encounters. In[8], a negative exponential function was
used to characterize the collision risk for each cluster
of encounter vessels with DCPA and TCPA. The value
of multi-ship collision risk was obtained by using
fuzzy logic theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process
(AHP) to incorporate the impact factors of DCPA,
TCPA, etc., see[9]. Although several methods have
been proposed to get the collision risk of multi-ship
encounters, they are all depended on multiple
separate metrics, like DCPA and TCPA. Chen et
al.[10] applied a velocity obstacle-based risk
measurement to measure the risk of collision between
multiple ships from the velocity perspective, which
provided an interpretable method that incorporated
multi-ship encounters into the linear algorithm. In
[11], the modified TD‐NLVO algorithm with the
integration of an elliptical ship domain was applied to
detect the pair-ship encounter. Based on this, this
paper aims to improve the collision risk detection
model of multi-ship encounter, incorporate multi-ship
encounter into the model of time-discrete and
nonlinear velocity obstacles, and combine it with the
elliptical ship domain to make it more practical.
In this paper, an improved Time Discrete Non-
Linear Velocity Obstacle algorithm is used to combine
the multi-ship encounter model with the ship domain
model, to further improve the accuracy of the results.
Firstly, the Non‐ linear velocity obstacle algorithm
is introduced as the basic tool to detect multi-ship
encounter situations from the perspective of the
process; Then, the elliptical ship domain model is
integrated into the algorithm to detect the candidate
ships. A case study using actual AIS (Automatic
Information System) data is conducted, together with
compassion between the old and new algorithms. The
arrangement of the article is as follows: Section 2
illustrates the methodology of this paper, followed by
the design of the algorithm in Section 3. A case study
is performed in section 4 to show the results of the
algorithm and the comparison. Section 5 makes a
Chen et al.[10] proposed a TD-NLVO algorithm
integrated with Boolean operation on the individual
NLVO, which provided an effective tool to detect
multiple ship encounter situations using historical AIS
data. Therefore, in this paper, the objective is to
improve the criteria of the multi-ship encounter
detection algorithm from circle to elliptical ship
domain, which is a common domain model in
maritime practice. The improved algorithm is then
applied to determine the dangerous multi-ship
encounters according to the violation of the own
ship’s domain through the process of the encounter.
To do so, the TD‐NLVO algorithm is adopted as the
basic framework for collision analysis, and the
elliptical ship domain model is integrated as the
3.1 TD
NLVO algorithm
The velocity obstacle algorithm is a series of
algorithms that can represent the potential of collision
as it determines the range of velocities that will result
in a collision with those obstacles based on
geometrical calculations of the velocities of obstacles
relative to an object. The velocity obstacle (VO)
algorithm was originally used as a method for
obstacle avoidance in robotics and autonomous
systems [12]. It has been extensively studied and
improved upon in the literature, with applications in
various fields such as robotic navigation, ship
collision avoidance, and autonomous systems.
Assessing the risk of ship collision using the VO
algorithm is a great idea. In maritime shipping area,
this idea was first applied by Degre and Lefevre [13]
in 1981 and further developed by Lenart [14] in 1983
into the Collision Threat Parameter Area (CTPA), also
known as Linear Velocity Obstacle (LVO) analysis.
Like the principle of radar ARPA, the principle of this
algorithm is relatively simple, with a small calculation
amount, and fast solution speed, and it can be
calculated in real-time. Moreover, the model
established based on collision maneuver is more in
line with the maritime navigation, it can effectively
reflect the collision risk of ships and visualize it.
Currently, the common velocity obstacle algorithms
used in collision avoidance models on safety support
system for marine traffic include Linear Velocity
Obstacle (LVO), Nonlinear Velocity Obstacle (NLVO)
[5, 6], Probabilistic Velocity Obstacle (PVO)[15],
Generalized Velocity Obstacle [16]et al. Those
methods respectively considered different degrees of
motion constraints, and the simulated ship encounter
process tends to the encounters in actual navigation
The Nonlinear Velocity Obstacle algorithm can
adopt nonlinear trajectories of the robot and obstacles
while maintaining real-time performance. Since the
NLVO algorithm can update the motion state of the
ship and the target ships, and the operation speed is
fast enough with few constraints, it is suitable for
detecting dangerous encounters during the process of
multi-ship encounters. Therefore, just as the non‐
linear velocity obstacle algorithm was applied in [6] as
the fundamental tool for collision candidate detection,
this work utilizes the algorithm to detect collision
candidates and analyze the collision risk level.
a.in geographic space
b.in ship A's velocity space
Figure 1. The basic illustration of the Non‐linear Velocity
Obstacle algorithm
As shown in Fig. 1, the spatiotemporal relationship
between own ship A and target ship B was projected
into the velocity space of ship A. ConfP are all the
dangerous positions for ship A that may collide with