The three priorities are indicated visually and acous-
tically in different ways. Whereas alarms initiate an
audible signal and a flashing visual indication until
acknowledgement, warnings are presented with a
momentarily audible signal and a flashing visual in-
dication until acknowledgment. After acknowledg-
ment both alarms and warnings are presented with a
steady visual indication. Cautions are only indicated
by a steady visual indication and don’t have to be
acknowledged. It is also possible to temporarily si-
lence alarms.
To ensure a consistent presentation of alerts and
to reduce the presentation of high priority alerts
within the INS, alerts released by navigational func-
tions, sensors, sources are presented as far as practi-
cable, after evaluation with the system knowledge of
the INS, e.g., provided by the integrity monitoring.
This means that the priority of an alert will be as-
signed and presented consistently for all parts of the
INS, and can be reduced for the alert in case of suf-
ficient redundancy. E.g., in case of a failure of one
of three position sensors only a caution may be re-
leased for the INS as still a reliable system position
can be presented.
Additionally the INS performance standards in-
clude requirements for a central alert management
human machine interface (HMI) for navigation re-
lated alerts (IMO 2007). Such a centralized presenta-
tion is part of an INS to support the bridge team in
the immediate identification of any abnormal situa-
tion, including the source and reason for the abnor-
mal situation and information for decision support
for the necessary actions.
The central alert management HMI has to fulfill
three major functions: indicating and identifying
alerts, allowing to temporarily silence all alarms and
allowing the acknowledgement of all alarms and
warnings for which no additional graphical infor-
mation is necessary as decision support for the eval-
uation of the alert related condition.
The alert management system within INS was
developed with the intention to be extendable to an
alert management concept for the whole bridge. The
findings of the field studies showed that the aspects
which were contributing to the development of the
INS alert management are also to be applied to the
alert management system for all alerts on the bridge.
Accordingly the performance standards for
Bridge Alert Management, which is currently devel-
oped at IMO, picks up most of the ideas of the INS
alert management. In doing so the performance
standards consists of two major parts: A general
module aiming to harmonize the presentation and
handling of all alerts on the bridge (equivalent to the
prioritization introduced within INS) and additional-
ly requirements for a central alert management HMI.
The field studies were part of a project funded by the
German Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban
Affairs, and conducted under the framework of the
European MarNIS-project, funded by the European
Commission, Department for Energy and Transport.
The authors would like to thank the shipping
companies Peter Döhle, TT-Lines, Finnlines,
Scandlines, HAPAG-Lloyd and AIDA Cruises Ltd
for their grateful assistance and all mariners who
provided their knowledge in interviews on board.
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