The vast majority of maritime accident analyses
identify human error as a main or contributing cause.
Recent estimates range from 60 % (Butt et al., 2013) to
89.5 % (EMSA 2022, p. 5). However, according to the
classical accident pyramid, accidents are only the tip
of an iceberg, with incidents at the visible base and a
large amount of near misses and unsafe acts under the
surface (William 1959; Grech, Horberry & Koester,
2008, p. 17).
Human factors research could attribute unsafe acts
in many cases to a lack of situation awareness (SA), a
concept derived from aviation and elaborated by
Endsley (1995a). Endsley defines SA as a mental
process consisting of three successive levels: the
perception of relevant elements in the environment
within a volume of time and space (level 1), the
comprehension of their meaning (level 2), and the
projection of their near-future state (level 3). In the
maritime domain, 71% of human error in accident
reports (Grech, Horberry & Smith, 2002), or
correspondingly 50% of all accidents (Stratmann &
Boll 2016) were found to be related to a SA problems.
Loss of level 1 SA (perception) was reported most
The human factor has long been neglected in the
maritime domain and has received increasing
attention only in recent years (Grech et al. 2008). A
focus of the latest empirical research is human
decision-making, mostly in the context of developing
maritime collision avoidance support systems (e.g.
Aylward et al. 2022, Butler et al. 2022, Fan et al. 2023,
Kizilay et al. 2023, Kartoglu et al. 2022), applying or
citing a variety of methods, including ship simulators,
interviews, surveys, observations, case studies, and
How Does Maritime Situation Awareness Depend on
avigation Automation and Mental Workload? A Sea
imulator Experiment
G. Müller
-Plath, J. Lehleitner, J. Maier, J. Silva-Löbling, H. Zhang, X. Zhang, & S. Zhou
Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
ABSTRACT: A good situation awareness (SA) of the navigator is essential for the safety of the ship, especially in
coastal areas. In this study, the Unity 3D engine was used to simulate the navigation of a coastal trading vessel
along predefined routes in the Baltic Sea. The SA of the helmsman, who was either Chinese or European, was
assessed several times with the SAGAT test (Endsley, 1995b, 20-
21) and compared between low and high
workload conditions and between manual and autopilot navigation. High workload and automated navigation
both reduced SA significantly and in an additive manner. No difference was found between Chinese and
European participants. In contrast to previous accident analyses of SA, we found that SA level 3 (projection of
future states) was most strongly affected by both factors, while SA levels 1 (perception of relevant information)
and 2 (comprehension of the current situation) suffered to a lesser extent. Further research is needed to establish
specific relationships between types of automation on ships, types of workload, and SA problems in order to
design countermeasures.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
even SA questionnaires (e.g. Clemente et al. 2014). In
this type of research, SA is one of several
psychological factors that determine decision making.
However, what in turn are the determinants of SA?
Endsley & Jones (2011, ch. 3) suggested eight,
mostly interacting, factors that may impair SA at
different levels: Attentional tunnelling, memory
failures, stress due to anxiety, fatigue etc., mental
overload, misplaced salience/distraction, creeping
complexity, errant mental models, out-of-the-loop
syndrome due to automation (Wickens 2002,
Parasuraman et al. 2008). Although most of them have
been identified in analyses of maritime accident
reports (see e.g. Stratmann & Boll 2016), to our
knowledge, it has not been empirically demonstrated
in the maritime domain that one or more of these
factors causally affects SA at a subthreshold level, i.e.
without a subsequent incident or accident (see the
current literature review by Fan at al., 2023). The
present pilot study is a first step towards filling this
In a bridge simulator experiment, we tested the SA
of the helmsman of a coaster vessel during navigation
while manipulating two of the aforementioned
factors: high versus low mental workload, and
automated versus manual navigation. The graph in
Figure 1 visualises the proposed hypotheses in the 2 x
2 experimental design: (H1) Main effect of workload:
Averaged over the two levels of automation, high
workload was expected to reduce SA compared to
low workload, due to cognitive overload (Wickens
2002; Parasuraman et al. 2008). (H2) Main effect of
automation: Averaged over the two levels of
workload, automated routing and steering was
expected to reduce SA compared to manual, due to
the out-of-the-loop syndrome (the operator loses
vigilance because his mental presence is not needed in
operating the ship, Endsley & Kiris 1995). (H3) No
interaction: As automation reduces workload
(Parasuraman et al. 2008; Endsley & Kaber 2011),
there could be an interaction between automation and
workload such that the impact of high workload on
SA is less severe in the automated than in the manual
condition. Due to a lack of literature on this, we do
not claim such an interaction a priori.
Figure 1. Hypothesised SA of the helmsman in navigating a
simulated coaster under conditions of low and high mental
workload, and manual versus automated route planning
and steering.
2.1 Participants
16 students of the Technische Universität Berlin (23-33
years of age, 8 female/8 male) participated as
volunteers. In order to ensure intercultural validity, 8
were European (fluent German-speaking), and 8 were
Chinese (native language Mandarin). All participants
had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and
hearing, no neurological impairments, no medication
that impairs driving ability, and did not possess a
recreational boat license or nautical patent. Since they
were not familiar with maritime navigation, they
conducted a training session before taking part in the
two test sessions, which are described in section 2.3
below. They were paid 40 Euros for participation.
2.2 Simulator
The sea simulator was programmed in our lab with
the Unity 3D engine (Release Unity2019.1.6f1). The
participant was shown the Point of View (POV) from
the bridge of a coaster trading vessel with overall
length 75 m, width 12 m, draught 4 m, projected onto
a screen of 2 x 3 m (see Fig. 2). At the top of the screen,
some navigation relevant data were displayed (water
depth, speed, current course in degrees, and elapsed
time). The participant was seated in a mockup ship
bridge at a distance of 3.5 m to the screen and
operated the ship’s movement with a joystick, and the
POV with a mouse. The area to be navigated was a
coastal region of the Baltic Sea, the Isefjord in
Denmark (see Fig. 3), in good weather condition. It
contained several harbours and marinas, isles and
islets, a buoyed fairway, and some narrow
anchorages. Water depth was on average 5 - 7 m, but
shallow near the coast, in harbour entrances, and at
some single spots marked with cardinal buoys. The
water depths in the simulator corresponded exactly to
those indicated in the chart with linear interpolation
in between. Other navigation aids included buoys,
harbour buildings with sailboat masts, and coastlines
with trees and cylindrical towers. Also, a variety of
other ships were visible consisting of four distinct
types: coaster, ferry, sailing boat, motor boat. A tablet
was used to simulate the ECDIS with the marked
route, distance to the next waypoint, and Automatic
Identification System (AIS) icons for other ships in
proximity (red: within a critical distance of 0.5
nautical mile (nm), green: outside a radius of 0.5 nm;
see Fig. 7).
Figure 2. Unity model of the coaster to be navigated through
the Isefjord in Denmark, as seen from external (above) and
from the bridge (below, point-of-view of the participants).
2.3 Procedure
Participants were tested singly in the simulator for
about two hours. Smooth communication was
guaranteed by matching the spoken language of
experimenter and participant (Mandarin or German).
As our participants were not familiar with
maritime navigation, they started with a training
session consisting of the following tasks: Steer a
course of 000 degrees (north), round a red buoy, head
for a green buoy, speed up and slow down in forward
and reverse, stop the ship, explain displays. They
were also presented with the audio signals relevant
for their workload condition (see Table 2), to which
they had to respond with the appropriate action.
Finally, a full SAGAT test (Table 1) was conducted.
In two subsequent test sessions, participants
navigated two routes that were set up in advance on
the "ECDIS" (the tablet). Each route consisted of seven
waypoints and had a total length of 7.5 nm of which
two segments of 1.5 and 2 nm each had to be actually
sailed (see Figure 3). There was a 15 minute break
between the two routes..
Situation Awareness (SA) was tested three times
along each route at unpredictable points. As a
measurement tool, we applied the Situation
Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT)
developed by Endsley (1995b, 2021). It uses the "freeze
technique", where a situation is stopped and the
participant answers questions at all three levels of SA.
Here, the simulator was set to freeze and masked,
seven questions were asked (see Table 1) and the
answers were recorded along with the true situation.
Two questions referred to SA level 1 (perception), two
to level 2 (comprehension), and two to level 3
(projection). The questions are shown in Table 1.
Figure 3. Simulated test area: Isefjord in the Baltic Sea,
Denmark, with the two routes (A and B), waypoints (WP),
the segments to be sailed, and the six SAGAT test points
(three on each route). The position of SAGAT test 6 and the
positions of preceding sound signals are marked as
examples. participants).
An additional seventh question, which was always
asked first, was a control question that had no direct
relation to ship navigation, but served to control for
the specificity of our navigation-related SAGAT: we
expected the six SAGAT questions to be affected by
automation and workload, as hypothesised in Fig. 1,
but not the control question. Some questions could
only be solved by keeping a good lookout, while
others required constant attention to the "ECDIS" or
"bridge instruments" at the top of the screen.
The automation of navigation was manipulated by
the use of an autopilot: On one route, the participant
steered the ship manually (the waypoints marked on
the "ECDIS" had to be reached, and an SOG of 8 and
10 knots respectively was recommended for the two
segments), while on the other route the ship was
navigated by the autopilot at those SOGs. Every
participant started with the same route, but the
mapping of the two routes to the two levels of
automation was randomised across participants.
Mental workload was manipulated using audio
signals indicating specific secondary tasks, which
appeared at irregular intervals before and after the
SAGAT tests. Participants had to complete the task
immediately after the audio signal. Low workload
was induced by presenting only one of two possible
audio signals, linked to simple tasks. To induce high
workload, two more signals with more complex tasks
were added and applied 2-4 times between SAGAT
tests (see Table 2). While automation of navigation
was manipulated within participants (each participant
performed both levels), mental workload was
implemented as a between-subjects factor, with n = 8
participants in the low and n = 8 in the high workload
group (4 Chinese, 4 German speaking each).
Table 1. SAGAT questions 1. 6., source of information, and
SA level, as asked three times along each of the two routes.
The first question 0 served as a control question unspecific
to maritime SA.
Question Source SA Level
0. What man-made objects or structures lookout (control)
are visible on the coast ahead?
1. How many vessels are currently in "ECDIS" 1
close range? (AIS symbols in red)?
2. What type of vessel are they (sailing lookout 1
boat, small motorboat, coaster, ferry)?
3. What is your current position? "ECDIS" 2
(Draw in the other tablet)?
4. How much water do you currently depth 2
have under your keel (in m/cm)? display
5. What is the distance to the "ECDIS" 3
next waypoint?
6. How will you change course there? "ECDIS" 3
(Indicate in degrees and whether to
port/left or starboard/right.)
Table 2. Audio signals and tasks to induce low/high
workload. Low workload: 1 signal from S1, S2 between
every two SAGAT points. High workload: 2-4 signals from
S1, S2, S3, S4 between every two SAGAT points.
Audio signal Task to be executed
S1 short beep, middle frequency do nothing
S2 sequence of beeps ("fuel alarm") cancel with button press
S3 sequence of 3 short beeps rotate your POV by 36
using the mouse
S4 cell phone ring tone memorize a given 4-digit
number and recall it after
a minute (new beep)
2.4 Data Analysis
At each SAGAT query (three per route), the real data
of the situation with regard to the seven questions
were recorded at the moment the participants left the
situation (the simulator was "frozen"). Dependent on
the impact of errors for safe navigation, the accuracy
of each answer was scored with 0, 1, or 2 points and
summed up across the three tests of each route. The
scores were averaged within each level and across all
levels. Thus, for each of the two routes, i.e. for the
automated and the manual navigation condition, each
participant received six scores for the six questions,
three average scores for SA level 1, 2, 3, and a total SA
score, all ranging from 0 to 6 points. The statistical
analysis of the data followed the procedure described
in the next section.
Figure 4 shows the mean total SA scores of the 8
participants of the high workload group and the 8
participants of the low workload group, with manual
and automated navigation each. Figure 5 shows the
same separately for the three levels of SA and the six
individual SAGAT questions. In order to generalise
from the small sample of participants to a population,
we conducted statistical significance tests of the two
main effects (hypotheses H1, H2) and the interaction
(H3) of the factors workload and automation in the 2 x
2 variance analytic design for each of the ten graphs
shown in Figures 4 and 5. Since hypotheses H1 and
H2 were formulated as directed effects and the factor
automation was a within-subjects factor, these
hypotheses were tested with one-tailed t-tests for two
independent samples instead of variance analytic F-
tests in order to maximise statistical power. (The
independent samples t-test on the appropriate sum or
difference scores of the within-factor, respectively, is
equivalent to testing the main effects or the interaction
in a mixed 2 x 2 ANOVA; the homogeneity of
variances is not critical here because the two groups
have equal size; Posten 1984.)
Figure 4. Mean total SAGAT scores (range 0-6) under
manual and automated navigation for the two groups of
participants with low workload (black dots, n = 8) and high
workload (white dots, n = 8). The stars indicate statistically
significant (p < 0.05) main effects.
Figure 5. Left column of graphs: Mean SAGAT Level 1,
Level 2, and Level 3 scores (range 0-6) under manual and
automated navigation for the two groups of participants
with low (black dots, n = 8) and high workload (white dots,
n = 8). Middle and right columns of graphs: Mean SAGAT
scores (range 0 6) for the individual questions, see Table 1.
The stars indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05) main
The results graph in Fig. 4 looks almost exactly like
the hypotheses graph (Fig. 1). The two hypotheses H1
and H2 were also confirmed statistically: Averaged
over the two conditions of automation, high workload
reduced SA compared to low workload (t = 2.269, df =
14, p = 0.019). Likewise, averaged over the two
workload conditions, autopilot navigation reduced
SA compared to manual navigation (t = 3.914, df = 14,
p = 0.0008). However, despite its significance, the
effect of automation does not seem very large. Further
insight is gained from a detailed look at the SA levels
and the individual questions in Fig. 5: The proposed
pattern of results was most evident only in SA level 3,
projection of perception into future states. Here,
automation and workload had a strong and
significant impact (t = 4.817, df = 14, p = 0.0001 for the
directional main effect of automation; t = 1.784, df =
14, p = 0.048 for the directional main effect of
workload), and both questions were affected. SA level
2, comprehension of the current situation, was
significantly impaired only by the high workload (t =
1.829, df = 14, p = 0.044 for the directional main effect
of workload) but not by the automated navigation (t =
0.732, df = 14, p = 0.238 for the directional main effect
of workload). This seems to be due to the fact that the
latter effect was not consistent in the two questions of
this SA level. The most basic SA level 1, perception of
relevant information, was not significantly affected by
either of the factors (t = 1.417, df = 14, p = 0.089 for the
directional main effect of automation; t = 0.73, df = 14,
p = 0.249 for the directional main effect of workload).
However, it might be worth noting that the
performance on one of the test items, the question of
how many other vessels were in close range, was
significantly impaired by the autopilot navigation (t =
2.054, df = 14, p = 0.029 for the directional main effect
of automation).
Figure 6. Mean scores (range 0 6) in the control question.
Symbols as in Fig. 4.
A control question was included in the SAGAT
(Table 1, first row) to check whether workload and
navigation automation affect on-board perception in
general or navigation-related situational awareness in
particular. Interestingly, as Figure 6 shows, the result
of this test item was completely different from all the
"real" SAGAT items: Buildings on shore were
discriminated even better under autopilot navigation
than under manual navigation. There was a small
positive effect of high workload. (As we had no
hypotheses for this item, no significance tests were
carried out.)
Further analyses showed that neither the native
culture of the participants, Chinese or European, nor
the mapping of automated and manual navigation on
the two routes A and B, had a statistically significant
effect on the SA results.
Human error, mostly due to a lack of situation
awareness (SA), is responsible for the vast majority of
all accidents at sea. Maritime human factors research
sees human error not as the end of an investigation,
but as the starting point. It is not the cause of a
problem but the effect of a deeper trouble, a sensor
indicating that something is wrong in the human-
machine system. Reason (2000) coined the famous
Swiss cheese model of human error which states that
a variety of latent and active failures by various
actors, from individual human operators to designers
and economic and legal organisations, must align like
holes in a Swiss cheese in order to produce an
accident. The small proportion of actual accidents
relative to latent unsafe human acts (accident
pyramid) is illustrated herein by the low probability
of multiple holes in a cheese being aligned.
To date, most research on the determinants of
maritime SA has focused on accident reports. This has
mostly identified problems at SA level 1 (perception).
Our research has taken the first step in a different
direction: We investigated SA problems at a
subthreshold level, where no accident occurred. In
order to causally examine the detrimental effects of
high workload and of an out-of-the-loop state due to
automated navigation, we conducted a controlled
experiment in a sea simulator, simulating coastal
navigation. We confirmed harmful effects of both
factors, with no interaction between them. That is, the
effects of workload and automation were additive,
with the worst SA under high workload and
automated navigation. The idea that automation
might compensate for workload by reducing it was
not supported. Furthermore, in contrast to the
analysis of accident reports, we found the most severe
reduction in SA not at SA level 1 (perception) but at
level 3 (projection). It is not surprising that this result
does not emerge from accident analyses: When people
are simply asked what they did or did not perceive,
only SA level 1 is addressed. Almost no one is able to
report that he or she was unable to project their
perception into the future. The SAGAT test applied
here allows a much deeper insight into the cognitive
processes underlying SA loss. Despite some
drawbacks mentioned below, Burmeister et al. (2021,
p. 22-23) pointed out that the SAGAT is the most valid
test of SA available.
Figure 7. Screenshot of the simulated "ECDIS / AIS" display
at one SAGAT test point ("freeze"). In the simulated AIS,
vessels in close range, defined as a radius of 0.5 nm, were
displayed as bright red icons, other vessels as green icons.
The black circle, which was not part of the original display,
shows the red icons for reasons of clarity in the black-and-
white print.
Although SA level 1 (perception) was not much
affected by our manipulation of workload and
automation, one result is worth highlighting: In our
SAGAT questions 1 and 2, participants had to indicate
how many other vessels were in close range and of
what type. This is an everyday problem in coastal
navigation, as vessels of many types (ferries, motor
yachts, sailing boats and other fishing or trading
vessels) frequently cross fairways and harbour
entrances. In our simulation, the AIS icons of vessels
in close range were displayed in bright red (Fig. 7).
We found a significant decrease in Question 1 scores
when sailing on autopilot compared to manual. We
argue that this effect was indeed a consequence of the
out-of-the-loop syndrome, as our control question
(indicate how many man-made structures are visible
on shore) was answered even better when sailing on
There are two limitations to our study, apart from
the fact that it is only a simulation. First, the SAGAT
technique for measuring SA suffers from the problem
that it has to be repeated several times to give reliable
results, but then the participant knows the questions
to be asked and can prepare mentally. However, this
implies that participants have an unrealistically good
SA because of this preparation, and in reality SA
problems may be even worse. This problem can only
be addressed with a much larger number of
participants, each of whom takes only one SAGAT.
Secondly, our participants were students, not
professional officers at sea. However, in our previous
research on maritime navigation in the simulator and
at sea, we found no systematic differences between
the two populations (Müller-Plath et al. 2018; Müller-
Plath 2019), which is probably due to fundamental
laws of human-machine interaction being involved.
Future research should firstly validate the results
with experts in maritime navigation and a larger
sample. Second, it should extend the line of study
outlined here and investigate more specific questions
such as what kind of automation affects what kind of
perceptions, understandings, and projections in which
way? And thirdly, how can training or tools be
designed to counteract the loss of SA, as simply more
automation does not seem to be the "silver bullet"?
The authors would like to thank Richard Gross for
programming the sea simulator and solving many technical
problems in a short time.
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