For the examined crossing case, for which the
situation allowed the use of DCPA and BCR
indicators for comparison purposes, it is clear that
DDV proves its superiority. The DDV answers the
question of whether there is a risk of collision not only
in a binary way, but, when the risk does exist,
provides also the risk magnitude.
However, the use of the DDV indicator is not
without its drawbacks. Application effectiveness of
metrics like DDV or BCR is indirectly limited by the
use of AIS as its base source of data. One of the
serious limitation here is the specification of the AIS
itself. For example, the user is forced to wait for a
static data report because the length of the target
vessel is required for the DDV or BCR calculation. It is
not uncommon that during a collision avoidance
manoeuvre every minute saved might be crucial, thus
waiting for an AIS report with static data in a critical
situation may end up at best with a conflict with
COLREG Rule 8. The conclusion is that any ship-
length dependant indicator, as e.g. the DDV or BCR
metrics, should be used with caution in real-time
collision avoidance systems.
The presented here ship encounter simulation and
traffic monitoring tool offers features allowing for
easy customization and making possible to test
various collision avoidance solution within its
graphical environment. It is worth noticing that the
tool implements a number of safety indicators,
namely DCPA, TCPA, BCR, BCT, DDV and TDV and
is ready for implementation any new metric, if such
necessity arise. As presented in the previous section,
the tool has been validated on live AIS data stream
and real ship encounter scenario. It is planned to
continue development of the tool towards integration
with the s-57 map and/or with the s-100 map. Also it
seems promising to extend the tool in future by
including weather forecast, hydrographic information
and ship stability decision support.
The study described has been performed as part of the
Detection, prediction, and solutions for safe operations of
MASS (ENDURE) project (number
NOR/POLNOR/ENDURE/0019/2019–00), supported by the
Polish National Centre for Research and Development and
financed by Research Council of Norway.
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