maritime organizations to prioritize the development
and implementation of policies and guidelines that
promote the adoption of innovative navigational aids
for better safety in Lagos ports.
In conclusion, the study contributes to the existing
literature on the impact of socioeconomic factors on
the adoption of innovative navigational aids for better
safety among marine pilots. The findings provide
important implications for maritime organizations
and policymakers in the development of interventions
aimed at promoting the adoption of innovative
navigational aids for better safety among marine
pilots in Lagos ports.
In conclusion, this study aimed to investigate the
impact of socioeconomic factors on the operational
risk assessments and adoption of innovative
navigational aids for better safety among marine
pilots in Lagos ports. The study found that age, work
experience as a pilot or trainee, and readiness in
utilizing novel navigational aids were significant
predictors of the adoption of innovative navigational
aids among marine pilots. This implies that younger
pilots with more experience and a higher willingness
to utilize new technologies are more likely to adopt
innovative navigational aids for better safety.
Additionally, income and educational qualifications
were found to have no significant impact on the
adoption of innovative navigational aids.
The study underscores the need for policymakers
and maritime safety authorities to prioritize the
training of marine pilots on the use of innovative
navigational aids, particularly those that enhance
safety in the Lagos ports. The findings also suggest
that efforts to promote safety and efficiency in the
maritime industry must consider the socioeconomic
characteristics of marine pilots, including their age,
experience, and willingness to adopt new
In conclusion, the study has provided valuable
insights into the socioeconomic factors that influence
the adoption of innovative navigational aids among
marine pilots in Lagos ports. The study's findings can
inform policies aimed at promoting safety and
efficiency in the maritime industry, particularly with
regards to the adoption of innovative technologies.
However, the study is not without limitations,
including the use of a cross-sectional design and a
relatively small sample size. Future research should
address these limitations and further investigate the
factors that influence the adoption of innovative
navigational aids among marine pilots.
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