound on the
bridge that stops, when the alarm is acknowledged in
the engine room. On the bridge these alarms can not
be acknowledged. It is only possible to silence the
audible alarm. The tone is retriggered, when a new
alarm occurs. This can lead to a distraction of the
navigator, whose attention gets attracted by the
sound again and again. Some mariners feel that
those engine alarms are annoying.
The field studies indicate a lack of a harmonized
alarm management. The majorities of alarms record-
ed were collision avoidance and lost target alarms
occurring on the radar, being triggered by AIS in-
formation. The peak values of alarms per hour were
observed in confined waters. Under conditions of
high traffic density, as for example at harbor en-
trances, alarms were often experienced as superflu-
ous. However alarm thresholds were rarely adjusted.
Instead the audible alarm announcement on the radar
often was switched off in confined conditions. On
some vessels the bridge teams suppressed collision
avoidance alarms during departure and arrival by
setting the alarm thresholds to a minimum. Alto-
gether it can be concluded that especially in con-
fined waters as harbor approaches where many AIS
targets appear the navigators are overloaded with
The results showed further, that difficulties are
related to the audible presentation of alarms and the
necessary acknowledgement on various panels on
the bridge, to the lack of indication of any priority of
the alarms, to the lack of a consistent alarm ac-
knowledgment concept and to difficulties in differ-
entiating the audible alarm signals.
4.1 Generic Approach for Reduction of CPA/TCPA
As collision warnings were found a major part of all
alarms on the bridge the situation regarding high
number of alarms may possibly be improved by en-
hanced triggering of these type of alarm.
One reason for the high amount of collision
avoidance and lost target alarms in confined waters
is to be seen in the technical configuration of AIS
and the integration of sleeping AIS targets for the
presentation of collision avoidance and lost target
alarms. According to the new display and the new
radar standards (IMO 2004a, IMO 2004b), future ra-
dar systems with AIS integration will allow the se-
lective acquisition of AIS targets for collision avoid-
ance alarms and more flexibility for the presentation
of lost target alarms. That way future radar system
will have the capability to reduce the number of
alarms. However, further studies are needed, to in-
vestigate if this really will solve the problem.
Further reasons for the high amount of alarms in
confined waters are on the one hand the missing of
recommendations for thresholds to be used for CPA
and Bow Crossing limits taking into account rele-
vant situation parameters and on the other hand the
missing possibilities to adjust the alarm initiation in
an appropriate way beyond range and time to con-
fined waters, where closer passing of vessels are to
be expected.
One concept for the improvement of collision
warnings has already been described earlier by Bal-
dauf (2004). It bases on the definition of situation
dependent thresholds, which take into account the
type of encounter situation, the sea area and the visi-
bility conditions. Core element of this approach is a
risk model for situation assessment defining the
three types of encounters meeting, overtaking and
crossing courses - and considering the two condi-
tions of good and restricted visibility as laid down in
the International Rules for Preventing Collisions at
Sea. To reduce the number of collision warnings the
situation-dependent thresholds for CPA and TCPA
can be applied by an algorithm for self-adaptation of
these values to the prevailing circumstances of a cer-
tain situation and the maneuvering characteristics of
the involved ships. According to first preliminary
tests using a set of determined initial situation-
dependent CPA values to recorded open sea scenari-
os a significant reduction of occurring collision
warnings was reached (Baldauf et al. 2008).
A lot of deficiencies observed in the field studies
will be solved for INS installed after January 1
2011 for which an alarm management, according to
the revised INS performance standards (IMO 2007),
is mandatory.
This alarm management system for navigational
alarms aims to harmonize the operation, handling,
distribution and presentation of alarms. To improve
the operator’s situation awareness and his ability to
take effective action a set of priorities is introduced
based on urgency of the required response. A new
philosophy is followed for the prioritization and cat-
egorization of alarms. Alert (alert management) is
defined as umbrella term for the indication of any
abnormal situation with three different priorities of
alerts (IMO 2007, Motz & Baldauf 2007):
alarm (highest priority) - conditions requiring
immediate attention and action by the bridge team
to avoid any kind of hazardous situation and to
maintain the safe navigation of the ship;
warning - conditions or situations which require
immediate attention for precautionary reasons, to
make the bridge team aware of conditions which
are not immediately hazardous, but may become
so; and
caution - awareness of condition which does not
warrant an alarm or warning condition, but still
requires attention out of the ordinary considera-
tion of the situation or of given information.
The three priorities are indicated visually and acous-
tically in different ways. Whereas alarms initiate an
audible signal and a flashing visual indication until
acknowledgement, warnings are presented with a
momentarily audible signal and a flashing visual in-
dication until acknowledgment. After acknowledg-
ment both alarms and warnings are presented with a
steady visual indication. Cautions are only indicated
by a steady visual indication and don’t have to be
acknowledged. It is also possible to temporarily si-
lence alarms.
To ensure a consistent presentation of alerts and
to reduce the presentation of high priority alerts
within the INS, alerts released by navigational func-
tions, sensors, sources are presented as far as practi-
cable, after evaluation with the system knowledge of
the INS, e.g., provided by the integrity monitoring.
This means that the priority of an alert will be as-
signed and presented consistently for all parts of the
INS, and can be reduced for the alert in case of suf-
ficient redundancy. E.g., in case of a failure of one
of three position sensors only a caution may be re-
leased for the INS as still a reliable system position
can be presented.
Additionally the INS performance standards in-
clude requirements for a central alert management
human machine interface (HMI) for navigation re-
lated alerts (IMO 2007). Such a centralized presenta-
tion is part of an INS to support the bridge team in
the immediate identification of any abnormal situa-
tion, including the source and reason for the abnor-
mal situation and information for decision support
for the necessary actions.
The central alert management HMI has to fulfill
three major functions: indicating and identifying
alerts, allowing to temporarily silence all alarms and
allowing the acknowledgement of all alarms and
warnings for which no additional graphical infor-
mation is necessary as decision support for the eval-
uation of the alert related condition.
The alert management system within INS was
developed with the intention to be extendable to an
alert management concept for the whole bridge. The
findings of the field studies showed that the aspects
which were contributing to the development of the
INS alert management are also to be applied to the
alert management system for all alerts on the bridge.
Accordingly the performance standards for
Bridge Alert Management, which is currently devel-
oped at IMO, picks up most of the ideas of the INS
alert management. In doing so the performance
standards consists of two major parts: A general
module aiming to harmonize the presentation and
handling of all alerts on the bridge (equivalent to the
prioritization introduced within INS) and additional-
ly requirements for a central alert management HMI.
The field studies were part of a project funded by the
German Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban
Affairs, and conducted under the framework of the
European MarNIS-project, funded by the European
Commission, Department for Energy and Transport.
The authors would like to thank the shipping
companies Peter Döhle, TT-Lines, Finnlines,
Scandlines, HAPAG-Lloyd and AIDA Cruises Ltd
for their grateful assistance and all mariners who
provided their knowledge in interviews on board.
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