The use of simulators for maritime training and
education (MET) promotes several benefits compared
with conventional approaches. Regarding safety, it
provides a safe environment to practice high-risk
tasks (such as accident scenarios) without actual risk.
It promotes more flexibility due to the possibility of
simulation of different environmental conditions
allowing trainees to advance at their own pace.
Furthermore, the data recorded during training
sessions facilitates feedbacks, discussions and the
improvement of training practices [1].
It should be noted that the maritime environment
is notably harsh and complex to model completely [2],
which significantly complicates the development of
such training simulators. Typically, 'the ability of the
simulator to closely replicate the real environment' is
commonly referred to as fidelity. To be cost-effective,
the fidelity of a simulator should match the
requirements of the situated work tasks and learning
objectives. Increasing the fidelity of a simulator
increases its costs but does not necessarily improve
trainee learning, which is the primary goal of any
training session [3].
In this context, the current work is concerned with
the development of a radar module for manoeuvring
training under non-conventional scenarios within the
TPN-USP Manoeuvring Simulation Center. The
implementation is realized with data structures from
the Unity3D game engine [4]. The next chapter
overviews the utilization of simulators within the
MET industry and overviews the TPN-USP
Manoeuvring Simulation Center. Chapter 3 describes
the radar implementation using Unity3D. Chapter 4
presents the proposed additional effects that are
Low-Fidelity Radar Implementation for Real-Time Ship
oeuvring Simulator with Unity3D
B.G. Leite, M.A.U. Pereira Jr., E. Szilagyi & E.A. Tannuri
University of São
Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
ABSTRACT: Because of the importance of maintaining safety at sea, great training efforts are required to ensure
that operators act safely in any ship. In such context, ship manoeuvring simulators are used to ease operators'
learning experience. On the one hand, it may assist in the education of new operators by simulating equipment
interfaces in a controlled and predictable scenario; on the other hand, it may simulate non-conventional
scenarios to train advanced operators under stresses. As modelling spurious phenomena that yields marine
equipment malfunctions is significantly complex, low-fidelity solutions have been proposed to the task.
Likewise, the current work is concerned with the development of a low-fidelity radar module to train
experienced operators under non-typical conditions. Particularly, this paper describes the radar implementation
from the TPN-USP Manoeuvring Simulation Center and presents how simple additional effects may be
modelled with considerable simplifications to ensure real-
time performance. The implementation may be
replicated in any ship manoeuvring simulator based on the game engine Unity3D.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
implemented to simulate non-typical scenarios.
Chapter 5 discusses potential training scenarios, and
the last chapter presents the conclusions from the
current work.
Simulator training typically involves three sequential
phases: briefing, scenario and debriefing. Initially, in
the briefing phase, an instructor introduces the
context of the training assignment to the trainees
focusing on the scenario and learning goals. Next, the
simulator plays the scenario, and the trainees may
interact with the system towards their learning goals
[5]. In the end, a debriefing phase is carried out to
analyse the overall experience of participants [6].
The use of simulators within the MET industry is
regulated by the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW) [7]. Specifically,
in section A-I/12 of the code, it states that any
simulator used for mandatory simulator-based
training should [7]:
"be suitable for the selected objectives and training tasks; be
capable of simulating the operating capabilities of shipboard
equipment concerned, to a level of physical realism
appropriate to training objectives, and include the
capabilities, limitations and possible errors of such
equipment; have sufficient behavioural realism to allow a
trainee to acquire the skills appropriate to the training
objectives; provide a controlled operating environment,
capable of producing a variety of conditions, which may
include emergency, hazardous or unusual situations
relevant to the training objectives; permit an instructor to
control, monitor and record exercises for the effective
debriefing of trainees"
The TPN-USP Manoeuvring Simulation Center is
used to evaluate new ports and operations, risk
analysis, pilots and captains training. The center has 6
cabins, in which of them, 3 are classified as full-
mission. The simulation can be executed in single or
multiplayer mode. Its visualization system aims to
immerse the pilot into a realistic virtual environment,
providing a high-definition visual information to
make an operation decision [8]. The implementation is
realized across different modules running on a
network. The diagram shown in Fig. 1 overviews the
several modules from the TPN-USP Manoeuvring
Simulator. The main full-mission simulator of the
TPN-USP Ship Manoeuvring Center is shown in the
Fig. 2.
Figure 1. Modules from the TPN-USP simulator. Source:
Figure 2. TPN-USP main full mission simulator. Source:
The MongoDB database module stores 3D models
of areas, vessels and typical nautical information of
the scenarios. The Instructor module is the main
interface for initializing, controlling and ending
training sessions. The vessel position and orientation
within the environment is updated in the Dyna
component, which is based on a low-speed
mathematical model developed by the University of
São Paulo, with the support of Petrobras (Brazilian oil
state company) and technical collaboration of
Brazilian Pilots Association (CONAPRA) [9].
The navigational scenario is presented as a realistic
virtual environment with a Camera component from
the Unity3D game engine [4]. Each object is
instantiated as a GameObject with a Transform
component describing its position and orientation in
the virtual environment. In this software framework,
the visual appearance of objects are defined by
meshes representing their shapes and materials
describing the appearance of their surfaces. Meshes
contain an array of vertices and an array of surfaces
that indicates which vertices are interconnected. The
visual appearance of surfaces is defined by a Material
class. Materials contain references to Shader programs
that compute the color of pixels on the screen. This
process, typically referred as rendering, is one of the
most resource-intensive operations within a
simulation. The series of operations to achieve full
rendering of the scenario is called render pipeline.
Generally, there are three main operations in a
render pipeline. The first operation is called culling,
which refers to the determination of the elements
from the scene that are within the field of view of the
camera. Next, the rendering operation occurs, which
determines the visual appearance of objects from the
scene accordingly to their geometries, materials and
lighting conditions. The last step consists of the post-
processing operation, a generic term to represent full-
screen image processing effects that may be applied to
the image after the rendering operation. The current
work uses the default render pipeline from Unity3D
(Built-in Render Pipeline) as it provides an optimized
pipeline for extracting scene information within the
Unity3D simulation.
The Radar is implemented with a Camera component
fixed in the vessel within the environment. The
Camera continuously spins, performing a horizontal
scan. GameObjects from the scenario have their
Shader programs changed in runtime to efficiently
render a Normal&Depth Image of the scene.
Detections are simulated from the depth information
of all visible surfaces parallel to the image plane.
These detections are rendered in a user interface that
mimics a real equipment to enable trainees'
interaction in real-time.
3.1 Normal&Depth Image from Camera
Typical representations for images in the Unity3D
game engine use a 4-dimensional matrix to store color
information. The first three channels store information
regarding primary colors red, green and blue; the last
channel store information about pixel transparency.
Each pixel location in the image corresponds to a
different direction with respect to the Camera
coordinate system. This data structure is used to
represent all surfaces within the field of view from the
Camera component. A customized Shader program
has been developed to perform this rendering. For
each Mesh from each object of the scene, the normal
direction of its surfaces is represented with colors
from the first three channels of the image (red, green
and blue) and the distance to each surface is
represented with the last channel (transparency). Fig.
3 shows an example of a Normal&Depth Image (NDI)
from the scene.
Figure 3. Normal&Depth Image (NDI) from Unity3D scene.
Source: Authors
Note that the central part of the image corresponds
to points that are in front of the Camera. Assume a
radio signal propagating from the Camera component
towards the Unity3D scenario in this direction. The
signal will be reflected back to the Camera component
for surfaces that are parallel to the image plane.
Therefore, for all points located in the central part of
the image, if their surfaces are sufficiently parallel to
the Camera image plane (i.e., their blue channel value
is higher than a threshold), then their depth
information are sampled as radar detections in that
direction. Fig. 4 exemplifies the process of simulating
a set of directional radar detections from a
Normal&Depth Image (NDI).
Figure 4. Directional radar detections from Normal&Depth
Image (NDI). Source: Authors
The set of directional radar detections is
represented in Fig. 4 at the right. In order to simulate
detections in all directions, the Camera component
continuously rotates.
3.2 Horizontal Scan
Consider an angular resolution θ
x. The horizontal
scan of the Antenna is implemented with successive
rotations of the same magnitude θ
x. Let Nrot be the
number of successive rotations to complete a full turn
of 360 degrees:
Let ΔT
scan be the scan period and ΔTsimul be the time
interval between two consecutive simulation
iterations. Considering ΔT
simul << ΔTscan, the number of
successive rotations between two iterations of the
simulator is smaller than N
rot. Let nrot be the number of
successive θ
x rotations between time interval ΔTsimul:
rot rot
Fig. 5 illustrates the Camera rotation during
successive iterations of the simulation.
Figure 5. Normal&Depth Image from rotating Camera
component. Source: Authors
Measurements from each direction are stored in a
histogram image with width W
hist and height Hhist. The
image width W
hist corresponds to the number Nrot of
successive θ
x rotations to complete a full turn. As
illustrated in Fig. 6, each pixel in the horizontal
direction (u) corresponds to a different angle θ and in
the vertical direction (v) corresponds to a different
distance R.
Figure 6. Schematic of histogram image to store detections
from Normal&Depth Image. Source: Authors
Fig. 7 presents an example of a histogram image
from a navigation scenario.
Figure 7. Example of a histogram image from a navigation
scene. Source: Authors
The histogram image is continuously updated
while the vessel navigates through the environment.
The simulated measurements are visualized in an
interface view with buttons to enable the trainee's
real-time interaction.
3.3 Graphical User Interface
The histogram image (illustrated in Fig. 7) is
converted from polar coordinates to a cartesian map
and is displayed in a Raw Image component from the
Unity3D engine. Fig. 8 exemplifies full radar
measurements displayed with the Radar at the center
and a predefined resolution.
Figure 8. Raw Image with full measurements from a
navigation scene. Source: Authors
The Raw Image containing the radar detections is
overlaid with a graphical user interface (GUI) as
illustrated in Fig. 9.
Figure 9. Radar interface with full measurements and
control buttons. Source: Authors
An additional Camera component is used to
present the interface to users. Note that if the interface
is similar to a real equipment interface, knowledge
acquired by the trainees during simulation is more
easily transferable to real situations. Therefore, the
graphical user interface (GUI) has been designed to
mimic a real equipment interface [10]. A full
description of features and buttons functionality is not
within the scope of the present work. Generally, the
important functions to be simulated in the Radar
within a training section will depend on the set of
skills being trained.
Note that it is possible to introduce additional
artifacts into radar measurements through the
histogram image. Such artefacts may be used to
simulate non-conventional scenarios with low-
Consider a simulation with uniform rain in the
navigation area. Rain artefacts may be introduced
directly into the histogram image to avoid
unnecessary computations in the render pipeline of
the radar scan. Let I
rain be a scalar denoting the
intensity of the rain, where I
rain=0 corresponds to a
scenario with full visibility without rain and I
corresponds to a scenario with maximum rain-
intensity. Simplified rain artefacts may be introduced
by inserting detections in the histogram image with
probability proportional to I
rain. Fig. 10 presents a
schematic representation of the proposed procedure.
Figure 10. Insertion of rain artefacts in the schematic
histogram image. Source: Authors
Occlusion of far surfaces is described by an
additional parameter D
occl that specifies the distance of
occlusion due to the rain. The parameter D
occl is
inversely proportional to I
rain and is interpolated by
two references D
min and Dmax. All points with a
distance superior to D
occl are removed from the
histogram image as illustrated by Fig. 11.
Figure 11. Occlusion region due to the rain in the schematic
histogram image. Source: Authors
Fig. 12 presents the radar measurements affected
by the proposed rain artefacts with I
rain =0.1.
Figure 12. Measurements from navigation scene with Irain
=0.1. Source: Authors
Similarly, Fig. 13 presents the radar measurements
affected by the proposed rain artefacts with I
rain =0.9.
Figure 13. Measurements from navigation scene with Irain
=0.9. Source: Authors
Occasionally, in commercial marine radars, it is
possible that false echoes appear on the screen at
positions where there is no target. An example of such
false echoes occurs when the Radar is operating in the
vicinity of big metallic surfaces. Besides the true echo
reflected from the surface, a second or more echoes
may be observed at multiples of the true distance in
the radar display.
Multiple echoes artefacts may be introduced with
low-fidelity by duplicating original detections of the
histogram image after the horizontal scan of the
simulated Radar. As illustrated by Fig. 14, for a
surface detected by the Radar mapped in the
histogram image at pixel position (u,v), it is possible
to duplicate its detection by copying the pixel value to
the position (u,2v).
Figure 14. Multiple echo detection insertion in histogram
image. Source: Authors
The Shader programs that render nautical buoys
and other ships are modified to trigger multiple echo
detections. A minimum distance D
echo is defined to
determine the range in which such echoes should be
inserted. Fig. 15 shows a second echo from a buoy at
the right of the Radar. Note that the other objects that
could trigger multiple echo detections are not within
the range defined by D
Figure 15. Measurements from navigation scene with
multiple echo detection at right. Source: Authors
Another type of false echoes that may be easily
inserted into the radar measurements are curved
lines. Consider a line in the histogram image that
begins at distance R
min from the center of the radar
output ending at a distance R
max. Further, let θ0 be the
initial angle of the curved line and Δθ be its angular
length. As illustrated by Fig. 16, this line in the
histogram image is mapped into a curved line in the
radar output.
Figure 16. Mapping of lines from histogram image to curved
lines. Source: Authors
It is possible to create interesting patterns into the
radar measurements by the repetition of several
curved lines. Fig. 17 presents different set of curved
lines generated with different Δθ. The proposed
artefacts may be used to simulate interference
scenarios with low-fidelity.
Figure 17. Curved lines for different Δθ. Source: Authors
The proposed radar implementation has been
developed to assist in manoeuvring training at the
TPN-USP Manoeuvring Simulation Center. For this
use case, the most important requirement is the
accurate hydrodynamic modelling of the vessel and
its interaction with the scenario. Regarding the radar
simulation within this case, detections should be
adequately positioned in the radar display
accordingly to its visual representation in the
environment. As the radar implementation is realized
with Unity3D classes from the same execution context
as the rendering of the visual environment, the correct
association between the virtual environment and the
radar measurements is ensured.
Another important requirement refers to the
immersion that trainees feel during simulation. In this
context, the simulator mimics the dependencies of the
bridge from a ship. Fig. 18 presents the frontal view of
a simulator from the TPN-USP Manoeuvring
Simulation Center.
Figure 18. Frontal view of the main full mission simulator
from the TPN-USP Manoeuvring Simulation Center. Source:
The setup illustrated in Fig. 18 may be used to
assist the training of operators in their spatial-
localization skills. The identification of
correspondences between visual obstacles at the
environment and radar measurements at the display
is an important task that may be easily reproduced
with the proposed radar implementation.
Moreover, as mentioned earlier, the use of
simulators within the MET industry is formally
regulated by the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW). Specifically, in
the section A-I/12 of the code, it states that radar
simulation equipment should incorporate facilities to
"operate in both sea and ground stabilized relative motion
and true motion modes; model weather, tidal streams,
current, shadow sectors, spurious echoes and other
propagation effects, and generate coastlines, navigational
buoys and search and rescue transponders; create a real-
time operating environment incorporating at least two own
ship stations with ability to change own ship's course and
speed, and include parameters for at least 20 target ships
and appropriate communication facilities"
A full description on the fulfilment of STCW
requirements for radar simulation equipment is not
within the scope of the present paper. Still, it is
interesting to note that the described radar
implementation provides a relative motion mode of
operation in real-time. Shadow sectors are implicitly
incorporated into the radar with the culling operation
from the Unity3D default render pipeline. Regarding
weather effects, the proposed rain artefacts enable the
simulation of simple rain scenarios with low-fidelity.
The simulation of a simple set of low-fidelity spurious
echoes effects are also described.
We described an implementation for a low-fidelity
Radar with software components from the Unity3D
game engine. The use of this game engine facilitates
the integration of radar measurements with the
training simulation and facilitates the correct
association between the virtual environment and the
radar measurements. The implementation is built
from normal and depth information of the
navigational scene, which is rendered as a realistic
virtual environment, and may be replicated in any
ship manoeuvring simulator that is based on this
game engine. Furthermore, additional effects
described in the current work enables the simulation
of non-typical scenarios in accordance with most of
the STCW requirements.
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